Malaya Tribune, 22 August 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
  • 27 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] SHIPPING GAZETTE. [EVENING DAILY. Vol. VIII. NO. 196 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, AUGUST, 22, 1921 FIVE CENTS The Malaya Tribune. MONDAY, AUG. 22, Vj2l.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 125 1 IE MALAYA TRIBUNE SHIPPING GAZETTE Phone ATI. SUBSCRIPTION RATE 8 Payable In Ad van do P #r quarter 4 Postage Extra 50 cts. per r -onth. Whiteaway's Annual Sale.! TW*» IsSc! on all A^yV^ Underwear L SPECIAL OFFER FOR THIS WEEK. Uroal Price $4.50 eaeb. ABRTKX TO CLEAR AT CELLULAR
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    • 120 1 Sine, Darby Co., Ltd. Incorporated ie Btraits Settlements. L ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. j Quotations given for complete KlecMc Lighting Power Installations, Full range of Electrical supplies in stock V LB. Wires Cables. Metal Filament Lamps. Ceiling Table Fans. Fittings Accessories. "OiCtOflPaph" Telephones. MADSTRONG' Plants, rheideai Lighting Set for Bungalows and Small
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    • 155 1 SUN 6? COMPANY supplies au Photographic Materials AND The Right Place for Amateurs IN Developing, Printing and Enlargement No. 94, NORTH BRIDGE BOAD, SINGAPORE. Phone 660* i ■sss»osniMMßßWßS»sflß9HsasßSßMiswswßsn3Hsansatas^ Finest Ceylon Tea. j Dl LCI FROM I HE ACRAWATTE TEA ESTATES, CEYLON. Per 1 lb. Packet 80 eta. Per 2 lb.
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  • 557 2 Committee Meeting Discusses Rubber Schemes. The following is from the minutes of e meeting of the General Committee of the Federated Malay States Chamber of Commerce held at Messrs Evatt and Co's offices, Ipoh, en August 7: It is resolved to appoint Messrs. C D Mathewson and H
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  • 137 2 Mr Str-nley Stone, who was cha'rinan of the Profiteering TribaDal in the City, has been telling tbe Corporation what has been done. He also criticized tbe Act »s well, intentioned but ill conceived, adding that the public for a year past had ceased to consider it effective. The
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  • 187 2 It has been held in the untitled Division that tbe notorious Houston Stewart Chamberlain, wbo became a naturalised German dun -j the war and reviled England, is a Utrmau national within tbe meaning of the Peace Treaty. He übb consequently forfeited bis life interest; in the settlement made by his
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  • 131 2 Nearly Million Increase. Melbonrne, Jane 15.—A prelU minary ceneaa count gives tbe population cf the C^moawealth as 5,419,702, an iuciease of 969,721 since 1911. In the individual states the figares are New Soatb Waits, 2,096 393 ;in cre&ne 449,659. Victoria, 1,530,114; increase, 214,563. Queensland, 755,573 increase, 149.76
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  • 164 2 Must Be Renewed." The iuRUP ef th" Japauesj Treaty is not complicated bur simple. First everything that could p-ssibly involve friciion, much less w«r, with the United States rrust be specifically «nd openly oliminsted from ii. Then, the Treats must be renewed. The Bri ish Empire conld
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  • 268 2 In tbe letecioh burly burly of mode m life iv the strife and clash ol men and nati do, there is a refresh ing unity of pnrpo* c and achievement in the twin fraternities which owe thei: txistpnee to tho enthudasm and forefeigb'- of the defender of
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  • 220 2 The revenue of Selangor for 1920 amounted to $25,697,388.72 as compared with $25,922,875 in 1919, and an estimate of $26,079,435. The expenditure was $37,642,036.33 on an estimate of $35,537,315. On Januajr 1, 1921, the State's assets were $34,812,924.76 and its liabilities $408,714.56. The assets included advances $27,445,728.68 and investments $5,155,618.07.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1018 2 WEEDY YOUTHS AND SICKLY GIRLS. Made Strong and vigorous. It ii a mistake to think that Anaemia is only a girls' complaint Girls show she effect of it more plainly than boys. Delayed development, pale lips, breathlessneas, sick headaches and frequent sharp pains call attention to them. But many boys
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    • 392 2 THERE IS NO^EED FO& YOU to await the Mango Season to joy that delieions f rnit. CANNED MANGO PULP Made from tbe laeoiona part of the Choicest Graft* ed Indian fruit is ALWAYS OBTAINABLE and is FAR MORE DELICIOUS than the fresh fruit sold in Singapore a— ASK YOUR GROCER
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    • 371 2 The Fom Add a j Spoonful of ife'^ EOVRIL^ j ma&es Me whole dish more nourishing. Y. M. TOYO Co. I JAPANESE Photographic Studio No IS. High Street, SING A. PC HE, 8. S. Telephone 1846--own mm un fNBROirS INJECTION*® |QSSg3 HTCfZXIC PHEStRWTiYE and INFALLIBLE LgMM Pmmr.i Relief for (he
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    • 243 2 j THE BEST CHEAPEST in tfat market BROW A L*G£R SUB-AGENTS WANTED. O. Aurely Co. 28, Finlayson Grc n Prachas»! Purchase: For about one month only DONT MISS THIS GOLDEN OPBORTUNITT J. B. LAL, THE ABLE INDIAN PHYSICIAN The public is assured cf ay splendid preparation of Medicines for curing
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 222 3 AT THE POPUI :R PPOTO.PLAY HOUSS Tnajoag Fagar R*ad Trams Pass the Door TO-NIGHT IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9.30 p.M. THE WOMAN lit*THE WEB A serial of adventure, intrigue mystery, vengeance and love Id 15 Epia-vlt 3 or 30 Reels, leisode y The Hand of Eoisode 6, Fall Ahead
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    • 486 3 I he The I! I F.ota FRIDAY. Angne 19, to WEDNESDAY, Angnit 14. AltaffiUbri I Alkamtiri It ie the eely g lh* Ykntrt T tpe theatre fas, A j U A UDD A "Trira- ALnAIVIDI\A I &r*h*itri, m W C^*«2S!^ Tiki Hill for ftfflk and Feature! aerved flittia Intervale. I
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    • 81 3 ■■wi—M-iiiw im sss^sss LIBERTY HALL, LTD,, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. Last Nisjlit at 10 pm saaap X_aasjt HitfMt 1 GREAT SUCCESS OF ALBERT MORROW AN» MARY Mo OREO OR To Night! To-Nlght!! To-Night 11 HOBROW will awaken The Man in a Trance from hit 24 hours sleep to-night at 11 o'clock.
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    • 271 3 r The Big gen and Bait we have ever presented in one Programme. QUALITY PICTURES CORPORATION Present! The Sovereign of th° Screen FRANCIS X. BUSH M N k BEVERLY BAYNE In 'he Stirring Metro Wonder Play Written by John. 0. Clymer k Hamilton S-nith IN THE DIPLOMATIC SERVICE Five Bnperb
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  • 211 4 To-day Dail m«<»*s in tecret session to oonaider th* IrUh pease terms. The Premier t-mphasißes that these tfrms reprint the limit of conoereion. The Lord Chancellor ia pessimistic, anticipating civil war on a large BcaU. Sir Frederick Lewis gives an idea of tb t fl'-ctu of the slump
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  • 69 4 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Meters Sa*i Cheng He-, Se*t Cheng Lin, Beet Cheng Bwi, Se«t Gneng Toan and their respects f«»Oi. i beg to thank aii those who rendered assis.auce iv their sad bereuvetnent and also those who Not letter of telegrams, wrt-atLiS and Cbiutsa sorolls on the d-H L ot
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  • 922 4 14 Irrevocable," it is reported, is the decision of Mr Winston C hurchill, Secretory of State for the Colonies, not to sanction legislation for the compulsory restriction of the output of rubber in Malaya. The policy that "conditions must right themselves" is reaffirmed. This can only be because
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  • 923 4 Reuter. Athens, Aug 19.—The death hae occurred of the Ex-Prtmier Rallis.— Paris, Aug 19.—According to "L'Echo de Paris," Marshal Joffra will sail on September 2 for Japaa on a spetial mission.—Reuter. The Chief Justice, Sir Waltar S Shaw, returned from Penang thia morning and will continue with eases on the
    Reuter.  -  923 words
  • 658 4 PREMIER ON nUltoli, POS IBILITIES Chinas Participation. Reuter. London, Au lb.-In tne House Common*, M: Lloyd Georgi rev ing the Imp. rial Conference, on Japan's 10. al interpretation of th alhance, enab ng us to guarantee th transport of overseas troops W h would otherwise have bee. inpoMi
    Reuter.  -  658 words
  • 139 4 Mr. John untitled stead Bros., Ffptnimh rill ft E.C* a director of several robber-] M companies, left estate of the gross value of £24 59. No furthe information has fH reached Pens lg about the v. reck of the Eastern SM}pqpg Ce'a steamer Perli*. The -teamer Lian C'hoo has been
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 211 4 CHOICE SELECTION Of Useful Presents in Stiver and Best Quality E. P. N. S. CRUET SETS Complete Pet. Size 2 in. $15.50 Individual Peppers 3.75 eaoh Mustards «.75 Salts 5.75 Also a wide range of Solid Silver condiment sets in plush lined cases. ROBINSON eo.. Ltd. (Incorporated in Singapore.) SINGAPORE.
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    • 317 4 i GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., Incorporated in the Straita Settlements. 36, PHILLIP STBBBT, SINGAPOBB. The Buooeeaful Tenderers for the sripply of mtsoellanr>otit Artloles and Engineers Stores to the bingapore Manioipality for the period ending 81st Deoumber, 1921. Nflfcw Bhipmunti Just Raoaivad Yale Bronse Lever Padlooks, Yale and Townio Chain Polley
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  • 404 5 Britain Cannot Alter the Terms of Her Offer. Dail Uraann Decides To-day. Reuter. London, Aug 10.-The Sinn Fein .uthonties at Dublin announce that B ,j Eireann will consider the reply I the British proposals in a private H sion on Aug. 22. it is understood that Dail
    Reuter.  -  404 words
  • 127 5 The Visit to Japan. Reuter. London, Aug. 19.—While no official announcement has yet been made, it is nderstood the Prince of Wales will p r BStd to Japan in 1922 on the con- i of his visit to India.—Reuter. London, Aug. 20.—The "Times" referring to the
    Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 56 5 Kmir Feisul Elected. Reuter. bad, Aug. 20.—The Daily '4«. correspondent at Cair > r-Utes tkdmm mail message from Bagdad announce? that the Mesopotamia re- mkm resulted in the unanimous nof the Emir Feisul as King ef Mfsonotamia. Three hundred thousand persons km lacked to Bagdad to participate
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 70 5 Reuter. London, Aug. 19.—The "Journal of Commerce" announces that satisfactory trials have been completed at Sione, France, with a new type of *ater glider, fitted with a six cylinder tor. ordered by the Chinese Govirwatnt for the conveyance of merchandise and passengers on the great rr-ers. The
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 60 5 Reuter. Londoa, Aug. 19—A further law has just been passed in France, stipulating that the French State's of cargo steamers must be sold b v July 21, 1923. It is evident that iQBati owners have to face serious during the next few years, the huge fleet 41 the
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 61 5 Reuter. VaAsngtoa, Ang M*.—General Pershing has officially reported o» th recent bombing tests. He the retention of battleships »nd is of opinion that while aero P'*ae« and snbmarines bave added »battleship's dangers, the latter ■Jl remain the chief defence at sea, *Me isfe naTigatioa for purposes of
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 29 5 Reuter. London, Aug 20—The trad* '«■nu of Holland for July show a p «eaie In imports of seventeen lllion Mid exports sixteen million fln compared with Jene,—
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 151 5 Effect on Shipping. Reuter. London, Aug. 19.—An illustration of the effects of the world trade Stomp on shipping was given at the annual meeting of Furness Withy and Co. The chairman, Sir Frederick Lewis, recalled that two years ago he estimated the gross freights of British nipping at
    Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 108 5 Reuter. London, Aug. 19. —The Morning Post" correspondent at Paris says that V-scount Ishii has convoked a meeting of the Council of the League for Aug. 29, at Geneva, to consider the Silesian question. Preliminary arrangements will then be made, after which the real discussion will be ad>urned
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  • 53 5 Reuter. London, Aug. 20.—Twelve alleged Sinn Feiners have been acquitted at Edinburgh on charges of conspiracy to murder in connection with an attack on a prison van in Glasgow on May 4. One of the prisoners has been re-arrested in connection with the escape from a prison
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 49 5 Reuter. London, Aug. 19.-Messrs. J P Coats have inaugurated an important installation of oil-burning apparatus at their Paisley thread mills. Large units of th. old boilers have been converted. The results are excellent and there is every prospect of an extension of the oil fuel system.-Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 39 5 Reuter. New York, Aug 20.-Thc United State! Steel Corporation announce that in view of the low selling price of steel, another reductionli» *ag Will be made, in day labour from thirty-seven to thirty cents per houi. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 10 5 Reuter. LiUe Aug. 19.-Fifty thousand are and Tonz:eoing.—R««*#r.
    Reuter.  -  10 words
  • 245 5 TERRIBLE PLIGHT OF CHILDREN. The Relief Measures. Reuter. Berlin, Aug 19.-A telegram from sufferers from starvation have penetrated to Olgapol in the Ukraine, robbing and plundering the villages and colliding with the local peasantry. A telegram from Helsingfors says that Lunacharsky, commissary for education, has written in the
    Reuter.  -  245 words
  • 50 5 Reuter. London, Aug. 19. —Donald Macleod's weekly report says it is reported that an English financial group has secured a long lease from the Soviet of the port of Petrograd. If this is carried out, it should prove of great value to the shipping of all nations.—
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 416 5 Inspector R J Farquharson succeeds Mr P Gilroy as Chief Inspector, Kedah State Police. We regret to learn says the Pinang Gazette," that Mr J D Kemp is suffering from a bad attack of fever. At the last meeting of the council oi the Royal Colonial Institute amongst those present
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  • 376 5 BOXING. THE S S AND F M S CHAMPIONSHIPS. Mr. F C Johnson, organiser of the S S and F M S boxing 1 championship tournament in aid of the European and Asiatic Unemployment Funds, writes: I should like to thank through the medium of the «press, on behalf
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  • 138 5 B II the Sultan's Absence. As announced on riatarday, H H the Sultan of Jobore was unable, through Bftrioas illness, to be present at the Installation ceremony wbicb was to have beeu held in his honour at the regular meeting of Lodge Jobore Ro>al, at Johore B&hra
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  • 287 5 Mr L Stuart-Ball, advocate and solicitor, who h*s beeu hern for some months past, has opeued offices at No 2 Robinson-road. On the remaining charge against Lieut. A E Thompson, of the Wilts. Regt. stationed at Hongkong the Court Martial has promulgated sentence—a reprimand. The accused officer was found not
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  • 534 5 A Really First-Class Show. There was qui e a good attendance a» the Victoria Theatre on Saturday night, when the Ohefalo and Palermo Co gave the first entertainment of tbeir season here. When the public realise tbe real worth of the show, however, the seating capacity of
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  • 227 5 Tka following Government Notification regarding the Registration of Schools Ordinance is published, and is on the same lines as the F M S notification, which has already appeared in these columns The Secretary of State has notified His Excellency the Governor that the Registration of Schools Ordinance,
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  • 42 5 A cable has been received stating that the dinner of the Malayan Association in London has been fixed for October 20, when the guests will include ladies. The address of the British Association of Malaya is 52, Gracethurch-street, London, E C. 5.
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  • 69 5 Singapore, Aug 22. On London— Bank 4 months' sight 2s 4 l-]6d. Demand 2$ 8 13-l6d. Private 3 months sight 2s 4Vid On India— Bank Tel. Transfer 162 On Hongkong— Bank demand draft 2t) p.c. pm. On ShanghaiBank demand draft 69 Vi On Java— Bank Tel. Transfer 135 On
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  • 45 5 C. of C. Rubber Association. Singapore, Aug 22. Pale Crepe Closing Prices. Buyers Sellers Spot Sept. Oct. to Dsc. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices. Buyers Sellers Spot 28 29 Sept. 28 fc 29 Vi Oct. to Dec. 31 31 Vs Tone of Market.—Steady.
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  • 51 5 Singapore, Aug 22. To-day's closing rubber quotations are as under: New York.—13% cts. London.—8d. Singapore.—27 V4 to 28 cts. Tone of market:—Steady. A London cable gives crepe at 8'Ad and sheet at 8d, for Aug 2U to 22. Tin on Saturday was $76 200 tons being
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  • 104 5 Singapore, AugUßt 22, Silver 38Vi. Hongkong 20 per cent premium. Shanghai Nil. Three Months Gold $45Vi. Share Market.—Quiet. Rubbers.—Small enquiries, very little business passing. Tins.—Taipings $1 to $1.10, Norths $1.25 to $1.30, Souths 65 to 70 cents, \awngpets $1.45 to $1.50, Rawangs do to 65 cents,
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  • 80 5 The death rate per mille for the week ending Aug 6 was 35.10. The total number of deaths was 271 of which 198 were males and 73 females. One European and one Eurasian died, also 193 Chinese, 48 Malays, 22 Indians. Convulsions caused 24 deaths, phthisis 38, malarial
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  • 68 5 The China Mail Steamship Company's steamer Nile, while proceeding from Hongkong to Shanghai, reported by wireless the rescue of a crew of se en from a derelict junk adrift in Foremosa Channel. A Johore Government Gazette Extraordinary says His Highness the Sultan records with deep regret the death of Dr
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 283 5 PHASER CHALMEBC Engineering Works. Magnet House, 62 and 63, Boblnson Bond, Singapore. ELECTRIC LIFTS For Ptssengers or Goods. QUOTATIONS GIVEN FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS. PROPRIETORS the General Electric Co., lid Incorporated in Ksglard.; We beg to advise our rat-cy customers that "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" Records have been reduced in Price Plum
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  • 814 6 CRICKET. Reuter. THE LOCAL TOURNAMENT. Two more drawn games were played on the padang on Saturday in the local cricket league, on wickets which were a little softened by the morning's rain. P S AND LAW v SERVICES. There was an even contest between the Public Services and Law
    Reuter.  -  814 words
  • 1083 6 j JAPAN'S DAVIS CUP WINS. New York, Aug 19.—1n the Davis Cup Kumagae (Japan) beat Sleem (India) 9—7, 6—l, 6—l Shimidxu (Japan) beat Fyzee (India) 6—2, 6—l, 9—7. Except for the first set, when Sleem's great placing enabled him to work the Japanese out of position, the match
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  • 287 6 IPOH RACE RESULTS. 7L Reuter. (From Our Own Correspondent). lpoh, Aug 29.—Glorious weather favoured the lpoh race meeting, which attracted a record gathering including H H the Sultan of Perak. The going was easy and there were many close finishes. H H the Sultan distributed the prizes at
    Reuter.  -  287 words
  • 193 6 S C S v. STAFFORDS. At the Swimming Club yesterday morning there was a well contested water polo match between the Statfords and a Club side, the latter of moderate strength with several of the leading players absent. The teams were S C S.—Cameron Davidson and Hopkia Parish
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  • 136 6 SELANGOR BEATS PENANG. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lam pur, Aug 20.—At soccer for the Malaya Cup, Selangor scored five goals to Penang's one. One who saw the game sends us the following comment Selangor has a fine strong team, all big fellow*. Singapore will need good big on-s
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  • 440 6 YESTERDAY'S RACE morning saw ano*h- r of the Races for Mr London's Cup, :h< conditions for which a*e Th»t no Malay crews eha'l bp carried, snd that the pails of the yacht* ar«> to b* hoisted after tbe starring gun has gone. Six started, Margaret II neing first awoy
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  • 109 6 LIBERTY HALL BOUTS. There will be boxing again at the the Liberty Hall on Wednesday tuning. Four six-round bouts will be put on, in one of which the wellknown Chinese boxer Teng Kee, winner of the light weight competition at the Palladium, will appear. His opponent will be H
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  • 119 6 S C S 100 YARDS CHAMPIONSHIP. There were six starters for the 100 yards championship race a! the Swimming Clab yesterday morning. Tbe result was W Penrice 1 j J Bristed 1 1 AH F*rr 3- Won by two yards. Time, 75 seconds. Penrice, of coarse, was expec f
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  • 76 6 SRC ANNUAL SPORTS. The annual athletic spurts of the 8 R C will be held on Saturday, next at 2.80 p.m. Preliminary heats, a list of which is puoted up in the pavilion, have beeu fixed fur tumorrow and Thursday, at 5 p.m. on both days. Seats in the
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  • 33 6 At the Empire to night, "The Woman in the Web," "A Goufiihtin Gntlenno," "Tbe WU Westerner," (second show), ard "A Fight for Millions" aud A Jangle Gentleman," shnw), are fee tores.
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  • 73 6 Among our experience of the hot weather has been an introduction to the national drink of Japan. Have you ever tasted saki? It is very like whisky, except that it is slightly paler in colour, and not so potent. Although a spirit, being distilled from
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 192 6 I BROADBENTS I pht ?2J ßO vbo ST^NEBIIEAKER are ths BEST and STRONGEST made. NEW AND IMPROVED DESIGN. Ask for pamphlet C. S..C. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ©f The Borneo Company, Limited. (Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE, I Pull, PKXANG. A Bak «f Branchn from Bangkok U BnU^a." M M NI N jTI
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    • 302 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS i j WANTE. .-Cob-Clerk 4«. j Drew and .pier, 10, Collyer fi[ I 22 8 27 8 NOTICE. I The Commission recently appoint. d to enquire into and report g aj the pre* -it state oftrsdecepM. ion brongk Ebon?, in the mmm, v he continued depression i D
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 516 6 mails Close. To-day, An*. 82. Batu Pahat Aing Leong 2 p.m. Penang* Calcutta Chaksang 3 p.m. Malacca Muar *Hye Leong 3 p.m. Malacca Muar *Kaka 3 p.m. Batavia, Cheribon Samarang Soon Ann 3 p.m. Port Swettenham Penang •Kinta 3 p.m. Port Swettenham,* Penang,* Madras Negapatam, taking mails for EUROPE, ate.
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    • 22 6 Remember tse Wrigley'e Miter Every ileal] IT WELL M IKE TOU HBAEiTHT AND ACTIVE MU&LER AND > HIP'B (MALAYA) Ltd.. goto Pietrjpur ra
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  • 1214 7 Duties Allowances. Senior Officials Well Off. The Underpaid Subordinate fWvice. Speaking in the Legislative Council on Monday, July 4, the Hon Mr. W F Nutt, O.B.E., in his timely speech on temporary allowances said, "I would here like to-remark that as far as my memory serves me, neither this Council
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  • 423 7 White Labour Wins. Sugar to-day represents the wealthiest branch of agricultural industry in Queensland, states the North Queensland Register." Although sugar-cane was grown in the State from its early settlement, yet it was not until the industry in the West Indies and the United States became disorganised,
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  • 55 7 The female Malay tapir at the London Zoo gave birth on 1 ..4th ult. to a healthy offspring, rathe r larger than a fox terrier. Mala, f tapirs have never bred in the garden 5 before, although the American tapir 1 ias reared young successfully on sev e ral occasions.
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  • 454 7 Some Definite Needs. What Policy Has the Government? Frequent allusions are made by high officials to the project of establishing a University in Singapore, a project which, if successfully carried out, and this is more than doubtful, can only have the effect of flooding the country with graduates
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  • 413 7 Go to the ant. thou sluggard," said the wise King Solomon. He might, have addressed this advice to the sloven as well, naturalists say, for the ant is also the dandy of the insect world. Ants spend much of their time primping. Cleanliness is
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  • 81 7 A motor vessel of 250 tons which is being advertised for sale in Hongkong played an interesting par' in one of the dramatic events of th.' Great War. She is the vessel in which the First Lieutenant and part of the crew of the German cruiser Emden made their escape
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  • 75 7 The annual report of Mr. W Conlay. Commissioner of Police, F.M.S., says that the total number of offences of all kinds reported or suspected was 70,152 compared with 70,503 in 1919. The more serious offences show a slight diminution, except in unlawful societies and mischief by fire. Murder averaged one
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 163 7 m MS IkSMMprtOI FRO" TO POLAR KEQION^ dogsThead guinness 0 STOUT 10 BTA iNAiJLE EVERYWHERE \H ok*TSt PINTS AND NO*. Sole Agents. Kirn Hm ft ct. Singapore. IP** I- ———MM——p——i William Caxton first introduced the printing press into England in the year 1471. After acquiring the newly invented arc of
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    • 309 7 ASAHI BEER. SOLE AGENTS Mitsui Bussan Kaisha. Battery-Rd. Singapore. M. A. SAIBOO CO. Ceienl Merciianis i lore) Cbaiqers. AT are kiadry aoli. to isnpact nr -h n at JOHNSTON'S PIM, Slasa^tr*. Poreiga Coia» of all V i*d» caa ba or b-ia«cht here at any tin>« Al*o dealara ia Hijrh Claaa
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    • 221 7 REPAIR9 —We undertake gener&roverbanla, peiotiog, platirc, brokrn atti made to pattern, vnlcatizing, welding of all metale, ophcletery, hood repaitfl and rent wale. SUPPLIES— oil, benzine, eolidt, or pnearxfttio tyrei ami tnb*-f, 8eeond-hind. Motor Cara—Rover, Dodge, Oterlwd, Chevrolet, Ford, in fact anything, l«t r»s qoote yea. ANGLO-CHINESE MOTOR COMPANY, 38, Short
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  • 911 8 Report On Last Year's Working. Successful Finances. The report on the F M S Railways in the Chief Secretary's annual report for 1920 states The receipts from all sources were $17,316,533, an increase of 15.8 per cent, whilst revenue expenditure on all account amounted to $16,753,348,
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  • 615 8 Association to Support Silent Members. Imprisoned Medicos. th-lu* 00 I*'1 dilem «ia," as to whelaw, was mg of tne British Medical T? at Newcastle recenYly Assoc,atl n A doctor should never under any circumstances divulge what his Da ?i ent has told him, declared Dr C Birmingham,
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  • 110 8 Only a dog, after .-11 Yes. only the one member of the household who vas never sick or sorry, who was a lways ready for play or for compai lionship, never resented anything, i,nly claimed love; who, if he was pi inished, never thought anything but forgiveness
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  • 92 8 Three city youths were one day in the country nshinjr becoming very hungry, and ha\ <ng nothing with them to eat, they went into a wayside house and asked for something to eat and drink. The woman of the house got them three of tea and some cake. One of
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  • 376 8 A Quarter's Activities. The Committee's Report On Its Work. Following is a brief account (signed by Mr. J V Cowgill, chairman) of the work done by tne Chinese Relief Committee during the first three months of its activities The Committee established on May 10, a temporary Relief Camp
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  • 309 8 London Channel Opened. Those who have wanted to sell dollar shares or Eastern properties m London and have not known how to go about it will be interested to learn of the launching of "The Eastern Share and Property Agency, Ltd.," a Company whose objects appear to
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  • 74 8 About three weeks ago, a young Malay bride, only just recently married, was bathing in daylight with her husband in the stream which flows past Mah Bukit, Kedah, when she was suddenly seized in the calf of her leg by a young crocodile. The woman's screaming and splashing frightened the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 536 8 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS Issue of $20,000,000 Loan. Bearing inter.* from the date of purchase at 7 per cent, per anrnra Parnate hnlf-yearly on May 1 and November ft, REPAYABLE AT PAR ON MAI ft, 1926. Free of Income Tax and other Duties. Price of Issue 100—par cent. 1921, U- °**™«> Ption
      536 words
    • 491 8 I What Do You Want A Tractor For? I fhe first thing you will think of plowing. But dcn't stop tnere. If your trartn I to be a profit-maker for you, it must do much more thau plow. 18 I It must be able to do practically all the work
      491 words
    • 74 8 J THE ENGLISH ELECTRIC Co. LMITED. I Incorporated io England.) I I REDUCED PRICES I FOR ALL WIRES CABLES I LAR'-E BTOOKS. j I Write to:— It sDgapore5 Dgapore Branoh.— WINCHESTER HOUSE. I Telephone SOI. I Telegrams:' EMELECTICa" you are demiJLJ o peolal or Annual Advertising Cample, RESULTS Exd!.'t S
      74 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 593 9 P.sO.-Briishlndia apcar line. '(Companies Lncorpo atsd in s ,/Jnqland) BAIL AND PASSI NGEB SERVICES. Peninsular and C Mental S. l\. Cq, Under Contract with His Majesty's Government. THE COMPANY'S MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY at present suspended. LONDON FAR-EAJTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Ine SINGAPORE, Khiva about Bept Karniala about Oct
      593 words
    • 390 9 Passengers and Freight Services Operated by Pacific Mail Steamship Co. (Incorporated in ILSJU FOR ACCOUNT OF THE U. B. SHIPPING BOARD. SAN FRANCIStljV-HANILA—EAST INDIA. BAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. For CALCUTTA Via COLOMBO Creole State Passengers and Freight Oct 13 r ti State Passengers aad Freight Nov 1 5 Oranite State Passengers
      390 words
    • 900 9 Straits Steamship Co., LM. Steamers intended to tail from Singapore Kir ta—Monday 4 p. ax-, for Port Swettenham and Penang. Hye Leong—Monday, 4 30 p.m 'or Malacca and Muar. Kaka Tuesday, 4.30 p n,., f 9T Malaoea and Muar. lpoh- Wednesday, 4 p.m. for P. Swettenham and Penang. Hye Leong—Thnrsday,
      900 words
    • 587 9 N Y. K. European Line. (Incorporated m Japan) London Line Fortnightly Servioe Far MABSMLLBg, LONDON ft ANTWEBP via POSTS* Kleist oa tferviee For MABSBIiiLBB LIVERPOOL t a P0BT8. Lisbon Maru m Jnd-faalfSept Hamburg Line MoBlrhly gervioe For LONDON, ANYWBRP, B0T2EBDAM 4 HAMBURG via POBTd. 1st kalf Sept For partlealars mm
      587 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 456 10 WANTED. WANTED—Re*peotable Eurasian Norse Companion age under 45 to take charge of invalid lady, good needlewoman. For particulars apply Box 352 c/o Malaya Tribune. 17 8 23 8 WANTED.—A Linotype Operator to work on Model 14 machine. Speed end accuracy in work necessary. Written applications, with one recent testimonial* proving
      456 words
    • 740 10 NOTICE. NOTICE. NEW FILIPINO BRASS BAND AND ORCHESTRA Available for all occasions. Good and Capable Musicians. Terms moderate. Apply at 99 Bencoolen Street, (Lorong Pantei) G. UNDASAN, 9 89 GERMAN DEBTS. Treaty of Pence. BRITISH CLAIMANTS are notified that the period within which claims against German Nationals may be accepted
      740 words
    • 533 10 BANKS. SZE HAI TONG BANKING INSURANCE CO* LTD. (Incorporated ia tba Straita 8. A) HEAD OFFICE: 58, KLING STREET, SINGAPORE. Estabiahed 1907. Paid-up Capital $2,000,000 Surplua WJW COURT OF DIRECTORS, Seah Eng Lisa* Eaq.—Chairmaa, Lea Wee Nam, Eaq.—Deputy Chairman, Chan Teck Hee, Eaq. Ong Chow Knag, Eaq. Too Teow Pang,
      533 words
    • 540 10 BANKS. TEJC BO HONG BANK, LTD, HEAD OFFICE j •4, Mark* Street. BRANCHES: Peaaag 65 Beach Street. Malacca 131 Joakar Street, Muar 7 -79 Jaiaa Suleimaa. Baru Pahat.. 109 Jalau Bahama t. AGENCIES AT: London, New York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabaya, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amey, Pa I tut bang aad Trang.
      540 words
    • 542 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. BY ROYAL CHARTER, Paid up Capital in 600,000 Share* of £5 each $3,000,000 Reserve Fund £1,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor! £3,000,000 BANKERS. Baak of Englaad, London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Westminster aad Parr's Bank. Ltd.
      542 words
    • 368 10 INSURANCE. J— 1 -—53S 38SMS— THE OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD, (Incorporated in the BOABD OF DIRECTORS: Bon. Dr. Lim Boon Ken*, 0.8. E., Chairmen. Eu Tong Sen, Eaq. 0.8. E. Lim Ne* Soon, Eaq. Ong Boon Tat, Eaq. Lim Chwee Chiaa, Eaq. Chun Poh Siang, Eaq. Lea Pang Seng, Eaq.
      368 words
    • 306 10 THE RIGHT PLACE TO GO FOR YOUR MICHELIN TYRES All slew. ALWAYS READY IN STOCK. Stockist:— Lim Chee Benff, 17. Cecil Street. FIILIYSOH GRKEI DISPEISiRT. 'Phone No.*nSl. wholesale Retail Chemists Druggists aad Opticians. SUPPLIEBS TO MSPiTILS, ESTATES IND ■IRES, IT SPECUL BITE. Depot for Patent Medicines, Toilet requisite, Perfumery, Medicated
      306 words
    • 522 10 MALAYA TRIBUNE SHIPPING GAZETTE. (EVENING DAILY.) Ihone ho. i 7l subscript Ton rates. PAYABLE In" ADVANCE. Per *MTiHm Half-yearly Per quarter Single Copy 5 cts.' PosUge Extra 50 eta. pe r To Foreign countries $1 Jftl [A Subscription Form wm i_ found on page B.] VERY MANY TRIBUNE READERS. Depend
      522 words