Malaya Tribune, 16 August 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
  • 28 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] SHIPPING GAZETTE. I EVENING DAILY. Vol. VIII. No. 191 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, AUGUST, 16, 1921 FIVE CENTS The Malaya Tribune. TUESDAY, AUG. 16. 1921.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 171 1 IHE MALAYA TRIBUNE AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. Phone No. XVI. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Payable In Advanoo Per annum t IS 00 Half-yearly S 7.60 Per quarter 3.75 Poatage Extra SO eta. per month. I WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co., Ltd, (Incorporated in .England.) SINGAPORE. jfc^R^ Great Saving Week I k WHITFAWAY'S PwlCTMl SPECIAL 1URKISN
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    • 117 1 Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. Incorporated ia Straits Settlements.) ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. Quotations givaa for complete Electric Lighting Power Installations, Fall range of Klsotrlonl rnj.p n mock V LB. Wires Cables. Metal Filament Lamps. Ceiling Table Fans. Fittings Accessories. "DiCttiripl" Telephones. MADSTRONG' Plants, rheideai Lighting Set for Bungalows and Small Houses. OMWWBM
      117 words
    • 168 1 SUN y COMPANY euppliee All Photographic Materials AJTD The Right Place for Amateurs IB Developing, Printing end Enlargement No. 94 NOBTH BRIDGE BO AD, SINGAPORE. Phone 660* Do Not Miss This Opportunity!! rmSMmjmam special offer ftSSSI Pascatls eoafectionerg. W r uyOCaH Bitter Sweet rift 4 aapaai Tnrf Clnb IQi I
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  • 755 2 Report Straits Settlements for 1920. The annual report of the Secretary for Chinese Affairs, Straits Settlements, for the year 1920; states that the total number of immigrants from China arriving in the Colony in 1920 was 126,077, being 55,166 or 77.7 per cent, more than the figure
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  • 31 2 "Some day we may capture the secret of tba firefly and learn to gat lifht without heat," declared Professor J Arthur Thomson, Aberdeen University, addressing the Women's Rural Institute at Aberdeen.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 935 2 HOW OLD DO YOU LOOS? Old age is a. together a matter of year'. People of s verity or eighty often look twenty years yo inner. On the other hand it is not unusual to see a man or woman of thirty who has the appear a ace of a
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    • 485 2 AUCTION SALE. UREN AND CO Auctioneers, Valuators, House, Land and General Commission Agents. The above Company, having started business in Singapore as Auctioneers, Valuators, House, Land and General Commission Agents, is now open to undertake all classes of Auctioneering, Real Estate work and general buying or selling commissions of every
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    • 681 2 2 Specialists Recommend pDEXMA for j Yonr Eczema j Dr. E. B. Holmes, the well- known skin specialist, writes: *1 am convinc i tl the DKXMA Preacnption is as nacdi cine lor Ecz«.raa as I quinine for malaria." j AndDr.W.L.Raadoli, roborates: j "The cure of skin diseases (h ?ma) and
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    • 187 2 ffiap H J ''stent h te Zinc lni 1 W &6m ffiffA a 6n';!»h tc-»n Paints V^^^T 3 Kcd oxide Paint. tyy, Anli-Corrosive Paint*. «5C Uockiag Composition mnrtta to »n ei'n-» a« I jsrnis^o». y~JZCFA Ory C. Ioup» 1 **d Lead «kSC Kaw L.nsMd Oil. Ersmei» 505?* gf| etc. gg|
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    • 238 2 THE BEST CHEAPEST in the rrarket BROWiv a lager SUB-AGENT- WANTED. O. Aurely Sl Co. 28, riDitvsm Greta Purchase! Purchase!: For about one month only DONT MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY J. B. LAL, THE ABLE INDIAN PHYSICIAN The public is assured of my splendid preparation of Medians for curing the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 301 3 A.T THE P©?UI£fi PHOTOPLAY HOUSE EMPIRE TftjjiotiK Pag&r Road Tratna Paaa tha Door TO-NIGHT IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9.30 P.M. Vitagrapbs marvellous photo e> r'n\ of ioielodraroatio adventure Featnrirg Hedda Nova and J. Frank Glendon THE WOMAN Iii THE WEB Ia 15 Epiiodee or SO R*ele. A aerial o?
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    • 707 3 I j iNM SATURDAY, August 13, to THURSDAY, August 18. Albarebra Albambr£ls Is the only j the Tcc&tie at THE theatre fe"* ALH A M B R A tbtBEST T he hall for Met* md Mi-VMI I MsVsßßßs> as at AO foaxv during* j tfgtlt*. Intervals. I AN ALL-BRITISH PICTURE
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    • 403 3 AT 7 30 SHARP JTJANITA HENBEN A JACK MULHALL in THE BRASS BULLET h SERIAL Episodes IL 13, IS and 14 Eight New B-wls. Continued next Tuesday. AT 9.15 P.M William Dunoan, Edith Johnston and Joe Ryan in "SMASHING BARRIERS" SERIAL Episodea 3 and 4 Four Nsw Reela. Continued on
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  • 135 4 Mr. De Valera has replied to the British Government's proposals for an Irish settlement. Possible future secession from the United Kingdom is a point which Sinn Fein desires to hare safeguarded. The publication of Gen Smuts' letter to Mr. De Valera has caused resentment in Dublin. It is
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  • 66 4 REQUIE J MABS. The St. Jo* i-h'a Old B j Ass c. wi'hts to inform i»s n embers th?t s X qniem Hi?h Mass will v sot g on nnrsday 18 b $ns\ at 6.30 ;».rr. «n S' Joseph's Cbnrch for th« reprsj* of the tool of the
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  • 881 4 The Appeal Court gave some interesting judgments last week. The success of the Kirn Seng Land Co.'s appeal was important, having relation to developments on Singapore island and being therefore possibly of farreaching effect. Eschewing all the legal phraseology which is apt to be confusing to the layman,
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  • 962 4 Sir W and Lady Brunyate arrived here yesterday after a short stay ir Java. The Rev. F B and Mrs. Sullivan and family have returned to Singapore from America. Dr Heiser of the Phillipines Health Department and Dr I E Horn returned from the medical conference in Java yesterday by
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  • 1028 4 Great Reclamation ch t Singapore. Ior Over a Mile_of N;, w Among the papers hue on th at the last meeting l b! tive Council was a rsiiii T* 1 Aug 6, 1920, by Mess,. thews, Fitzmaunce and ttJJJj scheme for a reclamation north-east sta-Iront a| s
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 207 4 Sterling Silver j 15 Jewel Movement Lever Watches. AT REVISED PRICE*. Half Open Honter face $335 125 Foil Flet Hunter Kir jSL Dress $31.50 K» $28.50 Perfection in Workmanship. Every Watch Guaranteed. ROBINSON eo.. Ltd. (Incorporated in Singapare.) COMPLETE OUTFITTERS AND HOUSE FURNISHERS. I A LUBRICANT FOR EVERY PURPOSE. SEND
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    • 303 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd.. Incorporated in the Straits Settlement*; 36. PHILLIP BTBBBT, SINGAPORE Tbe suoceeaiol Tenderers for the supply of misc-il m-one Artioles snd B lgineers Stores to the ttiofspore Municipality for me period ending Slst December. 1921. New Shipments «Juat Received. Yale Bronse L< ver Padlocks, Yale and Townio
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  • 1403 5 Allegiance to the Crown a Stumtling Block. Sinn Fein's Great fiiiance. Reuter. London, Aog U-TU text of ib«; OoTernmetifs proposals for an lush «rlament, made by Mr Lloyd Georg. »o Mr De v lerft on Jaly 20 the Iri h kadei'i reply on Ang 10 and Mr Ti
    Reuter.  -  1,403 words
  • 32 5 Reuter. Washington, Ang 15—Treasnry officials are considering tbe question f assembling an international con«es* of financiers, possibly coinci tent with the disarmament confer enc?, to discuss stabilisation of foreign exchange.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 12 5 Reuter. Madrid, Aug. Maura nae jslgtjajgSj a Oabiasea. Bataaat.
    Reuter.  -  12 words
  • 359 5 OCCUPATION OF GERMANY TO CONTINUE. Reuter. Show of Force Necessary. Paris, Aag 13 —Publio opinion is well satisfied with the Conference's decision as being probably the safer under present circumstance*. Es peciallv gratifying is the removal of any difference, however slight, be w en Britain and France. Britain
    Reuter.  -  359 words
  • 93 5 Reuter. London, Aug 15.—1n the house if Commons Sir C E Yate asked <*hat action was propoied by tbe Government of India regarding the xport of opiam from India, owing to be failure of the Chineae Government to carry out its undertaking to put down tbe cultivation
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 53 5 Reuter. London, Aug 15.—The president of Scottish Dyes Limited, of Glasgow, has returned from a tour in India and other colonies, and says German dye makers are determined to exclude British dyestuffs. They have formed a strong combination which will exact exorbitant prices for special dyes unobtainable
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 50 5 Reuter. Philadelphia, Aug 15.—A great fire at the Point Breeze oil works of the Atlantic Refinery Company broke out, the flames spouting hundreds of feet high for twenty-four hours before they were extinguished. Five persons were killed, and the damage is put at a million dollars. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 35 5 Reuter. Mexico City, Aug. 14.—The Foreign Ministry has issued a statement that it does not intend signing the treaty with the United States before the Mexican Government has been recognised.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 131 5 A. Gfzette Extraordinary, issued yesterday, appoints the following gentlemen to constitute a Commission to make a full enquiry into (a) the present state of trade depression brought abent, in the main, by tbe continued depression in the Rubber Industry, and (b) tbe extension of credit facilities The
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  • 253 5 CRICKET. Reuter. THE FIFTH TEST. England Don Splendidly. London, Aug 15.—0n the resumption of the Test match at the Oval, there was an attendance of 20,000. The weather was dull. The wicket was excellent. England's innings lasted 400 minutes, scoring being fast throughout, though somewhat checked by superb fielding.
    Reuter.  -  253 words
  • 164 5 Drunken Jaga Loose With Gun. At about: 6.15 p m yesterday a regrettable tragedy took place in Dublin.road Several Malay ai.d Chiuete l> <yi were placing in tbi compoond of number 4, «n trap' v house, when the j±ga of number 3 (occopied by Ghiue-e), who waa evidently
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  • 254 5 Owing to the amv<l ia Singapore ot Kbwaj* Kainal ad.Din I A, L L B tbe well known Islamic missionary, and at bis sugges>ion,an associatioi bas been fo; mcd here as a branch ot the Moslem Mission, Woking, England. Some well known lo al Moslem* have promised their snpport
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  • 17 5 On Sunday next, at the close of Evensong, there will be a short practice in Congregational singing.
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  • 168 5 Reported Slaughter of Peasantry. Reuter. Reval, Ang 15.—Advices from Archangel state that Generals Klenbovski and Outor, former members of Brussileffs executive war council, who were long imprisoned, have now been shot, wi'h forty other officers, and the wives of *wo officers who fled from Rast-ia.— R mter. Paris,
    Reuter.  -  168 words
  • 217 5 Alleged Breach of Contract. Before Mr Juuice A V Brown in be Bopreme 0 <urt this morning Messrs Tan Kwe<* Wah and Co brought an action f< r a'leged breach af contract again«t Messrs Lam Leong nid Co. Mr Cobbett appeared f r he p ain'iff i »nd
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  • 254 5 The art of magic in our time has advanced by leaps and bounds end even in this part of the world we have seen some of the best. However with the appearance here of the Chefalo and Pplornn Company oponintr at the Victoria Theatre on or
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  • 82 5 The death rate per mille for the week ending July 30 was 36 27. Tb. total number of deaths was 280 of whioh 185 were mabs and 9' females. No Earopean and 3 Eurasians died, also 200 Chinese. 41 Malay-, 31 Indians. Convulsion* caused 27 deaths, phthisis 38,
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  • 74 5 Mr C Barrington Hecker, who is now established in Perth, W A, ia at present in Singapore for the purpose of developing trade connections between Malaya and West Australia, and invites communication from reliable firms who desire to be fully represented in W A for local products and to handle
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  • 29 5 FrW WtUrkMU* Ca, Ltd. 8iog»pore, Aag 16. to-drnj*! clotdng robber quotation an m udv u-* New York.—14 oti. London—8d. Singapore and to 38 otilone of the MarketE»»ier.
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  • 44 5 12 o'clock noon, Ang 16. Pale Ribbed. Crepe Smoked Sh Closing Prices Closing Prioes. Buyers Seller! Bnyeri Seller! Spot V\ 38} Sept 28 39 Oot to Deo 30 SI Tone of market :—Easier. Tin to-day $78; 100 tons sold.
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  • 59 5 Singapore. Ang 16. On LondonBank 4 m/P 2/4 1/ 6 Demand 1/3 13/16 Private 3 m/s 2,4$ On Irdla— Tank T. T. 174 On Hongkong— Bank d/d 20% p On Shanghai— Bark rl'd 59* On J^va— Bank 7, T. 135 On Japan— Bank d/d 86J Sovereign!—baying raV> 18.54 '-nh
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  • 98 5 Singapore, Aug. 16. Silver 38. Hongkong 20 per cent premium. Shanghai Nil. Three Months Gold $45%. Share Market.—Very dull. Rubbers.—Practically no business passing. Tins.—Taipings $1.02% to $1.07%, Norths $1.30 to $1.85, Souths 65 to 70 cents, Rawangs 62% to 67% cents Menglembus 40 to 45 cents,
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  • 147 5 Mr. Albert Morrow, appearing at the Liberty Hall in conjunction with Mary McGregor, the Highland setress, will make an attempt tomorrow evening to find an article concealed by Mr. R H Gaie, acting sec. of the S C C, in a certain part of Singapore. Mr. Morrow
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  • 46 5 Miss Rutherford, General Secretary of the I W C A, who is recovering from a serious attack of fever, will sail for Madras on Thursday and will go directly to the hills for a few weeks. Miss Filhngham will be acting General Secretary during her absence.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 296 5 F&ASEB CHALMERS Engineering Works. Magnet Boats, 8S tad 83, Bobiaaoa Koad, Singapore Everything Electrical." PROPRIETORS the General Electric Co., ltd (Incorporated in KogUad.i We beg to advise m r many customers Jiiat "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" Records have been reduced in Price Plum Lahal 12.50 and $3.50. Black Label $3.25 and
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  • 950 6 LAWN TENNIS. SINGAPORE OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP. HOW DONNELL LOST TO NAKAMURA. Reuter. By "Echo." Two exhibition games of lawn tennis were witnessed by another large crowd at tbe S C C last evening. First there waa an exhibition of just how the game ought not to be played; then the
    Reuter.  -  950 words
  • 599 6 M P A CUP COMPETITION. (By n Rover. Under Ideal weather conditions the firtt match of the preliminary round of the above competition was tlai cd last Saturday and the contestants we/e the Kampong Java Team and the Jamal Bharri Wal Bahar of Lirobongan. The teams were as follows
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  • 108 6 HIGH SCHOOL'S SUCCESSES. Rover writes I have received telegrams stating the High School have met success in their first two fixtures. Stopping at Seremban on Saturday they won comfortably against the St Paul's Institution, whom they beat by an innings. The chief scorera were D J Murphy, 69 retired,
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  • 149 6 Commenting on the death of the 3»»prem» of 8l«»>. lb» L«Nliilull Time» ol 4u?. !i «/>:—ln «ilblll.n to boinH- on» ol tbu 8ne,t in tb» 8ucl4b,»t Ri, rlolinl-e, v»3 bil»tori»n. Iin4m«l. «u «-cronomer, «n4 pbilooopbor ol nolo, be v»« »l,„ 4D»»t rnnclor »n4 «»e»ptlon»ll/ intormell nonc»rn. lnH tbe »ll«ir» as
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  • Article, Illustration
    153 6 Eight new reels of the "Brass Bullet" Serial will be shown to-night at the Gaiety cinema in conjunction with the great Maurice Tourneur picture The White Heather." Episodes 3 and 4 of the William Duncan serial. Smashing Barriers/ will also be screened. At tbe Liberty Hall from to-night
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  • 37 6 By kind permission of Lt. Col: R W Hlorzran l. >l 0. I) 8 0. tk»> llrumH »n4 nle« „t l.n»? l,t b»'.t»lion 8outb 8t»t-tvs6-bire pln/ "lletront in tbe i>ot»n»c 0«r»1en« on »?rili»/ »t 5 lb pm.
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  • 823 6 Latest Prices Quoted in the Market. Singapore, Aug 16. Messrs. Lydl and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations. Rubber. Dollar Share*. Issue Values Buyers Sellers 1 Allenby 0.16 0.2 C 1 Alor Gajah 1.00 1.25 2 Amalgamated Maly 1.50 2.0 C 5
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 271 6 J. D. 41.0. DILLS. O THREE iWSm CASTLES. These Cigareites are sold ,3fß in three sizes:— K.* 1- ORDINARY SIZE "MAGNUMS" I BraSS "SUPER MAGNUMS" As Right as a Trivet. A trivet is a stool, table or stand, having three legs. It waa discovered long, very long, ago that it
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    • 291 6 LOST. —A ktfgt fnmala Pull-io« with Municipal r.umb.r KMicilou» fawn, and a young intde Bioodhonnd v h Mnr.icip<U m ttLe-1039, oolonr tawn. will be r»« wir ►i\ a returning same to L-H.B. 847, X L nr. k Road. 16 8— M 20 8 THE BANKBUPTIY ORDINANCE 1888. IN THB SUPREME
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 628 6 grr WILL MAKE YOU HEALTHY AND ICTIVE. MULLER AND PHIPl 3 S (MALAYA) Ltd Soi» Distributors w Mails Close To-day, Aug. 16. Colombo, Suez* Port Said* Isla de Pana >' 2 pjj Mersmg, Kuantan, Kemaman* Trengganu* Q Uor ra 2 p m Batu Pahat Aing Leong 2 p ffi Cheribon
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  • 631 7 An Appeal for Commonsense Clothing. Tropical Absurdities. Even before the war it waa obvious that the day of the silk hst snd the frock or tail cost in England was departing. Since 1914 a topper baa oecome aa extinct aa a hansom except in Hyde Park on
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  • 156 7 That His Excellency the Governor is fed up with Singapore and quite ready to transfer the seat of Government to Penang. That the Colonial Secretary is fed up with the Judiciary and quits ready to accept promo tier to another Colony. That Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard ia fed up
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  • 57 7 A resolution untitled favour of English, rather than Esp aranto, as the ialernational ]ingus;re was passed by ths Third Scandins ,vian Peace Cooevees at Copenhagen last week. After sever «1 months of extreme depression, th t Belgian glass industry has been sti mulsted by a series of large orders, from
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  • 443 7 Canadian Law of Interest to Shippers The following is a copy of a lettei to Singapore shippers explaining thi new "Mark of Origin Law for Canada' effective on September 1. This in formation should be of interest to al shippers, and of particular intaraai to then who
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  • 148 7 Invitations from the Turks. General Sir Charles Townshend, M P, authorises the Press Association to issue the following- statement. "There have been various rumours in the Press as regards my proceeding to Turkey and Turkey-in-Asia, either in en official or private capacity, and I wish to state that
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  • 228 7 The Government has informed the Maritime Customs that, as the SinoGerm. in Commercial Agreement has now bees ratified, German trade marks may again be registered in China. It ia reported from Hankow that the B A T Company made s present of 110,»D0O HiUamen cigsrettes for the use of the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 718 7 GOVERNMENT NOTICE (Vide Gazette No. 62 of sth Aug 1921.) [No. 7352-21.] TENDERS FOR TODDY SHOP LICENCES, SINGAPORE, 1922. NOT CE is hereby given that Tenders will be received at the Colo nial Secretary's Office until noon on 9th September, 1921, for the exclusive right, rubject to the limitations of
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    • 748 7 TENDERS FOR TODDY SHOP LICENCES FOR PENANG, PROVINCE WELLESLEY AND THE DINDINGS, 1922. NOTICE is hereby given that Tenders,, to be forwarded in sealed covers and marked on the outside "Toddy Shop Tenders," will be received at the Resident Councillor's Office/amtil noon on the 9th September, 1921, for the exclusive
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    • 610 7 41. Bukit Toh Alang Estate. 42. Paya Keladi. 43. Penaga. 44. Sfermatang Poh. 45. Pinang Tunggal. 46. Pokok Machang. 47. Sungei Dua. 48. Sungei Puyu. 49. Tassek Glugor. 50. Telok Ayer Tawar. Province Wellesley (SouUtera District.) 51. Batu Kawan Estate. 52. Bukit Tambun. 53. Bukit Toh Kandang. 54. Byram Estate.
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    • 634 7 59. Kwala Sungei Barn, 27H mile. 60. North Devon, 22nd mile. 61. Serkam Estate. 62. Union Estate. 63. Ayer Punas Rubber Estate, 16th mile. 64. Diamond Jubliee Estate, (Nyalas Division). 65. Ayer Panas Estate, Keeang Division. 66. Garing Estate, 13th mile. 67. Batulang Estate. 68. Kemendore Estate. 69. Bukit Kajang
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    • 99 7 CHOTIRMALL'S Grand Clearance Sale NOW ON Don't Forget Commencing To-day 51—52, HIOII STREET. Id. No. 1957. T— W« recommend striped glass whica Is '"--.atifal and tonomiatl both for dtcoraiioo and health. Following New Cnaignraent in Stock. RIBBED WIRE GLASS RIBBED GLASS SYENITE GLASS ARCTIC GLASS ROUGH GLASS GRACILIS GLASS PACTROUTE
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  • 663 8 Fortune Made in Australia. Fifty years ago a young London boy, a true Cockney, set out for Australia as cabin boy in the P and O liner Old Pekin to seek fame and fortune in a new land. That same Cockney boy, now Sir Joynton Smith, has
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  • 118 8 Wonderful Invention. New York, July B.—Dr. Cary Talcott Hutchinson, formerly Edison's chief engineer, has given demonstrations with regard to a new gun which is said to be able to hurl projectiles of five tons in weight over distances varying from 200 to 300 miles. The gun is
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  • 88 8 The beginning of the second half of the year finds us in better spirits than at any other time during its course. The coal strike is ended, and though it has Left frightful traces ia the trade returns, there is s good prospect of lasting peace. Perhaps the most encouraging
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  • 162 8 Visiting- the Straits. The following is the programme of Lord Northcliffe's world tour: Left Liverpool July 16, 1921, vis New York for Vancouver. Left Vancouver by the Matura on August 6, due Honolulu August 13, Suva (Fiji) August 22, Auckland (N Z) August 26. Leaves Auckland and is
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  • 117 8 Here (says the "Straits Echo") is a hint for the Cinema Vigilance Committees which is proposed to set up in this Colony, if the Government can find anybody to sit on them: Japan has censored all the kisses out of the movies exported into her country. Much embarrassment has
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  • 99 8 A delegation consisting of ten members of the Japanese Diet, representing all the Japanese political parties, has sailed on board tbe Cedric for England. The return to a 6 per cent. Bank rate suggests the discernment of a clearer industrial sky, says the Glasgow Herald." The Bank directors will, of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 857 8 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS WAR LOAN, 1821. Issue of $20,000,000 Loan. Bearing interest from the date of purchase st 7 per cent per annum parable half-yearly on May 1 ana November L REPAYABLE AT PAR ON MAY U 1926. Free of Income Tax aid other Duties Price of Issue 100—par cent. Under
      857 words
    • 383 8 and I Catarrh Rub on plenty 1 M c ntholatuin Sms to 00 ~n ,k, the throat and The Utile Nane j for Utile HU. inside the nostrils. lt penetrate* and brings Instant relief. And you 11 find Mcntholatum is just as soothing and hotting for burnt, wounds and head-die.
      383 words
    • 151 8 u VITALITY," One of the Great Powers of Life. The Active Principle of Blood. Why do you bar your Vitalitv through impure and Loss of Blood. Increase your blood, purify it let your Vitality lay in you to increase your life period by taking the all-renowned. "Medicinal Blood," the other
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    • 576 8 What Do You Want A Tractor For? ffhe first thing you will think of plowing. But don't stop there. If your tractor is to be a profit-maker for you, it must do muoh mora than plow. It must be able to do practically all the work around your aetata that
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    • 60 8 ft THE ENGLISH ELECTRIC Co. LIMITED. Incorporated ia England.) REDUCED PRICES FOB ALL WIRES CABLES LARGE STOCKS. f Write to:— Singapore Branch:—WINCHESTER HOUSE. Telephone Ml. Telegrams: BlELELTlCC" I In planning your Special, or Annual Advertiair.R Camped, you are desiroua, naturally, of aeoarin* the. b-e: potiibk RESULTS. Expert m*y be ob
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 525 9 P.&0.-Britishlndia AND APCAR LINE. •(Companies Incorporated iy England) HAIL AND PASSENGER SEBVICES. Peninsular nd Oriental 3 IV. &9. Under Contract with His Majesty's Government. THE COMPANY'S MAIL SERVICES EAIT OP BOMBAY are at present suspended. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPORE. Khiva about Sept 6 Karmala about Oct i
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    • 447 9 Passengers and Freight Services Operated bj Pacific Mail Steamship Co. 'Incorporated In U.S.AJ FOR ACCOUNT OF THE U. 8. SHIPPING BOARD. SAN FRANCISCO—BAMLA—EAST INDIA. SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. For CALCUTTA Vi. COLOMBO. Granite State Passengers and Freight Ang 15 Creole State Passengers and Freight Oct IJ Wolverine State Passengers and Freight
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    • 519 9 straits StOBSBf Co.. IM. Steamers intended to sail from Singapore Kinta —Monday 4 p.m., for Port Swettenham and Penang. Hye Leong—Monday, 4 30p.ra for Malaooa and Muar Kaka Tuesday, 4.30 p m for Malacca and M'?arDeli —We neaday, 12.30 p m f or Miri, Labuar, Jeaeelton. Kud»t Banr!akac, Jdo and
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    • 360 9 10.5.X. Til Itlll SIMII IllSll, LIMITED. (Incorporated ta Japaa.y NO. 1 DM SOUZA STRUT, PBOFOSBD SAILINGS FBOM SINGAPORE Subject to change without atMes.) EUROPEAN LINE. For PORT SAID. MARSEILLES, LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. Himalaya Maru arr Aug 22 dep 23 •Alaska,Maru arr. Sept 14 dep. 15 *Omit Marseilles. NEW
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    • 691 9 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan.) Cater Mail Ceatract with the Imperial Japanese Qevermaeeai (Subject to Alterations without Notice) London Lino Forlniihil? eervice For LONDON <Sc ANTWERP via (MALACCA) PENANQ COLOMBO, SUEZ. POBT SAID MARSEILLES. Kleist Aug 19 Mishima Maru M Aug 24 BadoMaru Sept 7 Liverpool Lino For MABSBILLBB
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 432 10 WANTED. WANTED.—A Linotype Operate* to work on Model 14 machine. Speed and accuracy In work neoea• aary. Written applications, with one recent testimonial proving capability, earning salary required to Manager, Malaya Tribune. 26 f> uo TO SHIPPING COMPANIES AND SHIPS' CAPTAINS. The Straits Employment Registry can supply at short notice
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    • 568 10 NOTICE. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. It If hereby notified that Ihe date up to which the tender for the purohaee of the Colonial Government Steam Yacht Saamew will be received at the Master Attendant's Office ia extended to the 15th September, 1921. 138 19 8 NOTICE. NEW FILIPINO BRASS BAND AND ORCHESTRA
      568 words
    • 752 10 NOTICE. NOTICE. (Viae Gazette No. if ef If tli Jul/, 1»21.) IN*. 6758-21J TENDERS will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office until noon on September 2nd. 1921, for the following services for the Government Monopolies Department for the year 1922;— (1) Supply of beat Amoy or Hongkong pot* each
      752 words
    • 530 10 BANKS. SZE HAI TONG BANKING INSURANCE CO, LTD. (Incorporated ia th* Straita a 8.) HEAD OFFICE: 68, BLLNG STREET, SINGAPORE. EaUbiabad 1807. Paid-up Capital $2,000,000 Surplua 880.009 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Saab Eng Lim, Eaq.—Chairman. Lea Wee Nam, Eaq.—Dep aty Chairman. Chan Tack Hee, Eaq. Ong Chow Rang, Eaq. Teo Teow
      530 words
    • 533 10 BANES. THu, SO HONG BAN Ik, LTD. HEAL OFFICE: 94, Market Street. BRANCHES: Peaang 86 fieack Street. Malacca 161 Joaker Street. Muar ?7-7b Jalaa Sulsianna. Batu Pabat.. 109 Jalaa Bahasaat, AGENCIES AT: Load on. New York, Saa Fraaeisco, BeUvia, Sourabaya, Salaries;, Hongkong, Amoy, Pa lambase aad Aran*;. CAPITAL. Authorised $10,000,000
      533 words
    • 490 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA, INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid op Capital in 600,000 Shares of £6 each $3,000,000 Reserve Fond £3,600,000 Resorts Liability of Proprietors £8,000,000 BANKERS. Baak of England. London Joint City aad Midland Bank, Ltd. Londop County Westminster aad Parrs Bank. Ltd.
      490 words
    • 368 10 INSURANCE, THE OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in the S.S.} BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Hon. Dr. Lim Boos a,*ag 0.8. E., Chairman. En Tong Sen, Esq. 0.8. E. Lim Nas Soon, Esq. Oag Boon Tat, Eaq. Lira Chwes Chian, Esq. ChuadPoh Slang, Eaq. Las Pang Sang, Esq. Teo Baa Keng, Esq.
      368 words
    • 521 10 MALAYA TRlßljf E SHIPPING CAZETr E Phone ho. 7lt subscript Ton Ratj^ PAYABLE VilNct Per «"nniti Half-yearly tie) Per quarter M *'<c) Single Copy 5 -PoaUge. Extra 50 eta lo foreign couatriea $1 [A Subscription Form t found on page B.J W VERY MAKY TRIBUNE READERS. Depend upon street seller.
      521 words