Malaya Tribune, 13 August 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. I EVENING DAil^ Vol. VIII- -No 189 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1921 FIVE CENTS The Malaya Tribune. SATURDAY, AUG. 13, 1921
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 159 1 TTe malaya tribune AND SHIPPING GAZETTE phono Wo. 171. i SUBSCRIPTION RATES Payable In Advsnoe. ?r annum J 1* 00 pitqlATttr iO postage Bztra 50 ots per month. WHITE AWAY, LATDLAW Co., Ltd. I (Incorporated in England.) SIN GIA TORE. Week S?£C^ Departments. A visit U UTOL filfcfe will repay
      159 words
    • 128 1 11 m Sime, Oarby Go., Ltd. Incorporated in Straits Set tie menu.) ELECTRi Ai mmmĔ Quotations given for complete Electric Lighting Power Installations, i Full range of Rleetrieal supplies in stock t VXR. Wires CablesMetal Filament Lamps. Ceiling Table Fans. Fittings Accessories. "DlCtOiripk" Telephones. i MADSTRONG' Plants. The Ideal I
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    • 181 1 SUN 9 COMPANY supplies All Photographic Materials AND The Bight Place for Amateurs IS Developing, Printing and Enlargement No. 94. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. Phone 660* I Do Not Miss This Opportunity j •wtiK&Smm SPECIAL OFFER fcgj I I OF I p2S| pascails Confectionery. IT," I *JCAU. \OHDO*M Bitter 4»
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  • 148 2 Find of Silver Barm, I Mandalay, Jnlf 20—Whilst exnavntiug for r v' ding the new R >mai Cabolio Cbu eh, St Peter's at m rapoora. a camber of bars of silver were dog np. F.tler Lsgor, of tbe Chinese Mission, who is, building tbe cbercl and school,
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  • 137 2 A Bombay Law-suit. Bombay, lelf 1h —Vr 8 J «cotr i m tubn «.f t tie Bombay Corrm*r rA Gi mkboo filed a snit iv tie B'tnbay High U nrt rgainrt |h« r* and mi sabers of th vlanaging to nit te for wrongfu xpul"ion from the
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  • 92 2 Appeal to Bluff Police. A Yokohama message to the "Jiji" says that Mr A H Tait, the Manager of the Yokohama branch of the Charj tered Bank, received a threatening letter from an unknown person demanding Y300.000. The latter was' written in Roman letters, and the addressee was
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  • 65 2 M'6?rg BaH 'W and Co report «?ine" last reporting p |ccc bay* Iroj-p-d a lir, 1« folio*tog w- kt r *dvic s from London, bit a enoo '•urine;» h»a h»- n done atid qu-'ta-i< n- clo»e ad follows No. 1 S Dda d #13 "0 t $U V
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  • 389 2 Apropos of the hot weather, visitor from Singapore wring tn tbe London and China E tpn f mail week We do n»t ofren havr more oppressive lavs in MaUya than the last fuw in London. V str-rd y I pnt on a whi-e cotton dri 1 bee in c it
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  • 165 2 Karl Going to Denmark. Reuter. Geneva, Aug. 10.—France has ratified the statute for the Court of International Justice.—Beuter. Amsterdam, Aug. 10.—The Bill recently introduced with the object of increasing import duties has been withdrawn.—Reuter. Copenhagen, Aug. 10.—According to the newspapers, the ex-Emperor Karl has decided to take up
    Reuter.  -  165 words
  • 239 2 Fonr Judgments Delivered To-day. Four written judgments in recent Appeal Court cases were delivered yesterday in the Supreme Court, the Chief Justice, Sir Walter S Shaw, and Mr. Justice Barrett Lennard sitting on the bench. In tne appial of the Kirn Seng Land Co against a judgment by
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  • 63 2 Reuter. Lond n, Aug iU.- Mr rjodg«"i>, b; of the bu Ish c.nirpercial no* sion to Viosc.'W, reporting i\s s<-te trrtTaL says he iut« rriewtd leb eh tin an" coLfiros il at tbo S<>vi> t h«vo libera (d aH Auiciuans. Tie la or have placed under tl c
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 54 2 Reuter. Vienna, Auj 10. —D s a»lsfi<>d wi'b the d scplinary meaporr'*, convict* a the fit m prison mauaied. Th* military were colled in, wtereupiL he prisiaer* b gun to tbe fund.ore. Retr>torcemeri<e r whic "bad to bo *U t'lKoued, opt tied fire f hr c
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 726 2 A Common Complaint Among Sailors it Constipation because of th Jack of treah fruit and vegetables in tb>ir diet. To them, as to everyone else tronblpd by costive, bowels, Pink«tte« are a binning, because they gently dispel oonstipation, and care the silmmts which it c*ns n, laoh as liveiishness, bilions
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    • 554 2 AUCTION SALE. IBy Order of ;he Offici i e+ re V. M i•a 1 K.-.0-im aad X A* iul .Lv 4!) »in rmnkrop cv) AUCTION SALE OF AH the St ok iv trad* at No. 90, Perth iridg j R>ad, Oa MONDAY. Aaf 15, at 11 am Comprising Ueut's shins,
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    • 165 2 RUB OUT THE PAIN. Wherever the ache or pain, simply rub in Littles Oriental Balm. Aa you rub in the Balm, you rub out the pain,—quickly, simply and surely. There is no better remedy for headache, earache, backache. It relieves lameness, sprains, strains, swellings. The more cruel sufferings of Rheumatism,
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    • 679 2 I Indigestion and Bad Stomach Dr. Cassell's Tables rre the -Prized Remedy ,in AU Par:r> of the Empire. British Culm**. South A rScs. C. H. Ma nr heater Vtltaer* Mr C CrarTord Dxua Rlt-er. LadiWhito P. 0., Berbtce, Coreiityu BrtiHh «:mth. CP. South Africa, nntee• Guiana. wim<m»: P thing p,.v»«
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    • 242 2 THE BEST CHEAPEST BEER in the market BROWN I LAGER, SUB-AGENTS WANTED. O. Aurely «Sc Co. 28, Fialeysou Ore n Purchase! Purchase! I For about one month only DONT MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY J. B. LAL, THE ABLE INDIAN PHYSICIAN The public is assured of my splendid preparation of Medicines
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 350 3 AT THE PO UI P 'OTO.PLAY HOUSE Tanr"* pa Kirßoad trarrl Pasa the Door j From THURSDIY, A"gae* ii to SUNDVY. August 14. TONIGHT IN THE SECOND *HOW AT 9.15 PM. The Great VitPgiaph S-i ;ai Featuring j William Dme%n, Elith Jobr son, Joe Ryan and L=o Msloney j A
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    • 586 3 The Tha F.em SATURDAY, August 13, to THURSDAY, August 18. Altaambn Agorae* ia the oaly lh* Tteute at tel theatre Wctures, tbe /-Jk If W*muw gjgk gfAWm WW rCJI attached. lee Tea. eta, «BtltheßFST Tt.a HtH for vtciic and Features served e a,mc *>wjus*v ho&o dnrtiifi intervals j AN ALL.BRITISH
      586 words
    • 119 3 LIBERTY HALL, LTD., NORTH BRIDGE RO k D. MYBTERY I MYSTERY 1 MYSTERY CAN YOU 80LVE THEM Who is AVION in Carter Ossi M W_o i« IRON FOOT in Boresming Shadow Tbe 2rtd Show a* 9.15 p.m. Ben Wilson Saper 8e:i»l THE SCREAMING SHADOW Episode 9. The B'«*pirg D.*ath In
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    • 262 3 Sensational Sncoess, The Ores* D.-o-y Powerfal and Thrilling Beyond Compare THE WHITE HEATHER By Cecil Raleigh and Henry Hamilton aea% rl 0U n W,l L 55' YJU LI BE SPEIL BOU «0 At the Dare-D- vAry of the man who At tbe beauty of the acece Nnthin. fight to the
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  • 207 4 A Commission is being appointed to investigate ths slump in Malaya and see what can be done to relieve ths situation in the way of extension of credit facilities. Ths Eastern Shipping Co, reply to the Colonial Secretary's statement and other criticism arising oat of the recent Supreme
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  • 24 4 BIRTH. Wbbatlly— Oa Angigi 12, M '•jMaylHii," Bi, Mtabae/d Rear), to Mr. A Mrp. B. O. Wh«»tley, daughter. 13 8 13 8
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  • 55 4 FlLMER—\t the G itieral Hotpital on An gum 13, Eageni**, beloved wife oi Mr.O. A. F of ih« Wir©K*e Sea*ion, Pr y a Lobar, Singapore ll-wain <to be removed from No. 34, K ■< Road, at 4 30 p.m. to>d*y U Utdadrsl. I'enxnf, F.,M. 8. and Ind an papatt,
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  • 51 4 The trimly of ihe la.e KLoo Kit •>i*w, widow of vqh iute 8;>ng H-joi Kb-an\ beg o ,b-.r k iL i. r>i-.av tad fnods who «saraMtd th-i' by b> iu 'r pr-b nc3 a: in »uiit?r<»», s>.,d rUo tt<oi* who law viedibfi and letters oi cmdolene*. 13 8 13
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  • 934 4 We are not favourably impressed with the picture Reuter gives of a duel of personalities at the Allied Conference. The suggestion is that the important questions under discussion will not necessarily be resolved upon their merits but according to the individual energy and debating prowess of the
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  • 217 4 To-morrow will be the Hari Raya Haji. Cspt. H Berkeley is on a visit to \o Ja Ln i pur Co' J P Sw ttenbam is doe bark from leave snortly. It is expected thai he will re'arn to Serembaa. A black pan 1 her six feet from tip to
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  • 1304 4 Eastern Shipping Company's Reply to Mr. James. Ths Question of Accuracy. Mr. Lim Chin Guan, Managing Director of the Eastern Snipping Co., Ltd., Penang, writes M The statement regarding the case made in the Legislative Council on Monday by the Hon. the Colonial Secretary and the comments of
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  • 145 4 From Mr P SIMPSON: refeience to the statement made the Honourable the Colonial Sec*tary in the Legislative Council. 1 notice that the Colonial Secretary rtported to Sir Arthur Young and repeated to the Council that I replied in rather an insolent manner when he remarked
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  • 160 4 The untitled Heer Kraff. MeTfC "I r'-sntssg ab< at to insngaeite an setial rrtm Its itinerary will indole rasjdj t* Priok, Sio«apire, Neske. Tunam»" and BsWf*, beside etfcer eoeeJsJ points. The cost of tr, F fI ?J Padang to Beeatia etU betfoss WS to7CO |reildrwi^ t T T 1 of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 207 4 Sterling Silver 15 Jewel Movement Lever Watches. AT REVISED PRICES. Half open Hunter FaC $33.50 Ak |k $25 fuu F,at Hunt»r Dress $3150 WA $28.50 mmm Perfection in Workmanship. Every Watch Guaranteed. ROBINSON Co.. Ltd. focorporated in Singapore.) COMPLETE OUTFITTERS AND HOUSE FURNISHERS. A LUBRICANT rem EVERY PURPOSE. sjcvd Tom
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    • 305 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., laojrporated ia tbe StraiUi SattlMentk 36. PHILLIP STBEET, SINGAPORE The laooetii'al Tenderers for the ipflfl of mittHlhneoas Artiolet and B jgineers titorts to the Singapore MomoipaUty (or the period eudiog Slit Deoemb*r«l92l. Naw Shlomenta Just Received Y&le Bronae L*-ver Padlocks, Yale and Townio Chain Pullhj Blocks,
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  • 320 5 Premier Hurries Back to LQiidm' larmisl Report Seated. Reuter. den. Aeg 11—I Q tbe Hous« njcnaion-, Mr 1 bamberUi;. ooaced iba.. be b»d nceived from J i) c Valors a repl wbich he bad Ilpdiately trauami ted to Mr T jV d George. Ii was hoped ihat
    Reuter.  -  320 words
  • 326 5 BRITISH AND FRENCH VIEWS CLASH. Italy Supports Britain. Reuter. fads, Aug. 11.-Mr. Lloyd George md Lord Curzon breakfasted with j<;,( Briand and Loucheur at the hotel, th? ptrty developing into a more or k?s informal conference.Subsequentk the two Premiers motored to Riabouillet to lunch with M MillerThe meeting
    Reuter.  -  326 words
  • 101 5 Kemalists Demoralised. Reuter. At aeas, A\xg. 11.—A semi-official of the War Minister, Tfcotokij, reviewing the military •lotion, said that the Kemalist army Wally crushed and no longer 4 notary importance. With regard *< prospect of peace Theotokla that he did* not wish to re?*,t P»6t mistakes and would
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 46 5 unusual wUI be prenentakaa üb «ty Hall at 1d.15 to*'u> when Mary Macgregor, who comt straight from Scotland, Mt'nat ,lVb an exhiDi tion of mental P*tay. This lady mind specialist c eptionally gtfted and earned a in tbe land of "bonnie
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  • 356 5 MATTERS AT TEMPORARY STANDSTILL. Initiative with United States. Reuter. London, 11—Ren er ia in U rmed tti%i n farther progress batK.>en m«de a« regards the PacifL c nferecce. Shy comma nica ion has yet beer 'ceived as regards 10 i. id». fr.e tilling in Brit'sh tihial iar'era is
    Reuter.  -  356 words
  • 76 5 To Report on Trade Depression. We are officially informed that His Excellency the Governor has decided *o appoint a Commission to enquire :nto, and report on, the present state <al trade depression, brought about in the main by the continued depression in the rubber industry, and to make
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  • 52 5 Reuter. Simla, Aug. 11--The Mount Everest expedition is still exploring the country round Tingri, and 6\5W square miles of new survey is now completed. The photographic survey of Mouth Everest has commenced, but is hampered by the monsoon and clouds. No practicable route to the summit hae ye*
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 910 5 HARROWING SCENES AT REFUGEE CAMPS. Lenin's Explanation. Reuter. Amj 11-The Sopreme bonncil has diseased the Rasaisn *inme, and decided to appoint aa oternatiooal committee to colla borate wi h the American R*d Crow study the pos,lb,l. y of bringing "d to starving Russia 1 In the Hapreme
    Reuter.  -  910 words
  • 785 5 BOXING. PALLADIUM TOURNAMENT. Some excellent bouts were seen last night in the semi-finals of the open amateur boxing tournament at the Palladium. There were seven fourround fights and one exhibition bout, while A E Pattinson, 8.13, received a walk over from F R Mourier and thus meets Cheng Heng
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  • 415 5 SINGAPORE OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP. Yesterday's Play. Asaji Honda beat C F Green 6—l, 6—3. By his victory in this game, Honda reached the semi-finals, in whicj round he will meet J D Hall. There was another big- crowd of spectators, who saw the Japanese win very comfortably. It «almott
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  • 141 5 I C C II v. S R C 11. The SCCII proved too good for the S R C II in the league match on the SRC ground yesterday, winning by three to nil. (Macdonald 2, Winter.) S F A LEAGUE TABLE—DIV. IL Goals P W L D F
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  • 223 5 Case Concluded at Assizes. At the reanmpu >n of tbe common jary cas»'S at tbe As-ir yea*erd*j m fore tbe Chief Justice, Bir Walter -i Shaw, tbe oeae of two Hokien ineee named Cbew CI wee Chow nd Y*p Boon Cbaan, charged with hefs as servants. Was continaed.
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  • 91 5 The Colombo correspondent of the "Malay Mail" wired on Aag 10 Prince Hirobito snd tbe warship Satori and Kaehima bare arriveo. here was no Slate reeeption.Tbe K» •hima rescued the crew of the OS X Si am Main eff Cape Geardafai ens he wrecked passengers went or board tbe K»*ori
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  • 39 5 Fred Water beans Caw IM Singapore, nag 13. To-day's closing rubber quetatioa* are as aader i— Mhw York —2 4 ots. London.— t Jl. in gap ore 2o otg Sheet; Crepe SO}. Tone of th Market:— Bt»ady.
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  • 38 5 13 o'clock noon, Aag IS. Pale Ribbed. Orepe Smoked Bh Closing Prices Cloemg Prieet. Bayers Sellers Bnyers Sellers *pot 28 29 **pt 29 29| Got to D c SI 314 Tone of market:—E.sier.
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  • 59 5 Singapore, Aag 13. }n London— Bank i mm 2/4 1/6 Demand 2 3 IS/ 16 Private 3 ml* 2,4 15/32 On Iwlis— Bank T. T. 174| )n Honvkope— Bank d/d 184% P On Shanghai— Bank d/d 60} On Java— Bank T. T. 13J| On Japan— B rk d/d 86$
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  • 20 5 Reuter. Madrid, Aug. 11.—The Cabine has resigned. King Alfonso has asked Senor Maura to form a Cabinet.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  20 words
  • 33 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Aug 12.—The death has occurred of Doctor Masao, Japanese Minister to Siam, previously sixteen years in the service of the Siamese Ministry of Justice.
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  • 218 5 London, Aug. 10.—The long drought has broken. It is raining' to-day Reuter. Mr P J V»Bty, Ipoh, formerly of Singapore, is to be married this month at Singapore to Mill D P .-herpham of Croydon, Sydney. There was a large gathering at the graveside for the funeral of the late
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 335 5 PHASER CHALMEfiQ Engineering Works. Magnet House, 82 sad 69, Boslaaea Boat, SJagapara SOLE AGENTB r OS. JAMES CARTtR (STALYBRIDOE), Ltd. Robber Machinery. A RANSOMt Co, Ltd. Wood Working Machinery SANDERSON BROS NEWBOULD Ltd. Steel, loole, Saws, fee HOLM AN BROS, Ltd., Mining, Machinery, Drills nc PROPRIETORS the General Electric Co..
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  • 1010 6 BOXING. NEW OPEN TOURNAMENT. An attempt is being made at last to organise a real open amateur tournament without any professional or pro-fit-making motives. Entries are invited for the S.S. and F.frf.S. Open Championship Boxing Tournament in aid of the European and Asiatic unemployment funds, to which all proceeds
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  • 194 6 SELANGOR RACE WEIGHTS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Aug 12.—The following are the handicaps for the second day of the Turf Club meeting Race No. 2.—Petit Noir 10.0, Wauk Over 9.7, Gentle Eva 8.5, Peace 7.7 Race No. 3.—Galacre 9.7, Kaipai 9.7, Bcrnlea 9.1, Pickle 8.7, Pradentious
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  • 108 6 MALACCA TOURNAMENT. In the second round of the tournament to decide who will represent Malacca in the Gaunt Cup competition Beatty had an easy win over Heybittel, but the match between Salzmann and de Souza wont to three •ets. Scores Beatty beat Heybittel, I—o, 6—l. Salzmann beat de
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  • 74 6 FACILITIES FOR SCHOOLBOYS. Tiuring the school holidays, the "S 1 C A swimming pool will be open to all rchoolboys as foUofFi: Monday, 9 to 10.30 i.m. Raffles Fc v *o\, St. Anarew's School an<i Ang'.o Chinese School Wednesday! J to 10.3° a.m. Anglo Chinese (Ser.mgoon), Outrnm-road School, St.
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  • 260 6 THE LOJ\L TODRN MENT. Reuter. After a lwpß' of seveial ac- ks tbu cricket auanias—sail wBl rname ta -ley, wi en the fi 00 fill the SRC rud :he PabUe Botf'css i.nd Law will th j Ceylon XI. The B 0 C will be rrp cfu'id by tbe folioaing
    Reuter.  -  260 words
  • 169 6 TO-VORROWS RA.CE. Reuter. Ihe S V 0 race on Scnday morn, ing will be fcr the Margaret II Cup The ciurse will bp S-art S V 0, ourd m wk- host tff Wnite Be< c n, roeud C S Patrol, back to 8 V C buoy, inside breakwater, back
    Reuter.  -  169 words
  • 25 6 SINGAPORE CHAMPIONSHIP. Competitors for tbe Singarpore Qell (jtampoof-bip are allowed to play fu tbe Garriaon coorae im mbdiatol)' they have paid their entrance eabacription.
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  • 103 6 .(By Rover The Hi«h School cricket and foot- j bsll tesme will leave Maiecca on Saturday morning for a toar to X L an Bcremban. Oa Saturday they will moat probably play St PaulV Inatitntlon at Beremban at cricket The f 'o* iue ia their programme
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  • 197 6 A en erf. 1 meeting of YM 0 A members interested in tbe physic 1 activities of tbe Association ia to be held ou Wednesday n'xt at 6 p m. Thifl meeting id being called for the psrpise of formally eu c irq
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  • 219 6 St. Andrews Cathedral. Ibe 12 h Sunday after Trioiiy, 14»"i Aogual 1921. 7 na Holy Communion. 7 45 am Holy Communion (Choral). 9.1' a m Wmiij and Lit any. 4pm Children Str»ic#\ 5 30 p m and Sermon Wpekdaya Tuesday and Tburgday Rfly Communion at 7 m, and
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  • 76 6 The Alhambra has a British production, to-night, "The Mothers Influence." by the London Film Co., in two reels, in addition to the Topical .Budget, a fineffive-reefl f Goldwyn drama, "One of the Finest," featuring Tom Moore, and an exceptionally good two-reel Harold Lloyd comedy, "High and Dizzy." In
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  • 16 6 What will be the largest wireless station in the world is to be erected m flsaagrsmi
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  • 116 6 Bago floor is quoted at 16/9. Tin ii quoted at £164-12.6 in London. Tapioca is quoted at 17/ for fai flake. Gambler is quoted st 26/6 ir London oube gambler at 36/. Oa th* Liverpool market ootton, middling American, is at 8 89; Egyptian cotton ia at
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  • 219 6 Messrs W McEwan and E Barrett, two colliery mining engineers, have just arrived in Kuala Lumpur to join the stuff of Malayan Collieries. Ltd, Mr McEwan goes to the Company's Batu Arang property, while Mr Barrett is leaving shortly for the new coalfield which Malayan Collieries is opening up in
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  • 38 6 The latest quotations to-daJ no changes in dollar rubber buSithough there is a fair amount ness recorded in sterling issue a somewhat weaker tendency are few dealings in roimn and industrials a&o show s weak mnrhip
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 232 6 D. H. 0. WILLS. a THREE CASTLES. These Cigarettes are sold j| v jjfj| linI in three sizes:— IftL '"'"''«jg ORDINARY SIZE i^l^^M "MiGMUMS" jtopil "SUPER MAGNUMS" <§£Z} "BnHDY" belting. The original Red Cotton Belt, with anti-friction edge. AWARDED OVER FORTY FIRST GLASS MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS. GANDY'S HAIR BELTING. Mads
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    • 30 6 ♦TO LE T.—Compound Honee No. 28, St. Mioha«l's Road, partly famished, $175, immediate entry. For apply C. A. da SUva <7 > C. A. Ribeiro 4 Co., Ltd. 1 38 uc
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    • 421 6 LATEST ADVERTISE!*! EN TS. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. It is hereby notified tbat tbe da*, ap to which the lender for the pnr ohsse of ibe Colonial Governmer.' Steam Yacht S <am<w will b •eoeived at tbe Master Attaaudant'i Offic« is extended to the 15.1 •September, 1921, 138 198 MORTGAGEE'S SALE of
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 153 6 IT WILL MAKE YOU HEALTHY AND ACTIVE. MULLER AND I HIPr'S (MALAYA) Ltd., SoN Distributor*. WHEN AND WHERE. To-<Lay, Aug. 13. High Tides.—6.38 a.m., 5.54 p.» Fast of Ab (Jewisn Holiday). Cricket Tournament: Law and C S v Ceylon XI, S R C ground. SCCvSRC, SCC ground. Polo, Balestier, 4.30.
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    • 423 6 Mails Close To-day, Aug 13. Hoihow, and Hongkong •Seistan 10 a* Mersing, Rompin, Kuala Pahang and Kuanun Ranee 11 Pontianak Van der Parra 9 1Jn Selat Pandjang, Bengkalis and Bagan Esmaraida 11 KelanUn Krian l pA New York Ocean Monarch 1 PJB Muar and Malacca »Sri Muar 2 a* Batu
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  • 1840 7 Should the Slave-Girl f System Be Abolished? Problem for Intelligent Chinese. The mui tsai system, the ancient Chinese custom of buying servant girls, has come in for very severe criticism in Hongkong and at Home and even in some evils in China. Up to the present it has
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 839 7 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS WAR LOAN, 1921. Issue of $20,000,000 loan. ntsrest from the date of purchase at 7 per d eent par annum 1 aarehk half-yearly on May 1 and November 1. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON MAY 1, 1926, free c( Income Tax ail other Duties Price of Issue 100—pir cent.
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    • 502 7 !To Have a s Good Time tt is of paramount Importance that J I you should be able to digest your 4 P food well. Nothiug In the world Is J a such a hindrance to happiness as f P faulty digestion. It is difficult to J 1 have a
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    • 308 7 mm j OAKLAND DEPEHDIB.Lrt STLIRDY STURDY Judge the actual value of the Oakland Sensible Six by jWfp any standard you choose— dependaJble service, THF 11C riding comfort, marked savings in fuel and tyro*, or th* 1 Illmoderate purchase price. Bach and every one of these eir phasizes the ef c»i>tion*l
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  • 469 8 Mr. McKenna's Suggestion. From more tbaii one aspect Mr v 'clvM!h' 8 nd ite BB to th- InstraN at hartered coaotarj s on iute' uatijnal debts is as irrportant an utterance an no have had for Bon>e nme upon the fimncial si nation ii which the world 6nd«
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  • 134 8 A correspondent sends us the following cutting from John Bull": betting an Example. At a house in Singapore, Straits Settlements, an Inspector of Police caught some natives having a little flutter," playing dominoes for money. He calmly pocketed the cash in sight, about $luu, and
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  • 153 8 Teheran, June 27,—Yesterday, for the first time, the Bed Flag was hoisted over the Soviet Legation. Tne evening entertainment given by the Bolshevist M»n'ster in honour of the occasion in the very ornamental grounds of the Legation surpassed in brilliance any of the parties given
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  • 82 8 Many amusing stories are told of the absent-mindedness of a certain pro'ate. i or example, he was travelling on a branch-line in Devonshire, and, when the train stopped at a place where tickets are inspected be searched his pocktes in vain. "It does not matter in the
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  • 221 8 Amid the gloom that prevails in the rubber industry owing to the glut of the product, it is refreshing to have some notes of optimism. According to tne report of the Bukit Uoh Rubber Company, considerate economies nave been eilected since the beginning of the year
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  • 292 8 The Hon Mr W Duncan on Monday left Penang by the Syria for Colombo where he hopes to stay a few days and to meet the leaders of the Ceylon rubber industry. He will then proceed to England via Marseilles by the Mantua. The sailing from London of the P
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 180 8 K charged paired Phone No. 670 THE PATENT PATCHQUICK Co. (General Engineering Works.) No. 26 3 ORCHARD ROAD IS AND Nob. 1 2 OAVANAGH ROAD, SINGAPORE. William Caxton first introduced the printing press into England in the year 1471. After acquiring the newly invented art of printing at Bruges, he
      180 words
    • 162 8 POSADA WNE CO. Importers of Genuine Spanish AUD Portuguese Wines, etc. Head Office i WATER LaNK, LONDON, B.C. MASQUES DEL HOBITO PQ'h Spaniah Grape per oise Brandies $45.C0 Malaga, Mutca'el, Port, Bh*rrv, Mat zanillia 36X0 ALLELLt ViNCOLA: Spanish Hocks, Clarets 30.00 H TIFFON'S per bottle Liqaeur Brandy "1865" 12.00 per
      162 words
    • 403 8 The Changshas Cargo. A South Sea Story/ r HE s. s. Chaittfsba," well-known throughout Far Eastern and Australian waters, put in recently at a port in an unfrequented part of the Southern seas. Within five minutes of "tying up," the ship was invaded by four determined lookmg men who demanded
      403 words
    • 94 8 We reoommend striped g!»ea is Veuitifnl and t concnjij«l both for d-cor<*tion snd heakh. Following New C ns'gnment in Sock: RIBBED WIRE GLASS RIBBED GLASS SYENITE GLASS ARCTIC Gf?ASS ROUGH GLASS GRACILIS GLASS PACTROUTE GLASS PLNTECAR GLASS SOLE AGENTS SHIHARA CO. t_ ,6 CoU W Qu«*7, Singapore i CHOTIRMALI/S"
      94 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 524 9 P.*o.-British India 1 AND APCAR LINE. KCOMPAMKS INCORPORITED IN EnOLAND) M 4iL AND PASSfcNGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Oriental S IV. Go. Unle- Contract with His dajesty'3 Government. mm COMPANY'S MAIL BRBVICEB EAST OF BOMBAY present suspended. I LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPORE, bits about S pt 6 B&
      524 words
    • 477 9 Passengers and Freight Servioe* Operated bf Pacific Mail Steamship Co. (Incorporated in U.S.AJ FOR AOCOUNI OF THE U. 8, SHIPPING BOARD. SAN FRANCISCO—BLAMLA—EAST INDIA. BAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. For CALCUTTA Via COLOMBOGranite State Passengers and Freight Aag i 4 ureole State Passengers and Freight i ept 13 Wolverine State Passengers and
      477 words
    • 501 9 j Straus MecOnfiip Co.. Lid Steamers intended to sail from Singapore Kinta —Monday 4 p.m.. fcr Porl Swettenham and Penang. Hye Leong—Monday, 4 30 p.m for Mal&cea and Muar Kaka Tuesday, 4.30 p. m t for Malacca and Muar. Deli Wednesday, 12.30 p. m t for Miri, Labuan, Jeseelton. Kud?t
      501 words
    • 362 9 O.S.K. i Tki Isab SltNi lalsU, LIMITED* (iKTurnii m JapanJ r NO. I Dfl SOUZA STRUT, PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM r SINGAPORE. j (Subject to chug* without aettoe.) BUBOPBAN LIM. For PORT SAID. MARSEILLES, LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. (Himaltya Mam arr Aug 22 dep 23 *Aiasia|Maru arr Sept 14 aep.
      362 words
    • 682 9 "NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporate: In Japan) Csdsr Mail Ceatrast with tbe Imperial Japanese Government (Subject to Alterations without Notice) London Lino Fortnifblly "ervice For LONDON At ANTWERP via (MALACCA) PENANG OOLOMBO, SUEZ, PORT BAID A MARSEILLES. Kleiet <#> Aug '9 Minima Maru AJg 2 4 BadoMaru M g tpt 7
      682 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 443 10 WANTED. WANTED—A Linotype Operator to work on Model 14 msehine. Speed snd accuracy in work necessary. Written applications, with one recent testimonial proving capability, naming salary required to Manager, Malaya Tribune. 26 5 ac TO SHIPPING COMPANIES AND SHIPS' CAPTAINS. The Straita Employment Registry can supply at short notice all
      443 words
    • 590 10 NOTICE. NOTICE. Persons stiff iiug from any kiu of disease—however o >oipiioattd aud long standing the e»se may be ars requested to write preseu symptoms of the case. Full parti oulars of treatment, ad vie eto. Fret under cover 4 Sri' Works, Besdon Square, Calcutta, (M. T.) India. 30 7—S
      590 words
    • 536 10 BANKS. SZE HAI TONG BANKING INSURANCE C 0„ LTD. (lacorporated ia tba Straita 8. 8.) HEAD OFFICE: 68, KLING STREET, SINGAPORE. Eetabished 1907. Paid-up Capital $2,000,000 Surplus 890,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Saab, Esq.—Chairman. Lea Wee Nam, Lsy.—Deputy Chairman. Chaa Teclc Has, Esq. Ong Chow Rang, Eaq. Teo Teow Peag,
      536 words
    • 553 10 I BANKS. THJji iIO xiUAG BANK, LTD. HEAD OFFICE: 84, Market Street BRANCHES: Peaaac 35 Bear* Street. I Malact* Lil Jonkex Street. Moat 77-?9 JaUa Soieunsa. j Beta Fake 109 Jalan Bahamas. Au- lES AT: London, Ne» i ra, Saa Francisco, Batavia, Sooruofc.. a, Semaxang, Shanghai, Bongkoag, \saag, Paiam- bnag
      553 words
    • 556 10 BANKS. CHARTERED RANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 600,000 Sharas of £6 each $3,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,600,000 Reserv, Liability of Proprietors £3,000.000 BANKERS, Baak of England. London Joint City and Midland iiank, Ltd. London County Westminster and Parr s Bauk,
      556 words
    • 381 10 INSURANCE, THE OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in the SJ3.) BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keag, 0.8. E., Chairman. Eu Tong San, Esq. O.BJB. Lim iN«a Soon, Eaq. Ong Boon Tat, Eaq. Lim Chwee Chian, Esq. Chua Poh Siaag, Esq. Laa Pang Seng, Eaq. Yao Ban Keag, Eaq.
      381 words
    • 459 10 THE RIGHT PLACE TO GO FOR YOUR MICHELIN TIRES All sire*. ALWAYS READY IN STOOL Stockist:— Lim Chee Sen^t 17, Cecil Street. TiIUTSOI GREEK DISPEIS4RT. 'Pbooe No. mß>\. WH Li S1 LB eetRBT/n. Clinlsts Druggists #nd Opticians. SUPPUcIS TO MjIMIU. ES HEi UO MiNtS, l< ftfteilL IiTE. Depot for Paient
      459 words
    • 525 10 MALAYA TRIBUNE it. CO, Jll^ SUBSCRipTION RATRa. PAYABLE IT Per MTmm Half-yearly Per quarter Single Copy 5 eu> $l Postage Extra 50 e ta. M To Foreign countries gj *°»o\ I [A Subscription Form found on page g.j VERY MANY TRIBUNE READER Depend upon street sellers f or paper. It
      525 words