Malaya Tribune, 11 August 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
  • 30 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] 7 AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. t EVENING DAILY. Vol. VIII. No. IV, SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, AUGUST, 11, 1921 FIVE CENTS The Malaya Tribune. THURSDAY, AUG. 11, 1921.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 194 1 fTtt ilUM TRIBUNE AND billPPING GAZETTE F»H*m« No. 171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES payable In Advanea p«» annum S IS 00 galf-jearly S 7.SO p#r quarter 8 S.75 Poetage Extra SO cts per nejmth. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co., Ltd. I (Incorporated in Fngland.) SINGAPORE. Great Saving Week sp W |fS I 8^a ii
      194 words
    • 120 1 Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. Quotations given for complete Electric Lighting ft Power Installations. I Full range of Eleetrieal inpplles in etoee t V LB. Wires Cables. Metal Filament Lamps. Ceiling Table Fans. Fittings Accessories. "Dictograph" Telephones. MADSTRONG' Plants, me idea* Lighting Set for Bungalows
      120 words
    • 178 1 SUN 6* COMPANY I •applies I I All Photographic Materials AND The Bight Place for Amateurs Developing, Printing and Enlargement No. 94. NORTH BRIDGE BO AD. BINQAPOEE Phone 660. artsavsaeaißiwsasssvßSvavaaßHßavsasseßaisvsaasai Do Not Miss This Opportunity!! j fcSSS!- pascalls Confectionery. W', TI 1 -r*k -IL\ assorted ISf Chcoo eft, V* W
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  • 647 2 (We do not necessarily endorse the opinions expressed' bj correspondents.) CHINESE NONIAS. From C J KOH On the 2nd inst. I left Singapore for Java and was fortunate to secure a paper of that date's issue just before embarking. I have read with much pleasure LYP's letter adversely commenting
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  • 204 2 From "FAIRPLAY" Discussion on the subject of registration of Chinese schools has been revived in certain quarters by the recent announcement in the papers that two Chinese gentlemen from Penang are on their way to England to protest against it. If there is nothing taught in the
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  • 76 2 From A MOSLEM i I am not a lawyer, neither a "big bug". I am a mere poor humble subject of His Majesty the Ring. After reading the Hon Mr. James' statement re the Shipping case I have but admiration for his action. To err is human,
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  • 190 2 A Penang Opinion. The function in Penang, at which Messrs Choong Thiam Poe and G H Goh, "delegates of the Chinese of Malaya, to present their views to the Home authorities regarding the Registration of Schools ordinance" were the principal figures, has aroused much discussion. These gentlemen
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  • 150 2 A Sensation in Peking. Peking, July 18.—Highly aensa1 tional reports concerning the mys1 ttrious disappearance of Mr. Chen Kung-yin, a consular student in Cuba, continue to circulate here. It is alleged that that he met his death whea about to embark for China with documents which would have
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  • 97 2 Shanghai, July 27.—The U. S. District Attorney has announced that Ruse will probably not be returning to Shanghai for trial in view of an arrangement with Messrs. Sonn Brothers to return the embezzled funds. Rose is held on bail in San Francisco pending trial or a complete settlement.
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  • 258 2 In the Supreme Court yesterday before Mr Justice Barrett Lennard, a case was opened in which Messrs Wolskel and Co, Ltd, claimed damages on two accounts' from Chop Ban Hock Leong. It was alleged that the defendants made two contracts for the plaintiffs to supply to them cotton duck, the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 673 2 THiS BIBY LOST APPETITE) AJND WEIGHT. Her Mother Tells Way She Is Now Plump and Strong. Baby*i Own Tabl«te have oared and helped the development of thousand, of little sufferers in many parts of the world. The letter which follows oomes from Mrs. John Male, of 41, Cottage Street, Pontlse,
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    • 379 2 AUCTION SALE. AUCTION SALE OF €10 Cnrv Asbestos Corrugated Roofing 8 ft. in 1-ngth. 850 Straight Asbestos Corrugated Hoofing 7 ft. in length. 10 Straight Aibestos Corrugated Roofing S ft. In length. 149 Sheets Glass Roofing (Damaged). To be held at Mraeraß Yonng 4C0., Ltd. Btore, Ttdok Aytr Reclamation IiFIIDir,
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    • 541 2 u —and Us si splendid to see you J getting strong again so quickly" j What could be more gratifying to a woman bur- f dencd by ill-health, than to feel she is getting strong f j again—what a relief, after that depression and weakness, to experience a delicious feeling
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    • 247 2 THE BEST CHEAPEST BE E R in tht market BROW a LAOER, SUB-AGENT-; WANTED. G. A v rely <& Co. 28, Fiolejs n Greel Purchase! Purchase!: For about one month only DON'T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY J. B. LAL, THE ABLE INDIAN PHYSICLUi The public is assured of ht splendid
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 963 3 AT THE POPULAR PHOTO PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE Tsnjong Pa*ar Road Trams Paes the Door From THURSDAY, A"gos* 11 to BUNDVY, Angnit U. TO NIGHT IN THE SHOW AT 9.15 P M. The Great Vitagraph 8 Mai Featuring William Dtccan, Edith Johnson, Joe Ryan and Leo ftfaloney A FIGHT FOR MILLIONS
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    • 492 3 1 m Tk* From SUNDAY, Aegeit 7, to FRIDAY, August 12. Alb am bra lAAatttwa Is is tbe oaty tk* Ttttlie AT THK tfcaaira ALHAMB R A 2E —i tbtßTgT Tha Hail for Muiic and Features aarrad aaaanaM- muif noio, tmrfmt tail**. lotarvali A GOLDWYN—REX BEACH SUPER PRODUCTION Bepplerrented by
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    • 138 3 TO-NIGHT TO-NIOHT AT THE "LIBERTY" HALL, LTD., NORTH BRIDGE RO YD. M YBTERY MYSTERY I MYdTERY I! CAN YOU SOLVE THEM Who <■ AVION In Garter Caa* 7 Who ii IRON FOOT in Screaming Shadow y The 2nd Show at 9 is p.m. Ben Wilton 80 per B«riel THE SCREAMING
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    • 354 3 Hundreds tamed away, thousands oomlng. B-» Bare to See Vitat rsph'e Newest andj Greatest 30 R el lerM SMASHING BARRIERS William Duncan's Lateet an 1 Bret In Fifteen Episodes. Albo f aturiDg Edith Johntton and Jje Ryan 3 Episodes Weekly» Changed ev*ry Friday. TO NIGHT'B PROGRAMME. At 7.30 **THE BR
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  • 195 4 Ireland is definitely offered Dominion Home Rule—almost complete selfgovernment within the Empire. On!y Sinn Fein acceptance is now necessary to peace. The Silesian question is provoking much difference of opinion at the Paris Conference—the story of a troublesome triangle. Mr. Lloyd George is described as being in great
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  • 43 4 DEATH. Khoo —On AngQat 10, at he> pt§i.»fLO*», No, 48 5, Q «ylang-rosd. Kbro Kit Si«w, widow of lb at« Suns Hoot Ebiaui. Ag«d 7j y*''- Cortpg* will leave Riderc tt 7 30 *.m. on FtiJby, for Bidadurt Cemetery, 118 118
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  • 972 4 The more we read of the doings of the Committee of the Straits Settlements Association, the more do we find justification for the accusation of faltering which we have on several occasions brought against them. For the most part they are timid gentlemen who appear to have no
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  • 922 4 The area alienated for mining in Perak at the end of 1920 was 130,259 acres. Riga, Aug 9.—Preliminaries have been taken for the conclusion of a commercial treaty between Finland and Latvia.—Reuter. The Central Engine Works are anpeehng against Mr. Justice FarrerManby's decision in their action against Dr. Braddon. Mr.
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  • 838 4 v> i^eb.^.' fr Bargain hunting, lt JR ed, but it might be buter steeplechase, with short or 1 4 and low or high jumps may be, and as often a, not the ditch. The "tuan" «U pared to the horse and the w** the rider. The horse u
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 225 4 A REAL HELP To ago complexion IS THE REGULAR USE OF A Sorbo ijfn Sponge The Kost Absorbsnt Bubbsr Spoon Medium Size No. S $1.35 Large No. 4 $2.50 Extra Large No. 4 R $3.50 ROBINSON Co.. Ltd. (Incorporated in Singapore.) SINGAPORE. A LUBRICANT FOR EVERY PURPOSE. O JlJjjl'lß, N
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    • 288 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., Incorporated in the stnito Settlement*, 36. PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. The eaooeesful Tenderer! for the sapply of is Artiolei and Eogineera Btor*n to ihe Siagajore Municipality for the period ending Slit Deoembor, 1921. New Bhipmente Just RtaO«iv«d, Tale Bronse Lever Padlocks, Y*dw and Tuwnio Chain Puiiey Blocks,
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  • 250 5 Dominion Status With Some Reservitkns, Will Sinn FUn Accejt Reuter. London, Aug 9—lt is rtlijbly rf pirted from Dublin that the terms v bicb Mr Lloyd George offered to Mr De Valera irclade Domioiou r.asa for Ireland, wbo wid also complexly conTol her own policing M -i
    Reuter.  -  250 words
  • 139 5 Question of its Scope. Reuter. London, y—In a measage (rem London to the fbilaacipni» tao.ic Colouol Huuae deoi«xe« tnai Japau's acceptance ot tlic Waahiugtoa was bot lu Bureterved aa it be, but, ber lUiaaoen are provcrotaily cautioua. Sae prubably cloea bun wiab to be ldd into a uiscujhiou
    Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 87 5 Reuter. Berlin, Aug y—ihe Beer* n ecirier" states coat a Ham bo message declares an extraordinary general meeting of the Renuei Tanning and Dye works Company on Bept 12 will consider proposals tor t transfer of the entire concern t< tbe Forts al Land, Timber aid Railways Compauy,
    Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 55 5 Reuter. Washington, Aiu 9 —Tbe commia. lioner general of the Bureau cf ltu m:*raiion ;.a- o-dared tnat the iini ,-»lis in excess of the Jul, m, now held up at vaiious pons besduiitei under a pers nal bonrt, and caarged io tbe year's to al* lborder admits
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 42 5 Reuter. London, Aug 9—Scotland Yard ku iasaad a statement that tbe policare satisfied that the Stratford fire i» not connected wi h unemployment. The fire broke out a quarter of a aile from tbe place where tbe met domonatraied.—Rent er,
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 213 5 Sfoteh Lady from whom no Secret is Hidden. People with a secret past will not w »nt to meet Mary McGregor. Miss McGregor has the gift of second sight, »nd the candour to tell one all she be it good or evil. She is a Highland
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  • 156 5 A Parliamentary Episode. Reuter. London, Aug 9 —I n the Houae of .ommuo,, *n reply to qu.ationa, Mr <h*mbetlaiu »Dlou o.d »h*t pi, Jamet. K idd, G C M G, would oe ibe tnird rt prea-oia.»*,, vt uriuio Va Q 01 N ti ,n a eaibly,
    Reuter.  -  156 words
  • 24 5 Reuter. L bore, Au< 9 —The prieet in tbe he Naokar asat io case Las oategori. ally denied the allegations meution♦*u yesterday.—
    Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 210 5 Liquidator's Report Adopted. A general meeting of the Mergui Rubber Estates Limited was held at noon yesterday at the French Bank Buildings. Mr. C V Bailey (liquidator) presided and others present were Mr. W A Sims and Mr. C Everitt. In his report to the shareholders the
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  • 164 5 We regret to learn that the death occurred at about seven o'clook tbia morning, at bi> residence in Oxle)road, of Father Jules Beaeblat, the Prucureur Mission® for Singapore. Death doe t be»rt failure. Fa'her Be>>ublat had complained of feeling unwell a If* days ago, but a
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  • 769 5 MOMENTOUS MEETING OPENS. Conflicting Views. Reuter. Paris, Aug 6 v commuD'qar s.ya ibat the Supr« me Council met at he QiaiDO .ay a..d heard state uientB by tbe commusiun ot expert» 'n Upper 8ilesia. Tomorrow ibe ouucii ig hearing tbe Allied blab o immuiaioiiers fnm regard iu(t tbe
    Reuter.  -  769 words
  • 48 5 A large floating dock, constructed by the Yangtze Engineering Works at Seven Mile Creek, was successfully completed and launched a fortnight ago states the "Central China Post.'' The new floating dock will prove a great convenience for the carrying vessels ia tbe upper vwmm m in Mmm+M
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  • 217 5 Stolen Jewedery Case. At the resumption of the common jury cases at the Assizes this morning before the Chief Justice, Sir Vv alter fc> Shaw, two Mokien Cninest named Chew Chwee. Lhov/ and Ya i> Boon Chuan were charged v/itn tnej; as servants. It wa3 alleged that on
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  • 249 5 Mr. Burkill's Interesting Address. A meeting of the Singapore Natural History Society was held at tne Museum on Monaay, at 4.4o p.m. Major J C Moulton, president, tooi. tne chair. Twenty-tnree niemoers auu visitors were present. Ihe hon. secretary read the minuter of the last meeting and gave
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  • 165 5 Tbe iLqaeat inu. tbe cuiuiustanct. of the biOtal murdei, lu wtflou 3lkh woman li la alleged was k'iltt. uy her husband's cousin m Buk> tr'asob, on Tlui aday morn ng Us was opened io tbe Coronet's coOi yesterday, betore Mr K U buB.'bi, .ne accasud betug present
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  • 140 5 A London cable of Aug 8 to the Times of Ceylon states that copra prices are rising, there being sellers of Aug.—Oct at £39. Mr A E Cow, oi the Mercantile Bank of India, who ia now on leave, from Penang, attended a conference with piece gcods firms «i U*
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  • 167 5 HOCKEY. A P C DRAW WITH ST AFFORDS. Yesterday's hockey game, A P C vs. btanords, resulted in a draw of two goals all. The Staffords were one up at the interval, the point being scored by their inside left. Immediately on resuming, the inside right of the staffs
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  • 34 5 S A F C TOURNAMENT. Messrs. Oh Boon Chye and Chua Cheng Yew will meet in the final of the Straits Asiatic Football Club uilliards championship tournament on Sunday, at 2 p.m. sharp.
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  • 369 5 MACPHAIL CO.'s WEEKLY REPORT. Singapore, Ab 6 aU.—The market ?'oaca brui bu< uall, Rubber price» .tave improved siigotij witn a battel j. uuaiid. Verj 11 ue variation baa •km pi»ct lu Sb»re Valuta, iu*i\ei, Ut. iii'fca b«<bg <uiali p>iceia nu opened weasti a. lujpiovt a Co. a.dct«Ui) 1 .ter.
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  • 277 5 A sickly-looking Chinese of the coolie class tell down, apparently in a nt, opposite tbe Lurope Hotel at auout 6.40 tais morning, and rolleu ior some distance along tbe road. Eventually, when in a state of seminudity, bis further gyrations were stopped by a Maiay p.c. on point duty, and
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  • 32 5 Frwe Water hMM Ca, LttL Singapore, Aag H. To-day's closing robber qootatioaj *re aa under S-*w Yu< a ott. iondon J i. mgspore 2*1 ce. oo« of the Aiarket:— Steady.
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  • 44 5 IS o'clock noon, Aag 11. Pale Bibbed. Orepe Smoked Bb, Closing Prions Closing Prieea Bay era Sellers Bnyttt 8ell«rs. .pot 29 30 30 81 Oot to Do 32} 83 Tone of market —Sttady. Tin to-day $79.50 75 tons sold.
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  • 56 5 Singapore, Aag 11. •n LondonBank 4 m/i S/4 Demand 2<3 .1/1 Private 8 m/i 5,4 7/16 >n India— Bank T. T. 175| >n Hongkong— Bankd/d 19;% p >n Shanghai Bank d/d 6U )v Java— Bank T. T. 13f§ On JapanBank d/d 86 rate $6.54 **nk of England rate 3$
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  • 142 5 The combined meeting of the Moslem Association and the Moslem Institute, for the election of new officers, has resulted thus: President, Syed Abdul Rahman bin Shaik Alkaff. Vice-presidents, Messrs. A M S Angnllia, S Haji Mohamed, Shaik Salim bin Mohamed bin Talib, snd Haji Ali bin Haji Mohamed
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 147 5 UREN AND CO. Auctioneers, Valuators, House, Land and General Commission Agents. The above Company, having started bus.ness in Singapore as Auctioneers, Valuators, House, Land and General Commission Agents, is now open to undertake all classes of Auctioneering, Real Estate work and general buying or selling commissions of every description. Personal
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    • 347 5 [pRASEB CHALMEBQ Cn«lr»«-*r!ng Work*. Magnet Bouse, 8f a ad 63. BoMdsob Bead. Slagipore. i" Everything Electrical." PROPRIETORS, s— the General Electric Co., ltd (Iaeocporatoa io flngiaad.) m Wo bog to advise our many customers that "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" Records have been reduced in Price. Plum Label $2.50 and $3.50. Black
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  • 1028 6 BOXING. LAST NIGHT'S CONTESTS. Hard hitting and very keen fighting were prevalent in last night's I boxing tournament held at the Palladium. Altogether, there were eight fly-weight contests and eight bantam weight fights. Some contests were so even that Mr. R H Gale, who performed the duties of referee,
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  • 704 6 INTER-SCHOOL SPORTS FINALS. The weather was fine, and not too hot, for the finals of the Singapore Inter-School Sports on the S C C ground yesterday. Competition was very keen, the preliminary heats having judiciously weeded out the best from among the large number of competitors. As expected, Raffles
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  • 95 6 MR. 8ARKIES' CUP. Mr. Arshak Sarkies baa very generously offered a Silver Cup to the wanner of tbe Autum Handicap to be run on the second day of the forthcoming meeting in Singapore, and in connection with the Spring meeting of 1922, Mr. Sarkies has intimated his intention
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  • 405 6 SINGAPORE OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP. Yesterday's Play. Koizumi beat Chua Choon Leong, 6—2, 6—0. Hall beat Aeria, 6—0, 6—3. Only two games were played last evening, and one of them saw another Japanese victory. We have not yet seen Tokio Koizumi play, but his performances show him to possess real
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  • 111 6 TOURNAMENT AT TAIPING. On Friday an American Tournament was piayed between the Penang, Burma Rifles, and Taiping Polo Clubs on the Taiping polo ground. The result was decided by .the total number of goals scored. Burma Rifles proved the winners with a credit balance of three goals, Penang were
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  • 79 6 AUSTRALIANS DEFEAT WARWICK. Reuter. London, Aug 9.—At Birmingham, Warwickshire made 118 in the second innings. McDonald took 6 for 52. The Australians won an hour after the lunch interval by an innings and sixty-one runs. COUNTY MATCHES. Derbyshire beat Leicestershire by 172 runs. Gloucestershire beat Worcestershire by 200. Lancashire
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 180 6 A» the Em.ire to night tbe seornH show will bye the 6ret four episode? »f tb* serial A Figh» for Millions,' «1 well as the first two chspters of The Woman in the Web Th* Trembling Hour six parts) and Boal episode of The Silent Avenger" will be
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  • 772 6 Latest Price* Quoted ia the Market, Singapore, Aug 11. Messrs. Lyrll and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the fellownig list of quotationa. Rubber. Dollar ftharea. Issue Values Buyeas Sellers 1 Allenby 0.20 0.30 1 Alor Gajah 1.00 1.25 2 Amalgamated Maly 1.50 2.00 5 Ayer Hi
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  • 42 6 Our national habit of running ourselves down" will receive an agreeable shock when distinguished American engineers present the Johr Frits medal, the highest honour in the gift of American engineering, so Sir Robert Hadfield, the famous British ironmaster, says the "Daily Mail."
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 266 6 N. D. H. 0. WILLS. CASTLES, TheseiiCigarettes are sold Jr ~"~"Tpj in three sizes:— jl 1 am \\m\\m\\Mj ORDINARY SIZE "MAGNUMS'* HfiHt "SUPER MAGNUMS" "^tSSjl "6ANDY" BELTIN6. Th* original Red Cotton Bolt, with anti-friction edge. AWARDED OVER FORTY F RST CLASS MEDALS *ND DIPLOMAS. GANDY'S HAIR BELTING. Made fr jra
      266 words
    • 49 6 Tb« Overs* s Assart" 1 Corporal* (iDco/poratca iv tbe mmm Notice if herd) fHJ Meeting of th, JJjk-J bove Com, eny, 7, H( ,oc* he Regi.t*r«i Offio; of „.ny, m No. 30, rbu B i«y, the loaddj vl 4 11 3. b.w. BvO.der rf^fj iiLgabore, 10th Ao#o*, Jf 11
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 533 6 IT WILL MAKE YOU HEALTHY Al\D ACTIVE. f\ f I M MULLER A V ID HIPPR (MALAYA) Lri. Boja lunr.N.-np Mails Close, To-day, August 11. Bangkok Doribst 2 p* Kemaman, K. Dungun Treaj. ff&nu Honr Ho 2 p. Batavia Konigin der Nederiander p» Penang,* Rangoon Calcutta Gregory Apcsr 2 p*
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  • 693 7 Trotsky on World's Economic State. ''Third International" Meeting. Moscow (via Manchuli), July IS.— In his report on the economic situation of the world delivered at the Third Congress of the Third International, Mr. Trotsky referred to the statements of Mr. Hughes, Secretary of State of the United States
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 113 7 Uncharged I Any IJLpa'rad j Battery \\U^ i Phone No. 670. 9 THE PATENT PATCHQDICK Co. (General Engineering Works.) No. 26 3 OBGHA.RD ROAD AND Nob. 1 2 OAVlNAGH ROAD, SINGAPORE I PROVED BEST V TILE FDR THE TRDPICS \J Send Your Enquires to, 1 1 Ets BROSSARD MOPIN I
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    • 104 7 "To Landlords and all Requiring Houses or Apartments." The SlraiU Employment Registry, in response to numerous requests, has now opened a House ft Estate Department, and invites applications for Houses, Flats or Rooms, also particulars of such available for tenancy. The Kegistry is also prepared to undertake the Collection of
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    • 149 7 Capstan Quality N ever Y aries YEARS may come and years may go but Capstan Quality never varies and this same quality like Tennyson's brook will continue—to go on for ever. At least, every end* avour will be made to maintain the High Standard that has won such favour. CAPSTAN
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  • 1672 8 Where Oil is Supreme and CoaJ Is Despised. Very Pleau nt Ul.nd. Of all the Dutch colonial possessions m the East probably there is none richer in natural wealth, square mile for square mile, than the small island of Tarakan off the north east coast of Dutch Borneo.
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  • 183 8 The untitled for th* »onth of July .howa that th* avarage sataa in circulation July amounted to Tha 1 coin portion waa 37 miliioaa, aad tha 1 invested portion 46 millions. Exciting scenes were witnessed at Swatow when the local branch of the Banque Industrielle de Chine suspended payment. Rioters
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 490 8 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS WAR LOAN, 1921. Issue of $20,008,100 Loan. B.«ring interert from the date of pareku. 7 REPAYABLE AT PAR ON MAY 1, 1926. Free of income Tax aod other Duties Price of Issue 100—par coot. M. t iS Ordinance. either to able by delivery. la 7 Bamt will be
      490 words
    • 466 8 Saves coaf_of boftlcs Pays for ifself ojithin 3 mortifis in any Hotel or Cafe 10 YEARS' SUFFERING: THEN RELIEF AFTER THE FIRST DOSE. Many sufferers of kidney and bladder disorders will be elated to know that their inability to jo" ta with other people who fol °ow their daily routine
      466 words
    • 209 8 -I' OAKLAND 2 r I Judge the actual value of the Oakland Sensible Six by I THF aoy stftndard you choose —dependable daily service, I L riding comfort, marked savings in fuel and tyres, or the TH p 1 moderate purchase price. I Each and every one of these e-rphasizes
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 529 9 P.*o.-Br!tishlndia 'and APCAR LINE. INCORPORATKD• IN ENGLAND) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Oriental S N. 00. Ualer Contract with His Majesty's Government. THE COMPANY'S MAIL SEBVICEB EAST OF BOMBAY are st prsssnt suspended, sj LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Dua SINGAPORE. Khiva about Sept 6 Bfrdicia about Sept 21
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    • 481 9 mtmtmmwmmmmmm Passengers and Freight Services Operated by Pacific Mail Steamship Co. 'Incorporated ia US A J FOR AOCX)DNf OF THE U 8, SHIPPING BOARD SAN FBANCIStO—MAWLA-EAaT INDIA. BAILINGB FROM BINOAPORB. For Calcutta vu Colombo. Granite State Passenger, and Freight Aug U Creole State Passengers and Freight Fept 13 WolTerine State
      481 words
    • 515 9 Straits Utansbii 10., ltd Steamers intended to sail from Singapore Kinta—Monday 4 p,m., for Port Swettenham and Penang. Hya Leong—Monday, i 30 p.m 'oi Malacca and Muar. Kaka Tuesday, 4.30 p. m., for Malaooa and Muar. Waanaaday, 4 pm. for Swette nam and Peaang Hebe Thursday. 4 p m for
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    • 345 9 O. S. K. TH tola Stall Üblt, LIMITS), (laeorporatod ta Japaa.] NO. I DM SOUZA STRUT. PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. (Subject to thaage withevl aetiee.) EUROPHAN LINE. For PORT SAID, MARSEILLES, LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. Himalaya Maru arr Aug 22 dap 23 Alaska Maru arr. Sept 14 dep. 15
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    • 599 9 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan j Oeeei Nail Contract with tht I-perl«l Japaatta Qevaraaaaot (Subjaot to Alterations without Notion) London Line Porlnifhll F Service Fo^i? NI)ON ANTWBBP via (MALACCA) PENANQ COLOMBO, SUEZ, POBT SAID A MARSEILLES. A« g ii ESS. ma 19 MishimaMaru Aug 24 BadoMaru Sfp 7 Liverpool
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 509 10 WANTED. WANTED —A Linotype Oparttor to w >rk on Model 14 maohine. Speed end accuracy in work necessary. Written spp)io»tioni, with one recent testimonial proving cape Hlity, naming aalary re quired to Manager. Malaya Tribune. 26 5 un W A N T E D.—Lady Asstatsnt Superintendent, Si. Mary's Home, Singapore,
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    • 507 10 NOTICE. NOTICE. NEW FILIPINO BRASS BAND AND ORCHESTRA Available for all occasions. Good and Capable Musicians. Terms moderate. Apply at 99 Bencoolen Street, (Lorong Pantei) G. UNDASAN, 98 89 TIE MILICCA lUBIEI TIEITIIB CO., I TO. Ia 1 iqu-dation.) Tsk* no»ic a tbst a mating of oreditors of the above
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    • 539 10 BANKS. SZE HAI TONG BANKING INSURANCE CO, LTD. (Incorporated in the Straits S. S.) HEAD OFFICE 68, KLING STREET, SINGAPORE. Estsbished 1907. Paid-up Capital $2,000,000 Surplus 890.000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Saab Eng Lim, Eaq.—Chairman. Lee Wee Nam, La 4 —Deputy Caairman. Chan Tack Hee, Esq. Ong Chow Keag, Eaq. Teo
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    • 538 10 BANKS. TBUi WO BONG BAN 11« LTD, H 'lAD OFFICE: •4, Market Street. BRANCH **S; *b fa, act Street Maiicca 131 Joahar Street. 5?" 79 Suleimaa. Batu Pahat-. 109 Jalaa Rahemat, AGENCIES AT: London, New York, San FTaaaiaeo, Sauna, Sourabaya, Bemaraag, Shaagnai, Hongkoag, Amor, palaav oaag aad Irang. CAPITAL. Artkwleed
      538 words
    • 547 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid op Capital in 600,000 6haras of £6 each $4,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,600,000 Reatrv fl Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 BANKERS, Bank of Eng lead. London Joint City aad Midland tfank, Ltd. London County Westminster aad Parr's
      547 words
    • 270 10 INSURANCE, The Overseas Issnranse Ltd. Teephone No. 2573 Head Office: lit Floor, Me, SO, Kling Btree\ SING Al ORE. 39 B—M 12 8 THE EASTERN UNITED ASSURANCE. CORPORATION LIMITED, (Incorporated Ia the SJJ.) HEAD OFFICE: SINGAPORE, BOARD OF DIRECTORSi Tan Kb ram Hock, Esq. (Chairman.) See Teoag Wab. Eaq. (Vice
      270 words
    • 402 10 Ecoiemy is EsrentU! Dariug tb*> &»reeeni eMsap. |i ie t'B lt> n«-b'-i.v it ti it th© < the 0 to way in woko k o tcoi.oUiiae iw iv use OIL STOVES with one, two, tbn»e or four burners, ban Kt-roseri«, snd is most Hjouctntcal. STOCKED BY BAN LEE' ANN, Lt(.
      402 words
    • 436 10 MALAYA TRlljJj PAYABLE Per annum Half-yearly N t«j Per quai'ier Single Copy 5 *H Postage Extra 5u cts To Foreign J*} [A Subscript found on page gi *m I VERY MAXV -TRIBUNE kEA Y D Depend upon lire* *ju*7 •uretnem on day, eWasISS the £L«3 fjjftga tea lepptT^ REGLLAK
      436 words