Malaya Tribune, 8 August 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
  • 28 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. (EVENING DAILY Vol. VIII. No 184 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, AUGUST, 8, 1921 FIVE CENTS The Malaya Tribune. MONDAY, AUG. 8, 1921.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 134 1 He MAlM TRIBUNE AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. Phone Ho. 1*7. SUBSCRIPTION RA E3 Payable In Advar e. 0 15 00 nat f yearly p #r quarter a#o Postage Extra 50 cts per reotttfc. j WHITEAWAY, LATDLAW Co., Ltd I (Incorporated in Fnglwd.) SINGAPORE. WILL OFI 3R THE WHOLE OF THEIR STOCK
      134 words
    • 126 1 Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. Incorporated in 9traits Settlements.) ELECTRI AL DEPARTMENT. I Quotations given for complete Electric Lighting Power Installations, e> Full range of Eleotr4l iiipplhe in stock VJ.R. Wires Cables. Metal Filament Lamps. Ceiling Table Fans. I j Fittings Accessories. "DiCtograrlT Telephones. HADSTRONG' Plants, rhe ideal Lighting Set for
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    • 196 1 SUN V COMPANY jj supplies All Photographic Materials AND The Right Place for Amateurs IB Developing, Printing and Enlargement No. 94, NORTH BRIDGE BO AD, SINGAPORE. Phone 660. Do Not Miss This Opportunity j SPECIAL OFFER j Pascaiis Coifectionerg. WZ TmfClob *V M» II .storied $1 •""ted I I I
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  • 876 2 THsJ of Wilts Officer at Hongkong. 1 Jap*r/e Baser! far Direrjes. A Court Martial waa opened at Victoria Barracks, Hongkong, on Jnlj 28, when the accused was Lieut. A E Thompson, 2nd Wilts. Regt., and be was charged with fradulently misapplying regimental funds to his own use
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  • 501 2 BOMS FILM CHAT OF TBI MOMENT. B*€ Film Hot WaatW. It ii said that in London ths day of the vulgar film is rapidly coming to an end. A tour round the West End houses and further journeys in the suburbs proved that the cinema palaces doing the
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  • 93 2 Instead of ''More haste, less •peed, the Japanese lay If In a harry, go roand. Accidents will happen in the beat) regulated families" becomes Even a monkey will sometimes fall from a tree, We say Oil and water will not mix, and they sty, 44 Yon can't rivet
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 782 2 TEETHING TIME NEED NOT MEAN TEAKS. When baby's teeth ere timing through if time of worry to many mmmmmX The rttUt om'i gums beoome swollen and tender; Im If erotj: doei ooiiiMp wall; ia troabled with eonatlpstta», colic or diarrhoea, and sometimes even convulsions seise bim. Daring thif period nothing
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    • 470 2 I PIMPLESOVrBT FACE AND BODY v). Itched and Boned. Lost Sleep. Cuticnra Heak "I had been a tone ufrerer hoTa pimples and blotches all over ray face aad body. They used to itch and born to that I could not sleep at night, and they came to a head and
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    • 158 2 THE RIGHT PLACE TO GO FOR YOUR MICHELIN TYRES All lizes. ALWAYS READY IN STOCK. Stockist:Lim Ch Sens], 17» Cecil Street. OH! HOW IT HURTS. That's what you say about that painful swelling on your knee or elbow. But what are you going to do about it—sit there and suffer
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    • 194 2 vim ii r 'r Be sure a ls^^ "To Landlords and all Requiring Houses or Apartments." The Straits Employment Registry, in response to numeous requests, has now opened a House Estate Department, and invites applications for Houses, Flats or Booms, also particulars of such available for tenancy. The Registry is
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    • 246 2 THE BKST CHEAPEST BEEB in the market BROWN A LAGER SUB-AGENTS WANTED. G. Aurely Co, 28, Holeysc n Green Purchase! Purchase:: For abeut one month onh DONT MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY J. B. LAL. THE ABLE INDIAN PHYSICIAN The public ia assured tf a? splendid preparation of Median for curing
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 356 3 AT THE AR PROTO PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE Tanjong Pagar Road Trams Pass the Door TO NIGHT IN THE SECOND BHOW AT 9.30 PM. Vitagra.jh'd S*r!#l of melodramatic adventure Featuring HEDDA NOVA J. FRANK GLENDON BristliDg wiih aotion and showing wonderful thrlllings and sensational stunts THE WOMAN IN THE WEB In
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    • 475 3 I Tba The 1 .fL **'om SUNDAY, August 7, to FRIDiY, Angost 1«. AlbUObra ia tbe only *U itaitia —Ar TF theatre Orahtitra waa* saaaa cas^Coffea, ««Itb»BFBT The ffat'l for frolic aad Feature) aarvad ■aaoasßH>> Honrs darfng wlaai. latervala A OOLDWYN—REX BEACH SUPER PRODUCTION Supplemented by of interest THE
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    • 147 3 TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT AT THB "LIBERTY" HILL, LTD,, NORTH BRIDGE RO \D. The 2 id Sta-tw at 9 15 pm, REN WILSON. NEVA. GERBER and JOBEPH GIRARD I the moat mystifying and the most lensatiooal of all serial THE SCREAMING SHADOW E hole 7. I iti the D «pth 2 parts
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    • 303 3 mm TO-NIGHT' IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9 15 PM *\Jr THE SERIAL KING, WILLIaM DUNCAN With E li h Johnston and J •>« Ryan Buoc«esful stars of The Fight for Millions aerul in a newer, greater Vitagraph oontinned chapter lay SMASHING BARRIERS Their latest and b*s>, in 15 Essoins,
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  • 214 4 A wide range of subjects of first importance has been discussed at the Imperial Conference, including naval defence. In the House of Commons, Mr. Winston Churchill put the British standpoint relating to the disarmament question. An air of mystery is preserved about the Irish negotiations, and inquisitive M
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  • 893 4 It appears that we have our anti-wasters in Singapore just like the old folk at Home. Certain of the new guard of Municipal Commissioners, dismayed at the heritage which has fallen to their lot, are disposed to hang, draw and quarter (metaphorically) their predecessors in the city
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  • 973 4 London, Aug 4.—General Byng has departed for Canada.—Reuter. Mr P F David, District Judge, left for home on Saturday by the Syria, on eight months leave. Mr M J Hollywood, Chief Detective Inspector, Kuala Lumpur, is ill. He has been brought to Singapore. The administrative headquarters of the Ulu Selangor
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  • 208 4 Death Caused by Scaldin Water.* oca,d n S Chinese on Murder Charge An unusual murder ease cam. Saturday at the kmnxe* Chief Justice, Sir Walt r g when Hoon Kin Yiang. llokien charged with murdering 52 j! Chin by throwing scalding water him. Mr. Langley, DP p,
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  • 204 4 Items for the Agenda. London, Aug 4 —In addition to Silesia, Ihe questions of war criminsj and the continuance of saccioci •gainst Germany in the Near Eau •111 fiioro in tbe agenda of t EI •upreuie Com cil. The sitsstion in the Near East is aathori stive'y consider*
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  • 135 4 Me srs Frsnkels Ltd., fnrtitsre mannfaciQiers aid importers, if Victoria street ar dO ch»rJ r,ad,s*k as to tbenk the public for their continued support, snd bet to inn utef th opei iog of acep>rste depat tra>n: a*, their O'cbaid-road premises as -cctioneere, value is and estate agents
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  • 100 4 Supplementary orders of the day 'or this afternoon's meeting of the Legislative Council will include a question by Mr. Song Ong Siang as to whether Government will consider the advisability of repealing those clauses of the AliA Enemies Wind-ing-up Ordinance, 1914 and Amending Ordinances which prohibit the sale,
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  • 133 4 The head of Confucius, the famous Chinese philosopher, a camel, and a pagoda are to take the place of the junk of the present issue on different values of the new Chinese postaga stamps. The French Legation at Peking kas notified the Waichiaopu that Franca has appropriited 500,000 francs for
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 423 4 •NEW HUDSON" UGHT WEIGHT MODEL DE LUXE MOTOR CYCLE. i-SPEED, C. A V. MAGNETO, OUNLOP TYRES, IMPROVED OILING A model you can buy with satisfaction assured. i Complete with Lucas Lamp and Horn. and valarc s. PRICE $T5O. Br, monnt THE ARISTO HAi OF IHE ROAD. 4 New shipment of
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    • 281 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., Incorporated is the Straits fiettlt-ment s. 36, PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. The Buoceai ul Tendereri for the 8 tpj ly o* tjUo 'L\n on Ar and KnB to the Municipality tor the period ending 3ia. Deo tmber, 1921. New Shipments Just Received. Yale B.on*r Ltver Padlock*, Yolh
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    • 26 4 IDomcstic Occurrence. BIRTH. Ou G b A feint Hi U&* A»'<»t-»bi.j Hoi, II»'. Sing porr, to Mr. k M.f. Q. a. a §on. «8 8 8
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  • 366 5 Starving Hordes Wandering Over the country. Urgent Appeal for Relief. Reuter. London. Aug. 4.—A Copenhagen telegram says the situation in Russia is ver y alarming and is growing more acute daily. Throughout the deserted areas whole villages are on fire, »nd it is estimated that already ten
    Reuter.  -  366 words
  • 266 5 Imposing Funeral. Reuter. Naples Augas» 4.—The late a'gnoC»nsoß body has been md ig lyios iv a chapelle ardente there it has b*eo ▼ieited by crowds Hsodreds of wreaths and telegram* of condolence have been reoeiveo from ill over the world. Tb c Kin k bit «uthorisel the
    Reuter.  -  266 words
  • 105 5 Reuter. Washington, Aug 4,—It is under *°od that President Harding baa Wormed the Senate Republican '•aders that be is opposed to earlv Ktion on Senator Borah'a Bill, re •to'ing f rf e tolls to American coasters "to*" tbe Panama Canal. Preaident airding i decision is believed to
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 82 5 Reuter. London, Aa,. 4 Lloyds mes<ehom Perim Japanese V**'* Snuutra Maru passed with her cargo. It is presumed she "Proceeding to Aden.—Reuter. iri! D D AB Aden telethon, tbe ownf,s of the Siam for. r L ,t te fcbat tbe ""Ml b»* her and two full *'ioJ r
    Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 29 5 Reuter. 5-Th* Nor la ?e naent- has accepted all »»*emV 0f be *r*d* N °<»e«ul p J? arel »y tbe Ru8«o. -Hester gftli u a Stoekhilm.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 145 5 Revived Export Trade. Reuter. London, Aug 4.—A coal glat in Great Britain in the near fature is 'he prediction of the London Coal Exporters* Association, in a ktuM o the Premier proteetiLg agtinst the present high price*, wbich are militating against t xport and against tudustry. The letter
    Reuter.  -  145 words
  • 128 5 Reuter. London. Ang 4.—ln the Houje of CommoDP, Ojl Archer Bbee pressed for a definite t+teinent regarding he Sinn Fein negotiations before the Recess, at least at a secret si eeiun. Mr Chamberlain declined, whereupon Col Archer-Sbee asked whether the rebels h d been given a time limit
    Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 111 5 Reuter. London, Aug 4.—Field Marshal Wilson was nearly drowned while par:icipating in a yacht race at Cowes. He was swrpt overboard by heavy seas He was wearing high legged rubbers and r il*kins but being a good sw mmer tucceeded in keeping »float until, a rescue could be
    Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 112 5 Reuter. London, Aug. s.—ln the course of a newly-published book at Berlin, entitled Hohenzollern," Heining, an official of the Prussian finance ministry, shows that since the armistice Prussia has advanced sixtynine million marks to the ex-Kaiser on the security of his property in Germany. Heining refers to
    Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 1553 5 The Defence Question. ViUUorjs DECISIONS reached; Reuter. that; the d,scuss,ons at the Imperial [Conference, which concludes toZT W '7 hen the e P° rt wi be finally adopted, have covered a con"2" ran c th *n has been mdicated by the me offid accounts. tr< 2 ne the
    Reuter.  -  1,553 words
  • 57 5 Lever Bros workmen in Japan, possibly fearing being turned off in bad times, possibly insolence, have lashed themselves with speeches into Resolutions demanding recognition of the union, a minimum of fifty days pay for six months service when dismissed, with half of these allowances in case of voluntarily leaving, and
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  • 193 5 Mr. Churchill's Views. Reuter. Lordon, Aug Cortinaing the debate on the Naval Estimates in the House of Commons, Mr Wioiton Obarobill Mid that oar hope in the Washington Conference was sincere and intense. Oar interest therein waa superior to that of almost any other power, bat unless the
    Reuter.  -  193 words
  • 128 5 Reuter. London, Aug .5—An Important n'«p in the direction of equality of tbestxes waa taken in the House of Commons when a resolution waa moved by Sir K Home and aoani raoudy adop*ed providing that after a transitional period of three years women would be admitted to
    Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 65 5 Reuter. Madrid, Aug 5—A communique says tbe Spanish troops have occu pied Restinga, iv Morocco, and have driven tfl the enemy attacking Sukelarch. The enemy hid heavy losses. Soldiers who have escaped from Zeluan report that *ft<»r the defenders bad surrendered *h ir arms in acoordaoce with
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 55 5 Reuter. London, Aug 4.—An indication of the high commercial s anding of the Qeddes Advisory Committee is shown by the names of the men who are understood ao f r to have been invi ed, including Lords Incboapa, Qolwyn and Paringdon, fir R Piender, Sir R Vaasar Smith
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 293 5 Under the auspices of the A. C. S. Literary Union Dr. Lim Han Hoe delivered a very instructive and practical lecture on Public Speaking" in the A.C.S. Hall on Thursday, at 8 p m before a select audience. The chairman was Mr. H. M. Hoisington who in his
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  • 49 5 The Pacific Mail Steamship Com* pany infom us that the departure j of the s s Wolverine State, for Mani- j la, Honolulu and San Francisco has been deferred to 6 a m, to-morrow. She will sail from the Main Wharf, Godowns 18 to 19. PasaergerB will embark to-right
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  • 31 5 Fred Wateraeeee Co, Ltd. Singapore, Aag 8. To-day's cloaing rubber quetatioas are as wader saa New York.— \K\ oti. London.—Bf 1 Singapore 29 ets. Tone of ihe Market:- Qaiet.
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  • 42 5 12 o'olook noon, Aug 8. Pale Ribbed. Crepe Smoked Sh Closing Pr e-* Closing Prioefl. Bayers d«Hers Bayeii Sellers. Bpot 28$ 29 Sept 29 50 Oo to D o 52 S2i Tone of m rk 4 Qaiet.
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  • 38 5 Singapore, Aug 8. On LondonBank 4 m/i 2/4 Round 2/5 3/4 On HoMlrong— T 175^ OnBhan^ d/d W OnJapan^"- 1 ,3 <* Bankd/d 8U Sovereigns--buying rale 18.54 Bank of England rate jiy «*r tflw In &tsu*W> 3* 8
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  • 88 5 Singapore, August 8. Silver 38%. Hongkong 2?V« per cent premium. Shanghai Three Months Gold $45. Share Market.—Dull. Rubbers.—Practically no business passing. Tms.—Taipings $1.10 to $1.15, Norths $1.35 to $1.42*, Souths 70 to 75 cents, Papans. 65 to 70 cents, Nawngpets $1.37* to $1.45, Rawangs 62* to
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  • 214 5 Herr von Boach, who negotiated the Sino-German Agreement, has been appointed German Charge d'Affaires at Peking. j With the object of awakening people to the injurious effects of cigarette smoking the Anti-Cigarette Society of Canton is planning to inaugurate a city-wide campaign. A large number of persons have joined the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 317 5 P&ASEB CHALMERS Engineering Works. ■•fact Bouse, «1 and 63. lettaaon Bom, siagapora. Everything Electrical:' PROPRIETORS the General Electric Co., ltd I (Incorporated in Bagiand.) We beg to advise our many customers that "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" Records have been reduced in Price. Plum Lebal 18.50 and 13.50. Black L»bal $3.25 and
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  • 466 6 LAWN TENNIS. Reuter. SINGAPORE OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP. To-day's Tiee. At the SCC: E C Milligan vs Chua Choon Leng. R W Sinclair vs R B B Donnell. Asajido Honda vs Tan Toon Hor. C A Norris vs C F Green. At the SRC: J D Hall va Cheong Chee Hai.
    Reuter.  -  466 words
  • 227 6 SCC PRACTICE. "> Reuter. In ths SCC practice match on the padang on ba'urdey Mr R I Solder's .earn beat Mr B J Riches' teem by six raos. Mr Holer's side batted first, making 12 >, Ltea« Renny hitting very Houndy for a fine 59. Mr Rictus' team replied
    Reuter.  -  227 words
  • 29 6 ST. JOSEPH'S OLD BOYS' ASSOCIATION. Entries for the St Joseph's O B j Ping Pong tournament of>en to-day. I Kiev will ooomweee on HUffstlar» .J i LA
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  • 535 6 INTER-SCHOOL SPORTS. The preliminary heats of the Singapore Inter-School sports were run off successfully on Saturday afternoon. The following have qualified to run in the finals on the Cricket Club ground on Wednesday. 100 yards scratch; Class I.—S Shunmugam, ACS; Yunos bin Ahmed, R I; B de Souza, St.
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  • 40 6 X G C CONTEST. The final of the ladies' Empire Dock Cup competition for the year 1921 was played off on Tuesday when Mrs. J Binnie beat Mrs. G R II Webb by one stroke on the last green.
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  • 443 6 SUNDAY'S RACE. After a rest of two wef ks, owing to the h lidayn, ys'erday morning «aw tbe second of the two races for the Rear Cotrmodore's Cap. Ia besaMful weather Messrs Smith «nd Albrecbt started six boats. At ten prompt the Patch slipped over tbe line, holding the
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  • 559 6 THE PALLADIUM CONTESTS. Reuter. Competitors in the boxing contests at the Palladium (Wednesday to Saturday) are required to be in attendance by 8.30 p m. They should call at the Straits Employment Registry t/-morrow before noon for passes for themselves and seconds. Each competitor is allowed one second. New
    Reuter.  -  559 words
  • 34 6 Members of the S R C are reminded that the annual general meeting will be held to-day at 5.30 p.m. at the pavilion. All members are requested to attend.
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  • 120 6 The Empire to-night will have The Woman in the Web" serial and The Trembling Hour" (six parts) as second-show features, and "The Dark Road" (five parts) and the Silent Avenger serial as firstshow special items. Reader* of those popular stories by Rex Beach will see a screen adaptation
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  • 27 6 Eastern Admiral from New York 8-8. Pontianak from Selat Panjang 8-8. Quorra from Trengganu 8-8. Valentijn from Natuna Isles 8-8. Stofawp from DjasaM 7-8.
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  • 823 6 Latest Prices Quoted in the I Market. I Singapore, Aug 2. Messrs. LyrJl and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations. Rubber. Dollar Shares. Issue Values Buyers Sellers 1 Allenby 0.20 0.30 1 Alor Gajah 1.00 1.25 2 Amalgamated Maly 1.50 2.00 5
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 240 6 W. tf It WILLS. THREE [%WĔ CASTLES. These Cigarettes are sold J~ in three sizes: iTb* ORDINARY IZE i "MAGNUMS- teg&jl "SUPER MAGNUMS" J' "GAHDY" BELTIH6. The original ReJ Cetton Belt, with anti-friction edge. AWARDID CVLR FORTY F RST CUSS MEDALS /ND I PL' MAS. GANDY'S HAIR BELTING. Made from
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    • 49 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS TO LEr Two Bhop-houias. lost vacated, at 78 and 80, Omm Street, very suitable for up-to-date General and Robber Baaineaa. For foil oarticolar. apply Ong Ki rn Lian, 2k° P ,ap Hutl Pekln Street, oi K *J Hian, Kay Hlan A Co., Rbfflei Chambers. 11 13 8
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    • 49 6 IN PREPARATION A New Chinese Play En lit,ed Pat Pdb Seong Treasure B<xl Watch for the Oraud Night THE STAB OPIB A AT THE THEATRE North Bridge To-Nlgfat To- N l NO BHOW jurors will pw torlD t H. CHBONG, rVopr** Y. L.T*AN. Manage 'PhnM ISM Fob Sk* 1
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 487 6 Remember Us* Wrigley MUer Every Meal! •IT WILL MAKE YOU HEALTHY AND ACTIVE. MULLER AND (MALAYA) Ltd., 8o'e Distributors. Mails Close. To-day, Aug. 6. Bangkok Redan* 2 p.» Manila, Hongkong, Japan and Vancouver Ixion 2 p.m. Saigon, Hongkong,* Shanghai* and Japan* Cordillere 2 p.# Manila and San Francisco, taking mails
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  • 1163 7 Discussion on Mr. Mutfiston'g Motion. The following motion by Mr*. Mughston was carried at the special TSS f K MUnidpal ftwlWS «L l but 0 of the diacua"t?\ 8 issue: the "port of the sub. J!".' of the Commissioners appointed to consider the question of the allocation of
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  • 276 7 Japanese Benedicts are going to have a hard time, but they will not' be alone for similar treatment is to 1 be meted out to Japanese couples who' have no children. A Bill proposing j the taxation of bachelors and couples without children is to be
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 164 7 i I a Hp charged Any > If L paired Battery nLS d Phone No. 870. THE PATENTjPATCHQUICK Co. (General Engineering Works.) No. 26-3 ORCHARD ROAD USD Nos. 1 2 OAVANAGH ROADf SINGAPORE JL w|r T° be artistically and tastefully yj dossed it is essential that High-Grade Clothes, a most
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    • 99 7 Thia closes on August X5tH. Only 6 Days More. Your Last Chance To Get a Bargain YAM ATO Co/S GREAT SALE SPLENDID VALUE. Cotton Goods WONDERFUL VALUE coloured Cotton Checked Cotton Crepe Crepo New Designs just unpacked will be Assorted Patterns. L°a I her Goods included in the Hale. Usual
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    • 42 7 m DRINK ASAHI BEER. SOLE AGENTS Mitsui Bussan Kaisha. Battery-Rd. Singapore. Wb? auffar the burden of TOOTH-ACHE which can ba relieved almoai immediate)v by consulting K. TSUTADA JAPAAFSE DFNTIST 74, BB afl HAH AH ROAD In fr<>nt of French Church T7TONI 1141.
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    • 151 7 I William Caxton first introduced the printing press into E nglano in the year 1471. After acquiring the newly invmted art of printing at Bruges, he returned to England, the land of his birth, and set up a printing press near Westminster Abbey, "The Game and Fiaye of Chesse" and
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    • 10 7 Sole Aget Him Hin k ci. Sin*! spot 9. t
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  • 746 8 Shipbuilding Achievements at Chinese Port. The Shun hai Dock -nd Engineering Company, whicn recently Uunch edia tunnel screw gunboat, built fur the Italian Government, wai founded 58 yearß ago, and ia well and favourably known for tbe variety of work, both in new construction and repairs, which it
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  • 311 8 Mfssis Sn'jvmau aud To., of Hongkong, repoiton Jul) 16: Since we last went to press on the 2nd iust, we are pW a»ni o be able t i state that there bave pen bigns of a alight hardening in oar marke' freight rtttes. The. rice market iv Hongkong
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  • 276 8 Hongkong has had so much labour adjustment of its own of late that little attention has. been paid to Kobe s shipyard troubles, which resulted Ihe other day in seroius disturbances. The men have been on strike for some weeks and, up to the present, there is
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  • 528 8 Last Year's Good Harvest. The following: appears in the Perak administration report for 1920 Tbe rice harvest was a very good one. The area of land under padi was the highest on record, and the yield per acre was considerably in excess of that of the previous
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  • 93 8 An ambitions attempt to organise a Pan Asiatic League of students for tbe promotion of friendship and. cordial relations among Aalatie racea waa made by tbe Asiatic Students' Association organised by stadrnts of collegfs and aniversities In Tokio, educators, and besineasmen interested in Asiatic nations, reports tbe
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 868 8 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS WAR LOAN, 1921. Issue of $20,000,000 Loan. Bearing MafSjat ftorn the data ef aatrnase at T per cent, per anmn parahie half-yearly on May 1 and November 1. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON MAY 1, 1926. Free of Income Tax and other Duties Price of Issue 100—par cent. Under
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    • 29 8 Michelin Tyres. M further Reduction in Price jj| on and from 4th August. I Cable Cord, Straight Side Cord, and Universal Tread Covers 'are obtainable from all Michelin Stockists.
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    • 308 8 mm OAKLAND STURDYi STURDY Judge the actual value of the o%kUnd Sensible Six by any standard you choose-deoendable daily service, THE riding comfort, marked savings in fuel and tyre*, or the I [It moderate purchase price. Bach and ev*Ty one of these emphasises the exceptional worth of the Oakland. You
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 522 9 P.&0.-Britishlndia AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated m England) HAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Oriental S. IV. Co. Under Contract with His Majesty's Government' THE COMPANY'S MAIL BEBVIOBS *EAST OF BOMBAY are at prtaent suspended, WflUJaI LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPOBB. Khyrer aboutAnc I Sardinia about Sept 21
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    • 463 9 Passengers andSFrelght Services Operated bf Pacific Mail Steamship Co. (looorporated la U.S.A.J KB A OOOUNI OF THE U. 8. SHIPPING BOARD. SAN FRANCISCO—MANILA—EAST INDIA. BAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. For CALCUTTA Via COLOMBO Oranite State Passeßgers and Freight Aug 8, st 5P m. Ie Sute Passengers and Freight t ept 13 Wolverine
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    • 868 9 O.S.K. Tli Ouki Slnsii bbbi, LDUTID. (Iieirpanid fti Jipu.J NO. S D1 80UZA STREBT. PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. (Subject to thaago without attiee.) EUBOPHAN LGS T 1 For PORT SAID, MARSEILLES, LONDON, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. Himalaya Maru arr Aug 20 dep 21 Alaska Maru arr. Sept 14 aep. 15 NEW
      868 words
    • 700 9 nra tim mm (Incorporated in Japan) 0*or Mafl Ceatnut with tba Imperial Japaaesr Qover.icctt (Bubjeot to Alterations without Notice; London Una FortaighM, Pervice *°LjkpNDON ANTWBBP via (MALACCA) PENANG COLOMBO, SUEZ, POBT SAID MAB8EILLES. Yokohama Maru A u Ann !9 Mishima Maru Sado Maru 2 1 bspt < Liverpool Lino For
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 461 10 WANTED. W NTED -Fr»r Business pnrpof*» §2,500 two years' fix d payments 50$ Interest monthly. Good gusrantee **E B. X," c/o Malaya Tribune." 28 8 8 WANTED —A Chinfs* teacher to give E islish L<>seon trf sn Mvlne npsr Cairn H 11 F b qaAlifioation wHI ilo and from 730
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    • 591 10 NOTICE. NOTICE. I NEW FILIPINO BRASS BAND AND ORCHESTRA Available for all c cessions. Terms Mod* rate. Apply 99 Bet oooleu Street, (LoroDg Pan ei^ G. UNDaSAN. 97 8 8 NOTICE. The marriage relationship between Tan Kee Eng, eldest son of Mr. Tan Seng Moh, and Lee Tarn tea, daughter
      591 words
    • 534 10 BANKS. SZE UAI TUNG BANKING INSURANCE CO., LID. (Incorporated ia the Straits 8. 8.) HEAD OFFICE 68. KLTKG STREET, SINGAPORE. Estabished 1907. Paid-up Capital $2,000,000 Surplua SVO.UOO COURT OF DIRECTORS. Saab Eng Lim, Eaq.—Chairman Lee Weu Nam, Es<*. —> cuairaian* Chan Teck Hee, Eaq. Ong Chow KeAg, Eaq. Too Teow
      534 words
    • 537 10 BANKS. Talis, iiO HONG BA.NK, LTD. HEAD OFFIOC: •4, Market Street BRANCHES: ?esaag 86 be»rb Street. Ba.acca 131 Joaaer Street Bust Vi-1* Jatea Stueimaa. j datu Pahat.. 10* Jaian Bjahaaapßj AGENCIES AT: London, New York, San Fraaaiaco, Saiavia, Sourabaya, Sexuaraag, Shaaghai, Hongxoag, Amoy, Psiemaaag aad irung. CAPITAL. Authorised 210,000,000 issued
      537 words
    • 544 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OP INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 600,000 snares of £.6 each $4,000,000 Reserve Fund A «,600,000 tte»erv c Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. London Joint City aad Midland Bank, Lid. London County Westminster aad Parr's
      544 words
    • 246 10 INSURANCE. The Overseas Assurance Corporation, Ltd. Teep s oirC Nr. 2573 Head Office: lit Flcor, N 30, Kliog B.iee», BINQAPORE. 39 B—M 12 8 THE EASTERN UNITED ASSURANCE. CORPORATION LIMITED. (Incorporated Ia tka 8.8.) HEAD OFFICE: SINGAPORE. BOARD OF DIRECTOBSt Tan Kheam Hock, Eaq. (Chairmaa.) Baa Teong Wah, Eaq. (Vice
      246 words
    • 334 10 Ecoeamy is Essential During tb J prts*r i i»'nujp. Ii it aa neo*-esjiry iv he home ai it ia In the < ffic One way in which to colomiee ii to nic OIL STOVES with ODf, two, three or four, humeri. Bun.a K*roßene, and ii moat BTOCKED BY BAI
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    • 519 10 MALAYA tribune AM, SHIPPJ«C_CAZETIE. (EVE.M.NG DAIUg i UxpA PAYABLE IT ADVANCE Per annum Half-yearly Per quarter Single Copy 5 eta Postage Extra 50 cts. ner Foreign countries $1 J«t [A Subscription lorrn will l found on page B.J VERY MANY TRIIiL.NE READERS. Depend upon street seller* for paper, it will
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