Malaya Tribune, 5 August 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
  • 31 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] V AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. C EVENING DAILY, Vol. VIII No. 182 v SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, AUGUST, 5, 1921 FIVE CENTS The Malaya Tribune. FRIDAY, AUG 5, 1921.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 141 1 HE HAL ATA TRIBUNE AND SHIPPING GAZETTE* phone It A. 171 SOBSCBIPTION RATES Payable In Advanoo. Pt F annum OCJ I \%<> p #r quarter —If »75 Postage Extra 50 cts per aaonth. We have recently Installed new and up-to-date machinery which affords us multiplied facilities to meet the t
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    • 25 1 SUN COMPANY supplies All Photographic Materials AND The Right Place for Amateurs Developing, Printing and Enlargement No. 94, NOBTH BRIDGE BO AD. N SINGAPOREPhone §60.
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  • 1156 2 Some Current News and Comments. From, July 1 it has been necessary' for the masters of all ships in which boys under 16 years of age are employed to include in every' agreement with the crew entered into under the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, a list of such
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  • 83 2 Our Penang correspondent wires under to-day's date that the silver jubilee of Father Duvelle was celebrated by special services in the Church of the Assumption, by sports, and various functions. Our I'enang corrorponden* wires that references were made in the Supreme Court there yesterday by Mr [Justice Whitley, Mr Justice
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1123 2 HE GAVE HIS BLOOD. A SOLDIER'S BATTLEFIELD SACRIFICE. Much interest was aroused re** 11 1 b >' n offer £2( > to any bealthy person who would sacrifice P mt blood to save a child's life. Blood transfusion is by no me ns uncommon, and there are many cases that
      1,123 words
    • 557 2 SALE. T« be sold with ut reserve AUCTION SALE OF One Paige M< tor Pus to srit 2>pssengers. Capacity 1J tons, ia excellent condition. At our >-ale-room, No 30, Kling Street, On SATUB if tug 6 at 10 30 an. Can be sen at No 5. c tatnford Road, prior
      557 words
    • 317 2 Purchase! Purchase! For about one month only DONT MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY J. B. LAL, THE ABLE INDIAN PHYSICIAN The public is assured of my splendid preparation of Medicines for curing the following diseases, viz:—Cold, Catarrh, Headache Hemicrania, Earpain, Giddiness, Toothache, Runnning of the Nose, Neuralgia, etc., etc. in less
      317 words
    • 214 2 Cigarettes I The most elegant and* refinedyCigarette, .1' in the. World.' VIRGINIA I 0\ D TABLE DELICACIES I II l) NOTHING FINER BOTTLED or CAtJ NED f W-JM) Vhe finst requisites with CRCSSE &LACKWELL I De/icoctes f C'ual/r'y. Put Sly and freshness of SOUPS iS Vsnet cc cf POTTED
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    • 59 2 THE BEST CHEAPEST 9r BEE H m in the market B. BROWN 4 LAGER. M SUB-AGENTS WANTED. X G Aurely <& Co, X 28, Flalayson Green Ht i B ARB YOU SUFFERING E FROM B Toothache I If SO OOCBult M* J. I X EDA (Bxperfonoed Dentist) B> 41, HIU
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 364 3 I AT THE POPULAR 'BOTO PLAY HOUSE EM'PI RE I Tinjong Pa«r»r Ro »d Trair s Pass the Door From TBURSDvY, Ansa?. 4, to SUNDAY, Augusti7. IN THE SECOND AT '3 30 P M. Wiliiam Daccan and Elith Johnson in a Vitsgr a ph Serial THE SILENT AVENGER In 15
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    • 493 3 Ihe 1116 From MONDAY, August 1, to SATURDVY, August 6. Alhambra AUuamai» i. the only tfceibfttie THE theatre 3: ALHAMBRA jf shtßEBy5 htBE8y Th Hlil ior ~,ic an< eerved -iAC road iarlag iMIWt Intervals IN THE FIRBT BHOW, AT 7.30 IN THE SECOND BHOW COMMENCING 9.15 The Commencement of an
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    • 135 3 TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT AT THE "LIBERTY" H ALL, LTD s NORTH BRIDGE RO ID. The 2ad Show It 9.18 pm. BEN WILSON. NEVA GERBEB and J08EPH GIR\RD In the most mystifyiog and h < most sersitional of all serial THE SCREAMING SHADOW Episode 7. I ito the D pth J parts
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    • 266 3 QUALITY PICTURES CORPORATION Present! The Sovereign of the Soreen FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN AND LOVELY JBEVEKLY B\YNE In the Stirring Metro Wonder Pl»y IN THE DIPLOMATIC SERVICE Presenting a vivid story of lov* <md intern ational pcli ics direoted by Boahman himself. Aloog with A Startlit g IJfssM Drama A WOMAN
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  • 204 4 Anti-waste indignation has alarmed the Coalition Government, and they are to submit their expenditure for revision by a committee of business men. Government wireless propaganda appears to be somewhat crude, and it is suggested that it should be hand, ed over to real news distributors. The war medal
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  • 846 4 There is general satisfaction at the judgment in the shipping requisition case. It is a proof that under British rule justice is always procurable, even though at the caprice of autocratic individuals the process may be made tedious and expensive. The Eastern Shipping Co. have at last
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  • 377 4 The Hon. Mr. Duncan goes Home by the mail steamer at the end of this week. Messrs. Beyer and Company (P O Box No. 65) have commenced business as brokers in Singapore. Lord Northcliffe is expected to visit China and Japan on his return from Australia in the autumn. The
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  • 1200 4  -  BY "QUIZ." The Editor has released me again. It seems that news first" is his slogan, and that I had to be put under restraint some months ago because there was so much of the beastly stuff and so little space to get it in. Those extra
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  • 475 4 The Kinta Sanitary Boad untitled commended that the Sikh Temp* i: fronoh be exempted from assessment The death occurred on Aug 3, Taiping of Mr. William Van Dor. draughtsman, Sanreyi r General s aepaitment, Kuala Lumpur. A cable has been received from London stating that I A ilayhew. the son
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 295 4 "NEW HUDSON" LIGHT WEIGHT *HODFL DE LUXE RCTOR CYCLE. 2-SPEED, C. A V. MAGNETO, DUNLOP TYRES, IMPROVED OILING* A model you can buy with satisfaction assured. Complete with i ucas Lamp and Horn. L,w bnilt Hp hill or frame with jm mm •ii' down yon will p ia rs gn
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    • 341 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., Incorporated ia the Straita Settlement!. 36, PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. The 800ct»«sfnl Tendareis for sir supply of -3 -Un -o m Artiolt-s ami E i»*rs rftoref io th* Sngip>re WlnHlfilitjr for the period «h.ig Sim L>do<uib -r, 19 J I. New Shipment! Just Received, Ye if Brorae
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  • 249 5 Abandonment ef Restriction Advocated in Ceylon. The R. 6. A. i Protest. Oar Kuala Lumpnr correapont 1 «nt wir.f the following important news weer to-dsya date The Colombo correspondent of the "M»1»J wire 01 011 rt bl« states that the Rubber Growers' Aviation, replying to a cable
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  • 196 5 Discussion in Parliament. Reuter. LondoD, Aag o\—JompUints were nctutlj maae in the Norwegian Pigment that informaiiou supplied bj Ml British Foreign Office io the S. wti»gu Uoveiumout w*a belaud inc. aureluble, and biassed m icordauce with the views of tht Br. ith It was published t. au>
    Reuter.  -  196 words
  • 92 5 Reuter. Kassa, Aug. o. —Caruso's doctors ■Ml tnat he died of an abscess beMms the diaphragm and liver. There no question of purulent peritonitis for wnich he was operated on swas. times in .-inierica. 'iue operahtwesei, had not removed the se« of infection. i'he newjpapers state that Caruso
    Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 45 5 Reuter. London, Aug. 3.—ln the House of Commons at question time Mr. Chambulain stated that the date of the aaAsagtea Conference had not been ked. No question of postponing it ksl been raised. The British relassst stilts had not yet been ftasen.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 63 5 Reuter. «don, Aug 2.» In the House of r.mohs, response to questions there were any prospects of ftsaauog tne prewar mail routes to *t E*r East, the Rt Hon F G Kell»v»y said there were no immediate Pf'specta of again utilising the •-aenan route, as it
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 43 5 Reuter. Aug 3.—The burial of "'nenca's unknown warrior will be on Armistice D\y. A British mother hat her son in the war will WJsd and deposit a wreath of Bri- i I ««n bent to America preserved m froasa state.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 25 5 Reuter. fc Jf"jJ*i Aug. 3.—The Premier has at Criccieth, and received a s:t from General Macready, with m fc lengthy conversation.
    Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 16 5 Aug. 3.—An international PSl* a 9 De «a organised hare f| *>iiMMisiii> mm
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  • 166 5 The Matter Again Raised. Reuter. London, Aug 3. —In the House of C /mnions, tne Hon. Air. Gideon Ai array declared tnat memoers oi tne acxence lorces oi tne Crown Colonies rrotectorates wmcn nad not been UiOneU omciany as in a tneatre oi war, were considerably
    Reuter.  -  166 words
  • 129 5 To Help the Cabinet. Reuter. London, Aug 3.—ln the House of commons, replying to Mr. J Jet wyne», bir X Home stateu tnat the Cabinet had concluded tnat it would cc of great assistance to tnem to i.. c tne auvice oi a special committee pf business men
    Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 76 5 Says the report on Perak for last year The revenue for 1920 amounted to 37,681,352 as compared with iJ6,181,719 in 1919, and an estimate al $31,645,810. The expenditure was $60,786,373 on mW estimate of $47,495,672. On January 1, 1921, the States assets were $51,658,636 and ita .labilities $1,021,302.
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  • 151 5 Mohamed Salleh Marican a money caanger, reports that jewellery to tne value of $310 waa lost from his house M Wednesday morning. A very interesting detective story is in the tana* «*J „t the Alhambra entitled "The Turn of W "T' The picutre has a strong psychological St Harold Lloyd
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  • 192 5 Another Tamil on Murder Charge. Verdict in Previous Case. At the yeaurday afternoon the Chief Justice, 8ir W.ltpr thaw, the Tamil named Perian, wbo was charged with the murder of Hubarasfro, wan een'eticed to aevrr years rigoroua itnpiaonmen*, thJJry finding htm gail«y of culpable uomteide not «mounting to
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  • 36 5 Reuter. Paris, Aug 3.—The Allied experts committee is still examinng the question of the apportionment of Upper Silesia. The experts are to make their recommendations known previous to the meeting of the Supreme Council.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 146 5 A committee meeting of the Singapore Ex-Services' Association was held on Tuesday, Col: H L Pearsons, i) S O, in the chair, and others present being Messrs. Keys, Hoyles, H R S Law, Morrell, White, Stocks, Meredith and Davison. It was announced that steps had been taken to
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  • 98 5 The report on Perak for 1920 atatea: The export of tin, reduced to a metallic basis, was 1168,097 pikuls, an increase of ij pikuls over tbe I*l* ligures. The average price for the year was $149.05 per pikul, compared with $120.68 for 1919, and the total vaiue
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  • 102 5 During last year, the Raub Australian Gold Mining Company, Limited, turned out 11,476 ounces of gold as against 15,301 ounces in 1919. The tonnage crushed was, however, much smaller, the treatment of surface material having been discontinued as unproh table. Four shafts were in active operation
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  • 165 5 Reuter. London, Aug. 8.—Colonel Warren, the new American Ambassadar to japan, has sailed on the s. s. Olympic from Southampton for New York.— Reuter. A report made to the police by Mi Elias Juna, of 49 Swee Hee Lane, states that early on the morning of the 3rd, a coat
    Reuter.  -  165 words
  • 595 5  -  Other Sports Items on Page a. BOXING. LIBERTY HALL BOUTS. By "Wanderer." The (oar b' zing coutesta at the Liberty Ball laac evening attracted a Urge crowd 8 Peatana, 8 10 i* to be congratulated fir the »xo»*l en fight ha pot up apainato Toeatn Hock 8.3 This was
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  • 80 5 SELANGOR ENGINEERS vs. KLANG CLUa On the 30 h ulc the Selangor En gineers Football Association met tbe Klang Cleb in a friendly game ot f >otball at the Klang Fadang. A ••plendid exhibition of football wa> witnessed and after a hard fought sruggle, the Klang Clab (though no
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  • 84 5 NEXT SUNDAY'S RACE. Tbe 8 V 0 race ou Sunday will bs for the Resr.Commodon's Cup. ano he cou'se will be: Start HY C. 'cund mark boat <ff White Bea:o- -ound Patrol, S V O buoy round breakwater, b*< k to mark boa fff White Beaoon, round Malay Hpr
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  • 76 5 INTER-SCHOOL SPORTS. The Inter-School athletic sports will be held on Wednesday, August 10, on the ground of the Singapore Cricket Club (kindly granted for the occasion by the committee) commencing at 4 p m. The preliminary heats and trials will take place to-morrow at 4 p m on the
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  • 46 5 Yeo Sew, a Chinese woman, was brought up before Mr Dawson in the third police court yesterday on a charge of selling a girl for immoral purposes. The case was transferred to the criminal district court for trial, and bail for the ac<rrt*d Ĕxm at WHO.
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  • 312 5 Penang Comment on the Case. Says the "Straits Echo": Those who have followed the trial of the action brought by the Eastern Shipping Company against the Colonial Government in connection with the seizure of a number of the Company's ships in 1918 will not be surprised to learn
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  • 78 5 (Aneta Service to the Tribuae") Weiiev. earn, Aag 4.—The bugn fruat baa aolj fifty tbouauid tona ot mperior, of the new or.p, at fifteen ;uilder«, bo thai the superior quali > .f tbe ntw crop has now practically been aoiu oat. The Trait baa refused farther bids
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  • 106 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Aug 4—A Malay aimed with a revolver held up and robbed i Cbiarse near Butter worth of bia watch and a *ma)l snm of money, and ben rode iff on a stolen bio.-eie, Tne pol oe were informed, and ur-ued the man
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  • 50 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Peuang, Aug 4 —Tue chin* F* mine and Food Relief Committet >port that they have altogether collected $<6i,691, leaving a creJi balance of *7,250 for diapoi 1 The v enang Chiutse Labourera Unemployment Fund baa appealed for the rtmater of tbia balance to them.
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  • 257 5 In the Supreme Court action, reported by us, in which a claim for $1,401.30 for work done waa made against Messrs Swan and Maclaren by a sub-contractor, M S Subramanian Pillai, Mr Justice Barrett Lennard dismissed the claim. Mr AY L Davies appeared for the plaintiff and Mr Cobbett for
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  • 94 5 Clamker of Commerce Report Siogapote, Aag 4. Catalogued 1,673,473 lbs, 747.09 tons. Offftrod 1.324,201 lbs, 591.16 tons Sold 1.051.312 Ibn, 469 33 tons. Prices Realized. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Singapore Standard Cts. per lb. Quality 26* Off Quality 19* to 26 Crepe Singapore Standard Qaality Pale No sain Off
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  • 31 5 Pr«Sl WaterhooM Ce* Ltd. Singapore a an 5. To-day's closing robber quotatioaj are as uadar Mhw York —14| ots. onion —Pf i. Singapore 2/} cts. Tone of the Market:—Steady.
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  • 49 5 12 o olook noon, Aag B. Pale Bibbed. Orepe Smoked Sh. Closing Prions Closing Price. Bqj era dollars Bnyers Setl^^p. -tpot S7 27± \ug 28 S-p« 28 29 Ooc to D-o 31 32 Tone of market:—S eadier. Tin to-day $80.12 H 75 tons sold.
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  • 54 5 Singapore, Ang 5. LondonBank 4 m/i 2/4 Demand 3/3 S/4 Private 3 m/i 2 4 7/16 IndiaRank T. T. 175| )t» Hcnckortg Ben* d/4 2257 e p >u Bbar.ghai Bank d/d 59* lu Java Bank T, T. 135 >n Japan— Bank d/d 84} buying rate IB.M Bank nf Knaland
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  • 50 5 List of Subscribers. I reviously acknowledged $73,569.55 Concert at Sungei Patani by the Caledonia Pierreta 10.34 Negri Sembilan Planters' Association 850 G E S Cubitt Esq., 100 J G Huxmeling 50 "Melville" 100 H w Rickeard 20 Total $74,889.89 Singapore Branch:— Previously acknowledged $14,885.32 Grand total $89,775.21
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  • 48 5 A report was made to the police by Mrs M Smithson of 79 Tanglinroad that in the early hours of Saturday morning last jewellery worth about $800 was stolen from her residence. On Monday. No. 99 Rowellroad was broken into, and clothing to the valua of $250 stolen.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 372 5 I pRASER CHALMERS Enginaering Works. Msgnet Bouse, 82 and 63, Boiiason Road, Slag ipore. SOLE AGENTS TO*. JAMES CARTLR (STAi YBRIOOE), ltd. Rubber MicLn.eT. A RANSOME Co, ltd. Wood Working Machinery SANDERSON BROS. NEWPOULD Ltd. Steel, ioos, Saws, &c. HOLM AN BROS, Ltd.. Mining, Machinery, Dr.lls &c PROPRIETORS the General
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  • 246 6 FOOTBALL. 8 F A LEAGUE TABLE—DIV. IL There was a printer's error in the S F A League Table-Div II, as given yesterday. The correct table is given below. Goal* P W L D F A Pi* Stafford» II 9 8 0 1 21 I 17 C F A
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  • 147 6 The full scores in the match at Malacca on Monday (reported in yesrterday s issue) were aa Xoilows High School. D J Murphy run out 79 J V Chuimah run out 1 N E Wesierhout c Hake b Haybittei g C de Vnes b Brown 0 V C Westerhout
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  • 85 6 PENANG MAN'S SHOWING. I Penang has a tine young atnlete in f Matthew Tan, who won the cup for the best athlete presented by Dr J E Smith at the St Xavier's School sports (Father Duvelle jubilee celebration) on Saturday. Ihe following snows what Tan can do He won
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  • 52 6 ANGLO-AMERICAN CONTESTS. Reuter. London, Aug. 3.—At Cowes the third race for the Anglo-American cup resulted in British boats finishing first, second, filth and seventh, ine Americans had tnird, fourth and sixth places, and one gave up. The score at present stands; Britain 63 points, America 37. There are three
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 66 6 BRIBERY CHARGE FAILS. Reuter. Chicago, Aug 3.—Seven professional basebaiiers, who it is alleged accepted bribes from gamblers to lose certain games in last year's series of baseball matches tor the championship of the world, and two men accused of gi\ing such bribes, have been found not guilty after six
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 25 6 IRELAND BEATS ENGLAND. London, July 24.—Ireland has won the polo Patriotic Cup by beating England by 10 goals to 5 at Hurlingham. 4 :n:
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  • 108 6 BANGKOK GRIFFINS. By the I s Houtman, which arrived here yesterday, there came the shipment of Bangkok griffins arranged for by F L Billett, and /also Master Warkon, the Queensland race-horse which has been bought by a local Kongsee and goes to Thompson's stable. RESULT OF LIVERPOOL CUP.
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  • 572 6 SINGAPORE OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP. Yesterday's Play. At the S C C: E C Milligan beat Seow Poh Leng, 7—6, 3 6, 6—2. Chua Choon Leng beat A F Teale, 6—1, 6—3. Cheong Chee Hai beat G F B Liresay, 6—0, 6—1. J D Hall beat T S Cotgrave, 1—6,
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  • 190 6 The Liberty H-ll presents a C ra 'K Kennedy serial, The Carter Case," s»ld to be tbe world's greatest detective story, in 15 episodes, 31 parts, with the first three episodes (seven parts), in the first show, along with a Centary comedy in two acts. In the aeeond
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  • 808 6 Latest Prices Quoted in the Market. Singapore, Aug 2. Messrs. Lynll and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations. Rubber. Dollar Shares, Issue Values Buyers Sellers 1 Allenby 0.20 0.30 1 Alor Gajah 1.00 1.25 2 Amalgamated Maly 1.50 2.00 5 Ayer Hitam
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  • 43 6 Mr. C W Abrams is leaving by the Lycaon to-day, owing to a cable received from Home, Mrs Abrams ie in a serious condition and has to undergo an operation, and Mr Abrams has therefore decided to go Home at a moment's notice.
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  • 24 6 Havre Maru from Kobe Van Riebeeck from Penanf 4 Sri Muar from rfalacca 6-8-Syria from Hongkong I* Baaglrjaia fpoai 9} Wm\W&*
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 310 6 1.1 il l. WILLS. fc-ttsl THREE iBBi CASTLES. |L *A*H.O.VVills^g These Cigarettes are sold 3B in three sizes:— i ■■^H ORDINARY S "MAGNUMS" I WffßM "SUPER MAGNUMS" fJ^^M MEASUREMENT. Yxiwwrtiiienr^^ V The baia nf any sou-d bet Commercial, Industrial, Scientific or merely Pome.-t c, is accurate measurerent; measurement both of
      310 words
    • 553 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. 11l THE ESTATE OF CHJI CH££ SI >8 alias CHAN SEOW KH W IE E SED. Pnrfoant to 8 c ion 26 of M the rroi cc 0 dioano 1914" all per *oas having against tb» Estate of CH N <~HEE PIANO <dia« CHAN SLOW KHEW of 22S
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 533 6 Remember Uso Wrighys Miter Every Afea/! TT WILL MAKE YOU HEALTHY /KD ACTIVE. MDLLER AND FHIPPS (MALAYA) Ltd., R.-l« Distributor*. Mails Close. To-day, Aug. 5. Batu Pahat Sri Wongaee 2 Port Swettenham and Teluk ■Ar* 301 *Kampar 3 p a Penang* and Rangoon Ascot 3 p Malucca and Muar "Kaka
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  • 12 7 (We do noz necessarily endow th denuT eXpre8Sed by c <*"*Pon
    12 words
  • 998 7 From GLADYS TAN OEI JIM Much as I do not like to push my aelf into print, I feel I cannot refraw and be silent, when so much igno ranee and absurdity baa been showt against my sex, and has been th. subject of discussion by two of
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  • 259 7 A Thrilling Experience. Mr H A Snow, the American naturalist, has had a thrilling experience just outside Nirobi while obtaining cinema pictures and specimens for the Oaklands Museum, California. He had stationed his photographer on a convenient hummock and was himself beating the game up to the
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  • 124 7 The Supreme Court civil List for August contain* 86 cases, among which are the following: Wilson Hoi*ate and Co (Far East) Ltd v E S Attia and Co., Craigielea Plantatdona, Ltd, v Low Hua and another, J 0 Waddell v Poey Joo Guan (infant), J T Andrews v Sarteaa (f)
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 96 7 rATETY TO-NIGHT i i k la cs*• I '1" William D.ncm'c, Edith Johnsten's k Joe Ryan's Latest end Beat Serial Smashing Barriers In 30 R*»!g Episode 1 and 2. 4 Reels. yBOSS racking fits of which P 1? of throat 6oreness and banish tbe most X and all aaaflai troubles.
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    • 155 7 ANNOUNCEMENT. f The undersigned kindly beg to draw the attention of the parties concerned that starting from about the middle of June, 1931, some alterations have been made in the oonditlons of the Bills of Lading covering Shipments from Europe to the Bait Indies; these said alterations refer to the
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    • 183 7 (■aWawßrasaaaasMßaßaaaMßaaaasa ajsaaaasaw NANYANG BROTHERS TOBACCO COMPANY, 38, Roblnaon RostcL Binj^apore Branches at KUALA LUMPUB, PENANG IPOH Thaae B ran da These Brands BSjv^T^3Sii|isS& v eft i sole property 9Sli!' B 6 P ro P erty NANYANG BROTHER! TOBACCO COMPANY. Ohina's Greatest Tobacco and Cigarette Factories. There is luxury in the
      183 words
    • 127 7 William Caxton first introduced the printing press into England in the year 1471. After acquiring the newly invented art of printing at Bruges, he returned to England, the land of his birth, and set up a printing press near Westminister Abbey, "The Game and Playe of Chesse" and The "Tale
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    • 137 7 I |^^B^K LmYw Wmx mW DRINK ASAHI BEER. SOLE AGENTS Mitsui Bussan Kaisha. Battery-Rd. Singapore. Wny suffer the harden ot TOOTH-ACHE which can be relieved almost immediately by oonaulting K. TSUTADA JAPANESE DENTIST 74, BRAS BASAH ROAD 'In front of French Church 'FHONI lie*. For the First Time In SINGAPORE
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  • 340 8 Better Chance for Sardines— And Octoouses. France has declared war on whales. Crews of fishery protection boats the Paria correspondent of "Toe Times" tells as, have been ordered to open fire on any whales sighted on patrol, and the Admiralty has been requested to instruct detroyers ana
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  • 294 8 Last week-end saw quite a series of events at Penang in celebration of the Jubilee of Rev L M Duvelle, Vicar of the Church of the Assumption there. Sports were held at St Xavier's Institution on Saturday afternoon, and there were illuminations at St Xavier's in the
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  • 132 8 "Nervousness should b« looked upon as an asset in public speaking," said Miss Lucy Bell in a lecture recently in London. A nervous temperament," she added, "can awaken sympathy between the speaker and the audience. But one must not 4 dither.' That would be fatal." Miss Bell
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  • 51 8 A daring highway robbery was committed near Butte rworth y eaterday. A Chinese was waylaid by three armed Malays, who took his money, whilst oae of the assailants fired a revolver at the Chinese, wounding him in the leg aad stomach. The victim is is hospital. No arreete have been
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  • 701 8 Nature not the Doctor who Cures. A Physician's Opinion. Can thought cure I put the question at a dinner-party the other night and in a moment everybody was discussing it, writes a correspondent to a home paper. The company included a well-known X C, a Harley
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  • 226 8 A special general meeeting of the Planter's Association of Malaya will be held at Koala Lampar on Tharsday,A«g®«t 11. 11 am, to tramact the following basinets 1 Minates of annaal meeting held on M ay 19,*****; amended badget for 1921 —22; alteration of rales, resolved by
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 883 8 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS i WAR LOAN, 1921. Issue of $20,000,000 Loan. Bearing intexeet from the date of purchase at 7 per cent per annum half-yearly on May 1 and November 1. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON MAY 1, 1926. Free of Income tax and other Duties Price of Issue 100-pjr cent. Under
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    • 404 8 Cutioira b Just Right For Baby's Tender Skin Bathe him with Cottcura Soap and warm water. Dry gently and if any aign of redness, roughneae. irritation or rash is present anoint with Cuticura Ointment to •often, soothe and haal. Finally dust on a few grains of the fragrant, delicately medicated
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    • 496 8 What Do You Want A Tractor For? fhe first thing you will think of plowing- But don't stop tnere. If your tractor is to ba a profit maker for you, it muat do much mora thai plow. It must ba abla to do practically all tha work around your aetata
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 504 9 p.sO.-British India f AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporate) in England) gajL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Oriental S. N. 00. L' Q jer Contract with His Majesty's Government. mm COMPANY'S MAIL SERVICES BAST dF BOMBAY -JJreaaat suspended. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Dia SINGAPORE. about Aug 8 Sardini a about
      504 words
    • 455 9 Passenge-s andlFreight Servloes Operated by Pacific Mail Steamship Co. (Incorporated in US A J FOR ACCOUNT OP TUB U. 8, 8HIPPINQ BOARD* SAN Ffi ANCI SCO —H ANJXA —EAJST INDIA. BAILINGS FROM 8INGAPORE. For Calcutta vu oolomboGranite State Passenf era and Freight Aug U Creole State Passenger* and Freight Fept
      455 words
    • 525 9 Struts steamship Co.. Ltd. Steamers intended to sail from Singapore Selangor—Monday, 12.30 p m foi Miri, Labuan, Jeanelton, Kudtot Bandakan, Jolo and Zimboanga. Einta —Monday 4 p.m., for Port 8 wet ten ham and Penang. Hya Leong—Monday, 4 SO p.m 'or Malacca and Muar. Kaka Tuaaday, 4.30 p. m for
      525 words
    • 336 9 O.S.K. Tli Isaia Skun Kalska, UHITID. Qmvmrmantmi ia JapaaJ NO. 9 D| SOUZA STREET, PROPOSED SAILINGS FBOM SINGAPORE. (Subject to eaaaga v/itaesrt ajtiee,) EUROPEAN LLNB. For POBT SAID, MABSBILLBB, LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. Himalaya Maru arr Aug 20 dap 21 Alaaka Maru arr. Sept 1* dap. 15 NBW YORK
      336 words
    • 736 9 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) Cad a? Mail Ceatrast with tha taper ial Japaaess Ooveraoxot (Bubject to Alterations without Notice) London Lino Fortnight!? Service For LONDON ANTWERP via (MALACCA) PENANG OOLOMBO, SUEZ, PORT SAID MARSEILLES. Yokohama Maru Aug 9 Kleiat Aug '9 Mishima Maru Aug 24 Bado Maru g
      736 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 511 10 WANTED. Wd.NTED.-For Business purpose $2,5uU iwo j ears' fixed pay uivutu 60$ luititi. monthly. Good gaaiantee. S b. K." c/j JAeiaye ITiDuoe." 28 8 8 TED.—An intelligent girl to wui* in en office. Mutt be wiiii. g to leacu booounts. Apply lv uwu hauUwining, enclosing ov t ot acnoui ootaliOjM,
      511 words
    • 784 10 NOTICE. NOTICE. NEW FILIPINO BRiSa BAND cxHD ORCHESTRA Available for ail oooaaioni. lermi Moderate. Apply at 99 Benooolen Street, (Loroug Paniei) O. UNDASAN, 9 7 88 THE SZB HAI TONG BANKING AND INSURANCE, Co., Ltd. Application haa been made to tht Directors ot this Company to iaiut to tbe Administrators
      784 words
    • 548 10 BANKS. dZE HAI TUNG UXHhIMi At liNSUkAiNtu: CO„ LTD. (Incorporated ia tbe Straite 8. S.) HEAD OFFICE: 68, KLING STREET, SINGAPORE, Eatabished 1907. Paid-up Capital $2,000,000 Surplus e*o,uuo COURT OF DIRECTORS. Scan kuig E»q.—Ciuuxuian. Lee Wee x>aiu, i_o s wuairCbaa Teck He*, Esq. Ong Cnow a>eug, £*q, Teo leow feug,
      548 words
    • 536 10 BANKS. rH* iIU HOiNU bajnk, lid. HEAD OFFICEi »4, Market Street ShANcHRS. '•■sag burl Street. Malacca 141 Joasex Street Rust 7i-(» Jama buieunaa. Beta Pahat.. log Jaiaa laMejj AGENCIES AT: London, ismw i or*., ban Francisco, Bauavut,' bournneya, Semarang, Shanghai, Huugaoag, Amoy, patemaaag aad Trang. CAPITAL. Authorised $10,000,000 h,u00,000 Paid-up
      536 words
    • 548 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 600TouO Share* of £5 each »3,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. London Joint City aad Midland Sauk, Ltd. London County Westminster and Parr's Bank. Ltd.
      548 words
    • 245 10 insurance; ihe > Overseas Assurance Corporation, ltd. Te ep lone Nr. 2573 Head Office: lit Floor, No. SO, Kliog Stree», BINQAFORE. 39 B—M 12 8 THE EASTERN UNITED ASSURANCE. CORPORATION LIMITED, (Incorporated Ia the 8.5.) HEAD OFFICE i SINGAPORE. BOARD OF DIRECTORSI Tea Kheem Hock, Eaq. (Chairman.) Bae Teoag Wah,
      245 words
    • 354 10 Ecoßomg Is Essential Dating ih* present slump. Ii ia as neoeseiry in the home ss it ii in the cffic-. O .6 way in wUioh to economise Ul tO QSs OIL STOVES with ODe, two, or fonr burners. Sun c Kerosene, and is most toonomioa]. STOCKED bY BAN LEE ANN,
      354 words
    • 528 10 MALAt7Tfnlßlli| E SHIPPIrtCjA2 ETrt tavssuw nuixj' Iboot fHj. subscrutTon RAxg^ PAYABLE ADVAN C£ Per annum Haif-yearly Per quarter »H Single Copy 5 eta' Poatage Extra 50 eta. r* io Foreign countries $1 teQtl 4 a 110 IA Subscription Form will found on page B.] VERY MANY TRIBUNE READERS. Depend upon
      528 words