Malaya Tribune, 3 August 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 133 1 The mm mm AND SHIPPING GAZETTE, Phone I*7l. SCBbCHIPTION BATES Payable In Advance pc- annum %1 vOO 7,ftO H Per quarter *j 3.75 U Postage Extra SO cts, per ir.onth. *1 I WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co., Ltd I (Incorporated in 7nglan I) SINGAPORE. WILL OFFER THE WHOLE OF THEIR STOCK OJ
      133 words
    • 134 1 I I W————■——■ I Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) ELECTRfCU 0 P tRTMENT Quotations given for complete Electric Lighting ft Power Installations, !fr 2 Fnll range of Eleorrieal supplies in stook VXB. Wires Cables. Metal Filament Lamps. Ceiling Table Fans. Fittings Accessories. I «jp 4 u ltt|ripk"
      134 words
    • 188 1 SUN V COMPANY supplies All Photographic Materials AND The Right Place for Amateurs IN Developing, Printing and Enlargement No. 94, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPOREPhone 660 TWO I FINE OLD WHISKIES At Importers Prices. Johnnie Walker Red Label $32.00 per dozen. Gillon's V.O.P. 32 00 Duty Extra. Outitation Ordeif- Quantities equal
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  • 1382 2 Discussions at Last Committer Meeting. Unemployment Problem. A meeting of the Indian Immigration Committee was held in Penang on Friday, July 22. There were present the Acting Controller of Labour, S.S. and F.M.S. (Mr. W Peel) Chairman, the Principal Medical Officer, F.M.S. (Dr. R Dowden), the Director of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 544 2 WOMEN LOVE TO TALK about the merits of Pinkettes beoaase they know that there is no other remedy so good for the siok headaches and constipation which so oommonly affile, their lex. Pinkettes are equally helpful to men, for they banish biliousness, liver disorder pimples, foal breath, tongue, and relieve
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    • 317 2 Purchase! Purchase! For about one month only DONT MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY J. B. LAL, THE ABLE INDIAN PHYSICIAN The public is assured of my splendid preparation of Medicines for curing- the following diseases, viz:—Cold, Catarrh, Headache Hemicrania, Earpain, Giddiness, Toothache, Runnning of the Nose, Neuralgia, etc., etc. in less
      317 words
    • 468 2 2 Your First 9 1 Thought 3 Q Baby's *«lf-ire that is your first O y Maach d<\*>enJ* on his 5 food: nulia Baby well t-J I i 3 h.p r tfte ftrtt three rpont* s HJ Q will no; suit liim a» 'he end of four cr Mill The
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    • 138 2 HOW CAN YOU STAND A HEADACHE? There is nothing more maddening than a dull grinding headache, or short sharp twinges in the temples, over the eyes and at the base of the brain. How can you stand it? You could stand it if you had to, perhaps, but you don't
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    • 167 2 PDECCA^ |Kr~ I® POrTHBLE GRAMOPHONE ~7/J The Decca, though so small, is a compietp f Ifh I lluiHri ii\ gramophone) —full in volume, clear in repro ///1 llmlHilk v»\ ductkm and natural in tone. To hear it is ///f II littflij If.Y.\ to recognise at once that it has all
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 311 3 AT THE POPUIABPHOTO PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE Tsnjong Pagar Roaa Trama Pass the Door' From MONDAY, August i, ta WEDNESDAY, Augntt 3, IN THE SECOND BHOW AT 9,30 p m. Fraak Mayo wiih Edith Roberta in U JSw fS C 2 JHL 5 < Parte A dramatio tale for lovers. No
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    • 570 3 Iflit m Th 9 I Alhtmbn Is MONDAY, August 1, to SATTJRD VY, August 6. Alhambra I I UIG Thtltie AT THE I l in* BESi A S I I A Sk JĔ A «Wlslteten B fer ALHAMBRA I 0»*««r», me» cake&Coffee, I nSS*" Tt>» Hail for Hn >ni) Ktatnrei
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    • 147 3 The First Show Changes Every Friday. The Second Show Changes Every Tuesday. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT AT THE "LIBERTY" HALL, LTD. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. The 2nd Show at 9.111 pm. BEN WILSON NEVA GEBBER and JOSEPH GIRARD In the most mystifying and the most sensational of all serial THE SCREAMING SHADOW Episode
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    • 677 3 "GAIETY" CINEMA A Correspondent who says that Inspiration S seized her when she had seen Sunnyside Twice has sent ns, the following effusion S9*> "■■sj 1 went f althongh I don't know why ■AihJ For I'm so tired—l can't abide* T J Slapstick and throwing Costard Pie— To Sunnyaida It's
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  • 127 4 Tha Allied Supreme Council will j diacuaa Silesian and other problems. A crisis between Britain" and France has been safely passed. Turkey is said to bs courting ths Soviet and meanwhile the Greeks are rejoicing over their victory. The Imperial airship service might faU through owing to lack
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  • 60 4 DEATH. Mr. Kboo Kirn Yang at hit residence No. 89, Cbin Bwe« Road, m SUorday 30th nit. aged 58 y»srr. Father of Mtssiß Kboo Tiong Hoe, Loor, Chwee, Llan, Jian, ftur daoghters, one grand-danghter sn<i father-in-law i f Mhw s L'uj Tiauf *iew, Wee Ban Siid Cbu»-8-do Toh.
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  • 848 4 Often is there the temptation to adopt the slogan invented by that enterprising journalist Horatio Bottoraley—" Oh, for a business Government!" The professional politicians who have for so long played the domestic and international game to their own liking have been far short of realising the finest ideals of
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  • 310 4 The production on Saturday by Seremban amateurs of "The Man from Toronto was a great sucees. Lady Guillemard gave a ball at Government House. Kuala Lumpur, last evening. The Brazilian Government has been forced to assist the people of Amazon, badly hit by ths crisis in rubber. Credits have been
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  • 1353 4 (BY "ECHO.") I was privileged to hear what amounted to a farewell speech by the Hon Mr Oliver Marks at Monday's tiffin at the Selangor Club, when the visiting cricket and soccer players from Singapore were entertained with characteristic Kuala Lumpur hospitality. It was a speech to remember,
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  • 337 4 The Hon Mr Justice Farrer Manby is at Seremban presiding over ths Assizes which commenced there yesterday. The meeting of the V M C A Literary Society will be held as usual this evening and win take the forst of a discusaion of the question "Te what end is the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 235 4 .-U.i, 1 1« 1 BHKERS PRTBNT 'POINTER' PENCIL CASES. The most improved Pencil Case £1 «j&b/.at the present day. Suitable for presentation purposes JSolid Silver $7.50, 10.50, 1150, 13.50, 15.50, \9.SOr 9ot. Gold $28.53, 33 50, 72.50. £lsct Gold $62.50. Large Variety of Designs ROBINSON co.' 9 Ltd. (Incorporated in
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    • 469 4 GUAN KIAT 8 Co., Ltd*., Ineorpontod la the Ssraita Bettlem«nt* 36, PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. The snooeasful Tenderer! for the supply of mifoallaneoai Article*; end Engineers Stores to the Singapore MoAioipalU; for the period ending 81st December, 1921. Mew Bhipmenti Jait Received. Yale Bronae Lever Padlocks, Yale and Townio Chain Puiley
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  • 849 5 5 rquoli Passage Safely Negotiated. Some Newspaper views. Reuter. j. i«lv 30 Submitting to the Pi > m etin* the latest BrHata" 10,6 I view, which met with the While opinion, «,L>dby tbe leading paper*, ~fXS tfca intangibility of tbe ■Ef J 'he Entente Cordiale, f J
    Reuter.  -  849 words
  • 215 5 Question of Finances. Reuter. London, July 30,—The 41 Morning PoK"says*ha: the Empire Confer iocs commit 'c on Imperial air \p«terday discaseed ttsexpert committee's reporl. No denite decision whs reached, but probably the committae will recommend Empire Conf to v ilise 'niting ahsbips for an rxperimen al ""ice
    Reuter.  -  215 words
  • 361 5 Another Case of Misreporting. Reuter. London, July 30 —Tbe New York Times "in an editorial note ''Tbe interview with Mr Wickbam Steed, efittor o£ the L ndon Timee," was written by a irastworthy reporter who believes Lis report of tbe interview is accarate, hoc Mr Bieed has since intimated
    Reuter.  -  361 words
  • 358 5 The Powers of Re-Hearing v^ases. Ejectment Applications. Mr. E Tessensohn presided over the wee K ly meeting of the Rent Assessment Board yesterday afternoon, oth er members present being Messrs. A I Khiam Koh San Hin, Augullia, and W H Beadsworth. tnt ItS? received fro the Atorney General
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  • 82 5 Visit to America Predicted. Reuter. j London, Luly 31.—Tie Obier ver says that in view of the necessity of counteracting attempt* I to mislead American opinion on the i Irish situation, it will not be surprisj ing if Mr. Lloyd George goes lo Am-rica in the nex*
    Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 89 5 Reuter. New Yu-fc, July 31—Tee ther mometer has recorded ninety degrees ria'ly for a fortnit;b% and the ternj perature in the boslness quarter o( tbe city has averaged over a handred. Tbere h\n been considerable suffering amongst Iks poor and a number of deaths from heat
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 101 5 Reuter. Tbe Haeue, July 31 —The Foreign Ministry announces that tbe Dutc! Legation at B*-rne has sent to tb> Secretary-General of the League of Nationß tbe ratifications of tbe s atute of the permanent International Court of Justice, adding the declaration that the Dutch Govern ment recoguises tbe
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 56 5 Reuter. Bombty, July 31.—At a meet it g of tbe All India Congress Committee, to decide on tbe plan of campaign, ib is understood a resolution was passed in favour of boycotting the Prince of Wales' visit, and also urging a complete boycott of foreign cloth on tbe
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 43 5 Reuter. Helsingfords, Aug. I.—The Soviet authorities are alarmed ot the threat of starving troops in eastern Russia, who are marching on Moscow and westward to get food. The Soviet is frantically taking measures to arrest this invasion by indisciplined hordes. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 44 5 Reuter. Berlin, July 3),—The Reichsbanfc anuounces a farther credit of fifty m llion g)ld marks has been arrang ed through tbo Amsterdam firm of Mendel sobn and Company, bringing the totnl credits obsalned throagb tfaig firm to 250 million gold marks. —Router.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 7 5 [Other sports items on page 6.J
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  • 341 5 THB CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES. Yesterday was an event in local sporting history, being the first occasion on which members of different communities in Singapore have met at lawn tennis under tournament conditions. The first games in the Singapore open championship were played. N orris received a wajk-over from Allom,
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  • 211 5 SELANGOR RACE HANDICAPS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 3.—'Un- following are the weights fur the first day of the Selangor Turf Club meeting: Race No. 1: (The "Noel Walker" Stakes) Distance five furlongs:— Jill 11.2, Gay Lad 10.7, Orthez 9.9, Nankin 7.11, Wendy 7.10, j Mimic
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  • 39 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Aug 2.—Tbe death baa occurred of the Supreme Patriarch, the head of the Boddist order iu Siaro, at the age of 29 years. He is am ancle of the King,
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  • 108 5 A committee meeting of the StraiU Settlements (Singapore) Association will be held in the offices of Messrs. Barker and Co. Ltd., on Tuesday next at 5.15 p.m. The business will be: 1. Minutes. 2. Matter arising out oi last minutes: Rubber Industry. 3. Legislative Council Reform.
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  • 18 5 Reuter. Paris, Au.ust 2,—M Pen iff. former director of th» Frcncl Musewm of National Seiecfoee, is dead.—Beater.
    Reuter.  -  18 words
  • 128 5 "Maid of the Mountain*." The Bandman Opera Company were quite at home with the popular musical play "Maid of the Mountains" at the Victoria Theatre last night. Dora Dolare was in excellent form as Teresa and her voice waa well suited to the part Madeline Roewiter was
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  • 129 5 Two Drivers Arrested. Tbe last week-end has witnessed two motor fatalities. In the first instance, a Chinese was knooked down by a moror bos wbile emerging from gate No: 6, New Keppel-road. ou Satu'day. Tbe man was taken to ibe hospital, but refused to remain there. He returned
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  • 81 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) P< nang, A»g 3. —In the Sspreme Qourt s sait has been brought by the t and 0 S N Co, versus the Eastern Shipping Co and Mr Qa*h Beng Kee. The claim is for damages c&Ußcd tc plaintiff's wbarf at
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  • 38 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Aag 2.—ln Rangoon tbe rice price U Rspr es 590, with heavy daily transactions, 50,000 to 70,000 bags changing bands. Tbere is nothing doing here, tbe position and prices being ancbanged.
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  • 48 5 Tbe case in which Goo Beong Ghee, revenue officer, is charged with murdering Cheng Mah Tin, in a tea"hop in Park road on March 23 last, <?a* nob nuiehtd when tba Assise Jturt sdj turned at 4 p yesterday, *nd the hearing was resumed this morning.
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  • 76 5 Reuter. Constantinople, Aug. I.—Reports from Asia indicate the increasing intimacy of Turco-Soviet relations. Generals Brusiloff and Meklidoff have arrived at Angora and Sivas respectively. It is reported the Soviet is selecting soldiers belonging to the Moslem faith for despatch to Anatolia to help the Kemalists.—Reuter. Athens, Aug. 1.
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 245 5 Reuter. Melbourne, Aug 1.—It is reported that Commonwealth steamers will inaugurate a fast foarweakly ssrvioa to India and Bu»a aboat tbe end of the jear.—Renter. An extended report of tbe jedg* ment in tbe Eastern Shipping Co's claim against tbe Crown (orient mentioned in yesterday's issue) will be given to-morrow,
    Reuter.  -  245 words
  • 29 5 Frei Wattrhtwse Co, Lti. Singapore, Asg S. To-day's eloalng laHsr sjeotitioaj are aa ■■srir New York —13J cts. London.—B£d. Singapore 27 cti. Tone of the Market: Steady.
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  • 63 5 1 o'elook 2 noon, Aug 3. Pale Ribbed. Crepe Smoked Sh. Closing Prfcoa Closing Prieea Buyers Seller. Buyeri Sellari. Spot 28 29 27 Aug 27 271 S«pt 27| 28* Oot to Dee 29 30 Tone of market:— Steady. A London cable to Singapore gives the
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  • 65 5 Singapore, Aug I On London--* Bank 4 mft 2/4 T 1 .and S/S 3/4 Pr» rat* 9 mft 2/4 3/8 On India— Bank T. T. 178 On Hongko ig*— Bark did 22$% f On Shanghe Ba.kd/d 58 On Java— Bank T. T. 135 On Japan— Bank d/d 84 J
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  • 170 5 Queatic4 of Financial Aid. There will be a special meeting of j Municipal Commissioners on Friday at 2.15 p.m. to consider financial requirements and grants-in-aid. Ths President will move: That subjsct to such modification as may from time to time be necessary the paper entitled Forecast of Financial
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  • 98 5 MACPHAIL CO.'s REPORT. Singapore August 8. Silver 38 V.. Hongkong 22)4 per cent premium. Shanghai Nil. Three Months Gold $46 Share Market.—Quiet Rubbers.—Small enquiries. Tins.—Taipings $1.12 to $1.17 Norths UN to $1.40, Souths 70 to 7F cent Rawangs 62% cents, to 07% c nts, Nawngpots $1.46 to $1.55. Papans «5
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 245 5 I PHASER* CHALMERS En* rrwfftrlng Works. wmaetmom M mm u.AeMaeoa aaao, rrteenura ELECTRIC LIFTS For Passengers or Goods. QUOTATIONS GIVEN FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS. PROPRIETORS the General Electric- Co ltd. (IneorponUd la Bofhod.) S>i in stock. W 2—3—q GALLONS BE Spare FUteringJCy tinders. 1 THE SELAT TRADING CO., I! 42, KLING
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  • 768 6 FOOTBALL. SCC BEAT SEA DEFENCES CBy "Reynard") Quite a clean and interesting league game, in which the S C C I proved just too good for the first eleven of the Sea Defences, was seen on the SCC ground yesterday. The SCC won by 3—l, but one of their
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  • 92 6 S G C CO MF'ETITION. r ,#*V- uiiiiv/ii• rhe ladies' apo competition ct the Singapore Golf club for Aug. was I played on Mor y, and resulted in a tie between M Lyall anj Mrs. G C Clarke. Fiv» t cards were taken out a t e owing were
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  • 12 6 A liockey match wvll be played v afternoon at Tallin between
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  • 418 6 SINGAPORE OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP. Yesterday's Play. At the S C C: Donnell, R B B beat Bateman. 0 R S, 6—2, 6—3. Haskins, H S beat Balhatchet, W A, 6—l, 6—2. Shunjiro Nakamura beat Tampoe Phillips, 6—3, 6—2. Asajido Honda beat Chia Keng Tye, 6—3, 6—2. Linton, A R
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  • 162 6 PERAK t. PENANG. Reuter. The interstate cricket match at lpoh, like that at Kuala Lumpur, produced some tall scoring by the side that batted hrst, Penang being tiic fortunate ones. They made merry with the Perak bowling and rattled up 880, of which Hamilton made 132, Dean 78 not
    Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 223 6 THE AMATEUR TOURNAMENT. Tbe success of the amateur boxing tournament at the Palladium Theatre on Aug 10, 11, 12 and 13 is well assured. The organising committee have on request made provision for a fly weight competation, and nine en. tries have already been received. Fifteen have entered for
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  • 317 6 Accused Men's OrdeaL From complaints that have reached us, says the Straits Echo," we gather that the accommodation for prisoners in custody under remand awaiting trial at the Penang Assizes oi the Supreme Court of the Colony leaves much to be desired. They are brought down from
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  • 801 6 Latest Prices Quoted in the Market. Singapore, Aug 2. Messrs. LyalJ and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations. Rubber. Dollar Shares. Issue Values Buyers Sellers 1 Allenby 0.20 0.30 1 Alor Gajah 1.00 1.25 2 Amalgamated Maly 1.50 2.00 5 Ayer Hitam
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  • 31 6 Tbe Gaiety cinema t--night will havu taiTwml at* features, bat tbe >-u 4 .au), item ia Barely barmy bid t li. 'iic Chaplin o third million 10... vOuj masterpiece.
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  • 106 6 Accordu.g io the D»il> Kxpr n motor l%r« made from tbe tideoi'i Pacific coas. whale was the feature of the Bjo.or show recently htl j*t Seattle, Washington. It h, 3 sta sq at tbe X erett tannery, whtie to e tyre was ;urneu cu f that bucu t,
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  • 38 6 Van den Bosch, from Batavia 3-4. Lindsay Molier, from AUunum 3-8. Seang Bee, from Rangoon 3-6. Hong Be, from Hongkong 3-8. Van Cloon, from Amoy 3-8. Perak, from Miri 3-8. Hong Ho, from Trengganu 3-8,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 335 6 I W. D. H. 0. WILLS. f ISf TUDI7I7 ymwfr CASTLES. These Cigarettes are sold in three sizes:— j™» n -!J3jj ORDINARY SIZE "MAGNUMS" Bgßfj "SOPEB MAGNUMS" iBSHK <feA MEASUREMENT. H The ba is *>f any sou-'d undertaking, be it Commercial, Tndusirhl. Scientific or merely is accurate measurement; measurement both
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    • 271 6 LATEST ADVERTISLML.YIB. WaNIED. —A ChlOcßa lofcCQcr ;o give L Bdoa to an HHft living wmt Cji.i. Hill X Fair qucuihcaioji will Uj ukJ UMaeaj nours Horn 7.00 pin. n pan. daily, feioafi Bed bandays. to Hckieo," c/o Malaya lubune. 3 8 no AUCTION SALE OF AUSTB LI AN POULTRY To
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 415 6 Mail Close To-day, August 3. Mersing, Kemaman and Trengganu* Barratta 2 p.m. Kretay, Trengganu, Kelantan, Patani, Singora,* Bandon and Bangkok* Yugala 2 p.m. Colombo and Bombay* Wakasa Maru 2 p.m. Malacca and Muar *Sri Muar 2 p.m. Batu Pahat Hong Cheang 3 p.m. Port Swettenham* and Penang *Ipoh 3 p.m.
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    • 168 6 Remember Use Wrigley's Miter Every Meal! IT WILL MAKE YOU HEALTHY AND ACTIVE. MULLER AND PfflgPg (MALAYA) Ltd. Bo'e Distributors WHEN AND WHERE. To-day, Aug. f. 1 Higb Tide*.—10.40 ajn., 9.46 p.m. Outram-rd School Sports, 2.15. Football, League Div. 11: Ex-SaiVicos v. Sea Defences 1L Hockey: Stafford? v A P
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  • 714 7 Some Interesting Items. We h»e reoeived a copy of tbe commits-; 'a report sod tt tement ol aocouos of the Singapore Recreation Club, for the year ended June 30. 1921, winch states that the total namb ri f members at the close of »he Club
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  • 187 7 Following is the text of Sir Ernest Birch's letter to The Financier: "Everybody is puzzling his brains to discover some method by which the enormous stocks of rubber in London can be depleted in order that the industry may recover from the slump which is now
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  • 821 7 A Novel Kind of Clock. One might well be excused for assuming that the making of clocks, being so ancient an industry, had practically reached finality, and that the advent of any new principle was extremely unlikely. Yet a clock has been invented recently which is certainlynovel in
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  • 1017 7 How to Live and Work in Hot Weather. Useful Hints for Business Men. The following article, by the Medical correspondent of the "Times," refers to the hot summer of England, bqj contains hints which dwellers in the tropics might follow with advantage: The body tends to swell in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 121 7 HOUSEHOLD WORDS si SUNLIGHT SOAP For all Household Purposes LIFEBUOY SOAP Cleans Disinfects LUX For Washing the Finest Fabrics MONKEY BRAND For Cleansing Polishing Everything Makes the Home Shine VINOLIA i For All Toilet Uses TWINK The Wonderful Soap Dye. Cleans Dyes SOLE AGENTS:— Huttsnbach, Lazarus Sons Ltd. (Incorporated in
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    • 27 7 Whf Buffer the Durden ol TOOTH-ACHE which can be relieved almost immediately be conaulting X, TSUTADA JAPANESE DENTIST 74, BRAS BASAH ROAD fji front of French Church)
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    • 224 7 DRINK ASAHI BEER. SOLE AGENTS Mitsui Bussan Kaisha. Batterv-Rd. Singapore. For the First Time in SINGAPORE CANNED MANGO PULP. Made from the Luscious part of the rhoicest Grafted Indian Frui*". Pole A gents M. S. Mar in k iff., 128, Cecil Street An Announcement Of Interest To Smokers t iwHm
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  • 575 8 Small Loss on the Year's Working. The eleventh annual report of the United Malacca Rubber Estate, Ltd, to be submitted at the meeting at Heeren-street, Malacca, on Aug. 4, states The loss for the year after providing for depreciation of buildings etc, is $1,519,03. Plus provision for
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  • 98 8 A Penang resident—a mare man, be it noted in parenthesis—recently used up five cooks in seven days in a vain endeavour to bring down the cost of living in his mess. He than weat to Bangkok and brought a Chinese cook, untainted by local associations, back with him.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 829 8 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS WAR LOAN, 1921. j Issue of $20,000,000 loan. Bearing intereat from the date of purchase at 7 per cent, per anmm payable half-yearly on May 1 and November L REPAYABLE AT PAR ON MAY 1, 1926. j Free of Income lax and other Duties Price of Issue 100-pir
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    • 271 8 ess* The Remedy for Pains Keep a bottle of Sloan's Liniment hi the house and t you need never suffer excruciating pain. At the very first sign apply a little Sloan's to the affected part and the pain quickly vanishes. No rubbing is required Sloan's penetrates itself and gives quick
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    • 226 8 5 Judge the actual value of the Oakland Sensible Six by tup any standard you choose—dependable daily service, He riding comfort, marked savings in fuel and tyres, or the THp moderate purchase price. Each and every one of these emphasizes the exceptional worth of the Oakland. Tou will be proud
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 497 9 paO.-British India 1 ANB» 4PCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England) BAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular *md Oriental S. N. Co. C ontract with Kis Majesty's Government. mxj? COMPANY'S MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY presents sptndtd. rtfl FAH-BAfIfTERN SERVICE. r, LONDON Dua SINGAPORE- sboal Aug 8 Sardinia about Sept 21 g
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    • 523 9 Passengers and Freight Services Operated bj Pacific Mail Steamship Co. (Incorporated in USA J FOR ACCOUNT OF THE U. 8, BHIPPINQ BOARD* SAN FfiANCISLO—MANILA—E&ST INDIA. SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. For Calcutta Via Colombo. Granite State Passengers and Freight Aug U Creole State Passengers and Freight Sept 13 Wolverine State Passengers and
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    • 479 9 Straits steansbip Co.. Ltd. Steamers intended to sail from Singapore Kajang—Monday, 12.30 p. m for Miri, Labuan, Jesselton, Xi ia aud Sandakan. Kinta —Monday 4 p. m«, for Port Bwetter haru and Penang. Hye Leong—Monday, 4 SO p.m 'or nfalacoa and Muar. Kaka Tuesday, 4.30 p. m., for Malacca and
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    • 339 9 O. S. K. Til lull Stall labia, LIMITED. (Incarpes-atea 1 In Japan.)' NO. I Ol SOUZA STRUT* PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. (Subject to sham*-* without Mtiae,) EUEOPBAN LINE, For PORT SAID. MARSEILLES, LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. Himalaya Maru arr Aug 20 dep 21 Alaska Maru arr. Sept 14 dep.
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    • 710 9 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated In Japan) Ondor Mall Centrist with the Imperial Japanese Qoverusseot (Bubjeot to Alterations without Notica) London Line Fortnightly Fervice For LONDON ANTWBBP via (MALACCA) PBNANQ COLOMBO, BUEZ, POBT SAID MARSEILLES. Yokohama Maru Aug 9 X lei st Aug 19 Mishima Maru Adr 24 Bado Maru gspt
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 481 10 WANTED. W .NTED —A alsrk with knowot engineering stores for temporary work. Please apply B. H. 0. el totdaja Tribone. .8 7 4 8 W \MrEU-F.>r BoBioe6B pnrpos* $*2,500 two years' fix d payment* 50$ lr, Hfßt momhly. Good guarantee. ••E B K." c/i Malaya Tribune." 28 8 8 WANTED.
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    • 581 10 NOTICE. NOTICE. NEW FILIPINO BRASS BAND and orchestra Available for all occasions. Terms Modrrate. Apply ai 99 Bencoolen Street* (LoroQg Pantei) G.'UNDASAN, 97 8 8 REMOVAL NOTICE. The cffioe of Meters Ong Ewe, Hai A Co Chop Soon Whait hat removed to No. 113 Amoy B.ree», from the 30 b
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    • 530 10 BANES. SZL HAI TOIN6 BANKING INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in the Straits S. S.) HEAD OFFICE 58, KLINQ STREET, SINGAPORE. Eatabished 1907. Paid-up Capital $2,000,000 Surplus b»0 000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Seah Eng Lua, Esq.—l Hir-wan Lee Wee .Nam, h,*o,. —Deputy inairman, Chaa Tack Hee, Esq. Ong Chow Keng, Esq.
      530 words
    • 536 10 BANKS. THJSi fc»o HONG BANK, LTD. HEAD OFFICEi 94, Market Street BRANCHES: Peaaag 86 Beach Street, Malacca 131 j cater Sweet Muar y jaiea Suleiman. Batu Fahat.. ID9 Jalan Rahamat, AGENCIES AT: Luadon, New York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semaraag, Shanghai, Hongkoag, Amor, Palembang aad Trang. CAPITAL, Authorised $80,000,000 ggy*
      536 words
    • 530 10 BANES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 600,000 Shares of £5 each $3,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Westminster and Parr's Bank. Ltd.
      530 words
    • 252 10 INSURANCE. 7 be Overseas Corporation, Ltd. Te'epbune No. 2573 Head Office: lit Floor, No. 30, Kling B;reer, SINGAPORE. 29 B—M 12 8 THE EASTERN UNITED ASSURANCE. CORPORATION LIMITED, (Incorporated In tho ELS.) HEAD OFFICE i BINGAPOB*. BOARD OF DIRECTORS' Tan Kheam Hock, Esq. (Chairmaa.) See Toong Wah, Esq. (Vice Chairmaa.)
      252 words
    • 339 10 Economy is Essential Daring the present slump. It is sj necessary in the home ai it is in the offioe. f One way in wbioh to eoouo. mice is to use OIL STOVES s with onf, two, tore* or four burners. Bums Kerosene, and if most economio&J. STOCKED BY BAN
      339 words
    • 501 10 MAĔAYAJBibJJj SHIPPIHCjt ZETrt 'Pboat r, O i„ PAYABLE Per annum Half-yearly fill Per quarter $U| Single Copy 5 cti Postage Extra 50 c t» To Foreign countries 561 Ja\| found on page B.] k VERY MANY TRIBUNE KEADEfii. Depend upon street < Paper l t «rul help °> sure them
      501 words