Malaya Tribune, 25 July 1921

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 27 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] SHIPPING GAZETTE. [EVENING DAILY. Vol. VIII No. 172 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 25, 1921 FIVE CENTS The Malaya Tribune. MONDAY, JULY 26, 1921.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 824 1 nf maiata tribune AND SHIPPING GAZETTE Phone Mo. 171 SOBSCHIPTION RATES Payable In Advance Peranaum fuS' /.SO p r quarter Poatage Extra SO'cte. per month. Everything to use audi wear. -p H E thousand or more readers of "The Malaya Tribune M who have followed the Whiteaway advertisements day by
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    • 28 1 I SUN COMPANY supplies All Photographic Materials AND The Right Place for Amateurs IN Developing, Printing and Enlargement No. 94. NOETH BRIDGE BOAD, SING A FORE. Phone 660.
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  • 797 2 MALACCA COMMITTEE'S REPORT. The report of Ibe Malacca commit, tee on the proposed defence force ia m fol owb Central Committee.—As first eon •titoted by His Excellency the 1 Qovernor, the Malacca Committee 1 was part of the Central and Penang Committee. Owing to the special conditiona in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 947 2 TEETHING TIME NEED NOT MEAN TEAKS. When baby 'a teeth ere coming through li a time of worry to many motheri. The little one'i gumi become swollen snd tender; he ll erosf; does not sleep well; is troubled with constipation, colic or diarrhoea, and sometimes even convulsions him. Daring this
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    • 444 2 AUCTION SALE. AUCTION SALE OF Wax Polished Teak Offioe Fomttore, M libera' Iron Safe, lleotrie Otdling Fa: a, eto. To be held at Nob. 27 and 29, Winchester House, HTHOIIO4T, July 21, It MO p m Oompriiiog poiiihed teak writing deeke, atandard and arm ohaira, bookstands and racks, oopyiog prets,
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    • 455 2 Add a Spoonful of yUk% BOVRIL3 It makes the whole dish more nourishing. WHY tcmplain of bad H EALTH and yet take no action. It is very well to say you like to be strong and healthy but a different thing to mm satisfy this desire. gj Pefore good HEALTH
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    • 165 2 TM ABLE INDIAN p HYc .X MaLA» Hor BL TSI(!^. splendid preparation of mZm *f enring th. following d£J? > Cold, Catarrh, Headache Ear-pain, Giddiness, TJSk Running oi the Nose, Neuia2i** in laaa than two mln^* mwmm Will be going to Kuai. Lumpur for a Short Season. sa i 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 428 3 F TTI THE POPUIAR PFOTO PLAY HOUBE EMPIRE fjnjong Pa#» r Trams Pass the Door from MONDAY, July 25, to WEDNESD AY, Jaly 27. IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9 30 p M sMO y CHIP BBE UNIVERSITY lv 2 Parts. showing tee University balldings, grounds, its many aotivitiee sad
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    • 798 3 B*B*BB*BEaßßa*Bwas*iEaa^ The m Tbe Aihamttrais Wednesday, July 20, to Monday, July 25. Alhambra j the Theatre > at the ALH AM BRA H 1 aued the REST Tea, etc. I mmmmon Ha 1 f(,r Mof Featorei mwwul I sUtiea BiBEGBt ROJLse. daring 8 Intervals. ONE OP THE GREATEST, IF NOT
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    • 615 3 Pretentf the Three Great Serial Stan f WM. DUNCAN, EDITH JOHNSTON and JOE;RYAN In Vitagraph'a Super Serial with a Thonaand Thrilla that follow eaoh other like waioh ticka A FIGHT FOB MILLIONS A wonder tale of the great open/tpae-s, the lofty mountains, the wooded hills, the lakes, th-* gr„at whi'e
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  • 962 4 The scheme for a new Defence Force, drawn up by a committee of ex-Service officers, has at last been published. The Government are not frank enough to say plainly whether or not the scheme is adopted as it stands. It is just stated that the reorganisation of
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  • 269 4 There will be no band practice on Jnly 19 and no parades from Jnly 30 to Aug ait for the Singapore Boy SoOBtS. Six patents for invention! have been granted to varioas persons, as published in the Osteite. Two relate to rabber. Major H N P Whitley, M 0, D
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  • 351 4 Trip to Occupy 54 Houra from End of Year* (From Oar Owm Correspondent. J Bangkok, Jaly 20,—From the beginning of Bangkok will be brought one clear day nearer Earope by tbe introduction of the new railway servioe which ia dae to etart on January 2. Penang will
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  • 82 4 Tbe Russian Light Opera Co gave a very pleasing rendering of The Count of Luxembourg "at Goodwood Hall on Saturday night. The company ii a very good one, and from to night will be better able to exhibit the talents of tbe artistes, in tbe more
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  • 36 4 The balance sheet for the half year ended Jane 30 last, of the St Andrew's Hospital Baildiog rand, shows a total credit balance of $67,087.80. Of this, contributions amount to $61,121.13.
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  • 298 4 A mail for Europe will close by the s s Tara at S p m to. day by train at 4 p m. Ihe outward B I s s Tceeta, witb mails from Earope, is expected to reach Penang on Saturday. In the Evans mnrder caae at Ipob, on Friday,
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  • 242 4 «ggW m Malay on Forger) (/ha r|e At the Assizes on Saturd.» Mok, a Khek who was charged the attempted murder of J a warder at the gaol, was caiuf 8 The accused, who was a ore Dp the gaol, was alleged to have Si? ed up a
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  • 118 4 Amateurs 1 Final on .Saturday. A crowded and enthssiattic audience witnessed tbe Singapori Amateur Dramatic Ccmmutet'i fiaii performance of The Man froa Toronto at the Victoria Theatre oa Saturday. The whole presentatloo was as successful ss ever aod ell it* artistes put everything they inn into
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  • 331 4 Srimat Swami Abbedanande.Hioci missionary, scholar and pbiloaopbfr, ia expected to paas through Singapore im September on hii way (roa America to India. He is one of tbs direct disciples of Sri Rusakrknt Paramabamsa and succeedes! toon 25 years ago tbe world renowned Swami Vivekananda Id tbs work
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  • 74 4 In the Supreme Court on untitled day morning before Mr J wa Barrett-Lennard, Mr B Wlllisa** stated that the case Ms*"* ueere Terras Messrs Bar boar, #»JJ stone snd Company Limit*'' been settled, plaintiffs hsWng re to accept $33,567 and eo«i. JJJ was also a counterclaim bat in" dismissed with
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 181 4 PUNCHING BALLS AND ATHLETIC REQUISITES. Best Quality Punching Balls with Bobber Cords and Fittings for Floor and Ceiling as Illustration, ARMY' Punching Ball* wi b single end SS Sitings in otal or pear shape. pekfec f on jP^r^^^^ h-irse m SANDOW S' Jhf Fj I Thrte exercisers Hvrri f^^Sv^^* PRICES
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    • 274 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., Incorporated ia tha Straits SetUwaeut». 36, PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE The inooeaifnl Tenderers for the inpplj of mltoaUaneoaj Artiolea and Engineer! Btorea to the Singapore Municipality for the period ending Slit December, 1921. New Bhlpmante Just RemoealwtmeA. Tale Bronae Lever Padlock?, Tale and Townic Chain Pulley Blooka,
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 186 4 WHEN AND WHERB. To-day, July «J. Mifh Tides. —0.51 «-a., 1J9 pm. St. Jimu. Football, League Dir. II: United Bank» v S C F A II, SCC ground. 32nd Co. RAMCvSRC II, SRC ground. Entries close, S F A Cup competition. SVC: Chinese Co., 5.15. B. Scouts: I. II, IV
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  • 300 5 iaPAN AND RETURN OF SHANTUNG. Disarmament Question. Reuter. London, July 22-Reater learn. I ta s Japanese source that tbe Hnitei States has not yet replied to JJ utes* Japanese note. Negotiations continuing at Washington, but j.oan »no» proposing any prolamine, regarding that as not her bß nonc'Vning the
    Reuter.  -  300 words
  • 146 5 Conflicting Views. Reuter. Athens, Jnly 22— Military circles ire of opinion thet tbe capture of Bskisbehr practically ends tbe war agsinst tbe Kemalists. It r report, ed thst tbe Greeks captured immense booty, including 180 guns and 1,000 prisoners Ihe Kemalists are fleeing la disorder snd are
    Reuter.  -  146 words
  • 104 5 Reuter. Berlin, July 22.—1t is semiofllalally stated that the German •iports in 1920, rxclading gold and alw, amounted to 69.300,000 msrks.—Renter. New York, July 23.—A bankers' ■radicate has arranged to extend credit of nine million dollars to finance grain shipments te Germany, —Rester. Helsingfors, Jaly 32.—1t is semioffieiaily
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 73 5 Reuter. London, July 22.—The AgrlculWages Board, at which farmers •M workers ars represented, decided •Pon the issse forthwith of a statuITJ1 TJ DOtice ol P r °PO»l to reduce 2 imm *n rate of wages to adult ■J workers rfy six shillings weekly, •oa others proportionately, provided wiimmam
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 47 5 (»iom Our Own CorrssrDondent.) B»ngkok,J B ly 23.—The anniver n o! 8iam entering the wsr was *Jtmd to-day. H M the King laid wrests on naUonBl „^,1»! 5 **uung the ashes of the fallen. french aviators new from Saigon !°fc*tko» lot th. same purpose.
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  • 244 5 STILL HOPES OF A SETTLEMENT. De Valera's Utterance. Reuter. London, July 22. —In explanation of the Irish situation, it is pointed out tfiat the most hopeful sign is the oontinnanoe of the trnou. Lord Crewe, speaking in the House of Lords yesterday evening, optimis. tically declared If the
    Reuter.  -  244 words
  • 142 5 Reuter. Paris, July 20.— Adopting tbe French Government's point of view, Italy has instructed her Ambassador at Berlin to oall tbe German Government's attention to tbe danger to peace occasioned by German troops concentrating on the Upper Silesian border. While quite eager for the solving of the Silesian
    Reuter.  -  142 words
  • 55 5 Cost-Saying Device. Reuter. London, Jaly 22.—1n the presence of many experts, a demonstration was given in London of tbe capabili. ties of a machine invented by Sir Henry Wickbam, which, it is claimed, transforms latex into bard cured rubber in a few mir.u ps at a fraction of
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 49 5 Reuter. Modesto, California, July 22.—Mr Shea, president of the local ft ait and vegetable workers anion, has been arrested and charged with kidnapping in connection with the deportation of Japanese workers. Yesterday virtually all the Japanese bad returned to the places from whence tbey were removed. —Heater.
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 79 5 Great Canadian Discovery* Reuter. London, July 23,—Montreal reports, received from Victoria, British Columbia, state that Mr Howard Colley, a geological expert, has returned, and declares that the whole territory from Fort Normal to the Arctic and Mackenzie basin, is under laid witb oil, natural gee, aud coal.
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 157 5 The general meeting of the Persenangan Stia Club was held at the club house, 747 North Bridge road, on Thursday evening, with Mr N Mamat as chairman. The olub accounts were satisfactorily passed. The following were elected office, bearers for the ensuing six months President H M Mohammad Ghouse, Vice-President
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  • 1028 5 ATHLETICS, sec SPORTS GYMKHANA. Saturday's Successful Conclusion. The revived S C C athletic sports W1 brou 8 ht *> a close on Saturday afternoon, when, favoured by ideai weather, everything went with great success. The pavilion by five o'clock was Packed with members and their lady iriends, the latter
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  • 250 5 PENANG RACES, THIRD DAY. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, July 23.—The following were tha result* of th* third day's racing at Penang: The Visitors Plate. Avro (O'Connor) 8.10 1 Babz (Suttle) 8.8 2 Windup (Billett) 9.1 3 Won by one and a half, on© and a half. Time
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  • 356 5 YESTERDAY'S RACE. Tbe first race for Mri Lundon's Cap on San Jay morning only brought six boat! to tbe atarting line. Tbe conditions of tbia aeries of race* bave already been published, and eliminating tbe Malay crews aeein to hare added diffioalty to manning boats. Margaret II was first
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  • 76 5 71 YARDS' HANDICAP. At the Bwimming Club yesterday there was an excellent race in the 75 yards handicap. R Somerbayes, starting at six seoonds, was tbe win. ner by a yard, and E 0 Edwards, also starting at six seconds, was seobnd beating by a yard the third man,
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  • 66 5 AMERICAN'S FINE GAME. Reuter. New York, Jnly 28,—1n tbt American golf championship, Barnes (America) wen with 189 in the final round. He did the firet nine holes for thirty four, playing super golf Hegen end MoLeod tied for seoond place with 298. Duncan did 805. At tbe halfway stage,
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 295 5 Reuter. S v- C TEAM FOR X L On Saturday and Monday next the "matoh of the year" in Malayan cub programmes will take place at Kuala Lampar, when the chosen of Selangor and tbe S O O will meet in their anneal joust, Tbe following team bas been
    Reuter.  -  295 words
  • 134 5 THE LEAGUE GAMES. Tbis afternoon tbete will be two games in the second division of the SPA League, via, Uul.ed Banks v S C F A U ou tbe SCO ground and 32-»d Co, R A >i C v BRO II on (be 8 R C gnund. To-morrow afternoon
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  • 240 5 L L T C TOURNAMENT. Friday's Play. Ladies' Singles Handicap. MrsOlafsson owe 3 Miss Brooks plat 3, postponed. Ladies Doubles Opes. Mrs Scbsfer aad Mrs Morrell vs Mrs Brooke and Mrs ds Haviland postponed. Mixed Doubles A ClasA. Mrs Hacker and Lt Col Cotgrave owe 15 1 beat
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  • 46 5 The Amerioan Bridge Tournament at tbe Tanglin Club will start to-day at 9 p m, when all players are kindly requested to attend. The first matches to be played will be arranged by draw. Fall particulars of the competition are posted In tha oreb-houee.
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  • 184 5 (We do not necessarily endorse the opinions expressed by correspondents.) STRANDED OPERA COMPANY. From MB MAURICE E BAND HAN ;—In referenoe lo an article that baa appeared recently regarding the stranding in Jar a of an English Company called the Royal Op*> r Company, I beg te eay that
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  • 30 5 Frad WaUrkoaa* Ca, Ltd. Singapore, Jaly 25. To-day's cloaing rubber sjastati—■ are aa under in New York.—l 4 ets. London.—Pgd. Singapore 2i ets. lons of the Market: —Easier.
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  • 49 5 1 o'clock 2 noon, Jnly 25. Pale Ribbed. Crepe Smoked Sh. Closing Prices Closing Prices. Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers. Spot 28 28 Aag 28| 29 t Aug to Sept 29g SO Oot to Dee 12 83 Tone of market:—Easier. Tin to-day $82; 100 tons sola.
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  • 58 5 Singapore, Jnly 25. On LondonBank 4 m/s 2/4 3/16 Demand 2/3 13/16 Private 3 m/s 2/4 19/32 On IndiaBank T. T. 179 On HongkongBank d/d 21«% P On ShanghaiBank d/d 60 On Java— Baak T. T. 134 On Japan— Bank d/d 84} Sovereigns—buying rate $8.54 Bank of England rate
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  • 28 5 Reuter. London, Jaly 22 —There were 2,020,000. registered unemployed in tbe United Kingdom on July 15 a decrease cf 100,000 compared with tbe previous week. —E»uter.
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 87 5 The anneal general meeting of the Straita Chinese Pootball Aasoelation will be held at the 8 0 R 0 on There day at 5 15 p m. Tbe bntlnesi will ba To pass the minetfs of tbe last general meeting to past accoants eto and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 468 5 PHASER CHALMERS Engineering Works. ■ague* Boom, a «■< 6*. loUiioi load, Singapore. ELECTRIC LIFTS For Pf saengers or Goods. QUOTATION 3 GIVEN FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS. PROPRIETORS the General Electric Co., ltd (laaorpormte* BngW.) DRESSMAKING MILLINERY Do yon went to learn how to make all kind of pretty frocks and hate?
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  • 138 6 Reuter. Linden New Jersey, Jely 20 Damage estimated at four million dollar? has been oaused by a Are at the large asphalt plenb of Warner Kainlao Company, the flames leaping from oil-tank to oil tank with terrifio explosions. A sea of fire on the adjoining marahes
    Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 89 6 Reuter. London, July 20—In the House of Commons, in the committee stsge of the Safeguarding of Industries Bill, an important i ew clause was inserted, a motion by the Government providing that no order for the imposition of duty in respect to dumping be made, unless the Board
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 63 6 Reuter. Bimla, July 21,—Tbe Mount Everest expedition arrived at Tiogri on June 19. All are well, except Raebarn, wbo bat been invalided to Sikkim, Moantaioeers are now exploring the north west approaches to Moant Everest, whilst others are engaged on short acien ific excursions westward. Already 4,500 square
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 50 6 Reuter. Springfield*. Illinois, July 21.— Governor Small, Lient Governor Sterling, and tbe banker Vernon Curtis bare been indicted on a cbarge of embeszling public fends amounting to $3,200,00.). Small ban is,ned a statemeut proclaiming hia iuujcence, and asserting tbat bia enemies are trjing to assassinate bim politi eally.—Beater.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 118 6 There will be a film of particular intereat at tbe Empire oloema tonight. It ia in two reel", and depicta the Amoy Chip Bee University. Tbe balance of tbe programme haa other flrat-rate pic. urea. To olghi'a programme, which will be run for the rest of tbe week,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 421 6 j W/D. H. 0. WILLS. THE THREE Itpll CASTLES. 1., *a&H.o.Wiiisj§gJ r '«tol &London:^^ I These Cigarettes are sold "Hll in three sizes ,|TI I,I B^S ORDINARY SIZE "MAGNUMS" BBSS') MAGNUMS" I^l ■k -~*mm c B»y,jtjaajwwa>^g^>3WW«MiMH^MM^ 'PUDLd'A For DAMP WALLS, lIM IE *XIKG TANKS, II IFLODOED BASEMENTS, I and all
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    • 710 6 NOTICE. Oa and ftft«i lit /ugns\ 1991, the followiog alterations lo the train servle will oome lu f o operation:— Tbe present 7. JO a.m train from Koala Lumpur 4o Penang on fenndfys will leave Kuala Lam pur at 7 a.m. and will mo earlier throughout aa under a.m. Kcala
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    • 502 6 fLUGEL'SJSIZE 08T. ill MACniltß LONDON.nifta MANGEODINE Beat fer Mange, excellent for killing ticks and fleas in Dogs, Cats, etc. Follow the directions and tha result will be marvellous, STOCKISTS:— Medical Office, Braa Basah Road. Straits Pharmacy, Middle Road. Medical BAIL Ltd., Battery Road. The Dispensary, Raffles Place. Finlayson Green Dispensary
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    • 399 6 Remimoer ('BO Wriglty* After Every IT WIIJL MAKE YOU HEiLTHY AKD /CTIYE f H MULLER AND PHIPPS (MALAYA) Ltd, Sole Distributor* NANYANG HM THLUS TO3ACCO COMPANY^; 38« Ho nsoti Re>?*cf, in^apora Branches at KUALA LUMPUR, PENANG IPOH. t II These Brands These Braada art the fche j eele property o^l7
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 543 7 P. *0.-BitiTisH India AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated m England) HAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Oriental S N. 00. Under Contract with Hia Majesty's Government. THE COMPANY'S MAIL SEBVIOEB EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspsndsd. 0 LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE, From LONDON Due BINGAPOBE. lashmir about July 25 Somali
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    • 669 7 Parsengero and Freight Services Operated bj Pacific Mail Steamship Co. (Incorporated ia U.SJU lOR AOCOUNI OF THE U. 8. SHIPPING BOARD. SAN FRANCISCO—MANILA—EAST INDIA. BAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. For CALCUTTA Via COLOMBO. Granite State Passengers and Freight Auf U Creole State Passengers and Freight Fept 13 Wolverine State Passengers and Freight
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    • 499 7 Units Sttaflbbip CO., Us Steamera intended to tail from Singapore Selangor—Monday 4 p.m., for Porl Bwettenham and Penang. Hye Leong—Monday. 4.30 p.m Malacca' Kaka Tuesday, 4.80 p. m., for Malaooa and Muar. Ipoh- Wednesday, 4 pm. for Swettenham and Penang. Hebe Thursday, 4p m M for P. Dick eon A
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    • 339 7 O. S. K. Tli Isaka Skiui blsla. LIMITED. Oaeerperatod la Japan.J NO, i DE SOUXA STKEET. PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. (Subject to change vitesat eetice.) EUROPEAN LINE. For PORT SAID, MARSEILLES, LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. Argun Maru arr. July *4 uep. 2& Himalaya Maru arr Aug 20 dep 21
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    • 649 7 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) Bedat Mafl Contrast with tha Imperial Jaeeaes* Qoveraaxat (Bubjact to Altarationa without Notioa) London Llnm Fortniihtlj Service For LONDON ANTWBBP via (MALAOOA) PENANQ COLOMBO, SUBZ, POBT SAID MARSEILLES. Yokohama Maru Avg 8 Kleiat Aug '9 Mishima Maru 1M Aug 24 Liverpool Line for MARSEILLES
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 461 8 WANTED. WANTED.—An intelligent girl to work in an offioe. Moot be willing to learn accounts. Apply in own handwriting, enclosing copy of school certificate, to the Manager, Malaya Tribune. 9 7 ac WaNTED—A Linotype Operator to work on Model 14 machine, hpeed and accuracy in work necessary. Written applications, with
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    • 512 8 NOTICE. NOTICE. The Exchange Banks will be aloted on 30th Jaly, Saturday Bank lit August, Monday J Holidays. 22 7 30 7 NOTICE. NEW FILIPINO BRASS BAND AND ORCHESTRA Available for all oooasloni. Terms Moderate. Apply at 99 Benooolen Street, (Lor:eg Pantei) G. UNDASAN. 9 7 88 NOTICE, GOVERNMENT OF
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    • 542 8 BANKS. SZE HAI TONG BANKING INSURANCE CO„ LTD, (Incorporated ia the Straits S, 8.) HEAD OFFICE: 58, KLING STREET, SINGAPORE. Estabiahed 1907, Paid-up Capital $2,000,000 Surplus .i 6*0,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS, Seah Bssj Msa, Esq.—Chairman. Bee Wee .saw, Eay.—deputy UaairChaa Teck Hee, Esq. Ong- Chow Keng-, Esq, Teo Teow Feng,
      542 words
    • 535 8 BANES, TMJb SO JSON 6 BANK, LTD? HEAD OFFICE) 94, Market Street BRANCHES: Peaaag 86 Beach Street. Malacca 181 Jcaker Street, Muar 77-79 Jalaa Suleiman, Batu Pahat.. 109 Jalaa AGENCIES AT: London, New York, Saa Fraaciaco, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Shaaghai, Hongkoag, Amoy, Paleaahaaff aad Trang. CAPITAL. Authorised $20,000,000 laaued 8,000,000
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    • 525 8 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED LN ENGLAND. BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 600,000 Sham* of £6 each $3,000,000 Reserve Fund £1,600,000 Reserv e Liability of Proprietors £8,000,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Westminster aad Parr's Bank.
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    • 269 8 JUST ABBIYED STRAIGHT SIDE CORD AfICHELLN TTBEf All ejses Stockist.— LIM CKEE SENC, 17. Oeoil Straet A. SAIBOO CO. fticril Mercliits Mooey Ctaigers. Afl are kindly soli, a to inspcet our ohoy at JOHNSTON'S PUB. Singapore. Foreign Coins of oil kinds caa ba exchanged or bought here at any Hma.
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    • 112 8 I |HH' lew S!s a i iq e*ock I Ehlw I 2—3—4 GALLONS IBltll 1 Spars Pilteriof Cylinder*. H THE SELAT TRACING CO,, THE ENGLISH ELECTRIC Co. LMITED. 'Incorporated ia EaMaad.) REDUCED PRICES fob ALL WIRES CABLES LARGE STOCKS Write to:— Singapore Branch —WINCHESTEfi HOUSE. Telephone SOI. Telegrams: EMELBCTICO." QUALITY
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