Malaya Tribune, 14 July 1921

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 249 1 iHE mm TRIBUNE shipping Gazette Phone Eft* 171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Vayabla In Adviaoe. Per annum *m mm I 1*5.00 Half-ywly I 7.60 Par Quartsr at* .a* m 3.75 Fostaga Extra SO ots. par month. Piatt, Jensen, Ltd., I (Incorporated in StrmiU Bottlamants) I Singapore. I (In Stock.) I Screw Cutting
      249 words
    • 125 1 j, Sime, Darby Go., Ltd. Incorporated ia Straits Settlement. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. Quotations given for complete Elect tic Lighting Power Installations, Poll range of Electrical tuppllei in Hook t V LB. Wires Cables. Metal Filament Lamps. Ceiling Table Fans. Fittings Accessories. "DtetejriD-" Telephones. MADS THONG Plants. Theideai Lighting Set for Bungalows
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    • 247 1 j SUN COMPANY ■uppllee AU Photographic Materials AUD The Right Place for Amateurs in Developing, Printing and Enlargement No. 94, NOBTH BRIDGE BOAD, IBINQAPOHB. Pkone SCO* I Remington I Self-Starting Typewriter. I SEE? ajB Hour they, .worli: with bM m •""""—a* 1 S.PO.O* of ao, Una. Thta automatio line Indenting
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  • 1509 2 IT "ECHO." Thers is very general approval of my suggestion that Singapore should be provided with a Stadium with ample stand accommodation, where all the chief sporting events should be decided under conditions of comfort end convenience for both players and onlookers. It is an obvious need of
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  • 43 2 Reuter. Moondsville. West Virginia, Jnl> 11.—Seven were killtd and fifty Injured owing to a bombing aero, plane falling -ou a group of motorcars parked in Langin Aerodrome. The engine explodrd, setting the machine on fire. The were all spectators. —Renter,
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 872 2 HAVE YOU A GOOD WiPEP If 10 j on will b, --reited to know that Finkattat are a remedy for one of w. man's ,ahlaf troubles— Oonstipatlon, snd, Incident-1 sre equally helpful to man. To dispel liverishnesj, ei k headaches or bilious attacks, Pinkattes are perfection. Tiay but thorough, thsy
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    • 659 2 GOOD NEWS FOR BACKACHB SUFFERERS. Just that one little pill with a glass af water—" relief after the irst dose." What does that mean to the poor suffering woman tortured with the miseries of backache, such as only those can describe who suffered with it, either in bed, unable to
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    • 186 2 Rub Out the Pain. Wherever the ache or pain, simply rob in Little's Oriental Delia. As you rub in the Balm, you rub out the pain,—quickly, simply and surely, there is no better remedy for headache, earache, backache. It relieves lameness, sprains, strains, swellings, lhe more cruel Bufferings of Rheumatism,
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    • 434 2 mmm* i 3 —yes, it is lovely to feel v et I lam getting strong again j J Only those who have experienced the a wearisome burden of ill-health, can I accurately realise whit it means to feel they are getting strong and well*—to feel new vitality creeping into the
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    • 267 2 V* LAL THE ABLE ftD/AX PUTSIOi. MuATAgyortt, ltu Middle Ro-j, ♦7— The publL is assured 0 f splendid preparation of Medicine, f curing the following diseases*?* Cold, Catarrh, Headache, Hemicr**"? Ear-pain, Giddiness, ToothJkT .Eunning of the Nose, Neuralgia 7?' ia leas than two minutes. Will be going to Kuai a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 579 3 MARLBOROUGH The Hall for Good Music and Good Pictures Beach Road. from MOM DAY, July it, to SiTURDiY, July 16. A WORLD DRiMA OF STRONG HUMAN INTEREST Featuring the well known KITTY GORDOS In a charming story of life DIAMONDS AND PEARLS Part A picAure in sfuoh fascinating Kitty Gordon
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    • 586 3 I vtM The Ane from THURSDAY, Joly 14, to TUEBD\Y, July 1». Alhambri h > is the only I taa I fetalis AT THI theatre 1 B M| with an Orthestrm, •JJJ* 8887 Tha Hill for Mode and Features sarvad iatisa. intervals 8 A GRIPPING AND SENSATIONAL PIOTURI Sapplementod by
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    • 453 3 Featuring J *SW^BSH^^ 1 Featuring Final Next ■••utiful Sylvan Sunlight and shad- Continued ii ow Study of Annette Kellerman In Cuetdaj. H William Fox'e Million Dollar Pic- On Friday, ture Beautiful, "A Daughter ef the I S»da> Wm Fox'e Million Dollar Pioture Beautiful A DAUGHTER OF THE GODS Featuring the
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  • 82 4 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Mr. arid Eigar Oaliaian beg to tender their heartfelt thanks to their friendt and relative!, f>r wreath a, and alto letterg of oor dol-noe in their recent bereavement. U I 14 7 Mr. Wee Swee Chfng and family beg to tender th. ir thank! to their
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  • 945 4 The Singapore Volunteer Corps dies at the end of this month. All those on its strength will, we presume, be automatically if not formally discharged and they, and all other eligibles, invited to join a new body, whose title we do not yet know, but which may
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  • 215 4 Dr Noel L Clarke is laid up with rheumatic fever and will be away from town for some weeks. The T M 0 A swimming pool, Fori Canning, will be closed on Thursday and Friday this week for repairs. The Chief Police Officer charged Mr H H Loh before Mr
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  • 136 4 Co Be Disbandtd at Month-End. As Is sUted in oar editorial to-day the Singapore Volunteer Corps is so be disbanded at tbe end of tbe present month. In Its place another Corps Is to be organUed, and the ye-lantary principle is to be given
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  • 163 4 On Tuesday evening, a serious accident occurred ou.side Saltan'* Gate, Victoriastreet, m a remit of which Aaia bin Check, the driver of car 3699, wat produced before Mr Daw- n In the sreond polke cou't 3 est en dry and remanded cn bail of $100. The accused, it
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  • 488 4 Caclcatt», July IS.—The death haa occurred of Douglas Story, the author, journalist, and well-known war correspondent. He was found e>ad in e train la Bejpatana.— Renter. m aThe Singapore Municipal Com. missioners hare awarded to the Oen.ral Engine Works, Ltd, the con. tract for the supp'y of petals and hardware
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  • 177 4 DISCUSSJOnT7 it N'T, Reuter. Notifi&tion Publish^ Washington, July 12 J>n stood that all but one favourably replied to p**> Harding'a proposal® ~SnJr"^ Washington, July 12 _r t stood that the Govern*** ,5* the inclusion of a dJactrfJS? Eaatern problem m m aa a prelimina#to any plana. The aettlement
    Reuter.  -  177 words
  • 71 4 We understand skat the Protecter of Chinese is interev.irg himaelf the matter of the kcal tuna strike, and bas advised the pirtieu come to an amicable agreement. 1' is said tbe men have refused antfe by the sawmill owners of a teen, oent, Instead of the originally
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  • 90 4 We understand that a virnuii being taken cut for the arrest of S« Chun Seng, the mining coupradc of the Singapore branch of Barque de l'lndo Chine. The charge upon which the w rent it to be founded it one i cheating in retpect i f a
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  • 101 4 The comedy The Mtn (res Toronto 9 is being prodsced by tk Seremban ADC this month, at ties the Singapore ADC. The. Singapore premoten bin struck new talent and fire of tk members of the caste make their fit appearance before Singapore aiencea. The caste is
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  • 75 4 The peculiar increase in tbennnbe of mcequitoes in Singapore ba apparently rcsel ed in a st:ady kcrease in caees of malarial fever. The average number of deatbsptf week at tbe end of iaet yearwiift then it rose to 30, and a few ween aco was 32 to
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  • 53 4 The local m.Dager of the H«f kong end Shanghai Banking Gyration has received a teUgr»» m bis Head Office in Hcngkctg MM that an interim dividend of £3 (th* pounds) per share sabject to 90% tion of Income Tax bas bees Bm ed, payable on the
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  • 119 4 A cable has been received untitled nouncing the death, at U** I*'1 Bwitserland, on tbe Bth intWb* Mr Sigmund Katt, formerly Singapore. A report ha* been tbe Central station by Mr de Silva of H«gb street that been cheated of a gold aad Wj*? ring set with diamond*, 9™ *jj
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 193 4 S E HWm W Voice" 9. Gramophone Record** n pROVTDE aa endless repeiUfte CF tis> falsa* sßhee |M m The New Dance List just issued contahst Petty*** ef l J the Latest Pieces by Famous Dance Oiefcestaas. jM W Write for a copy. H rjj. Hear Paul Whiteman and his
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    • 336 4 I GUAN KIAT 6? Co., Ltd., I—riwtW ia tat Strait* S*«*l«a**>«» m, PHILLIP BTHSET. BIKSArOSm The income.fui TeSjdete*fl foT the supply Of nt .H»n-OH Artleltr ar<d Knpuxvrs St,-r> 0 ihe Singapore ♦M.n-cipalny for th* period aaliug >ist 19J1. New SJkalfv menti Just ResoeaiYssd. Y;l* Brcrse L*vei Pa >1< ak*. Tele
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 185 4 WHEN AND WHERE. To-day, July 14. ■iffk Tides.—622 aja., fjfc Football, League Div. II: fit. Joseph's 0 B v Ex-Sarvicee, SCC ground. faa Defences II v United laake, SRC ground. lowing: Ctoiengmai Cup neat, Orchestra pr-etice, Y M C A, B. Scouts: III Troop, 1.11. Y M C A gymnastic
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  • 240 5 GERMANS WHO FIRED ON LIFEBOATS. Truculent? Attitude. Reuter. L'ffzig, 12.—The trial of the ,abmarine lieutenants Dfttmar and Boldl haa been begun. They are ebarged with murder by firing en lifeboata with eurvivore from the bospitel ship Llandovery Castle. This ease differs from previeus trials, proeeedjigs being taken at
    Reuter.  -  240 words
  • 100 5 Several Items Discussed. Reuter. London, July 12,—The fir it part of to-day's sitting of the Imperial Conference was devoted to Egypt, Yiicoant Carson mads a itatemenl ■pon the questions to be shortly diseasied with tbe Egyptain delegation. Ai the Overseas' representatives at tbe Conference endorsed his proposed line
    Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 79 5 Reuter. Athens, Jaly 12. —A report from Smyrna states thit tbe Greeks have opened their offensive, and, advancing rapidly, ocoapied Hassan Pasha, Agranso and Tenikeui. The National Bank of Greece has lent the Government 153 million drachmae.—Renter. Paris, July 12—A message from Constantinople sajs the Greeks advanced
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 54 5 Reuter. London. Jaly 12,—The fcewt tl at the firs* twenty-four hours of 'he trice in Ireland have been loyally observed is indicated by tbe absence of reports of outrages from the Dublin Castle authorities.—Reuter. London, July 12—The Lord Miyor, C'Callaghan, bas returned to Cork after an absence of
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 47 5 Reuter. Paris, Joly 11.—General Lord Cavan reprssented the British Go vsrnment at tbe Amiens ceremony of the bestowal of the War Cross upon ansmber of war stricken villages. Dspsty Klots, in a spsecb, extolled the heroi-m of lbs British soldiers the battles around Amiens.— Restar.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 41 5 Reuter. London, July 12.—The airman, Harry Hawker, who made the pioneer ►tempt of a direst Transatlantic MM bet I*4 into the water near "•land, was killed whilst flying at Bendon, through his aeroplane JfcMetj fire when .lighting «suter.
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 38 5 Reuter. P»ri Jaly la.—l n the Chamber, ■P'wb on foreign policy, M r, n d declared there v ould be no joestion of dispensing with the sane Mons .mil lhe Versailles Treaty j intergrally fulfilled
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 35 5 Reuter. Washington, 12._Presidant hs. BrKed th 9 Sen^e legialation providing for M. ldie lD 0f the "enual need for economy *n the wests of tlft Government and for rovlvsl of comsner^,-Ranker.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 151 5 THE CONFERENCE .WELCOMED. French Reservations. Reuter. London, July 12 It is authoritatively declared that Mr Lloyd Qeorge '«rill go to Washington to attend the disarment conference, which it is expectid will be held in the aatamn. However, some Dominion Premiers favour a preliminary conference before the Dominions' representatives depart,
    Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 196 5 Necessity for Continuation. Reuter. Londofc, July 12.—The text is published of tbe speech of Mr Balfour to the Dominions' representatives at the Conferenos on Jul; 8 on the subject yf the League of Nations, in which he strongly defended Its existence. After reviewing the difficulties militating against
    Reuter.  -  196 words
  • 117 5 Ttribil W triors Give Battle. Reuter. Simile, July 12. —A communique says a line repairing party was fired upon at Palosina on Jnne 29. A com. pany of Punjabis witb Lewis guns and an armoured car were sent in pursnis from Jandola, but were held up, and
    Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 26 5 Reuter. Madras, July 12—Tbe mills are elo'sing indefinitely, owing to the executive of the local labour nnion refssing to accept the mlll-owners' terms. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 27 5 Reuter. London, July 12 —-A Warsaw m< siage says there is continued unrest in Upper Silesia, owing to roving bands terrifying many distriots. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 101 5 Singapore, Joly 14. Silver 37$ Hougkong 20* premium. Three Months Gold $45. Rebbers —Practically no business passing. Tins Tnipings $1.12$ to $120, Norths $1.32* to $1,374, Souths 72* to 80, M eng I embus 30 to 35, Rawangs 60 to' 67*, Batang Padangs 70 to 75,
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  • 67 5 H Kirwan, who will be remembered by many here as a successful jookey and trainer, is now connected with tbe recentljneoitstitttted Meat Board which is engaged in the importation of cattle in Singapore. He is to take charge of the landing of cattle in the Southern Settlement, and it is
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  • 903 5 FOOTBALL. 8 F A TitlAL MATCH. (By Echow") On the SCO ground last evening, teams of Probables and Possibles met to assist the 8 P Afeommittr e in selecting the eleven to play for Singapore in the Malaya Cap tournament. There were several ehangr s from the sides originally
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  • 993 5 (By "Reflex.") Quite a good game resulted from the meeting of the seoond elevens of the S R 0 and SOFA yesterday in the seoond division of the League, and the contest had an unexpeeted result—a goalless draw. The teams
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  • 243 5 FINE FEATS BY. SCHOOLBOYS. On Wednesday, Aag. 10, the annaal Inter-School Sports will take place on the 8 0 0 groand. The Singapore boys will be hard pat to It to sarpass the achievements of the competitors at the Inter-Sohool .Sports in Penang on Satarday last. The only schools
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  • 115 5 PETE HERMAN'S VICTORY. Reuter. London, July 12—In the Holland Park >Hall, in a twenty-rounds contest, America, ex. champion of tne werld, knocked out Jim Higgins, British champion, in the eleventh round. The nght was arranged as a bantamweight contest, bps Unrmm, ifoina three-quarters of a pound over weight, paid
    Reuter.  -  115 words
  • 121 5 AUSTRALIA vs. SCOI'LASD. Reuter. London, July 12. —In the matoh between tbe Australians and Scotland at pettb, the Australians made 422. Collins compiled 100, Which inc uded fifteen fours, whilst Bavdsley, who contributed 112, hit a six auct fourtem fours.—Reuter. COUNTY MATCHES. London, July 12.—At the Oral, Surrey beat
    Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 81 5 TOURNAMENT AT PENANG. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 13.— Toe following polo teams will be playing majehec here next week-end Singapore.—Wolff, Lee, Morgan and Dove. Burma Rifles -Majors H B Williams and A O Got don Smyihe, and Lieutenants S P Cave and H X Binder, Penang.—Obiah Hee
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  • 91 5 A P 0 BEAT STAFFORDS. At T»n«lin yesterday, th» S'affords A Company Buffered defeat at the hands of the A P 0. Early In the first half. t v A P 0 lost a man, their right half Laving to leave the field owing to *n injury to hi*
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  • 62 5 TO-DAY'S EVENT. The first heat ot the race for'the Chiengmai Cap will be rowed this afternoon at 5.15 between Mr E 0 Martin's four and Mr R M Barnean's four. The'launches Irene and Sonstar," kindly lent by Messrs Peterson, Simons and Co., Ltd, and the Singapore Gold Storage 00.
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  • 93 5 ItTC TOURNAMENT. Yesterday's Play. Ladies Doubles Handicap. Mrs. Batcher and Mrs. Savage plus IB beat Miss Chappel and Mrs. Mills plus 2 6—4. 4—6, 6—l. Mixed Doubles B Clean. Mr. and Mrs. Karsten owe 15 beat Mrs and Mrs. Nell one 15, 4—6, 6—4, 6-2. Miss Day and
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  • 82 5 Chamber of Commerce Report* Singapore, July IS. Catalogued lbs, 578.47 tons. Offered 1,016,197 lbs, 453.66 tons. Sold 921,232 lbs, 411.26 tons. Prices Realized. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Singapore Standard Cts. per lb. Quality 31 to 31* Off] Quality 2C 30j Orepe Singapore Standard Quality Pale 31 te 32 Off
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  • 29 5 Fred Wateraouee Ca* Ltd. Singapore, July 14. To-day's closing rubber Quotations are as under r*-t New York. —14 cts. Loidon Singapore cts. Tone of the Market -.—Firm.
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  • 43 5 1 o'clock 2 noon, July 14. Pale Ribbed. Orepe Smoked Sh. Closing Prices Closing Prioes. Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers. Spot 33 34 July 34 35 Aug to Sept 35 36 Oct to Dee 38g 39| Tone of market:—Firm.
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  • 59 5 Singapore, July 14. Oi LondonBank 4 m/s 2/* 3/32 Demand 2/3 23/32 Private 3 m/s 2/4 5/16 On India— Bank T. T. 179 Oa Hongkong— Bank d/d J0,% p On Shanghai— Bank d/d °9* On Jay Bank T. T. 134J On Japan— Bank d/d 86 Sovereigns—buyin« rate 18.54 Bank
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 352 5 PHASED CHALMERS Engineering Works. ■■fit SI end 6». Roslnsoa Boat. Sl** spare. ELECTRIC LIFTS For Passengers or Goods. •ITJOTATIOHg OFTEN FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS PROPPJETOBf B the General Electrio Co., ltd. j (Incorporated Etr;. DRESSMAKING MuSST Do too wait H learn kow te seeks all kiad of pretty frocks aad hats*
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  • 297 6 The Crimson Gardenia is the tittle of (he super feature tbe Alhambra is presen ing t<>-right. Il is an adaptation of Rex Beach's well, known olory of tbe same name and features Owen Moore (from whom Mary Pickford was divorced before marrying Douglas Faribanks), and Hedda Neva. Besides
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  • 81 6 The death rate par mille for the week endiug July 2 was 33.81. The total number of death* was 261 of which 192 were male* and 69 females. One European am 2 Eurasians died, alio 194 Chinese, 42 Mala\a, 15 Indians. Convulsion? caesed 36 deaths, phthisis 28, malarial
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  • 113 6 Sago tit;- in quoted ai 14/. Tin ii quoted at £170.10.0 in London. Tapioca is quoted at 14/6 for fair flake. Gambler ia quoted at 34/6« in London oube gambier at 35/. On the Liverpool market oottor, middling American, is at 8.34, Egyptian soiton at 16. Black
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  • 43 6 Rag* Maru, from Yokohama 13-7. Circei from Deli 14 7. Klang, from Penang 14 7 Van Hogendrop, from Pakan Baroe 14 7. Doenaamud, from Bangkok 14 7. Zdda, from Bangkok, 14-7. K,.kt, from Malacca 14 7. Ranee, from Kuantan 14-7.
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  • 186 6 From a tourist's point of view to take the Eastern trip is indeed a delightful experience. One skims through, seeing and doing only what is best, staying nowhere long enough to feel the climatic pull on one's health. But different by far is
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  • 108 6 Speeding-up Desired, Reuter. London, July 11. —In the House of Commons, replying to questions with regard to tbe Imperial wireless chain, concerning wblch Mr Hurd asked wbetber any Dominion Govern, ment bad refused to be associated with it under state ownership, Mr Lloyd George said that he could
    Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 125 6 Reuter. London, July 11.—Lloyds shipbuilding re.urns for the three months ended Jane 3d state thai 3,530,0( 0 tons were under construction in the United Kingdom, which is 269,000 tuns below the previous quarter, but 1,179,000 tons on which work waa suspended owing to the decline in Remand In
    Reuter.  -  125 words
  • 100 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 12.—At tbe first annual meeting of tbe Sungei Tuksng Rubber Co, Mr Jas Seller, presiding, aid tbey had ender consideration tbe question of stopping ail tapping. I gainst an estimate of 100,000 lbs ifcej ob:aiutd 78,000 lba Last j ear's accounts
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  • 43 6 Reuter. London, July 11 —Their Majesties the King and Qieen landed at Si Peters Port, Gue.nsey, and had an enthusiastic reception. Fiefs and homage dnes Were presented at St George's Hall with quaint ceremonial. Their Majesties subsequently toured the island—Renter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 474 6 CAPSTAN TOBACCO Electricity In the Home. The Austin Aii British From Rushlight ilS tl V£ u *v to Autoplant. IO. Y» ill furnish the electric current for Frederick de Moleyns produced a Iplatia house using the num filament incandescent lamp and Starr equivalent of 60-2U of Cincinnati substitu ted a
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    • 274 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO LET. —Compound House No. SI, Bukit Timah Road, jaro ion f Holland and Bukit Timah Roads, Area 40 000 sq. ft., 2 L*rge and 2 Small Rx>mf, with Cook House snd Motor Garage. Eatry Ist August, 1921. Apply Guan Ktat AOo,Lt I, 36, Phillip Street. 14 7
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    • 347 6 fIJJGEUS'SizEQrtf PIUGEL. &£§> LOflDOJill Corn Pain Stopped Quick "Gets-It" Loosens Them So They Lift Off in A Jiffy. The corn pains cease as soon as a few drops of "Gets-It" reach the corn. It goes out ot the hurtlna* business forever^^^^ Tot a Cay or so the corn remains, getting-
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    • 272 6 WRIGLEY'S CHEWING GUM!IIMIKBIR /hS, IHI ID,4L AFTER IYIIT lt»^' /f SWEETMEAT. MDLLER AiNB PHIPPS (MALAYA) Ltd. Solo Distributors. I NANYANG BROTHERS TOBACCO COMPANY* 38, Road, Singapore Branches at KUALA LUMPUB, PENANG IPOH TktM Biaa* rhiB# Br ndi j Mli pr.p.i*7 %F^ t property NANYANO BROTHERS TOBACCO COMPANY > China's Greatett
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 504 7 p.&OxBritish India i> AND APCAR LINE. (CaMPANias Incorporated fa England) HAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Oriental S N. Oo. Under Contract with His Majesty's Government. IHB COMPANY'S MAIL SERVICES EAST 01 BOMBAY a t present suspended, LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. from LONDON Due SINGAPORE. xi about July I* Khyber about
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    • 625 7 Passengers and Freight Services Operated by Pacific* Mail Steamship Co. in O.SAJ FOR ACCOUNT U. B. SHIPPING BOARD. SAN FRANCISCO—MANILA—EAST INDIA. BAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. For CALCUTTA Tia COLOMBO. Wolverine State Passengers and Freight Jul j It Granite State Passengers and Freight Aug U Creole State Passengers and Freight Sept IJ
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    • 511 7 .trans Meamskip Co.. Ltd. Stumers Intended to sail from Singapore Kin ta—Monday 4 p- m-, for Pot Swetteuham and Perang. Hye Leong—Monday, 4.30 p.m for Malacca. Kaka Tueedayi 4.80 p. m., for Malacca and Muar. Ipoh- Wednesday, 4 pm. for P. Swettenham and Penang. Hebe Thursday, 4 p. m., for
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    • 349 7 O. S. K. Til Isati Sliui blsli, UMITBD, ta ftauml NO. I Dl BOUXA eXBUfc fIOPOSMD SAILINGS FRO! SINGAPORE, (tmtJM t» tdMUtge witkgyt MM BUBOPBAH LTJUL For PORT SAID, MABBKTLLBB, LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. Argun Maru arr. July 31 dtp. 22 Himalaya Maru arr Aug 20 dap 21 Altai
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    • 632 7 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporate-! In Japan) Qatar Mall Centres! with the Imperial Japanese Uovarnccnt (Bubjeet to Alterations without Notice) Londom Line Fortnight!? Rerrict lor LONDON A ANTWERP via (MALACCA) PENANG COLOMBO, SUEZ. POBT BAID A MARSEILLES. Kaga Mara m July 14 Liverpool Lino Tor MARSEILLES LIVERPOOL Tia SUEZ. Tsuyaasa Maru
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 440 8 WANTED. WANTS D.—Efficient jobbing compositors. Good wages to oomKnt men. Apply personally to Straits Albion Prts*. Ltd., 20 b, Oollyor Quay. 16 me WANTED.—An intelligent girl to work In an office. Must be willing to learn accounts. Apply In own handwriting, enclosing copy of sohool certificate, to the Manager, Malaya
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    • 596 8 NOTICE. HEMSTITCHING All work done by expert operator. Bamples and prices on application to SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. (Incorporated in New Jersey, U.S.A 273, North Bridge Boad. 34 6 f 38 7 NOTICE. NEW FILIPINO BR £83 BAND AND ORCHESTRA Available for all occasions. Terms Moderate. Apply at 99 Benooolen
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    • 349 8 TO LET, TO LET— Godown very suit- i able for storing rubber, situated in Battery Rjad. For particulars apply to MoAlistsr A 00, Ltd, 12 s oo T 0 L E T.—Large and oommodlons premises No. 300, Serangoon Boad, Thoroughly renovated. Apply to J. A. Eaas, 5 1, Malacca Street.
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    • 529 8 BANKS, —a a $ZE HAI TON 6 BANKING INSURANCE CO, LTD, (lacorporated ia the Straits 8, B.) HEAD OFFICE: 68, KLING i STREET, SINGAPORE. Eatabishod 1807. Paid-up Capital $2,000,000 Surplus $880,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS, Seah Bag Lim, Eaq.—Chairman Lee Wee Nam, Esq.—Deputy Chairman. Cbaa Teck Hoc, Esq. Ong Chow Keng,
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    • 524 8 BANKS. THAI BO HONG BANK, LTD, HEAD OFFICE I 94, Market Street BRANCHES: Paaaag S6 Beach Street Malacca 181 Joakar Street Muar 77-79 Jaiaa BnlormsS, Batn Pahat.. 109 Jaiaa Bahamas, AGENCIES ATI London, New York, Baa Fraaciseo, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semaraag, Shanghai, Hoagkoag, Assay, Palembeag aad Trang. CAPITAL, Authoriaed 180,000,00« laaued
      524 words
    • 503 8 BANKS, CHAPTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. Bf ROYAL CHARTER. Fold up Capital ia 800,000 Shares of £6 aaehT* 13,000,000 Beaerve Fund £»,600,000 R—arvo Liability of Proprioton £3,000,00« RANKERS, Baak of England London Joint City aad Midland Rank, Ltd. London County Westmiastar aad Parr's Bank. Ltd.
      503 words
    • 220 8 mBR "Saliidor" Filters Jjl BftHf in sock. 1 N |IbHU| 5p r FUtrrin Cyliodert, THE SELIT TtYADIHB J|, eSßSSn eWSSe m ■■■Sßi■■■ Chop Pica, l&i* Diamond Msswolieexate 4a J«well«i., No. 633 North Bridge Road, Siiiganore. Alvaji in Btools Artistic- Chinese and European Jewellery of various description and of tha latest
      220 words