Malaya Tribune, 8 July 1921

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 30 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] SHIPPING GAZETTE. 1 tf [EVENING DAILY vol. vnx NO. 158 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1921 PUCK S CENTS The Malaya Tribune. FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1921.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 244 1 PS KB 55 9 ffIIBPING GAZETTE PhcS« No. |71 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Pttyable la Acjyaao*. j p e r annum IMg P ra;uarter */0 postage Extra SO eta. par month. I i VALUE— Now At a time when every dollar must count! When a user of office equipment compares the work
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    • 26 1 sun V Company •uppliee All Photographic Materials AND The Right Place for Amateurs IB Developing, Printing and Enlargement Mo. 94. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE Phone 660.
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  • 459 2 The Work at the Johore Causeway. Changea in Singapore. The following is from the report of the General Manager, F.M.S. Railways, for 1920: The surveys for the doubling of the line Woodlands to Fort Canning, detailed surveys of Fort Canning Station, bridges at Tank-road, Kil-liney-road, Orchard-road, and Newton
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  • 147 2 At tbe montbly meeting of tbe Sooth Australian Chamber of Mann faotarera recently a letter waa read from tbe Director of the Commonwealth Bareaa of Commerce and Industry (Mr 8 Taylor) stating tbat aa a result of repreaentationa had been made with Crown Agents for the
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  • 204 2 In a sermon at the Roman Catholic Cathedral, Hongkong. Archiblahop Mannl, declered that The Chlnexe. like the lrixb. are a peace.loving nation—l»W.abldlng folk." H H Tanks Ibrahim has now been Regent of Kedah for eigbt yeara, It ia carious to note tbat tbe appoint ment waa only temporary, pending tbe
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  • 734 2 Efficiency of the Modern Motor-Cycle. The Amazing Family." Twenty-one ye»ra ago, almoat to a day, intrepid pioneers of modern mobilit■. with atnating oonfidence in the motor vehicles whioh served them at tbe opening of the twentieth century, began the first long distance trial, the historic thousand of nineteen
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 997 2 THAT BACK PAIN OF 10URSHave you Tried the Remedy that Cured Mr. Reed? Exposure to cold and rain while in a run-down condition brought oa an attack of lumbago." says Mr. Ricy M. Seed, an employee of the Southern Pacific railroad who lives at No. 3306 Lan Franco Street, Los
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    • 573 2 AUCTION SALE OF Magnificent sta'ned Teak Jacobean Hoosebold Fnmi>ur«, Oottage Piano, etc., eto. To be held at the Sale-rooms of Messrs Powell A 00., Ltd., II tITUBDIT, Jll| 9, It 10 30 i n. (Removed from a oonntry house for eonvenienoe of eale) Comprising:—One excellent toned Oottage Piano by
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    • 137 2 Oh How it Hurt*. That's what you say about that painful swelling on your knee or elbow. But what are you going to do about it —sit there and suffer Perhaps you have tried all sorts of embrocations and found no relief. These are just the eort of cases in
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    • 307 2 r THE BEST CHEAPEST BEER in the market BROWN LAOER, SUB-AGENTS WANTED. G Aurely <& Co 28, Finlayson Green. t-« 'tmmMĔßmmWMrmmmLmmmmmm IF TOUR TEETH are worn oat, aad before tbe* get worse consult J. IKED A Workmanship Gaaranteed. 41, HILL STRELT. Oftfoatte the Central Fir* Siaiios. Telephone BSL I ty
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 482 3 AT II#POPULAR PHOTO PLAY HOUBE EMPIRE TenJW P*«* r Road c Trams Pass the Door From THURSDAY, July 7,* to SUNDAY, July 10. IN THE SECOND BHOW AT 9.50 P.M. WILLIAM DUNCAN AND EDITH JOHNSON to The Vit-ipaph Million Dollar Serial of Love, Honour, Intrigue, Danger and Daring in 15
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    • 556 3 The C *&c From FRIDAY, July 8, to WEDNESDAY, July 13. Alhambra Alhambra to 1 to tot only IN Itctue —AT THE jJST with an I where foci yjk M HNfe H% A eiquteUetee Cat tbe BEST WtL B B J& A a J garden r=>- ALnAMcSKA 33: I Oreheatra,
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    • 520 3 I THE WORLD'S GREATEST AND MOST WONDERFUL PICIURE WILLIAM FOX'S Million Dollar Master Produotion Beautiful! spel bom A* tt ■E^Stt^' 8 rnjr «ll us world's f Stn anoas ln A gorgeous It will dtli»ht Danorama of Beautiful Sylvan Sunlight and Shad- and enteriain 1- i ow Study of Annette Kellerman
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  • 26 4 Domeetlc Occurrence. BIRTH. Rodrigues On Thursday, July 7, 1921, at 15 Rao* Course Road, to Air. and Mrs. J. R, Bodrigues, a daughter, 87 6 7
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  • 52 4 Gal ist an.—Harold Edgar Gallstan, aged 27, eldest eon of Mr, Edgar Gilistan ot the Master Attendant's Offioe. Funeral to-morrow morning, at 7 a.m from Boarding Offioet's Quarters, Robinson Road, to the Uathedral of the Good bhepherd, at 7.45 a.tu and thenoe to Bidadari. Penang Papers please copy 87
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  • 817 4 Mr Peel urgently appeals for contributions to the European Unemployment Fund. Up-to-date, $48,673 has been expended, only $1,656 of that going in administration expenses, so that donors are assured that the money they give is really devoted to the needs of the unfortunates who have to resort to
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  • 273 4 Mr. Justice A V Brown in expected back from leave about the middle of this month. Mr Ayathural Bahavather's last lecture, followed by a send-off to him. will be held at tbe Bhort-street school at 2 30 p m to-day. Tbe drirert of oars 3191 and 4191 were fined $10
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  • 219 4 Serious Disaffection Among Crew, Extensive Damage oa Board. We are Informed that tbe Pacifio Mail steamship the Creole State, which arrived in port yesterday much overdae, was delayed 14 days In Manila and seven days in Honolulu owing to serious disaffection, almost amoanting to mutiny, among her
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  • 140 4 Chinese Legation's Statement. Reuter. London, July s.—ln Paris, with a view to dissipating possible misunderstanding of its alleged support of intervention aa regarda tbe Banqae Indaatrtelle de Ctine, the Chinese Legation haa issued a statement aaaerting total ignorance of what paased between Paris and Pekin. It says tbat
    Reuter.  -  140 words
  • 42 4 The case against Mr X B Osborne, who ia charged with* cauaing death by a raah act, was mentioned before Mr Ball iv tbe third poller court thia morning, and until tbe 25th Inst. The bail of $2,000 waa extended.
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  • 326 4 A concert will be held at the V M C A to morrow evening, at 8.30. Members and tbeir friends are cot dt. ■lly invited. The engagement is announced of Mr R Bradwin Langson, Central Engine Works, Singapore, to Misa Mary Evelyn Mann, eldest 'daughter of tbe late Mr G
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  • 434 4 Heated Discussion ft Sn« f! Meetifg. Directors' Resolution Lo, u An extraordinary general Lmm of the Pilau Bulang Robber Produce Co. Ltd, as rp J yesterday, was held at ChartJ Bank Chambers yeaterday at no aboat a dozen being present. Jj r t' Diem presided, supported by
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  • 114 4 (Frem Oar Own L-uala Lumpur, July 7.—Tbs Health Officer's report on the health of Kuala Lampur for May shows tbe infantile morbality rate was 357 te: mille. The Sanitary Board is serioatlr concerned at this high rate, which during the fourth week of Ma; reached 710
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  • 33 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 7,—A mart ing of amateur photographers in Kuala Lumpur yesterday evening formed a Malayan Camera Clab. aft Yell, of Huttenbach's, is honorary secretary
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  • 44 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 7.—At meeting of Selangor Anglicans, D' Travers, presiding, disclosed a deplorable condition of the Cbarcb finance, due to lack of intereat. Members are urgently appealed to for ssbscriptions and peraonal propaganda to revive intereat.
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  • 31 4 (Aneta service to the "Tribune.") Weltevreden, Jaly 7,—The Tre* 1 continues selling many thousands J tons Superior on the same conditioci (eleven guilders). Bids continue to pour in.
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  • 29 4 Reuter. (Aneta Service to the "Tribune.") Weltevreden, July 7.—Tb« People's Council by 37 to 8 votfpassed the Fleet Bill, as wired Jane 15.— Hp ate r.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 39 4 Goh Ah Seng, the Hylam who was arreeted and charged in connection with certain thefts at ths cadet' bungalow, Wilkie-roai was atj morning sentenoed to foar moots.' 1 rigoroas imprisonment by Mr B* 1 m tat third peitse eoart.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 157 4 BOBINSON Co., Ltd., (COMPLETE SPORTS OUTFITTERS) SINGAPORE. Just Received. NEW SHIPMENT OF FIRST QUALITY PING PONG BALLS Also pear shaped and double end punching balls, Sandows developen and a large selection of ALLCOCKS CELEBRATED FISHING TACKLE. ROBINSON Co.. LtdT Incorporated in tbe* Settlements. A LUBRICANT FOB EVERY PURPOSE. BIND
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    • 303 4 j GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., iMorporeted in the Straita S«ul«menu. SI, PHILLIP BTBEET, SINQAPOBE Bran Plain Engine Lnbrloatore, m Water Bib Cooks, Straight Through Drain Ooeki, Gai Main Cooki, Double Tallow Caps, *le., ate., eto. LIT.-i laa commodious t itoriad Terraeadwelling baaae Na\ t* Mohamad Snltaa Road with frant catnpouad,
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 197 4 WHEN AND WHERB. Te-diy, July 8. High Tide.—0.59 a.m. Football, League Div. I: 8 1 <J S C F A, S R C ground. Stafford*' Band, Bot. Gardens, #.11. B. Scouts: VI Troop, §.1 if bead practice, '(.IS. Fillis's Circus, Beach-road, 9.19» To-morrow, July High Tides.—0.10 a.m., 1.11 p.fl» Cricket
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  • 355 5 AN OPTIMISTIC TONE PREVAILS. Gen. Smuts in Dublin, Reuter. London, July 5.-The Loft Mayor of Dublin, Mr Griffith and Mr Barton nd other representative citizens went to Kingstown to-day to receive fteneral S.outs. They remained an hoar b«> Gen Smuts did not appear Hi. «rival was confidently axpeoted
    Reuter.  -  355 words
  • 158 5 Serious Incidents Reported, Reuter. Berlin, July s.—The Allgemeine ZaitangV correspondent at Beuthen says tbat Allied troof?, mostlj British, marching in yesterday morning, were acclaimed by the popslace, bat when the people began to sin< patriotic songs, tbe French guard attacked them witb rifle bu ts. Shots were thereafter
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  • 109 5 Trouble Brewing. Reuter. Mexico, Jaly s.—President Obregon has ordered the oil companies which discontinued operations in the states of Tamaulipoii and Veracrot, without sufficient justification" to iduemnify the workless employees. It is believed tbst the Itbosrera are entitled to three ■onths pay. Over ten thousand workmen were dismissed
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  • 113 5 Reuter. London, July 5.— the Mat rhester Chamber of Commerce, J»r Edwin Stockton, president, bope- ly reriewed tbe trade poaiti >n. He |»id there was every reason to believe that w e had turned the corner. Anere were distinct signs of a desire >o come into the
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 141 5 EXPORT SHIPMENTS BEING RESUMED. Costs of the Struggle, Reuter. London, July s.—ln connection vryh the resumption of work on the coalfields, provisional arrangements have already been made on a moderate scale to resume coal shipments. The hope is expressed that ships this month may proceed to Port Said
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  • 189 5 Work in the East, Reuter. Lo»*don, July s.—The eastern oommission of the National Council for Combating Venereal Diseases, reputing ftat tbe annual meeting, stated tbat owing to the progressive view held by tbe Municipal Coenoil of Shanghai, there was every prospect that many of the
    Reuter.  -  189 words
  • 197 5 Five and a Half Per Cent. Reuter. London, July s.—ln the House of Commons, Sir Robert Home announced that the prospectus is being issued on July II of a new issue of per cent Treasury Bonds at 97, maturing on April 6, 1929. The loan is anlimued
    Reuter.  -  197 words
  • 172 5 Brilliant Functions in London. Reuter. London, Jaly s.—The State Banquet at Buckingham Palace last evening, in honour of their Belgian Msjestiee, w*s abtended by Baron Hayashi, the Premier, and other Ministers also by the OverseaPremiers, Indian Princes, distinguish, ed soldiers and sailors. His Majesty glowingly tributed Belgium's
    Reuter.  -  172 words
  • 41 5 Sing Ah Tub, the principal tenant 01 Market-sbreet, has been fined $25 on each of two charges of increasing the rent for th* third floor, and giving one of his sub-tenants notioe to qeii, wilhonl the order of the Rent Board.
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  • 336 5 At Echo of The Hofc Moh Disaster. Missing Chinese, Family. There was an unusual application in the Bupreme Court thff morning, when Mr W L Btevena, on behalf of the mother of Qhan Chee Slang, alias Chan Scow Khim, applied to presume his death in the Hong Moh
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  • 197 5 Scheme of Developments. Reuter. London, Jnly 5.—A commsaiqaf issaed by the Promip<s' Cojaterenc atates that the Secret at y .sbr War and tbe Chief of tbe Imperial S'< fl made sta omenta regarding military defence, whereafter tbe Minister for Air and the Chief oi th Mr SUff dealt
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  • 43 5 Reuter. Madras, July s.—Two thousand persons are homeless as the result of two fires. Tbe striking cotton mill workers tried to prevent tbe police and firemen from extinguishing tbe fire. The troops were oalled out, whereupon the strikers temporarily retired. —Reuter.
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  • 86 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jaly 7.—At tbe statutory meeting of Sand. Lime Bricks, Ltd, Dr. Travers, who presided, said that rapid progress had been made in preparation for tbe factory site at Serdang. The foundations for the machinery had been prepared, factory buildings erected
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  • 116 5 The undermentioned pupils of the Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus were successful at the Trinity College of Music Examination in pianoforte playing held in Singapore on the sih and 6th instants Junior Division.—C Windsor, F Low, L Ess, L Milne, L See, L Ryan,
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  • 270 5 FOOTBALL. WEST WHARF vs. S.S. TARA. A team representing the s.s. Tara met the West Wharf team in a friendly game of football on the Nelsonroad ground on Wednesday afternoon. Owing to the heavy* rain the game was not a fast one, though quite good play was seen at
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  • 27 5 SUNDAY'S RACE. The fourth and last race in the series for the Deason challenge cup will take place at the Swimming Club on Sunday morning.
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  • 108 5 L L T C TOURNAMENT. Owing to the wet condition of the ground, no play was possible in the Ladies Lawn Tennis Club Tournament yesterday. Thursday's ties will be played on Monday, but members can, if they wish, play off any of Thursday's ties to-day or to-morrow, if
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  • 103 5 "FLYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP." We have received several complaints a^,to the boxing contest at Fillis'B Circus this evening being described as for the flyweight championship of Singapore." It is suggested that neither the management nor the boys taking part can justifiably use the term. There are, as a matter of fact,
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  • 87 5 SUNDAY'S RACE. Sunday will see the first o£ the races for the S Y C Vice-Commodore's Cup. The course will be: Start S Y C, round mark boat off white beacon, man-o-war buoy, S Y C buoy, down inside breakwater, round mark boat off white beacon, Malay spit buoy,
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  • 106 5 X G C EMPIRE DOCK CUP. The following is the draw for the first round of the Keppel Golf Club Ladies Empire Dock Cup, which must be completed before Saturday, July 16: Mrs. Montgomeric vs Mrs. Barrett. Miss Law vs Mrs. Binnie. Mrs. Alford vs Mrs. Hurt. Mrs. Strachan
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  • 94 5 M C L A TOURNAMENT. Championship Event. Dr. Tan Seng Tee beat Kwan Thian Poh; Tan Soon Tea beat Ong Hin Hong, m U Semi-final.—Dr. Tan Seng Tea beat Tan Soon Tee. Final.—Dr. Tan Seng Tte beat Chua Boon Chiew. Result.—Champion Dr. Tan Sang Tee; runner-up, Tan Soon Tee.
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  • 535 5 AUSTRALIA KEEPS THE ASHES. England's Bad Luck. Reuter. London, July 5.—Australia defeated England in the third Test match by 219 runs. The weather was sunny and the wicket good when the match was continued at Leeds. The attendance numbered 7,000. Douglas did not field, owing to the fact that
    Reuter.  -  535 words
  • 117 5 List to be Re-arranged. The Malacca (rubber estate) appeal oase, which is technical and uninteresting from the public point of view, entered on its fourth day* hearing in the Bupreme Court yesterday, before the Chief Justice, Bir Walter 8 Bbaw, Mr Justice Barrett Lennard and Mr Justice Whitley.
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  • 125 5 Mr Miscba Elman, the famous vlo-1 linlst, will give a matinee recital, as suggested by Major W Q St o\ r Conductor of the philhanr, on i c Orchestra, at Goodwood F»u on Tuesday next, commencing at 5 p m, for the benefit of the young violin
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  • 210 5 Singapore, July B. Copra,—Business done. Tapioca.—Weak—Business done. Sago Flour.—Business dona, Gambier.—No sellers. Pepper.—Steady Business done. Other Products.—Market Quiet* Latest Local Market Quotations, Nutmegs 110 S par picul a 83.00 Nutmegs 80 S »a 36.00 Copra Bali 11.12 ft Copra Gorong Talo mm 11.12 ft* Copra Dongalo aa 11.12
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  • 30 5 Fred Waterhouae Cc, Ltd, Singapore, Jaly 8. To-day's cloaing rubber quotatioas are aa under New York.—l 2, cts. London—7l d. Singapore 23* cts. Tone of the Market:— Firm.
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  • 46 5 I o'clock 2 noon, July 8. Pale Ribb*d. Orepe Smoked Sh. Closing Prices Closing Prioes. Bayers Duttetl Bayers Sellers. Spot 27 28 S3 24 July 24 25 Aag to Sept 25 26 Oot to Deo 26* 27* Tone of market: —Firm.
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  • 112 5 Singapore, July 8, Silver 36*. Hongkong 16 per cent premium. Shanghai Nil. Three Months Gold $46Vs. Rubbers.—Nothing doing. Tins.—Taipings $1.15 to $1.20, Norths $1.32 Vi to $L37tt, Souths 75 to 80 cents, Rawangs 60 to 65 cents, Menglembua 30 to 35 cents, Padang Piandoks 77 V»
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  • 40 5 Meaari Barlow and Oo report The market bat maintained a steady tone throughout the week and quotations remain as follows, No. 1 Standard $10.50 to $11.23 No. 2 Standard $10. to $10.50 No. 5 Standard $9.50 to $10
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 288 5 pBASEB CHALMERS Engineering Works. Magnet Hoase. 82 aad 63, Boblnson Road. Singapore. SOLE AGENTS FOR JAMES CARTER (STALYBRIDfIE), Ltd. Rubber Machinery, A RANSOME Co Ltd. Wood Working Machinery SANDERSON BROS. NEWBOULD Ltd. Steel, loolt, Saws, &c. HOLM AN BROS, Ltd. Mining Machinery, Drills, fte. PROPRIETORS the General Electric Co., ltd.
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  • 565 6 Latest Prices Quoted 1b the Market, Singapore, July 1. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue tha following list of quotations. Rubber, Dollar Shares. Issue Values Buyers Sellers 1 Allenby 0.25 0.35 1 Alor Gajah 1.00 1.25 2 Amalgamated Maly t.OO 5 Ayer Hitam 8.50
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  • 361 6 "Peek's Bad Girl" a very entertaining Goldwyn production featuring the well-known Mabel Normand, will be presented at the Alhambra, tonight, along with the Topical Budget a two-reel drama, a one-reel Tom Mix drama and a very interesting travel picture. In the earlier house the thirteenth and fourteenth episodes
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  • 40 6 Melchlor Treub from Deli 7 7. Creole State from San Francisccl 7-7. Ayatbia from Belawau 8.7. Euryalus from Amoy 8.7. Krian from Eelantan 8 7. Ban Fo Soon from Kelantan 8 7 Qaorra from Trenggana 8 7.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 424 6 WILLS CAPSTAN TOBACCO CI 1A .sii&S p« Electricity In the Home. Th. Austin All British From Rushlight \utoplant WiU furnish the to -"Utoplartt. 9electric current for a house using the The epoch making discovery of Electric Lightequivalent of 60—20 ing was made in 1801, by means of a 5?« TTSm
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    • 61 6 REMEMBER! To-morrow Saturday A BIG PROGRAMME will be given by THE STAB OPERA AT THE THEATRE ROYAL, North Bridge Road To Night! To Night!! Mr. T. L. Tan preaenti Ehairndin In a Chinese Play with a good moral Thin Loh Pin Kum To avoid disappointment Sesnre your seats early X
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    • 214 6 REMINDER. Messrs. Powell Co., L»d inviie the attention of the Publio and their customers to the sale by Auctioi to morrow at thfir Bale Rooms, 16. 17 A 18 RaflUs Place, Singapore, at 10 30 a. m. sharp, when tbey will off af an exceptionally well designed and well kept
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    • 396 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. For Sale by private tender ihe Colonial Government Single Sorew Steam Yacht Seemew as she now lies at her mooring! In Singapore Harbour. Built of etael in 1903 by Riley Hargreaves A Co., Singapore. Length overall 197 feet, moulded breadth 24 feet, depth 13 feet 9
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    • 248 6 I WESLEY'S CHEWING GUM.** lb AFTER IVIIT SWEE TMEIT. NANYANG TOBACCO COMPANY, 38, Robinson Rojrcl. Fin^aporo Branches at KUALI LUMPUR, PENANG ot IPOH. Thsse Brandt Thtse Brands Mle prspsrtj wle property NANYANG BROTHERS TOBACCO COMPANY, China's Greatest Tobacco and Cigarette Fsotoriee. There is luxury in the flavour and aroma of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 513 7 p. «0.-British India t AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporate* m England) HAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Perilobular and Oriental S N. Co. Under Contract with Hie Majesty*! Government. THE COMPANY'S MAIL SEBVIOES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. f LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPORE. Manela about July 13
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    • 672 7 Pasgengers and Freight Servloos Operated by Pacific* Mail Steamship Co. (Incorporated la US A J FOR ACCOUNT of THE U S, SHIPPING BOARD SAN FRANCISCO—HAMLA—LAST INDIA. BAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. For CALCUTTA Via COLOMBO WolTerins Stats Passengers and Freight July is Granite State Passengers and Freight Aug U Creole State Passengers
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    • 542 7 Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. Steamers intended to tail from Singapore Kinta —Monday 4 p. m., for Foil Swettenham and Penang. Hye Leong—Monday. 4.30 p m 'or Malaooa and Muar. Perak Tuesday, 12.30 p. m for Miri, Labuan, Jeseelton. Kudat, Bandakan, Jolo and Zamboanga. Kaka Tuesday, 4.30 p. m., for Malaooa
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    • 329 7 O. S. K. Tli lab Stall lilsba, LIMITED. Incorporated hi Japan.] NO. I Dl SOUZA STRBJtX PROPOSED SAILINGS FBOM SINGAPORE. (Subject to ahaage without aetieaj EUBOPBAN UNA Fer POBT SAID, MARSEILLES, LONDON, ANTWERP, BOT- "DAM AND HAMBURG. Siam Maru arr. July 8 dep. 9 Argun Maru arr. July 21 dep.
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    • 631 7 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated In Japan) Cedar Jnafl Caatract with tba Imperial Japanese Qovarnaatst (Bubjaet to Alterations without Notice) London Lino Fortaighllf her vice For LONDON 6fc ANTWERP via (MALACCA) PENANQ COLOMBO, SUEZ, POBT SAID MARSEILLES. Eaga Maru July IS Liverpool Line For MARSEILLES LIVERPOOL vis SUEZ. Tsuyama Maru raid
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 566 8 SITUATIONS VACANT. W A N T E D—Efficient jobbirg eo-npcsiton. Uood wages to compe nt men. Apply pereonally to Trie Straita Albion Press, Ltd., 20-b, Collyer Quay. I 6 uo WANTED AT ONCE.—A 0 i shies aud Genaral Aeiiatant. Middle egvd Chinese preferred, el >uld bo tihlb to 'ype **Ld
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    • 347 8 NOTICE. NOTICE. TO ALL TO WHoSTf MAY CONCERN Ynvena Hadji M bam d Cr.iiim darioar of No 42, Kandahar street, is leaving the C sheiily on account of ill k< aitb. 77 9 7 EEMOYAL NOTICE. Singer St wing ilachine Company's 3.1 a Room and Hemslitohing Department ia now located
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    • 378 8 TO LET. TO LET.—Godown,«very euit- able for storing rubber, situated in Battery R >ad. apply to McAlister A Go Ltd, 12 4 uo TO L'E T.—Large ana i oommodious premises No. 300, Serangoon Road, Thoroughly renovated. Apply to J. A. E ias, 5 1, Malaooa Street. 2 7 uc TO
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    • 520 8 BANKS. BANKING i; CJ., LTD. (latjeporaboH in the Straits S. &1 head Office 68, kling BfttEET, SINGAPORE. Eatabiahed 1907. Paid-up Capital $2,000,000 Surplus M S 890,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Seah Eng Lim, Esq.—Chairman. Lee Wee .Nam, Esq.—Deputy Chairman. Chaa Teck Hee, Esq. Ong Chow Keng, Eaq. Teo Teow Peng, Eaq.
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    • 536 8 BANKS. THis KO HONG BANK, LTD. HEAD OFFICE! 94, Market Street BRANCHES: ■Yaang 85 Beack Street, Malices 131 Joaker Street. Moar 77-79 Jalan SuleimaJa. 1 Barn Pahat.. 103 Jalan Rahamat AGENCIES AT: Loadon, New York, San Fraaeiaco, Batavia, South baya, Samara ng, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Palembang and Trang. CAPITAL. Authorised
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    • 531 8 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF LNDIA, AUSTRALIA ANIT CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. BY BeJiTAL CHARTER, Paid up Capital in 600,000 Share* of £6 each $3,000,000 Reaerve Fund £3,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 BANKERS, Bank of England. London Joint City kjsd Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Westminster and Parr's Bank, Ltd.
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    • 220 8 1 "Saliiifor"* Filters, f—3— n GALLON! Spare Filtering Cylinders. IBE SEIiT ?BIDiH CO, 42, KLINO BTREET —^^■t.-ai^w»*^-'— mmmm —»f>——— > —11 —~»j CHop Ki»x~ Dltiiiioiid MeroHanti ell JewelleM, No. 623 North Bridge Roaß, Singapore. i Alveiyi in S tools aVrtistio Chinese and European Jewellery of various dssoris* i tion and
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