Malaya Tribune, 4 July 1921

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] fksm SHIPPING GAZETTE. [EVENWG DAILY. vol. vni. No. k54 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 4, 1921 PRICE S CENTS The Malaya Tribune. MONDAY, JULY 4. 1011.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 230 1 MS MALAYA TR|BURE 5ff!P4?lNG GAZETTE phone XIX. «JBSQ|JIPTIQP[ RATES payable InAdvaooe. Per annum M sf Half-yearly J £50 Psrquar**' sMP Postage Extra 50 cts. per month. Piatt, Jensen, Ltd., > (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) 1 1 Singapore. I (In Stock.) I Screw Cutting Lathes, j 4" Three Speed Cone I
      230 words
    • 124 1 Sime, Dai4t&Go., Ltd. Incorporate In Straits Settlements.) ELECTRICAL UPARTHENT. Quotations given for complete Electric Lighting Power Installations. Pull range of Electrical supplies in stock z VI.R. Wires Cables. Metal Filament Lamps. Ceiling Table Fans, fittings Accessories. "DICtIJPapIT Telephones. mm 1 *m MADSTRONG' Plants. The idea?' Lighting Set for Bungalows and
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    • 326 1 SUN COMPANY supplies All Photographic Mftterlafe AND The Right Place for Amateurs IN Developing, Printing and Enlargement t No. 94, NOBTH BRIDGE BO AD, SINGAPORE. Phone 660. 1 I Remington Self-Starting Typewriter. J I Mow they work I The Self.Starting Remington is so called b_oao.Be it ii the typewriter— 'he
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  • 602 2 Governor of Hongkoflg Attasjav Landlords. i Committee on Rack Rents. A popular outcry does not often oarry great weight in the East, but the Hongkong public have gamed their point by this method in one recent occasion whioh is reported by the Hongkong papers. As the South
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  • 24 2 Reuter. Paris, June 27.—In response to an Invitation from the American legion, Marshal Foch will shortly make a lengthy visit to tbe United States.—Renter.
    Reuter.  -  24 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 919 2 WHERE THE GLOOH GERM LIVES. Wben yoa feel oat of temper with everybody and every thing, when yoa find work a worry and life seems fall of gloom, look to yoar liver, for that moet likely li where the trouble lies, and take a doee of Pinkettes, for therein is
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    • 265 2 DONT MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. J. B. LAL, THE ABLE INDIAN PHYSICIAN. The public is fssured of my splendid preparation of Medicines for curing the following diseases, via— Cold, Catarrh, Headache, Hemicrania, Ear-pain, Giddiness, Toothache, Running of the Nose, Neuralgia, etc, etc., in less than two minutes. $1,000 REWARD will
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    • 156 2 HOW CAN YOU STAND* HEADACHE? There is nothing more maddening than a dull grinding headache, or short sharp twinges in the temples, over the eyes and at the base of the brain. How can you stand it You could stand it if you had to, perhaps, but you don't have
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    • 297 2 I WARING fiOJE^ AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AOENOT, VALUERS, Beg to annonnoe that thej, peftbdical auction sales of General Merchandise, Piece Good B| Hardware, Provisions? Household Furniture and Effects, Pictures, China, Glass, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, etc., at their sale-rooms 8, Robinson Bold, Singapore. ACCOUNT BALES AND CHEQUES SENT OUT THREE DAYB AFTER
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 473 3 V THE PQPUIAR PHC*TO.PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE T anjong/*» r R<# d Trama PaM Door Fro m MONDAY, Julj 4, to WEDNESDAY, July 6, U THE SECOND SH(3w AT 9.50 P.M. X thleen O'Connor and Jack Perrin in the Universal Serial WE LION MAN 18 Episodes or 36 Parts. Epiio^ 9
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    • 507 3 1 TW9 ¥ne From SATURDAY, Jaly 2, to THURSDAY, Jaly 7. AJJfcimbri AOuhtMrals is tha only CU Tfetntrs AT raE theatrt 3: ALHAM B R A 3E ssM ths BEST* Thi Hall for MmJc tod Ftatorsi twwd iatltm *****1 lottorvals A PICTURE OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO SPORTSMEN Alto AND TO
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    • 559 3 "GAIETY" CINEMA The ihow that educate, amaae and entertain, present Gl»pa Kimbmi Young The greatest and most snhstantial star in filmdom unsurpassed for beauty snd charm, as renee a oreature of the jungle In Beleot's sjjssssssasssssaawsssswsaaa Id Be^c^'» Masterly Elaborate Production Pioture SAVAGE SAVAGE WOMAN ffkW fxfl WOMAN Leopard skina
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  • 821 4 This Boilding Was Erected By th* Community of Singapore To Commemorate the Long and Glorious Reign of Her Late 1817 MAJESTY VICTORIA 1901 Queen of tbe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and Em prase of India. Foundation Stone Laid By Sir Frank A the Is
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  • 379 4 Mr. Robert A Baillie has been licensed in Singapore as a surveyor and leveller. Paris, Juns 27.—The Japanese Crown Prince had luncheon with the King of Spain, now in Paris.—Reuter. The formal opening of the mission to English speaking C .tholica will be next Wednesday evening at 6.30. It will
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  • 442 4 Other Banks Refuse Financial Assistance, Local Manager's Statement. Reuter. Paris, Jane 30.—The papers state that at a meeting of the big banks, called by the Minister of Finance to consider the position of a bfnk wbich recently acquired a certain position In the Far Bast, It was deoided
    Reuter.  -  442 words
  • 228 4 Reuter. London, July 1.-The inquest into the death of Lady Randolph Churchill has resulted in a verdict of accidental death.—Reuter. Mr. G A Hereford has been appoint- The Fairy Point Club, Singapore has the Penang Clerical Union. to*?;* 0 L Ham bas been «econded to act as assistant adviaer to
    Reuter.  -  228 words
  • 162 4 STUB'S S#uth African Reuter. Lodq%>, June 30 —The cheater Guardian" corre, Doori S that the labial C\. nf > Jane 29 continued tbe the question of the r,n*«J*J* Anglo-Japaneae alliacce. l Mr Meighen nKorosg'. the retiewal and conffc,j #d :*N renewal would impede thaJl* ti'S of agreement on
    Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 42 4 Reuter. Londqm, Jane 3 J —The Imperii Pi, Arthur Griffith, John MicX£ Doggan and Btaines, »11 Sinn Feiners, havf been releaseolrsa Mountjoy Prison, Dublin. Dublin is most excited ov» r and hopes of a sect lem ut we a creasing.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 29 4 Reuter. Paria, Jane 30.— Cemn» retA gire a population of ihlrtj« miliionf, excluding a largo comber c! troops in The m w 2,300,000 less than in Beater.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 135 4 Big Blare Last Night. Early fts: #ght, one of Mr. Iv Kah Kee's rubber-smoking factories at Gaylang was seen to bint isn fUmes. The Fire Brigade wuns. moned, but oaring to the si'aatioo of the bailding, at the end of lorongSc. 3, they coald render bat little
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  • 122 4 Tbe enftrtainment given at ss Convent of the Holy Infant Jenict Saturday evening by pupils of rts Convent, in aid of tbe the Unemployment Fund, was a peal success in every way. The attendutf was a very large one, the iccoo* modatlon "being fully taxed, and aU programme
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  • 46 4 The Rubber Restriction Comnuwi appealing once again w Malays* Governments fR a*** tion, asking for reconsideration i *ne Secretary of State's d**' 1 owmg to the incMased gaavitv of* ■ltuation. l t^ 6 11 iTe th# twtt of letter, containing interests Posals, to-morrow.
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  • 33 4 Our readers are reminded thatlb* Plan of reserved aeata for Amateur Dramatic Committee«P deetion, 'The Man from Toronto" will be cpen to morrow, Taeadaj." 9 a m at Jfontrle's.
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  • 88 4 A young Chinese named untitled Jin, who is said to have admitted ar e > was committed for tad tne Penang Assizes on Saturday using as genuine forged documes» Purporting to be signed by Dr. D£ den They orders for a* cigaTettes and* motor tyres. A Government Gazette Extraordinary Saturday
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 185 4 MOTOR and CYCLE ACCESSORIES. f Large stocks ot _JBL %£m^*mm& spare parts for tbe "RALEIGH" All steel bicycle .mT^m "new hudson" Zffi_* m ummK^ Motor Cycle. nE^SM Lno-s Baok L Laoas "Ao«U"jMotor|Oyole Lno a JIVor Ot,r aud Motor "Veeder" Gi-der Wrrtjohes. Cycle Pumps. Cyolometers. i ROBINSON Co.. LtdT Incur; orated
      185 words
    • 286 4 GUAN KIAT fi? Co., Ltd., laeorparaUd ia th. Strait* S«tU«nMou. 36, PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPOBE 0 Bran Plain Eagine Lubricators, n Water Bib Cocks, 8 raight Throogh Drain Cocks, Gaa Main Cooks, m Doable Tallow Oops, etc., eto., etc. J J" coamodiou» 1% storied Tersece d welling boose No- 80 A
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 148 4 WEEN AND WHKRB, Te-dsy, Julj 4. High TidM.—0.17 a.m., 0.6 p.m. American Ind*p«nd*nc« Da/: U. 0. Consul at Horn*, 11-11.10. Lagiaktire Council, SJO. S S A Committaa, Barker's, 5.11. SVC: Chinese Co. recruit*, f.lf. Football, League Dir. II: United Banks Stafford* II, SCC ground. B. Scouts. I, II, IV V
      148 words

  • 467 5 HOPE *X)rV A BRITAIN'S ,COM*EKCE, Reuter. Revival Predicted. London, Jane 30.-P'essjing at a „,„«n bv Ibe Government to STS— Z International Borne decided that he -aw at W Lkering" of a new order in British S£S and boped for a revival He pointed outthat the nations Tl tbe
    Reuter.  -  467 words
  • 151 5 Reuter. London, July I.—ln tbe House of Commona,in the coarse of a discission on the Washington Labour Conventions, Mr Macnamars "id tbat th' Government was prppart d to ratify tue conventions, except that aa regards tbe eight hour day and the maternity benefit. He proposed to request the
    Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 54 5 Reuter. London, Jane 30. -A ConstanJjfople telegram states tha* a wMeT** Plot has been discovered, bemi tob< directed b> Moscow J* ,he obi act of producing an antlTK d reT °ii b Cot «»Dtinop'e. The BritHi authorities hare arrest, w a hundred R aBs f inBt icclading r
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 54 5 Reuter. Jane 30.—A telegram i ports th »t en order for tbe mobilJ«»oo of &1] ci MMB wtQ f?,, right ysarso! g e hta been iasoed by tbe orto «'n Russian Govewnents, and Probably throughout Russia. The '•••on is not known, b« it ia tboufbt "J 8 coanec»ed«k>ith
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 13 5 untitled from untitled and Japan are ■Cl arrivp *o day by tbe us
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  • 284 5 THE MINERS ARE NOT JUNANIMOUS. Engineering Trouble, Reuter. London, June 30.—Opinion at the miners' meetings In most of the owlliery districts favoured a resumption. Derbyshire, Scotland, Yorkshire, Leicestershire and Notting. hamshire all recommended acceptunce. South Wales passed a resolution condemning the executive ignoring the ballot, but expressing the
    Reuter.  -  284 words
  • 66 5 Reuter. Constantinople, June 33.—Mr Ushida, Japanese) High Commissioner, interviewed, stated that Japan is deeply interested in the question of the Straits of Dardanelles, which must not be allowed to fall under tbe dominion of a single nation. fte is also reported as having declared that: "Tbe Turks
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 68 5 Reuter. Washington, June 30.—The House of Representatives has adopted the j >lnt report of the Senate and House of Representatives conferences on tbe resolution terminating the state of war with Germany and Austria. Reuter. London, July I—The report terminating tbe war, wbich the Hons* of Representatives passed
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 93 5 Reuter. London, Jaly 1, —There were enthusiastic speeches at the dinner of the Colonial Institate, when Mr Meighen, Mr Hughes, Mr Smartt, rhe Mabarau of Cutch and the Prince of Wales spoke, The keynote of the Dominion Premiers' remarks was that tbe link of Empire was
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 118 5 Sngapore, July 4. Silver 35 tt. Hongkong 14 tt per cent premium. Shanghai Nil. Three Months Gold $46 tt. Rubbers.— Nothing doing. Tina.—Taipings $1.12 tt to $1.17 tt, Norths $1.32 tt to $1.37 tt, South 72 tt to 77 tt cents, Batang Padangs 70 to 76
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  • 48 5 12 o'olook noou, Jaly 4. p a ie Ribbed. Creue Smoked Sh. Cloein>Pr«4« Cloeing Prloei. Bayers Sellert Bayen Seileri. a 23 24 ft? z 24 m jK to Sept 244 25 rjbt to Deo 26* 37 Tone of market:— Steady. Tia tt-aayjfls.MM., •*> fiM^eld.
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  • 796 5 CRICKET. SCC v 8 R C. The League cricket encounter between tbe 8 C 0 an% she's R 0 on Saturday, on the 8 R 0 jrouud, provided Bome very interesting pUy. The SCO won oomfortably, but the SRC put up a great fight. Q C Clarke, for the
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  • 503 5 Strang AuatraUaa Peel tie*. Reuter. London, July 2.—ln tbe third Test match at Leeds, the following did not play Mead, Hallow*, Mayne, Oolllls, Oldfleld and Ryder. The weaibe- was glorious, and 21,000 attended. The wlcaet was perfect. With the Australian total at fifty, Tennyson, fielding at cover
    Reuter.  -  503 words
  • 356 5 COLEMAN BHIELD FINAL. T«0 Malay teama, the United Electric Football Association end the Kampong Bahra Football Clab, met on the Beach-road ground on Haterday afternoon in the fi-al for the Coleman Shield. A large crowd pre* aent inoluded the Colonial Secretary, the Hon Mr F 8 James, c M
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  • 569 5 L L T C TOURNAMENT. Reuter. Saturday. Play. Ladies Doubles Handicap. Mr. Butcher and Mrs. Savage plua 15 beat Mrs. Maxwell and Mi 3. Drummond scr. by 6—o, 6—l. Miss Chappel and Mrs. Mills plus t> beat Mrs. Welsh and Mrs. Cartwright owe 2 by 6—4, 5—6, 10—8.
    Reuter.  -  569 words
  • 112 5 YESTERDAY'S RACE. Tbe 8 V C sweepstake race yesterday morning was won by the Gertrude, with the Margaret second and the Dorothy third. Owing to pressure on space to day, a description of the race has to be held over. The Kathleen, Joyce and Betty were on the slips
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  • 27 5 Reuter. FRENCH CHAMPIONSHIP. London, July I,—At Le Touquet, for tbe French open golf championship, Boomer of 8t Cloud beat Massy, who retired at the sixteenth hple.—Better,
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 597 5 DEMPSEY WINS. Carpentier Badly Battered. Reuter. London, July 2, 8.35 p m (summer time).—Dempsey has won.—Reuter. [This message only reaoed us at 25 minutes to 12 to-day.] London, July 2.—Dempsey knocked out Oarpentier In the fourth round. The principals entered tbe ring at 2.55, and both were loudly spplauded
    Reuter.  -  597 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 385 5 j pHASEfi CHALMERS Engineering Work* Magnet Boose, 81 sjgej 63 Boblnsoo Road, Singapore ELECTRIC LIFTS For Ptssengers or Goods. V7OTATIONB GIVEN FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS. PROPRIETORS the General Electric Co., ltd (Incorporated In Eerj»! d.) MEYsSuiflC MILLINERY Do you want to learn bow to make all kind of pretty frocks and
      385 words

  • 829 6 New Status of Singapore Amateurs. Practices in V.M.C.A. The following has been sent for publication It has been decided by the conductor of the Old Singapore Philharmonic Orchestra, who is at pre. sent also taking charge of the group of instrumental players gathered around him by Mr. H
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  • 34 6 The Empire has a tip-top new programme, with episodes 9 and 10 of "The Lion Man," and 'A Little Brother of tbe Rich" (five parts) as special features in the second show.
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  • 41 6 Mr A Cavendish, of the Civil Service, who has been on a special mission to Bnrmab to study the working of the co-operative societies in that coantry with a view to their introduction in British Malaya, has retimed to the Strait*.
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  • 131 6 The following properties were sold by auction by Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng and Co. at their "saleroom, 30 Kling-street, on Wednesday afternoon: Two pieces of land in the district of Johore Bahru, containing a total area of 749 acres 1 rood and 20 poles, planted with rubber
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  • 41 6 Melchoir Tieub from Batavia 4 7. Perak from Ptnang 4 7. Le Aiaire trom Dell 4-7, Kaka truiu 4-7. Medutia from Deli 4-7. Tamba Mara trom London 4«7. Nanyo Maru from Bangkok 4-7, Telresias from Liverpool 4 7.
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  • 259 6 The master of the untitled Gorgon reports the existence in King's Sound, on the Noztb Coast of Australia, of a shallow patch carrying probably lees than two fathoms at low water in Lat 17. 03. S., Long 26 V* K. There have been two "accidents" on the railways during the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 377 6 CAPSTAN TOBACCO C 1 1 A Per Electricity In the Home. The Austin All British Autoplant From Rushlight Will furnish the to AutODlant 9 electric current for "uiopianv a house using the The epoch making discovery of Electric Lightequivalent of 60-20 ing WJU fa m] means J ■5* ffi a
      377 words
    • 203 6 ■sajysapi jaaaajajajaaaaaj INJECTION Sffigl HY6IERIC PRESERVATIVE and lIFALUBLE WBomm\ Prompt Relie r 'or the MOST OBSTINATE CASES Wi;l M inconvenience. No other treerrsent required. pBOeH H. Ferre, Btottlere ft Co, IHP™ A" #1 8, rue Dombasle, Paris. bJL^mWMI Wholesale SINGAPORE Kbee Noow, Rlaaam I Little Drtpeasanj, I» cispenury, and Medical
      203 words
    • 215 6 v I 1 'II The capital "K 1 that means excellence in the art of photography. Empire Studio Ltd., "EXCELLENT FOR ENLARGEMENTS" 1-B Orchard Road. Why sulfur thu ourdon of TOOTH-ACHE which oan bo relieved almost immediately by consulting K. TSUTADA JAPANESE DENTIST 74, BRAS BASAH ROAD iln front of
      215 words
    • 330 6 WRIGLEY'S CHEWING I&UM.*o i REMEMBER £\4/ THE IDEAL AFTER EVERY Aflff SMS' SWEKTmAt MULLBR AND PHIPPS (MALAYA) Ltd. Sofa i ETABLISSEMENTS CHATELAIN. WELL-KNOW/l PRODUCTS. > 9 GLOBEOL INDICATIONS. Atap nb, Neurasthenia, v lOf Overwork, Weakness, growing p&ius, Scrofuh, Heart affeetiona, Tuberposology. Chronio eonditioDi, and aa a tonic Four pilli e*oh
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 529 7 P>o: j ßritish India AND Af CAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated m England) f HAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Pgiinsulap and Oriental S. N. 00. Under Contract with His Majesty's Government. fHB COMPANY'S MAIL SBBYIOBr, EAST OF BOMBAY are st prsesnt suspended^ LONDON FAR-EASTBRN SERVICE, From LONDON Duo SINGAPORE. Kalyan bout Jul
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    • 582 7 Passengers and freight Servloes Operated bj Pacific Mail Steamship Co. llncorporated ia W.S.AJ FOR AOOOUNI*OE THE U. B. BHIPPINQ BOARD. SAN FRANCISCO —MANILA—EAST INDIA. BAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. For CALCUTTA Via COLOMBO. Wolverine State Passenger* and Freight July la Granite State Passengers and Freight Aug M Creole State Passengers and Freight
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    • 512 7 Straits Steamship Co.. Ltd. St earner i intended to tail from Singapore Kinta —Monday 4 p. in-, for Port Swettenham and Penang. Hye Leong—Monday. 4 30 p.m for Malaooa and Muar* Kajang—Tuesday, 4p.m for Mir*, Labuan, Jesselton, Eudat and Sandakan. Eaka Tuesday, 4.30 p. m., for Malaooa and Muar. Ipoh-
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    • 322 7 O. S. K. Til lata Statu blsta, LIMITED. (lueTponUd m Japan.? NO. 1 Dl SOUZA STREET, PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. (Subject to change without notice.) EUROPEAN LINE, For PORT SAID, MARSEILLES, T ENDON, ANTWERP, ROT- "DAM AND HAMBURG. Biam Maru arr. July 7 dep. 8 Argun Maru arr. July 21
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    • 615 7 NIPPOK YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated In Japan) Oscar Mail Cart act with the Imperial Japanese Geverassect (Bubjeot to Alterations without Notice) London Lino FortDlfhllj Bervice For LONDON ANTWBBP via (MALACCA) PENANG COLOMBO, SUEZ, POBT 6AID MAESEILLE3. Eaga Maru July 13 Liverpool Lino For LIVEBPOOL via SUEZ. Tsuyama Maru mid July M(/ntHy
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 467 8 SITUATIONS VACANT. WANT! D.—Efficient jobbing compositors. Good wages to competent men. Apply personally to The Straits Albion Press, Ltd ,20-b, Oollyer Quay. 16 ac WANTED.—Compound house or bnngalow S or more bedrooms. Dining room, servants' quarters and garage in good looality. Reply to B 400 c/o Malaya Tribune. 30 6
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    • 498 8 NOVICE. REMOVAL NOTICE. Singer B«wing Machine Company'i Sales Boom Mid HemstitohIng Department la now located al 873, North Bridge Road, just whisper off Bras Basah Road. S'NGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 34 6 IS 7 The Straits Undertake™ AND Floral Depot No. 210-5 Qukkn Street, SINGAPORE, All orders connected with funerals
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    • 366 8 M. A. BAIBOO CO. CeierU Merclaits i Honey Cluigers. AB are MMM) solk <i to tnspeet oor ihop at JOHNSTON'S POB, Singapore. Foreign Coins of nil kinds ena be exchanged or bought here at any tune. Also dealers in High Class Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco, etc. N. nV—Rates of daily exchange
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    • 522 8 BANKS. SZE HAI TON 6 BANKING INSURANCE CO., LTD, (incorporated in the Straits S, S.) HEAD OFFICE: 68, KLING STREET, SINGAPORE, Eatabiahad 1807. Paid-up Capital $2,000,000 Surplua 880*000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Seah Eng Esq.—Chairman. Lee Wee Nam, Eaq.—Deputy chairman, Chan Teck Hee, Eaq. Ong Chow Keng, Esq. Teo Teow Peng,
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    • 536 8 BANES. THE BO HONG BANK, LTD. HEAD OFFICE: 94* Market Street BRANCHES: Penang 86 Beach Street. Malacca 131 Joaker Street. Muar 77-7» Jalaa Bntohnss, Beta Pahat.. 109 Jalan Bahamas, AGENCIES AT: Loadon, New York, San Fanaajsco, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semaraaf, BJBjej|gia4 Hongkong, Amoy, Palembang aad Trang. CAPITAL. Acthoriaed 880,000,000 lamed 8,000,000
      536 words
    • 507 8 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK Of INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. BY*BDYAL CHARTER, Paid up Capital in 600,000 Shares of 6 each (3,000,000 Reserve Fund £8,600,000 Reserv* Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 BANKB&S, Bjjsfc of *foigl»»d London Joint City aad Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Westminster aad Par rs Bank. Ltd.
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    • 212 8 B—78 71 |jn "Saludor Filters, rat II tfm fSISI 2-3-4 GALLONS 113 In I•' Spar* Filtering Cylinders. HUH THE SELAT TBIDIM CO., 42, KLING STREET, [I*l .SINGAPORE Chop 3pKi»T Oinmond Merotaaant. <% JewelUn No. 623 North Bridge Road, Singapore, Alviays in Stools Artistic Ohinss* and European Jewellery of Tarious dsaoripa
      212 words