Malaya Tribune, 14 September 1920

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 28 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] SHIPPING GAZETTE. EVENING DAILY Vol. VII. No 116 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1920 PRICE 5 CENTS The Malaya Tribune. TUESDAY, 8EPT. 14, 1920.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 153 1 S. IMTAI JAPANESE DENTIST Consultation Hours 8 30 a m. —5 30 p.m. ADELFHI HOTEL BUILDING, No. 98 North Bridge Road,,, Slngap, re wiii an i iiiiii.~«n-i» tmammmm i ,n 11 hi muni ia—— w^—^^^^m* Piatt Jensen, Ltd., (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) Singapore. 100 H. P. Petter Engine FOR SALE.
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    • 49 1 saasMß^Bsa«BaaassavaK»aßaaa«sMsmaßßaßßissßJßß*» GROOVES' DUTCH COCOA "THE CUP THAT CHEERS" Pure Soluble Concentrated A REFRESHING AND INVIGORATING BEVERAGE. Obtainable in Uib.. 4lb. lib. tins. I FROM Eng Guan Hup Hee, Kling Street. Kwong Slew Cheang Thye Chua Seng, South Canal Road. Fong Nam Seng, South Bridge Road. s i i .MMmaHevHStoMN^a^BsauMßaas)
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    • 146 1 lAmericanI American Chain Company.'lnc Largest Chain Mannfsctnrers in the wo» Id. The makers of the well-known Weed Tire Chains and Automobile Chain Jacks, Bhip's Ancho-Cbairs, Dredge Chains and Logging Chains. AGENTS: Jackson, Teser Hill, Inc. f Incorporated in U. S. A.) 3-a, Finlaysoo Green, Singapore. "ONODA" Portland CEMENT. Manufactured by
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  • 472 2 The New Sense of National Solidarity. A very instructive presentment of conditions which hare led ap to he existing situation in China is t>iven b> the special correspondent of he F&r Eastern Fortnightly. Hpoints oat that polHcally China is in a difficalt position She is largel) ander
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  • 199 2 First Annual Report Tv- first annual report of tbe directors of the Oversea Cain- cc Bank, Ltd, for the year endiDg June 30, 1920, has been issaed for th* fir6t annual meeting to be held at thn registered offioe of the company, 63 Kling-Htreet, on Saturday
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 390 2 Just Arrived European Acetic Acid Glacial 99/100 per cent Packed in 44 lb. Demijohns. Prices on application to Sime Darby Co., Ltd. in Malacca) Telephone 2800. Change of Address 6th September, 19 HO T. SS. Wang QUALIFIED DENTIST 33, Raffles Place Phone 181 Branch office :—45, South Bridge Road Phone
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    • 411 2 TRY ONE AFTER DINNER. If you are troubled with flatulence, a sense of over-fulness and drowsiness after eating, just take one Pinkette after the principal meal daily for a few days and see how efficiently they remedy this condition. Pinkettes are a specific for constipation, disordered liver, biliousness, sick headaches,
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    • 154 2 Ache and Pain Insurance. You insure your house against fire, you insure your life—why not insure yourself against aches and pains Little'! Oriental Balm is an Ache and Pain Insurance, for those who keep it handy can have INSTANT relict from Backache, Headache, Rheu mutism, Neuralgia, Sprains and EVERY pain,
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    • 254 2 The Daily News of Ceylon I OOES NOT FURNISH US WITH OUR ADVERTISEMENT I BUT I The Daily News of Malaya 1 IS THAT I Liberty Brand Ceylon Tea 18 THE j BEST I Obtainable Everywhere SOLE IMPORTERS: j THE SiREMBAN GEKrRU AGEHGf, Ltd. Telephone No. 1417 t Code Books.
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    • 31 2 Eureka Motor General Engineering Works OUPPAGE BO AD (Orchard Boad), Singapore. Consulting and visiting engineers, expert motor engineers, erection and repairs of every type of machinery First-class English Engineer in charge*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 742 3 MARLBOROUGH The Hall for Comfort, Good Music and Good Pictures reach Road. Frou Tuesday. September 14, to Sunday, September 19 a HAMPTON-ROBERTSON COI.E PRODUCTION OF INTENSE A n REALISM A Powerful Presentation of Life in the Gold Diggings of the Yukon Featuring WILLIAM DESMOND and VIVIAN RICH In a story
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    • 354 3 aHdßi HCBHMBI SfIHVBBSHMSMIBSHttffISESSXBM Th From Saturday, September 11, to Thursday, September -6 The Alhitawtlii Alhambra ir is the only Ue XMlr AT THE theatre mz& best Am 1 1 J& M wrm Wzm am eianlsltelaa ALHAIVID Iv A -aand the BEST The Hall for Mus*c and Featurei served accommo- bkack
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    • 277 3 TC-NICVHT I IN THE FIR T >HOW Al 7 30 SHARP TH bee big stars in one eig drama Ca-lyle BlackweSl, Madge E>an* ani Evelyn Greely In a smashing, crabbing story of Ne V >rk life THE BURGLAR A The burglar crept slowly through the strange house, Brady-made drama his
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  • 91 4 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Mrs- Loh Kong Yew and Messrs Loh Kong Imm and Loh Kim Swi beg to thank their friends and relations who sent telegrams and letters of c ondol ence, and wreaths and Chi e.-e scrolls, rendered assistance and* attended the funeral of the late Mr Loh Kong
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  • 662 4 Has HC L in Singapore passed its zenith and commenced its downward slide Tbe hope that such is the case is encouraged by tbe Government's decision to reduce the control price of rice to $1 per gantang. This decision is the eequel to a very strong agitation,
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  • 810 4 Tin is at $136; Untitled tone sold. Robber is qaoted at ]/S for crape and 1/6$ for sheet. Mr F E Harmer, A S P, on returning from leave, hat been posted to Chriatmaa Island. A mail for Europe will oloae by the a Tara at 3 pm (by train
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  • 270 4 Interesticg List of Cases. Three Baoishees Pno shed There are twenty iuvclvino charges against 29 d. fend 8 the list for the commenced in the Bn.renj.Cn '5 to-day. The case whicnwuj t r the most interest ia that of A W Cooper, municipal engineer who i. charged with
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  • 330 4 Passers By" at the Victoria Theatre. The Singapore Amateur Dramatic Committee, as notified in an adver. tisement elsewhere, will be producing Haddon Chambers' well-known play Passere-By in the Victoria Theatre on Sept 27 and 29 and Oct 1 and 2. This play wae originally produced in
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  • 66 4 The Assizes L st From Onr Own Oorrmpomdnt.j Penang, Bept 13.—The Penang Assizes have opened with seven oases, inolnding one charge of murder against three Malays over the death of one N*yan, at Arakuds. Province Wellesl^y. Illegal Gratification. In the Discrio- Court a Chines* has been sentenced to
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  • 52 4 Generous Gift by Siamese King- (From Onr Own Corrnrponitnt) Bangkok, Sept 13—H M the King of Siam has donated twelve thousand sterling to the girls' school which the late Qneen Mother made one of the interests of her life. The gift will give a stimulus to the education
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  • 15 4 The "Daily Mirror" has a Untitled of Queen Mary greeting a Boy Scoot from Singapore.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 200 4 ROBINSON i Co., Ltd. Inootpmted hi ta. Stnte fattim^ Just: received NEW GOOD8 IN LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Millinery, Gowns, Materials, etc, tmsml i H i. ummtmwmmmm a^tteeaaaaaaaeasasaaaasaoaa» A LUBRICANT FOR EVERY PURPOSE. SEND YOOR ORDERS TO THE \siatic Petroleum Co. (S.S), Ltd. (Incorporated in England. St. Helen's Court, Singapore. MILKMAID BRAND
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    • 333 4 GO AN K1AT Co.. Ltd.. Incorporated in the Straits Settlement*. 36, Phillip Street, Singapore; NEW SHIPMENTS JUST ARRIVED or Bitf Btook Twist D villa Files Aeaorted liaea. Orlndatonea with Trough Par* Fl»ke Graphite Blaok Sm White Marine Glue Boiler Scaling Hammers Etc., etc, etoe SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GLOBE BOILER
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    • 53 4 Satisfaction is best assured if we work with you rather than for you. •ST IN TOUCH WITH Kiam Kiat Co. 108 ft 109 Market St. AND YOD WILL EXPERIENCE IT. 8. A. 0. COMMITTEE. PASSERS-BY Sf pt 27th ft 29th, Oct. Ist ft 2nd. Plan of seats open MOUTRII'S Wednes.,
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 110 4 WHEN AND WHERE. Tuesday, Sept 14. High Tid#-s.—11.34 a.m. 11.50 p.m t Snpreme Conrt. R-nt Aaipnerrent Bo»rd f 2.15. Malay Co, SVC, Baltat'ier, 4.30. Wednesday. Sept. 15Hi«h Tidea. —0 1pm. Federal Coancif, K L. 10.30. SRC annual meeting, 5.If, Thursday. Sept- 16High Tides.—0.23 a.m. 0.29 pm. Licenairg 2 30. Friday,
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  • 186 5 The situation in the electrical trades dispute is very unpromising, an extensive utrike being threatened. Mr Thomas says that Labour men l° te their country so much that they wtnt to rescue it from the militarist menace. During the present crisis, they mean to defend their own interests,
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  • 127 5 COUNTRY ON VERGE OF REVOLUTION. Reuter. London, 8ept 11.—The lat«st reports show that Italy may be on the verge of a revolution. Negotiations are proceeding between the metal workers and masters, concerning which reports are st present conflicting. Meanwhile the movement is spreading, and workers have now commandeered
    Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 51 5 Paris, Sept 10. —A reception took plaoe of the delegation of Spanish Catalonians, who fought as volunteers in the Frenoh armies during the war. The delegation brought a flag to placed in the French army museum. The Catalonians' war losses were ten thousand out of twelve thousand.
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  • 54 5 Reuter. Gnadelajara, Sept 10 The Mexican War Department states that the Government are purchasing forty thousand rifles from England and Germany, with which to equip the Mexican army, whioh is being reorganised. It is announced that a campaign will be begun against outlaws especially those preying on paymasters
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 51 5 Reuter. "Sew York. Sept 9.—The War Department learns from Mexico City that Mr Herbert Johnson, a British ranch-owner, who was captured by bandits on Aug 20 has escaped and is now proceeding to Guadalajara escorted by Government troops. The American Gardner also «enped and has arrived at
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 50 5 Reuter. London, Sept 11.-The Paris Him 0Uve lboma». tbe wll» oi ?iclrlord. tbe brctber ol lllord, be, ln bospltal tb» r-"nl« ol «wsllowlug a lotlon con'««ulng blcbloride ot mercury, ln» nd»«l lov eaternsl sppllcatlon only, 5 screams brougbt b»r bnsbend «*b«, lminlatered »n sotidote» alter ">l'ab sbe linuered 2v« <^»y«.—
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 617 5 TRADES DISPUTE GROWS WOkSE. Labour Congress Concludes. Reuter. London, Sept 10. —In connection with the electrical trades dispute, the shop stewards in the London generating station? have decided to give a week'a notice to cease work unless the Engineering Employers Federation withdraw the lookout notices issned egainst workers
    Reuter.  -  617 words
  • 74 5 Reuter. Paris, Sept 12.—Figures showing the rise in the oost of living in European countries, obtained through the (League of Nations, will be produced at the Brussels Finanoial Conference on Sept 24. Taking one hundred as the average figure for foodstnffs in 1914, some of the
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 34 5 Reuter. Constantinople, Sept 11.—The Turkish Crown Prince unsuccessfully K'te opted to flee to Anatolia and jo n tbe Nationalists. He has arrived here and been plaoed under rigorous control, his motor-cars and boatsjbeing —Renter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 253 5 BIG TROOP MOVEMENTS IN MESOPOTAMIA. Irdlan Ruler's Assistance. Reuter. London, Sept 11.—The War Offioe has announced that a strong column of Indian cavalry, artillery and infantry, under Brigadier Oonyngham left Bakoba, northeast of Bagdad, on Sept 6, to operate in a north-easterly direction along the Persian railway, reaching
    Reuter.  -  253 words
  • 163 5 Reuter. London, S-pt 10,—The latest official returns bhow that Germany is surrendering and destroying arms in accordance with the Peace Treaty in an entirely satisfactory manner, especially as regards guns. Twenty-seven thousand of the latter have been surrendered, and at the present rate Ger. many, by November, will
    Reuter.  -  163 words
  • 110 5 Reuter. LondoD, 8ept 11.—The Times New York correspondent states that the liner Leviathan, formerly the Vaterland, 54,000 tons, may never again be seen on the high seas. She is lying in Hoboken Dock, New Jersey, partially suok in the mnd, and in such a state of disrepair
    Reuter.  -  110 words
  • 91 5 Reuter. Washington, Sept 11.—In connection with the action of the hundred thousand anthracite miners in "taking vacation" on the 2nd inst as a protest against the award of the anthracite oommittee, which was appointed as a resolt of the ooal strike, President Wilson has notified the
    Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 34 5 Reuter. New York, Sept 11,—Negroes have replaced Irish longshoremen who deserted the White Star piers as a protest against the treatment of Archbishop Manniz and Mr McSwiney. There was no disorder.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 351 5 CONFLICTING NEWS ABOUT PEACE PROSPECTS. Munitions; Held Up. Reuter. Warsaw, Sept 9.— a oommunfqnH states that Bodienny's force, after a new unsuccessful attaok, is now retreating amidst heavy flghtint eastward of the Bug. The Poles have oconpied Err. biaszow. In the region of the Narnw, a Bolshevik detaohment
    Reuter.  -  351 words
  • 179 5 Report oo Last Year's Progress. The annual general meeting of the Singapore Recreation Club will be held in the pavilion to-morrow at 5.15 pm. We have reoeived a oopy of the committee's report for the year ending June 30, 1920, signed by Mr R Teaser aohn, the
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  • 221 5 the Council of the Overseas Clab and Patriotio Leagae has purchased 23, Northumberland Avenue,Londor, for £85,00P, as the fature headqaarcers of the League, Of this sum. £23 ObO will be paid in cash out of tbe funds of the Over, seas War Memorial, £40,000 has been left
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  • 212 5 FOOTBALL. The New Offside Role. A Malacca correspondent writes asking for information as to all the latest rales" for Association football. There is only one change, despite various proposals. This haB already been noted more than onoe in the M Tribnne." It revises the ofLide rale by providing that
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  • 60 5 Sflsngor Season. The SeUngor Ragby football season opens on Oct 2. when practice games will be played in Euala Lumpur and Klang. Tbe annual match with Singapore for the Trophy falls to be played in Kuala Lumpur at Christmas, aud it is hoped to arrange several inter-State matches. A
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  • 373 5 SCC Tournament. Yesterday's Play. Championship Pairs. Yeldou t*nd Wilson v Kleinman tod Co'grave, postponed. Moss and Franklin v Ratley and Pren'is, pi poned. A Doubles, Magliston and Miles v Hill and Sinclair, postponed. Fnloher and Griffith-Jones beat Beattie and L'ggatt, 6—3, 3—6, 6—3. B Doubles. Rale and Roy
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  • 28 5 Well-Chosen Team. Reuter. London, Sept 11.—The Marylebone team to viait Australia beat Thornton's strong All-England eleven at Scarborough by an innings and five runs, Woolley scored 106.—
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  • 26 5 An American Success. Reuter. Sydney, 8ept 13.—The American boxer Billy Shade knocked out Tommy Wren, the Australian welter, weight champion, in the nineteen' b round.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 72 5 Chick EvanaWios Championship. Reuter. London, Sept 13—The American amateur golf championship competition has resulted in Obick Evans beating F Ouimet in the final round by seven up and six to play, over a thirty-six holes course. There were four British competitors, C J Tolley (British amateur champion), Roger Wetbered,
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 32 5 150 Yards Handicap. Oo Sunday, at the Swimming Club, the 150 yds h'cap race in the Jackson Millar cup competition was swum off, and 0 Watson, a new member, won easily.
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  • 148 5 R G A Proposes Restriction of Oat put. The oommittee of the Rubber Prodnoers' Association of Malaya have reoeived a oable from the Robber Growers' Association in London to the effect that unless outputs are restricted the rubber surplus in December will probably exceed 34,000 tor.s, and
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  • 134 5 Singapore, Sapt 14. Silver—s9J. Hongkong.—BB^. Shanghai.—37. Tin.—lso tons sold at $139. Rubber. —Steady with a weakening tendenoy. Share Market.—The market continues qaiet and uninteresting. Business done: 31.121, Pulau Bulangs $2.80, t'n Pandans at $2.05, Bukit KBs at 97f Offers are invited for Ulu Bennts, Uaited Malaccas,
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  • 45 5 Reuter. London, Sept 10-Lloyd's correspondent spondsnl »t V»«o >l»l«» tbst «be XtnericHU «teemer 8iboney, 7.800 ton», lrom 8»nt»nd»r l« «ground ln tb» bsrbonr. lb" loeepeet ls r«»»dn» on tb» «cell,, und it »> l»»sl».1 It wlll b« a lol»l l"«« 1n« paasd nger» »r» landing.—L uler.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 204 5 COLUMBIA /SSj\ Dance Records J This Month's Successes SINGAPORE ALCOHOLIC BLUES WHERE THE LANTERNS GLOW 10-inch, Double-faced $3 00 each. ROBIHSON PUMP CO., LIB. The Patent Patchquick Co 26-3, Orchard Road, (Opposite Central Motors, Ltd.) Vulcanizers of Tyres and Tubes. Deajers in Motor Accessories, Cylinder Oil, atd VLlca: iziog Materials.
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  • 938 6 Prices Quoted In the Market Tbis Morning BIXOAPOEB Bept, 14. BasSfj byall ud Bvatt, Bsc ban* and 3a»t« Brcfcets, ItmXut tke loUowtoj; Uat of quotations Robber. Sttrliol Sharu. Raaa. Vkm. v. B«n w SAllagaa it 2« Anglo J»v. 7 7 0 I Anglo-Malay 45/ 47. 1 AyetKaalag
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  • 47 6 Reuter. London, Sept 11.-Reuter learns bsl 2 l» eiptcled lb» Lepar»tion« 0onla»«uc« ln «3«u»v», wbicb ws» provmloually Nied lor 8ept 24. will be po»tponed to October, owing to lbe !nl«rn»tlcn»l ?ln»ncl»l 0oul«r. ence ln Lrn»»«l» cpenln»» on 8«p» 84. and «ever»! d»Ieg,t«« bevlng lo sttend bctb eonlorences.—Leuter.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 191 6 "The Burglar" will be the Gaiety's feature film to night I is in six parts, and is full of drama* io si'oations. Io th* l oond sh«w *'A SinI S nnet" will be the main attraction. Two new 5 and 6, of the "Great G .ruble" serial, and
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  • 217 6 Even now I oannot aee that the sot waa that of a Christian. It was the porch of a Churoh not 100 miles from Happy Valley. A poor coolie woman had shnfll d into its shelter along with several of her ohildren. They were wretohedly clothed,
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  • 32 6 Ban Whatt Hin from Malacca 14 9. Ar.jnu from Malaoc* 14-9. Sir.gkara from Singkiwan* 13 9. Lvo*on from Y kobaroi 14 9. B'h- d*n fr*m B' »»«min 14 9
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 208 6 Lambert Butler X| 75 P Tm. lb mm MIXTURE «ggng» ,t aggasagawaaaaaeaaaeaaeaaawaa Mo More Disappointment. I If oar Mot»r ears enter for frequent repairs. Inst send It to The Serangoon Motor Garage, 92 SERANGOON ROAD Junction of Serangoon Road and Cuff Road) Repairers ft Painters OF Motor Care Motor Cycles.
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    • 509 6 COMING I COMING I THE Hippodrome Circus. Location: BEACH ROAD. Watch for the opening date. 14 9 16 9 Notice. NOTICE is hereby given tbat Teo Keng Boon, tbe Manager of Chop Chin Seng Heat, of No. 2« North Hoat Quay, Singapore, Rubber Dealers, having resigned bis position in the
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    • 237 6 I hhihi <iih»m ayjawi wiawai iimi m > Lv P 11 I WRIGLEYS I 'Jfctfam, H 'EVERYBODY'S I DOING IT NOW." tY 8 Flavour Lasts 8 I After Every Meal. I MTJLLEB PHIPPS (MALAYA), Ltd., Sole Distributors eammWammmmWMmWm^ Motor Lorries. BRITISH Monthly Arrivals. For particulars apply to Graham Co.* XJ-fccl**
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    • 187 6 The Overseas Assurance Corporation, Ltd. Inoorporated in the Strait* Settlements. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meet ing of this C; mpany will be held at the Fegistered Office, N0.»30 Kling Street, Singapore, on Tuesday, September fj, 1920, at 11.30 o'clock in tbe forenoon for the purpose of
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    • 59 6 IF TOUB TEETH are worn cot. and before they get worse consult J. IKED A. Workmanship Guaranteed. 41, HILL STREET (Opposite tbe Central Fir«» Station. Telephone 991. LEON KENDAL THE WOBLD RENOWNED PALMIST ASTROLOGER FOR A SHORT STAY ONLY. Stamford Building, Room No 304, 2nd floor, (Opposite Van Wijk Hotel)
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  • 384 7 Messrs Snow mm and Oo report from Hongkong on Aug 28 on the freight market ss foliowb Our last advices were dated the 14 th inst, since when the general tone of onr market has shown liit 1 f any, improvement, SaigoD/Hongkong.—There seems o be just a slight
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  • 74 7 The short-skirt problem is evidently getting very scute in London A Highland soldier, on entering an underground .train at Partington, found himself in the oentre of a group of email boys returning from the Jamborte at Olympia. There was no vacmt seat, but a tiny wolf onb got up and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 655 7 p. &0.-BRITISH India AND APCAR LINE. (Companiks Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Oriental S N Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government. THE COMPANY'S MAIL SEBVIOES EAST OF BOMBAY are 3t present suspended. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPOBE. Kasbgar about Sept 13 Nnva a
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    • 704 7 Pacific Mail Steamship Co. (Incorporated ia US.A.) MANILA—EAST INDIA SERVICE. REGULAR SEVEN WEEKLY PASSENGER and FREIGHT SERVIOE BETWEEN CALCUTTA and SAN FRANCISCO. Calling at Colombo, Penang, (if inducement offers), Singapore, Saigon, Manila and Honolulu. SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. For San Francisco For Calcutta Santa Cruz about Sept 18 Colusa about Nov
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    • 212 7 TIMOR DULLY. The 8.8 MONTORO is expected to be despatched for Australia, calling at the above port, at 6 a.m. on Tuesday, the 28th instant. fBoostead A Co, Agents, Burns Philp Line. Singapore, nth Sept., 19*0. 14 9 uc SUNG LINE OF STEAMERS. RANGOON and CHINA BUN .a. Qlbnoole V
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    • 439 7 O. S. K. Til Osaka Staui Kilsbt, LIMITED (Incorporated in Japan) No. 2 Do Soaza Street Prapsed Sailings from Sligapore. (Subject to change without notice) European Line. For POBT SAID. MARSEILLES. LONDON, ANTWEBP, ROTTERDAM HAMBURG. Alps Maru Sept 20 Atlas Maru beg Oct (Not calling at Marseilles) Argun Maru end
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    • 583 7 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Qoveraeca (Subject to Alterations without Notice) European Mall Una Fortnightly Service For LONDON ANT WEEP via (MALACCA) PENANG. COLOMBO, SUEZ. POBT SAID MARSEILLES. Eaga Maru Sept 15 Eumano Maru Sept Yokohama Maru Sept 25 Liverpool Line For
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 512 8 WANTED. WANTED —General Clerk far Prodi)oe Merchant's Office- Apply in own handwriting to Box 270 < /0 Malaya Tribune. 13 9 no WANTED.—Cc mpetent Bookkeeper to keep complete eet of books in General Imports Department. <*pply in own handwriting o Btx 269 c/o Malaya Tribune. 89 v 0 WAN T
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    • 583 8 NOTICES. Borneo ft Teweh Coal. Any quantity of tbe beat of above ooal can be supplied. For prices apply to Eastern Mining Rubber 00, Ltd., 3, Raffles Plaoe. Singapore. I] 9 no NOTICE. Receipt Book bearing No. 2354 to 2400 belonging to the Pharmacy Br*n< h offioe has been lost
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    • 414 8 INSURANCE. THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance (a., Ltd. Established 1874. Incorporated in India. FUNDS exceed Five Crores Knpees. Absolute Security. income 1918 $1,111 Mill insurants effected in 1918 11,147 52.00 Total Policies in force 69,405 assuring with Bonus Additions $98,817,617.00 New Business for tbe year 1918. Establishes a record
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    • 501 8 BANKS. Banque Industrielle De Chine. (Incorported in France.) Authorised Capital Frs. 250.000,000 Subscribed 150,000,000 raid-up 0, mm m 75,000,000 (1/3 of the Capital subscribed by the Government of the Chinese Republic.) Chairman of the Board of Directors: Andre Berthelot. General Manager A. J. Pernotte. HEAD OFFICE: 74 Rue Saint Lazare,
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    • 515 8 BANKS. Tit Ho Hon Bank, Limited. Head Office Singapore, Raffles Chambers 4,5 A 6 Branches; Penang, 85 Beach Street. Malacca 131 Jonker Street. Muar, 77/79 Jalan Suleiman. Bate Pahat, 109 Jalan Rabamat. Agencies at London, New York, San Francisco, Shanghai, Hongkong. Amoy, Batavia, Soura bay a, Semarang, Palembang and Trang
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    • 575 8 BANKS. CHARTERED RANI OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid ap Capital in 100,000 Shares of £20 each £2,000,000 Reserve Fend £3 OOO.OtJO Reserve Liability of Proprietors £2,000,000 RANKERS. Bank of England, I London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London Coauty Weetminatar I and
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    • 317 8 Helvetia Watch 0a 34 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, URMR HIGH STREET. Have you seen the New Inventic POCKET WATCH? Pbices: S3.5 54, $4.50 FRESH SHIPMENTS FROM China, America, Europe Australia JUST UNPACKED Prices Moderate. Your are cordially invite i to have a look round. The Sincere Coy., Ltd. ,(Incorporated in Hongkong)
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    • 104 8 Success in Life. To succeed in life good spirits and hopeful thoughts are required. The man who is despondent or irritable fails. Low spirits and irritability of temper are often caused by a dull, torpid lung. Wake up your liver with Dr. J. B s Vedlc Specific The medicinal blood),
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