Malaya Tribune, 30 July 1920

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY. AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. EVENING DAILY. Vol. VII. No 177 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1920 PRICE 5 CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1920.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 129 1 S. IMAI, Japanese Dentist. Consultation Hours: 830 a m. —5 30 p.m. Adelphi Hotel Building, No. 98 North Bridge Road, Singapore Piatt Jensen, Ltd., (Incorporated in Straits Settlements Singapore. (Marine Dept.) STEAM MOTOR LAUNCHES. (BUILT TO OWN OR CLIENTS' SPECIFICATIONS.) SURF SHOES at WHITEAWAYS Ail sizes 10,000 Pairs stocked. sĔm
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    • 26 1 PORT WINE Gilbey's Invalid. A Fine Oporto Wine. Obtainable i from the leading dealers. insist M Bottling m| Guinness Stout. J Stocked by the leading dealers.
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    • 163 1 jn DALTON i9m Adding, listing aad Calculstlßg Madda* Kiln^Lv* 9 S mp'e a d Easy to operate- 10 Key* o*'!y H —no groping or buntvll i ing for ihe right key. wfi Demanatratloa Free l yj^W* Trial. JackssD, Tener k Hill, Ik. Incorporated in U.SJLJ 1 3-*, Flalayaoa Grean. Singapore.
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  • 625 2  -  By "Jay." •'The Fatal Sign", one of the latest fllma released In the aerial field, the first and second episodes of which will be screened at the Liberty Hall from to night in the neeond show, features Claire Ander80r, Harry Carter and Joe Girard in he stellar role.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 636 2 "< Baby contented? 1 X YoutSab* can be contented and happy, a joy to jrou,.only S [1 «f his food satisfies him. Baby should take his bottle to the fat drop, 3 S should sleep peacefully, and week after week gam in St »xda»L weight and health like this baby,
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    • 278 2 Why Be Miserable with constipation er liverish ness when Pinkettee are all you nsed to set matters right These dainty little laxatives act as gently as nature. oure Biliousness, siok headaohes, foul smelling breath; prevent Diarrhoea and 1 Dysentery; relieve Piles. Of druggists everywhere, or post free, 90 cents the
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    • 154 2 GET RELIEF—QUICKLY A twisted ankle, a sprained writs, a strained muscle—these are things that demand relief in a hurry. And that is just why thousands who are liable to these mishaps always keep a bottle of Little's Oriental Balm close at hand. There is absolutely nothing equal to it for
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    • 422 2 I A Good Reputation Does not just happen —it has to be earned. The Universal Keputation for Exquisite Flavour enjoyed by LIBERTY Brand Ceylon TEA speaks volumes for its blend and for the high standard of quality set and attained To oa had from all grocers, THE SEREMBAN 'GENERAL AGENCY,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 679 3 AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE Tanjong Pagar Road Trams Pass the Door. IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9.50 Kate of the mountains I Can you see her, barefooted, golden haired and blue-eyed Would you like to know her love story? Then see her in HER INSPIRATION In 5 Acts
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    • 386 3 Tna From Sunday, July 25. to Friday, July 30 Alhanbra is the only the Theatre theatre where yoa T THB with an 3: ALHAM BRA W and the BEST Tea, etc. aeeommo. Thi Hal! ,or Mnlk and Features J*™* Jatlaa. intervals. In the Second Show which commences at 9.15 First
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    • 254 3 w 11 I 4m\\\\\' PRESENTS THE GREATEST OF *LL ATTRACTIONS D. W. GRIFFITHS Amaiing new production. The World's greatest motion picture. The colossal $2,000,000 spectacle INTOLERANCE Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages in is massive reels; The whole in one Programme, commencing nightly AT 8.30 SHARP 126,000 People, 7,000 Horses, 1,500
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  • 163 4 Friday, July 30 High Tides.—10.55 a.m., 10.8 p.m. Legislative Council, 2.30. Vfnnicipal OomminioDon, 2 30. B Scouts Band, Malay V C, 5.15. Sstarday, Jaly 31. High Tides. —11.21 a.m., 10.48 p.m. Pablio and Bank Holiday. Iodian 8ohool Sports, Malay V O, 2 30 SBEv Rifli Olnb, Balestier,
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  • 597 4 In England there baa since the war been a real boom in sport. The last football seaeon saw hnge crowds watching first-class games, racing is more popular than ever, and we read of memorable scenes at Epsom and Ascot, whilst cricket has come into its own during the
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  • 283 4 Tin is at 138.50 no sellers. The "Malaya Tribune" will be published as usual to-morrow and on Monday, despite the holidsys. For refusing to sell rice, Ong Vow Chian, a licensed retail dealer, was fined $100 by Oapt Rowbotham in tbe third police coart yesterday. Mr H Canne), of Mansfield
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  • 179 4 The following Singapore p'operties were sold by auotion by Messrs Oheong Eoon Seng A Co, at their saleroom on .Wednesday slit end 28th init:— HO years leasehold land at Clyde, street, are 813 sq. ft. bought by Mr Aba Hassan bin Mohamed Aley, $1,750. Freehold land and
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  • 34 4 Supplementary orders of the day fer this afternoon's meeting of the Legislative Ooanell inolade consideration of a petition from certain members of the Mohammadan community, Penang, against the Registration of Sohoola Bill.
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  • 569 4 The members of the Kog Wah Kok Association will be At Home at the West Coast Villa, Paair Panjang, 7th milestone, on Saturday and Sunday in celebration of their third anniversary. W J Williams, the European in Hongkong who shot a Chinese policeman prowling n«*r his house under the impression
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  • 781 4  -  By "Quiz." The Reds are threatened with another war." Lithuania hat aent an ultimatum to Moscow. Aa y»t there is no news of the Sikimoa challenging Trottky. a More Villa-nous doings in Mexlc' And all because Francieco'i feelinga are Haerta-bit at the proapeot of not being allowed to eat
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 225 4 ROBINSON S CO., Ltd. Incorporated In the Stnfa SetttaMots. CXiEMAK THE 7'OPULAR S FETY SAZOB s CLEMAK" SAFETY RAZORS Popular" S" 400 nett "Combination Set TOO "Imperial' St XO SO New P»(ent" Suvpper 250 ROBINSON CO., Ltd. Incorpoiatod in the StraiU SetUenents. SINGAPORE. ir*4Meeaeaawßaaa*e*SMaas»» A LUBRICANT FOR EVERY PURPOSE. BEND
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    • 448 4 IGUAN KIAT Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in tbe Straits Settlements) 86 PHILLIP STREET. BINGAPORE. New Shipment! JUST ARRIVED j OT I Greenfield Stocks Dies with Taps Whit worth's j Thread i in case complete. J Little Giant bcnew Plates with Taps in boxes from H in. to in. Extra Hand Taps
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    • 25 4 IT IB NOT THE MONEY THAT COUNTS BUT QUALITY YOU OAN HAVE IT Shlpchandlerj Estate Supplies ▲T {jam Kiat I ft. 108 109 Market St
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  • 174 5 The Lloyd George-Miller and confab at Boulogne produced "complete agreements' The conference about Russia an d Poland is not to imply tfteop*** 0 of the Soviet government. But if the Bolsheviks are good boys and make a brave show of what is called sincerity, other things, besides pervading
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  • 94 5 REBELS STILL ATTACKING OUR OUTPOSTS. London, Jaly 27.—1n the House ot Commons, replying to Mr Arthur Vanay, Mr Winston Churchill rated that the garrison in Rameita Mrelieved on July 21 and withdrawn northwards. The Arabs were still sporadically s lacking the railway and British ports. A column wonld
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  • 97 5 London, Jaly 27.—1n the House of Commons, replying to Mr Fell, Mr Churchill said there were approximately five thousand more soldiers t-rving with the col ore in Great Britain than in 1914. On the con. tnry the reserve was less than half is large. The Territorial force
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  • 82 5 Brisbane, July 27.—The Prince of ales bad a most cordial reception, »*enthe Trade Association headbarters, tbe most advanced Labour cjmmnoity in Australia, whose Katudo had previously been un*rWn, participating,—Renter. London, J Q i y 27,—Renter ODderitands that advioes from Aostralia indicate that the severe !j* of the
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  • 50 5 P, Jalv 27.—The Prize ™W has awarded £22,685 prizeJoney to the Grand Fleet as a whole 2ff of lne ba "te ot Jutland. J.lliwe Vit W6re r6ad £rom Admiral of the Court decretal the battle, and destruc of enemy ships, was the joint of the entire Grand Fleet
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  • 46 5 London, J n i y 2 7.-I n the House SI? replying to Mr Mar. Mr Rn gar l UiB the 'fM Cabinet, of Vr.?? Lsw ref erred to the reply m*t!L that thelait •"nuts at wai °h Dominion reprete ww B PI Coufercnoe.-Reuter.
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  • 566 5 ALLIES SOVIET. BOULOGNE MEETING ENDS AGREEABLY. British Note Drafted. Boulogne, Jnly 27.—Tbe AngloFrench oonferfeaoa lasted three hours. Mr Lloyd George informed Rputei'a corieapoi That a complete agreeing had been reached on s.ll pointf. It had been decided, subject to Italy's approva?, to inform the Soviet Government tha> if the Allies
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  • 120 5 Villa's Spectacular Tarn. Mexico City, Jaly 27—The Government bulletin states that General Villa has telegraphed to Huerta offering to surrender unconditionally. The Government instructed him to report to General Martinez and to repair the railway. General Villa replied that the railway waa repaired, signing himself affec tionately yours,
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  • 30 5 London, Jniy 27. —A Greek communique of July 26 oonfirms the ocoupation of Adrfanople, and says the operatioDi against the principal foroesof Jafartayar have now ended. —Renter.
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  • 121 5 Chamber of Commerce Report Singapore, July 28 A 29. Catalogued 2,000,241 .lbs, 892.96 tons. Offered 1,728.576 lbs, ***** tons. Sold 993,682 lbs, 443 60 tons. Prices Rbalisbd. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cts. per lb. Singapore Standard Qaality 63 to 631 Off Qaality 52 62} Crepe Singapore Standard Qaality Pale
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  • 138 5 Singapore, July 29. At the weekly rubber auction held yeaterday and to-day the market was again very dnll, and prioss generally show a farther decline. Ribbed Smoked She*t realised 63} cents, a drop of 4} cents on the week, but very few lots sold at or near this
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  • 268 5 Singapore, July 29. The market during the past week has continued to deoline and at present there are no signs of improvement in the situation. New York and London are still heavily overstocked and nntil the trade can absorb the large quantities accumulated there is little
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  • 44 5 Messrs Barlow and Go's oopra market report states —Quotations have remained steady during the week under review, and olose slightly firmer at No 1 Standard $17.30 to $17.50 No 2 Standard $16. 0 to $17.00 No 3 Standard $16.30 to $16.50
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  • 138 5 Singapore, July 30. Silver.—s6^ Hongkong.—77. Tin.—Buy era at $138.50. Rubber Report—The market ii weak and declining; September Sheet 63, Ootober/Deoember 69i/'O, January/March 75/752, January/June 77/775. Share Market. —Still very quiet but a trifle brighter than yeaterday. Rubbers. —Little ohanged. Karangans are wanted at $1 07$ with
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  • 351 5 HOLIDAY FIXTURES. B g Programme Arranged. The August Bank holidays ii. Singapore this year will be marked by almost a rocord number of sporfa fixtures, and e-eides ih» various tnatohes to be played here there will be the two gam*a at Kuala Lumpnr in whioh the SCC soccer eleven
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  • 775 5  -  Straits Chinese Vanquished. Sinclair's Great Game. BY "REYNARD" With four reserves tbe 80 C did an anexpcctrdly good thing yesterday afternoon on the Padang in defeat itg the Straits Chineae F A by 4—l, bat it can be aaid at once that it was tbe ataancbnesa of the Clnb
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  • 63 5 SCC Tooroameot, Yesterdsy's Results Doubles Handicap. Main and Home (sor) v Lowndes and Clifton Smith iplua 2; unfinished, 4—11 in favour of Main and Hume. Norrie ai <i Elphick minus 4) beat Carter and Allt-n 6), 21—12. To day's Ties Championship Final. White v Main. Singles Handicap. Norrie
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  • 119 5 Soogei Ujosg Tooroameot. The American tennis tournamett at the Sungei Ujong Club was concluded on Saturday afternoon. Tbe winners of A Division were Mrs X Browne and Mr D Cameron with a score of 34 pointa (25 plus 9 handicap). The winners of B were Mrs A
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  • 57 5 Goodwood Rices. London, July 27.—At Qoodwood in tbe Stewards' Cup race the result Mas Western Wave 1. Plymouth Rock 2. Little Boy S. Won by a head, with one and a li If lengths between tbe others. ing was 100/3 the winner, 8/1 1 1; i second horse,
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  • 114 5 Home County Matches. London, July 27.—Northants beat L> rby by eighty runs. Essex beat Middlesex by four "ice. Hearne took 8 for 49 and L) >Mglas 7 for 47* Sussex beat Somerset by a hundred runs. Torks v Notts was abandoned and Ltnos v Qloster was also abandoned.—R rater.
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  • 25 5 No Local Sn;.d<y Race. On aocouut of the yachts being laid up there will b uu racing ia connection with tbe Singapore Ynobt Club.
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  • 27 5 The Indian Elementary School will hold its third annual athletic sports on the Malay Volantear Club ground, Bras Basab road. to-morrow, commencing at 2.30 p m.
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  • 34 5 The final of the Seremban Oolf Club Gooch Cup competition waa pUyed on Sunday morning, Mr S D Titnsoo (—2) beating Mr J G Kinloch (scr) (a the 18th green by S up.
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  • 371 5 Answers to Questions by UflOfflcials. Food Control 'impossible (From Omr Omm Otrrm§mimtJ Kuala Lumpur, July 29.—In the Federal Council yesterday, replying to questions, the Chief Secretary said that he had been informed by the Principal Medical Officer that t!ie most opto-date anti-venereal remedies had been issued in large
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  • 76 5 Penang, Jalv 29.—At the statutory meeting of Bakit Iba Tin, Mr Lin Seng Uooi presiding, the dlrec- tori' and auditor*' reports were adopted. The Chairman said they had engaged a European manager. More land useful to operations had been acquired and various d'ffioultiee regarding water-rights bad been
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  • 45 5 The Fire Brigade was called yesterday morning to 2 Orohard-road where some films had caught alight. The fhmt-B, were put out before the Brigade arrived. In the evening the Brigade »as called to K-illang Bridge district, but the oill proved to be a false alarm.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 199 5 COLUMBIA Superb Records Tishomingo Fox Trot. Patriotic Airs Part Till We Meet Again Waltz. ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD. "ISIST double. (Incorporated ia Hongkong.| each. United Motor Works, «3, 24. 25 26 ORCHARD ROAD, Singapore. •Phone No. 1142 Telegrams: Yeesoh Singapore. J FOR SALE QUICK Owner going Home One Chevrolet CAr,
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  • 748 6 Prices Quoted io tot Mark* This Morning. ana* roast Jaly so. ■sjsbi Wall «od mmtk isaisMi Ma pap token, l«u Uta foUowiac Uat of faoteWoM Robber. Sterling Sham. ffo«. VeU*. Barait Ma If. Ailuw ifl 10 t/- iagS Jpw 6/t l 1 Aagk-Malaj 40/- 46/. 1 Arm
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 132 6 THE CIGARETTE WITH A PEDIGREE "TOE CASTLES" nfW Castle^J Per tin of i No More Disappointment. I If our Motor Cars enter for frequent repairs, 1 fnat aead It to I The Serangoon lotor Barage, I I '92 SERANGOON ROAD Junction of Serangoon Road and Caff Road) 1 Repairers A
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    • 1159 6 Singapore improvement Trust. WANTED AT ONOE.—A good general, draftsman, preferably with Knowledge of survey work Alao a tracer or junior draftsman Salarr and terms according to qualifications- Apply in person with copies of testimonials to the Deputy Chairman, Municipal Office. Singapore. Singapore, July 29, 1920. 30 7 7 8 NOTICE
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    • 84 6 Success in Life. To succeed in life good spirits and hopeful thoughts are required. The man who is despondent or irritable fails. Low spirits and irritability of temper are often caused by a dull, torpid lung. Wake up your liver with Or. J. B s Vedlc Specific The medicinal blood),
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    • 133 6 After Every Meal. c WRIGLEY'S CHEWING GUM SPEARMINT DOUBLEMINT JUICY FRUIT. For Solo Evorywhoro MTJLLEB PHIPPS (MALAYA), Ltd., Distributors. "SERVICE" Motor Lorries IN STOCK 1, V t 2, 8V„ SVi ton models. For full particulars apply:— Graham, M c Phillips, Ltd., 5, Laldlaw Building. Sole Agents, S.S. F. M 8.
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  • 721 7 Tbi liot-ChtafSf Hem Ribber Efiites, Ltd Praaetei Volutary Wlndlof-ap. 1 be India Bobber Journal" of Jane IS h&i tbe following Owing to an unfortunate error wbiob appear** In tbe protpeetoi of tbe Indo-Chlnete Hevee Robber lefatee. Ltd,) It propoeed to volontarlly wind up tbe oompany. In a eiroolar
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  • 259 7 A 1913 Soggcstlon. In view of tbe faot tint rubber hae been under 2a alb for quite a time and that rubber oom panics continue to pay dividends that none can find fault with, the following article tf of Interest It appears In the Dally Mail Year
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  • 114 7 CUifford tod Wilkinson. Marjorie and Alan Lsthbridge have been contributing to the "Daily Telegraph" a aeriea of articles on West Africa. The following ie from an artiole on West Coast types:—Sir Hugh Clifford, of Nigeria, is a litterateur with a world-wide reputation. General Oaggieberg, of the Gold
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 806 7 PHAJN jyUQCKS. Herbert Morris, Ut;d. I LOUGHBOBOUGH, ENGLAND. —^m—■■m^-. New, Sock (5 cwt. to 5 Tons.) i OF THE FAMOUS m H. M. Worm-Gear Pulley-Blooka H M. Spur-Gear Pulley-Blooka H. M Geared Ungeared Travelling Trolleys POWer Easy Lifting Safety I j Throughout Tnese Block are v J ""H parts Interchangeable.
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    • 28 7 -mm «rr». Why eul&r the burden of TOOTH-ACHE whioh can be relieved almost immediately by consulting DENTIST 74, BRAS BASAH ROAD (In (root franc* 6W dn THONI IMIJ
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    • 88 7 Wfl jM The distinctiveness and individuality of I j M State Express Cigarettes compel fcfe v m admiratioD. The charm lies in If tneir UD doubted quality. CIGARETTES VlßGim 555 Ltd., Cnticura I 3Wb») ))Jr iKy 7 Touch spots of dandruff and iSSA itching, if any, I jja/yi with Cuticura
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    • 486 7 This Is an Illustration of tha handsome and avar "POPULAR" Humbar. It is typically a cycle for hardwear and every prooeaa of ita manufacture is carried out with the Humber Standard of thoroughness. Sole acents i GUAN HOE HIN Co., 387» Victoria Street, Singapore. Manly Vigour and Strength Dr. Cas
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  • 415 8 gent Act Reform. A correspondent, who signs him elf The Sheep at the Bbeertns," 4mitea aa follow* to on* of th* C*l- cutta papers on the SSt jot of hotele o Oalootte:— i Io tpite of the faot that the Bit, Act waa made applicable to hotele iud
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  • 109 8 New Acetic Acid from FN S. An Interesting investigation was oarried out on the distillation of woods from local forest!, and the result! were distinctly promising, sayi the Chief Secretary of the P M 9 in hii report for 1919. It malt, however, be remembered that the
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  • 112 8 A Battle of Wits. Not often doei Mr Justice Darling, the prime humourist of the' Bench, get worsted in a battle of wits. But he had to haul down his oolouis to Oounsel in reoent en. oounter of this kind. The Judge, following the strictly judicial pre. oedent
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  • 46 8 Devoe's Imp. Brand $3 57 pet tin Sylvan Arrow Oil 3.29 per tin Ilger Kerqrfne 3.22 per tin Fish Brand Kerosiue 6,50 per 2 tins Lampglass do Oil 6.45 per S tins Dragon do Oil 6.45 per 2 tins Crown do 6.80 per 2 tins
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  • 228 8 Big Ex fusion of Basinets T.T.B. corr. Shanghai.—That the United States are taking an inereaeing in. tercet in tbe trade of China baa been apparent for aome time past. Their bankers in particular are anxioas to set a f< oting. and lb* steps taken b> the more
    T.T.B. corr.  -  228 words
  • 252 8 "Straits Echo." Perhaps it ii advisable for us to make it dear that tbe agitation against the Government's E location Bill as it affects the Chinese Schools in Penangis by no m«an« supported by all the leaders of the Chinese oommuntty in this Settlement. The more responsible and
    "Straits Echo."  -  252 words
  • 275 8 Tbe New Champion. The new golf ohampion, Mr Cyril Tolley, an Oxonian, is 24 years of age and of splendid physique. He learned his golf at Eastbourne, and left the oollege there to join up when the war broke out. Serving up with the Tanks, he won the Military
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 160 8 VIGOBOUS BEALTH. la* sapetsf MtriM 4e#e»d, rargely, c* the ehe*ee of Mika FORT-REVIVER \FUITIFIES KVIVBS. This is a oe*4tei erf wkich erery ingredient makes for Tifotoas health. Choose it aa your drink, it net only qaenches your thirst, it ia uneamalle* ac a Tenio Rostov ati*fe, anal taken iced makes
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    • 303 8 Dirtci Home is »o« beat Our people have been trained by long years of experience to read their DIRECTORIES, not only for the news of the year, bat for the news of the shops as reflected in the yearly offerings of the merchants. These merchants advertise this year for results
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    • 796 8 Cole Aero Eigtif "The last word In luxury." •> IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. Straits Motor Garage, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Ipoh: I iTo Have a t Good Time ft is of paramount importance that jyou should be able to digest your I food well. Nothing in the world is 1 such a hindrance
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  • 43 9 Arrivals. JULY 28. Van Goem from D-li. Donggala from B&tavia. Bhingo Mara from Calcutta. Weet Seqnama from Madras. Singkara from Sambas. Emile from Rhlo. Prometheus from Liverpool. JULY 29. Brouwer from Billiton. Klang from Pt-nang. K*ka from Penang. Oiroa from Deli.
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  • 99 9 JULY 28. Kampar for P Swettenham and T Anson. Ipob for P Swettenham k Penang. Ban Whatt Hin for Malaoea and Muar. Fook Sang for Penang and Calontta. Msran for B Pahat. Quorra for Tricgganu via porta. Medusa for Beta wan Dell. Prometheoa for Hongkong and Shanghai. Anj m
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  • 203 9 Preparations (says a Paris oom■pot dent of the ''London and Ch na Eiprtea"), ere advanoed for the c n. mraction of a railway to oonntot Upper Laos with the Acnamese coast. Inspired by these plans, the Frer oh Colonial Union proposes that all new railway construction in Alia
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  • 79 9 At a sale by public auction at Malacca the following robber pro. parties were'disposed of at the saleroom of Messrs Teob Bong Leong and Co on Taesday A mbber estate, srea IS acres 24 poles planted with 7 years old trrer, at Tangga Bate, booght by Mr
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 606 9 p. India AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated m England) HAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Oriental S. .Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Oovernmen THE COMPANY'S MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY ire at present suspended. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPORE. plassy about Aug 2 ghjva about Aug 12
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    • 77 9 LLOYD TRIESTIIIO S. N. Co. (Incorporated in Italy) HOMEWARD BOUND. 8 8. Persia," for Penang, Colombo and Trieste, about July 30. 8. 8. T Pilsna," for Penang, Colombo and Trieste, about Aug. 18. 8.8 "Innsbruck" for Penang, Colombo and Trieste, about Sept 12. OUTWARD BOUND. 8 8- Hungaria for Hongkongi
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    • 611 9 DOLLAR LINE. Regular Sailings From SINGAPORE to NEW TORE via NORTH CHINA and PANAMA CANAL. Tons Arriving Grace Dollar displacement 15,000 July 31 This vessels will also acoept cargo for Vanoouver provided sufficient inducement offers. Through Bills of Lading issued from Singapore to the Principal Cities of the United States
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    • 131 9 Tor Hongkong Japan. The I C. S. N C »'a s.s NAM4,035 tons, leaves -t p.n •n Stt-irr'ay, 3let July. F >r Freight or Passage apply Boustead Co, Agents Singapore, July 27,1920. 28 7 30 7 Glen Sht>e Lines. For London s.s CARDIGANSHIRE la expected to sail hence about let
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    • 426 9 O. S. K. Tit Isaki Stall blska, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Japan) No. 2 De Souza Street friajSal SHUNS fffl S!l|SBif8. (Subject to change without notioe) European Line, PORT SAID. LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. Alps Mam mid Sept Mew York Line. (via PANAMA CANAL) Honolulu Maru beg. Sept Hague Maru
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    • 549 9 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Inocrporated in Japan) Under Mall Contract with the Imperial Japanese Governcccl (Subject to Altera ions without Notice) European Mall Una Forlnighsly Service For LONDON A: ANTWERP via .MALACCA) PENANG, COLOMBO, SUEZ, POBT SAID MARSEILLES. Iyo Maru Aug Atsuta Maru Aug 11 Shiczuoka Maru Aug 25 Liverpool Line
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 524 10 WANTED. WANTED—An experience?! Filing Clerk- Mutt be a quick worker. Apply ie Box Ne. 801 e/e Malays Tribune. 217 uo WANTED Ju< i .r clerk, «a'ary $60 per month. f pply by letter to M Junior c/o Malaya Tribune 28 7 8 8 WANTED— Two eiperiei ced Ledger Clerks for
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    • 558 10 NOTICES. NOTICE. Tbe Exchange Banks will be closed on 3?st July. Saturday Public Snd August, Monday Holidays. *4 7 28 NOTICE. Messrs Hun Bee A Coy. beg to n< ti y the publio that they have taken over tbe business known as tbe "RISING SUN LORRY COY." No 82, Bras
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    • 465 10 INSURANCE. THE ORIENTAL Government Security Ufa issuraote to., Ltd. EfiTAdLISHED 1874. Incorporated in IndiaFUNDS exceed Pire Crores Ripees. Absolute Security. iNine 1118 $1,111 140.10 lisiruiM tffMtti M 1918 $0,147 if.N Total Policies in force 69,405 assuring with Bonus Additions $98,817,617.00 New Business for the year 1918. Establishes a record in
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    • 474 10 BANKS. Banqne Industrielle De China (Incorported in France.) An&orised Capital Ft*. 250,000,000 (1/3 of the Capital subscribed by the Government of the Chinese Republic) Chairman of the Board of Directors: Andre Berthelot General Manager A. J. Pernotte. HEAD OFFICE: 74. Rue Saint Lazare, Paris. BRANCHES: Canton, Hanoi, Mukden, Pekin, Tientsin,
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    • 490 10 BANKS. TBI li talk, LUItH. Head Office Singapore, Baffles Chambers 4,5 6 BRANCHES, Penang, 85 Beach Street. Malacca 131 Jonker Street. Mear, 77/79 Jalan Saleiman. Beta Pahat, 109 Jalan Rabamat. Agencies at London, New York, San Francisco, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Palembang and Trang CAPITAL. Authorised $8,000,000 (saaed
      490 words
    • 560 10 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AOBTNAUA AMD CHINA. raOORPORA'iED II BHGLAHD. f BY BOTAL OHABTKB. Paid ap Capital la 100,000 Sbarea «I £20 each (M «2,000,000 Baaerre Faod £3 000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor* £2,000,000 BANKERS. Bank of England, London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London Coanty Wettmln«ter and Parr's
      560 words
    • 358 10 ©TTO SCHIFFNER 31 KLING STREET (Ist Floor) WATCHEfS and JEWELLERY WHOLESALE i SOLI AGENT FOR THE OMEGA WATCH Co., THE ANGLO-SWISS WATCH Co. CUCOTTA-MUOBE, cTMIHWI J Old Sight or Presbyopia Old Sight or Presbyopia is a defect of Eyesight caused by a late euutjcitr i a the crystalline lenses, and
      358 words