Malaya Tribune, 28 July 1920

Total Pages: 8
1 10 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 142 1 S. IMAI, Japanese Dentist. Consultation .Hours: 830 am—s 30 p.m. Adelpni Hotel Building, No. 98 North Bridge Road, Singapore Piatt Jensen, Ltd., (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) Singapore. Immediate Delivery, MOTOR LAUNCH Length 23 ft., Beam 4 ft. 4 in., Draught 2 ft. ENGINES BY Jamieson's Bros., Alloa. SURF SHOES at
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    • 41 1 Bear's Ciqorettcs. High Quality Low Price Riverside A high class cigarette made 4 from the finest I I Virginia to- I y bacco. [i ft** Price $1.15 Per tin of 50. Number One Navy Cut Obtainable from j The Leading Dealers.
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    • 150 1 DALTON iMi BilK Adding, Listing and JjSC^^ N Calculating Machine. MS K'^TaVi sim P le and Easy to Sj m W^^L operate- 10 Keys only lS I D 0 B ro P'Dg or huntj ing for the right key. Oemonnrauon a Pree J2Gkssn, Tenor Tim, Inc. Incorporated in U.S.AJ 1
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  • 11 2 [Wĕ Je art ■eo-ssrflf mUru sa# ipinitmi —si'sani If ssuisspaagesti)
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  • 190 2 From EX PUPIL*: There la a ramoar »bat an Old Boys' Association o! the High School, Malacca, is going to be formed. It is an excel lent idea, and it is hoped that oar elders, most of whom are ex-papils of the same school, will
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  • 177 2 Two further episodes of the Paths serial The Tiger's Trail," the fifth and sixth, will be presented at the Marlborough, to-night, added to which will be a splendid Universal special attraction Bread," in six reels, featuring Mary Maclarsn. In the first house The Tramp," a fine Pathe drama
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  • 150 2 Reuter. Marion, July 22.—Mr Harding, in replying to the official notification of hit nomination for the Presidency, ■aid that the Republican Party meant to hold the heritage of American nationality unimpaired and unsurrendered. He described the League Conrenant as conceived for world supergovernment, negotiated in misunderstanding, intolerantly urged
    Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 39 2 Reuter. Washington, July S3.—Export» for the put year are valued at 8,111 million dollars and imports at 5,239 million. Both are reoordi. The respective increases over the previous year are 879 and 2,143 million. —Renter,
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 32 2 The next session of the Malaya Branch of the British Medical Association will be held in Kuala Lumpur on Oct 6 and 9 The meeting arranged for Aug 1 has been cancelled.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 640 2 mil Rff mi hi iv i f *****11 tmiiii i m imfnumnmnnnißum»MannnnHnnu«nfuwriaianiifg I However Sick Baby may be 3 do not give up hope—more often than not the oauec ie wrong feeding 9 —if you will only get the right food for baby, you will toon have aim M on
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    • 391 2 THE CHILDREN'S FRIEND. HOW BABY'S OWN TABLETS KEEP THE LITTLE ONES WELL. Once you have tried Baby's Own Tablets for your baby or little child you will want to keep them always in the house because they are so gentle, sore and safe. Small and easily crushed to a powder,
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    • 150 2 DON'T GIVE UP When you suffer the unbearable twinges and tortures of Rheumatism, when you are oppressed by the awful spectre of ceaseless pain, when you have tried all the cures you know and these cures have failed— don't give up. The skill of man can find a way to
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    • 569 2 A Good Reputation Does not just happen—it has to be earned. The Universal Reputation for Exquisite Flavour enjoyed by LIBERTY Brand Ceylon TEA speaks volumes for its blend and for the high standard of quality set and attained To be had from ail grocers THE SEREMBAn"GENERAL AGENCY, Ltd, (Incorporated in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1085 3 AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE Tanjong Pagar Road Trams Pass the Door. IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9.30 A Universal Special Star attraction of uncommon merit Featuring MAE MURRAY In a powerful story of a despicable villain's schemes to cool the love of a woman for her husband HER
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    • 315 3 PROGRAMME For Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 27th to 29th July At 730 VOD-A-VIJL MOVIES At 8 THE GREAT LONDON MYSTER* Serial Featuring David Devant, the Master Magician Final Instalment. Episodes 11 and 1% At 9 BY GENERAL REQUEST Charlie Chaplin in "Shoulder Arms" In Three Parts. At 9.45 BUSHMAN BAYNE
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  • 40 4 DEATH. Mrs Tan Hup Neo, the beloved wife of Mr. Song Chin Eng, age 37, on Tuesday, July 27, at 13 Yau Kit road. The funeral at Bididari to day at 5 p m. 28 7 28 7
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  • 45 4 Mr. C> Tamby Pi Hay and children beg to thank all those who attended the funeral of the late Mrs, C- Tamby Pi 11 ay and also those who sent letters of condolence in their aad bereavement. Malacca, July 27. 28 7 23 7
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  • 583 4 A formidable questionnaire by Mr Mug) is ton has become aa established feature of Municipal meetings. An eminently useful one, too. It is an effective way of eliciting information of interest or value to the public without an unnecessary accompaniment of heroics. Mr Mugliston has taken the parish
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  • 906 4 Tin is at $140; no sellers. Rubber ia quoted at 1/10 for cr jpe and l/ 8£ for sheet. Plague was reported to have broken ont in Colombo on July 18. The F and 0 a Plassy haa left Colombo, and is expected to arrive at Singapore on Monday next,
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  • 1051 4 By ''Echo.' Interest in local ppor>ing Clrc jost now is chi. fly centred on Z inter-Bt»ttlement games at the week end, and the soccer cap cottp t titi c which will begin next week. Th Esplanade grounds will be well ots copied daring the holidays T> SCO have
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 221 4 ROBINSON CO., Ltd. Incorporated in tne BtaiU Settlemcnta. THE V JPULAR FETY SftZOB j _NjJ B7>^s9S^_a ■NJ Jr v*sr\fejlML "CLEMAK" SAFETY RAZORS Popular" B*4 S 400 nett I j Combination S»f TOO Irw peri»l" B»t 1» »<> "NewPaiem Sir i-per 2.50 lIIIKII I 61., I». Inecrpo;«ted in the Straits Settlement!.
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    • 442 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Strait* Settlements) 86 PHILLIP STkrSET. SINGAPORE, New Shipments JUST ARRIVED Of Greenfield Stocks Dies with Taps Whit worth's Thread in case complete. Little Giant bcrew Plates with Taps in boxes from H in to in. Extra Hand Taps Whit worth's Thread from in.
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    • 27 4 IT IS NOT THE MONEY that counts BUT quality YOU CAN HAVE IT IK Shlpctaandlery Estate Supplies AT Han Kiat 5 Ci. 108 ft 109 Market St
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 141 4 WHEN AND WHERE. Wednesday* July 28 High Tide*.—9.51 a.m., 8 47 p.m. •l*ntakah, «'at. tntg, Barker'», 12. Football: SRC Practice Match. i(r.ckt<y S C C Stafford». t> Soont», III Troop* and Signalling Claw, 5 15. Thursday, July 29. I Ugh Tidta.—8.59 a.m., "-53 p.m. Malay Co. SVC, Baieatfcr, 4.30. Football
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  • 184 5 The fifth and deciding the America Cup was called of with the Resolute leading the Shamrock by two miles. "Echo" in his weekly Sports Vote*) reviews the soccer cup draw and the holiday fi.rtures. At foothill, Brookdale Rovers defeated the S C C II by two goal* to
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  • 105 5 SERIOUS SITUATION LIKELY TO ARISE. Reuter. London. July 26 —The Government to-night informed a deputation of the Miners' Federation of its Disqualified rejection of the demand for an inorease of wages by two ■hillings a week, and reduotion of the prioa of household coal by fourteen shillings per
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 53 5 Reuter. London, July 26.—When the Home of Commons reassembled the adjournment, replying to Mr Ormsby Gore, Mr Lloyd George Mid that it was unlikely that the miniates for the mandated territories would be ready for submission to the council of the L ague of Jettons at San Sebastian
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 26 5 Reuter. London, Jaly 26.—The oorre•Poodent of the Times in Smyrna ■js the Italo-Greek incident on the Aiiin railway has been settled iaf actor ilyßeuter.
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 116 5 The following Singapore pro. Parties were sold by public auction »J Messrs the Estate and Trust Agencies, Limited, (successors to Messrs Ching Keng Lee and Co) at weir sale-room, Raffles Chambers, toffies place, on Monday afternoon Freehold building site at Holland(Clo Pandan) area 71,874 sq ft, Jooght
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  • 49 5 pan r llV? Molek Robber Com An/m haa iaBt acq«>ed at Bitu SSTJ* *mS ofSegamat, S 200 J*'" 0t landof which robber iS acre are P lanted wilh Mrean i here are besides, 200 5722 approved application. purchase will not necessitate lr «h lnue of shares.
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  • 363 5 A FINE fcX\MPLE FROM ULSTER. Discission ia Parliament. Reuter. I London, Jnly 26 —In the Honee of Commons, in r*piy to a motion by Mr Devlin for an adj nrnment of toe House to call -.ttfntion to th» events in Belfast and the failnre of the Government to protect
    Reuter.  -  363 words
  • 256 5 Questions At Next Meeting The Municipal Commissioners will meet on Friday at 2.30 pw, when, in addition to routine business, there wili be reports on tho action taken by the committee on salaries of subordinate officers Mr Mugliston will ask What is the area in square feet of
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  • 104 5 Sago flour is quoted at 19/9. Tapiooa fair flake is quoted at 22/6 in London. Tin is quoted at £275.5.0 in London. Qambier Is quoted at 58/ in London. Copra fair merchantable is doing £47.0.0 in London. On the Liverpool market cotton, middling American, is at 28.02.
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  • 311 5 M\NY COW LEXITIES IN THE SITUATION. No Armistice Yet. Reuter. London, July 26—There are many complexities in the situation in Poland. Despite the effer of an armistice, fierce fighting continues, and the acoonn's regarding the re sal's are hopelessly contradictory. There is much disoussion In the newspapers concerning the
    Reuter.  -  311 words
  • 263 5 A Profiteering Tenant Mr MoClelland presided at the meeting of the Rent Assessment Board held yesterday. There were only three cae s of interest among those brought before the Board. The landlord of 43 Cecil-street applied to the Board to eject the occupant of the second ffoor of
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  • 135 5 Singapore, July 28. Tin.—Bayers at $140. No tellers. Robber.—The boo ion opened weak. 8td Sheet realised 63$ ots and Cripe 71$ c 0, shewing a deoline of 4 o s on Sheet and with no change on Crepe, Outside the market la weak and declining August
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  • 47 5 Private advices, says the "Straits Echo," indicate that the Siam rioe oropproapeoti are the reverse of satisfactory at present owing to drought. Last year the country suff red severely through floods, while this year a shortage is threatened through inability to plant out at .the proper time.
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  • 467 5 FOOTBALL. S C C II v Brookd le Rovers. The Brookdale Rovers defeated the 8 0 C II io a floe game oo tbe Padarg yesterday. Right from tbe start they pressed and Watt* tad a good deal of work to do After about tea minutes' play, MILLS their
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  • 45 5 SCC Toaroameut. Yesterday's Results. Championship. (Semi final jWhite beat Norrie, 21—19. (White to meet Main in the fiualjf To-day's lies. Doubles Handicap. Henderson and McKean (minus 6) Lowndes and Clifton Smiih (tot). Norrie and Elpbick (minus 4) v Mair and Riches plus 4).
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  • 62 5 The lawn tennis tournament of the Selangor Club, which attraoted considerable interest during the past few weeks, was brought to a conclusion Ust week The distribution of prises took phoe on Monday afternoon at the St Jang >r Club in the preaenoe of a large gathering of members
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  • 68 5 It haa been decided to hold a motor gymkhana in I poh on Saturday, under the auspices of the Perak Motor Union. Ie is proposed tt> hold events for ladies and gentlemen,and open (confined to members and their families) and a syces' competition. Among the events it is understood
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  • 23 5 The following is .he result of the shooting competition at Bisley for tbe Elcbo Shield —Scotland, 1.582, England 1,527, Ireland 1,479.
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  • 91 5 Ceyloo Racing Record. Ninety-nine horses ere in the first entries for Ceylon's big rsvce meet next month, says tbe Ceylon M L, of Jaly 10. This bests »11 records so fer, even with tbe seoond snd third entries to come. Twenty-nine horses hare entered so far for one
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  • 55 5 Hi me Coo ity Matches, Reuter. London, Jaly 26.— gent hettf Surrey b an inoiuga and 32 ru K»ir»ervice took 6 f«>r 22 aud 4f< r 36 respec i e'y, and Wooley 4 for 31 and 4 for t'9. Warwick beat Leicester by nine wickets. Hunt- beat Worcester by
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 84 5 Another K L T eam. The following Kn da Lumpur team will b« com In* down to Singapore to pi ty a team in a two-dby cricket ma eh on the S R/C ground on B%'urdiy and Monday.—H R, Bartels. C O Tho Hope, E R. de 55)1v», (i H
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  • 150 5 Fifth America Cop Race. Reuter. Sandy Hook, July 26.—An early promise of a brisk racing breece was belied, the wind dimi*ishing,to three miles per hour sbo- tly before the start, necessitating a temporary postponement of the fifih race. The course was fifteen miles out and back. The 8bamrock slightly
    Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 43 5 Penang, Jnly 27—In the Supreme Con-1 t«• Mr MoCormack's suit Rgdioei tb uitMsfaa Press, Ltd, ♦nd Mr Chesty Dacoao, concerning an all*g*-d iib-d obtained in tb« Straits Eoho," has been dismissed, an agreement having been reached. (From Omt Own Corruponiml)
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  • 88 5 A meeting of the Legislative Oooroii win be held on Friday at 230 pm, when, among other items on the agenda, the Acting Treasurer will mov* approval of a special vote of $20,000 for the reclsmvion of a pustjovj of tbe b-h front at Malacca, an l $5,500
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  • 121 5 The civil action in whioh the Straits Steamship Co, owners of the steamer Kuala, olaimed 161,465 as damages from the owners of the Hong Wan I, es a result of the collision between the rare boa's in September la«\ in whioh tbe Hong Wan I failed to
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  • 189 5 A "Nasty" Soggeston. If ever tbe noting Obief Seoretary of the P M 8 feeli the need of a "change we will recommend him (aaya the Stmitfl Eoho to Fleet, street as a good, breezy, d so iptive writer with a strong command of the current phrase.
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  • 52 5 It was stated at a meeting of the German Dyewnras, Isle F Beyer aod Co of L TrtiknvM. ihsi the production ot lyotbeJo rubber had been abandoned on aoooani of the rnormooi advance In the prices of C materials, wttch rendered Ii ussuble for the srtinnUi product to Qjajp<;to the
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  • 426 5 Tb tl Said to Have Stretched Victims' Mouths. Wicked Old Women la Court A Tochew named Ng Kir? Pang, who was last we*k charge with another Teoohew, Yeo A Piew, with gang robbery, was agai< brought up at the Assizes this morning before the Chief Justic Sir John
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  • 11 5 Oatpnt for Jane Tribute p 0 lg, 67.71
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  • 100 5 Payment for an unwritten contract of ten tons of rubber at $1.(4 per pound was the olaim of chop X ig Hwat against ohop Kian Ta in the Supreme Court this morning b-fore Mr Justice Barrett The case of Q X Nagoda v M PakiMohamed was settled out of court.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 203 5 COLUMBIA Superb IvTQJj Records Dragon Flies Violin Solo. Dardanella Fox Trot. Hawaiian Moonlight Waltz. ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD. ~«Tol> double. (Incorporated ia Hongkong. each. United Motor Works, 23, 24, 25 26 OBCHABD BO AD, v Singapore. 'Phone No. 1142 Telegrams: Yeesofa Singapore. FOR SALE QUICK Owner going Home One Chevrolet
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  • 58 6 H tempore. July 28, On LondonBank 4 m/s 2/4 L Demand 2/3 3/4 Private 3 m/s 2/4 5/8 On IndiaBank T. T. 118 On Hongkong— Bank d/d 73% prem On ShanghaiBank d/d 40} Oa Java— Bank T. T. 120 On Japan— Bank d/d 83} Sovereigns—-baying rate $8.54 Bank of
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  • 60 6 Mr Tan 800 Hook informs ns of farther subscriptions aa follow Amount previously acknowledged $27,100 Pins $600 annua! subscriptions. Mr Oor Hin Hong 5.0C0 Mr Leong Tow Toon 3,000 Mr Kay Smg 1,000 Mr Tan Swi Kirn 1,000 Li Ohim Giang 200 Mr Tan Lian Tee
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  • 100 6 A factory for manufacturing rubber goods has recently been organised in Honam, C»nton. It is understood tbat the manufactory is ordering raw products from Kion.ohow and Ngaichow, in tbe island of Hainan, where rubber trees are growing successfully. An offwr of £52,000, it is stated, has been refused for a
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  • 901 6 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. HIKQA. FOB*, July 28. jsTsaSS T Jill inrt trnrl, mmUM I' ou Btoktiß, Israa tha following last of quotation. Robber: Sterling Shares. Joaa. talaa. Bayan. Ballet* tl- Allan* t,I 1/6 tj- Anglo Jara 6 6 1 Aaglo-Mala, 401- 46/ i
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  • 48 6 Sembilan Dnt from Bagan 27-7, Anjou Bri from Malacca 27 7. Rlephanta Bri from Calcutta 28 7. Fnkasha Mara Jap from Saigon 28-7. Giaog Seng Bri from Batavia 28-7. Tngala Siam from Bangkok 28.7.' Kathlamba Bri from Yokohama 28.7. Reljnierez Dnt from Sourabaya 28 7.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 114 6 W.D. H.O. Wills BSHIjiISOLD FLUE FLUE CIGARETTES cents per tin of 9§o More Disappointment. If onr Motor ears eater fer frequent repalra, just aend It to The Serangoon Motor Garage, r 92 SEBANGOON BO AD Junction of Serangoon Road and Cuff Road) Repairers A Painters OF Motor Cars Motor* Cycles.
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    • 783 6 WANTED—An experienced I Filing Clerk- Must be a quick worker. Apply to Box No 3dl c/o Malaya Tribune. 28 7 no WANTED —Junior clerk, f alary $60 per month. Apply by letter to Junior c/o Malaya Tribune 28 7 3 8 n ii TO LET —Two residences with garage, etc.,
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    • 107 6 White Teeth, Sweet Breath and Contentment a ALL IN ONE PACKAGE OF WRIGLEY'S CHEWING GUM. Three Flavours SPEARMINT-DOUBLEMINT-JUICY FRUIT. Remember A ffcer Every Bfteaal Foe Scale Everywhere. MCLLER PHIPPB (MALAYA), Ltd., Distributora. "SERVICE" Motor Lorries IN STOCK 1, V/ 2, 2, 2 1 3 1 ton models. For full particulars
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  • 414 9 Life ii Romance and Adventnre. The news thai ex-Empress Eugenie has passed away comes as no surprise. Ninety-four years of age she was a sad and a frail figure. Born al the castle of Toba she has ended her, days there. Engenie, alone of her line, did not
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  • 120 9 A sensation was created in Hongkong on Jane 27 when the newi circulated that Messrs J Ullman and Co'i j wellery eitablishment In Queens-road Central, adjacent to Flower-street, had been entered by barglars. It was roughly estimated by Mr 8 Goldsebmidr, the manager, that the property stolen amounted to over
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 723 9 P.&0.-British India AND apcar line. (Companies Incorporated in England) HAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Oriental S. T .Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Governmen THE COMPANY'S MAIL SERVICES EAST' OF BOMBAY aie at present suspended. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPORE. Plassy about Aug 2 Khiva mm about
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    • 617 9 DOLLAR LINE. Regular Sailings From SINGAPORE to NEW TORE via NORTH CHINA and PANAMA CANAL. Tona Arriving Grace Dollar displacement 15,000 July 31 M. S. Dollar 19,000 Aug 18 These vessels will also accept cargo for Vancouver provided sufficient inducement offers. Through Bills of Lading issued from Singapore to the
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    • 161 9 European-Far East Line. For Hongkong, thaugM. Kobe A Titokana. 8 8." BWAZI" Sailing about July 28. For particulars regarding Rates of Freight apply to He Ulster Co.. Ltd. 24 7 28 7 For Hongkong Japan. The LO. S. N- Go's s.a NAMSANG, 4,035 tons, leaves 2 pm. on Saturday, 31st
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    • 403 9 O.S.K. Tli Osaka Stan labia, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Japan) No. 2 De Sonza Street Itannl Siimis fna Slmpori. (Subject to ehaagt without nottke) European Line. PORT SAID. LONDON, ANTWEBP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. Alps Maru mid Sept Mow York Line. (via PANAMA CANAL) Honolulu Maru beg. Sept Hague Maru beg Oct
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    • 534 9 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incoi iratad in Japan) Uadar Mail Contract with tbe Imperial Japaaaae Qovaraccai (Subject to Alterations without Notice) European Mall Line Fortnightly Service For LONDON ANTWERP via (MALACCA) PENANG. COLOMBO, SUEZ, POBT SAID MARSEILLES. Iyo Maru Aug Atauta Maru Aug 11 Shidzuoka Maru Aug 25 Liverpool Line For
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 614 10 WANTED. WANTED—A clerk capable to keep books, and collect bills. Good prospects- Apply c/o lay i Tribune. 22 7 IB 7 W A N T E D. —Two experienced Ledger Clerks for a local Chinese firm, Chinese preferred. -Apply with full particular stating age, experience, etc to Employer c/o Maitya
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    • 580 10 NOTICES. NOTICE. The Exchange Banks will be olosed on 3'st July, Saturday 1 Public 2nd August, Monday Holidays. 24 7 2 8 JOHORE GOVERNMENT. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, lenders are hereby invited for the erection of the New Malay Training College, Jobore Bahru. Every person applying for a form of tender
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    • 473 10 INSURANCE. THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance It., Ltd. Established 1874. Incorporated in India. FUND 3 exceed Five Croret RapeesAbsolute Security. IbmbilllS lisirasce iflecUd in 1918 $1,147 IMI Total Policies in force 69,405 assuring with Bonus Additions 598.817.617.00 New Business for the year 1918. Establishes a record in the
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    • 479 10 BANKS. Banqud IndustrieUe De Chine. (Incorported in France.) Authorised Capital Frs. 250,000,000 Subscribed Paid-up m 75,000/100 (1/3 of the Capital subscribed by the Government of the Chinese Republic.) Chairman of the Board of Directors: Andre Berthelot. General Manager; A J. Pernotte. HEAD OFFICE: 74, Rue Saint Lazare, Paris. BRANCHES: Canton,
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    • 511 10 BANKS. The He Hug Bank, Limited. Head Office: Singapore, Baffles Chamber* 4,646 Branches; Penang, 85 Beach Street. Malacca 131 Joaker Street. Muar, 77/79 Jalan Suleiman. Batu Pahat, 109 Jalan Bahamas. Agenoiee at London, New York, San Francisco, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Paiembang anc Trang. CAPITAL, Authorised $8,000,00 C
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    • 574 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AMD CHINA. IEOORPORA'x £D IN ENGLAND. BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid ap Capital in 100,000 Sharei of £20 each £2,000,000 Reserve Fand £3 000.000 Keeervu Liability of Proprietors £2,000,000 BANKERS. Bank oi England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London Ooanty Wertmin«t«r and Parr's
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    • 363 10 ©TT© SeHIFFNER 31 KLING STREET (Ist Floor) WATCHES and JEWELLERY WHOLESALE SOLXf AOENT FOR THE OMEGA WATCH Co., Switzerland. THE ANGLO-SWISS WATCH Co., CALCUTTA—SOLEUBE, fSwitzerland.j Old Sight or Presbyopia Old Sight or Presbyopia is a defect of Eyesight caused by a late elasticity n the crystalline lenses, and muscles of
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