Malaya Tribune, 26 July 1920

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.) SHIPPING GAZETTE. C EVENING DAILY Vol. ViL No 173 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 26, 1920 PRICE S CENTS The Malaya Tribune. MONDAY, JULY 26, 1920.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 140 1 S. IMAI, Japanese Dentist. Consultation Hours: 8 30 a m —s 30 p m. Adelpbi Hotel Building, No 98 North Bridge Road, S n^anOre Piatt Jensen, Ltd., (Incorporated in Straits Settlements Singapore. Immediate Delivery. MOTOR LAUNCH Length 23 ft, Beam 4 ft. 4 in., Draught 2 ft. ENGINES BY Jamieson's
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    • 34 1 Bear's Cigarettes. i High Quality Low Price 0 Riverside cigarette made I St from the finest 1 Virginia to- I bacco- I Number One Navy Cut I H Obtainable from The Leading Dealers, j
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    • 154 1 f»iin if-i flWTjte Adding Lis log sod v Calculaiio* Machine Simple a-d Easy to operate- 10 Keys only fifl j —no gropii gor hunt--1 ing for the right key. WSS Ask for Demon>.trat.on A Pree Trial. Jackson, Teier Hill, Inc. ft ("Incorporated in U.S.A. P 3-W, Plaiaydw Green. Singapore. mjt
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  • 532 2 Singapore, July 23. From 15th to 21st Jaly. Share Market —An improved tone baa prevailed over the market daring the past week, suggesting, what has been generally believed, the statence of a considerable body of investors ready to operate at tbe aaipioioai moment. Industrial tempted them
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  • 126 2 As an instance of rank profiteer, ing, and also showing the extent of the invasion by foreign.made goods, in England, a gentleman who left the old country in June sends us the following, relating to a purohase he made jost before tailing I bought a small hair-brosh fr< m a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 543 2 piMIUIUIIIfIIIUM §j Royal Appointment tho Court of Spain g i A Royal Food for your Baby I Glaxo is used in the Royal Nurseries, as can be seen by the EE EE above appointment. This letter ia from a doctor connected with the Royal Court of Spain. Madrid. H /am
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    • 495 2 FULL-BLOODED PEOPLE. WHY OTHEB PEOPLE LIKE THEM. We can all call to mind men and women who give such a sense of vitality and ttrength that they are bound to get on. A woman of this type—full-blooded, plump md bright-eyed—always has a group of admirers round her. A> man of
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    • 169 2 Straight to the Hark It Sots Where the Pain it—And Stops It. A man or woman who has never suffered the excruciating agonies of Sciatica cannot realise the full intensity of pain. And a man or woman who has ever suffered Sciatica can never forget it. To such sufferers Little's
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    • 263 2 A Good Reputation Does not just happen —it has to be earned. The Universal Beputation for Exquisite Flavour enjoyed by LIBERTY Brand Ceylon TEA speaks volumes lor its blend and for the high standard of quality set and attained To be had from all frraaers I THE SEREMBAN 'GENERAL AGENCY,
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    • 154 2 Cheap Kngltoh Blcyoles BOO6F WHITWORTfI—HOBNAH f :JUBI ARRIVED A consignment of strong English Biotries MmJ mLfjk s P«*ciaUy imported to suit estate r«nuiremente HUSXffi GOOD VALUE FOR MONEY gWlfflßl Gash Price Rudge M $130 MT VmM Norman 120 Barbour Johnstone Co., Ld., Baffles Place.'Slngaport Eureka Motor 9t General Engineering Works
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 782 3 AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE Pagar Road Trams Pass the Door. IN THE SECOND BHOW AT 9SO A Universal Special Star attraction of uncommon merit Featuring MAE MURRAY nowe ful st ry f a desp'cable villain's c hemes to cool the love of a woman for her husband HER
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    • 394 3 «bhhmhb«mhbi aaa^Banßaanaanaßnanßßßaanuae*^ I The Ihe From Sunday, July 25 to Friday, July SO AlTiamhra Allien: r r is it tbe only the Tneatre theatre wh9M AT THE with an h: ALHAMBRAh: U fJ*l^ ST The Hall for Meek and Feature. JJJJJ* wconinio- nABn dutUm BB CTI BO D laterals. In
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    • 213 3 9»W JmW wSa&r I Quail y ricturei I In T.-eight's Exceptional Change of Programme! Bvooad Bhow m*% 9 pm. Final of the Thriilii g British Seriil Featuring DAVID DBVaNT IHt 6RE*I LONDON iWEBf Episode U. The Four of Diamonds Episode 12. East is West FRANCIS X. BDSHMAN with BEVERLY BVYNE
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  • 660 4 When Mr Lloyd George addressed the House of Commons the other day, he made a not altogether unsuccessful attempt to clear the international situation of much of the fog in which see-saw Government policy has encompassed it. He spoke of the Polish attack on the Bolsheviks in
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  • 284 4 Tin is at $142; no sellers. The outward B J packet Tars," with mails from Europe is ex at o ted to reach Penang to-morrow evening. The cadet oorps oamp at Port Dioksou will be attended by cadets of the three schools of Koala Lumpur. Lieut A H Barnes, k
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  • 152 4 Chinese Charged With Intimidation. A strike of the coolie painters at the Tanjong Pagar docks has been in progress since Friday last. Before Mr Pepys in the seoond police court this morniag, a Chinese named Ho Ha Lung was charged with enticing the painting coolies employed on the
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  • 600 4 The shipping and the Import and Export offices will be open for one hour only (10 to 11 a m on Saturday and Monday next. On and after Aug 1, the buoy light at Kuala Muar will be replaced temporarily by a fixed light, during repairs. While out shooting flying
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  • 121 4 Serious Charges Agalatt Chinese Clerk, A Chinese clerk, Tan Seek Ch*« alias Tan YongThian, was gS| up on three oharges of falsifX aooounts at the Assizes this mornS before the Chief Justice, Sir J<Jkl Beoknill, kc, and a special it was called to oonsider the evident Mr J
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  • 264 4 Improvements Arranged For. We have already referred to the decision of the Government to buii 3 an up-to-date hospital i n o{ the present General Hospital, which both as to accommodation and appliances, has proved inadequate to cope with the ever-increasing needs of a growing 0 jt y
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  • 196 4 The thirty-third report of the directors to the shareholders, states that after charging depreciation upon the assets of the company, the profit and loss account shows a profit on the year's working of $83,797.17 to which has to be added the balance oi $22,827.80 brought forward from
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  • 139 4 Singapore, Jaly 26. Silver—s4}. Hongkong.—674. Shanghai.—42; Tin—Bayers at $142.00 Rubber Report—The market if slightly weaker—Firm Bayert few Sellers—Jnly Sheet transacted at 66 cents, Ang/September around 6" cents, October/December 74 ots, and January/June 80/81 cents. Bhare Market.—An encouraging tone prevails, Rubbers.—Lutle Changed Ulu Pandans sold at $2.17}
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 301 4 "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" New Danoe Miuio Mayteir Danoe Oroheitra 1* Inch Double sided Plum Label Records. Ii 9H5 /Valse Demure (Noveity Dane*') M l Orent..! Memoirs lWal?s) xi q«t; J Beautiful Ohio i Waltz V'M<»KBieur (Waltz) %m 996 Kelly's come back (F»j Tn;t) M I'Nevervthing (Fox Tro') -.tnoQ /Ro« kin'
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    • 440 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) 86 PHILLIP STREET. SINGAPORE. New Shipments JUST ARRIVED OF Greenfield Stocks «V Dies with Taps Whitworth's Thread in case complete. Little Giant Screw Plates with Taps in boxes from in. to \i in. lExtraI Extra Hand Taps Whitworth's Thread from in.
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    • 26 4 IT 18 NOT THE MONEY THAT COUNTS BOT QUALITY YOU CAN HAVE IT Shipchandlery ft Estate Supplies AT Kiu Kiat Go. 108 A 109 Market St
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 126 4 WHEN AND WHERE. Monday. July 26High Tides.—7.47 a.m., 6.48 p.m. Football 3 0 0 v 8 R 0. H Soouts, I, II and IV Troops, 5.15. Tuesday, July 27. High Tides. —8.59 a.m.. 7.53 p.m. Rent Assessment Board, 2.15. Malay Oo, S V 0, Balestier, 4, Football: SCO II v
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  • 194 5 fu/ient is resolved to high in Ireland, and Inew Bills will give Lers shown to be Llenies that Ulsterism Id Germany to go to Lid declared that Ulster ho on fighting, [eds are now invading End proper. The Poles, uuied advice, have for(ill, asked for an armistice, uieds,
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  • 161 5 RELIEF FORCE REACHES RUMEITA. Reuter. London, Jnly 22.—1 d the House of Commons.Mr Churchill announced that a r-li-f oolnmn reached Rumeita on th* afternoon of July 30, and th- serious anxiety in regard to the garrison has thus been relieved. The column was oomposed of an infantry brigade,
    Reuter.  -  161 words
  • 51 5 Reuter. London, July 23.—It is oonfirmed b yond doubt that Emir Feisol has accepted the French ultimatum, and it is understood that although French troops are en route to Aleppo, a nihroh towards Damascus is no part o the programme. There is no news hitherto of any
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 53 5 Reuter. London, Jnly 22.—The German rigid airship L 64, handed over nnder the Peace Treaty, has arrived m England. She is slightly larger than the R »4, being 642 feet long, and has an endurance of four thousand miles at a oruising speed S fo rty-nve miles
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 37 5 Reuter. Peking, July 25.—The armiatioe between the Chihli and Anfu facuons ii now effeotive, but attempts 10 negotiative peace have hitherto Proved unsuccessful. Meanwhile the military organisa"ona like the Anfu Olub are falling pieces.—Renter.
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 24 5 Reuter. Loudon, Joly 23—An Order in Omumß fixes Jaly 16 as the date of termination of war with Austria. "~Kio er.
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  • 20 5 Jul, 23.—The death haa Tu rre of Aduiiral 0 L Oxley. Mr w 4110 announced of afWK —Renter. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  20 words
  • 940 5 VERY SERIOUS CONDITIONS REPORTED. Opposlr g Forces Get Ready. Reuter. Reuter. London, Jaly 22. —The situation in Ireland was discussed in the House of Commons on a motion occerning the I irief Secretary's salary. Mr T P O'Connor said that Ireland was steadily descending th«abyss of anarchy and
    Reuter.  -  940 words
  • 421 5 REQUEST FOR ARMISTICE SENT TO MOSCOW. Hungary Offers Aid. Reuter. Warsaw, July 22 communique confirms the Polish evacuation of Grodno and also Slonim. The Bolsheviks have crossed the river Niemen. —Renter. London, July 22.—The AngloFrench special missions to Poland le«ve Paris to day. The British mission oonsists of
    Reuter.  -  421 words
  • 105 5 Reuter. Lincoln, Nebraska, July 22, —The Prohibitionist national convention have passed a resolution almost unanimously tendering Mr Bryan as the Prohibitionist party's nomination for the Presidency. Mr Bryan, however, has announoed that he will not accept.—Renter, Linooln, Nebraska, July 23,—Mr Bryan having declined the Prohibitionist nomination as presidential
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 377 5 THE TURE. The Peoag Races. Penttsg, Jaly 24.—Excellent conditions prevailed in the afternoon and there was a very large attendarce. Among those present were H H tbe Sultsn of Perak and tbe Hon Mr F b James. ■<* The results were Race One.—Wester Watten, BUle\ 1, Gay lad, Housmau,
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  • 317 5 S C C v S R C To-day. A rood soccer match should be seen on the Padang this afternoon when the first elevens of tbe SCC and the 8R O will meet. At least we hope they will be first elevens. Sinclair is having some difficulty with regard
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  • 24 5 SCC Tournament, To-day's Ties. Championship. Main v Rachwaldy. Singles Handicap. Norrie v Mair. •Doubles Handicap. Henderson and MoKean r Lowndes anddiftoo Smith.
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  • 679 5 SCC Defeat SRC. Oq the Eiplanade on Saturday, the 8 0 0 and SRC cricket elevens met on the former's ground. The reaaJwaa a victory for the 8 C 0 by 87 rnns. The SCO took first knock on a rather rtfad wicket, with a very slow onifi-lri, the
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  • 628 5 Elizabeth Challenge Cop Final. The Singapore Yaoht Club's final race, which was probably one of the most exoiting yet witnessed in Singapore, was sailed off yesterday morning for the El'aibeth Challenge Cup. An excellent start was made in an uncertain breeca wtth Eve, Gertrude, Stella and Marion crossing a
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  • 19 5 On Saturday afternoon last, the St John's Institution, Kuala Lumpur, held a very successful annusl athletic sports meeting.
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  • 81 5 M-eers Kennedy and Co report on Jaly 23 i—The brisker tone in the share ma'k«t has been maintained throughout the week, especially among Mines, for many of which there is an ac ive demand while a feature of the Industrial section has be»n United Engineers, a further
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 189 5 COLUMBIA Superb Records Dragon Flies Violin Solo. tDardanolla For Trot. Hawaiian Moonlight Waltz. "liisr ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD. fi^o" double. (Inwrporated in Honfk«Bf.) j each j United Motor Works, 23, 24, 25 dt 2$ ORCHARD ROAD, Singapore. Telegrams: Yeeaoh Singapore. FOR SALE QUICK Owner going Home One Chevrolet Car, 5
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  • 110 6 Mrs Charlie Chaplin is being featured in a splendid Jewel production, ••Forbidden," whioh the Alhambra is presenting to-night. Added bo this there are a Topical Budget and a Pathe Review. In the first show, after a two-reel animal drama "Kings of the Forest," the third and fourth episodes
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  • 858 6 Lectin by Dr cbeo Chang Member! end friends of tbe Eurasiy *n Literary Association were afford* ed an opportunity of listening to a very instructive and Interesting leetore by Dr Chen Chang Lok at their rooms on Thursday night. The lectnrer, who is a Doctor of Philosophy, having
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  • 3 6 Ada Untitle i^cU
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 120 6 W.D. HI Wills FLAKE FLUE CIGARETTES cents per Lin of j^fc lIIMI ■I Bi 1111 II Ull 111 I iIiIIIMMmaWBWMMBMBMPJI •fo More Disappointment. If cur Motor ears ootor for frequent repairs, m loot oood It to The Serangoon Motor Borage, '92 SERANGOON BO AD Junction of Serangoon Road and Cuff
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    • 914 6 j WAN T B D.—Two experienced I Ledger Clerks for a local Chinese firm, Chinese preferred. Apply with full particulars stating age, experience, etc, to Employer o/o Malaya Tribune. 26 7 31 7 CAT WANTED Siamese oat or kitten (female) wanted aa pet for good home. Oat marked like Siamese
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    • 135 6 White Teeth, Sweet Breath and Contentment ALL IN ONE PACKAGE OF WRIGLEY'S CHEWING GUM. Three Flavours i SPEARMINT DOUBLEMINT—JUIC V FRUIT. ltew»aeja-tilM»a»1! JLttmw Evovy Wail For Umlm ETwywhtM, MDLLER <k PHIPPS (MALATA\ Ltd.. Distributor!. ■■■Bmijß-tTHBBTk^^ "SERVICE" Motor Lorries IN STOCK 1, 11/.,l 1 2, 2 1 3'/. ton models. For
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  • 1152 7 Shareholders' Criticism at Annual Meeting. The annual gt-nti-f] >n<. > B t ,f thn Uln Pandan iSirifftpoo) Rnbher Eetst**, Ltd, waa h» Id at th* regiatared offices of the company, Frenoh Bark Buildinga, on Saturday at noon. The directors present wer> Messrs Koh Ban Hin (in the
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  • 166 7 Bought by Straits Steamship Co. Tbe Siamese n Den Bamud," ex-German 11 Deli," one of tbe "Mr* seised by Siam dnring the (J<HM War, has juat changed hands at the prise of £47,000, the purchasers being the Straits Steamship Co, of Singapore. Daring ber day tb- Deli
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  • 105 7 Investiture by the Governor. His Excellency Sir Laarence Gaillemard, who will be in Kuala Lumpar on Wednesday next, will present four war decorations just before the meeting of the 'Federal UoWil, says the Malay Mail." The following will be invested Major Fraser (Adjutant, M 8 V R Kuala
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  • 108 7 Reuter. London, July 21.—Tbe delegates of tbe Empire Forestry Commission attended at Buckingham Palace today. Mr Mackay, of Victoria, presented an address to bis Majestr, who replying, specially welcomed the oversea members and congratulated the home forest authorities on joining hands with the Empire forest authorities so soon
    Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 53 7 Reuter. Los Angeles, July 21.—Tbe boxer Jack Johnson, who has been for twelve months a fugitive from justice, has surrendered to the American authorities on tbe Mexican border. He will be taken to Chicago to serve a sentence of a year's imprisonment for violation of the White
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 32 7 Reuter. London, July 21. —At tbe request of tbe Council of the League cf Nations, President Wilson has summoned a meeting of the Assembly at Geneva on November 15. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 18 7 Reports state that restiveness is being shown both in Mexico and Peru at the aotivity of Japanese immigrants.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 238 7 CHAIN BLOCKS. Herbert Morris, ILrtcL* lOOGBBOROUGH, ENGLAND. N< w Seek (5 ewt. to 5 Tons.) JUST REGEIVEJD OF THE FAMOUS IT. M Worm-Gear Pulley-Blooka H. M. Spur-Gear Pulley-Blooka H. M. Geared Ungeared TFavelliiiat Trolleys Power Easy Lifting I f Hh' Cut-Gears Durability "||i||§ If 11 Safety j %-Jll 11| j
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    • 579 7 Stratts Settlements ft Federated Malay States VICTORY BONDS. BEARING INTEREST FROM THE DATE OF PUEOHABE AT 5 PER OENT PEB ANNUM, PAYABLE ON THB IST SEPTEMBER AND THE IST MAROH. Repayable at Par on the let Sept., 1934. Price off Inue-100 per cent. e^BMaaeHaHavast All proceeds of this issue will
      579 words
    • 433 7 For Sale Ford Track Douglas Motor Cycle* f o carry H ton load. Every With side car to match, comthwg in good order. plete with lamps, tools, etc. t APPLY TO Eastcbn Motor Agency; 103, Middle Road, Singapore Take this Power in J your hand Pick up any Bovril bottle
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    • 192 7 AUTO COCCUS SUN CUSSES. To suit all sights SI. Ezekiel, Wholesale and retail Opticians. O, Higb Street (Europe Hotel Buildings). Wby suffer the ourden or TOOTH-ACHE which can be relieved almost immediately by consulting K. TSUTADA JAPANESE DENTIST 0 74, BRAS BASAH ROAD (In front of French Church) 'PHONE 1245.
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  • 931 8 Replies to Mr Mogliston's Qutitloi s. Position of Klllang Bridge. At a sub-committee meeting of the Commissioners last Friday fcernoon, MrOR K Vugiidtoi said: Kor the benefit of the Singapore public will you, Mr President, kindly verify the fallowing f*e with r- gard r.o Kallang Bridge, t>le*ned bv
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  • 341 8 A Shakedown in the Alleywty No or«* goes nowadays on a s*a f.tysga for pleasure—if he 3oeg I e s-andb h chare- 4 of sorely dis«■opotne I. And fS a rule it is the b g lint* with th-» no< pahtit 1 ar<l comfortable" liners
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  • 163 8 A very unoiaal incident occurred during the recent flood at Loath, Lincolnshire. Dr William Higgini was in attendance on a woman in a top. •torey hous* in Ludgate. The water enter*d the house and rose to the level of the sick room. The distracted
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 157 8 VIGOROUS BEALTH. The capacity for effective service depend, very largely, on the cheiee of drirks-FORT-REVIVER rOHTIFJES REVIVES. This is a o«iital beverage, of which eveiy it gredient makes for vigorous health. Chor se it as your drink, it not only quenches your thirbt, it is unequalled as a Tonic Restorative,
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    • 346 8 Now Ready. The Commercial Nap of Singapore. Beautiful'y co ourtd ard mounted t- o oifice sliou d be without onem Price $15 Send fop your copy. Only a limited B*mber of copies available. INTEKNATIONAL~PUnJCITY BUREAU. 5 6 "Burlington," Coleman Street, Singapore. Direct Route Is the Best Oar people have been
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    • 312 8 Cole Aero-Eight "The last word In luxury." ■j IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. Straits Motor Garage, Kuala Lumpur, J Singapore, Ipoh. "Sanatogen nndonstedl y invigorates the nerves and braces one to health." Lady Henry Somerset. M Freshness and keenness return," she adds, "bringing with them a new hopefulness and enjoyment of life." Only
      312 words
    • 145 8 The Quality Of Our Products IS Our Best Advertisement, FRAMROZ Co. SINGAPORE. HBROU'S INJECTIONS ■H HTBIEWC IH him and lIFALLiBLE Mg| Prompt Relief for the MOST OBSTINATE CASES ifl without inconvenience. No other treament required, L^^tfl H. Ferre. Blotiiere Co, HP 6, rue Dombasle, Paris. C^^sai ■"■■^■■■^■■■■«■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■«■^^■■■■■■■■■■«■■ssSßSßisis*»» Wholesale Agents, SINGAPORE
      145 words
    • 51 8 TO LOVERS OF DOS If your dog bas got MANGE No matter of what duration-i Mangeodine The only effective and sure I Follow the directions and* result will be marvellous. OBTAINABLE AT MEDICAL OFFICE, Bras Basah Road. STRAITS PHARMACY Middle Road. MEDICAL HALL Battery Road. AGENTS WANTED. Please apply Straits
      51 words

  • 367 9 In oar obituary column of Istft rbursrtay recorded the death rf U- Armoogam AnnannM at the gf < t 81 years As he was one of «he leading personalities ia the land market of Singapore, till the weight of ircreaeing years forced bim to retire from
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  • 181 9 Connection with Ceylon The following in'eresting informa* tioa regarding the early career of Admiral Lord r i-h- r, whose death was recently recorded, has been given us by a well-informed aathority. Admiral Lord Fisher was born in Ceylon. His father was in the Civil Set
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 619 9 P.*o.-British India AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England) HAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular Oriental S. .Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) THE COMPANY'S MAIL SEBViCES BAST OF BOMBAY ft c .1 present suspended. lON DON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPORE, jeypore about July 25 p] a B
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    • 64 9 LLOYD TRIESTIIIO S. NT. Co. (Incorporated in Italy) HOM WARD BOUND S 8. ersia," for Penang, Colombo and Trieste, late July. 8. 8. Pilsna," for Penang, Colombo and Trieste, about Aug 18. OUTWARD BOUND. 8 8 "Innsbruck," for Hongkong. Shanghai and Japanese Ports, about July 25For paaaages and freight apply
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    • 610 9 DOLLAR LINE. Regular Sailings From SINGAPORE to NEW YORE via NORTH CHINA and PANAMA CANAL. f Tons Arriving Grace Dollar displacement 15,000 July 28 M. 8. Dollar 19,000 Aug 18 Also operating regular lines to VANCOUVER SAN FRANCISCO. Through Bills of Lading issued from Singapore to the Principal Cities of
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    • 179 9 European-Far East Line. For Hongkong, Sluugtal, Kobe 4 Tokohama. 8 8. v SWAZI" Sailing about July 28. For particulars regarding Kates of Freight apply to He Mister Co, Ltd. '4 7 28 7 Glen Shire Lines. For London s s C I- expected to sail hence about i»r, August and
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    • 410 9 O. S. K. The Osaka Sbosn Kaisha, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Japan) No. 2 De Souza Street Proposed Sailings from Slisapors. (Subject to change without notice) European Line. PORT BAID. MARSEILLES, LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTER AND HAMBURG. Alps Maru mid Sept Maw York Line. (via PANAMA CANAL) Honolulu Maru beg Sept Hague
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    • 535 9 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Inoo p< rated in Japan) Uader Hail Cue trait with tbe Japaaeae Qoveraocoi f Bubject to Altars'ions without Notice) European Mall Una Korfoipi >tl> Service For LONDON ANTWERP via MALACCA) PENANQ, COLOMBO, SUEZ. PORT SAID At MARSEILLES Iyo Mam Aug 4 AtsutaMam Aug 11 Shi zuoka Maru
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 591 10 WANTED. WANTED —A clerk capable to keep books, and collect bills. Q »od prospects. Apply 3JO, c/o M ilaya Tribune. 22 7 2 8 7 WANTED.—An Indian Correspondence Clerk with knowledge of tywriting. Apply with testimonials to Josbee Brothers, 2&4, Teluk -iyer Street. 20 7 26 7 WANTED —Two dressers
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    • 609 10 NOTICES. NOTICE. The Exch nge Banks will be closed on 3 st July, Baturdav 1 Public 2nd August, Monday Holidays. 24 7 2 8 Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England. Nt re is hereby given that an Interim oivHend of 1/ per share ie-s tax at 6/ in the
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    • 496 10 INSURANCE. THE ORIENTAL Government Security Ufa tssaraaca la., Ltd. EBTAiLIBRKD 1874. INCORPORATED IN INDIA FUND 3 exceed Five Crores Rapes*. ABSOLUT! BBOURITY. INMIIIII SMIII4I.U iMHriiwe flfftetai fi 1818 $1,147 52 91 Total Policies in force 89,405 assuring with Bonus Additions 198,817.617.00 New Business for the year 1918. Establishes a record
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    • 476 10 BANKS. Banqae Intiustrielle De Chine. (Incorported in France.) Authorised Capital Frs. 250,000,000 Subscribed 150,000,000 Paid-up 75,000,000 (1/3 of the Capital subscribed by the Government of the Chinese Republic) Chairman of the Board of Directors: Andre Berthelot. General Manager A. J. Pernotte. HEAD OFFICE: 74 Rue Saint Lazare, Paris. BRANCHES: Canton,
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    • 507 10 BANKS. ria li Hens Bui, until Head Office Singapore, Raffle* Chambers 4,6 k6. Branches; Penang, 85 Beach Street. Malacca 131 Jonker Street. Maar 77/79 Jalan Saleiman. Bate Pahat, 109 Jalan Rabamat. Agencies at London, New York, San Francisco, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Palembang and frang CAPITAL. Aathorised $8,000,000
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    • 557 10 CHARTERED BANI OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AMD CHINA. IHCORPORA'x ED IN ENGLAND. BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 100,000 Shares uf £20 each £2.000,000 Reserve Fmnd £S 000,000 Ueserre Liability of Proprietor! £2,000,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Led. London County Wertmln«r*r and Parr's Bank,
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    • 355 10 ©TT© SCHIFFNER 31 KLING STREET (Ist Floor) WATCHES and JEWELLERY WHOLESALE SOLRjAORNT FOR THE OMEGA WATCH Co., Switzerland. THE ANGLO-SWISS WATCH Co., CALCUTTA —SOLEURE, rSwltxerland.j Old Sight or Presbyopia Old Sif bt or Presbyopia a defect of Eyesight caused by a late elasticity a the crystalline lenses, and muscles of
      355 words