Malaya Tribune, 24 July 1920

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 28 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] SHIPPING GAZETTE. [EVENING DAILY. Vol. VII. No 172 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1920 PRICE 5 CENTS The Malaya Tribune. SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1920.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 149 1 r S. I M AI, BJapanese Dentist. Consultation Hours: 830 a m —5 30 pm. hdelpM Hotel Building,! No- 98 North Bridge Road, Singapore J Piatt Jensen, Ltd., (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) Singapopet Immediate Delivery. MOTOR LAUNCH Length 23 ft., Beam 4 ft. 4 in., Draught 2 ft. ENGINES BY
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    • 76 1 THE RIGHT DISINFECTANT prevents the spread 'of disease and is particularly necessary m tropical Climates. is of Unquestioned Efficiency. (It has 20 times the germicidal strength of carbolic acid). COST IS TRIF.LING (One gallon of IZAL makes 400 gallons of powerful disinfectant.) Obtainable in 1 gallon-drums (household size) From* Messrs
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    • 131 1 IMMWLWMIMMI—I—■ iIM > afc.-J.4MW' tDALTON Adding, Lis log and Calculttiiug Machine operate 10 Keys only I ing for the right key. Demonstration Free T*' JiChDB, TBRBP Hill, inc. Incorporated in U.^.A.) 3-*. Plnlsytot SlnanDor*. Always^ Wm beer Mitsui Bussan Kaisha Ltd. BaaaaaaanßaaaaaaßßaaaaaßMßasaaßSßlHßßaaai m?rm2nr2axmr***m&*Masxmete BaaaK If you want to support your
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  • 113 2 Guthrie and Co's Report. Singapore, Jaly 22. The Robber Auction opened yet* terday to a considerably weaker market, and all grades show a further heavy decline in value. Rjbbed Sheet told up to 68 cents, which is 5$ cents b*low last week* best. Fine Pale Crepe was In
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  • 314 2 Singapore, Jaly If. Since oar last report the market baa had a slight decline bat prioet for forward positions hate kep >ore or leal Heady. The London market haf remained unchanged but there are yet no re* 1 ■gns of any supper* oomlng fron na trade.
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  • 51 2 Chicago, July 20.—The Railway Labour Board shortly issues its first award with regard to the inof pay to the country's 2,000,000 railway employees. Ie is reliably reported that the tward will average 50 t" 60 per oent of th" amount asked, which otherwise woold be aboat half a billion i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 504 2 IpniiiiniiiiiiiiiM I Her First Baby Many a mother is at a lost to know what food to give her g S AlXough she shower, all her love and care Wh& qSL not get on. But her anxiety is ended directly the tries oiaxo. E~i on the advice of the doctor
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    • 433 2 Was Sickly from Birth. t s Baby's Own Tablets ILed witb Wonderful Benefit "I wish every women knew h6w good Baby's Own Tablets are, then there would be fewer siok children," write! Mrs. A. H. Waite, of 1207 Fremont Avenue, North Minneapolis, D. S« A. Her letter continues: My baby
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    • 312 2 Direct Route is ihe Best. Our people bare been trained by long years of experience to read their DIRECTORIES, not only for the news of the year, but for the news of the shops as reflected in the yearly offerings of the merchants. These merchants advertise this year for results
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    • 412 2 A Good Reputation Does not just happen—it has I to be earned. The Universal I Keputation for Exquisite I Flavour enjoyed by I LIBERTY Brand Ceylon TEA I speaks volumes lor its blend I and for the high standard of I quality set and attained To be from greets. THE
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 780 3 MARLBOROUGH The Hall for Oomfort, Good Music and Good Pictures Beach Road. From Thursday, July 22, to Tuesday July 27. Pat! c's Serial of Thrills, Sensation and Mysticism Featuring RUTH ROUND and GEORGE LARKIN a Full of action and teeming with excitement THE TIGER'S TRAIL In '5 Episodes or 31
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    • 373 3 th Thti J ,ne From Monday, July 19. to Saturday, July J* Alhambra Alhamnra la fa tne o nly the T tieatre theatre where yoa aT the with an get the BEST JL 11 JLV mm Maf A «aulaltetea HrALMAMBRAI: and the BEST as—ai eeeommo Thi Hall ,or Moik and
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    • 209 3 Quali i y Pictures In To-night's Except 1 ual Change of Programme! St oorel Ihow sat 9 1» rr>. Pinal of the Thrillir g British Berial Featuring DAVID DEVANT THt GREftl LONDON MYSTERY Episode 11. The Four of Diamonds Episode 12. East is West FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN with BEVERLY BAYNE
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  • 669 4 A brief message published yesterday intimated that the Turkish Cabinet had resigned. That may prove to be ominous news. Turkey was given until Tuesday next to sign the revised Treaty offered her by the Allies. The price of noncompliance will be reconsideration of the whole Treaty, with
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  • 222 4 Tin is at $141.50 no sellers. A branch of the 8P V D wa formed at Klang last Saturday. Captain R SCarroll and Mrs Oarroll are learlhg Penang for India ro-dBy* The monthly meeting of the V W 0 A will be held on Monday next at 5.30 p m,
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  • 216 4 Lighters Wrecked In a Squall at Set. 15 000 Cases of Robber Lost. Yesterday morning at abont ten o'clock in the harbour out on the breakwater, three> lighters taking rubber oargo to the a Lowther Cattle (Peterson, Simons and Co) were wreoked owing to the roughness of the
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  • 511 4 A mail for Europe will close at 3pm next Tuesday. Th* Kine will not advised to disallow the Printing Presses Ordi. nance. The mails despatched from here on June 24 w j re delivered in London on July 11. D C Anderson, of Paterson. S'mors and Co, and H H
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  • 761 4 Sextuple Murderer Sentenced to Death. A Quick and Unaalmoui Verdict. The trial of Tang Torg Seto tfc. Hockchia charged with the marder of six of hit relative!, was verj suddenly oonclnded at the Assiz" in the Supreme Court yesterday It had been anticipated that the case would last
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  • 54 4 The Hon Mr F Seton James left Koala Lumpur for Penang by train yesterday on a visit of inspection. He wUI inspect the works at Prai to-morrow and re'urn to Ipoh by special train. He will leave Ipoh by the mail train and is expected in Koala Lumpur at 6.30
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 306 4 "HIS MASTERS VOICE" New Dance Muiio May fail* Dance Orchestra 12 Inch Double sided PlVni Label Becords. v q v fValse Demure (Novelty Dance) M \or ent. I MeWi-s (WhUz) \t QSn J Beautiful Ohio v Waltz M I 4 M Beii c*ire" (Waltz) mm Q 9fi I Kelly's come
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    • 507 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straite Settlements) 36 PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE, New Shipments JUST ARRIYEI> OF Greenfield Stocks Dies with Taps Whit worth's Thread in case complete. Little Giant screw Plates with Taps in boxes from in to 4 in. Extra Hand Taps Whit worth's Thread from '4
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    • 26 4 IT IS NOT THE MONEY THAT COUNTS BUT QUALITY YOU CAN HAVE IT nr Shipchandlery Estate Supplies as Kiam Kiat I Co. 108 109 Market St.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 186 4 WHEN AND WHERE. Saturday, inly 24. High Tid««.—4.<8 a.m 4 38 p.m. Unln Panda", EvattV, 12 Or oke: S 0 0 v 8 R O, 2. B'Sontits Sports h«a's, R til grd, S. Eii- Co, 8 V C, Balmier, 2.2 X Humphrey Bishop Oo, Via TheatreSunday, July 25. High Tides.—6
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  • 174 5 The Premier has delitered an important speech on current problems. He is hopeful that Turkey will sign her Treaty. He described the Polish attack on Russia as reckless and foolish, but showed that a jfod conquest of Poland would be dangerous to Britain. He thinks that Germany is
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  • 285 5 THE SOVIETS AMBIGUOUSL REPLY. Reuter. London, Jnly 21.—The Government have adopted the view that the Soviet reply means an acceptance of the armistice, and they are now taking eteps to test this view directly and without delay. If the Soviet try to defeat Poland b-fore granting an armistice,
    Reuter.  -  285 words
  • 59 5 Reuter. Hobart, Jaly 21,—The Prinoe of 2"J 8 reception in Tasmania was olimax to his Aostralaaian tonr, JJ" of continoons triumph and unfunded enthoBiasm at all functions. —Reuter. Tasmania, Jnly 21.— Pnnc9 of Wales arrived and 2 voclfer oaaly welcomed. He is ™tt-"p from a slight attack of
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 27 5 T HE GREEK OCCUPATION. Reuter. luplt, July 22.—The ■vZ? bnded at Rodoato and of iSL? Joly 20 nnd r c ver oppoittn.l r £t°r aBhtB Wllh nt
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 10 5 Reuter. Peiit.i l renc tt ioaroe that Emir
    Reuter.  -  10 words
  • 1350 5 PREMIER'S STATEMENT ON THE SITUATION. The Bolshevist Menace. London, Jaly 2L—ln the of Commons on a motion for the adjournment, Mr Lloyd George made a statement with regard to the Spa Conference. He paid a high tribute to the Greek troops in clearing np the situation in Asia
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  • 63 5 Reuter. London, July 21.— h. Peking message>of Jaly 19 stated that over five thousand defeated Anfuites had arrived at the gates of Peking, which were closed, i was feared that general looting would break out in Peking owing to the belief that Taan Chi Jui's cause had
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 42 5 Reuter. Berlin, Jaly 21 —The German wireless stations have resumed full and unrestricted operations and are proceeding on an even more intensified scale than before the war. Nauen resumes sending out press news reaching to far distant countries.—Renter. v
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 30 5 Washington, July 21.—The State Department will shortly announce the removal of restrictions on the importation of Russian roubles, involving the importation of Russian gold into the United States.
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  • 108 5 Mr V V Lemberger, managing director of Uniteers, Ltd, writes to the press as follows In Macphail's Weekly Report published in yonr issne of to-day, it is stated that, "rnmoars of a reoord profit by Uniteers over the year jnst closed started the shares early in the week,
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  • 414 5 FACTION FIGHTS OCCUR AT BELFAST. More Outrages Report'd. Reuter. London, July 21.—A milita-.j loary was ambushed last evening near Macron, in Ireland. The driver rushed through a hail of shot but an officer was fatally wounded and two soldiers seriously and three slightly. The Roscommon district council has
    Reuter.  -  414 words
  • 200 5 An inquest r«iaui>g to the death of Mr C vV Jobnejri {<n oonn«-ction with which a £nra6ian named Klyne is b-iug oharg-d) was held in the Coroner's office this morninc, The widow o£ the deceased giving avidt-u+e, said that on the 12th ins", her hn% d
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  • 110 5 Singapore, July 24. Silver.—C4g Hongkong.—66| s Robber Import,-—The market it firm—August/September around 68£ cts, October/December ots, witb January/June 80/81. Share Market.—A slightly improved tone. Rubber!.—Still neglected and little changed, Palau Bulangs sold at $3.70, Tapabs offer at $2i.50, and Utin Simpams $3.85. Kundonga are wanted at
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  • 278 5 THE TURF. Penang Race Weights. Penaug, Jaly 23.—The following are the handicaps for the third day's racea Rice 1— Gaylad 11.7, Wester Watten 89, Wendy 8.4, Darfur 8.4, Nankin 6 7. If top weight does not accept up 12 pounds. Race 2.—Lochinvar 11 5, Mimic 9 12, Lucy Ashton
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  • 270 5 SCC lIIh ash United Banks. The SCC sreond team had an eaiy %ictory over the United Banks yesterday afternoon. It was a very poor game and more or 'rss onesided f'otn the kick off. Early in the game Jamieson bad a good chance of scoring for the Banks from
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  • 81 5 SCC Tpo'usment. Yesterday's ResultsChampionship. White le»t Loaadea. 21— '3. Baehvraldy 1» at V!cS<"<ii n o. (In the 8"iiii iiii»l", Notio meets White and Rfalo mee*e Ku- hwaldy.) Singles Handicap. Nelson be«t Blhck. 21 18. (Xeln-u is n«>w iu the ri Doubles Handicap. aad VcKe R v 1. wtides
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  • 68 5 Match on S R C Ground. A wek to-day a cricket eleven from Koala Lnmpur will come down to play Mr Thomases eleven on the SRC pitch on the Padrtog. Stumps will be drawn or -atrrday at 430 p m, owing to the football match between the SRC &od
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  • 363 5 America Cop Rsce. Sandy Hook, July 21—The Shamrock's viotory in the re-s&ilfd second race was most popnlar. Sit Thomas Upton was the oentre of «-xtravagant enthusiasm. The finish feas very exciting, ae the Resolute made a determined attempt to beat the 8hamrock or time allowance. —R-uter. Sandy Hook, Jaly
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  • 48 5 X G C Strcke Ccrupetit on. The monthly stroke Competition of tbe Keppel G M Club will be played to day and Sunday, the best 3 scores to qualify for Championship Cup to be by a member. The monthly ladies' spoon will be played for on Monday.
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  • 36 5 Reuter. London, July 21.—The Wingfield tculls, Putney to Mortlake, the firs j race since 1914. has been won by Beresford junior in 23 mm 14 sees. BereBford will represent Britain in the Olympic sculling.— R:uter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 78 5 The death ra f per mill*) for the w*ek endi: g. Jniy 10 was 34.61, The tot:»l nnmber of deaths Wis 259 of which 173 were and 86 females. Two E iroi»oans and on* Eurasian died, alt*o 198 Chinese, 36 Malays, 20 Indians. Convulsions caused 23 deaths, phthisis
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 190 5 COLUMBIA Superb Records Dragon Files &>/o. Dardanella For TVof. Hawaiian Moonlight JFa/^. ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTO. ~^o«~ double. (Incorporated in Hongkong.) ench United Motor Works, 23, 24, 25 26 ORCHARD ROAD, Singapore. 'Phone No. 1142. Telegrams: Yeeaoh Singapore. FOR SALE QUICK Owner going Home One Chevrolet Car, 5 seater, almost
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  • 114 6 June Crop Retaros. Paterson, Simons Co, Ltd, Agents. Trafalgar 3,950 lbs, total to date 10,959 )b«. Trafalgar 15,500 oooonats, total to date 33,700 oooonats. Kuala 32,058 lbs, total to date 92,329 lbs. Hevea 20,784 lbs, total to date 295,761 lbs. Benar 8,016 lbs, total to date 22,702 lbs.
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  • 138 6 A Six Months' Sentence. Motor oar driven who haw* recently appeared before Mr O ant Jonea (British Assessor) at the Mixed Court, Shanghai, have been more or leal severely dealt witb. In o> c ease the Assessor imposed a fine of $100 for furious driving. On June
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 109 6 W.D. H.O. Wills goldOoold FLUE FLUE CIGARETTES cento per tin of «se* j 4fo Mora Disappointment. If our Motor Car* eater for freqaent repair*, just aend It to The Serangoon Motor Borage, 92 SERANGOON ROAD Junction of Serangoon Road and Cuff Road) Repairers A Painters OF j Motor* Cars <Sc
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    • 1078 6 AUCTION SALE. Of Importance to Mining and ether Engineers. Messrs Powell A Co., Ltd. will sell by auction at Col Iyer Quay Reclamation ll THURSDAY, July 21, It 11 I■. A large Quantity of 10" and 8 M Wrought Iron Pipe, 1 piece of 6" Shafting, Pipe Joints, etc. Powell
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    • 266 6 The International Opera Go. OP SINGAPORE. At Eebun Stangee Theatre Hall, East Coast Road, Teluk Eurau. New actresses have just arrived from Batavia, includirg a Prima Donna Miss Miriab, Mies Salmahand Miss Djikem, and will take part To nightOuractresa Miss Annie has also returned from Batavia and will appear again
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    • 106 6 White Teeth, Sweet Breath and Contentment ALL IN ONE PACKAGE OF WRIGLEY'S CHEWING GUM. Three Flavours: SPEARMINT -DOUBLEMINT-JUIC V FRUIT. Remember After Every lWeml For SaJe Everywhere, MULLER PHIPPS (MALAYA), Ltd., Distributors- Motor Lorries. BRITISH Monthly Arrivals. For particulars apply GRAHAM M c PHILLIPS, Ltd. Sola Agents S. S F.
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  • 60 7 Arrivals. JULY 22. Bronwer from Billiton. Tofiari from Rotterdam. Lake Onawa from Hongkong. Ohow from Bwatow. Van LirRohoten from Sonrabeya. Lake Gilpeo from Hongkong. Mahidol from Bangkok. Kikn Main from Karataa. Mata Harl from Deli. Melohior Trenb from Deli. Ranee from Knantan. JULY 83. Schonten from Tarakan. Colusa
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  • 93 7 JULY 22. Lindsay Moltar for Hontkong. Hnpeh for S«fgon, in Dallas'. Hftbe for Mstoao* and P Dickson. Thongwa fov4frgapatam via ports. Sem hilar, for mgan via ports, f*r Pan*-h via pons. Emil* for Rhte via Simboe. Xmji ViaD for Saigon. Moe&roi Mam for Calontta In ballast. JULY 23. Kttnpot
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 608 7 P.&0.-Britishlndia AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England) HAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Oriental S, N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) THE COMPANY'S MAIL SEEVICES EAST OF BOMBAY ft c present suspended. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPORE. jeypore about July 25 p] a? gy about
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    • 69 7 LLOYD TRIESTWO S. N, Co. (Incorporated in Italy) HOMEWARD BOUND. 3 8. "Persia," for Penang, Colombo and Trieste, late July. 8. 8. 44 Pilsna," for Penang, Colombo and Trieste, about Aug. 18. OUTWARD BOUND. 8 8 "Innsbruck," for Hongkong. Shanghai and Japanese Ports, about July 25. m For passages and
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    • 540 7 DOLLAR LINE. Regular Sailings From SINGAPORE to NEW YORK via NORTH CHINA and PANAMA CANAL. Tons Arriving Grace Dollar displacement 15,000 July 28 M. S. Dollar m 19,000 Aug 18 Also operating regular lines to VANCOUVER A SAN FRANCISCO. Through Bills of Lading issued from Singapore to the Principal Cities
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    • 214 7 Glen Shire Lines. For London s s C NSHIRE Is expected t > nail hence about Ist August and has now a few first class berths available, for Further particulars apply to B juste .d Co, Agents. 28 7 317 TIMOR D LLY 8.8 MONTORO will be despatched for the
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    • 397 7 O. S. K. Til Osaka Sbosei Kalsha, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Japan) No. 2 Do Souza Street Prepted Silllns from Sligapore. (Subject to change without notice) European Line. PORT SAID. MARSEILLES, LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. Alps Mara mid Sept Mew York Line. (via PANAMA CANAL) Honolulu Mara beg Sept Hague
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    • 531 7 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Inoo r *'*d in Jaoan) Under Mail Cuatract wiss 'he Im.* >! Japanese Oovaroccal (Subject to Alien. torn* without Notice) European Mall Una Fortnip.htU Service For LONDON At ANTWERP via (MALACCA) PENANG. COLOMBO, SUEZ, POBT SAID MARSEILLES. Iyo Maru Aug 4 AtautaMaru Aug II Shi-zuoka Maru ug
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 591 8 WANTED. WANTED—A clerk capable to k-r?r> books, and collect bills Good prospects Ajply 300, c/o M ilaya Tribune. 22 7 28 7 WANTED. —An Indian Correto r d**rc<- Clerk b knowledge oftvwr»ting. Apply with testinionals to Josbee Brothers, 254, Teluk Ayer Street. 20 7 26 7 SITU *TION WANT B
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    • 682 8 NOTICES. Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England. Notice is hereby given that an Interim dividend of 1 per share less tax at 6/ in the has been declared on the Preferred shares for the year ending 31st August which dividend will be payable on the 2 1st July. Notice
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    • 410 8 INSURANCE. The Overseas Assurance Corporation, Ltd. (Incirp rated in the Sti aiU Settlement*.) Board of Dibxctoeb: Hob Dr. Lim Boon Keng. O 8.8 .Chairman. Urn Nee Soon Bag Tan Soo G an Keg Ong Boon Tat E» 8 Q Wong Ea Lim Ch m c ''ha Bag Tan Wan Kiam
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    • 490 8 BANKS, Banqae Indostrielle De Chine. (Incorported in France.) Authorised Capital Frs. 250,000,000 Subscribed 150,000,000 Paid-up n" *m. m 75.000/JOO (1/3 of tbe Capital subscribed by the Government of the Chinese Republic.) Chairman of the Board of Directors: Andre Berthelot General Manager A. J. Pernotte. HEAD OFFICE: 7a. Roe Saint Lazare,
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    • 517 8 BANKS, (be Ha Hong Bant, Limits! Head Office 'ingspore, Rafflee Chambers 4,5 A 6. Branches Penang, 85 Beach Street. Malacca 131 Jonker Street. Mear, 77/79 Jalan Suleiman. Baca Pah*!, 109 Jalan Rahamat. Agencies at London, New York, San Francisco, Shanghai, Hoogkong, Amoy, Batavia, Souraba>a. Soma rang, Pal em bang and
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    • 560 8 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. ISCORPORAiGD IN ENGLAND. BT ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capita! In 100,000 Share? of £20 each *2,00Q,000 Reierre Fnnd £3 000,000 &es6rre Liability of Proprietors £2.000,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. London Joint Oily and Midland Bank, Ltd. London Oonnty We*tmin«t«' and Parr's Bank,
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    • 373 8 OTTO' SeHIFFNER 31 KLING STREET (Ist Floor) WATCHES and JEWELLERY WHOLESALE FOR THE OMEGA WATCH Co., Switzerland. THE ANGLO-SWISS WATCH Co, CALCUTTA —SOLEURE, SwitxcrlandJ Old Sight or Presbyopia Old Sight or Presbyopia is a defect of Eyesight caused by a late elasticity in the crystalline lenses, and muscles of accommodation,
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