Malaya Tribune, 23 July 1920

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 142 1 I Japanese djentist. Consultation lours: 830 am—s 30 In. LdelpM Hotel ftuildiog, No 98 North Bridge Jtoad, Singapore 1 I J ———y———fa—^m^—! Piatt Jensen, Ltd.,' t (Incorporated in Straita a* v Singapore. Immediate Delivery. i MOTOR LAUNCH Length 23 ft., Beam 4 ft. 4 in., Draught 2 ft. ENGINES B"?
      142 words
    • 38 1 I PORT WINE Gilbey's Invalid. I Fin Oporto Wine. I 1 I I Obtainable *r*- mtm m I from-the leading: dealers. I 1 I Bottling I aPH I Stout. I mf j Stocked by the leading dealers. J
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    • 136 1 jjPLMi LK&mv+u#tot ted Calcutim* Machine S'mple and Bai=y to operate- 10 K#?a»<B>ry i —no gropir g m hunt A n Jackson, Terer Hill, Lt (Incorporated in U.S.A. i iiiminmi i m m %\\mjmjs j£| Always j FOE k|9l ASAHI Mitsui Bussan Kaisba Ltd. If you want to support your HEALTH
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  • 682 2 BY JEBTER/' 'Ware the Reds I I have heard an awful etory from Hongkong. It haa set me trembling for the atcarity of M sooiety" in the Far East At the meeting of the Hongkong Att Olnb people actually speak to each other without being mtroduced And
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 630 2 ||^!tlilil!luH« I Is your Baby contented? Your baby can he contented and happy, a joy and pleasure to you, only 55 55 :f his food satisfies htm. Baby should take his bottle to the last drop, as SE should sleep peacefully, and week after week gain in 3 £5 jm,
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    • 367 2 Why Be Miserable with constipation or liverishness when Pinkettes are all you need to set matters right These dainty little laxatives aot as gently as nature. BBS) cure Biliousness, sick headaches, foul-smelling breath; prevent Diarrhoea and Dysentery; relieve Piles. Of druggists everywhere, Dr post free, 90 oents the vial, from
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    • 114 2 What's the Use? What's the use of enduring those frightful pains in your face when ten minutes' rubbing with Little's Oriental Balm will bring relief. Neuralgia is nothing but tortured nerves. But those nerves quivering with agon v, unfit you for sleep, work or enjoynfcnt. Little's Oriental Balm soothes, comforts,
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    • 272 2 a I A Good Reputation I I Does not just happen —it has to be earned. The Universal Reputation for Exquisite Flavour enjoyed by LIBERTY Brand Ceylon TEA speaks volumes for its blend and for the high standard of quality set and attained To be had from all grocers. I
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    • 164 2 Cheap English Bicycles ROD6F WHITWORTH —NORMAN JUST ARRIVED jKjjflw A consignment of strong English Bicycles AfH iPlin specially imported to suit estate r*nnirements 88/yyii GOOD VALUE FOR MONEY HfKKjl Cash Price Rudge $130 Vn WvM Norman 120 Barbour Johnstone Co., Ld., &S-2, Baffles Place,;sing*port M|| —hi I— IW—MI I Mil
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 767 3 EMPIRE j Tc-nluhtln tbe Second Show at 9.30 Haw^saflSßaua^'. near i Josette Andriot j THE WOMII OF MYSTERY Keroine of a thousand Amaz iog Adventures: The Most jj_ Faecinatirg and Bewildering of Picture Stars in THE 0 *TH OF 'Jk PROTEA rJgjjl Latest Prolea Series y Supplemented by Episodes 3
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    • 383 3 lb* Fiom Monday, July >3. to Saturday, July U Alhambra Alhemrra Is ia tbe only Ibe Tueatre theatre where ,oo at the with« eet,be ßES x a* ll AIJDDA M re Oreheatra A Cak^^ee, datloa. m%m*B4B** raoajat. interval j To oommenoe a\t 8 Second Show commencing 9.15 VITAGRAPH'S The Pathe
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    • 215 3 Quah y Pictures 1 In TV)-Eigh''s Excev'i ut»l Change of Programme E*• c >r> d lllaow at 9 pm. Final of tbe Thrilling British Serial Featuring DAVID DEVANT THI 6REaI LONDON iiSTEnY Episode IL M Tho Four of Diamonds Episode 12. Bast is West FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN with BEVERLY BAYNE
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  • 48 4 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Mr. I. I. Modr. Nagalingam and the family of the late A. Annamalai, beg to thank all those who attended yesterday the funeral of the late Mr. Annamalai, and also those who sent wreaths and telegrams of condolenoe in their bereavement. »3 7 33 7
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  • 696 4 Singapore is badly in need of a "Safety First" movement. It might well be undertaken by the Automobile Club, but as that organisation has thoroughly proved its pusillanimity, the duty devolves upon the police, through the Traffic Department. At present the roads are a positive ordeal
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  • 748 4 Tin is it $140; 135 tons sold. Rubber is quoted at 1/10* for orepe and 1/9J for sheet Kuala Lumpur amateurs are about to start rehearsing a triple bill in aid oi the local V w C A. The"' Mais y Mail regrets to hear that Mr R G Watson
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  • 47 4 Messrs Barlow and Co, in their weekly produce report, state that the oopra market has been quietly Steady during the week and quotations remain unchanged at No. 1 Standard $16.80 to $17 00, No. 2 Standard $16 30 to $16.50. No. 3 Standard $15.80 to $16.00.
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  • 144 4 Singapore, Jnly 23. Silver.—£sf Hongkong,—66|. Tin.—l3s at $140.00. Rubber.—The market is steady with August Sheet around 68$ cte September 69 and Ootober/December 75 oents. Shares.—Quiet. Rubbers.—Neglected. Ayer Pan** $1175/12 50, Balgownies $7.70 sellers, Bukit Jelotongs 90 cents sellers, Changkats $810 sellers. Jimahs $2.45 buyers. Kundongs $1,
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  • 650 4 By "Quiz." Festma lente, says Mr J atne be tbe Colony's policy f or to come. "Get a move on 5 the Editor, alternatively cl usically. He might at have made a faint show of ernd JJ af er circumlocutory standardtiS Lckas $'kttls\ Mr James's too suggestive o« tb*
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  • 99 4 A party from Government Hour were present at the Victoria TbeaW last evening, and, with the l»rF audience in attendance, much enjoyed the special programme p» on by the Humphrey Bishop Co. To-night will see a tmj**** the merry pantomime H Ali To-morrow afternoon, at 5 P there will be
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 300 4 "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" New Oaaxtoe Maiio Bffeyteii* Danes Ovel&estve 12 Inch Double sided Plum Label Records. M 985 Valse Demure (Novelty Dance) 1 Oriental Memories (Waltz) vf 986 i Beautiful Ohio (Waltz) M V* Moasieur!Beaucaire (Waltz) M Sal /Kelly's come back (Fox Trot) I'Nevery thing (Fox Trot) w ota /Rockin'the
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    • 436 4 I GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straita Settlements) 86 PHILLIP STREIffr. SINGAPORE. New Shipment! JXJST ARRIVED or Greenfield Stocks Dies with Taps Whitworth's Thread in case complete. Little Giant Screw Plates with Taps in boxes from H in. to M in. Extra Hand Taps Whitworth's Thread from H
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    • 26 4 IT IS NOT THE MONEY. THAT OOUNTS BOT t QUALITY YOU CAN HAVE IT or Shlpclwndlery Estate Supplies as Kiam Kilt Ci. 108 109 Market St.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 141 4 WHEN AND WHERE. Friday, July 23 High Tide*.—3.24 a.m., S.45 p.m. Humphrey Bishop Oo, Vio Theatre. Football: 8 0 0 II v United Banks. S R 0 II Mr Lingard's XI. Staffords Drams and Fifes, Bat Gardens, 5.15. B Scouts Band, Malay V 0, 5.15. Saturday. Jnly 24. High Tides.—4.38
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  • 180 5 The Soviet reply to the British proposals for an armistice ivith Poland is said to amount to a rejection, and to be impertinent. This, it is said, will end the negotiations for resuming trade relations 1 and the Allies 11 will defend Poland with all their resources*'
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  • 160 5 POSSIBLE DISAGREEMENT OVtR FOL4ND. Reuter. LondoD, Jnly 20, —The Times ■ays the Bolshevik reply to the British note on tbe Polish armistice practically rejeots the British proposals. Bolsheviks refuse to attend a conference in London on the ground that England is not impartial. Thfl reply further declines
    Reuter.  -  160 words
  • 82 5 Greek Forces Active. Reuter. London, July 21.—A Greek official message gays the Greek army and navy with the cooperation of two British dreadnoughts succ-ss tally landed at Heraclea, Rodcsto snd Sultankei, on the Sea of Marmora, the Turkish troops fleeing.— Banter. Salonika July 21.—1t is confirmed that
    Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 59 5 Reuter. London, July 21 —Lloyds reports British merchaat bottombuilding at 8,000 tons for the quarter end»ng June 30, an increase of 184,000. American figures show a decline o 7,000 tons for the Bame P«r iod British Phipbuilding his inoreas•4 sixty per cent in the last fifteen months,
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 45 5 Reuter. London, July 21—The Board of ira de h*s decided against the miners' demands for an increase of wages of two shillings a day and Mdcoar° ninthe Pri eof h'°n,esJjJ" expect d the miners will ballot on the question of a strik
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 219 5 BATTLING FORCES CLOSE TO PEKING, Cbibli Troops Wfnolcg, Reuter. Peking, Jnly 20.—The troops of O-neral Ijhang Kw*»i Ti who maintained order in Peking daring the anti-Manohu scire in 1911, have l°ft Lung Ohow for Peking, it is understood as neutrals to preserve peace. Nameroas woanded Anfu soldiers and
    Reuter.  -  219 words
  • 258 5 Retaliate oo Rebels at Cork. Reuter. London. July 20.—A bind of 40 to 50 men ambushed fonr polioemen motoring from Gal way assizes io Danmore last night. Two constables were mortally wounded. The survivor?, who discharged all their ammunition, v. >re over* powered, relieved of th-ir ffflef,
    Reuter.  -  258 words
  • 111 5 France Will Back Poland. Reuter. Paris, Jnly 21.—1n the Chamber, M Millerand, deioribing the result of the Spa conference, said an attempt was made by Syria to play off Britain against* F.-ance. Britain loyally recognised France's position in Syria. He wished sncce?s to Mr Lloyd George's
    Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 55 5 Reuter. London, July 21.—The India Office announces that a British force on Jnly 10 bombarded the hostile Mahsud stronghold at Making, in Wsziristan, and met little opposition, but the tribesmen actively followed np the force as it returned to camp, killing 27 snd wounding 29. The enemy's
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 11 5 Reuter. ClorjsjtantiQople, July 20.— he Cabinet has resigned.—Beater.
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  • 161 5 REINFORCEMENTS SENT FROM INDIA. Rameita Still Holding Oat. Reuter. L-mdor, Joly 20.—The War Office states th*t the operations of the oolu-un sent from Bagdad to relieve Rameita have been hampered by Arabs continually outting the railway. British aeroplanes effectively bombed Rumeita ciusing heavy Arab casualties. The rebellion appears
    Reuter.  -  161 words
  • 202 5 A Little War ia Syria. Reuter. London, July 20.—A telegram from n authoritative French source states that a state of war exists with Feisul, Kiog of Syria, from July 19, as a consequence of Feisul's temporising attitude iv conn otion with the French endeavour to arrange the
    Reuter.  -  202 words
  • 148 5 Sympathetic Motion Carried. Reuter. London, July 21.—1n the House of Lords the Dyer debaleoonolnded, and Lord Finlay's motion was oarried by 129 to 86. Lord Milner declared that action like Gen Dyer's at Amritsar tended to undermine rather than strengthen authority. The firing was a terrible error
    Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 98 5 Chamber of Commerce Report. Singapore, July 7 4 8. Catalogued 2,422,228 Ibe, 1.081.35 tons. Offer-.d 2,022.536 lbs, 902.91 tons. Sold 1,390,949 lbs, 620.9 ft tons. Prices Realised. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cts. per lb. Singapore Standard Q lality 67} to 68 Off Quality 50 67 Crepe Singapore Standard Quality
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  • 329 5 THE TURF. Penaog Race Results. Penang, Jnly 22.—Conditions ware again excellent acid there was a very large attendaooe for the second day's racing. Tbe resalts were Civil Service Plate.— Gay Lad Hoasman 1 Nankin O'Connor 2 Wendy Glennon 3 Won by a length, two between second and third. Time
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  • 538 5 Draw for tbe Cop. A general meeting of tbe Singap re Footbel! Association was hel 1 last evening at the SOO. Those present were, the President (Mr Langbam Carter) and representatives of the following clubs:— 8 0 0, S0 F A, Btrai's Trading, National Union, Pnlan Brani Sports Clob
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  • 50 5 SCC Tournament. Yesterday's Results Championship. Norrie beat Cousslns, 21—12. Lowndes beat Mair, 21—8. Main beat Van Cuylenburg, 21—5. Singles Handicap. Black plua 6) beat Hogarth (plus B.S 21—7. To-day's Ties. Championship. While Lowndes. Singles Handicap. Nelson Black. Doubles Handicap. Henderson and McKean v Lown. des and Clifton Smith.
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  • 157 5 Davis Cop—Sin.les. London, July 20.—The laat two ainglea of toe Davia Cnp tie resulted in American wina, Jobnaton beating Kingaoote 6—3, 4—6, 3—6, 6—4, 7—5, aud Tilden beating Parke 6—2 t 6—3, 7—5 Kingscote played probably the finest game cf his career and fully held his opponent but
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  • 155 5 Heme Coooty Matches. London, July 20.—Essex v Middlesex drawn; Somerset beat Derby by fire wicketa Notta beat Hanta by four wicketa Kent beat Torka by 121 Sussex beat Lanes by an inn« ings and 42, Relf scoring 225.— Renter. S C C v S R C To-morrow. To-morrow's cricket
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  • 141 5 Resolute Wins Third Race. Sandy Hook, July 20.—Tbe Shamrook won the seoond onp raoe by beating the R-solute by only a few seconds, sfter deducting seven minutes and on 9 second, the time allowance in favour of the latter.— Renter. London, Joly JL—The Resolute won the thi:d raoe.—Reuter. Sandy
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  • 43 5 The Nilai Olub has arranged Is hold a sports meeting on Aug 21, and a great effort is being made to make its success. Included in Uuj list of events is an inter-club reJME raoe for which a valuable onp be iven.
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  • 572 5 Man Charged with Murder of Six Relatives Tbe Case for the Prosecution The osje in which Ng King Panp and Yeo A Piew, two TeooV.w Chinese, were charged with gam robbery wu oonolnded at the Assize*, yesterday afternoon before th* Chief Jnstiee, Bir John Bncknill, X C. The
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 196 5 COLUMBIA Superb Records Dragon Flies Violin Solo. Dardanella Fox Trot. Hawaiian Moonlight Waltz. ROBINSON 00., LTD. riTST double. (Incorporated in Hongkong.) e*»ch. United Motor Works, 23, 24, 25 26 ORCHARD ROAD, Singapore. I Pb Telegrams: "Ycesoh* Singapore. FOR SALE QUICK Owner going Home One Chevrolet Car, 5 seater, tlmost new,
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  • 291 6 By 4 Jay." Danger, Go Slow ia a typical Mac Morrey production, which means that it if absorbing and Cull of striking photographlo effects. The picture, in six acts, will bs screened at the Liberty Hall In the second show to-night along with a Star oomedy. In the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 111 6 ~"W.D. H.O. Wills BBLBjSGOLD FLAKE FLUE LtItIRETTES cents per tin of jj) mrpcrcgJa>itff.,rasßCTirw aa i ,lg,aatMllKg< "■t^sgMßgaeeeMßHHiieiaaKaaMniea •To Afore Disappointment. If ear Motor ears enter fer frequent repair*, lust aend U to The Serangoon Motor Garage, '92 SERANGOON BOAD Junction of Serangoon Road and Cuff Road) Repairers A Painters OF
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    • 985 6 Til International Opera Go. OF SINGAPORE. At Kebun S an gee Theatre Hall, East Coast Road, Teluk Kurau. New actresses have just arrived from Batavia, including a Prima Donna and Miss Midah, Miss Salman and Miss Djikem, and will take part To night. Our actress Miss Annie has also I
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    • 61 6 THE STAJB OPERA At Tli jbMtn iftftl North Bridge Road To Night I To-Nlght! 1 A Beautiful Fairy Play entitled ROMI4IN will be staged. Saturday, July 24 Qala Performance In preparation: New Sceneries and Dresses for a Great Hindustani Play Giilza E Neky Watch for the grand opening. PfeoM 1168
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    • 348 6 WANTED IMMEDIATELY. —A Chinese Assistant who can talk Hokkien, Teo-Chew, Hakkah, Can tone c and little Bnglist» Must write and read a little. Qood salary to proper applicant in person. CHINESE DIRECTORY PRESS, Ltd., 102, Tank Road. 23 7 26 7 FOR BALE. One 1919 Model Wire Wheels 5-Seatei Hupmobile
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    • 140 6 White Teeth, Sweet Breath j and Contentment ALL IN ONE PACKAGE OF WRIGLEY'S CHEWING GUM. Three Flavours/: SPEARMINT—DOUBLEMINT—JUIC V FRUIT. Remember After Every Meal For Sale Everywhere. MTJLLBB PHIPPS IMALAYA), Ltd., Distributors. "SERVICE" Motor Lorries IN STOCK ti 2, l U* 3 1 ton models. For full particulars apply:— Graham,
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  • 676 7 Surplus Biltice of $110,000,000. Chi«.f Secretary's Report The labour force engaged in mining at the end of the year was 113.1C7, and Bir Edw*rd "says Ibat there was a distinct shortage, especially in certain localities, notwithstanding the popular rumour and statements in the Press to the effect tbat
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  • 113 7 Palmer says the price of meat has been falling for three months. At the same rate of speed it ihould reach normal level in 832 years.— New Haven Times-Leader. Lieutenant Papa, Italian aviator, files 172 miles an hour, American papas have to go something like that to keep ahead of
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  • 140 7 Bangkok, July G Khan r s not returning to Bangkok, havirg reoeived an important appointmett in the central administration of the Foreign Office. He ii to be succeeded here by Mr Fernand Pila. The new Miniiter of France was born on March 29 1874, and is
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  • 49 7 A census it to be taken in Japan in October. The largest vessel yet built in China, the Mandarin, was launched on June 3 at the Kiangnan Docks, Shanghai. This boat, which is one of four under construction for the United State! Shipping Board, is of 14,750 gross tons.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 426 7 I CHAIN BLOCKS. I Herbert Morris, Ltd. IGUGBBOROUGH, ENGLAND. New Slock (5 cwt. to 5 Tons.) OF THE FAMOUS w !E orm Gear Pulley-Blook. M Spur-Gear PuUey-Blocka GeawA Ungeared TnnreUin* Trolley. PoWer I Sfc Eas y Lifting Durability j\i JH C «*-Gears j I J I ThrOUgh Ut These Blocks
      426 words
    • 390 7 CIGARETTES i jWjZ*Sj*u>' j Pc feot cont«ntm«*t d j f r '<>* «h» V diic»/ninsf »mok«r who Btat« [fly Jfy Exorwi," t»«ir high \i t& «istiricciT» q >»lititc th»m th P«ck*d la Patent Vwqdu Tltu Ensnrin* Perfw* /Wj Vfl Condition in til London. MCE UNSIGHTLY mmm Extremely Painful. Lost Sleep.
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    • 432 7 For Sale Ford Track i Douglas Rotor Cycle APPLY TO Eastebn Motob Agency, 103 Mldclle Road, Singapore Heat Lassitude and Fever Dr. Cassell's Tablets Give Splendid Energy and Safeguard the System from Infection. 'ndia. Banal Africa J a "%o£& ColeWroad. Ben*al. India, writes:-" „*l n inv S^liS*™'.. 0 ktric "rites:<ple..did
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    • 73 7 LP YOUB TEETH are worn ont. and before they get worse eonenit J. IKED A. Workmanship Guaranteed. 41, HIIX STREET (Opeotlte th* Central Pip* Ri»r*o«.) Telephone 99L Nfght Photography! Oor Speciality, Any Jime Any Place Anywhere Perfect Beprodnetion Clearness guaranteed. Picture Post Cards < f Local Views—Even to, Eto> NOW
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  • 602 8 Retreat of the Northerners from Changsh". Southerners' Attack on Piogk'ang. We have already given a long extract from the despatches ol correspondent of the "Central China Post" describing the siege and capture of Changtha by the Southern army of China. It appears tbat the Northern army
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  • 125 8 Messrs Baker, Fearon and Co, of Kuala Lumper, report:— The commencement of the month has shown a renewal of the activity which characterised business during tbe first three weeks of June, and most counters have been dealt in. Buyers still predominate, but the difference of opinion as to
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  • 243 8 Surprise lor tho Commission. If the Singapore Profiteering Oommiiion hei te\t itself called upon to collect evidence concerning ladies' costumes, and prioes, as well as the freights for f rcz-ri mutton, and a dozen and one other thing*, the members of it have our sympathy, for it was noticed
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  • 192 8 "London Through Chinese Ejes (Swarthmore Press, 15» net) ii a book which will surprise those who may open it in search of the entertainment of broken English, Dr Mm Ch'ien T Z Tyau has employed bis seven-and-a-half years in this oonntry to good purpose, for not
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  • 89 8 On July 7 about noon a mining engineer named Charles Grant was arrested by the Bangkok police on a oharge of disorderly conduct at H B M Consulate-General. It appears that Grant went into the Consulate and smashed a typewriter. He had also written threatening letters to
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  • 137 8 The Ceylon Government intend to grant irrigated Crown land free of rent for a period of three years to approved applicants desirous of cultivating paddy. A Berlin telegram states that according to the Imperial Minister of Finance Germany's floating debt increases by three or four milliard of marks monthly. President
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 162 8 I VIGOBOUS EFALTH. Tfce y f«r eat ciive service depend, very 1 jargejy. il c choice of drir ks. FORT-REVIVER .FORTIFIES BEVIVES. This is a caiital be\er»ge, of which every iitredHnt n ekt-s for vig roi s health. Cbocsfl it as your drink, it rot only quenches y«ur thirst, it
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    • 328 8 OEIJ SOE LIOK, Pckeknfan, Java. Dealer and Manufacturers of all kinds of SAKONGS. CR Eh? PROMPTLY fX£CU*ED 4 19 C 18 9 Direct Route is the Beat Our people have been trained by long years of experience to read their DIRECTORIES, not only for the news of the year, but
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    • 270 8 Cole Aero-Eight "The last word in luxury." m 9 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. Straits Motor Garage, Kaala Lumpur, Singapore, Ipoh. We bjave growing Clientele. Planters, Shippers and Miners are patron* 1 inng us in increasing numbers. This is due to our three P's PUNCTUALITY PROMPTITUDE PROLIFICNESS We answer quickly, we supply quickly,
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    • 252 8 The Quality I Of Our Products I Our Best I Advertisement I FRAMROZ Co. I SINGAPORE. I Tbe Rose Of Health i Is a priceless Flower. To be possessed o! unmistakable vigour and rtjjj with the life stream coursing through the veins and tinting the clue" I M conscious of
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  • 70 9 Arrivals. JULY 21. Ntng Chow from Birkenhead. Himalaya Mam from Hongkong. Ban Hin Gnan from Pontianak. Hong Mob from Amoy. Hnpeh from Hoihow. Toyotomi Mam from Keelang. Band from P Brnndan, Ead'e from RbJo. v <inderoo from Fremantle. Ekm« from Calcutta. Hy« Long from T Anson. JULY 22.
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  • 116 9 JULY 21. Kampsr for P Swettenbam and T Anton. Anj q for Mn?.r and Malucoe. Sri Muar for Molucca and Mnar. Ipoh for P Swettenham A Penang. Qiorra for Tringgann via portt. Medaea for Palawan D.-«ll. Coen for Palembang via torts. Sumatra for P Sauibo<-, in ballag. Limbnrg for
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  • 260 9 Mr A G B untitled M I M M, left London a. mm end of May for thn Federated States, and will be bbsent (or gevt.ol months. The five Q«rrnan field gnng and five German beavy gnng alloeited to Igiington ng war trophies have been removed by the War Office
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 676 9 psO.-Britishlndia AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England) BAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular ~nd Oriental S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) THB COMPANY'S MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY ftrf at p*e*ent suspended. LONDON SERVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPORE. 0 about July 25 i! about July 29 To
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    • 587 9 DOLLAR LINE. Regular Sailings From SINGAPORE to NEW YORE via NORTH CHINA and PANAMA CANAL. Tons Arriving Grace Dollar displacement 15,000 July 28 M. S. Dollar 19,000 Aug 18 Also operating regular lines to VANCOUVER »AN F RANCISCO. Through Bille of Lading issued from Singapore to the Principal Cities of
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    • 141 9 Glen Shire Lines. For London s s CARDIGANSHIRE 1« expected to sail hence about 'st August and has now a few first class berths available. lor Farther particulars apply to B'iiister d Co, Agents. 25 7 31 7 TIMOR D LLY 8.8 MONTORO will be dcs patched for ;he ao;-v«
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    • 400 9 O. S. K. Tfes Osaka Sbosßß Kaisba, LIMITED (Incorporated in Japan) No. 2 De Soaza Street Ppopesed Sailings frra Singapore. (Sobjeot to change without notice) European Line,. PORT BAID. MARSEILLES, LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTER AND HAMBURG. Himalaya Maru July 22 alps Maru mid Sept New York Line, (via PANAMA CANAL) Honolulu
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    • 559 9 NIPPOH YUSEN KAISHA (Inccr^',r Japan) Uader r.r Contract w*b 3ft Usenrlsl Jaasatee Qovernccai (Subject to Alter .'ions witaout Notice) European SMall Una Service For LONDON ANTWERP vi.t 'MALACCA) PENANG, COLOMBO. SUEZ, PORT SAID MARSEILLES Iyo Maru Aug 4 AtsutaMaru Aug IL Shi zuoka Maru Aug 25 Liverpool Line For LIVERPOOL
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 582 10 WANTED. WANTED.—A Housekeeper in Sinfipo'e. Box No. 265, c/o Malaya Tribune. 17 uo WANTED.—A clerk oapable to keep books, and collect bills. Good prospects. Apply 300, c/o Malaya Tribune. 22 7 28 7 WANTED.—An Indian Correspondence Olerk with knowledge of tywriting. Apply with testimonials to Joshee Brothers, 254, Teluk Ayer
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    • 719 10 NOTICES, NOTICE jHOur sales-room is now located at No. 7, Bras Basah Road. SINGER SfcWING MACHINE Co. 24 6 23 7 Singapore Har boar Board. To L TERITB CONTRACTORS. Tenders are invited for the supply of 2,000 cub. yards of Laterite. For further particulars ana forms of tender apply to
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    • 537 10 INSURANCE. THE ORIENTAL Government Security Lift Issirwi Co., Ltd. ESTAdLISHED 1874. Incorporated in India. FUNDS exceed Pive Crores Rspees. Absolute Security. IHNMllll 1z4t.1l liMranea iftietal m 1118 $1,147 lt.ll Total Policies in force 69,405 assuring with Bonus Additions $98,817,617.00 New Business for tbe year 1918. Establishes a record in
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    • 482 10 BANKS. Banque Intiustrielle De Chine. (Incorported in France.) Authorised Capital Frs, 250,000,000 Subscribed, H 150,000,000 Paid-up 75,000,000 (1/3 of the Capital subscribed by the Government of the Chinese Republic.) Chairman of the Board of Directors: Andre Berthelot General Manager: A. J. Pernotte. HEAD OFFICE: 74. Rue Saint Latere, Paris, BRANCHES:
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    • 517 10 BANKS. TH Ho Hong But, Limited Head Office Singapore, Raffles Chambers 4, S 8 Branches; Penang, 85 Beach Street. Malacca Id 1 Jonker Street Maar, 77/79 Jalan Seleiman. Beta Pahai, 109 Jalan Rahamat. Agencies at London, Ne? York, San Franciaco, Shanghai Hongkong/ Amoy. Batavia, Soura bay a, Semarang, Palembang an<
      517 words
    • 563 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK 8F INDIA, AUSTRALIA AMD CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. BT ROYAL CHARTER, Paid ap Capital in 100,000 Shares o £20 each *2,000,00( Reserve Fend £S 000,00 C Reserve Liability of Proprietors £2,000,(KX BANKERS. Bank of England, London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London Oomnty Weetmln«t«r and Parr'g
      563 words
    • 357 10 ©TT© SeHIFFNEIT 31 KLING STREET (Ist Floor) WATCHES and JEWELLERY WHOLESALE solbJagent for THE OMEGA WATCH Co., SwltzcrUuid. THE ANGLO-SWISS WATCH Co., CALCUITA —SOLEURE, rSwltierUnd Old Sight or -Presbyopia Old Sight or Presbyopia is a defect of Eyesight caused by a late elasticity io the crystalline lenses, and muscles of
      357 words