Malaya Tribune, 15 July 1920

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 30 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] v AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. [EVENING DAILY Vol VII. -lie 164 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1920 P&ICE 5 CENTS The Malaya Tribune. THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1920
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 119 1 I me Malaya Tribune AND Shipping Gazette. The Popular Newspaper of the Straits Settlements. ?ub ishtd Daily. Complete Reports of Locil Events. ij Pull and Latest Telegrams. Sports Notes by Ex; et Critics. The Sportsman's Paper I Piatt Jensen, Ltd., (Incorporated in Straits Settlements »ingapo]?e« Immediate Delivery. MOTOR LAUNCH V
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    • 19 1 CINE OLD 1 |ggg| rBEWCH BRANDY PRST AVOUBITE. for mWm THE rOpICS BEER. I I I i sa~saw~a» ,^^swa_aßaatßsaa^anßgaa^
      19 words
    • 144 1 JTV D ALTON Adding, Lis ing and Calculating Machine Ocraoni ranoo A Prtc Aie Jackson, Tsner Hill, inc. Incorporated in U.S.A.) -1 Flnlayon Green. Singapore. i SULPHURIC j I m V AND Hydrochloric Acid. \jr TRADE SWARK Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) SQ L X A(t X N
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  • 390 2 Discussions at Recent Meeting. The Hon Seoretary sends us the following minutes of a meeting of the committee of the Straits Settle, nents Association held in the Singapore Clob on Tuesday, Jnne 29 Present, Mr P. Cunliffe, Presiien% in the chair Mr G S Carver, Vic<»-Preside* the
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  • 127 2 Doctors and Nurses Urgently Required Our Kuala Lumpur coriespom'ent wires that with reference to the shortage of medical officers and nurses, he is informed on good nuthority that a cable was sent Heme in December last asking for the ap. pointm-nt of twenty two medical officer?, nine
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  • 15 2 Belfast University has decided to c jnfer tbe D>>3torahip of Laws on Sir John Jordan.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1080 2 I Your Baby should enjoy Childhood's j 1 Happy Days 1 MttfmW There is i > doubtaboutthis baby enjoying EE (fla_r childnocd's happy days. She was reared on jH5> J ?§te*'w Glaxo. Yoar baby can he just as strong and healthy, just as bright and intelligent —it is i_KSr/ mainly
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    • 191 2 Why suffer the uuraen ot TOOTH ACHE which can be relieved almost immediately by consulting K. TSUTADA JAPANESE. DENTIST 74, BRAS BASAH ROAD (In front of French Church) 'PHONE 1245. For Aches and Pains. For aches and pains in young and old there is nothing that will go quickly bring
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    • 267 2 A Good Reputation 0 Does not just happen —it has to be earned. The Universal Reputation for Exquisite Flavour enjoyed by Liberty Brand Ceylon Tea speaks volumes ior its blend and for the high standard of quality set and attained To be had from all grocers. THE SEREMBAN GENERAL AGENCY,
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    • 149 2 Cneap English Bicycles RUDSF WHITWOBTK—NORMAN JUST ARRIVED JnJJcv A consignment of strong English Bicycles Wffli 8 Vcial1 to suit estate r«nnirements GOOD VALUE FOR MONEY IjWlraaj Cash Prce Rudge ...$l3O HP hJwI Norn:a i 120 Barbour Johnstone Co., Ld., Raffles Place, Singapore Eureka Motor General Engineering Works CUPPAGE ROAD (Orchard
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 630 3 MARLBOROUGH The Hall for Comfort, Good Music and Good Pictures Seach Road. From S iturday, July 10, to Thursday July 15. Second Show at 9 n. m The Lif>t of the Serial Magnetic Episode 15) Featuring HELEN HOLMES AND LEO MALONEY THE GIRL AND THE GAME In 15 Episodes or
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    • 340 3 1 =1 Tbe From Tuesday, July IS, to S mday, July i 8 Alhambra Alhambra ia ia the only tho Toeatre theatre where foo AT THE with an gettbaOEST Jk I I j ML fji M WF% A eXa^eo lea ■h: ALHAMd KA l^r T Tin Hall lor Moilc and
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    • 309 3 TO-NIOBTI PROGRAMME Flest Show Ck.c 730 THE A GREAT NOVELTY FEATURE In I Parts ORE M DOLL ~gg^ I coed Show cat 8 pm. DAVID DEVANT :The Man of Mystery. Tne Master Magician In the Great British Serial THE GREU LONDON MYSTERY Episodes 7 and 8. Four New Reels At
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  • 690 4 The Straits Settlements Association has gone ont of existence, and in its place has sprung np the Association of British Malaya. lha new organisation may do fine work for this country, despite the fact that its control is largely in the hands of merchants
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  • 277 4 Tin continues at $140.50; with no sellers. There will be a dsnce in the Klaug Olnb on Batnrday next. The State Band will play Oar correspondent in Penarjg cables that the Tronoh Mines output for June waa 1,796 pico Ib. The Rent Aaseaement Board will ait at the Mnnieipal Board
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  • 13 4 [Wĕ do mot MMwarQy mĕtru tkt opinions erptostod hff oot rupondM ti.
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  • 157 4 From FLB8ITJS: There seems to be a great deal of doubt ae to the legality of the Straits Settle. m c nts Defecce Force Bill which is now awaiting the King's signature. I have heard local members of the Bar declare quite confidently that the Bi
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  • 336 4 Very Successful Opening Night. A w 11-satisfied house left the Victoria Toeatre shortly after w*lve las'. nigjit, following the vaudeville perform*nee with which he Humphrey Bishop Comedy and Operatic Co opentd their season here. The entertainment throughout was of a high standard, and the audience (who filled
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  • 271 4 A rumour has been received of an outbreak of cholera in Mersing, Johore. It is said that a medical mieeion has been sent there. There Is no official confirmation of the report. A yotng Japanese named Onoki was charged before Capt Rowbothaui in the third police court yesterday v ith
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  • 457 4 By "Firm Spear." Anyone returning to Slngapo* ft these days, after an absence of months, mnat find muoh to thiLk about. He begin, at the plea* by findii g new ten cent notes—quite decent ones, too—and with a hopeful heart ate pa forth to disoover the reform
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  • 101 4 Judgment for Plaintiffs. The hearing of the case al Paterson, Simons and Co v Otomci and Co has concluded and judgmerit has bepn entered for tbe former for $4,799.25 and costs. This was tbe case, as shown in our previoureports, in which the pla ntiffs uor plitd
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  • 125 4 Singapore, Jnly 16. Silver—s3|. HocgVor i, -6!s. Tin —250 tona sold at $140.50. Rubber.—The suotion close'! weaker, Sheet realising 71 and Crepe 72$ (not atandard). Outeid the market is weaker and declining. Share Market.—Q aiet. Rubbers.—Bessette changed hande from $1.37/1.40, Colinaburgba a $5.75. Craigieleas offer at
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 147 4 ROBINSON CO., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Btraita Settlements.) Cigarette Cases Best Electroplated Nickel Silver. HOBINSON i CO., Ltd.~ (Incorporated in'trie Strait* Settlements.) ASPHALT for Roads, Pavements, Flooring, etc. Benc.your ordeis to tbe Asiatic Petroleum st Helen B Company (S.S.) Ltd. Singapore (loeurDoratMl la England j BRAND Sweetened Condensed Milk oer
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    • 484 4 I GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) 86 PHILLIP STREET. SINGAPORE. New Shipments JUST ARRIVED OF Greenfield Stocks Dies with Taps Whitwor th's j Thread in case complete. Little Giant hcrew Plates with Taps in boxes from 1 in to 14 in. Extra Hand Taps Whltworth's Thread
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    • 24 4 IT IS NOT THE MONEY THAT COUNTS BUT QUALITY YOU CAN HAVE IT Shipchaodkry Estate Supplies AT Kiam Kiat Co. 108 109 Market St
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 117 4 WHEN AND WHERE. Thnrsi'iy, July 15. High Tides.—2.10 a.m 2.59 p.m. Football 8 C G v R E. Sr. Joseph's 0 B Tonrn—0 D. B Scontp, Physical Culture, 5 15. Ear Lit aw, Rent Bd debate, 8 30. Humphrey Bishop Co, Vio Theatre. Friday, July 16. High Tide«.—3.06 a.m., 3.45
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  • 195 5 The German papers are annoyed at the Allied insistence on deliveries of coal. There is even talk oj a rupture. perhaps encouraged by journalistic derring-do, the German delegates now retract the promises previously made The crisis in China has now developed to a very serious point, giving much
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  • 167 5 SOMEWHAT PECULIAR RELATIONS. Reuter. London, Jnly 12, —In the Hong" 0 Common*, replying to Mr Grorge Taoine, Mr Bouar Law confirmed tut the Raesian Soviet Govern ment h.d accepted the British Toflinaii ll *l conditions with re«»rd to a resumption of trade, and sud an understanding had
    Reuter.  -  167 words
  • 107 5 Reuter. P-rth, Jn'y 9.—Tbo Prinoe of w*k, |4 a faiew<-L banquet prior to leaving for Coolgrvrdie, referring to Di Ba i-wreck, 3iH h« did rot r« PJj bHi nt r a bi H l 0 adJ a harmlesß railway accident to hia experiences. —Keaier. KalgoorhV, j a
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 80 5 Reuter. J???' jQ ly. 10.—The Daily dihtn v> 8 l^at n v ew Possible ,b cc 8 in Ulster on July 12, df-giat.h battalions have been ar- i n lC t0 re and a °d fivo more flrH <n readmega. Bclfasnv' 011 ha0 been Slanted the •tratiim
    Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 5 5 Reuter. untitled July 10.–The Chamber
    Reuter.  -  5 words
  • 905 5 HOW THE GERMANS TOOK THEIR MEDICINE. Reparations Required. Reuter. Pari*. Jnly 10.—-At Spa 0:1 F<iday, after debiting all night over tbe telephone with their polities! leaders at Berlin, tbe Ge r man cklegates bowed to tbe illi-s' d-uinnd that the Reicbswebr should be reduced to 100,000 v. cix
    Reuter.  -  905 words
  • 137 5 FATE OF PRO-J «PAN PARIY IN BAUNCE. Martial Law in Shanghai. Reuter. Peking, July 12.—The si.nation ia critic*!, aud it la impossible to overeatiouate the importance of the issue aa the fate of the pro.Japan party hanga in the balanoe.—Renter. bhangha', July 12.—The dispute between tbe Chihli
    Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 92 5 Reuter. Abbottabad, Jaly 15, (fficlal.— There was a serious ak<?roatlon at the eta'ion of Eaohagari. British military police w<*re en. deavouring to evict from the train two Moslem emigrant* to Afghanistan, who were travelling without tick- 'p, when a cowd attacked them, serioasjy wounding a British officer.
    Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 98 5 Reuter. Londor, Jaly B.—At a meeting of theEupirn Couon.growing Committee at Manchester, a letter was read from the President of the Board of Trade acknowledging the Committee's labours, and tbe Governments satisfaction at the willingness of the British cotton industry to agree to an annual levy by the
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  • 126 5 Reuter. London. Jaly 10.—A New York statement ironed in Washington says that Mr Jones, Chairman of the Committee of Commeroe, declares that the new shipping law does not discriminate spinet ships of any nation, bat gives aid to the American merchant marine as a domestic industry. The
    Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 31 5 Reuter. London, July 10.—Reoruiting for the new Territorial Army is proceeding a*, a satisfactory rate, some three thousand per week, while over a thousand regulars are being reciUttei weekly.—Router.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 26 5 Reuter. Paris, July 11.—The report of the sale of French air material in Chi? a is denied, and it is declared that none exists.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 186 5 STRONG EULOGIES OF HOI 6 PAPERS. Deith Followed Operation. Reuter. London, Jnly 12 The Daily Telegraph says Ldrd Fisher oreao d an instrument whioh in association with other agencies brought Germany's world ambitions to the dua The Daily Mail says Lord Fisbti waa never afraid of the
    Reuter.  -  186 words
  • 286 5 Message From H. AI. the kiog Reuter. London, July 11, —9 M the King's message to Palestine was read before an imposing assemblage at Jerusalem on July 10 by Sir Herbert damuel, High Commissione*. It by rt calling that Allies had entrusted to B itain a mandate to
    Reuter.  -  286 words
  • 184 5 ladlan Representatives Disseot. Reuter. Genoa, July 10.—The Seamen'h Conference adopted all the articles of the convention relating to the 1 hours of work at sea. There was an animated discussion with r*-ferenc« to Indian eeaiuen. The Indian Government delegates claimed special treatment for them on the ground of
    Reuter.  -  184 words
  • 45 5 Reuter. Washington, Jnly ll —Th© Btate Department emphatically dVnies the report from Paris that Britain has made overiures with a ffctfj to an Anglo-American Paoific alliance whioh wonld be a substitute for the Anglo-Japanese alliance after the expiry of the latter, —Renter.
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  • 727 5 FOOTBALL. Vtoolia Clob v Malrcca Clob. Mathicson's Farewell Match. Bt "Boter." Since that great day when tbe Vmolia Club vanquished the Ko-.ia Lampa- Rovers four years ago tbe Viuolians have been strangers to defeat. Last Saturday they nearly forfeited this p-oud dis inctlon in their encounter with the Malacca
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  • 115 5 .ICS Meeting aad Race, A reminder is given to Swimming Club members tbat the annual meet, ing will be held on Bunday at the Club after the arrival of the 9.30 a ra launch. For the occasion a f*miliar rale will be relaxed, and menai'era may if they wish
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  • 200 5 X G C Foursome Event. It is now proposed to substitute a Stroke Foursome Competition open to supernumeraries in place of the Foursome Match between old and now Secretaries teams for Sunday next. Conditions and particulars of prizes can be ob'aintd at tbe Clab, where entries will be received
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  • 115 5 SCC Tournament. Yesterday's results Championship. Main beat Riches, 21—8. White beat Nelson, 21—18. Cbater beat Geddes, 21—14. Singles Handicap. McKean (minus 6) v F W Lyall (minus 3) Walk orer (or Mc Kean, W H Mair (plus 3) beat P M Lowndes (plus 3), 2L— 2. B Cousins
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  • 95 5 Tbe America Cop Race. New York, July 10.—Tre Government has decided to prevent all excursion steamers, except a few ocean-going liners, accompanying the America Cup yachts, with the result that there is a scramble for places. Destroyers will keep all ships half a mile from the racers. The Shamrock's
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  • 61 5 Co-Operative Society Formed. (From Our Own Ctirrssf saaVaU Kuab Lumpnr, Jnly 15. Regarding the Kuala Lumpnr house shortage, a meeting yesterday approved the Government terms, and formed a Co operative Bnlldirg Scciery. Th«y appointed as directors M ss-s H P Clodd, A X E Ham| shire, P
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 236 5 £sE£v "Little Wonder" ffl) Records SOcts c eh or 4 for $3 OO Missouri Waltz Manhattan Beach March. i*ickanninies >'aradise. Danube Waves Waltz The Birds and the Brook Eyes that cay I J o ve you. Smiles. ElCapitanYe^ min 8- Beautiful Ohio Waltz. Espaoita Waltz I Long ng, Fox-Trot. a
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  • 33 6 fa-day* Port Dickson and Port Bwettecham *Hebe 3pm Malacca and Mnar *Kaka 3pm Penang* and Osleotta Knmsarg3pm Pontianak Ban Hin Gnan 4pm Kota Tinggi Hong Cheang 4pm •Specially superscribed letters only.
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  • 55 6 Delivered tn London. Ihe following are the dai<i ot tepartare from Singapore of the European Mails snd their deliver} It London. Larr Dilituid Smoapoaa Loanoa. May 23 Jnne 15 do 20 do 17 do 27 do 22 Jnne 3 Jnly 5 do 4 do 12 do 10 do
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  • 20 6 The latest London cables to hand 'bia morniDg ar« dated as follows: O-dinary rate Jnly 13; deferred rate July 11.
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  • 31 6 Kaka B-i from Malacoa 14 7. L*dy Wnld Bri from Malacca 14-7, Khoen Foeng Dot from Pontianak 14 7. Hye Leong B'i from Teluk Ans< n 14 7.
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  • 75 6 The Empire is putting up in tbe Second house to-night a repeat of ibe fi.m depicting the removal from Singapore of the remains of the late Crown Prinoe of Sism. The programme will also hare a ax-reel Pathe play, "The Naulah. ka," besides initial episodes of "The R-d
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  • 155 6 The Shanghai Gazette states that plans are being rapidly matured to smash tbe rice profiteers and relieve tbe local rice distress. Leading Cantonese business-men are taking active measures in oonsaltation with tbe directors of tbe Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Shiploads of rice are to be
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 126 6 A NEW SHIPMENT OP CAPSTAN MAGNUMS CIGARETTES OBTAINABLE FROM John Littto a Co., Ltd. Rsbiosoi i Co., Ltd. Sl.lO P8r 50°' I S>—— II" II Ho More Disappointment. If our Motor Gars enter for frequent repairs, last send It to The Serangoon Motor Garage, '92 SERANGOON ROAD 'Junction of Serangoon
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    • 1074 6 WANTED—Draughtsman for Reinforced Concrete Construction. Must be able to apeak English and to make Detail Draw ings from Sketohes. Apply Box 123 c/o Malaya Tribune. 15 7 17 7 WAN T E D. —For a Rubber Estate in Johore, close to Town, a Chinese Conductor Married man preferred. Good prospect
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    • 162 6 Mtddletos Tin Mines Ltd. Ont put for Jnne. Slaicing Poll 58.09 Tribute 41.91 Total 100.00 Miss Sartina our new actress will take part Friday, July 16 AT THE STAB OPERA m Tiiatrs loiil North Bridge Road In a Malay Historical Play in 6 parts Dan Dan Ettai. Part V Saturday,
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    • 144 6 White Teeth, Sweet Breath and Contentment ALL IN ONE PACKAGE OF WRIGLEY'S CHEWING GUM. Three Flavours: SPEARMINT -DOUBLEMIJN T—J UIC V FRUIT. Remember: JSftex* Every mWmaM For Bale Everywhere MULLEB PHIPPS (MALAYA), Ltd, Distributors. BBSSSBSaSSBBBSBBBBBSSeaSBBB Motor Lorries. BRITISH Monthly Arrivals. For particulars apply GRAHAM M c PHILLIPS, Ltd. Sofa Agents
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 634 7 P.«0.-Britishlndu AND APCAR LINE. I (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular <md Oriental S, N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) THE COMPANY'S MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPORE. Jeypore about July 25 p] a B
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    • 86 7 SEANG line of steamers. BANGOON and CHINA BUN. .8. Glexoolb 8,7W Tons. 3.8. iIM Bbk 6,7»9 Tons. 8.8. kttM CHOON 6,776 Toti. For freight or passage, apply GIONG HOE Co. Agents. HEAP ENC MOH STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. SINIAPOBE to BATAVIA, CHEBIBON Ml BAMABANB. Sail Twice a Week 81M8AP0BE to FAMGKAL
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    • 569 7 DOLLAR LINE. Regular Sailings Prom SINGAPORE to NEW YORK via NORTH CHINA and PANAMA CANAL. Tons Arriving Grace Dollar displacement 15,000 July 28 M. S. Dollar 19,000 Aug 18 Also operating regular lines to VANCOUVER SAN FRANCISCO. Through Bills of Lading issued from Singapore to the Principal Cities of the
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    • 336 7 Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. Steamers intended to sail from Singapore Kajang—Monday, 12 30 Mirij Labuan. Jesselton. Kudat and Sandakan Calypso—Monday, 4 p. m., for Teluk Ann on. Perak —Monday, 4 pm for Port Swettenham and Penang. Kaka —Monday, 4.30 p. m., for Malacca and Muar. Will o' the Wisp—Tuesday, 4pm,
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    • 352 7 O.S.K. The Osaka Shossi Kalsba, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Japan) No. 2 De Souza Street Proposed Sailings from Singapore. (Subject to change without notice) European Line. PORT SAID, MARSEILLES, LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTER DAM AND HAMBURG. Himalaya Maru July 20 Alps Maru mid Sept Mew York Line. (via PANAMA CANAL) Honolulu Maru
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    • 526 7 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) I ader Mail Coatract with tbe Imperial Japanese floveraxrcci (Subject to Altera.ions without Notice) European Mall Una Fortnightly Servioe For LONDON <Sr ANTWERP via MALACCA! PRNANO COLOMBO, SUEZ. PORT SAID A MARSEILLES Kamo Maru j u!y 8 Iyo Maru Aug 4 AtsutaMaro AuglL Liverpool
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 638 8 WANTED. W NTED—A Housekeeper *n Sing-*po?e. Box No. 255, Wo Malaya Tribune. 87 v c WANTED. —Two typist Apply in person Chinese Di reentry Press, Ltd., 102 TsaOc Boad 14 7 16 7 WANTED V c l-ipeient cor resprndence clerk with a fair knowledge of shorthand and tyi c writi:
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    • 696 8 NOTICES. NOTICE Our sales-room is now located at No. 7, Bras Basah Road. SINGfcR S' WING MACtIINE Co 24 6 23 7 S. S. F M S. 6% VICTORY LOAN, Holders of Provisional Receiptare her*by inforrred that tbe definite Bonds may now be ob ta ned in exchange for the
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    • 428 8 INSUBANCE. The Overseas Assurance Corporation, Ltd. (Incorp rated in the Stt its Settlements.) BOAKD OF DIEECTOBS: Hon Dr. Lim Boon Keng. OB E, Chairman tm Nee &x>n Eaq I an Soo G an Oug Boon Tat Bs i S Q Wong ISs Lim Ch* c < h a Bs i
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    • 512 8 BANKS, i Banq l cdustrielie 06 thioe. (Incorported in France.) Authorised Capital Frs. 250,000,000 Subscribed Paid-up (1/3 of the Capital subscribed by the Government of the Chinese Republic.) Chairman of the Board of Directors: Andre Bertbelot. General Manager A. J. Pernotte. HEAD OFFICE: 7a, Roe Saint Lazare, Paris. BRANCHES: Canton,
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    • 542 8 BANKS. Ihe Ho Hoog Bask. Limited. HBAL OFFICE «ingtpnre, BafßV Chamber? 4,5 ft 6 BRANCHES;i P*n!«Dj, 85 Be»cb Stre«*. Mk 131 J iifci r Street. Vo. 77/7 D Jalan Saloiman. Bata Pah*i, 109 Jeian Rah i mat. Agencies at London, New York. San Franoisoo, Shanghai, Hongkong. Amoy, Batavia, Sourabaya, Seu.arang,
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    • 564 8 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AUD CHINA. INOOBPORA/iBD IN ENGLAND. 3Y ROYAL CHARTER. Paid np Capital in 100,000 Shares u< £20 each £2,000,00^ Roserve Fond £3 000,000 Kroerve Liability of Proprietors £2,000,000 BANKEBS. Bank of England, j London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Wertmin«ter and Parr's
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    • 447 8 I ©TT© SCHIFFNER 31 RUNG STREET (ist Floor) WATCHES end JEWELLERY WHOLESALE SOLS AGENT FOR THE OMEGA WATCH Co., Switzerland. THE ANGLO-SWISS WATCH Co., CALCU IT A—SOLEUBF, f Switzerland., Old Sight or Presbyopia Old Sight or Presbyopia is a defect of Eyesight caused by a late elasticity in the crystalline
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