Malaya Tribune, 14 July 1920

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
  • 31 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] y A AND SrfIPPING GAZETTE. EVENING DAILY Vol. VIL- NO 163 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1920 PRICE 5 CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1920.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 102 1 me Malaya Tribune AND Shipping G zette. The Popular Newspaper of the Straits Settlements. Published Dally. Complete Reports of Locil Events PuJ and Latest Te!cgrams. Sports Notes by Exoe-t Critics. The Sportsman's Paper. mm9mm9m9a9U Piatt Jensen, Ltd., (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) Singapore. Immediate Delivery. MOTOR LAUNCH Length 2S ft., Beam
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    • 39 1 Bear's Ciqarettes. High Quality Low Price Riverside A class cigarette made m from the finest Price $1 15 \^^^oj^^^0^ y Per tin of 50. Number One Navy Cut -^wMaMa«aaflaawaMaHHNa«a«MHHHBa> MMMMMMBal Obtain sblo from The Leading Dealers. mmommmmr***~* *mmtmKmmmm awanaaMaaMaaaaaawaaaaBBaBaai
      39 words
    • 177 1 rr\ DALTON M« Adding, Listing and Calculating Machine Simple and Bfcsy to SM m Wj J operate 10 Keys only 18 W > J no gropiDg or huntm ing foMhe ri ht ke >'- eWMESmW** Demonstration a Free Trial. Asn Jackson, Teier Hill, inc. ("Incorporated in U.SAJ 3-W, Flnlayaon Green.
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  • 730 2 Peep Behind tbe Scenes. Aboot ten days ago we reproduced extracts from half a dozen British uewspapnrs of the last week in May ill of which, as the cinema folk i would say, featured a sensational fall in prices, especially of shop »oods, soch as piece goods,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1061 2 j THE CHILDREN'S FRIEND. f HOW BABY'S OWN TABLETS KEEP THE LITTLE ONES WELL. Once you have tried Baby's Own Tablets for your baby or little child you wil. want to keep tfHB. always in the house because they are so gentle, sure and safe. Small and easilyTrushed to a
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    • 147 2 AN ASSASSIN. Rheumatism is like an assassin. Before you know it you are in its power, and the terrible pains and aqnc 8 that follow are even worse than if the assassin's knife was dri ven into your flesh. Little's Oriental Balm is the one and the only true and
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    • 261 2 A Good Reputation Does not just happen —it has to be earned. The Universal Reputation for Exquisite Flavour enjoyed by Liberty Brand Ceylon Tea speaks volumes lor its blend and for the high standard of quality set and attained To be had from all grocers. THE SEREMBAN GENERAL AGENCY, Ltd,
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    • 157 2 I —w a Cneap English Bicycles RUD6F WHITWORTH —NORMAH JUST ARRIVED JJljX A consignment of strong English Bicycle*- s Scully imported to suit estate r«nnirements GOOD VALUE FOR MONEY TtflnfeSM Cash Price Rudge $130 SR| Norman 120 Barbour Johnstone Co., Ld., Raffles Place, Singdoort £2 U X» e k £1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1016 3 I I ■WeaOMOMOMMBOtMOMO» I "The I I From Tuesday, July 13, to Sunday, July 18 Alhambra 1 I AIhaai*ra fs fa the only t? the latere I theatre U where yon AT aE with an r""" A 1 LI Jk Ik JOB A T^ri the >ljk Malr r%Mm mm mFP
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    • 325 3 TO-ieiOPrX.-7 PROGRAMME! Thirst jtt 730 THE I A GREAT NOVELTY FEATURE In I Parts OK i OOLL j a cond Bhow at 9 pm. DAVID DBVANT Tbe Man of Mystery. Tne Master Msgic- n Iv the Great British S«nal m m\ lgndqn mm Episor'es 7 aDd 8. Four New Reels
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  • 757 4 II The position of thi- A'lies with regard to Russia has been fast becoming untenable. It has had, however unwillingly, to be recognised thai the B laheviks are in p wer beyond chance of being deposed for long to come, and their i strength has been reinforced by
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  • 129 4 Tin is at $140 50; 250 tons sold. The Ontward B I Packet Tbongwa with mails from Eorope, is expected to r««oh Penang on Friday morning, the 16th imtant. The case of Vilh Bork f Bartholomews and Company bae been postponed to the ooming C art of Appeal. In the
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  • 402 4 What tbe F M S Government Will Do. As already mentioned in the "Tribune" a special meeting will be held in the F V! 8 Chamber of Commerce to-day »o fcrnc a co-opera-tive building society, and consider the which the Federal Governm nt are prepared to concede to
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  • 179 4 Opening Performmci To Night To night, it the Victoria Theatre, the Humphrey Bisb hi Corap*ny make their bow to the Singapo>e public Judging by ih° booking they should have a large house to welcome them, and j dging by the programme th*ir reception shou d be enthusiastic.
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  • 198 4 Singapore, July 14. Tin.—250 tons at $140 50 Robber.—The auctions opened weak. 8td Sheet realised 73$ and Crepe 73 «hewing a decline ou last week of 2$ ots and 3$ cents respectively. Outside, the market is qaiet and weak—Jnly Sheet aioand 731 and Oo /Deer 79$/80.
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  • 861 4 By "Echo." Tbe SCO soccnr games jut nc rJ are being wa'ohed wi h ts *cia interest in vi«w of the fortbccu,.nj.visi* to KurN Lumper, and tb, toiKJiion of the team tbi »efor. Muc* ;urns on the q" c !»tion as to wbe he» eowe f<f the "crocks"
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 148 4 ROBINSON CO., Ltd. j /Tnrorpnrsted in the Straits Settlements.) Cigarette Cases Best Electroplated Nickel Silver. ROBINSON CO., Ltd.~ (Inaorpormted in the Straits Settlements ASPHALT for Roads, Pavements, Flooring, etc. i > Sena youiordere to tbe Asiatic Petroleum Eelens Company <* nr^ (S.S.) Lid. Singapore. !no i. r»U.-. la England J
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    • 507 4 GUAN MAT Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in tbe Straits Settlements) 86 PHILLIP STREET. SINGAPORE, New Shipment! I JU8T ARRI VED OF Greenfield Stocks Dies with Taps Whitworth's Thread in case complete. LItUe Giant Screw Plates with Tap* in boxes from s in. to t in. Extra Hand Taps Wh tworth's Thread
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    • 26 4 IT 18 NOT THE MONEY THAT COUNTS BUT QUALITY YOU CAN HAVE IT IN Shlpcbandlery Estate Supplies AT Ki» Kiat 6 Co. 108 109 Market St.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 151 4 WHEN AND WHERE. Wednesday, July 14 High Tides—1.23 a m„ 2 19 p.m. French Consul at Home, 11 12. B Scouts, III and VII Troops, 5.15 Signalling. 5.15 Humphrey Bishop C-», Vic Theatre. Thursday, July IS. High Tid»s—2.10 a.m 2.59 p.m. F< otball: S C C v R E St.
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  • 187 5 China is rtt cicil war once more. Rebel force» are M ar Peking ami preparations .for fighting are in progress. hi the city niartial aw as been prod a imed. The garrison* of the foreign Legations are being strengthened. The All es are pleading J or the Poles,
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  • 299 5 REPORT THAT BRITAIN MAY HELP HER. Reuter. lea, July 11.—F ench circles i ate that Mr Lloyd Georg« baa decided to rfqnfst th* Soviet Government to conclude an armi«< ice with Poland, and iv the event of a refusal he will rff-r the Poles Bd-ieh aseVifc- I .—R-a'er.
    Reuter.  -  299 words
  • 52 5 Reuter. Calcutta. Jaly l-._The Englishtrootier orr-epouden» deposi ion in Afghanistan uL*T* K e two patties in free par,?, to in tne Bolshevik ck party, mHiuly thentomenl they cross filiating, and it is Zr! m mR y abdicate st any B Vviu rorr «nder either to the or
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 40 5 Reuter. j; ;.J». July m Ss m r w r B at' to s« rti Hottesstoe Falls in a Tie b\TT 1 0r > the Z!!! W B dMflQ d to pieces jJTff** the ban 0 f S
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 750 5 GERIUNS ARE BITTERLY DISAPPOINTED. Tbe Co..i Qaestioa. Reuter. Sp*, July 9 —On signing the proloooi, ih> Germans d ->clir > i tiiat no ol*Ob" in the Treaty of Wrsailetj obiu-'i them to acqui-sod in fresh territorial occupations, except in the event of failure to cury oat .h-> reipjratiors
    Reuter.  -  750 words
  • 347 5 POLITICO CONFLICT COMES TO A HEVD. Marti »1 Law at Peking. Reuter. Peking, July 10. —Tae siination in Peking it vnry 3 r riuua. The politioul conflict h.<s r« aoh ni a orisis, and General Chang Tac Lio, leader of the Ohihli party, hue departed for MakJe.?. It
    Reuter.  -  347 words
  • 149 5 Gas Workers Giving Trouble. Reuter. London, July 10.—A aeriont situation has arisen in the Midlands owing to a gas wjrkera' strike at Mauchf8t*r, Salford, Bury, Stoke, H adders and eiaewhere, owing to dissatisfaction with the increase of wag*-!. Scores of workshops in Man chaster and sialford have
    Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 48 5 Reuter. Montreal, Jnly 10.—A Canadian syndicate which recently obtained a six million dollar oonraot from the Soviet Government his annonnoed that the qnes'ion of credit has been satisfactorily arranged, and at pcs- nt arrangements to carry oat the contract are being completed.— Besjtasi I
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 128 5 Local Celebrations. On the oooasion of the French National Fete, whioh is oelebratee to-day, visitors were reo«lved at the French Consalate in R fl s Chambers between 11am. and noon. Lieut Mallet and Mr Osborne attended on behalf of U E the Governor, while other visitors inoluded
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  • 162 5 THE ALLIED NOTE FINALLY SETTLED. Some Scrapping Reported. Reuter. Bp!*, Jnly 11.—The Cor.f:»reno this morning dit>cu<ja«d the Tarkish Trea y. The Allied reply to the O .toman note wan finally settled. Th* Tnrk« are required to sign the Treaty hp drafted, with unimportant modification!. The Allied note will h*
    Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 129 5 Tr bates to a Great Sailor. London, Jilv 10.—Tb> dea h b«s occnrred of dmir&j L Fisher Renter. LouiJon, Jnly 12.—\leMr«g«« of eon loleno<4 on tb- 1 -hth of Lo r <l Either Are in from all parts of the EmpireH M the Kmir, tbe Prince of
    Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 53 5 Reuter. Mexico City, Jnlv 9—The provisional President Hoerta has declared that the artiole in tbe Con. stitution nationalising the petroleum deposits will b* maintained theore'ioally, but all deorees issued by Oirranzt Bffi j idioiug the prior rights of petroleum-owners will be abro gated by a deoree shortly
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 351 5 The Government Delay. At the meeting of the R-nt Boar<\ yeaterdny afternoon, Mr McClelland presided. Mr Robinion laid At the time when M- Halifax wsi president of the R-*nt he wrote to the Government with reforenc" io th* progrtM that i« being made re tenement houi>
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  • 457 5 FOOTBALL. SCCII v v C F A 11. The 8CCII were lucky to win be match against the 8 0 F A II yesterday. It was the fi ss time the S C F A. second eleven hav« played and they pot up a promising perform *i:ca Tbe first
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  • 157 5 SCC Autumn Tournament. Reuter. Entries have already commenced for the Ao nam Lawn Tar nia Tournament at the Cricket Club. The qualifying roonda will begin on Aug 18 t»nd the compe ition proper on Wednesday, 8*pt I. The toarnament will inclade the following evmte Championship, Singles and Dooblei
    Reuter.  -  157 words
  • 130 5 SCC Tooraemeot. Yesterday's Ties. Singles Handicap. D Main (mines 1) beat J H Maokail, (mines 1), 21—12. W M Gtddes (pies 3) beat A H Assiter (plas 6), 2L—10. W 8 Black (pins 6) beat H Elp. bick (minos 1), 21—10. E I Riches (plas 3 H L
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  • 93 5 S L G C L dies' Mcd .I, Ths Sepoy Lire* Golf Clao 1 ladies' medal competition for Jaly r sul'td as follows vf ts S R Robinson 69—15—44 Lerme 49— 4_4l Langbam Carter 56— 6—50 Balmi.nd 67—15—52 Hooter «3— 7^5S K 6 C Rankioe Cop. Tbe final for
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  • 17 5 Eton Beat Harrow. Reuter. London, Jnly 10—At tbe Lord* Eton beat Harrow by nine wickets.— Renter.
    Reuter.  -  17 words
  • 94 5 Malayan Candida's Success. London, Jnly 12.—T-.a Bisley Prize winner for the D*il> Graphic price, ten aho'tat five hundred yarda. was Lieut F D Evans, of the Malay States, wibh 47. The Daily Telegraph price, ten ahota at six hundred yards, was won by Evans wt'h 47. The Wimbledon
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  • 148 5 The following programme of Hit Excellency the Governor'* mov« mt-n from July 26 to Aog 18 is forwarded to us officially July. Monday 26 h—L<wvc Singapore. Tneaday 27ih—Arrive P S wet tenh*m and proceed to K«»h Lampnr. W«dn»«day 28 b—Federal Conn, cil. Tbo»«day 29 b—L-ive Kaala L
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  • 153 5 Before Mr J Lornie in the D.striot Court this morning, Mrs C J X rkpatriok was with: firs', threatening Mrs Rjdhey Murray Campbell with injiry to the person of her son, John David Campbell, with intent to cause alarm to ih* said vi fB R
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 222 5 xggv "litile Wonder" Records 80d e ch or 4 for $3 OO Missouri Waltz. Manhattan Beach M*rch Pickannmies' Paradise. Danube Wives Waltz The Birds ard 'he Brook. Ey* 9 thet -sy I love you Smiles. j £1 C*pir»n. Yearning. Bea .tif 1 Ohio Wi]<i EspaoiU Waliz j L>r g r
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  • 29 6 Hebe Bri from P 8'ham 1S-7. Yetorofa Mara Jap from Yokohama 13 7. Van Waerwijok Dot from Belawan »4 7 Van GoerjB Dut from Belawsn 14.7.
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  • 19 6 The latest London cables to hand tbls morning sr- ds'ed as soilness.— OrdioarF rate Inly 11; deterred ltte 8.
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  • 313 6 Patersoo, Simons Co. v Oiomone Co. Hearing Resumed Yesterday. The case iv which Messrs Patersor, Simons and Co are tbe plaintiff* and Messrs Otomune aud Co the defendants was resumed in the Supreme Court yesterday before Mr Justice Barrett Leonard. The contention of the plaintiff* ai given
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  • 87 6 We regret to loam that the Singa- j pore agent of tbe P and 0 Company has received a telegram stating tbst Mr O Lucblan, who was i passenger by the s h Nellore for Horn* died on > board and was baried a* a-a
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  • 75 6 Students in Canton are forming an Hiiti cigarette sr-ciety and prop* Be to commence with ktaii ltdlowstudentß and relatives. Hongkong seems to be making i ,e-11 regarded aa a centre of aviation, probably at the ontoome of tbe rcoent flying exhibitions given by Captain Ricou and his aviators. From th
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  • 48 6 Delivered In London. Th* InQowhoi an \hv dit s m icpartnre ireui ot tat Afctcpean ai»»h am* ikfita delivirj ix Lunuou. LKKT UKLIVKKKD IB BINOAPOBS LoSDOa. May 23 Jane 15 do 20 do 17 do 27 do 22 JuLe 3 July 5 do 10 do 9
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 124 6 A NEW SHIPMENT OF I CAPSTAN I MAGNUMS CIGARETTES OBTAINABLE FROM John Lilt e Go., Ltd. Robinsoi Co., Ltt. $1.10 Per s o 0f I Ho More Disappointment. If mr Motor ears enter for frequent repalrt, lust send It to The Serangoon Motor Garage, 92 SERANGOON ROAD Junction of Serangoon
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    • 655 6 WANTED. —Two typists Apply in person Chinese Directory Press, Ltd., 102 Tank Boad 14 7 16 7 For Hoifcow Hongkong 88- Rupara is due to sail for above ports on Monday, 19ih July Fonreightand passage apply to HA. Nemazie, 18 Malacca Street. 14 7 17 7 FOR SALE Valuable Land
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    • 381 6 NOTICE, We have good reason to believe thst the Government are not at present contemplating a reduction in the price of rice. Owing to the danger of supplies of rice failing altogether, the Government, early in the present year, were obliged to buy large stocks at a necessarily high price.
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    • 37 6 Tie iDternatlonal Optra Co. OF SINGAPOBE. At Eebun Btangee Theatre Hall, East Coast Road, Teluk Kurau.^ To-Nitf lit |That Grand Fairy Play entitled Bahar-E-Paristan will be staged. WAN CHIN, Proprietor. Booking at Koh 00. during Office hours.
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    • 219 6 White Teeth, Sweet Breath I and Contentment ALL IN ONE PACKAGE OF WRIGLEY'S CHEWING GUM. I Three Flavours: SPEARMINT-DOUBLEMIJST-JUICY FRUIT. ft Remember!! Iftw Every Meal For B»Ie Eve*jwhm. r MULLER PHIPP8 (MALAYA), Ltd, Distributors["SERVICE" i p Motor Lorries! IN STOCK f; M 1, Vli, 2, 2 1 2 3Vi ton
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 69 6 Mails Close. fc-day< Medan Medusa 3 pm Pv>rt Swftttenham and Penang Ipoh 3 pm Penang* and Calcutta Madras 3 pm •Saigon Haiphong 4 pm PontiaDak Ban Hin Onan 4 pm Kota Tinggi *Hong Chiang 4 pm Palan Sof-fci Aing H';Bg 4 pm Samararg Shanghai Maru 4pm Kretay Treggann, Knlantar, Palan?,
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  • 785 7 The New Consortium for China. Tradition*] Principles Adhered To. Tbe Japanese Foreign Miniiter in the oonrae of his speech at the special session of the Imperial Diet a few days ago, referred at length to the question of the new consortium for China. He said To begin with
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  • 22 7 "Economy is the only way to avert, a nallcnal financial crisis." In tbat case, ere're slrald tbe jig It np. 3l«m> Dbterver.
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  • 328 7 Another Suggestion [The Editor of the 4 <Malay Mail,"] Sir,—There haa been mach written and spoken lately about the low price which we are compelled to accept for our rubber nowadays, whilst almost every other commodity is at double or treble its pre war price. Many
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  • 47 7 Necessarily no contingent can go from Siam to the international gathering of the Boy Scouts of the world, the jamboree" which is to oprn in London on Jnly 30. Bat Siam will be represented by such of tbe students in Europe as are on tbe Scout Reserve.—£x,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 838 7 CHAIN BLOCKS. Herbert Morris, JLrtcL. LOUGHBOROUGH, ENGLAND. New Stock (5 ewt. to 5 Tons.) JUST V£2l> OP THE FAMOUS H. M. Worm -Gear Pulley-Blooka H M. Spur-Gear Pulley-Blooka H. M. Geared Ungeared Travelling Trolleya Power ,y Easy Lifting f rll fl iffll Cut-Gears Durability Tj ''ffil 111 j Safety j
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    • 251 7 Speed- i gramma i\ In outstanding grace of line and M l< luxury of anointments, the Auburn g Beauty-SIX marks the ultimate M triumph of motor car designing. !uj I; AM ®M KN Bemity<si; X And Auburn performance is a perfect com- k8 X plement of Auburn beauty. In rough
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  • 516 8 A Malayan Flotation. We have already announced the impending flotation of Malayan Oil Palms, Ltd, and we are now indobted to Messrs Chart and Co. for a copy of the draft prospectus, says the "Malay Mail. The company will have a capital of $4 millions divided into 400,000
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  • 190 8 No< Likely to Come to Singapore It atill remains very doubtful i! the Prince of Wales will be seen in Singapore. The news that the King is disposed to consider favourably the proposal that the Prince of Wales should include Ceylon iu his forthcoming Indian tour,
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  • 791 8 Good Idea For Malaya. "Health and Happiness," writing to the Straits Eoho on July 2, refers to the acute house shortage in Singapore, and the probability of similar oonditions arising in Penang in the not distant future, owing to the balk of the available residental sites being bnilt
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  • 222 8 More Support Required. Sir Robert Baden-Powell when he found that his Boy Soouts met with such conspicuous success, determined to inaugurate a sihailar movement amongst girls, and this resulted in the formation of the Girl Quides, of whom there are already some 60/ 00 in the British
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  • 229 8 The Taking AyetjStory. [The Editor of the Malay Mall."] Sir,—Regarding the Emden raid on the Coco8 It-land cable station, in justice to the Cable Co's Staff will yon publish tbe following which was related to me by one of the Cable Co's Officers whilst on service on the
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  • 97 8 (The Editor of the '-Malay Mail.") Sir—Tbe price of an inner motor tube, weighing without the valve about 3$ lbs, is $15.71 or £1.16.6. With rubber at 2-. per lb. and allowing only lb. f r vulcanising materials, tbe ma ufa turer pays 6s. for tbe
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  • 56 8 The untitled of paper was brought vividly o the attension of the American pnblio by the appearance at Buffalo recently of the Journal" printed ni> brown wrapping with this headline ao oss ihe from page "This paper cost us cents a pocnd, 4$ c-lite ni re tb*n the meat they
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 166 8 VIGOE0US BEAL1H. The capacity for effective service depend, very largely, on the choice of dr^ks. FORT-REVIVER FORTIFIES REVIVES. This is a capital beverage, of which every ingredient makes for vig< §dus health. Cho se it as your drink, it not only quenches your thirtt, it is unequalled as a Tonic
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    • 420 8 h i rThe trying Climate makes IgJ demands upon the human frame whit h must be replaced BE thus Horlick's Malted Milk MM Kfij is found of inestimable value R as a Food-Drink. It helps M Pgfl Nature to combat these trying B BPS conditions and restores R| ffM health,
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    • 19 8 I SHIPMENT EXPECTED SHORTLY OF j BRITISH MADE THROUGHOUT. Particulars on application. The Hamediah Trading Co., Singapore Koala Lumpur.
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    • 917 8 Weal^ De Witt's made me a strong man Do yon wake in the morning feeling ill with rheumatic fever, so badiy that no heavy and tired, «iff in the joints, and'hope was entertained of his re with a b"»d taste in your mouth. HavwJHk son in law, heannc of D«
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 732 9 p. «0. British India AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England) HAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular 'nd Oriental S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) THE COMPANY'S MAIL SBBVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are il present suspended. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPORE. .leypore about July 25 pla-sy
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    • 628 9 DOLLAR LINE. Regular Sailings From SINGAPORE to NEW YORK via NORTH CHINA and PANAMA CANAL. Tons Arriving Grace Dollar displacement 15,000 ju y 28 M. S. Dollar 19,000 Aug 18 Also operating regular lines to VANCOUVER S AN FRANCISCO. Tbrongh Bills of Liding issued from Singtpore to the Principal Cities
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    • 352 9 Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. Steamers intended to sail from Singapore Calypso—Monday, 4 p. m., for Teluk Anson. Perak —Mondiy, 4 p m for Port Swettenham and Peuang. Eaka —Monday, 1.30 p. m-, for Malacca and Muar. Will o' the Wisp—Tuesday, 4pm, for Port Dickson. Lady Weld—Tuesday, 4 30 p. m
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    • 354 9 O. S. K. Tbe Osaka Shosei Kalska, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Japan) No. 2 De Souza Street Proposed Sailings from Singapore. (Subject to change without notice) European Line. POET SAID. MARSEILLES, LONDON. ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. Himalaya Maru July 20 Alps Maru mid Sept Mew YorkLlne. (via PANAMA CANAL) Honolulu Maru
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    • 533 9 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) Uader Mail Contract witb tbe Imperial Japanese Ooveraccat (Subject to A.rer&'ions without Notio) European Mall Una Fortnightly Service For LONDON <fr ANTWERP vi v MALACCA) PENANG COLOMBO. SUEZ. PORT SAID MARSEILLES. Kamo Maru Jaly 18 Ivo M..r„ Aug 4 AtsutaMaru a U g U
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 540 10 WANTED. WANTED.—A Housekeeper in Singapore. Ap„l y Box No. 255, i o Malaya Tribune. 87 v c WANTED—A. competent cor reeponoence clerk with a fair knowledge of shorthand and typewriting. Good prospects for the right man. Apply B.x Nv>. -47 c/o Malaya Tr bune. M< ue WANTED IMMEDI«TELY.— flood Chinese
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    • 643 10 NOTICES.__ NOTICE Our sales-room is now located at No. 7, Bras Basan Road. SINOFR S' WINO MACHINE Co. 24 6 23 7 S. S. ft F S. 5% VICTORY LOAN, II .'ders of Provisional Receipts ut* her* by informed that the definite Bonds may now be ob t< n-d in
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    • 469 10 INSURANCE. THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance to., Ltd. EfiTAbUBREB 1874. INCORPORATED Qf INDIA. FUNDS exceed Pive Crores Rupees. Absolute Security. Income 1010 $1,011 240.00 Irauroiw effected to 1918 $0,047 12.10 Total Policies in force 69,4' 5 assuring with Bonus Additions 598.817.617.00 New Business for the year 1918. Establishes a
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    • 506 10 BANKS. Banq&e Industrielle De Chine. (Incorported in France.) Authorised Capital Frs. 250,000,000 Subscribed 150,000,000 Paid-up 75,000,000 (1/3 of the Capital subscribed by the Government of the Chinese Republic.) Chairman of the Board of Directors: Andre Berthelot. General Manager A. J. Pernotte. HEAD OFFICE: 74, Rue Saint Laxare, Paris. BRANCHES: Canton,
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    • 534 10 BANKS. Tbe Ho Hong Bank, Limited. Heal Office Singapore, Baffle* Chamber* 4,5 6 Branches; P"nbT>., B5 Beach Street. RuaJtlea 131 Jonker Street. Maar, 77/79 Jslan Suleiman. Bate Pahat, 109 Jalan Bahama!. Agencies at London, New York, Ban Francisco, Shanghai, Hongkong. Amoy, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Palembang and Trang CAPITAL. Authorised $8,000,000
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    • 563 10 BANKS. ..V *T>* aaa CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AMD CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid ap Capital In 100,000 Shares «I £20 each *2,0w0,00<. Reserve Fund £3 000,000 rleserve Liability oi Proprietors £2.0C0,005 BANKEBS. Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Wertmin«re/
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    • 425 10 OTT© SCHIFFNER 31 KLING STREET (1st Floor) WATCHES and JEWELLERY WHOLESALE SOLK AGENT FOR THE OMEGA WATCH Co., Switzerland. THE ANGLO-SWISS WATCH Co., CALCUTTA—SOLE URE, rSwUaerland j Old Sight or Presbyopia Old Sight or Presbyopia is a defect of Eyesight caused by a late elasticity in tbe crystalline lenses, and
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