Malaya Tribune, 13 July 1920

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 28 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND shipping; gazette. EVENING DAILY Vol. VII. -tio 162 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1920 P2ICL CENTS The Malaya Tribune. TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1920
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 123 1 I The Malaya Tribune AND Shipping Gazette. The Popular Newspaper of the Straits 5 Settlements. Pab'l&btd Daily. Complete Reports of Loc*l Events. Pull aod Latest Telegrams. Sports Notes by Expert Critics. Tne Sportsman s Paper Ii Piatt Jensen, Ltd., (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) Singapore. i I Immediate Delivery. MOTOR LAUNCH
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    • 46 1 I PORT WINE j I (D(RY) Castle J. Years gjfflj Light j Wood X Very Old Choice Wine W. A. Gilbey Ltd. pfiitioftu i Great Age Bouquet. @lte "ST «»Bv« OHBUNi Whisky tt j. rr mm rfeart Tonic llgg Non-Gouty. Obtainable from I The Leading Dealers.
      46 words
    • 180 1 tBALTON Adding, lis* fog and Calculating Machine S'mp'e d Eafy to operate Keys only ing for the right key. J? Dem on* tr at lon a Pre* I Aients: Jackson, Tener Hill, Inc.! g f Incorporated in U. C .A I MBOB^aaci^^'"■^w^WßTanifli MM WKM .aaaaaaaM "ONODA' Portland CEMENT. IMI ,yw.
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  • 252 2 Praise for Boy Scouts. (From Owr Own Corretponini.) Malacca. Jnly 9 —Mr Frank C 3ands, the Scout Oommiraioner, says inter alia in his report en the work of the First Malacca Troop of Bo; Sconte :—"li was a great pie asure to me to visit the first idaiacoa
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  • 91 2 Seventy bankruptcy announcements (says a recent China exchange) have been made by Tokio oonoerns since May 1. ten of the firms and corporations involved hay. ing had capitalisation of half a million yen and upwards, acoording to a statement of the Metropolitan polioe authorities The ohemioal and dye industry appears
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 579 2 pwiiniiniiiiiiiiiniiM I The Difference in this Baby .jjjwjjv from the usual bottle-fed baby is his firm flesh, s strong bone and happy intelligent expression Bf. «B this is because he has been reared on Olaxo. g =5 babies. Glaxo contains only those things which build up firm flesh* and strong
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    • 314 2 100 per cent Efficiency is not possible unless all the org ins of the body are acting regularly and properly. Constipation fogs the mental powersi poisons the blood, causes lassitude and inefficiency. To dispel constipation and cure the ailments resulting there; from, such as sick headaches, bilious f 'tt*cks, torpid
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    • 298 2 Public Help Waited. All names rfliTfc shown in the Singapore Gen- jWSLaK men t s, Clubs, Wm Insurance and wLWP^f panics. Estates, w^Ljmmm\ and other new ffj^BßVa. Concerns, are |r^Hp inserted Gratis Ml p^tr Names not XII T found therein j_J w should be posted JH W in time to
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    • 259 2 j A Good Reputation Does not just happen—it has to be earned. The Universal Keputation for Exquisite Flavour enjoyed by Liberty Brand Ceylon Tea speaks volumes lor its blend and for the high standard of quality set and attained To be had from all grocers. THE SEREMBAN°'GENERAL AGENCY, Ltd, (Incorporated
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    • 148 2 Cheap English Bicycles RIID6F WHITWORTH —NORMAN .JUST ARRIVED A consignment of strong English Bicycles Mm fIUA specially imported to suit estate r«nnirementB HMjßjjj GOOD VALUE FOR MONEY Cash Price Rudge $130 fflp «nVf Norman 120 Barbour Johnstone Co., Ld., Raffles Place, Singapore Motor General Engineering Works CUPPAGE ROAD (Orchard Road),
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 964 3 MARLBOROUGH The Hall for Comfort, Good Music and Good Pictures Beach Road. From Saturday, July 10, to Thursday Jaly 15. Second Shew at 9 p. m The List of the Serial Magnetic (Episode 15) Featuring HELEN HOLMES AND LEO MALONEY THE GIRL AND THE GAME In 15 Episodes or 30
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    • 312 3 TO-NIOHTB PROORIHME! First Show est 7 30 THE A GREAT NOVELTY FEATURE In 5 Parts ORE X DOLL wans B* oond Show **t 9 l>w*. D\UD DEVANT The M-n off Myntery. Tne Master M gi(-- n In the Great British Serial m GREsi LONDON Yi] RY Episodes 7 and 8.
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  • 703 4 It looks as if the Allies are at last to get Germany to toe the line. Ever feioce she signed the Peace Tr aty, with the statement that some of its olauses were impossible of fulfilment but with a pistol at her head she must go through
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  • 231 4 Tin is at $159.75 no sellers. The case of Vilh Bork v Bartholomews and Co. will be heard in tha Supreme Oonrt to-morrow. The sixth drawing of the War Loan Freminm Tickets takes place at the Town Hal), Knala Lnuipar, this afternoon. Mr A A Simpson, of the! Federated Engineering
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  • 409 4 Dollar and Half-dollar Coins on Order. Five-Cent Piece to Come ifl. A Government Gazette Ex raordinary issued yesterday afternoon Announces that by an Order-in-Coanoil of H M the King, dated May 17 las', the fineness of the Straits Settlements silver coins (dollar, half-dollar, ten cent pieoe and
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  • 406 4 The Hon Mr W F Nutt, O B E, President of the V M C A, is issuing invitations for a tiffin at Raffles Hot*! on Saturday, to tne*t Mr J J Virgo, cB B, National Jield Secretory of th-* English National Council of V M C A. Mr H
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  • 223 4 Weights for First Day, Penang, July 13,-The hi**, are tbe handicaps for the firat day 0 the Penang Race meeting i Race No 1, Five Furlongs —G v Lad 9.2, Wester Watten 8 8 W Pri Z 8.8, Darfur 8 4, Nankin 7 6. 7 Race No 2,
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  • 246 4 Knotty Point In Appeal Case. In the Stfpreme Court jesterdsv before Mr Justice Barret: Lt D card, an appeal by a Chinese bruke; Cheong Pek Tee, against a magi/ trate'a decision, was heard. Mr WAN Battenburg, for tb? appellant, stated that the chareagainst hit client was of ''volau
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  • 229 4 Atthe22ud half-yearly social of the S;raits Chin-se Reading C! held at the Prinsap-street Chu*< on Thursday las; week, under tl chairmanship of Mr Seng 0- w Siang. a very attractive programs was presented, taken part in b\ about 15-j pc song, th-* items including a sketoh
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  • 86 4 The Humphrey Bishop Comedy and Operatic Company, who arrived from Hongkong y-sterdny, open their season at the Victoria Theatre to-morrow night. Their openirjg programme looks very attractive In the midst of an amazing variety of vaudeville, excerpts are presented from that exceptionally pcpatat opera Cloches de Cornevilie"—
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 149 4 ROBINSON Co., Ltd. '/"Incorporated in the Strait* Settlement!.) i j Cigarette Cases Best Eletrop'.ated Nickel Silver. MIIISII I Ci., Ltl. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements ASPHALT Roads, Pavements, Flooring", etc. a Send your i orders to tbe Asiatic Petroleum 8t Men's Company <*«^ (S.S) Ltd. Singapore. Ire.ruorat 1 v L'n.'a
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    • 476 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) 86 PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. New Shipments JU3T ARRIVED OF Greenfield Stocks Dies with Taps Whitworth's Thread in case complete. Little Giant bcrew Plates with Taps in boxes from in. to \i in. Extra Hand Taps Whitworth's Thread from 14 in. I
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    • 25 4 IT IS NOT THE MONEY THAT COUNTS BUT QUALITY YOU CAN HAVE IT Shipchandlery Estate Supplies AT Kiam Kiat 6 Go. 108 109 ftarket St
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 153 4 WHEN AND WHERE. Tuesday, Jaly 13 High Tide».—0 44 a.m.. 1.44 p.m. R-int Aiappsaient Board, 2 15. Football 3 C C II v S C F A II. 8 F A, Committee M'<? 8 0 C 5.15. B Scontp, V and VI Troopp, Zetland Houbp, 5.15. Wedoesday, Jaly 14 High
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  • 145 5 fhc Polet admit a general retreat be/ore the Red of entire, and behind their hue panic it developing. The Polish bishops want ereryone to enlist. The Socialists mini peace, whilst urging the troop* to tight hard. Yon Seectt, in his Jig tires as to surrenders of war material
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  • 324 5 DEFENSIVE MEASURES HURRIeD ON. Reuter. Wamw, Jnly B—A Bcishevib ofensive iv th« middle D7ir.a region wi* repnlged wi.h lose. TV Pol*s gncc-PB.nilv connt<ratteehed south of the Dvina.— ■eater. Lcnlon, Jaiy B.—A Warsaw coiamndqn-' Btetei tint offers to B-rvt with ihe colon s are pouring in tress SO chra
    Reuter.  -  324 words
  • 18 5 WRAN GEL'S ADVANCE. Reuter. Constantinople, j Q]y io\_Gen troops have occupied a-fdianek, on the Sea of Azov.— K-Qter.
    Reuter.  -  18 words
  • 69 5 Reuter. den, Jnly 9.—\ number of are precautionary adopting r-.ioning in consequence of the *Uert refusing to purchase ue-kiii c d meat at tbe enhanced IB *-s 5 of beef at Birkenhead markets are tnmbling. noice Uel yesterday waß three- 3 OQD J cheaper. The bnt*Jl haes
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 28 5 Reuter. b f iLV 8l u ?a8 T.x tB .thattwelvH CoahuL t h VP b6en barned at new rl 0a ««ng rumours of W re luUou.-Reuter,
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  • 598 5 FURTHER ADMISSIONS BY GERMANS. Bad Impression Made. Reuter. Spa, July B.—Von Seeckt at, the c inference Baid that Germany had 6,000,000 rifl-B wbeti the war ended. 3a* lost 1,5 O.COO in the 1918 retr*a* f ah v b*d handed over to the -iiiies since nearly 1,690,0C0. The
    Reuter.  -  598 words
  • 49 5 Reuter. London, Joly 9.—Renter ia authoritatively informed that the Soviet Government h-s now aignU fied its willingness to -enter into negotiations forthwith for the rasomption of trade relations on the basis of the points laid down by the British Government in recent poorparlers with Erassin. —Renter.
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  • 46 5 Reuter. Parie. July B.—Le Matin's correspondent at Spa. referring to the coal position, aaya that with a view to obtaining priority for the Entente, it waa proposed to establish a permanent delegation of the Reparations Oommitsion in Berlin to deal especially with coal. —Renter.
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  • 24 5 Reuter. New York, July 8 —The Treasury haa purchased 233 thousand ounoea of ailver at a* dollar an ounce.—
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  • 122 5 FRESH MEASURES BY THE MILITARY. Grave Situation Repu ted. Reuter. New York, Joly B.— VrohMshop Mannix has appointed De Valera to the chair of Professor of Higher Mathematics, 8: Patrick's College, Mayrjooth.—Renter. London, Jaly 9.—The Dablio Oonnty Coanoil has resolved with one dissentient not to permit examination of
    Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 129 5 Reuter. London, July 7,—»1 orowded meeting of English, Scottish and Weigh m*<mbiri of Parliament discussed federal devolution. Mr Walter L rog, presiding, re. ferred to the failure of the present House of Commons to k>ep abreast of the growing volume of work. He believed the system of standing
    Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 131 5 Reuter. LoaJon, Joly 9. —Ia a m ssage to tbe British workers, Prinoe Kropotkin, who is living near Moscow, orges the reopening of relations of western natio s with Russia. He warns the workers of the west that the present regime is an example showing how communism
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  • 107 5 Reuter. The Hagoe, Joly 10.—The International Committee of Jorists of the League of Nations, in a commnniqvie. reporta that it fixed the fundamental principle a of the composition of ihe Conrt, after which the advisory committee diacnssed the states of judges and tentatively came to a conolasion that
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 58 5 Reuter. Washington, July 9.—The State D »p irtn ent says individnal licences will be reqiirei for the export of locomotives and railroad material to Soviet Russia. The decision was reached after communications with Bdtain and Fr nee. The State Department emphasises that the concession entails no
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 58 5 Reuter. London, July B—Sir R deiick Jones, chairman and managing direotor of R-otei'*, was maVried to-day at Chelsea O d Church to Miss Enid Bagnold. The Arohbishop of Capetown officiated, and Mr snd Mra Asqoi b, Lord and Lady Northcliff j Lord and Lady Lord and Lady Lytton,
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 51 5 Reuter. Ottawa, July 8. —The resignation of the Borden Government osm« into effect on July 10. It is officially announced that Mr Arthur Meighen, Minister of the Interior, will be entrusted with the formation of a new administration. There have been two retirements from the cabinet—Messrs Rowell and
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  • 80 5 GREEK FORCES CLAIH BIG VICTORY. Ge man Cans Captured. Reuter. London, Joly 9.-A Gieekocrjimunique Bays lhac in operations in Asia Mino the enernj's foic t> opposed to the northern arrnj nnriib9red twenty thousand, of whom Gf .*«-n hundred were killed or wounded and many oaptnred or I surrendered.
    Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 287 5 Some Striking Facts. Reuter. London, July o.—Lord London derry, opening the International Aero Exhibition, referred to th* recent m) arm's and exaggerated sta'etnems an-nt air developments ntfotb*? na Ims, «-sp« oially Germany H-» added that G «rrnany at present had forty nine aadertakings licensed to participate in air-traffic,
    Reuter.  -  287 words
  • 88 5 Reuter. London, Joly 9—The oommercial committee of the House of Commons gave a loncheon to Sir John Rtndles and presented him with an illuminated address. Replying to the toast of his health. Sir John said he had been the recipient of great kindness, courtesy and friendship in
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 82 5 Reuter. New York, Joly B—The Kiotz Throwing Company h i b»en plaoed in the hands of trustees owing to insufficient liquid apse's to mcc; immediate demands. Ton liabilities are eight million and the aeaetr. ex olasive of plant, eleven million dollars. The company's difficulties are believed to
    Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 66 5 Reuter. Washington, July 8—Mr F i-. child, President of the American Oonstitational League, baa instito < d proceedings in the Supreme Court of the district of Columbia to obtain an iijjmc ion forbidding Mr Colby to iesae a proclamation announcing the ratification of the female suffrage amendment to
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 45 5 Reuter. London, July 8.—In the Houte of Commons,Major Baldwln.replying to a question with reference to double income tax, said he hoped reciprocal action would be taken by the Djmi nions, but hitherto he had not ha I lime to enter into negotiations.—
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  • 213 5 FOOTBALL. Teams For Today's G-me. Oa the 8 0 0 groand this evening, the second elevens of the 0««i) and the 8C F A are to meet, aod. the eeleoted teams are 8 C G ll.—Millard Wat's Mill w andPalgrave Alexander, Valentine sad Chbm Walters, Mair, Heatb, Markh*m and
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  • 49 5 SCC Tt urn: meat. Yesterday's re*ul s Singles Handicap. J Nelson (miaas 3) beat H F Clifton Smith, 21—10. Doubles. N Trie and Elptnck (mioos 4) beat Bcrivener and Hatborn plus 6. 21—15. Main and Home plus 2 beat Ch iter and Cossins plus 2, 21 —16.
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  • 40 5 Home Results. Reuter. London, Jnly 9 Rvn interfered with play again. The Gloucester E'ts-x ma'ch was drawn the Worcester tna'ch was abandoned Leiorster b-at" D rby by six wick ta and tin Surrey v Hants* match was draw 1.—R->u»e\
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 36 5 D ivls Cop Results, Reuter. Eiflbiurn»", July 10.—In the Divia Cap Sini<l*ia th<i America, Johns'or». beat the Frenohaaan Gobrtrt 6—3, 8—6 f 6—3, and the America-. Tilden, Frenchman. Lm en'z, 4—6,- 6—2, 6—l, 6—3.—R^aier.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 56 5 Methodist Sport, ia X L Sports D»y a the KoaU Lumpnr Me hodist School occurred on Saturday, paren s and friends bein« prrsent in large numbers. The final s'Hges of 30 events were worked off and prizes were distributed by Mrs Oliver Marks, wife of th« acting British Resident.
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  • 601 5 The annual tonmammt finale r *i priz«> distribution of the Medic I Students' Rec eition Cinb were il on Satardty at tbe Sing E ward VII Medical Bchoo>, 3e.poy I.- "»s. Sixteen competitors took part in V*- cross coontry race, in which Drs I S Webser and
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  • 141 5 Sing »pore, Jnly 13. Bilver— 53jL. Tin.— (buyers). Rubber R-port —The market is ■till declining, principally on forward positions. Jnly Sh tram a acted aronn I 73$ Anenst 74, Aug/ Sept 74$ and Oc.ober/D ember 80$ with Janna*j/June at 90 c«n»s Share Market.— A trifle more
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  • 113 5 A requiem high mass for the soul of the late FrarMina Aroozoo wilt be s *rg at the Chu-ch of St Joseph on Thursday at 7 am. Friends and members of the Children of Mary are rospec fully invited to attend. By kind permission of Col L B Boyd-Moes, cmg.dso,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 225 5 I /iffigV l| t«e Wonder" Wfl) Records 80cts. c eh or 4 for $3 OO Missouri Waltz. I Manhattan Beach M%rch. Piokanninies' Paradise. Danube Waves Waltz. The Birds and the Brook. Eyes that Kay I love you Smiles. El C*piran Ye rf ,Tl g Beautif 1 O l .io Waltz.
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  • 506 6 By "Jay." The local picture b uses are patting on some very good items this wetk. At tbe Alhambra to nigbt Fight, ing 0 ids it one of tbe star features. This film is a special Goldwyn pro duction in seven reels, and the leading role is taken
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  • 140 6 Speaking at the annual meeting of the Rhyl Advertising Association, whicb urges tbe advantages of Rhyl as a holiday resort, tbe President, Mr P J Ashfieli, said that nearly one. half of the expenditure of tbe Association during tbe year had been in respect of newspaper advertising.
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  • 40 6 Esmeralda B'i from lUsw 13 7 Meran B'i f'om Bam P/ibht 13 7 Van Cloon Dat from S >urabaya 13-7. Ariake Mara Jap from Yokohama 13-7. Snram B<i from Hongkong 13-7. Giang Ann Bri from Batavia 13.7.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 129 6 A NEW SHIPMENT OF CAPSTAN MAGNUMS CIGARETTES OBTAINABLE FROM John Lilt c Co., Ltd. Bobinsoi Co., Ltd. $1.10. Per s o° f No More Disappoint ment. If /our Motor Cars enter for frequent repair*, just aend It to The Serangoon Motor Garage, 92 SERANGOON ROAD Junction of Serangoon Road and
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    • 820 6 Auction Salo of Damaged Oargo ex a. a KHIVA To be held at the P.* 0 Wharf 01 THURSDAY. Jll| 15, it 3 pm. Comprising Camphor, Lard, Hides. Tea, Varnish, Chinese Medicine and Skins. Powell Co., Ltd Auctioneers Incorporated in Singapore. Singapore, July 12, 1920. 13 7 15 7 Auction
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    • 60 6 Miss Sartina our new actress will take part To-Nlght! To Night I! AT THE STAB OPERA Tie Theatre North Bridge Road In a M ilay Historical Play in 6 parts Dan Dan Stfah Part 3 The Star Opera has no connec tion with any other show in Singapore Peons ISO*
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    • 159 6 White Teeth, Sweet Breath and Contentment ALL IN ONE PACKAGE OF WRIGLEY'S CHEWING GUM. Three Flavours: SPEARMINT—DO.UBLEMIJN T-J U ICY FRUIT. Rtnumber!! Jlfter Every Meal For Eale Every where MULLER PHIPPS (MALAYAN Ltd, Distributors. Motor Lorries. BRITISH Monthly Arrivals. For particulars apply GRAHAM M c PHILLIPS, Ltd. Sole Agents S.S.
      159 words
    • 57 6 mum ml tobacco co. 38 ROBINSON BOAD, SINGAPORE BratlMß at yPOH. KOA* ft LUMPUB A PERArIG Tas Wee Cigarette*. Our New Chop of kSSSs Tas Hee ci^arettes afi introduced into the j II you try onoe yon will con Certificates from Saltans who tL uae oar cigarettes testify 1 f
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 697 7 p. «0.-British India AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular nd Oriental S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) THE COMPANY'S MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPORE, .leypore about July 25 pj a^B
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    • 610 7 DOLLAR LINE. Regular Sailings From SINGAPORE to NEW YORK via NORTH CHINA and PANAMA CANAL. Tons Arriving Grace Dollar displacement 15,000 July 28 M. S. Dollar 19,000 Aug 18 Also operating regular lines to VANCOUVER SAN FRANCISCO. Through Bills of Lading issued from Singapore to the Principal Cities of the
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    • 495 7 Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. Steamers intended to sail from Singapore Cilypso—Monday, 4 p. m., for Teluk Anson. Perak—Monday, 4pm, for Port Swettenhnm and Penang. Eaka —Monday, 4.30 p. nv, for Malacca and Muar. Will o* the Wisp—Tuesday, 4pm, for Port Dickson. Lady Weld—Tuesday, 4 30 p. m-, for Malacca and
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    • 284 7 O.S.K. Thi Osaka Shosei Kalsha, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Japan) No. 2 Do Souza Street Piwssd Sailings from Singapore. (Subject to change without notice) European Line, PORT SAID. MARSEILLES, LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTER DAM AND HAMBURG. Himalaya Maru July 20 Alps Maru mid Sept New York Line. (via PANAMA CANAL) Honolulu Maru
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    • 531 7 NIPPON YUSEH KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) Uadar Mall Contract with the imperial Japanese Ooveraccrl (Subject to Altera'ions without Notice) European Mall Una Fortnightly Service For LONDON ANTWERP vi* MALACCA» PENANG COLOMBO, SUEZ, PORT SAID AY MARSEILLES Kamo Mani July 18 Iyo Maru Aug 4 AtsutaMar j U( < 11 Liverpool
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 598 8 t WANTED—A Housekeeper in Sing-pore pr ly Box No- 255, c/o Malaya Tribune. 87 v c WANTED.—A neat tracer of any nationality and also a junior clerk able to type, the latter to be of either sex. Apply to S. c/o Malaya Tribune 30 6 13 7 WANTED—A competent cor
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    • 495 8 NOTICES^ NOTICE Our sales-room is now located at No. 7, Bras Basah Road. SINGHR SOWING MACHINE Co. 24 6 23 7 NOTICE. Lloyd Trlest no S. N. Co We leg to ad vise that we are taking over the Agency of the arove Company at present held hy Messrs Paters'-n,
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    • 351 8 INSTJBANCE. The Overseas-Assurance Corporation, Ltd. (Incorporated in the Sti its Settlements.) BOABD OF DlEECTORS: Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng. OBJ, Chairman. Urn Nee Soon Esq Tan Soo Gaan Baa Ong Boon Tat Beg HQ Wong Be i Dim Chwre Chia-t Ea\ Tan Ean Kiam Esq Chna Foh Siang Esq Peah
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    • 497 8 BANKS. 7% Banqae Industrielle De Chine. (Incorported in France.) Authorised Capital Frs. 250,000,000 Subscribed 150,000,000 Paid-up 75,0«*x» (1/3 of the Capital subscribed by the Government of the Chinese Republic) Chairman of the Board of Directors: Andre Berthelot. General Manager: A. J. Pernotte. HEAD OFFICE: 74, Rue Saint Lazare, Paris. BRANCHES
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    • 520 8 BANKS. Tie Hi Hai| luk, Limited. Head Office Singapore, Baffles Chambers 4,5 A 6. Branches; Penang, 85 Beach Street. Malacca, 131 Junker Street. Muar, 77/79 Jalan Soleiman. Batt Pahat, 109 Jalan Bahama*. Agencies at London, New York, San Francisco, Shanghai, Hongkong. Amoy, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Palembang and Trang CAPITAL. Authorised
      520 words
    • 581 8 _JBANKS. CHARTERED BANI OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORA'. fiD IN ENGLAND. 3T ROYAL CHARTER. Paid ap Capital in 100,000 Sharea of £20 each £2.000,0' 0 Reserve Fund £3 000,0G0 Beserve Liability of Proprietors £2,000,000 BANKERS. Bank of England, London Joint Oity and Midland Bank, Ltd. London Coanty Westminster and
      581 words
    • 440 8 OTTO .SeHIPFNER 31 KLING STREET (Ist Floor) WATCHES sod JEWELLERY WHOLESALE SOLE AGENT FOR THE OMEGA WATCH Co., Switzerland THE ANGLO-SWISS W*TCH Co., CALCUTTA-SOLEUHE, fSwitzerland.; Old Sight or Presbyopia""" Cld Sight or Presbyopia is a defect of Eyesight caused by a late eldfcticity in the crystalline lenses, and muscles of
      440 words