Malaya Tribune, 9 July 1920

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
  • 28 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] SHIPPING GAZETTE. EVENING DAILY. Vol. VII. -NO 159 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1920 PRICE 5 CEMa The Malaya Tribune. FRIDAT, JTJaVr 9, 1920.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 145 1 j Mm Tribune ShlPpi Oazett©. The Popular N.vspaper of the Straits i-eitlemefits. Pub sued Dally. Complete Reports'of Local Eventspull and Latest Telegrams. Sports Notes by Expert Critics. The Sportsman's Paper. Piatt Jensen, Ltd., (Incorporated in Straits Settlements Singapore. Immediate Delivery. MOTOR LAUNCH Length 23 ft., Beam 4 ft. 4 in.,
      145 words
    • 30 1 PORT WINE Invalid. 1 Fine Oporto Wine. ii II I Obtainable I from the leading dealers. I I jl Bottling §11 Guinness I Bli StOUt Stocked by the leading dealers.
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    • 142 1 t' DALTON Adrttnf, fte r&iculariog r k *hcbl'iA jj ■—no gr pi; g <»» K'ii»i I mmm D<rmon*raiion Free Atmt M\ inc. I Incorporated in U.S.A., I 3»*. Flnlayaoa Graen, Sine Tore.. "ONODA" Portland CEMENT. Manufactured by Onoda Cement Manufacturing Company, Yamaguchiken, Japan. 4 SOLE AGENTS.Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. (INCORPORATED
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  • 10 2 [W* im mat mnmrfly mĕ&m Of acfwi ty eemeyoeiwUe.)
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  • 325 2 From PLBBITJ3: The various d it join ted and doubtful reports of coming wholesale fall in prio r m« y have canted a ware of optitn lim in the breasts of local inhabitants. Optimism is undoubtedly a finhinp. bat it Is of little nse wh-r jssed
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  • 254 2 Missionaries Among Women Opposition to prohibition propaganda in England ia being steadily organised, although at present the activities o£ the prohibition workers are chit fly concentrated on Scot, land, where a No Licence campaign is now in fall swing. Those responsible for the antiprohibition publicity have greatly improved
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  • 21 2 According to the latest statistics, 2,647,228 carats, valoed at XI 2,084, 629, represents the South African diamond oat; at for 1919.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 892 2 pHIiHIIHHtUIM^ I Is your Baby contented S Your baby can be contented andlhaepy, a joy towoj S !f hie food satiate him. Baby •houUtake hia bottlejfj»iff£2« should sleep peacefully, and weekafterjreek earn in 3 I A wclß ht and health like this baby, steadily building up jJEHnm. a strong, robust
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    • 168 2 BIG CHANCES. The man or woman who is suffering tha excruciating agonies of Rhea matism can't afford to waste time and money gambling with make-believe remedies. REAL RELIEF ii what is wanted—quickly and SURELY. That is why multitudes of sufferers torn to tbe time.tested and positively proven relief for Rheumatic
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    • 385 2 A NAME OF MERIT THAT NEVER FAILS TO Build Goodwill. PBEMO The roofing that tor many years has stood for all that is best in roofing material. PBEMO The roofing that satisfies everybody in every clime. PBEMO A roofing of distinction. Sound and reliable in every detail. Send for particulars
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 670 3 AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE Tanjong Pagar Road Trams Pass tbe Door. Ia the Second Show at 9 30 CllOniallAll ran make or unmake a m;n suspicion ss?;:"? 1 r can make him a success See what it rid for Harold Lockwood, everybody's fay write in tbe extraordinary screen
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    • 455 3 I 1 I From Wednesday, July 7. to Monday, July 12 Alhemhrw I Alhamrrat. is tha only I lac l i»«rtre theatre I where ten mm mm w IT"T A I Ll A HDD A I Orchestra •*m BW AaV I el Celtee.Coffee, lend fheFFST I eeeeeimo. The Hall for
      455 words
    • 220 3 fV X lift A tti Jk*J NEW PROGRAMME! Pick of .he World's Best Pictures ■«ootid Show at BIS Sharp !Miaw! New 9 Surprises ■J Mysteries aflKsHOiffitt^ KB aa ln EpiS dC 7 n PKkI» I Episode 8 of Kklb ■wgg _eag«aaanaaagaaaawajre of The All Bri&h Ser al' The Great Condon
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  • 603 4 From time o time we have whiten a good deal about traffic control, or rather iaok of it, ia Singapore. A very serious problem baa been allowed to develop before the very t yea of the. authorities, with only feeble attempts to cope with it. We say
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  • 327 4 Tin ii at 9131; ne tellers. j Rubber ia q toted at 1/1 If for Orepe and 1/10} for Sheet. Mr X S Man- wh 1' ft for Europe yeitetday. A notification in the F M S Government G.zute permit! the feeding of poultry with pad! and rice. The F
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  • 639 4 Robber Rejection Case. An interesting rubber contraot ease oommeuoed in the Bopreme Court yesterday before Mr Justice Barrett Lennard Tbe complainants were Messrs Patersou Sim >v* aod 00, Ltd, and the derenian s Messrs Otomune and Co, L d The Hon Mr M J Upc tr, fo tbe
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  • 239 4 Weadiog it the Cathedral. Al St Andrew's Cathedral, on Wednesday, with the Ven Archdeacan Swindell officiating, the marriage was solemnised of Pilot Offloer Henry Frederiok Osborne Farrell, R A F, of Bnngei Mahang Estate, Nilai, F M S, to Ethel Annie only daughter of Mrs E Naylor, of Buxton,
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  • 799 4 By "Qu.z." The Pio6;eeriog Commission have provided the joke of the week. jpoiuted, as the Editor baa ed v ,la reriuc the cost t.f liTir.f., tbei- firs' H< th been to it crease it. ou 1 of sympathy with tbe puor unfor uuate lanulouH A few more Commissions of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 180 4 ROBINSON St., Ltd. flaaarpurutad la Ik* tXaM* antiejMat*; 9* "PYRAMID" Handkerchiefs j New Stock 1,000 Dozen J White with Coloured eorders Overen i t»«<i Fast Colours White with White btrders JaaC Handkerchiefs British Menufaoture, iniksei i eg., iu7 mm* SJWSSW in tOP StnrfV 5.— r. ■jpjpjpjpsjaaaasaa snaseaawsaaesaaisjisMaasassexsiw^ ASPHALT "for Roads,
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    • 471 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) 86 PHILLIP STRKETt SINGAPORE. i New Shipment! JUST AfTRI m JED J OT Or eenfleid Stocks Dies with Taps Wfcitwor th's Ihread in cue complete. Little Giant *cr»ew Plates with Taps in boxes from H m to im Extra Hand Taps
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    • 29 4 IT IS NOT THE MONEY THAT COUNTS ess QUALITY YOU CAN HAVE IT ur Shipchandl- ry ft Estate Supplies 1 AT lias Kiat Co. 108 ft 109 Market St
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 129 4 WHEN AND WHERR. FrMay, Jafyt High TWml—3.00 ■,cd., 1.49 p.m. D«ol«h Comal M Horn» U—18 30. Football 9 0 0 v 8 RC. Slmtla AilaVlo HH B, Roblrt>n>ro«d ffrr.nod, B Boonla, b«id praoiic, 8.16 S« tarda?. Jaly IQ H<(rh —4.12 a.rn 4 88 p.w. 8 0 0 Tnawtmftrit-lfor* abirrta L-Z
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  • 156 5 ,(the Rubber A actions, prices <hoW ed an wl ranee on last U M, though the tone was dull. Share* experienced a rery Hackrceek, tl ere being only Variant sellers and shy biters. arClißmiS T Co drew at **$r. T*nm*J*r toJafi gime are giren. V.uldy m > h
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  • 116 5 GERMANS WILL BE KEPT IN H4ND. Reuter. London, Jcly s.—lnterviewed by the Evening Standard's representee at Spa, Mr Lloyd George •mphatiaed that the Germans would not be permitted in any wsy to discasi the merits of the Peace Treaty and would not be allowed io any sense to
    Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 56 5 Italy Not Satisfied. Reuter. Brasses, Joly 6.—The newspaper Soir learns that Italy, in return for the acceptance of a ten per centom share of the German Indemnity, demanded occupation of the district ot Heraclc priority tn the case of the Hungarian and Bulgarian indemnities, and abandonment to Britain of part
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 114 5 Tbe Question Affectiog Samoa. Reuter. London, July s—Replying to Ospt Wedgwood Benn and Mr J D Bilej, who complained of the remdentore 0 f Chineae labourers in Smqos before the issue of the manage, Lt-Col Amery emphasised that m matter was entirely within the control of the New
    Reuter.  -  114 words
  • 55 5 Reuter. JlSSPS' Jnl 6 Sir E Qed"word of honour to 2 MS, P lhln atlhe Embassy. foL? K that Brit8in ™»H not aElTV* P roTed themselves hour of need. inthL hlDg acce Pted the gift iftfiTi? lhemen of Ame?ica U»e o It T, meD o£ Britain r
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 16 5 Reuter. CZa JDly 6 H ome killed **C,!l WO trolled for St'a "dvsnoed
    Reuter.  -  16 words
  • 34 5 Saturday untitled important day T thoee Hindus who Patj TnLS Ipoh from diverse rCJ'*> they had the Si ,D thftlr mldst f T dB i!' and g Ah. T -0. |f y h.uala Lumpur,—
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  • 105 5 RULYV V C4RRI \GE TOPPLES OVER. NU in the Prog amine. Reuter. Bridgetown, Western Australia, July 5 —An accident occurred to the r.ain in which the Prinoe ti Wales was travelling. Whilst ronnding a carve, two of 'he r>y»«l taloons were thrown off the hu', hut nobody was
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 225 5 Rep tby Goverrment Bayer. Reuter. L wh n, July s.—Lord Inverferia's report an his world-wide dealings iv raw materials on behalf of the Government has been issued, and shows a toif-1 expenditure to sJa'ohtU, 1919, of £277,000,000, and total Ml s to £225 000,000. making a turnover o<
    Reuter.  -  225 words
  • 210 5 The Democratic Candidate Reuter. San Francisco, July s.—At the twenty-fourth ballot Oox had 429, MoAdoo 364, Palmer 178, and Davis 54. At the twenty fifth Cox had 424, McAloo 364, Palmer 169, and Davis 58,—Renter. San Franciaco, July 6.—Ballots were uneventful until the twentyninth, when owing to a
    Reuter.  -  210 words
  • 132 5 London, July 6,—The Admiralty has ordered the sale ot eighty-five destroyers, London, Jnly 6.—ln the House of Commons in the Budget debate, Mr Chamberlain annonnoed that he proposed to reduce tbe fifty per cent ad valorem duty on sparkling wlnts to 3,3f per cent.— Renter. The Deputy Controller of Labour,
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  • 148 5 BIG REVERSE SUFFERED AT BALIKESRI. British Navy In Action. Reuter. London, Jnly 6—The Tirr.»s learns that th** Tn kiah Aafaut ht Balikesri has !"•>• i toor* c >irtpj* than was st ti «t reported. There is little s*p*ev*»i<t > that tb* Tn»ki»h foroea oat off la L v
    Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 160 5 Imperial Scheme Dlicissed. Reuter. London, Jnly s.—The British Empire Timber' Exhibition, whioh was opened in L >ndon this afternoon by Prince Artbnr of Connsugbt, oontsined a very represent, stive oolleotion of timbers. The Prince in a apeeeh r*f*»rred briefly to his impending departure to South Africa, wh' re
    Reuter.  -  160 words
  • 167 5 The Slam untitled states that a very big Japaneae Company Is shortly to be started In Bangkok, with half the capital Btameee. It will do an import and export basiness and have branches or agents in sll the mr-nshons. It Is also to have its own newspaper. Those who rem-mbor
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  • 88 5 Weekly Auction. Chamber a! Coamerct Report- Singapore, Joy 7 A 8. Catalogued 2,199 674 lbs. 982 tons. Offered 1,875,880 lbs, 887 44 tons Sold 1,155,782 lb*. 515.94 tone. Prices Realised Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cte» per lb. Singapore standard Quality 7fs to 7ty Off Quality 62 75 Crepe Singapore
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  • 43 5 Messrs Barlow A Oo'a produce report atates that a further improvement i i the copra market has to be reoorded and closing quotations are sa follows No. 1 Standard $17.80 to $17 50 M 2 16.80 17.00 3 16 30 16 50
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  • 129 5 Si*- gapor*, Jaly 8. At the weekly rubber auction held yeaterday and to-day. demand waa on a limlte < acale and only the very belt loti were taken op by the few bnyeri operttlng, robber a little off In quality being neglected. Value* ihow a recovery
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  • 460 5 From 1st, to 7th. Share Market.—Conditions monotonously dull. And until the eom modities, rubber and tin, give tome definite lead, buyers and sellers may be expected to continue to play their waiting games. The business of the week was almost negligible, probably the smallest for
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  • 195 5 Singapore, Jaly 8. At the weekly rubber aaotion, held yesterday end to-day, demand was on s limited scale and only the very best lots were taken np by the few buyers operating, rubber a little off in quality being neglected. Value i show a recovery on, the
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  • 525 5 FOOTBALL. SCCII? itriits Trading Co. BY REYNARD. Quite an exciting match waa pro vided by tbe aecpnd eleven of the SCC and the team from the Straits Trading Co on tbe Padang yesterday, though the fuotbtll, except in the forward and intermediate work of 'ha 8 T Go, was
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  • 66 5 The Elizabeth Cup. The Sic*»pore Yacht Club's second handicap race for the Elizabeth Cup will be sailed on Sunday morning Coarse :—start TJ X Pier, inside breakwater, ronnd Malay Spit baoy, man o' war buoy, iosice markbeat off starting point, outside markboat off Swimming Club, inside markboat off Bea-View
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  • 129 5 Ipoh Clob Tournament The following were tbe winners in the recent Ipoh Clab Lawn Tennis Tournament Men's Singles" A "—O F J Green Men's Singles B'\—G S Magill and L Purvea. Men's Doubles.—E H L Gilbert and J Hall. Mixed Doables. Major and Mrs Stamford Raffles. Professional Pairs.—J
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  • 147 5 Varsity Internationa! Meeting. Princeton University have tele graphed accepting the invitation ot Oxford and Cambridge to tend a track team to compete in a Univer ■ity iporte meeting, to be held In London in Jnly. Local Scoots' Sports. The Slogapotw ScouU' Inter-Troop •porta will be held oo Mpfte-y, Aag
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  • 156 5 Serembio Cop Eve ts. Two new ra a have been y< eseir ed for competition to ih» eeremben Oolt Clab, one by Mr Justice Sproule and 'be other by tbe Hon Mr W J P Home. j Playing in •n second roand of the Gme i Cap, J B
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  • 46 5 Cops for Penang Meeting. In addition to the cape p etented for tbe forthcoming Ivo-..; Race meeting, Mr W V der Woade baa preeented another beautiful cap, which ths committee of the Clab propose to allot to Raos No 7 on tbe first day.
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  • 178 5 8 ».,ai'ore, Ju j 9. Silver 54. Hongkong 60|. Tin. Buyers 9131 Robber Report. Tbe maik*t ia slightly weaker, 8 ttndard Bhe« transacted amnnd Jniy Aov/ Sept 78}/79, Oc«/DrosmU-r 834/84. Share Market. Dnll and depressed. Robbers.-—Ne glee t c d, Colinsborghs sold at 05.7<, aud Poupfore
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  • 80 5 A 16 year old Chinese clerk, Chis Ho Chan, wbo, as p:vvioualy report ed, was charged with criminal misappropriation of a eh- que valne $661 belonging to Mr N AM Griffin, and whose case was postponed, was brought np in tbe thi d polios curt before Capt Rowbotfam yesterday, convicted
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 250 5 COLUMBIA (fff The exclutrive system of tone Waffll control of the Columbia Grafonola enables y»u t > modulate itß tone volume with merely a touch. Prices from $98 Gine lii and tar It play tor Little Wonder Records The newest H!TS SO cts. each. v Columbia R-•■«.r--s are ideal <
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  • 197 6 Jaoe Crop Returns. Barlow and C*. Ajeat* lbs. Ayer S. n v? Brsdw*h 49.438 Cher* •«<. saj 58 619 D*nni«»wi 40,645 HighiK a Qr oow ntra '26,581 Klabai.* 33,725 Krlan 31,700 Songs X > n 73,500 Song-i W y 53,242 Pern ts 22. Msjsme 21,250 Sekoig 20,820 KoaU
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  • 41 6 Delivered In Loodoo. Thfl following ore Ihe da. g h iftpftrtnr* from Singapore ot th Saropean teaih et.d in»ir deliver) •v Londoti. OBLivanan May 23 Jnne 15 do 20 do 17 do 27 do 22 Jane 3 Jaly 5
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  • 146 6 Thie food will remain open for n ■bort time only. Tbe aim ii to raise $30,000 Shanghai currency) in Chioa and am- ng the Chin ie abroad to eobticue tie work of the late Dr Richard in th« p eparetion and die tribo ion of
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  • 116 6 A Universal speoUl attraction, TJ'icW Bi»p»C'f»n, H a splendid c>m»dy-dr*m» rich in homonr, well-scud, «nd with plenty of heartinterest and bnn-en appeal, will be screened at th« Liberty Hell to-night in the *»arly show. In the second show, M'« Cbarli* Ghaplln'i featore pUy Home," In which th* tela*
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  • 13 6 Aloinoni Bri from Liverpool 9-7. Ariitbit Ger from Paneb 9-7.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 126 6 A NEW SHIPMENT OF CAPSTAN MAGNUMS CIGARETTES OBTAINABLE FROM John Litt c Co., Ltd. Rebinsoi k Co., Ltd. $1.10 •"eSS* I So More Disappointment. I If year Motor C«re eater for freqaent repair*, I lust aend It to The Serangoon Motor Garage, I 9* SERANGOON ROAD y .1 unction of
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    • 675 6 J BIBBY L N£. a c, W *RWICKSHIRE, tailing from Rangoon July 20 A few passages utiil available. Apply Pat*raon. Simons ft Co.. Ltd. (Incorporated in England.) 9 7 P7 n it -1 r~i For Penang Calcutta Th* I C. S N. Co'e s c KUMtone, in expec ed l
      675 words
    • 238 6 Property Mle. The following Singapore propertii i were told by public aoetiou at Mem a Ching Keng Lee and Go's tale, room, R fflei Chrmb*>rs, Raffles Place, on Monday afternoon Freehold land and boases 51 ai d 82 Orchard road, area 3 230 iq f bought by Mr Ong Eooo
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    • 173 6 SraSo Told You about 4 Wrigley's Chewing Gum Somebody must have, because EVERYBODY'S USING IT. Three Flavors i 1 SPEARMINT-DOUBLEMIJST-JUICV FRUIT. R«m«mb«r Jl Iter Every Sff «Ba*l Fop Bale Everywhere, MULLER ft PHIPPS (MALAYA\ Ltd, Distributors. "SERVICE" Motor Lorries IN STOCK 1, l l s 2, 2 1 ton models.
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    • 58 6 tmm BROS. TOBACCO do. j 38 BOBINSON BOAD, BINGAPOBE Bra**** mt IPOH, MO At A LDHPUH PERARQ. j Tas Wee Cigarettes. Our New Chop ol Tas Hee Cigarettes Jnfit introduced into tbe fcsSSBSn market.. I' you try onoe you will con ■BML&Lg£fIS I viaoe yourself D.l Certificates from Sultans who
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 70 6 Mails Close. THiy. Batavia, Samarang and Soar» bay a M»)chior Trenb 3 pin Telok Anton *Hye Long 3 pm Penang,* Rangoon and Catantta D lagoa Mara 3 pm llaboea and Mnar -Lv?y W«|d 3 rm MM an Van Goens 3 pm P<ntl»n>k Ban Fo Soon 3 pm I P*»fan8* and
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  • 467 7 Malevolent Exchange When the question ie aaked to-day What la the prict of rabbet it ia eaay to aay that the fine plantation crepe ia qnoted 2 a 3d a lb, oi whatever the London tpot price el the day may be, bnt tbe
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  • 150 7 Bill to Reduce Age Limit. Tn a puptb m»nt to the FMS Doveri ruent G*z«tt« issued a dayfl 'go a am ll draft Bill is nbto am-nd tbe Pt-nsion enacmenta of 1906. The s a*meLt of otfl and reasons says —Und»r theexis'ing law a publio
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  • 152 7 A World's Record. Paris. Jane 4 —The ay atora Bos Boutrot and Barnard have road* a world's fl ght < urvioD record of 1.4*9 mioatre. They intended to at ewpt a flight of 2,400 mi utea but rain coa pelled them to descend Tbe Pat in Journal reprrts that
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  • 87 7 A London cable of June 15 states The market is inclined to look to a further fall in tbe price of silver owing to tbe very large amounts which continue to be offered from the Continent and eUewhere. Dr Handy, after nearly two months in .Hospital, underwent a serious operation
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  • 148 7 Untold millions in cold and pilv*»r and otb«r p'*oiou« oomrcioditwH» have h<*»n sonk doring the war by sobmarineB snd o>b*rwiBe. N»'nrally, m«n at once B°t their brain8 to wo k to try fo rfcover «err* of thin treasure, particularly in thru»» waters where Btink«»n sbipfl are ■tr>wn
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  • 35 7 The man who writes a untitled article to show bow b*er b<»vkl tb* Brlron b*B net finished his j->b until he coti ahead and tella na how i didn't pave 'be Germans N'WB and Observer.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 824 7 CHAIN BLOCKS. «or»l>43i?tt. Morris, Ltd. LOUGHBOROUGH, ENGLANDI New Stock (5 cwt. to 5 Tons.) JUST REI O JELZ IYED OF THE FAMOUS jrf. M Worm-Gear Pulley-Blockfi H M. Spur-Gear Pulley-Blocks H M Geared <Sc Ungeared Travelling Trolley* I SpCed iff m fa"* Mi Cut-G<:ars I Durability 111. 11] j Safely
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    • 439 7 Style- I I 1 II 111 m In outstanding grace of line and jO| IB luxury of appointments, the Auburn 11 hi Beauty-SIX marks the ultimate M X 4 triumph of motor car designing. m i AMBURN BwutySlX I M And Auburn performance is a perfect com- f H plement
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  • 546 8 London Moseom Treasures. Remarkable statements concerning a fine collection of Elizabethan jewe'o iv the Gold Room of tbe London Vusecm, Lancaster House, St Jamet'a s W, were made to a repreeentat• of tbe Daily Mail" by an authority in fall possession, of tbe facta, who desires to remain
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  • 242 8 I'a i nts Offering of a Baby An extraordinary story of nli»t would appeal as misplaced faitb M 'he sanrian c mtt from Bagerbnt, liidia A shocking c*se of infant 1 cide, an oorcome of an extraordinaiy type ot belitf. occurred bera some days agu. A man named
    242 words
  • 81 8 If any untitled should slip into b>av> t g'-od.bye to tkeuu sreetg of g Ad I— Atlanta Constitution, D'-ttc ive «ays probibi im h*s mad* ibievr-a 'slicker.'' Well, htvet 't the (.olicft be«-r. similarly bot efitted?—l: It qatrer. Parliament might reoiprocate th» compMojADi by pqseirg a vote of svmpatby for
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  • 176 8 The funeral to k pUce at the Bidadari Cemeer* yesterday morning of Capt >h inpt n Kobin»ou. who died at the General Hospital on Thursday. Among those attending the funeral we c Commander B A v.'ato Lieut.. Do.uinai d r0 A Pe«K «M Hon Mr R
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  • 190 8 New V V, U*J 19. th* Rr* D Mrtn.nji's c inn;nn «»tloD to the S n*~ h a k*d to a elrideut cry of aiafiu rvtfnMii g th« Ititurr- tl ion utl aup llt~« of this connf'v. Arid*! Hr iinbHes) ~<l aylottasj »»»»< 'hat. tn«TJ i'Hd S
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  • 177 8 (The E litor of the M M»l*y Mill.") sir,—We h8vt» b*ard a gr*a» d«*al l*t«-ly at-ont th* lew p»ic*of robber, and it h-»s «v»n be« n snge-Bted that we should be paid 4* per lb for it. H<>w*»v*- no anggea iona appear la h» tnriho imit'K
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 161 8 p J IIGOSOUS FEALTH. The y for eff c ive service depend, vary largely, on tbe choice of dm ks. FORT-REVIVER FO&TJFiES BEVIVES. This is a capital beverage, of which eve y ii gredient irak«-s for vig rons health. Chose t your drink, it r.ot only quenches y«' r ihirrt,
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    • 495 8 4 Nerves w Oor oerveaare similar to an intricate network of telegraph wires. Controlled and nourished by a portion of the brain —known aa tbe nerve centres —the delicate threadlike nerves radiate m all directions throughout tbe body. So long as the nerve centres are capable of continually supplying nourishment
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    • 964 8 wmf' Tho distinctiveness and individuality of I A State Express Cigarettes compel ad3^ miration. The c harm lies in their x M if undoubted quality. CIGARETTES Obtainable cf Tobaccon'sts, Pi ROATH iOBAGGG GPm ltd ondoß I For Sale j One Douglas Motor Cycle with SideCar, 2 Cylinders, 4| h p..
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 666 9 P.&O. British India AND APCAR LINE. Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsula r Oriental S. N. Co. (Under Contract *ih His Majesty's Government) THE COMPANY'S MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPORE. Jeypore about July 25 about July 29
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    • 553 9 DOLLAR LINE. Regular failings From SINGAPORE to NEW YORK via NORTH CHINA and PANAMA CANAL. Tons Arriving Grace Dollar displacement 15,000 July 28 U. S. Dollar 19,000 Aug 18 Also operating regular lines to VANCOUVER SAN FRANCISCO. Through Bills of Lading issued from Singapore to the Principal Cities of the
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    • 521 9 Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. Steamers intended to sail from Singapore Calypso—Monday, 4 p. m., for Teluk Anson. Perak—Monday, 4 p m-, for Port Swetteuhnm and Penang. Eaka —Monday, *.3U p. m., for Malacoa and Muar. Will o* the Wisp—Tuesday, 4 p m-, for Port Dickson. Lady Weld—Tuesday, 430 p<m for
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    • 280 9 O.S.K. The Osaka Sbosei Kalsba, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Japan) No. 2 De Souza Street PrtptSMl Sailings from Singapore. (Subject to change without couoe) European Line, POBT SAID. MARSEILLES, LONDON, ANTWEBP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. Himalaya Maru middle Jnly Alps Maru Sept New York Line. (via PANAMA CANAL) Honolulu Maru beg. Sept
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    • 542 9 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) Usder Mail Contract with tbt Imperial Japanese Qoraracccl (Bubject to Alterations without Notice) European Mall Una Fortnightly Servioe For LONDON ANTWERP via (MALACCA) PENANG COLOMBO, SUEZ, PORT SAID MARSEILLES. Kamo Maru Jul 18 AtsutaMaru Aug Ll Iyo Maru Aug 24 Liverpool Line For LIVERPOOL
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 599 10 WANTED. W»NTED —A Housekeeper in Sinfpo.e. Ap-ly Box No. 865, c/o Malaya Tribune. 87 v c WANTED. —8 neat tracer of any i.atu m>lit\ and al-o a junior clerk abe to ype, the latter to be of c 'her sex. Apply to 8. c/o M lay < Tribune 30 6
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    • 778 10 NOTICES f ■a Jaa -rr sjfcsaa 9 NOTICĔ Our sales-room is now located at No. 7, Bras Basah Road. SINGIR SLWISd MACHINE Co. 24 6 23 7 notice:. The vacancy advertised by us has. been filled- Applicants thanked. NIRIIB i LlttlB lISMIKf I, Ltl. 7 7 10 7 NOTICE Mah
      778 words
    • 444 10 INSURANCE. I* THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Co., Ltd. *ESTAx>LIS H ET) 1874. Incorporated in India. FUNDS exceed Wye Crores Rupees. Absolute Security. IB6WMIIII SS.BII 140.09 Ensunuist anwttcl in 1918 $1,147 62.00 Total Policies in force 89,405 assuring with Bonus Additions $98,817,617.00 New Business for tbe year 1918. Establishes
      444 words
    • 510 10 1 BANKS Banque Indnstrielie De Chine. (Incorported in France.) Authorised Capital Frs. 150,000,000 Subscribed 150,000,000 Paid-ap 75^000 (1/3 of the Capital subscribed by the Government of the Chinese Republic.) Chairman of the Board of Directors: Andre Berthelot. General Manager A. J. Pernotte. HEAD OFFICE: 74. Rue Saint Laxare, Paris. BRANCHES:
      510 words
    • 515 10 BANKS. 11l Hi Hill Bail, Unlttl. Head Office Singapore, Raffles Chambers 4,5 ft 6. Branches Penang, 85 Beach Street. Malacca, 131 Junker Street. Maar 77/79 Jalan Snleiman. Bate Pahat, 109 Jalan Bahama*. Agencies at London, New York, San Francisco, Shanghai; Hongkong. Amoy. Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Palembaug and Trang. CAPITAL. Aathorlsed
      515 words
    • 564 10 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CNINA. IBOORPOBA'i CD IB ENGLAND. BT ROYAL CHABTEB. Paid mp Capital In 100,000 Shares of £20 each J2.000.00i Reserve Fend £5 000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £2,000,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London Conner Wertminsswr and Parr's Bank,
      564 words
    • 432 10 ©TT© S6HIPFNER 31 KLING STREET (Ist Floor) WATCHES and JEWELLERY WHOLESALE SOLE AGENT FOR THE OMEGA WATCH Co., Switzerland. THE ANGLO-SWISS W/sTCH Co, CALCUTTA—SOLEUBis, rSwitzerland ■mimiMmiiiMn. Hi.. nm mm vw-'Mnmii'V^ann'waM. a, i ■iiiMnn i —I ■mi Old Sight, or Presbyopia j Old Sight or Presbyopia is a defect of Eyesight
      432 words