Malaya Tribune, 8 July 1920

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 30 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. (EVENING DAILY Vol. VII.- -Mo 15S SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1920 PRICE S Ctl* Ot The Malaya Tribune. THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1920.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 118 1 The M?!aya Tribune AND s Shiopi- g O^zetto. The Popular Newspaper of the Straits ttlements. Pub sißd Dally. Complete p >rt* of Loci Events Poll and :,ateat Telegrams. Sports Notes by Expert Critics The Spcrtsma&'s Paper i 11 1 Piatt Jensen, Ltd.,] (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) I Singapore. I Immediate
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    • 8 1 ;§jjgf nun 1 FIRST I AVOURITE. FOR I
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    • 193 1 IJ> DAllrtw 1 Adding. Listing and I r*lailntlßg Htcbfne I Kffl mr'e a d Eaty to 1 oper t9 !0 Keys only 11W I pr S rr P'' Bor hunt 1 I BzL 4 ing for the right key r\*k for w9mßSSmm Demonstration a Free XkW* Trtel. J'ChBD, Tile' Hill,
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  • 382 2 New Venture ia England. Moving plot ores sre invading th#» Bngliah Chnreb. The mott smbi tioni attempt so far was at St Bartholomew's Church, Birmingham, on Good Friday evening. There, after the nmal aervioe, s screen was lowered across th* ehanoel in front of the altar, th* lights
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  • 133 2 Reuter. Washington, July 5.—The trade returns show that the exports to Europe amounted to $385 millions to Sonth America $58 millions; Iodia $76 millions; and North America $152 millions. The imports from 1 Europe were $92 millions; Sonth America $63 millions; India $106 millions; and North
    Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 35 2 Reuter. London, July 1.—The German raper Zeppelin L71, built specially to bomb New Tork, surrendered under the Peace Treaty, has arrived in England. It is the largest airship in the world —Renter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 53 2 Berlin, July 1.—Severing, Prussian Minister of the Interior, has informed the Foreign Office that he refuses to disband the security oolioe, though he is williog that Entente officers should supervise heir employment and equipment —Renter. •'We will never forget I" say the Germans. Oood—that waa the purpose of the lesion.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 995 2 injuiiiiM I Your Baby should enjoy Childhood's I Happy Days I mm There is no doubt a bout this baby en joyifig Ĕ sflLSr childhood's happy days. She waa reared oo W f&lfsp Jlaxo. Your baby can be just aa strong and E WSmmF *d j!u healthy, just as bright
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    • 154 2 Ache and Pain Insurance. Ton insure your house against Art, yoa insure yoor life—why not injure yourself against ache* and pains Uttll'l IrHHtl alia is an Ache and Pain Insurance, for those who keep it handy can have INSTANT relief from Backache, Headache, Rhea, matism, Nearalgia, Sprains and EVERY pain,
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    • 283 2 I A NAME OF MERIT THAT NEVER FAILS TO Build Goodwill PREMO The roofing that for many years has stood for all that is best in roofing material. PREMO The roofing that satisfies everybody in every clime. PREMO A roofing of distinction. Sound and reliable in every detail. Send for
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    • 107 2 Cheap English Bicycles RIID6F WHITWORTR—NORMIN Vfj «JUBT ARRIVED A consignment of strong English Bicycles *Wfflf){| specially imported to suit eaute r*n,mements 1 GOOD VALUE FOR MONET iHgftll Cash Pncs) Rudgs 01 SO lv TaUtf »Torman 120 Free ou rail Barbour Johnstone Co., Ld., JsVS, Bafnea Plate, Ttisjipsai Eureka Motor ft
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 982 3 iMARLBOROUGH The Ha I for Oomfort, Good Music and Good Pictures Beach Road. I fro- S mdav, July 4. to Friday J il y 9. Second Show eat 9 p. m STRONGER A STRONGER AS IT NEARs THR END Tn? sl*n*l serial of thrills end sensirion Fenturing HELEN HOLMES AND
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    • 305 3 e!f wßsßl I ear m\w\w\\\' CH'NGE 01 PROGRAMME! •cooud Ihow at ltt Iharp The Thrilling All-British Serial THE GREAT LONDON MYSTERY Episode 5. "THE HOUSE OF MYBTERY" 6« "ECHOES OF THE PAST" (To be continued on Friday.) 'At lO p. as. DOROTHY 'DALTON In the Thomaa H Ince Production, a
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  • 149 4 Thursday, July 8 High Tides.—2.lo a.m., 3.59 p.m. Kemaman, Oh Bank Bldg, 11 45. Football 8 0 C II 8t Tr Co. B Soontt, Phy ileal Onltiure, 5 15 Exec. Committer, Zet House, 850. Mr Htoart Bell's leotare, V M C A. 1.46. Friday, July 9 High
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  • 631 4 It is a sorry world that we live in to-day. Politics com-, bine with economics to harass mankind in its struggle to throw off the burdens resulting from the great war. Amongst the vital commodities concerning whioh a world shortage is said to be ahead is petrol.
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  • 270 4 Tin is at $130.75 175 tons sold. Rubber is quoted 3/- for Crepe and 1/11 for Sheet. Mr Denning Kemp, local manager for tbe Roneo Go, arrived baok in Singapore yesterday after Home furlough. The oaee in whioh the Hylam head boy of a local European hotel is obarged with
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  • 335 4 Premier oa Current Problems. The Shan tang Deadlock Mr H Tamasaki, Acting Co solGeneral for Japan, courteously sends us the text (received by' cab!-) the speeches of the Japanese P ime Minister and Foreign Minister at tbe special session of the Diet on Saturday last. The Prime Minister
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  • 398 4 The first meeting of untitled tive of the Oeneral Labour I «u.-nit-tee of British Malaya wee to be held in the PA M Chambers. Knala Lumpur, to-day at 10 am. The "Straits Echo" writes very strongly In condemnation of the Penang Munioipal Commissioners' aotion in deoiding "in camera" im* portent
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  • 748 4 Killed on the 8.8. China. Singapore Passenger's S.or. A very sad mishap occurred on board the P4O C iua i 0 ,ft,t Arabian Se% on Jane 23 wh* n the vessel w»s two days oat of ombay on her way from London to a oat r lia.
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  • 90 4 Rubber- Singapore, July 7, The market firmed up somewhat, early this week, but at the opening of the Auotions this morning U was dull. Standard Sheet sold at 75f and 76$ oents, an advance of 4f oents on the week, while Standard Crepe at the same figure shows
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  • 42 4 The Rev J Butterworth will conduct divine servioe st Johore Bahrn on Sunday and Monday vex Evensong on Sand ay at 6 p &>• Hnly Communion on Monday»' 7 80 a m.A meeting of oburoh people will be held after Ivensoag on Sunday,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 157 4 ROBINSON I CO., Ltd. I (Incorporated ia the Strata SettitnMaa.) "PYRAMID" Handkerchiefs New Stook 1,000 Dozen White with Coloured Borders Oaaranteed \Tmmt Coloun White with White forders Handkerchiefs British Manufacture. BBBINSON ft CO., Lid. < Incorporated ia tt* Strait* Settlement) ASPHALT f or Roads, Pavements, Flooring;, etc. •ea a cI•
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    • 437 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straita Settlements) 86 PHILLIP STREET. SINGAPORE. N«w Bhipmenti •JUST ARRIVED OF Greenfield Stocks Dlea with Tape Whit worth's Thread in case complete. Little Olant Screw Plates with Tape in boxes from Vt in to M in. Extra Hand Taps Whit worth's Thread from
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    • 30 4 IT IS NOT THE y MONEY THAT COUNTS BBS QUALITY i YOU CAN HAVE IT or Stalpchandlery ft Estate Supplies AT Kiu liat 6 Co. 108 ft 109 Market St
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  • 216 5 President Ebert has assured the newly arrived British Ambassador that Germany means to meet her obligations and dispel Allied distrust. But she is busy crying poverty again. She says that she cannot Julfil her promise oj May last, and suggests that reparations should be counted in the indemnity.
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  • 244 5 GREEKS AND ITALIANS DISAGREE Reuter. London, Joly 3.—The Times Smyrna correspondent says the Greeks resum°d the offensive, and ire advancing nor .h of Soma along the railway to P<*nderma, threatening to oat off th- Nationalist foroes around Mount Ida, and near the Aiiatio shores of the Dardanelles.— Beater.
    Reuter.  -  244 words
  • 61 5 Reuter. din J? 001 00 Jol y 4 -The first Sr u breik th« seventh •wa„ Wtfta tae N w Y <>* State. 18 Q l; ,v,D c °x 68 and MoAdoo JeraJ ther| N«W •»y also veered towards Cox. wiiih' fc ll, *">l that the move
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 117 5 LORD FREN H HOOTED BY CROWD. Hew Labour V tws Tbl gs. Reuter. L.nlon. July 5.—P *M Marshal Fr-t cb, IandntaMj m% Q I orn dts -.ivyr-r, w«e $mn i vtion by a ftfcrwtf, whiob followed and booted fci-> despi tb* itriKtefJ gnard.- Renter. LijdoD, Jn!y 5.—rwo Siui
    Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 106 5 Companies to Co-operate. Reuter. New York, Joly 2—The meeting of the Associated Railway Excutives has appointed an Advisory Committee of nine exeoutivee to deal with transport emergencies through the co-operative action of all rail roade, with an luter-S:ate Commerce Commission. It was annoanded that the step had been
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 64 5 Good News F. oin Wales. Reuter. LmdoD, Joly 5.—The biggest bias foro oe of the world has been •ncoissfully inaagara;*d at Ebbw V-de where the weekly output is s imated a< 3 000 tons. The new works it is hoped will create a revelation in the steel
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 59 5 Reuter. Perth, July B,—The Prince of Wabs had a wonderful reception. There were two miles of cheering crowds. He was given a reception by thousands of ex Service men and nnrsts at th*< theatre,and at luncheon in the Town Hall. H i held a levee and investiture
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 48 5 Reuter. Genoa, July 2.—Mr Barlow, reporter to the unemployment committee of the Seamen's Congress, presented a draft convention abolishing private employment agencies He suggests as a substitute free state agencies, seamen to have free oboioe of ships. The convention likewise provides for insurance employment after shipwreck.—Renter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 32 5 Reuter. London, Joly 3—The House of Commons has rejected by 168 to 46 an amendment to the Unemployment Insaranoe Bill making the Bill non-oontribntory on the part of the unemployed.—Renter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 35 5 Reuter. London, Joly s,—ln the House of Oommom, replying to a question, Mr Bonar Law stated that the sugges.ion to establish an Allied court in Holland to try the ex. Kaiser waa impracticable.—Renter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 31 5 Reuter. London, Jnly 5 —In the Home of Commons badges discussion, a Labour motion for the abolition of the tea duty was defeated by 342 votes to 45.—Renter.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 138 5 The case of the Straits Steamship 00 versos the steamship Hong Wan 1 was brought np in the Supreme Court again yesterday and was postponed, on the application of Mr L E Gaunt tor the defenoe, until the 27.h inst, the Captain of the vessel being away. The case concerns
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  • 885 5 GERMANY FINDS HER BURDENS HEAVY. "Loyal to the^Treaty." Reuter. Brasses, Jaly 2 —A new G 'rroar not* hai been d»-hver<«d <o th»--*x i II-f», end*avonrlng 10 show th*« <?vrruan7 is crushed by her war burdens and taxation, and u-iring mitigation of the financial peso* t"-rare —Boater. Berlin, Jnly
    Reuter.  -  885 words
  • 197 5 MPs aSK WKW RD QUESiIONS. Pop se Dtb le Ou the ia((e Reuter. I id q. July 5, —In the ouse of CummuLi, replying t0 Col LE r <mge >lr "hi. ne, aud Cap' Wfdy wood Benn wi h regard t i ti e rpp< rt of conve«a«ti
    Reuter.  -  197 words
  • 54 5 Reuter. Paris, July 5,—On the oeeation of J nly 4, the American A rut aw ad or laid a wreath on the grave of Lafayette, and presided over a march past of 10,000 war-orphans at the Tailleries receiving relief from American organisations. General JofiV, M Poinoare and several
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 40 5 Reuter. Cairo, Joly 5 Abd E Rahman, Secretary to the local oommittee of the Egyptian delegation to London, has b'-en arreo*»d. Considerable importance is attach ed to bia arree<, snd important de. velopments are aspen ted, —R nter
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 32 5 London, Joh 4.— Th* death from B igh.'a ttsaasSfS hascoonrred of 8or geon-Qener»l Wilha-n Crawford Gorgse, President, inter aJi-, of tb< Amerioan Sooiety of Tropioil Me l icine.—Re q er. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 263 5 Sporting; Club Refuse Racecourse. The progress of 1 eel aviation has received a eet-back in tbe deoieioi. of he Committee of tbe Singapore port ing Clab not to allow he ase of the Rae> course for an aerial exhibition by Capt Carroll in tbe Nightbawk on a
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  • 274 5 LAWN BOWLS. SCC Tournament, The following ties will be play o o-day Singles f andicap. H Elli* plus 4 v F W Lyall minus 3. A H A aiter p.u» 6 v W L*ngh*ui barter scr. D Hatborn plus 6 v W \1 Gedd p as 3 R W
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  • 263 5 S C C 5 I C To-morrow. A good game expected tomorrow, when the IUQ end H R 0 will meet. Tha eompoaition of tbe 8 C 0 Movents oabtfai. We onJrrstsno ihat, Casha»a>, Winter and Roy .-mirh will not be placing. At the •ame time a good team
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  • 234 5 SCC? Stafford*. The hockey march between the 81* fiords and tha 80 0 on tbe Pad»ng yea*e-day was well fought and tbe Btafforda gained a victory which they well deserved. The Clab pat ap an excell-nt opposition, tbeir defenoe being very soand. Black played a flue at rigi<* b
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  • 68 5 Selacgor v K!a> g. The maioh of the 3eUogor Golf 'lab against tbe Slang Golf Clab on Jul v 3 resulted in a win for Klang by 3 matches to 1 in the morning and 2f) matches to l± matobcs in tha afternoon Ihe Selangor G 0 ladies'medal for
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  • 436 5 S C S Annual Meeting. Toe a inu-1 meeting of the Swim ming Clab will be held at the Clab ouogalow on Sunday, thn 18th in sr-nt, on tbe arrival of the 9.30 launch. Th* business includes a motion to increase the monthly subscription to $2.50, thn entrance fee
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  • 113 5 The Danish Consul yeeterday received oable advice from tbe Foreign Ministry at Copenhagen to the eftVct that the treaty between D«nmark and the Allied Power*, by which the sovereignty of Sleavig b*sbe*n transferred to D-nmark, hfts been a'gned in Paris. Tbe Gor>* sol is forth*"- informed
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 220 5 (COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA ffff &S The exclusive system of tone Waau WT Jf] c ntrol of the Columbia V Ww *py Grafonola enables y>u to V modulate its tone volume with merely a touon. Prices from $98 Can* ii ail itv It plig oit Little Wonder Records MA The newest "Hits"
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  • 243 6 Another Grievance far Penang? The daylight saving resolution proposed by Mr W H Thorne, and lost by a single vote at tbe last meeting of the Penang Municipal Commissioners, met with a fate we had not sap posed was reserved for it. What is the position now Singapore
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  • 214 6 India, Singapore and Far East The special correspondent of "The Times", wiring from Dunedin on May 18, aaya I understand that the Prince's place are made for returning home from India in the Renown by way of the Straita Settlement!, China, Japan, and Canada, where the Priuc-
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  • 111 6 Demands for Popular Representation. London, June 25.—At Wednesday's reception of the Ceylon deputation, Sir Ponnambalam Arunaoham asked that the Legislative Oounoil abould have a definite elected majority, and that the people's repreeentativea should be eleoted on a wide basis, not limited to men. Regarding the Executive Council
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  • 79 6 Hye Leong Bri from T Anson 7.7. Krtan Bri from Kelantan 8.7. Baddbadib SUm from Fnket 8 7. Ranee Bri from Kaantarj B*7. R L Bahrn Dat from Rhio 7-7. Lady Weld Bri from Malaooa 8-7. Kinta Bri from Penang 8-7. Van Riebeek Dot from Batavia 8-7.
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  • 99 6 The Empire is soreening to-night, ia the second house, a special Metro play, Sutpicion," a story of mystery aod intrign», and farther episodes of M Patria" aerial, whilst repeats respectively of Ihe Dream Lady and a Western drama with a oapital L«Ko comedy figure in the first half,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 115 6 A NEW SHIPMENT t)P CAPSTAN MAGNUMS CIGARETTES OBTAINABLE FROM John Little 4 Co., Ltd. Roblnsoi Co., ML $1.10 per »o° f a^aSBBBBJSJBJBJBJSBHBJSJS^ *fo More Disappointment. If year Motor Cars eater for frequent repalra, lust aend It to Tte Serangoon Motor Garage, 92 SERANGOON ROAD 'Junction of Serangoon Road and Cuff
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    • 950 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS, TENDERS Tenders are invited by the Rice Distribution Board from persons desirous of purchasing gunny bags •f the following sizes (1) Siam (2) Saigon and Rangoon (3) Parboiled for three months from Ist J ly, 1920, of roughly 20,000 bags a month. Tenders should be sent in before
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    • 157 6 lariro Told You about Wrigley's Chewing Gum Somebody must have, because EVERYBODY'S USING IT. Three Flavors i SPEARMINT—DOUBLEMINT—JUICY FRTJIT. RamsmlMiv I i Jaffesam* Ivory BSeaU For Bale Everyvhero. IITJLLBB PHIPPS (MALAYA), Ltd, DietributoraBaBUBSjBjUBBesjBj^ Motor Lorries. BRITISH Monthly Arrivals. For particulars apply GRAHAM M c PHILLIPS, Ltd. Sola Agents S.S. F.
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    • 50 6 IUTHi BIOS. TOBACCO tl. 38 BOBINSON BOAD, SINGAPOBE toaatttea at iPOH, EOAIA LDIIPDB ft PENANG. Tag Hee Cigarette*. Onr Hew Chop ot Tas Hee Cigarettes Joss introduced int; the a If yoa try onoe you will con j Certificates from Saltans who 1166 OQr cigarettes testify 1 to their excellence.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 660 7 P. *0.-British India AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated m England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular md Oriental S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) THE COMPANY'S MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE, From LONDON Due SINGAPORE. Kalyan about July 7 T> MARSEILLES
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    • 606 7 DOLLAR LINE. Regular Sailings From SINGAPORE to NEW TORE via NORTH CHINA and PANAMA CANAL. Tons Arriving Grace Dollar displacement 15,000 J u y2O M. 8. Dollar 19,000 Aug '8 Also operating regular Hoes to VANCOUVER A S AN F H ANCIBCO. Through Bill* of L-dmg issued from Singapore to
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    • 440 7 Straits M««iin£B!p to.. Ltd Steamers intended to sail from Singapore Oalypso—Monday 4 p. m., for IMiik Ant>on. Perak—Mond »y, 4p m. for Por Blotter h»im and Penang Kaka—M nnay, IJH p m lor M*l co i and Muar. Will p" the We P —Tue« ay, 4 p m fo Port
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    • 422 7 O.S.K. The Osaka Sbesn Kaisfea, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Japan) No. 2 De Souza street *ttmU Sailing f oiTt siiga ore lojoci t.. .htHfr vtthuul auto*) £ewemmam i a. POBT bAID. MARSEILLES LONDON. ANTWEBP, i»OiTEHD M ND HAMIiUi O. j Hin alaya Maru middle Joly I +ltm Maru Sept I New
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    • 468 7 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) Uedar Mail Contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Ooveraral (Subject to Alterations without Notice^ Cwi'OjiMfi Mall f foaj F«.r LONDON ANTWERP H i MAi.AUO.V PelA S COLOMBO. PORT SAIL At MAiWRIUJ» Karoo Marti touts Maru 1 n A Aug 24 Liverpool Line r LIVERPOOL via
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 558 8 WANTED. 1 WANTED.—Gcod clerk. Muat be a gcod Book-keeper and Typist. Ocod pay for a good man Reply ''Bayrum c/o M Tribune 77 137 WANTED. N neat tracer of any nationality and alt-o a junior olerk able to ype, the latter 11 be of either frex. Apply to S. c/o
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    • 595 8 NOTICES. v- > NOTICE Our sales-room is now located at No. 7, Bras Basah Road. SINGER S! WIiNQ MACHINE Co. 24 6 23 7 notice: The vacancy advertised by us has been filled. Aptlicants thanked. Hlnium i Little Dispensary, Ltd. 7 7 10 7 notice:. Man Yok San K-<ng Foh
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    • 439 8 INSUKANCE. THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Established H74. Incorporated in India. FIN up exceed Pive Crores Ranees. Absolute Security. income 1918 $1,811 f 40.00 insurance effected m 1118 $8,847 52.00 Total Policies in force 69,405 assuring with Bonus Additions $98,817,617.00 New Business for tbe year 1918. Establishes
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    • 515 8 BANKS. Bang m iDdusirielle De tlhiue. (Incorported ia France.) Authorised Capital Frs. 250,000,000 Subscribed 150,000,000 Paid-up m 75,000,000 (1/3 of the Capital subscribed by the Government of the Chinese Republic.) Chairmalof the Board of Directors: Andre Berthelot. General Manager A. J. Pernotte, HEAD OFFICE: 74, Rue Saint Lazare, Paris. BRANCHES:
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    • 522 8 BANKS 1 Tie tit Hong Bank, Limited, Hbad Office i -ingapore. Baffles Chambers 4,5 a 6. Bras ohB8 PMDan/, 85 Beach Street. Malacca, 131 Jonker Street. Maar, 77/79 Jaian Suleiman. Bam Pabat, 199 Jaian Bahamas. Agencies at London, New York, San Francisco, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy. Batavia. Souraba> a, Semarang, Paiembang
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    • 567 8 BANKS. s-x CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AMD CHINA. INCORPORA'i. ED IN BNGLAND. 3Y ROYAL CHARTER Paid ep Capital in 100.000 Share? of £20 each 42,000,000 Reserve Fnnd £3 000,000 Reaerve Liabilit? of Proprietors £2,000,000 BANKERS. Bank of Kngl&nd. London Joint Oity and Midland Bank, Ltd. London Coney Wertmin»r«r and
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    • 320 8 OTTO SCHIFFNER 31 KLING STREET (Ist Floor) WATCHfcS and JEWELLERY WHOLESALE SOLE AGENT FOR THE OMEGA WATCH Co., Switzerland THE ANGLO-SWISS WATCH Co., CALCUtTA—SOLEUBE, Switzerland JUST ARRIVED. Sir William Crookes Glasses An ideal glass for the glare and weak eyes. A variety of projectors and sun glasses, can be seen
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