Malaya Tribune, 7 July 1920

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 105 1 (The Malaga Tribune AND Shipping Gazette. The* Popular Xewspaper of the Straits Pub sh£d Daily. M Complete Keportf of Loc J Events JPoll and Latest Telegrams. Spofts Notes, by Exrert Critics Piatt Jensen, Ltd., Uncorpqjpted in Straits Settlements) Ijj Singapore. I Immolate Deliyry. I MOTOR LAUNCH Length 23 ft., Beam
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    • 40 1 Bear's I j Cigarettes. I High Quality I I Low Price I Riverside '^^^^^l^^S cigarette made I from the finest 1 I Number One j Navy Cut Virginia cigar- j Price 70 cts. I Obtainable from The Leading Dealers. I
      40 words
    • 166 1 TRUCKS VV D Trucks, due to equal distribution of power and load, save J/3 on tires and IC/15 on fuel I consumption. II Estate Supplies! i Acetic <99&9U) Acid J Veneer Chests Mom I Chests Latex Cups ETC. Xifcui jfou&z, Jfefd. „<W v FN JAPAN.) If you want to
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  • 609 2 Chinese Kills a Thief. Malaooa, July 1. Christ Charoh, Malaooa, wm the scene of a pretty wedding on Jane 29. tbe contracting parties being the opnlar Chaplain, Rev E N Greenhow nd Miss L amber, who is w 11 known in this Settlement in connection with Vfedical V.istfoo
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  • 80 2 In its report on the disturbances in ihe Northern Territory of lUPtraH*. 'Ast y*>ar tb«» Onmmfssion of I'qniry attributes these disturbances to mitgovernment on the part of offioi \\n A. report from Am« f MrJarn »hvp that th* *x-K»ianr iff t-yinv bia band at ca.'.LK patterns. He has o il
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 586 2 SB 5 1 ii i However Sick Baby may he rS 4o not give up hope—more often than not the cause is wrong feeding j 3 —if you will oniv ;:ct the right food for baby, you will soon have him 3 on the m.ij lo'hcalJl A mother with a
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    • 371 2 THE CHILDREN'S FRIEND. HOW BABY'S OWN TABLETS KEEP THE LITTLE ONES WELL. Once you have tried Baby's Own Tablets for your baby or little child you will want to keep them al ways in the house because they are so gentle, sore and safe. Small and easily crushed to a
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    • 130 2 The Darkening Shadow. Have yon commenced to feel shooting, tbrol bing pm: m, darting tbroagb yocr face and >our temples —Can't sleep, awake all night— worry, suffer, fret. That's tbe story of Neuralgia—tbe darkening shadow that can be banished by tbe appltoati n of Little's Oriental Balm. Rob into t
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    • 234 2 I A NAME OF MERIT I THAT NEVER FAILS TO I Goodwill PREMO The roofing that lor many years has stood for all that is best in roofing material. PBEMO The roofing that satisfies everybody in every clime. PBEMO A roofing of distinction. Sound and reliable in every detail. Send
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    • 104 2 Cneap English Bicycles mi WHtTWQRTH —NORMAN JTUST ARRIVED TfiRV A consignment of strong English Bicyclec Wfi| sMpciall y impc-el to suit est: te r«nii-rements GOOD VALUE FOR MONEY ''Rwiltol Cash Price Rudge $150 WĔ TmWi Norman i2O Barbour Johnstone Co., Ld., 49-2, RifHes Place, Singapore Motor General Engineering Works GUPPAGE
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 929 3 From WednMday Jul 7 t0 12 1 Aln^nbr. Tneatre wliert ,oa —9- AT the get the BEST S O 'T^de*'** Orchestra I ■fl I femmmW JaY Cake?^ffee, and the BEST Tea etc. meeommo. Thi Han ,or Mo c «nd Featnrei J 6 1 Ibl TH E MOST PICTURE -Motion with
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    • 326 3 CHANGE OF PROGRAMME I The Thrilling 11-British Serial THE GREAT LONDON MYSTERY Episode 5. "THE HOUSE OF MYSTERY* 6. "ECHOES OF THE PAST" (To be continued on Friday 4 v Jat 10 p. m. DOROTHY DALTOJV In the Thomas H Inoe Froduotion, a Triangle pi y entitled 'Chicken' Casey A
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  • 602 4 Cynics never put much faith in Commissions. They consider tbem to be blankets put by officialdom over the heads of troublesome agitators. In this Colony we have the notorious instance of the Housing Commission, which sat for a long time and finally submitted a memorable and genuinely
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  • 302 4 Tin is at $128 no sellers. lbe 2ent 4sa«s5meul 2uard wlll «lt at tb» 41uni«9p»l Losrd roolr» on luesday nest «l 2.15 p m. > !«lr 0 2 2arrop, being now eon» aval»»«o"nt. ba» returned lrom 8lug» !> pore to lisremban." 2 2 tbe «Iovernor vialtecl lbe 0euer«d 2o»pitel on
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  • 202 4 Selfrldgtfs Take the Lead io Lo. don. Desire to Avoid a Crash. I The Lltodon retail firm cf Selfridge and Co. Ltd, though sbk-i through its financial strength tua popularity, to yield in the slowest manner to the downward presence of prices, has thrown bombshells into the
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  • 104 4 (From Our Own CorrupondmuLi Penang, July 6—The Ratrut Basin output for Jnne was ten tons and the Kramat Pulai output 710 pikuls. At the Ayer Eoning annual meeting Mr Ljwrl-» Brown, rresid»J ing, s*id th» profit was $26,000," largely from stock in transit. They were nnable to
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  • 87 4 Case Seat to District Court At the meeting of the R < I Assessment Board yesterday in tu Municipal Buildings, Mr FAS McClelland presided. The application for th« fixing of the rent of 62 Hili-street.w<«8 postponed so that the question as to whether it waa a dwelling noose
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  • 70 4 A* l*rge audience much enjoyed the further pot pourri programme of the Quaints at*the Victoria Theatre, last evening. This popular company will this evening bring their present season to a olose with a Request programme, which will, of course, include all their more popular rum bers. The cinema
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  • 109 4 Dr Chen Chang Lok has kindly promised to deliver a lecture on "Borne aspects of the Political Movement of ihe Far East" at the Eurasian Literary Aseociation rooms on Thursday, July 22, at 8.30 pm. Mr H M Hoisington, b a, will take the chair. All are welcome. A fire
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  • 996 4 By "Echo." Doubt continues whether the soccer competition is to be on cup or baene lines. Perhaps the very t'actnf tbe farther delay in making a start will oomptd a decision in favour of a knock-out tournament for this year. The ground d fficriUy will become wore* the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 176 4 RORIRSOR Co., Ltd. r Incorporated in the Strata Settlementa.) "fYRAMID" HttadJserchiefs Om t» New Stock 1,000 Dozen White with Coloured Borders Guaranteed Fast. Colours White with jWhite Borders PYRAMID Handkerchiefs British Manufacture. RBBIRSOR i Co., Ltd. j (Incorporated ia the Straits Settlements.) niiiaaiiniaana—w— I ASPHALT J for loads, Pavements, Flooring,
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    • 454 4 IGUAN KUT Co., Ltd. 36 I'HIU IF fijmET, BnNo a pore. New Shipments JUST ARRI \I ED I OF Greenfield Stocks Dies with Taps Whit wo th's Thread in case complete. Little Giant berew Plates with Taps in%oxes from in to ]4 in. Extra Hand Taps Whitworth's Thread trom in.
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    • 28 4 IT IS NOT THE MONEY THAT COUNTS B g QUALITY YOU CAN HAVE IT IN Shipchandlery ft Estate Supplies Kiam Kiat Co. j 108 ft 109 Market St
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 162 4 WHEN AND WHERE. Wednesday, July 7. High Tides—1.23 a.m., 2 19 p.m. G-n-ral Labnnr Committee of Malaga, Knaia Lumpur, 10. Swimming for business men, Fort Cnnnii j?. 4—6-30 H ck-y S C C v St&ffords, H Scwitg, 1II and VIII Troops, 5.15. The Qaaints, Vic Theatre, 9.30. Thursday. July 8.
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  • 190 5 ff ie V SDemocrats sympathise with Irish aspirotions Jor /.governments hut will go so far as to recognise the "Republic Cox it jar Jar our ite for the Democratic candidacy. Emits in Ireland hare result,,l in a rejusal to perform d*b h men °f the r(>n naught Hangers
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  • 70 5 TO APPROACH THE SOUTH FOR PE4CE. Reuter. Peking, July 2.—As a result of the conferences am .ing the leaders of rival factions, th* new Cabinet haa been practically se'tled, and Mr Chou Shu Mou, the Premier, will attempt to oonclode peace with the South. The Cabinet will repnsn.
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 126 5 Irish Soldiers Lay Down Arms. Reuter. Simla, July 4—On the arrival of the last mail irovx England the Connaugbt Rangers got much excited over the accounts whioh reached them of recent events in Ireland. One-fourth of battalion remained entirely loyal to the Colonel, bur. .he remainder lai«J
    Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 105 5 Many Prisoners Taken. Reuter. London,'Juiy 2.—The »«orreipondent of the Times at Smyrna •aye th<- Greeks have resumed offensive, advancing north of 8oma along the railway towards Pandemia thus threatening to cutoff the'Nationalist forces around Mount Ida and near the Asiatic shores of the Dar-danellee.-rReuter. Paris, July 2,—A Greek
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 45 5 Reuter. Vienna, July 2.—Owing to freturn between the pro-boycott and a&'i buyoott railway employee* an th. astern railway lines endanger-' lr the safety of passengers and goods the Government has suspend00 the *»ntire railway service b*tw«en Vienna and the Hungarian frontier— tenter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 851 5 DEMOCRATS BALLOT FOR CANDIDATE. A Race for Leadership, Reuter. S .ii F-Ht cieco, July 3—The firet billot w n Mc\duo266, Pcdiner 254, Cvx 134. IV»« c > >u Mo Adoo 289, P«loae 264, Cx 1$9; were fcCittrrfd. U nn t'>M *nnoai c-uv i-t of the I tie b>
    Reuter.  -  851 words
  • 281 5 HOW PilLfc PLAYED HIGH 'AND LOST. Churchill's Plot Exposed London, July 3,—Ominonn re ports reaching Brussels inw be et uavion of the Polish <* iui» whioh are apparently hsrd pretand by the Bolsheviks, of a fnr her nvariCi by the R-da iowarca Rowo, «n important railway centre
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  • 147 5 French Aircraft Enterprise Reuter. London, July 3.—Sir John Jor H B M Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Pek ng, since 1906, and Mr H H Fox, Com mercial Attache for China in 1917, addressed the members of tbe Far Eastern section of the Chamber and tbe China
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  • 76 5 Benson's Counter- n eat. Reuter. Washington, July 2. —Admiral Benson, Chairman of the Shipping Board, has announced that the Board is determined to build up an Amerioan Merchant Marine, despite the threats of foreign interests to defeat the Bill. On this matter he further declared that
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 64 5 Reuter. London, July 2 —Receiving, a deputation from the Federation of British Industries, Mr Chamberlain declared that the Government's efforts to grapple with its debt bad been beneficial. He counselled that great prudence should be used by business people, but declined to give relief fromf tbe
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  • 20 5 Reuter. London, Jnly 2. —The new service of aerial mails, London to Holland, starts on July 5. —Renter.
    Reuter.  -  20 words
  • 381 5 GERMANY FAILS TO FULFIL CONDITIONS. Sends Explanatory Note. Reuter. B t nssel*, J atj 2,—A new Germ a o note n«i delivered to the Allies et.deatouring to khow thas {B*l--many ii crushed by war bifdeie and taxation and urging mitigaiinof th« financial peaoe terms. Renirr. Brussels, July
    Reuter.  -  381 words
  • 57 5 Three Tramcari in Collision. Scranon, July 4,—Owing to a telegrifoh pole which was struck by lightning falling on the traok near South Pit; s on, three tramoars collided, piling up in a heap. It is reported ihat eighteen were killed and a hundred injured.—Renter. [Note Scianton, a oity
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  • 73 5 Reuter. London, Jaly 3.—H M the King has approved of naval clasps to the W<*r Medal for general actions at sea, single ship aoiioi s, and actions wim enemy land troops eto. Single ohip actions will include fights with the Emden and Koenigsberg, while Mesopotamia, the
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 61 5 Reuter. London, July 2. —Tbe National Federation of Trade Unions at a meeting at Leamington passed a resolution in favour of a forty four hour week for all industries despite The ad vie of the Labourite Colonel John Ward, who urged it would be far better to
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 52 5 Reuter. Perth, July 2,—The Prince of Wales had a wonderful reception. Two miles of oheering orowds greeted him, including thousands of ex-service tnetj and nurses at the theatre. He had luncheon at the Town Hall aud held a levee and investiture at Government House and attended a
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  • 18 5 Reuter. Brussels, July 2.—The Chamber by 89 to 74 has rej*ot«d votes for women.—Renter.
    Reuter.  -  18 words
  • 21 5 Reuter. Berlin, July 1.-With, the new 2lnan«e slnio'er. eatlmato, lbat lb" total debt ot 0'lmany amounts to 29S 000 million mVrKs.—Renter.
    Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 238 5 LAWN TENNIS. Tildea Becomes Champion. Wimbledon, July 3 —In tbe Singles Championship Final Tilden. America, beat y Aus'r*lia, holder of the Championship, 2—6, 6 3. 6—2. 6—4.—Reuter. Wimbledon, Joly 3.—Tilden's victoiy over Patterson was thtftno i eonviuciu< »11 round tennis exhibition ever «een in the country. Througb out he
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  • 159 5 SCC Practice Match BY •KEYN \KD" The practice match ou tbe Padmg \esteiday be wei-u a team of Whites and a U»uj of Colours provided nithing very thrilling, not even a goal, though U're waa a cbauo* to judge Ui" form of several of tbe new men The Colours
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  • 55 5 Henley Regatta. Reuter. London. July 3 Healey Rpgatta commenced in wrptehed weather. In the fin-! of 'be Mraad < hallenge Cop, Magdalen, Oxf .rd, boat Leander by two lengths tin>> 7 rains 24 oees. In the race for the Tiamood Sculls J Beresford heat D Oollau b$ thre»' lengths
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 79 5 S C C v Staffotds To-day. In giving yesterday tbe SCC team to meet tbe S afford* at hockey this evening, we inadvertently stated that it wss a cricket match. Apologies I r tbe slip The SCC team is H S Burg ss, N L yb mru W 8
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  • 78 5 S G C Competitions. The Singapore Golf Club's July medal competition, which waa played on Saturday and Sunday last, resulted in a tie between Messrs L R Macpbail and T B Nnrrie. Tbe following cards were returned L R Macphatl SLdown T B Nome T DJ Ward 4 W
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  • 98 5 SCC Ton: oameot. The following ties in tbe SCO Lawn Bowls Touru»ment are 6xed for to-morrow Singles Handicap. H Ellis (plus 4) v F W Lyall (minus 3.) A H Assurer (plus 6) W Latig ham Carter (soratch.) D Hathorn (plus 6) v W M Geddea (plus 3.
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  • 52 5 London, July 3.—Cambridge beat M C 0 by 29 runs Rentier. MaUoca is sending teams to play Seremban at golf and Jennis on July 17 and 18. Golf will be played on tha afternoon of the 17sh and the morning of the 18 h and tenais on tha afternoon
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  • 118 5 t Pc a g io Favour. It -appears tbat at th« r»cer.» fctetfng'f tbe P nars: Municipal jomnotsiooers Mr Tbcr?_e'a motion tn favour of DtvflfcbA stsi c<trri»d by a m&j -ri y*of one vo.e, aod not r s the r*por s r»e 1 A reporter was in error
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  • 207 5 Siottapore, July 7. Tin Pmfmt $128 No seller*. Rubber. —Tb»> encdon opened firm. Sheet r nliß 'i 76 and Crepe 76$ cents. On'sM- ih" unrk<st it firm ■nd tt-ady J ily 77 o a Aug/B«pt 80 ota snd Oo 83$ c Sh*r" v;. r k-f.—Exo-"<Hni?ly dull.
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  • 90 5 Bago flour ia qu >t**d a*. 19/6. Tin ia quo.-d *t £264.5 0 in London. Tapiocx ia qnoted a' 2S/ Gambler is not quoted. On th* Liverpool m* r k-t cotton, middling American, ia at 26 86. Black pepper is quoted at 0/6$ and white. p»pp*" »1
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  • 45 5 Reuter. London. July 2—Warning notices signed on behalf of the Irish Republican Army have been received by the Mobil! magistrate demanding their resignation and threatouing penalties if they do not comply. R*ids for patrol, arms aud ammunition continue to ne a daily occarre c*. —Renter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 326 5 (COLUMBIA /jgg\ GRAFONOLA fjff jB| The exclnsii>f> gyste n of tone *fj oontroi of ihe Columbia m jjEr Grafonola enables y>o t > modulate its tone volume with merely a touch. Prices from $93 Cms Ii atj mar it pii| nr Little Wonder Records The newest "Hirs SO cts. each.
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  • 47 6 Knotting Ssr from Sarawak 7-7. Ban Fo Soon Dut from Pontianak 7-7. Van Hogendorp Dut from Anambas Isls 7-7. Islander Bsi from Christmas Isl 6-7. Van Goens Dut from Deli 7 7. Kaka Bri from Malacca 7 7. Katong Bri from Bangkok 7 7.
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  • 93 6 The second house at the Gaiety has further episodes of The Great London Mystery and a 5 part Thomas Iocs production, /'Chicken Casey", featuring Dorothy Dalton, whilst a repeat of "World Power or Downfall" figures in the first half. Blind Husbands," a Jewel super, production in eight reels,
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  • 46 6 Delivered In London. Ihe following are the daul of departure from Singapore oi tl.. European Mailt v.-i their del v a in London. lhit delivered is Sinoapobb London. May 23 Jane 15 do. 20 do 17 do 27 do 22 Jane 3 July 5
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  • 113 6 The latest London cables to hand this morning are dated as follows:— O dinary rate July 5 deferred rote July L The Bleriot Security Prize i f 100.C00 francs (nominally £4,000) will be won by the airman wl o makeg the slowest vertical desoei t from a height of 500
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 141 6 111 111 MM II II MT A NEW SHIPMENT OF CAPSTAN MAGNUMS CIGARETTES OBTAINABLE FROM John Litt c Co., Ltd. Robinson Co., Ltd. $1.10 "mV 'i-aaaßik. •J© More Disappointment. If yaur Motor fejars eater for frequent repairs, just send It to Tbe Serangoon Motor Garage, 92 SERANGOON ROAD 'Junction of
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    • 503 6 NOTICE. The Fi ■m of Ching Keng Leo <k Co, which was started on the I Ist day of March, 1911. by Messrs ChiDg Keng Lee and Yeo Hock Hoe as Auctioneers and Estate Agents, is being converted into a Limited Liability Company under the name of ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES
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    • 385 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED—Good clerk. Must be a good Book-keeper and Typist. God pa> for a god man Reply 'Rayrum c/o M ilaya Tribune--7 7 13 7 WANTED —Typists or shorthand typists accustomed to Royal and Oliver Machines Good sal ariea to competent men- Apply to C. D L- Box No.
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    • 219 6 TSTlcxo Told You about Wrigley's Chewing Gum? Somebody must have, because EVERYBODY'S USING ITThree Flavors: SPEARMINT—DOUBLEMINT-JUIC V FRUIT, Remember After Every Meal For Bale Everywhese. MDLLEB PHIPPS (MALAYA), Ltd., Distributors"SEßVlCE" Motor Lorries IN STOCK 1, Vli, 2, 11/,,I 1 S'/i ton models. For full particulars apply:— Graham, M c Phillips,
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 171 6 Mails Close. Vo-oaf. Sourabaja and Bandjermsfesin Sarie Borneo 3 pm Saigon Nam Vian 3 pm Saigon, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan Amazone 3 pm Medan Medusa 3 pm Port Swettenham and Penang *Ipoh 3 pm Colombo, Djibouti, Saez, Port Saidj Maraeilles, Europe, eto. Porthofl 3 pm§ Saigon and Manila Katsaara Mara
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  • 840 7 A Chacce for Malayan Planters. 4 n interesting question if discuss•d in 8 S Oerdtns Bulletin in the article by A!r B toathi'u, The Wild Oil Palm of Africa versus the cultivated Oil Palm of Malaya". The writer takes the view that the product of the wild
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  • 80 7 Ibrahim bin Burgous, motor syce employed by Dr Crago, was fined $100, and tbe event of tbe fine not being paid, sentenced to three months' imprisonment, by Mr Codrington in the Koala Lampar magistrate's coon on Thursday morning for criminal breaoh of trust as a scrvai.t. Be took Dr Grago's
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 831 7 CHAIN BLOCKS. gerbert Morris, Ltd. LOUGHBOROUGH, ENGLAND. New Stock (5 cwt. to 5 Tons.) JUST R €2 J3 XITJE X> OF THE FAMOUS H. M Worm Gear Pulley-Blooka H M. Spur-Gear Pulley-Blocks H. M. Geared Ungeared Travelling Trolleys PoWer K^ EaSy Lifting Speed 1 nm Cut-Gears Durability J MI l|
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    • 563 7 I Style- j 1 gramma I .In outstanding grace of line and W k luxury of anointments, the Auburn rjj f Beauty-SIX marks the ultimate M jj triumph of motor car designing- M jl AMBMRN BemitySi: h And Auburn performance is a perfect com plement of Auburn beauty. In rough
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    • 110 7 SNAPS OF RACES. j sxj »r *Sz> Co., 94 North Bridge Road (Adelpbi Hotel Building), SINGAPORE. Ban Hin t&CoT ZO, Hlil Street. Singapore i Telegraphic Address!: Code Used: Phone:' l BANHIN." A. B. C. sth Edition. Manufacturers of j Galvanized Iron Latex Spouts, Zinc Baths Watering C n.» Pails, Cans,
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  • 415 8 Critic's l oot te'-Proposal. Send tbe Boys to England (Tbe Editor of the 4 Malay Mail Sir, —Facts and figures appeal BO shrewd busintss men when it is a qutstiono' getting them to contribute to an undertaking. I therefore put the following figures before on. Tbe Raffles i
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  • 1066 8 Rampant ia Feting. Commissfoners Supine Attitude- Wearedpeply dis-ppfciired (says the "Straits Echo" of Penang) with the Commissioners' attitude towards the profiteering which is now rampant in the Municipality's own markets. If every such body had adopted an attitude of non possamus n< thing would have beon done anywhere to
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  • 255 8 Ipoh San ta y Board's Move Tb« Tim«-s of Malaya" poblißhfe in its columns a letter from the C aim, \u of the Kinta Bani'ary Board in whioh the assistance is sought of 'bat paper to ascertain as exaotly as possible the requirements of European and Asiatics in
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  • 126 8 Mercantile Seat In Council- London. June 10,—At the Ceylon Abb cihlion dinner to H E the Governor, Sir William Manning declared that he would urge by all the means in his power that the mercantile oommnnity shall onoe more be represented in the L°gi*lative Council, and also on
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  • 62 8 In the civil action brought by Wong I.ang san and Chan Tao hing against Fong CHaa, of Swatow. for the recovery of $21,47.60, being damages*for non fulfilment of con tract in respect to a ship, Mr Justice Gompertz, at Hongk ng, gave judg ment for the plaintiffs with costs. He
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  • 230 8 Mammoth Sams to Directors 'I heJap&n Gazette says :—Frcm th*i anuuxl report of "a o-« »iv" It.anrat.oe Company in J<ipr,n w•x ract tbe information that the** was!. in Aptil tbis year, a special bonne to us'tDHgwi directors" of Y. 1,500,000 There are two managing direoiors in
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  • 210 8 Toe ever-inoressing cost of producing newspapers is having a disastrous effect on many weekly journals and periodicals. So serions has the situation become that the Weekly Newspaper and Periodical Proprietors' Association sent out an SOS to the public which sets forth the disabilities under whioh they are labouring.
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  • 99 8 Coal control in Australia is to Untitled transferred from the Commonwealth Government to the individual State Government*. In view of the hi> a pric < of hoots an 1 shots, a league in favour of the ue of B%nda'g has in mauy Spanish towrs. Daring a esse heard at tbe
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 164 8 VIGOROUS BEALTH. The capaci y for eff ctive service depend, very largely, on the choic? f clmks. FORT-KEVIVER FORTIFIES REVIVES. in h capital beverage, of which every ingredient makes for vigofoai health. Chotse it as your drink, it not only quenches your thirst, it is unequalled a* a Tonic Restor»
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    • 165 8 Warning Agslns* Unnecessary Advertising Notice is hereby m A\ i n t! —w\ Chinese Commei m cial Directory i m compiled ssiov. hoon Leng, print- JM U m AM ed and published W V k by the C h i n e s e B Directory Press, Ltd m m
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    • 170 8 BODY CHILLS. In the moist heat of this tropical climate one can nevei feel safe from catching a chill. The least exertion causes excessive perspiration and then, either a sudden gush of wind if out of doors, or the draught from an electric office fan strikes the body in its
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    • 609 8 jL ENGLAND Direct from the Factory to your Home. j Buy all your Dress Requirements and Goods from the great British Mail-order House. Yo a I will be delighted with the quality and J I of the goods, the up-to-date and attractive styles.; I the low prices. You can be
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 693 9 P.*o.-BwnSHINDIA AND APCAR LINE. (COMP NIES FN ENGLAND) I AIL AND PA!*SENG£B SERVICES. Peninsular nd Oriental S, N. to. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) THE COMPANY'S MAIL SEE VICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due BINGAPOBE. KUyan about July 6 T> MARSEILLES
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    • 601 9 DOLLAR LINE. Regular Sailings I From SINGAPORE to NEW YORK \ia NORTH CHINA and PANAMA CANAL. Tons Arriving Grace D liar displacement 15,000 Ju'y M. S. Dollar l*,Cto Aug »8 1 lso i perating regular linea Iu VANCOUVER 8 *N F ANCISCO. Through Bills of L-ding issued from 8i'ng»pore to
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    • 423 9 {Straits Steamship to., Ltd. j Steamers intended to sail from Singapore Calypso—Monday. 4 p.m., for Teluk Anaon. I Perak —Monday, 4 p m for Port Swetteiihnm and Penang. I Kaka —M nrttiy, 1.3 p m-, lor I M*l cc and Muar. Will o*the W ap—Tuea.jay.4pm for Port Lady Weld—
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    • 378 9 O. S. K. Tbs Osaka Shoses Kaisba, LIMITED (Incorporated in Japan) Nlo. 2 De Souza Street P»wsBd Saliligs torn Slr.gacere. (subject to change without aotioe) European Ll/te. POBT SAID. MARSEILLES. LONDON, ANTWERP, KOTTERD M AND HAMBUBG. Himalaya Maru middle July alps Maru Sept Now YorkTino. (via PANAMA OANAL) Honolulu Maru
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    • 546 9 NIPPON rUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan toder Mai! Cootract with the Imperial Japasesc Iwiriccl (Subject to Alterations without Notice Europtan Mall i Ine FortmglslF For LONDON ANTWERP vi* PENANG. COLOMBO, SUEZ, PORT SAID ct MARSEILLES Kamo Maru j u y ig ly M*ru Ju ag Atsuta Maru Aug 11 Liverpool
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 552 10 WANTED. WANTED.—A neat tracer of any nationality and also a junior •lerk able co type, the latter to be of either rex- Apply to 8. c/o Malaya Tribune $06 13 7 WANTED —V competent cor reepon'ence olerk with a fair knowledge of shorthand and typewriting. Good prospects for the right
      552 words
    • 709 10 NOTICES. TT r«~ notice: Our sales-room is now located at No. 7, Bras Basalt Road. SINGER SLWIINQ MACHINE Co. 24 6 23 7 NOTICE. Man Yok San Keng Fob. Co. beg to inf< rm the public that they have established from July 3, 1920, at No. 150 F, Bunga Raya
      709 words
    • 396 10 INSURANCE. The Overseas Assurance CbrporaticTj, Ltd. (Incorp rated in the Sti tta Settlements.) Board of Dxesctobs i Hou. Dr. Lim Boon Keng. 0 I S, Chairman. Lira See Soon Bag lan Soo G an fceq Ong Boon Tat Bag 8 Q Wong Ba > fan Chwf a Cfaiai Bag Tan
      396 words
    • 506 10 BANKS. Sanque Industrielfe De Chine. (Incorported in France.) Airthoriaed Capital Fra. 2SOjoocjooo Subscribed m 150.000,000 Paid-up m mm m 75,000,000 (1/3 of the Capital subscribed by the Government of the Chinese Republic.) Chairman of the Board of Directors: Andre Berthelot. General Manager A. J. Pernotte. HEAD OFFICE: 74, Rue Saint
      506 words
    • 517 10 BANKS. Tie Ho Hug But, Limited. Head Office i Singapore, Baffles Chamber* 4,5 *6. BRANCHES Penang, 85 Beach Street. Malaooa 131 Junker Street. Mnar 77/79 Jalan Seleiman. Bate Pah at, 109 Jaian Bahama!. Agencies at London, New York, San Franciaco, Shanghai, HoogkoDg. Amoy, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Palembang and Trang CAPITAL.
      517 words
    • 575 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AMD CHINA. IN CO RPO Ra 'i ED IN ENGLAND. 3T ROYAL CHARTER. Paid op Capital In 100,000 Sharon of £20 each £2,000,001 Reaerre Fand £3 OOO.Ot 0 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £2.000,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. London Joint City end Midland Bank, Ltd.
      575 words
    • 331 10 ©TTO S6HIFFNER 31 KLING 'STREET (Ist Floor) WATCHFS snd JEWELLERY WHOLESALE SOLE AGENT FOR THE OMEGA WATCH Co., Switzerland THE ANGLO-SWISS WATCH Co., CALCUTTA—SOLE URE, f Switzerland.; I JUST ARRIVED. Sir William Crookes Glasses An ideal glass for the glare and weak eyes. A variety of protectors and sun glasses,
      331 words