Malaya Tribune, 3 July 1920

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 30 1 The Malaya Tribune. EYEING DAILY.] AND*^> SHIPPING GAZETTE. I EVENING DAilA Vol. VIL No 154 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1920 PRICE 6 CENTS The Malaya Tribune. SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1920.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 106 1 TU Malaya Tribune AND Shipping Gazette. jfoe Popular Newspaper of the Straits I dements. I published Daily. Complete Beports of Loc -1 Events Pnll end Latest Telegrams. Sports Notes by Exoe't Critics. The Sporlsmaii's Paper. II a^aVßßMsl Piatt Jensen,* Ltd., (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) Singapore. t Immediate Delivery. MOTOR LAUNCH
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    • 84 1 THE RIGHT DISINFECTANT prevents the spread of disease and a is particularly necessary IN TROPICAL C MATES. is of Unquestioned Efficiency. I (It has 20 times the germicidal strength of carbolic acid). I COST IS TRIFLING (One gallon of IZAL makes 400 I gallons of powerful disinfectant.) r Obtainable in
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    • 149 1 F 1 TRUCKS D Four-wheel-drive Trucks, due to equal distribution of power and load, save 1/3 on tires and IC/15 on fuel consumption. In I Estate Supplies Acetic (99&98-U Acid I I Veneer Chesfs% Mom I Chests il Latex Cups 1 I ETC. I Mitsui tutsan *Kais6a, Md. I (Incorporated
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  • 225 2 Position In Hongkong. The rioe situation in HongkoDg ij as serious as it has been at any r cent period, says the ''Hongkong Daily Press" of June 19. There are in the estimate of one dealer, several million piouli of rioe in the Colony with the immediate
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  • 249 2 Prospective Dredging Propos'tions. A represantative of the Times of Malay* had a brief interview with a well-known mining prospector and gathered the following details in con. nection with mining matters in the Peninsula, The gentleman in qaestion has been prospecting iu Soothern Siam and Selangor. Asked what
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  • 79 2 The United States may yet have the distinction of having been the longest in the w&r. Four thousand five hundred drums of gasoline, on board a number of lighters, moored at a pier, blew np in Kobe harbour re* o«ntly. The cause of the explosion is reported to have been
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 911 2 QUALIFIED DENTIST t 45 South Bridge Road (near the Central Police Station) SINGAPORE ESTIMATES FBEE OF CHABGE. Mr. Wang's qualification is a Straits Government recognition of his having furniabed a enfficient guarantee of the requisite knowledge and skill for the efficient practice of deatistry Bout 9—5 daily, (Sundays ft Holidays
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    • 187 2 If you^have making your Dictaphone Used. Terms Moderate THE UTTER TYPING OFFICE Burlington Bouse Phone 1108. 3 Coleman St. S 14 T Rob Oat the Pain. Wherever the ache or pain, simply rub in Little s Oriental him. Ah yon rub in the Balm, you rub out the pain,—quickly, simply
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    • 207 2 I A NAME OF MERIT THAT NEVER FAILS TO Build Goodwill PREMO The roofing th%t for many years has stood for all that is best in roofing material. PREMO The roofing that satisfies everybody in every cliine. PREMO A roofing of distinction. Sound and reliable in every detail. Send for
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    • 95 2 Cneap English~Bii^^ ■HE WHITWORTH-NORMAN TBI JUST ARRIVED J fWw\ n A consignment of strong English Rirvrl„ c sH MDI bPecially imported to suit e-t tte j SAgl GOOD VA LUE FOR MONEY IfWffl Cash Price Rudge $130 Barbour Johnstone Co. Ld K ""es Place, Slne.port Eure fee m Motor General
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 773 3 MARLBOROUGH The Hall for C rofort, Good Music and Good Pictures I Beach Road. From M :i lay. June 28, to Saturday July 3. The Eleventh and Twelfth Episodes of Tho signal serial of thrills end sensation Featuring HELEN HOLMES AND LE6 MALONEY Now drawing large crowds to this theatre
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    • 566 3 =n i Alhambra I ll I ills I la the only the Ineatre I theatre where job I A THE with an get the BEST J jk I 1 |L M Jk W^ln i8a Pictures, Ifee mJL 11 JL% lf%Jp? IpNbI WHLW #m attached, ice BEST ;JfTk I JP% iWI
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    • 350 3 Presents the stupendous production. A film the whole world must see! GERMANY'S MAD CRIME WORLD-POWER or DOWNFALL The truth about the Great War in 6 Massive Reels. Celebrated personages depicted in the film Attil The Barbarian Tyrant who terrorised mediaeval Europe. Because of the atrocious cruelty of their troops, tbe
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  • 143 4 Saturday. July i High Tides.—0.16 a.m 11 34 p.m. Mal'n Rubber Faotories, G A B's, 12. Cricket SCCTournament-Military v Law and Pabllo Servioei. 8 R E v Rifle Club, Bslestier, 7.30, The Quaints, Vic Theatre, 9.30. Sunday, July 4. High Tides.--0 44 a.m. Eur. Co, Rifle Club,
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  • 52 4 In loving memory of my dear husband Thomas Morrison Maben (died July 4, 1919.) What would I give to clasp bis hand, His loving face to see; Just to hear one loving word Would mean so much to me. (Inserted by hit loving u i/e J 3 7
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  • 681 4 It is difficult to withhold a certain degree of admiration from the Sinn Feiners. They have a cause whioh is only partly a good one, and they are doing it inestimable harm by their methods of terrorism, but it is impossible to deny their courage and audacity.
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  • 927 4 Tin it at $112.75 no sellers. Mr H J Elay. who has arrivedlin, the Colony, has been appointed a Cadet. Lim Boon Tbah, a native of Chi Da has been naturalised as a British subject. Mr H H Brown is appointed a temporary assistant surveyor of ships, Singapore. Major J
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  • 848 4 Successful Year's Work. "At the Mercy of the Bayers" The fifteenth manual general meet ing of the Balgownie Robber Estnteg L'd, wt>8 held yesterday at noon in the registered offices of the Company, Gresham Hcote. The Hon Mr R C M Kmdersley presided, and others present were the
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  • 20 4 The Robber Growers' Association mn a f rt VI !f« l he 1921 the *ost oordlal support, says a London
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 195 4 ROBINSON S Co., Ltd. flaoarpantod ia tfc* Strait. Ssttlaswnts.) THE GENTLEMEN'S DEPT. BATS WING BOW TIES Bound __________i___R Assorted and sizes square 32 to 35 ends. inotes long. White Grounds (Assorted Coloured Checks, Stripes and Figured Designs 95*5*. They Wash 95 And always look clean and smart ROBINSON I CO.,
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    • 432 4 GUAN KIAT Co„ Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) 86 PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. New Shipment! JUST ARRIVED OF Greenfield Stocks Dies with Taps Whit worth's Thread in case complete. Little Giant Screw Plates with Taps in boxes from li in to in. Extra Hand Taps Whitworth's Thread from in. I
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    • 26 4 IT IS NOT TH1 MONEY THAT COUNTS BST QUALITY YOU CAN HAVE IT is Shipchandle ry Estate Supplies AT Kiam Kiat Ci. 108 109 market St
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  • 167 5 Control but not nationalisation is to be til British policy with regard to the coal mines. A levy of a penny a ton will be devoted to the social welfare oj the mining communities. Mr McAdoo will not accept nomination as Democratic candidate Jot' the U S Presidency.
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  • 107 5 LEADERS ENDORSE WILSON'S POLICY. Reuter. San Francisco, June 30.—At the Democratic Convention, Mr Jenkios who intended to propose Mr MoAdoo, annonnoed that he had received definite instructions "from the East" not to present Mr MoAdoo'g name. The leaders-of the sab-commlttee on th9 platform have agreed on theT esgne
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 79 5 Reuter. Ottawa, Jane 39.—After an all. night sitting, the House of Commons rejected by 55 votes to 31 an Opposition amendment reducing the naval estimates of two milliou dollars necessitated by Canada's acceptance of Britain's offar of five warships. The Liberal argument was that the expenditure was not
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 67 5 Reuter. London, June 30.—The revenue for the past quarter w*s £1,986 452, compared with £185,795,762 for Be corresponding quarter of 1919 The expenditure was £284,728 238 oompared with £4(U,l99.U80 for the corresponding quarter of 1919. •Jae surplus of revenue over expenditure was thus £30,258,214 com5£a£% 8 deficil
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 48 5 Reuter. London, Jane 30.—The House of Lords has adopted the Official ecrets Act embodying certain amendments introduced as a result J di8c Q88ion with press representa«v*b, providing that anybody retaining without authority official 2L or interests of the shall be guilty of a misdemeanour. -Renter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 51 5 The Feast of the Scored Heart of Jeace will be celebrated in the Church of St Joseph by a Solemn I»... «am. to-morrow. l,e a t?ir«l 2oly service on tbla dav ,l """ber of b°y« and girl, wlll >pp,oa< b on lni, par.ianlal uay «'b«i.., u,am auci tn» orpban, v',
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  • 172 5 WAGES AND WELFARE OF THE WORKERS. Control by the State. London, July I—ln the House of Commons, in moving the second reading of the Mines Bill, Sir R Home pom ed out that the Minister* of Mines will not be an independent tti;»iatry but a branch of
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  • 38 5 OHMSMMB Italian Garrison Captured, Reuter. Belgrade, Jane 30.—The newspaper u Pravda" has a telegram from TJskab whioh states that after desperate filing Albanian insurgents 8»o?mHd Valona and captured he whole of the Ita ian Garrison.— Bentfer.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 63 5 Reuter. London, Jane 30 —In the Hoase of Commons, replying to Col 0 msby Gore, Mr Bonar L<tw said mandates regarding the former German territories in Africa and the Pacific were at present being drafted for the consideration of the Supreme Council- He hoped the mandates would
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 40 5 Reuter. London, June 30,—The Times correspondent says that Greek troops occupied Chanak in the Dardanelles. The Times Paris correspondent says that the Turkish Grand Vizier's reply to the peace terms claims the port of Alexandretta for Turkey.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 35 5 Reuter. 8an Franciaco, Jane 30.—-The Democratic Convention has adopted a motion by a woman delegate providing that women be represent* ed on the Nationrl Committee by one woman elected from each State. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 28 5 Reuter. London, June 29.—Sinn Feiners kidnapped tho stationmaater of Mallow, an important junction in County Cork, who dismissed officials for refusing to drive military trains. —Renter.
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 40 5 Reuter. London, June 29.—The Industrial Court opened with the hearing of a general wages application on behalf of over 40 engineering and shipbuilding unions for an increase of six pence per hour, involving an additional £20,000,000 yearly.—Reuter
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 132 5 Reuter. London, June 29. —The Times correspondent at Constantinople states that British naval men occupied Mudania and Port Ismid with slight resistance,—Renter. Smyrna, June 29.—The extreme limit of the Qreek advance at present is a line beyond Soma, dkhiesar, Alasehr and Keles, where the advance is stopped io pe mic
    Reuter.  -  132 words
  • 80 5 The death rate per mille for the week ending June 19 was 33,54. The total number of deaths was 251 of which 172 were males and 79 females. Two Europeans and two Eurasians died, also 189 Chinese, 34 Malays, 19 Indians. Convulsions oaused 34 deaths, phthisis 45, malarial
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  • 11 5 [We do mot neomeearOf) mdmm the opinions mrnrmtod ft* eorresjfomdmts.]
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  • 312 5 Prom H480K ANQIN": Rpunishing the profiteers, someone suggested that legislation shonld be passed to whip them. Well, Sir, I wish to ask yon if such an Ordinance is passed, who will be asked to enforee the law Oar looal Inohe Mata Matas If so, then oar towkay
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  • 404 5 Prom "BROADWAY": I will not comment onitho manner which "AntiBolshevist" has seen fit to adopt when replying to my letter of the 26th ult. as you have very nioely administered to him a reproof which I hope he will bear in mind before attempting to appear again
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  • 69 5 Psrsenangan Stia CInb. Proceeds from the performanoe of the Star Opera Coy on May 27 $964,65 Price of a photo sold to Syed Ahmad Alsagoff 125.00 Prioe of a photo sold to H All bin H M Noor 150.50 Prioe of a photo sold to Syed Abdnllar
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  • 532 5 Views of log dp ore Clerks. Resolution in Favour Tbe meeting of members of tbe Cleric*! Uai n. held yesterday afternoon in the Victoria Theatre to disca s daylight saving, was not largely attended Only 40 were present, bat they constitatesl the enthusiastic working minority of the Union,
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  • 105 5 Municipal Commissioners' Vote- Our Pmang correspondent wires: The discussion on the proposal to put the clocks back and thus save from half to one hour daily in the interests of sport was is cum« 1 at the meeting of the Penang Municipal Commissioners on Thrusday. ThPresident expressed himself
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  • 140 5 The Quaint! gave another bright show in the Victoria Theatre last evening, and the fact that the aadienoe was again of the bnmper order demonstrates what a big attraction they are to Singaporeans. There were distingnished guests present and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment. There will be no
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  • 535 5 FOOTBALL. S H B v S T Co. Tbe Harboa- Board defeated the Stxai'a Trading Co yesterday,. la a fine game, ou the Robinson-road sround. The teams were fairly evenly matched at the at»rt, anil both goalies h d a good deal of work to do. The Strang Trading
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  • 377 5 World's Tennis Chimp oosblDs. Sblmidza Beaten la Singles Final Wimbledon, Jane 29.—In the World's Tennis Championships, in the Singles semi finals, yhimidio. Japan, beat Mavrugurdato, 3—6, 6—4» 6—0, 6—2, and lilnen, America, beat Garland, America 6—4, 8—6, 6—2. In tbe Ladies' Singles semi-fiualu, Miss Ryan beat Mrs Part
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  • 86 5 Local Celeb, atloas, American Independence Day, Jul4, wbicb tails on a Sunday this year, is be n: cc braied locally to-day At ii'iud to day the Am ri'S> onsutate w*s r.pen to vidiiurs for ai I hour, wb*n Ibe wbole of be consul", body and ti any Government
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  • 153 5 Singapore July 3. Silver.—sl i. Hongkong —6!}. Shanghai.— Tin.—Bayera at $1325. Share Rtport.—Tin itOtlon more aotive. Rubbers weak. Rubbers—There are buyers of Jimabsat $2.42}, Ulu Pandans a .10, Baki Jeioutongs at 90 oents, Kuala Sidims at $3.70 and Ayer Knnings at $1 25. Haytors spnrted and
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  • 86 5 8ago flour ii quoted at 19/6. Tin ii qnoted at £250.7.6 In London. f Tapiooa is quoted at 21/6. Gambier is not qnoted. On the Liverpool market cotton, middling American, is at 27.70. Black pepper is quoted at 0/6$ and white pepper at 0/11$ in London. On
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  • 64 5 A gang robbery look place in 2ollan,,,.l at aboul on- o'olool» y »-»<1a; molr>»Nl>'. Llgbt 2ueb» «>" K part «n 'be sulbery. pour ol tbi-»n ?>ut»»s»d a bona» at abonl tbe «even b m>le. eul threatened a 0blne«e woman, tbe only ol lbe bouae. wltb 5 Knlle. a!l manaaed to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 227 5 COLUMBIA '/S£t\ GBAFONOLA Nff wk The exclusive nyste-n of tone J tm j] c ntroi ot the Columbia V w J?/ Grafouoia enables ym to V^lM*^^ j modulate its tone volume l_ with merHy a touch. Prices from S9B Coma In and hair It may tur Utile vvondtir Records Columbia
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  • 200 6 Torkey Not Worth It. We cannot bat think that Moslem leaders are ill advised to associate the question of the Caliphate with the question of massacre (says the "Manchester Guirdian.") M Thorac is every deaire to have regard to Moslem feeling on the position of the Sultan
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  • 50 6 Calypso Bri from Teluk Ansm 2-7. Qaorra Bri from Trflnggaon 3-7. Kaka Bri from Malacca 3-7. Perak Bri from Penang 3 7. Batjnn Dat from Amsterdam 3-7, Meran Bri from B Pab&t 3 7. Tenshin Ma o from Bombay 3-7. Nicbiyo Matu Jap from Newcastle 3 7.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 136 6 Player's 1 Player's Navy Gut Havy Cot Tobacco Tobacco "DE LUXE" $1.20 $1-80 Per t lb. tin. Per i lb. tin. Navy Cut Cigarettes OO cents per tin of SO No More Disappointment. If year Motor e«re e-itrr for frequent repairs, last •end M to The Serangoon Motor Garage, 92
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    • 235 6 TO LET. New Bungalow on Joo Chiat Road, next to No 603. Please apply to A. E. Busrai, *7 Malacca Street. 3 7 2 8 NOTICE Federation if British Industries, 2, Prince Street. Kindly note that the Telephone Number of the above is 2080. G. O BLACKER, Commissioner. 3 7
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    • 648 6 For Sale One Douglas Motor Cycle with SideCar, 2 Cylinders, 4* h.p.. and with Lamps and fools complete. APPLY TO Eastern Motor Agency, 103, Middle Road. NOTICE. x The Firm of Ohing Keng Lee A Co, which was started on the Ist day of March, 19 U. by Messra ChiDg
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    • 181 6 Nothing So Good I as -7— Wrigley's Chewing Gum For the Teeth Fop the Digestion For your Disposition SPEARMINT DOUBLEMINT JUICY FRUIT. Have You Seen Maynard's Window 9 5 mm Remember S fter Every Meal MTJLLEB PHIPPS (MALAYAN Ltd, Distributors"SERVICE" mgmu1/mmmm hummimi mm ■eeeaaeeieMe»ee»»eeeeeMS»»** 1B1B—B—^BMI,,BI Motor Lorries IN STOCK 1,
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    • 48 6 1UTMC BROS. TOBACCO Cl. 38 BOBINSON BOAD, 8INGAPOBB ■MM»ti at POK. KOALA LDBPUH PENAUti Tag Hee Cigarette*. Our New Chop of Ta s Hee Cigarettes *f Ju8 introduced into the A II yon try once you will oonCertificates from Sultans who 1188 our «gawttes testify to their excellence.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 710 7 P.&0.-British India AND APCAR LINE. (Comp/ iss Incorporated in England) MAIL ANf PASSENGEB SERVICES. Peoinsul Oriental S, N. Co. (Under Contract -with His Majesty's Government) THE COMPANY'S MAIL SERVICES EAST OP BOMBAY are at present suspended. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPORE. X' lyan about July 6 To MARSEILLES
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    • 600 7 DOLLAR *1 INE. Regular failings From SINGAPORE to NEW YORK via NOiJTH CHINA and PANAMA CAN L. Tone Arriving Grace Dollar displacement 15, ..'»0 Jmy 2b M. S. Dollar 9.• Aug 18 Also operating regular lines > VANCOUVER &> SAN FRANCISCO. Through Bills of Lading issued from Singapore to the
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    • 494 7 I &OCILTA OI NAVIGAZIO 'Mi I VAPO&E del ĕ LLOYD TBIESTIMO LINE (Incorporated in Italy) HOMEWARD BOUND. 8. S. "Persia fbr Penang, C lo i bo and Trieste, late July. 8. B. "Pilsna," frPonang, Colombj ard Trieste, about Aug. 18. OUTW BD BOUND. 8. 8. 1 Pilsna," for Horgkong, Bhangh
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    • 274 7 QS.K. The Osaka Sbasai Kaisba 9 LIMITED. Inoifporated in Japan) No, 2 De Souza Street Pressed tellings from Singapore. (Subject la change without notice) European Lino. POBT SAID. MABSEILLES, LONDON ANTWEBP, BOTTEBD M AND HAMBURG. Himalaya Maru middle July Mpalfara Sept *ew v or* Un*. (via PANAMA CANAL Honolulu Msru
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    • 545 7 NIPPON YUSEN U\m (Incorporated in Japan) mm* Mafl Coalract wHk the laperial Japaeese Oovaracccl (Subject to Alterations without Notice Ewrouaan Mall Hue FtorteIpbH» F °rw22Sf ANTWERP via (.MALACCA) P'WANG. COLOMBO, 8TJEZ, POBT SAID MAB8EILLE8 Inaba Maru j s KamoMaru j u l?lv IyoMaru Jui 28 Liverpool Lino For LTVEBPOOL via
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 514 8 WANTED. WANTED. neat traoer of any nationality and alao a j >nit clerk able to*yp-, the latter to be of either f-ex. Apply to S. c/o M*laya Tribune 80« 12 7 ,WANTED —A competent cor reeponaenoe clerk with a fair knowledge of sborthsnd and typewriting. Good prospects for the rigfet
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    • 525 8 NOTICES. notice:. Our sales-room is now located at No. 7, bras Basah Road. SINQER St WING MACHINE Co. 24 6 23 7 notice:, m Mr G. Gordon Black's conneo tion with this Company terminated on June, 30, 1920. Wifcoo Hoigate Co. (Far tot) Ltd. 1 7 77 THE SIH IDO
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    • 486 8 The Overseas Assurance Corporation, Ltd. Hoc rp rated in the Sti its Settlementa.) BOAKD OF DIRECTORS: Hon Dr. Lim Boon Keng. O B.K Chairman. 1 tm Nee S"on B*q 1 an Soo G »n Heq Ong Boon T»t Ks-i S Q Worn* Ks Lim Ch «.e 'ha Ea Tan Ban
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    • 498 8 BANKS. Bmi[««eilAdustrielle De Chine. (Incorported in France.) Authorised Capital Fra> a5O,0OtM»o Subscribed 1504)00,000 Paid-up 75/»o,oOO (1/3 of the Capital subscribed by tbe Government of the Chinese Republic) Chairman of the Board of Directors: Andre Berthelot. General Manager A. J. Pernotte. HEAD OFFICE: 74, Rue Saint Lazare, Paris. BRANCHES: Canton, HaoouHf
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    • 520 8 BANKS. fie Ho Hon. Bank, Halted: Heal- Officb iingapore, Raffles Chambers 4,5 A 6. BRANCHES; Peuang, 85 Beach Street. Malacca, 131 Jonker Street. Maar, 77/79 Jalan Saleiman. BataPahat, 109 Jalan Bahamas. Agencies at London, New York, San Francisco, Shanghai, Hongkong. Amoy, Batavia, Souraba>a, Semarang, Palembang and Trang. CAPITAL Authorised 18,000.000
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    • 560 8 CHARTERED BAM Of INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. nSCOBPORA'i ED EH ENGLAND. BT ROYAL CHARTER. Paid an Capital In 100,000 Share* of £20 each £2,000,000 Reserve Fend £3 000,OUO Reserve Liability of Proprietor* £2.000,000 BANKERS. Bank of England, London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London Ooaoty Weetmin«r»and Parr's Bank, Ltd,
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    • 343 8 ©TT© SCHIFFNER 31 KLING STREET I (i«t Floor) WATCHES and JEWELLERY WHOLESALE I SOLE AGENT FOR THE OMEGA WATCH Co., Switzerland THE ANGLO-SWISS WATCH Co., CALCUTTA —SOLEUKF, fSwlrzertaadJ JUST ARRIVED. HI I 111 Sir William Crookes Glasses ft) An ideal glass for the glare and weak eyes. A variety of
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