Malaya Tribune, 2 July 1920

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
  • 31 1 The Malaya Tribune. Mm m EVENING DAILY.] SHIPPING GAZETTE. jL [EVENING DAILY Vol. VII. Ho 153 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1920. PRICE 6 CENTS The Malaya Tribune. FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1920.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 169 1 The Malaya Tribune AND Shipping Gazette. Tbe Popular Newspaper of tbe Straita Settlements. Published Daily. Complete Beports of Loci 1 EventsPoll and Latest Telegrams. Sports Notes by Expert Critics* 3|/ The Sportsman's Paper. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Piatt Jensen, Ltd., (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) M■ lb T iilf .V. Singapore. Immediate Delivery.
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    • 36 1 *W I PORT WINE Gilbey's Invalid. A Fine Oporto Wine. Obtainable I from the leading: dealers. I INSIST i ßottling Guinness j Stout. I I mmmm. 1 J Stocked by the leading dealers.! iiiMMuwiwese i, egsssßMesßesßi
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    • 144 1 Four-wheel-drive Trucks, due to equal distribution of power and load, save J/3 lon tires and IC/iĕ on fuel consumption. r Estate Supplies Acetic (99&98 I) Acid Veneer Chests Moml Chests V Latex Cups ETC. .Mitei// SBussan Kaisfia, JbtiL (IBOOBPOR&TID IB JAPAB.) ICyouL want to support your HEALTH STRENGTH^ Use only
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  • 222 2 t*P"WW Dr Timothy Richard Memorial Food. From the Bst JAB 000K (hon secretary): An aooount hat been opened at the Chartered Bank, Singapore, for the D/ Timothy Richard Memorial Fond, to which donations can be senr, or through myself. The object is to do hononr to the late Dr
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  • 126 2 Malacca Chinese Chamber ol Commerce Appeal. Mr Tan Soo Hock, Vice Presidsnt of the Malacca Chinese Chamber of Commerce, acknowledges with thanks tbe following sabscriptiont which have been remitted to the Commie* sioner of Wei-bai-wei: Amosnt previously acknowledged $4,335 From the members of the Chinese Lawn
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  • 193 2 Tbe committee of tbe First Malacca Troop Boy Scoots beg to acknowledge with thanks the sam of $100 from Major lW M Simo towards the Malacca Boy Scoots' Fand. and is grateful to Mr Tan Peng Khoon and Dr Tan Seng Tee for having kindly colitcted tbe
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 619 2 OF* Wang 1 1 QUALIFIED DENTIST < 45 South Bridge Road (near the Central Police Station) SINGAPOREESTIMATES FREE OF CHARGE. Mr. Wang's qualification is a Straits Government recognition of his having furnished a sufficient guarantee of the requisite knowledge and skill for the efficient practice of dentistry. Boors 9—S daily.
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    • 295 2 Why Be Miserable jrith constipation or liverishness when Pinkettee are all you need fco set matters right These dainty little laxatives act as gently cis nature. BSD oure Biliousness, sick headaches, foul smelling breath; prevent Diarrhoea and Dysentery; relieve Piles. Of druggists everywhere, or post free, 90 cents the vial,
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    • 193 2 HARD TO BELIEVE. Yet nevertheless True and Easily Verified Mr. J. Sawyer, living at 8, Newhall Street, Birmingham, waa a great •ufferer from Chronh Rheumatism, but had no faith in advertised cures and it was only after great persuasion that he was induced to give Little's Oriental Balm a trial.
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    • 320 2 A NAME OF MERIT j THAT NEVER FAILS TO t Build <3rooci™rlll. I PREMO The roofing that tor many years has stood for all that is best in roofing material. PREMO The roofing that satisfies everybody in every clime. PREMO A roofing of distinction. Sound and reliable in every detail.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 532 3 AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE Tanjong Pagar Road Trams Pass the Door. In the Second Show at 9.30 Could a girl love a man who forces her to marry him For the romantic answer, S*e Dustin Farnum in THE LIGHT OF WESTERN STAR In 6 Reels. The picture strikes
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    • 449 3 —n T The fa^oU the Theatre v theatre where yon m A THE with an get the BEST A I 1 1 £i J A ezqnlsltetea h: ALHAM B R A A and the BEST Tea, etc. The Hall for Moiic and Feature! J 6 «tion. Interval*. A Special Programme
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    • 390 3 Presents the stupendous production. A film the whole world must see 1 GERMANY'S HAD CRIME WORLD-POWER or DOWNFALL The truth about the Great War in 6 Massive Reels. Calebrated personages depicted in the film 1 The Barbarian Tyrant who terrorised mediaeval Europe. Because of the atrocious cruelty of their troops,
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  • 674 4 Local and visiting Moslems have just received a lesson whioh we trust they will take to heart. Daring the fasting month, large numbers of Mecca pilgrims were in Singapore awaiting steamers. There are over two hundred Hadji lodging houses here, but these accommodate at the most
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  • 161 4 Tin is at $180 no sellers. The Rent Assessment Board will sit at the Municipal Board Room on Tuesday next at 2,15 p m. The P and O Op inform us that the ia Kalyan has left Colombo and is expeoted to arrive at this port on Tuesdsy morning nex*.
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  • 81 4 The Aerisl Exhibition. Departure of Australians- We understand that Oapt Carroll's aerial exhibitions in Singapore may commence to-morrow week, bnt th* exact date ia not yet certain. All arrangements are being made by Mr OFF Wearne, the owner of the Nighthawk. We hear alsi that L'euts Parer and
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  • 158 4 Daylight Sevlng Bill- The most interesting item on the agenda for the meeting of the Legislative Oonnoil called for Monday is the introduction of a Daylight Saving Bill, the proposed advanoe of the clock being half-an-hour. A Clearing Office. Bill—to clean up local matters relating to the Peace
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  • 339 4 At the meeting of the Penang Chamber of Commerce at which Mr W H Thome was ohosen as nominee to the Legislative Council, ft waa stated that Mr W Dunoan, whose name was also before the meeting, would probably be nominated later on by the Government ss of Provinoe Wellesley.
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  • 1027 4 By "frit*" Dr Winatedt h-»« ueen cmyitg us back to the old date m Malaya. You had only to tiokl„ this soil.'' Lo said at Seremban a few days back, and it laughed with wealth." Bat tt is no use investing in peacock feathers now. adays if you would
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 196 4 ROBINSON ft CO., Ltd. riacorporated m tbe Stntto BrttUnaata,) THE GENTLEMEN'S DEPT. Washing BATS WING BOW TIES e^g||Ly (square 8Q to 35 ends. ioches long. White Grounds Assorted Coloured Checks, Stripes and Figured Designs 95 The>y Wash 93*%^ And always look clean and smart ROBINSON ft CO., Ltl. (locorpo ftfaed
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    • 445 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in tbe Straits Settlements) 86 PHILLIP STREET. SINGAPORE. I New Shipment! JUST iLRRI /ED or Greenfield Stocks Dies with Tape Whitworth'e Thread in case complete. Little Giant berew Plates with Taps in boxes from M in. to M in. Extra (land Taps Whit worth's Thread
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    • 27 4 IT IS NOT THE MONEY THAT COUNTS MR QUALITY YOU CAN HAVE IT ta Shlpchandlery ft Estate Supplies AT tiam Kiat Co. 108 ft 109 Market St
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 171 4 WHEN AND WHERE. Friday, July 2. High Tides.—5.18 a,m., 5.46 p.m. Balgownie, DerriokV, 12.15. Football: 8 C CII v Ore sham Home. 8 TOo, v 8 H B, Union Jack Club ground. SCC BowEi Tournament, entries close. Cleric il Union, meeting re Daylight Saving, Vio Theatre, 5 15. The Qaaints,
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  • 152 5 The Penang Chamber of Commerce are tery angry about the circumstances under which Mr C M Henderson (of Messrs Guthrie Co was unable to accept nomination Jor the legislative Council. Buyers and sellers still sit on the fence in the share market. Rubber still declines and\ tin continues
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  • 69 5 BRITISH MARINE LANDED AT MOUDANIA. Constantinople, June 26. —A powerful British squadron Moudania visited yesterday and landed a party of marines who arrested several Nationalist leaders, including the Harbour Commandant and the Governor. The small garrison fled on sight of the warships. A proclamation was read stating that
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  • 98 5 Armistice Joy.Day This Year. London, June 39.—1n the House of Commons, replying tc Lieut Com Unworthy, Mr Bonar Law intimated that it was contemplated to repeat last year's armistice commemoration this year. Cspt the Hon Ormsby Gore: Will the enforcement of mandatory conditions in ex German colonies
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  • 62 5 To Help shattered Countries. London, June 30.—The House of Commons passed the second reading of the Overseas Trade Bill, gracing crediis to British traders for £26,000,000 to enable the shattered countries of Europe to rehabilitate their trade. The measure particularly aims at encouraging the export to the shattered
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  • 61 5 London, June 29.—As yet there "no news of Brigadier General i-acas, who was captured by the cmn Feiners at Fermoy several days Jgo. Troops at Fermoy broke barraoks on Sunday night and wicked a number of shops in fejaha-.ion before patrols arrived, mere were eimi ar •occurrences
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  • 41 5 London, Jane SO.—By election 55* Nelson and Colne: Graham, Labour, 14,134; Wainwright, Coali. »>onUnionist, 8,577 Rea Independent^Liberal, .\Bds.-Renter, in l reBQil at Nelson and Oolne the last general election was; £Pt A Smith, Labour, 14,075 F wreenwood, Liberal, 8,623.]
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  • 32 5 «m^D JDne 3 The Britißh JZ D 10 the Sua Congee mcl at 1Q D WDing Btreel ywicg to consider mattets gj to the Conference. Mr alien. ew pretest.
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  • 275 5 LORDS CRITICISE BRITISH POLICY. Our Interests lo Palestine, London, Jane 29.—1n the Honse of L )rdg in a debate on the situation in Palestine and India, Lords Sydenham, and Islington oritioiied the Government's olicy, 'sy-H-»lly in appoin in? a J w ai High Oommissioner of P»lescine, as
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  • 481 5 A Malayan Humorist. The man that can make as smile deserves a warm welcome in these days of unrest and H C L. Such a man is A W B H, the author of s most entertaining volume rejoicing in tbe title Lebih Korang," jost published in Penang
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  • 51 5 In the second oourt this morning, s Japaneee named Sjynoski Mizagi, of 77 Rowell-road, waa charged with forging a cheque for $4,500 on the Yokohama Speoie Bank, purporting to be signed by Kwao Mioaka, Tne Cisc was postponed to the 9th inst for mention, and accused wss sUowed bail of
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  • 328 5 Ia Danger of Deterioration. Appeal to the People for Fundi London, Jane 28 —The Dean of Westminster in letter to the Press earnestly appeals to the Englishspeaking wo i Id to sabsoribe £250.000 for the apkeep of Westminster Abbey, whioh he says ia in danger of entering upon
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  • 206 5 A Novel Attraction. Another fall snd enthusiastic house greeted the Qaaints st the Viotoris Theatre last evening, when, in One*?," they gave ample evidence of their great versatility, with several old favourites among the numbers, including Kipling's "Boots," whioh they present so impressively. There will be general gratification
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  • 250 5 London Firms' Deplorable Attitude. An instance ut tba anfortone attitude of the London directorates of the big local firois, in the matter of members of their staffs sitting on local publio bodies, has been provided in oonneotion with the nomination of a Legislative Councillor to represent the Penang
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  • 125 5 Weekly Auction Chaabtr of Cooiaiaroi Report. Singapore, Jane 30 k Jaly 1. Catalogued 2,471,461 lbs, 1,103.33 tons. Offered 2,076.314 lbs, 926 02 tons. Sold 1,368,211 lbs, 610.80 tons. Prices Realised. Ribbed Smoked Bheei Ota. per lb. m Singapore Standard Qaality 71J to 71 Off Qaality 60 70i Orepe
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  • 36 5 Copra. The market has been steady daring the week and closing quota, tions are as follows I No. 1 Standard $15.50 to 111.50 h 2 14.80 15.00 „3 14 30 14 50
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  • 135 5 Singapore, July 1. Owing to heavy arrivals from the Dutch Bast Indies, the quantity of rubber catalogued for the weekly auction whioh oommenoed yesterday was larger than nsual at 1,103 tons. Following advices of heavy declines in London and New York, due to a poor consumptive
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  • 229 5 Singapore, July 1. Daring the put week the market haa had a considerable decline and prices for near positions have dropped nearly 7 cents. The fall baa been ohiefly doe to the w*ak advices from London and New York, and also to the fact that local
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  • 140 5 Singapore July S. Silver.—s2. Hongkong.—6l4. Shanghai.—43s. Tin. Bayer* at $130. Robber Report—The market i* ■toady and slightly firmer July Bheet around 735, September 77/775, and October/December 821J83. Share Report.—Still dull. Rubbers.—Neglected. Oraigieleae $1.85/1.90, Perak Rivers $3 80/3.85, Ulu Bennts 90 oents sellers, Olenealyi $180/2.90, Sangei Begans
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  • 697 5 FOOTBALL Straits Chinese Beat S C C. BY REYNARD. By the odd goal of a great straggle one Straita Chinese F A defeated tbe 8 0 0 first eleven on the yesterday. The teams were 8 0 0 Dean Hill and Cosbway Sinclair, Lynch end Monro Jamie. »on, Black,
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  • 67 5 Elizabeth Challenge Cop. The Singapore Yacht Olab's Aral handicap race (or the Elisabeth Challenge Gap, presented by, Mr W rEaeley, will be sailed on morning. Coone.—Start U B Pier, roand 0 8 Recorder, «psnu/.war baoy, mark.boat off 8 wi atoning Olab mark, boat between 8 en. View aM hnlk
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  • 57 5 In sommemoratlon of the anal* titrsaty of American Independence ito, *a Sunday, tha CottoJ In oharge mm ho pleased to receive visitors as the office of theOonsulate General, 59-61, the Arcade, between the hours of 11 o'clock am, and ISJO o'clock p m on Saturday. No business will be
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  • 569 5 Jane 14 to Jar c SO. Sbare-M rket.—The st>-gnaiio-continues. It la doe not to weak tn th* flnauoial poeition o< r-golar operatora but to the unoertint j regarding the trend of things. Given a clear indication that prio *re likely to further decline, here will
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 211 5 COLUMBIA GBAFONOLA 1 The exclusive systecn of ton© V J sV cmtroi ot ihe Columbia \9 Grafon-a eaablea y>u to modulate its tone volume with merriy a touch. Prices from $98 Cow Id and hear tt plan Bur *T Little Wonder Records ffi^ The newest Hits SO eta. each. Columbia
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  • 55 6 Delivered lo London. Tee following are the dattfl ol :ep*rM»iv from Singapore of the •;rr.; .n; Mail* and their deli* irj r. Lot* or. Lift delivered in SiwoAPoaa London. May 5 Jane 1 do 6 do 2 do 13 do 10 do 23 do 15 do 20 do
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  • 352 6 The Oil Palms Flotation Messrs Chart and Co, Koala Lumpur, report at the end of Jane Hopes that tbe close of tbe month would see a revival in the share market have met with disappoint ment. Signs of incipient firmnesß here and there were evident a few
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  • 36 6 Scott Harley Bri from Suncei Liat 2-7. Van Waerwijok Dot from Hongkong 1.7. Sekkow Maru Jap from Caloutta 2-7. R S Bahru Dot from Rhio 2 7. Sri Maar Bri from Malaooa 2-7.
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  • 439 6 H H tha Sultan of K-lantan snd party have extended their patronage to the Alhambra last night, when the speoisl feature was s British film giving a soreen version of Bhakespesra's Merchant of Venice" and featuring Matheeon LiD« and Miss Hutin Britton. Besides this there was a number
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  • 20 6 The latest London Oablei to baud this morning are dated as follower— Ordinary rate June 29; defetrtd rato June 27.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 141 6 Player's I Player's m cut Nam cm Tobacco t«|)»gco "DE LUXE" $1.20 $1.80 Per I lb. tin. Per f lb. tin. 1 Playe a»» ss Navy Gut Cigarettes OO cents per tin of BO Mo More Disappointment. If yeur Motor ears eater tor frequent repairs, lust send It to The
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    • 558 6 Auction Saajsa oi* UNREDEEMED PLEDOES OP Chop Tye Chong Tong, No. 55 Kam■ong Pantai Oi wednesdag, July 7. Pledges on view on tbe sth and 6th. Teob Hong Tlat Auctioneer, S3, River Side, Malacca. 27 5 7 THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE 1883. IN THR SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT
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    • 174 6 Nothing So Good Wrigley's Chewing Gum For the Teeth Fop the Digestion For your Disposition SPEARMINT DOUBLEMINT JUIC V FRUIT. Have You Seen Maynard's Window? Kemembsp!! After Every Meal MDLLBB PHIPPS (MALAYA), Ltd., Distributors~~VWMMBMMMWMMM3MMBMWWWMMMWMWMMMMMMMWMMMMMMWMMtMWM3BM^ "SERVICE" Motor Lorries IN STOCK 1, 1V 2 2, 2 1 2 3 2 ton models.
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    • 45 6 Wm IMS. TOBACCO tt. 38 BOBINSON BOAD, SINGAPOBE Branthea at IPQH. KOALA LDHPDR PENAN* Tag Tas Hee Cigarettes qJ JuBt introduced into the J marke*. j| I* you try onoe you will oonvince yourself. Certificates from Sultana who 1186 OTU oigarettes testify Iq excellence. i
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 193 6 Mails Close. fa-fay. T«luk Anson *?ye 3 pm Medan Van Goena 3 pm Mulaoca and Muar 'Lady Weld 5 pm Batavia, Samarang and Sonrabaya Bnmphins 3 pm Bangkok Zaida 4 K ui ttaigon Donai 4 pm Sonrabaya Gharinda 4 pm I P Sambo, Bawean, Sonrabaya, Bandjermassin, Stagen, K. Baroe B
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  • 345 7 Should Salaries be Doobled Judging from the comments on oar leading article of Wednesday, says the "Btraita Echo," few people in Penang can have been aware of the great discrepancy between the civil service salaries in this country and India. One question frequently asked was, "Could we
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  • 272 7 Anniversary Celebrations. me members of tbe Klang Chinese Young Men's Society celebrated the second anniversary of the society on Saturday with success. The premises of the society Were decorated with dags, flowers and Chinese inBnription* suitable for the occasion. The Rev W E Horley, patron of the GYMS,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 709 7 I CHAIN BLOCKS. Herbert Morris, Ltd. LOUGHBOROUGH, ENGLAND, New Stock (5 ewt. to 5 Tons.) «XTZST RECEIVED OF THE FAMOUS H. M Worm Gear Pulley-Bl6oka H M. Spur-Gear Pulley-Blocks H. M Geared Ungeared Travelling Trolleys POWer EaSy Ufting J Durability J 1 ff Cut ears I Safety j J Throu
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    • 66 7 I #If you have any goods to sell and wish circulars, uuovidual Public. Dictaphone Used. Terms Moderate THE LETTER TYPING OFFICE Burlington House Phone 1108. 3 Coleman St. S 4 9 Stanley Gibbon's (1920) Part II Catalogues For Stamps of Foreign Countries. Obtainable from Ibi Continental stamp Co., HIGH STREET,
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    • 330 7 J dpeed I stamina 1 m outstanding grace of line and Ii luxury of appointments, die Auburn I j Beauty-SIX marks the ultimate 1 < triumph of motor car designing. X j A\IBYIKN Bea\n>SlX I fH And Auburn performance is a perfect com- X ji plement of Auburn beauty. In
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    • 118 7 Call at the well-known Cake-Shop if yon want Fresh cakes, Ices, Cold and Hot Drinks. This Cake-Shop is patronized by all, and w the pioneer 4 of the confeotionery business in Singapore. Wedding, Birthday or Christening cakes, Vanilla Walnut, Chocolate or Maraschino Cream tarts I A SPECIALITY. Note toe address
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  • 500 8 Merchants' Heavy Stocks. Talk of a Moratorium. Mincing-lane is suffering from a severe attack of nerves. Many of the merchants and brokers in the narrow London thoroughfare in which so many millions of pounds' worth of the world's commodities is dealt in, scent trouble in the near
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  • 187 8 Lady Gnillemard s Commission.. Those who have been agitating for years for a better supply of European uuraea will be interested to learn of an important announcement which wa- made at last Saturday's meeting of tbe Negri-Sembilan Planters' Association at Seremban, to the effect that Lady Gnillemard
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  • 90 8 The Dunedin (New Zealand) correspondent of the Daily Mail understands that the Prince of Wales, when he visits India in the winter, will return in the Renown by way of the Straita Settlements, China, Japan and Canada. The death took place recently at Sonthport of Mr Herbert Standring, of Manchester,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 515 8 s VIGOROUS HEALTH. The capacity for effective service depend, very largely, on the choice of drinks. FORT-REVIVER FORTIFIES REVIVES. This is a capital beverage, of which every ingredient makes for vigorous health. Choose it as your drink, it not only quenches your thirst, it is unequalled as a Tonic Restorative,
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    • 710 8 THE HOME OF PROPRIETORS OF STATE EXPRESS CIGARETTES inCt J LONDON. Ksa CIGARETTES Guarantee that all their pro- > iFi- ductions are manufactured J at Factori©* m London, England, from the Flneet Matured Tobacco Leaf pro\o¥iĔMlm- curable, and are absolutely free from all wbrtltutea, Ist X^^^^.^ Virginia Turkish No. 444
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    • 767 8 AUCTIONSALES. Defaulters Sale. Messrs Powell Co., Ltd., will sell by auction On Friday, July 2, at 11 am. «0 Tins Fish Oil lying at 47 Upper Cross Street. Powell ft iyO Ltd., Auctioneers. (Incorporated in Singapore.) Singapore, 24th June, 1920. SS 6 27 Auction Sale of Australian Poultry. Messrs Powell
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  • 68 9 Arrivals. JUNE 29. P Hordijk Dot from Batavia. Janssens Dot from Batavia. Muroran Mam Jap from Calontta. Nam Sang Bri from Kobe. Olymont Am from Hankow. H-lenug Bri from Shanghai. Lake Gilpen Am from Calcutta. Hye Leong Bri from T Anson. Bronwer Dot from P Baroe. JULY U
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  • 103 9 JUNE 30. Kampar for P Swettenham and T Anson. Torilla for Kobe via ports. Ipoh for P Swettenham it Penang. Sri Mnar for Malaooa and Moar. Anjon for Malaoca and Mnar. Medusa for Belawan Dali. Pontianak for Bagan via ports. Ooen for Palembang via ports. Kmile for Bhio via
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  • 138 9 Alphabetical lift of Infected (signal X OQ) and Suspected (signal P P B) Porte Signal (necessary J In adPort no*tfi*d. dltion to DiawM QjßssesJhs flag. Amoy FP B Cerebrospinal Meninjriti* Bangkok XGQ Cholera Baasein XGQ Small-pox. BaU via XGQ Cerebrospinal Meningitia, Bombay XGQ Influensa. Calcutta XGQ Cholera Calcutta XGQ
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 686 9 P.&0.-Britishlndia AND APCAR LINE. I (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) THE COMPANY'S MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPOBE. Kalyan about July 6 To MARSEILLES LONDON
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    • 580 9 DOLLAR LINE. Regular Sailings From SINGAPORE to NEW YORK via NORTH CHINA and PANAMA CANAL. Tons Arriving Grace Dollar displacement 15,000 July 88 M. S. Dollar 19,000 Aug 18 Also operating regular lines to VANGOUVEB SAN FRANCISCO. Through Bills of Lading issued from Singapore to the Principal Cities of the
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    • 157 9 SOCDBTA DI NAVIGAZIONE A VAPOBE del LLOYD TRIESTINO LINE. (Incorporated in Italy) HOMEWARD BOUND. 8. 8. M Persia," for Penang, Colombo and Trieste, late July. 8. 8. Pilsna," for Penang, j Colombo and Trieste, about Aug. 18. OUTWARD BOUND. 8. 8. Pilsna," for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japanese Ports on or
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    • 404 9 O.S.K. Tli Isati Slmmi labta, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Japan) No. 2 De Souza Street Proposed Silllns from Sliiapore. (Subject to change without notice) European Line, POBT SAID. MARSEILLES, LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. Himalaya Maru middle July Alps Maru Sept Mew York Line. (via PANAMA CANAL) Honolulu Maru beg. Sept
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    • 550 9 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) Uadst Man Contract with tbe laaperial Japanese uoverncc:* (Subject to Alterations without Notice) European Mall Llna Fortnigbily Se v m iO ?JKS!S2? ANTWERP via (MALAOOA) PENANG, COLOMBO, SUEZ, PORT SAID MARSEILLES. InabaMaru July 2 Kamo Maru July i 7 Iyo Maru July 28 Liverpool
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 532 10 WANTED. WANTED.— neat tracer of «7 nationality and also a junior clerk able to type, the latter t-> be ef either sex. Apply to 8. o/o Malaya Tribune 50 C IS 7 WANTED. —A competent cor respondenoe clerk with a fair knowledge of shorthand and typewriting. Good prospects for the
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    • 604 10 NOTICES. NOTICE Our sales-room is now located at No. 7, Bras Basah Road. SINGER SfcWlNd MACHINE Co. 24« 23T NOTICE P sition of clerk for Estate in KeUntan ie filled. Applicant* iMWe*M et Little Dfspensary. 30 6 37 1 NOTICE. Mr G. Gordon Block's oonneo tion with ''this Company term
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    • 510 10 INSURANCE. j-a~> 1 r THE ORIENTAL GoYEßNrarr Sbourjtt Lift luiruN la., Ltd. ESTABLISHXD 1874. Incorporated in India. FUNDS exceed Five Crores Rsaees. Absoluts Sbcurity. I MMM till $1,111 t41.1l IMITUM IfIMM 111 1111 SI 147 lt.N Total Policiee in force 69,405 assuring with Bonus Additions 598.817.617.00 New Businee* for tbe
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    • 474 10 BANKS. Banque Industiielle De Chine. Imcornorttd in Franca.Fre. JSOWW BSf "JgH (1/3 of the Capital subscribed by the (*<>jernmeat <*f the Chinese Republic.) Chairman of the Board of Director*; Andre Berthelot. Geaeral Manager: A. J. Pernotte. HEAD OFFICE: 74. Rne Saint Laxare, Paris. BRANCHES: Canton, Hanoi, Mukden, Pekin, Tientsin, Foochow,
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    • 514 10 BANKS. Til b Ui| Ink, Uilttf. Hbad Office -ingepore, Raffle* Chamber* 4,8 A 6 Branches; P*<can»>, 85 Beach Street. Ma.acca, 131 Junker Street. Maar, 77/79 Jaian Suleiman. Batu Pabat, 109 Jaian Rabamat. Agencies at London, New York, San Franoieoo, Shanghai, Hongkong. Amoy, Batavia, Sonrabaja, Semarang, Palembang and Trang CAPITAL authorised
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    • 562 10 BANKS. CHARTERED MIX OMNIA, AUSTRALIA AMD CHINA. INOORPORAI ED IN ENGLAND. BT BOYAL CHARTER. Paid ap Capital In 100,000 Shares of £20 each 42,000,000 Reserve Fand £3 000.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £2,000,000 BANKERS* Bank Of Knftl^nri London Joint Oity and Midland Bank, Ltd. London Coanty Wertmin«t>er and Parr's Bank,
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    • 296 10 ©TT© SeHIFFNER 31 KLING STREET (Ist Floor) WATCHES and JEWELLERY WHOLESALE i SOLS AGENT FOE THE OMEGA WATCH Co., Swltseiiaad THE ANGLO-SWISS WATCH Co., CALCU fTA —SOLE USE, rSwltserlaßd.j JUST ARRIVED. Sir William Crookes Glasses An ideal glass for the glare and weak eyes. A variety of protectors and sun
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