Malaya Tribune, 24 May 1919

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 250 1 jBYBRYTHING S IN THE g Way of MOTORING] CONSULT IHIN WATT Co., I j Head Office, 10J, Market Street. ?Motor Works Dept. 80, Orchard Road. 1 I^——MB—MIT GAIETY The Star of the Show rvalgaed in a huff. The Manager wm In deipair. A little girl from the Choraa, with bos
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    • 158 1 For Sale. A complete turn-oak, toinprising Buggy and Aaitraliau gelding with harneia. Any reasonable offer accepted. Apply to STRAITS HOTEL TANJONG PACVR ROAO. iJsAIBQOSCO. General Merchants A looey Cnangers. All are kindly auliciUd la inspect our shap at Johnston's Pi r, Singapore Foreign Coiai of all kinds em b* exchanged
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    • 115 1 PRACTISE ECONOMY j HneggggsaMMaagg, a.lll aH =~anMaw«anaa«an«ManaMananan» Drink LIPTON'S TEAS N# other TEA., at the same price, can jr equal it in QUALITY. I No other can give you so many Cups of Delicious Tea as LIPTON'S does, ij Obtainable from ail Grocers Bazaar Dealers la I THREE STANDARD BLENDS
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    • 311 1 I THE J 'straits Albion Press, LIIVIJXED. Stationers Printers,! I 20a-20c, Collyer Quay, SINGAPORE. k Estate Supplies Acetic (99&981.) Acid Veneer Chests Mo mi Chests Latex Cups ETC. Mitsui ZBussan tKaisfia, Jfatd. I (Incorporated in Japan.) HRNAYft SH0KAI j No. 178, !79 Middle Raid, Singapore. RUBBER DEALERS AMD ESTATE SUPPLIERS.
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  • 415 2 Farther Activity Reported. Says fuesrtay'n Times of Malay» It is reported by a correspondent that tbc-re have been two hold Bps" of motorcars, Let ween Padang Rengas and Bukit G&ntaag, by armed robbers witbin the last fortnight, and us u-ual the otcup*n's wer* relieved of their valuables ar
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  • 422 2 A Gamble with Death. When tho Kin# bestowed ou a stalwart Staf' rth Highlander named Wilkm-iou the Victoria Cross be decorated a soldier whose story is one of the most amaring and human narra'ives whiefa. even the great war has produced. In 19U Wilkinson joined the bents
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 406 2 INSURANCE SOUTH BRIT.SH FIRS Insurances effected on iJaiiuings, R*nt ami ilwroaaodiae of every deeoription. MARINE Inferences accepted to fell parts of the world at lowest rates. WAR RISE BjaeeplH to ail par's, The* Eastern United Assurance Oorporstlon. Limited. HEAD OFFlCE.—Singapore. (LVOOnrORATBD IK TUB board of'mrectors! 11 Tan Kheam H~k. Eso.
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    • 249 2 Genuine British Goods. Bunting Coloured Muslins (Curtains) Printed Bordered Casements Cretonnes Curtain Nets, 30 in to 64 inTicking Tunic Shirts, Sizes 13 to 15 Mosquito Netting 72 in. 80 i n 90 in Sheeting, 70 in., 80 in., 90 in. Damask Bleached Calico Velvet Stationery Bartholomews Co., 1, Change Alley,
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    • 463 2 \\\m j£ Mt^^a/H g Run-down J When your system to underi I minrd by worry or over-work I ejd^wfce' 01 Tlt t r s owe w I —when your nerres are "00 I j you- you are in a system is like a piant that to ft drooping for want
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    • 745 2 [THE o~i* IE N T Government Security Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Established 1874. Incorporated in India.. FUNDS exceed $38,300,000 00 AJHOOTI crity. Income In 1917 $4,587,500.00 Total iiut-flo I* 1817 ■$2 7'? »7 luurancn erected In 1917 $4,790,128.00 Increass In fuads Total Policiee in force 67,122 assnrips; with Bonne Additfc
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    • 241 2 The Asiatic Hotel 32S, NOBTH BHIDGE ROAD IINUPORE Supplies European and the best of Asiatic food prepared by well experienced Sinhalese cooks to suit the taBte of one and all. Meals can be had within the very commodious and well furniphed quarters in the Hotel, or can be despatched to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 685 3 j An Bxcellent Social Drama, Intensely Intsbestijig AT THE MARLBOROUGH The E&ll for Comfort, Good Mnslo and Oood Plotares Beech Road. Second Show at 915 p.m. A SUPERB TKIANGLE DRAMA Dealing with the evils of matcb.making and the tendency certain parents atom towards selling their daughters for wealth or social
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    • 535 3 j From Monday, Hay 19, to Saturday, Miy, 24. _Ji auJTrai. An Pxhilarating Programme of Thrilling Entertaining Pictures get the BEST; H gBK |l V>3K IHr I garden •km ta.! j| llfa Is*? 8 iA I BEST i Cakes, Coffee, Ow**-*** The Hall for Music and Features Tea and the
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    • 575 3 AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE j Tanjong Pagar Road Trams Pass the Door. I Second Show «.t 9 30 Universal Animates! Weekly No. 22. BUTTERFLY PICTURES Present Francis Ferd and an All-Star Cw»t in 5 John Ermiiis of tfr Yallowstons 5 •An appealing heart-iuterest story that tonchea the Tennersst
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  • 1313 4 The George Washington wis sup posed to arrive at Brest a we k before its scheduled time. The news created quite a flatter in the political dovecotes, and an expectant world was gravely informed that it had nothing to do with President Wilson's having a sore head.
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  • 110 4 The following figures give the number of bags of rice imported into Singapore during the period 17th to 21st instant Imports from Bangkok Broken 33,085, Cargo 6 056, White 67,614, Pulot 1,834, Boiled 1,709. Imports from Saigon,—Broken 3,8»0. White 40,420 [We are informed that the price of ordinary
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  • 99 4 We are officially informed that information has been received to the effect that the sailing of the Ambulance Transport s. 8. Maheno which was allotted for the conveyance of civilians to England has been cancelled. Bookings already made in respect of the Maheno will, unless information is
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  • 492 4 Tin in quoted $115|. Bold 100 tons. Robber is qaoted at 1/11", for crepe and 1/U U r sheet. F M 8 W,r Savings certificates ($l5 for $20) can now be l at tbe General Post Offices at Singapore, Penang and Malacca. The Rev. G Dexter Allen.
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  • 74 4 The last two opportunities of seeing this fine Chaplin flm, along with The Romance of Tarzan, will be presented to-day, at the special matiuee at 5 o'clock and at the final show at 9.L5 to-night. The matinee gives a ohanoe to the children of Singapore to have
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  • 102 4 The mass meeting in the Theatre on Sanday night is for men and women, and will commence at 9 o'clock. The subject of the address wiil be ''Your King and His world need ycu Those who have not had an opportunity of bearing the Bishop during
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  • 77 4 Rbuter's Cables Pages Afghan Rising t>> 5 Peaca Matters 5 Frerjch Consular News 5 General Perak Robbers v 2 V C Epic 2 WaitiDg for Peace 4 Local aud General 4 F M 8 R Subordinates 5 Will Geranany'Wgn 5 Sporting 5 Church Services 6 Looal Share Marker 6 Straits
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 181 4 REDUCTION IN PRICE OF Robinson's PATENT LEVER HATCH si«.i In Pure (8.50 Nickel cases. $9?50 Watch su.j gjk* NH Guaranteed Price 3 00^ $9.50 Timekeeper ROBINSON Co. ASPHALT for Roads, Pavements, Flooring*, etc. Send your orders to the Asiatic Petroleum st Helen's Company (S.S.) Ltd. Singapore. (Incorporated in England.J FOB
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    • 273 4 ALWAYS WATCH THIS SPACE It means money to you nowadaysNew goods constantly received to Suit all requirements true. Fashions come and fashions go, But to us it is not so. Buy goods that will (rive you IVisfaction. And you will never regret your action. JUST ARRIVED: Tyzack's Elephant Brand Scythe
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    • 216 4 m t— ——p— —m mm .-^■a«B'MH^BBs I *wWNsiBBHBBaINa^NHa^MW j"D. 0.M." The famous Liqueur knewm the world over. Caldbeck, Macgregor AND Co. Mil AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. KIAM KIAT Co. 106 and 109 Market Street. SHIPMENT Just Received: Hack Saw Blades Morgan's Plumbago •Salamandrite American English Aluminium Paint Web Saw Blades Luzon
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    • 68 4 RICE SUPPLIES. It has been 'brought to notice that the public are finding difficulty in purchasing rice in Singapore, so it is published for information that at present there is no shortage of rica here. If consumers therefore find it difficult to purchase rice at any particular shop they should
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  • 931 5 The Varied Problems. London, "May 15, 5.20 p m. Paris: R c plyirg to Rantzan's note on labonr, cabled on Ma; 12, M Clemerceau suited that the Allies were convinced that such solutions will be rendered easier in fntnre when the peoples' minds were free from the fear
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  • 344 5 Fighting with Bolshevists. London, May 16, 9.15 p.m. Copenhagen It is reported from Budapest that the Ukrainian red army has defeated the Rumanians on the Dniester, and the Reds cross* ed the river. London, May 16, 11,15 p.m. Japan has recognised the Koltchak Government. Koltohak's floods at Paris
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  • 126 5 London, May 16, 4.50 p.m. Presiding at a farewell luncheon to Sir R L Borden by tbe Empire Parliamentary Association at the House or Comm < 8 to-day, Mr Bonar Law as id th<?y remembered the vicissitudes and nncer. tainti-.a that siirounded us during the war, he
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  • 56 5 London, May 15, 5.0 p.m. Bale A message from Berlin eavs that th* trhl of persons concerned in the murder of Liebkneoht ar.d Rosa Luxemburg has resulted in Lieutenant Vigel and Trooper Runge being sentenced to two years imprisonment, and Lieutenant Ritmann to six weeks solitary oonfinoment.
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  • 43 5 London, May 15, 7.4 p.m. Port S?id AH Municipal workers hay struck under orders. The canal traffic is not affected owirg to t! c m a a3u=-es taken to provide ships with euffioi-nt coal to reach the nearest port.
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  • 16 5 London, M*y 17, 2.35 p.m. Silver is at to 53 3.8. The market iB quiet.
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  • 466 5 Jimmy Bradshaw's Fallo c. Simla, May 20, 6.40 p.m. R-uter's tpioial tsMSpMdOst h* Peshawar on May 20 the Kaiber having oeafexl to be for the present a danger point,ihe situation has developed in With the exception of a few m 1-wa, the Tutis and Wazirs t. c 6
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  • 198 5 London, May 17, 1.45 p.m. The letter to the Tim- c asserts that officers sick in India and in« valided should draw full pay and staff for three months as in war time. Officers'housing in canton ments iB described 88 scandalous, owing to leasing conditions due to
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  • 52 5 L >ndon, May 16. 9,15 p.m. Vienna *A conuter government has been formed at Arad, Hungary, with premier Julius Karolyi, s cousin of Count Karolyi. Tbe govin a manifesto declares that it is transitional and its task will be to repair the Bolshevist ravages and restore law
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  • 32 5 London. May 14 10.20 p.m. Athens The Greek forces have ocoupied Smyrna. This nev/s has caused a patriotic outburst, and is acclaimed as the triumph of the Venisilist policy.
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  • 182 5 (By of ihĕ French Cvnsvi'ite.) Pari*, May 21,/7 p.m. Rubber in quoted la U'f d. Signor Orlando left in tt»e «ver> rc for Onlx, near Turin, \vh< r« Le will onnfor wPh the tnernbprs of the Ifeeltea government. Reply irr to Count RaozWs regarding the reparations, M
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  • 259 5 London, M*j 15, 7.10 p.m. Si Johoc: Tui American dirigible C H has arrived. London, May 18, 5.0 bin. Representative British airmen interviewed are united in their praise of America's gre*t feat of flying the Atlantic, marking in era ot proguss in aviation. They declare it is
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  • 147 5 London, May 17, 4.20 p.m Mr Asqn th speaking at NewciSiie referring to the well known wartime speech there when aa Piemier he gave an assmance that there was no shoitage of monition*, wajmly denied that he deoeive i the, counV. His former statement was carefuhy limited
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  • 85 5 Loudon, May 10, 3.35 a.m. Helsii gfors, May 18 A-Bolshe-vik cm»ser and two torpedo boats with a number of mino-sweepers left Kronsiadt a» six in the morning, and simultaneously the Bolffcswlk batter i-s at KrMfnsjork* ■MUed the Finnish coast. In the vioiniiy of Ino the British warships
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  • 24 5 London, May 17, 4.20jp.m. Berlin Statistics issued on April 30th say that the Germans killed in the war exceeded two millions.
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  • 29 5 London, May 15, 7.i0 p.m Vw Renter learns tbe French Government has deoided U> award Nor* Cavell the Cross of Chevalier of the Legion of Honour.
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  • 274 5 Committee of Enquiry Formed. In addition to various other bra»oheg of the Government B>"*rvice in Vlal*\ \the Railway department *> s k.< host of subordinates who And these pay and prospects less than the present condition of affairs can justify, and paHfiojsM have be. n sent in to
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  • 185 5 London, May 16,6.30 p.m. Brussels Th»- ;-x cabinet Minister Mr Herbert Samuel, special L'-itnb Commission* r to Belgium with the <*r j-ct of facilitating reconstruction, interviewed by Renter after emphasising Britain's own tre•uet dous war c- debts and losns sated that Britain would shortly removeail reß'riotiens on the
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  • 124 5 London, May 18, 11.30 p.m. Washington Congress has been convened for May 19 at a very momentous siding in view of tbe question of ratifioatii -i of the Peace Treaty aval of the League covenant. Interest centres on the. altitude of the Republican majority, historic iOtltasi in the
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  • 99 5 '■London, May 10, 5 0 p.m. Paris Mr L'oyd G-orge has gore to visit tbe British army of occupation on the Rhino. The council of foreign ministers is working out tb s subsi iiary details nf 'he new Austrian frontiers. It Joes not anticipato that the treaty will
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  • 69 5 There will be a general meeting in tbe Malecca Club on Sanday Ist Jone at 10 a.m. Business: To confirm the Miputes of the last General Meeting, Correspondence, Food Pioduotion, Sir. ying Cattle, Recruiting of Chinese Labour, Rnbb. r Thefts, To consider the following Notice of Moiicn
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  • 1797 5 Cross Currents at Weimar. The Hague, April 22 j Something of a shock was ctased in Berlin by Count Brockdorff Rantzau's deliberate misstatement that the Germans had been invited to send a simple courier to Versailles in order to reasivs 110 sVali Treaty of Peace at tbe
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  • 28 5 S R C Lawn Tennis Tournament. Yesterday's Ties. Championship b< at Ryan, 7—5, 6—l. Foubles Handicap. Wkeatlej and Coelho 40, beat Ahin and Stack 15, 6—2, 6—2,
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  • 48 5 Yesterday's Play. Ladies Doubles. MirS Limb and bUss L Lamb owe 15 beat Mrs Lowtber Kemp an< Mrs Grayburn ow« 4, 6—1,12—10. Mixed Doubles A Class, Mrs Vuwler and Mrs Leggatt owe 15.4, b*Bt Miss Gonn and Mr Stout owe 15.4, 6—2, 7—5.
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  • 89 5 Ord*-s for wee": m Jing Saturday May 31 1919. Monday, May 26.—Signalling Class V M C ground. 5.15 p.m. Tnes'ay, May 27.—Combined Parade, V M C A ground, 5.15 p.m. Wedneedav, May 28 —Musketry ls«. Ind ami 3- i SVC Drill Hall, 5 1G p.m. Thursday, Mty
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 117 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Australian Wheat Flour. The Food Controller has now supplies of Australian Wheat Flour. Messrs Sime, Darby Co., Ltd., Singapore, have been appointed Agents for its distribution. Supplies may be had c n application to that firm at the fixed price of £14.25 per bag of 150 lbs ex
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  • 807 6 Prices Qu«ut in (be Market ta i Momiaf. SIHQAPC May ?4. Maoan Lyal! and Kvatt, Kxobange and fttiar* Liroktn, tune the following lUt oi quotatiuui atokier Stum. lorn, Valma. Bayars. Balitrt. I/- 40awM J» 8 J/- Aa.ToJava 4,8 6. a t/- Aagio-Matay 18/- 16,--1 Ayei Kuning 46,-
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  • 56 6 Singapor* May 24 On LondonBank 4 m/g 2/4 3'B Demand 2/4 lp) Private 3 m/g 2/4 itjtl On India— Bank T T. 138 On Hongkong— OnSh.nSi d d SJO/o m 0. J 1 Bank T. T, 135 Un Japan— Bankd/d 105 i «•▼ereigna— buying rate $8.04 Bank of England
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  • 55 6 UHlftrctf la L' a The tr* t: dajn f; l«t-a»»nr* from Bicgapore of tfc and Utah ifejiw :n I^- Dklivkhed in SiNOAPoaa London. March 6 April S do > do 16 do 17 do 16 do -6 do 28 27 do 26 A P r >' 3
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  • 17 6 Ship! in ocmmanication with the Commercial Wirtleea Station this OioruiDg :—Jauus, Yaeldijk, Melchior Treub, Kaaado Mara.
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  • 279 6 Singapore, May 24. Meetrg Latham L Co., the Chartered Bank Chamber! ad\i ß e the lollowiug quotation* aUoriiajah $3.25 $3 4" \yerKaning» 1.15 1.30 \yer Mol-h i, 245 2.60 1 xJet Parat 10 50 11.00 BtJgownle 5.00 5.25 Ba'.j. im\oion§ m 0.60 0.65 BnkU Kalil 1.00 1.05
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  • 303 6 Singapore, May 24. TYn.—See Local and General column. Copra,— No buiineßF, Tapioca. —Steady. Bueinem done. Sago Flour- —Buainew done. Gambter. —Business done, Fe?p*r.~- Steady. Buainee! done Other Products.- -Market yule* Utttt Leal Market OvoteHeai. Nutmegi 110 S. per pieul $40.00 Nutmeg! 80 a. 45.00 Copra Ball 18 50
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  • 145 6 Programme of Drills, etc, for week endmg Sa'nrday, May 31, 1919.— Sunday, May 25, 7.30 a.m.— Balegtier Range, S V R. Monday, tfay 26, *4 p.m.— !<aleetit-r Rangp, S V A. DehoK Tuesday, May 27, 5 10 p.m.— Drill Hall All Units SVC, Pirn ice Cerr ujo?.ml.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 134 6 Glycerine (LEVER BROS. Ltd.) Chemically Pure, Double Distilled 1260 S. G. In Cases of 2 by 28 lb. Tins. PRICE ON APPLICATION TO Huttenbach BROS. Co. Peace at Lost CELEBRATE IT BY m DRINKING K p Beer and Stout. THE POPULAR BEYEBAGES. Bold Everywhere j G. AURELY Co., Singapore and
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    • 168 6 The Tonic i j only Complete fl f| D[f| I frr the Heart Biood o LUDCUL Muscles 1 Preparation. and Nerves. t Anaemia-Neurasthenia Con\r-ahscBncB-ovefstraii-D3bility-Rapid Growth-Scrofula TUBERCULOSIS Opotherapy of the blood with Its active princtolts. Globaol is a typiaal active remedy or medicinal food for imparting Strength and Eaergy. Free from
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    • 647 6 Church Services. 8. Andrew s Cathedral, Sir.OAPOBE. 6th Sunday Aheb Eastkr. (Rogation Sunday 2 th May, V.H'J. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 7.44 Holy Commoaiaa. (Choral). I4JB am. Matins I ii.. mf Bagjoal and Bible I N p tn. 1.. rm :ig aud Sermon. S. Mattln Sepflf Lines. 9.16 am.
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    • 161 6 For Aches and Pains. For aches and pains in young and old there is nothing that will so quickly bring permanent relief and CURE as that sovereign, time-tested and proven remedy— UTILE'S ORIENTAL BALM For the aches and pains of childhood and yorth it is unexcelled. For the Rheumatic and
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    • 255 6 I I A P A B N B E S E S E T B YAMATO CO., Singapore B EE R 3001 PHOTOGRAPH mmmM four Ve?j ULcneas, Stylo sod Hord, Fmt DfOm FRO I: Ub Iritttrs' stNdio s*lll Ht^&et *tli *he-p re* alt* GREAT PEACE SALE AT KOH Co. Now
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 438 6 nails Close. Today. ty Port Swettenham, Penang, taking mailt for Europe, etc. Mail F Fultala 1 pmt Malacca, Port Swettenham and Penang *Klrng 2.30 pm P. Sambu, Rhio, Billiton, Bala via, Cheribon, Sainaiang A Sourabaya Si berg t.l' pm Penang.* an1 Calcutta Cbak-ang 2.30 (mi Bangkok Katong 2.30 pm Medan
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  • 1010 7 March Morning in fhe West. Of» this bright March morning the rooks from the Bishop's garden are flving with loud caws above an J ahou the grey Cathedral tower, exalting In the bias sky above an*» the breath of the south west wind. "O all ye fowls
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  • 419 7 Some of the most usual things are also the most wonderful (writes ''M D" in the Daily Express;, but just oecause they are so familiar it never occurs to us how wonderfal they really ate. In all the complex arrangements that go to make up human
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 493 7 BANKS The Ho Hong Book, Limited. (laeorporated in the Straits SetUements.J Head office Singapore, R»mes Chambers 5 4 6. BRANCHES Penan*, 85 Beach Street. Malacca, 131 Junker Street. Mu»r, 77/79 J»lan Suleiman. BatuPahat, 109 Jalan Rahamat. AGENCIES AT London, Palembau.; &rd Trang. CAPITAL. Authorised $8,000.000 faaued $6.000,000 PB id up
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    • 554 7 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUtfrSIALIA AND CHINA. VaOORFOaATBD IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £iOtaca £1,200,000 ftewe Fund' £2,100,000 lawn LiabiLty of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS i'k* Bxn's. of England, Tin Lmij [S. j aad Mi«ii«vnu *i*nk, Ltd, T l jomoq County and Waatmiastai
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    • 666 7 NOTICES THE IWOIB YIK lllKilfi CO. LIMITED. (In Liquidation) Notice is hereby given that the Liqoidatora' Report and Accounts for the fifth year of tbe liquidation have now beta completed and are ready for issue. Creditors who may desire to obtain a copy of the Report and Account* can procure
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    • 779 7 NOTICES Substitution of Wheat sod FLur for Rice. At present very little wheat is imported into the Malay Peninsula, but quite a considerable amount of wheat flour Every class in the country excepting such as Sakais, consumes more or less of it, the natives of Northern India and the Northern
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    • 347 7 Are yon (setting Old Before your Time? If joa feel agr wing dissatisfaction with life, and ill-health seems to threatt n you without the symptoms of any specific disease showing, your nerves are probably a".dernourished because your blood is thin. Take a moineut to examine into your own case. Have
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    • 466 7 gjIMHIIINIIIIfIM^ I However Sick Baby may be =j do not give, up hope—more often than not the-eause is wrong feeding rs —if you will only get the right food for baby, you will soon have him en the road to health. A mother with a wasting baby should try E5
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    • 25 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. mwutd Oallj.J SUPPLEMENT Tt> THE MALAYA TNI SUNS. Usatd Sally VoL vl- -No. 120 SINGAPOBE, SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1919 PRICE 5 CENTS
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    • 294 1 Arrivals. MAY 31. I Taisoka M»ra Japan 1710 Capt Kawasaki from Genoa Mar 29 N Y Kaisha. Shidzaoka Mara Japan 3837 Capt Oaabi from Yokohama May 2 N Y Kaisha. Kaifuka Mara Japan 1969 Oapt Nakanoki from Kobe May 4 N Y Kaieha. aiataram Bri 1994 Oapt Voy
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    • 171 1 MAY 21. Carmarthenshire Bri 496» for London via porta. Hye L ;ong Brit 302 for P Dicka< r. and P Swettenham. Bri 258 for Malacca and P bwettenhem. X lendale. Bri 70S got P PtnaLg. Meran Bri 70 tor B Pahat, lorra Bri 89 for Indragiri. fclavio Prii cc
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    • 284 1 Hngapore, Muy 22. Robber. To London, from Singapore, Penang, Port Swettenham or Malacca, 138 a. 61. per ton of 40 cubic feet. To Liverpool, from Singapore, Penang, Port Swettenham or lalacca, 1375. 61, per ton of 50 cubic feot. To London, from Port Dickson, Teluk Anson, Kelantan or
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    • 30 1 I wish I wta a Skippor, And drawing Sfeipper's pay With a nice big ship On the Kaching trip, And i stengah every day.—Contributed to Sarawak Gazette.
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    • 101 1 Saturday, May 24. Moon in Eqriator lib., M.— High Water :—4 .6a.m 7ft tine.; 5.43 p m 7ft. lin. Sunday, M<»y, 23.—High Water:— 5.52 a.m. 7ft. tin 6.42 p.m. 7ft. 5 ins. Monday, M 4 > 26— Wa».«r 718 D.OL 7fi. Suia., 7.33 p.m, 7ft, 9 baa.
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 537 1 IHE HALATA TRIBUNE UB SHIPPIrIG GAZETTE. T%4 P*p*i*r Sru spaper of th* Strmitt Stttltmĕnt». mW PUBLISHED DAILY. Cemplata Raports of Local Brents. Condensed Nswi from P.M .ii., Java, China, India, Ceylon and Japan. PHI and Latest War Newa. P.*O.British India apcar line (Compares UroomroaATsi n Swqlasp^ MAIL AND PASSEMGEB SERVICES.
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      • 108 1 Notices to Mariners. Information has been r*oeiv. d that a buoy with a polo with Ihe International flag "Z" attached to it was seen in Ist 0. 27. 5. 8, l ne 106 35 E, on May 18. Information has be*n received that the Deli Channel lightship has been removed
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      • 300 1 ]"EHerman*' Line. ELLERMAN BUSKNALL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Umof.) Tho following fast steamers of above Lint will be despatched FOR LONDON. Name- Sailing Ibout. Borderer First half June Ken *"cky July—August For cargo bookings and particulars regarding ratal of freight, apply to McALISTER ft Co., Ltd. AGENTS. (Incorporated in
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      • 278 1 Phone Na. 1925. O. S. K. i tie Osaka Mercantile S. S. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated ia Japan.) No. 1 De Sonza Street. Propose* Sailings from Slngapire. (SikjMt to abang* a«tiaa> For MARSEILLES LONDON and ANTWERP via Portsaid. Amar Mam J BD a Andes Mara Jane (No PaM? Q j{or
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      • 440 1 THE HUM TnIBUIIE] AND I SHIPPING GAZETTT?,. 'Phone No. 171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable tn Advance. Per annum J*i s <) Half-yearly 7.25 m Per quarter 3.75 I Per mensem... 1.25 1 Postage Extra 50 CtS. per month. I NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incerporated in Japan) lain Mail Contract with the Imperial
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