Malaya Tribune, 8 May 1919

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 521 1 IEYERYTHING 1 IN THE Way oj? MOTORING CONSULT 1 HIN WATT Co., Head Office, 102, Market Street- Motor Works Dept., 80, Orchard Road. Forjtole. A complete turn-on*, comprising a Buggy and Australian gelding with harness. Any reasonable offer accepted. Apply to STRAITS HOTEL TANJONC PACAR ROAD. MJ. SAIBOO CO. Genaral
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    • 89 1 practise Economy I Drink LIPTON'S" TEAS Ne other TEA, at the same price, can equal it in QUALITY. No other can give you so many Cups of Delicious Tea as LIPTON'S does. Obtainable from all Grocers it Bazaar Dealers fa THREE STANDARD BLENDS Extra Quality Green Label No. 1 Yellow
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    • 269 1 I THE I Straits Albion Press, jj LIMITED. Stationers Printers,! 20a-20c, Collyer Quay, 9 j SINGAPORE. |j| Always pSft ASAHI BEER. ltd|jjj lltsii BISIU (alsM, LH. HHNfIYH SHOKHI No. 178, 179 Middle Road, Singapore. RUBBER DEALERS AND ESTATE SUPPLIERS. ALWAYS IN STOCK Acatic Acid 99 aid 100 per cent. Survey
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  • 922 2 The F I S Position. Says tbe Mahy Mail The report of tbe Commission appointed to enquire into various matters affecting the tin mining iudustry in the F M 8, which was laid on the table at the Federal Council meeting this week, is, considering the importance of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 367 2 *BI S From War to Peace. WAR deprived millions of Civilians of these biscuits. Their loss has been the Sailors' and Soldiers' gain, for the famous HUNTLEY PALMERS factory has been worked to its utmost by Government demands. PEACE conditions now onoe again enable HUNTLEY PALMERS' to make and ship
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    • 341 2 A LITTLE at the R'GHT time is BETTER than HUCK at the WRONG time—Your FAMILY friend JONGKEENA-BRAND. (Registered in London Ratavia) This preparation has been made stronger, tasteful to the palate, and a fragrant smell has been introduced. SOLD EVERYWHERE. For further particulars refer to handbills. Obtainable from all Dispensaries
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    • 511 2 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF Excellent wax polished Household Furniture, Turnout, dec, &c. To be held at The Central Police Station, South Bridge Road On Sal v. day. Man '0- at 1.30 pin. On view on Thursday, Bth inst. Pow Co., Ltd. Auctioneers, (Incorporated in Singapore 35 9 5 AUCTION
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    • 901 2 |THE OR I EMN TAL Government Security Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Established 1874. Incorporated in India.. FUNDS exceed $38,300,000 00 Absolute Security. Income In 1 81 7 -$4,517,500.00 Total Gut-09 in 1917 •$2 732 070 00 IssNraici enacted In 1117 $4,710,128.00 Increase In Funds $1,855,430.00 Total Policies in force 67,122
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 493 3 From Monday, May 5 to Satarday, May 10. A PIOTURE OF INTENSE HEART INTEREST, GRIPPINGLY AND FORCEFULLY PRESENTED. One which will be remembered for many a long day as one of the most powerful pictures ever screened AT THE MARLBOROUGH Ths Hall for Comfort, Good Music and Good Fiotares Beach
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    • 648 3 mmmmm W mmmmm The NOVEL VAUDEVILLE TURNS AND A THRILLING TOM MIX FEATURE Alhambra Albambra Is Is the only the Theatre AT THE theatre me i neaire with an where yon M M Ĕ9i M W***%\ W***%\ A exquisite tea get the BEST Sk I S\ A M WTHLW M
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    • 553 3 AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-PLAY HOUSE I EMPIRE Taajong lagv Road. Trama Pass the Door. Second Show ett 9.15 BLUEBIRD PHOTO-PLAY Present Ella Hall, Emory Johnson and Notable all-Star oaat in 5 NEW LOVE FOR OLD 5 A play as Reviving as a Breeze from the Pines. Metro Pictures Corp'n Presents
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    • 32 3 Absolutely Free 40 years' experience, late Government Medical Officer RAI SAHEB OR. DASS Secrets ol Happy Lite ia being distributed free. I Aprly to— Tie Siastiyi Saliya Phirucy. 30/2 Harrison Road. CALCUTTA
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  • 1200 4 The events which are to mark the Peaoe celebrations in Singapore are being kept as mysteriously secret as the deliberations of the Food Control Committee need to be j but the Schools sub-Committee have let us in to one of the secrets. As we cannot improve
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  • 61 4 The following officers left the United Kingdom per s c Tabanan on April 16th for repatriation For Perak. FM S 2/Lieutenant' T Bayley, R F A. For Singapore Captain CJDR Cruded, Chinese Labour Corps, wife and infant; F A Murrell, East Kent Regiment, with wife Major
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  • 309 4 At the Victoria Memorial Hall yesterday afternoon there wag a large gathering on the occasion of an entertainment in honour of Rai Bahib Dr 8 N Bardham, given by the Bengal and North Indian communities. Among those present were H E Major General Ridoo*, C B, c
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  • 38 4 To day. Anaao Meeting. S. C. C, 5.30 pm Chaplin Fjlm, Vie Theatre, 9.15 p m. To-morrow. Chaplin Film, Vie Theatre, 9.15 p.m. Saturday MondayLodge Zetland Regular, 8.30 p.m %o£T Meeting Legitlatlve'Conncil, 2,80 P(DV m
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  • 383 4 Rubber is quoted at 1/11$ f or crepe and 1/11$ for sheet. The Rent A ??f K-.uent Board for Singapore will sit at thp Vr-rr.,| Board on Tuee i > v- 13 instant at 2.15 p.m. The output of rubber of The Duff Development Co, Ltd, for
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  • 214 4 The Cinemas. The Palladium is introducing tonight, in thH B ,cond house the famous screen actress Clara Kimball xoung m an emotional and interfstmg photo play, The Foolish Virgin along with a number of seleot come' did and latest Pathe News; whilst turlher episodes of the The Shieldlog Shsdow
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  • 58 4 Retjtkr'8 Cables p^, Havaa Service r French Contnlar New 8 5 General Tin Mining 2 Si* S n 5i r Litt,e 4 Rai 8ahib Entertained 4 Local and General Sporting Company Meeting I Amusements Local Share Market Straits Produce Mail Notioe Stooka and Shareg A Poem Story Daylight
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 171 4 REDUCTION IN PRICE OF Robinson's PATENT LEVER WATCH $8.50 yĔjto/ Nickel cases. $9.50 Watch sue 3 uL* eJH Guaranteed $9.50 Tiniekeeper ROBINSON Co. OIL FOR THE HOME For General Ltgnting;Use IS THE MOST ECONOMICAL FISH A SUPERFINE WATER WHITE BRAND I ILLUMINATING OIL ASIATIC PETROLEUM COMPANY (8,8.) Limited (Incorporated in
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    • 248 4 ALWAYS WATCH THIS SPACE It means money to you nowadays* New goods constantly received to Suit all requirements true. Fashions c me and fashions go, But to us it is not s<^ Buy goods that will give you satisfaction, And you will never regret your action. JUST ARRIVED: Tyzack's Elephant
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    • 176 4 Mc CALLUM S Perfection Scotch Whisky 80LE Agents Caldbeck Macaw AND Co. WIIE 110 SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Big Stock OF British Buntings FOR Britishers Obtainable at KIAM KIAT 6fc Go. 108 and 109 Market Street For Statif nery. Printing. Books and Periodicals, Always Go to G. H Kiat ft Co.. Why
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  • 1303 5 General News Summary. Paris, April 26, 9.10 a.m. The British and French delegations and signatories to the Pact of London were willing to stand by the Treaty, supporting the Italian claims in Istria and Dalmatia,giving Fiume to the Oroats as laid down In the Treaty. The Italians were
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  • 348 5 (By courtesy of the French Consulate.) Paris April 25 6 20 p.m. After an interview with President Wilson, Premiers Clem«nceau and Lloyd George, Signor Orlando left yesterday for Berne, accompanied by Mr Barzilai. The newspapers report that Orlando will propose the question of confidence,theEing will request him
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  • 62 5 London, May 5, 10.35 p.m. Berlin The Deutsche Tageszeitung states that four thousand persons were recently shot or bayoneted in Moscow owing to hunger disturbances among the workmen. It appears that a mass meeting raised the cry away with Lenin and Trotszky and, the hunger republic," whereupon
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  • 29 5 London, May 5, 9.30 p.m. The police have discovered in Cork premises containing over two hundred bombs. It is believed to be a Sinn Fein depot
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  • 34 5 London, May 5, 930 p.m. Paris The final drafting of the peaoe terms has been completed and will be presented to the Germans en May, 7 at the Trianon Palace Hotel.
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  • 788 5 Bating Beoar Rubber, Ltd. The annual general meeting of the Batang Benar Rubber Co, Ltd, was held in the registered offices of the Company (Chartered Bank Chambers) at 12.15 p m on Monday, intended by Messrs W P Nutt (Chairman), H C Cooke Yarboroogh, W Lowther Kemp, Qeorg©
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  • 53 5 London, May 5. 11.10 a.m. The death has occurred of Sir W H Treacher. [Sir William Hood Treacher was the first Governor of British North Borneo (1881—1887). He was lat* r in the F M S service, and in 1902 was appointed Resident General. He retired in 1904, and
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  • 548 5 Firm's Manager Chtrged. In the International Borispah Court, Bangkok, on April 23, says tho Bangkok Times, the polio pros, cuted Mr E S Wooller for the misappropriation of a sum of Tes. 5,175.93 from the Singer Sewing Machine Co. between January 18 and Maroh 18, 1919. When
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  • 132 5 Macphail Co's Report. To-day's Business Bilver.—4B 5/8. Hongkong.—49 per oent prem. Shanghai.—4ss. Rubber.—The Auction closed with a slightly weakish tendency, the highest prioes obtained being about 76 cents for sheet and 77 cents for crepe. Tin.—No market. Shares.—Rubber MaUkoffs have buyers at 54.75. Ayer Panasat $11.10 with sellers at $11.25,
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  • 107 5 Barlow Co's Robber Report. bingapore, May 7. At the opening of the weekly auctions this morning the demand was poor and values all round show a coosiderable dtcline on tbe week. The best price paid for Ribbed Smoked Sheet was 76 oents, but this was paid for a few lots
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  • 118 5 L.L.T.C. Tournament. Yestsrday's Play. Mixed Doubles, "A" Class. Miss Gove and Mr Wodehonse owe 4 beat Miss W Lamb v and Mr Leakey soratch, 6—4, 6—2. Mr* Camph»11 and Mr Jamieton «cratch beat Mips L Lamb and Mr Upcott owe 15.3, 6—2, 6—3, Mrs Salzmann and Major Wingate Saul
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  • 43 5 A mixed foursome competition will be held over the links of the Keppel Golf Club, to be played on M nday, Wednesday and Thursday, 12.h, 14th and 15:h May. Intending competitors may obtain full particulars from the notice board in the Club House.
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  • 49 5 The following players will represent sent Raffles XI against the Straits Chinese Football Association at soccer this afternoon, on the S C C ground :—0 Rodrigues L M Pennefather, T Leijssius W Russell, W A Aeria, L Rappa N S Hogan, W Lingard, R Smith, F Heath, L Couloher.
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  • 89 5 The pupils of St Joseph's Institution have deoided to hold their usual Sporte this year. The preliminary heats have been run off and the finals will come off on the 17th of May. Relatives and friends are cordially invited to attend. For the information of Old
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  • 65 5 The Allahabad Pioneer learns that at a public Durhar held at Kabul on April H.b, Maarullah Khan w., u found guilty of instigating the murder of the lat« Ameer and urea sentenced to imprisonment for life. A Coart Pug* urss foaod guilty of oompUolty end received a similar sentence. An
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 282 5 HillPadi&Ragi Supplies of seeds will shortly be available. The Department of Agriculture has fixed the price at Five cents per lb. on rail at Klang or Port SwettenhamQuantities necessary for planting are: Hill Padi 30 lbs- per acre. Ragi 5 lbs- per acre. Orders accompanied by remittances should be sent
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    • 391 5 PEACE CELEBRATION 1919. Slniapore CMiist weekly Eitet ClrUlimuub As there are only two ent'ies for the Decorated Cars and Lorries Competition, the Committee of the above Club have decided to cancel the proposed compel tion. in place of the above, the Com mittee are giving 3 Silver Cups as prizes
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    • 179 5 THE BMKBUPTCY 0BDIMICE 1111. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINOAPORHs Is Bankruptcy. No. 19 of 1902. Summary Case. Re Tan T*ck Hin Notice is hereby given that the above-n«med Bankrupt of 75 Bukit Passoh has applied to the Court for his discharge, and that the
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  • 259 6 Singapore, May 8 Mann Latham Co., the Chartered Bank Chamber! advise the followiog quotations U r'jajRL $3.30 $3.00 iyerKunlnga 1.15 1.30 ayerMolek 2.35 2.45 AyerPanai 10.75 11.25 Ba'gownie 5.00 5.15 Bnkil Jelotong 0.70 0.75 Srkit Katil 1.00 1.05 Bnkit K B 0.70 0.75 ObingkalrViiiji 7.85 i.15 tiTwlT
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  • 296 6 Singapore, May 8. Tin.— See Local and General column. Copra.—No basin ess, Tapioca. —Steady. Business done. Sago Flour. —Badness done. Qambier. —Business done. Pepper-— Steady. Business done. Other Products.— Market Violet Latest Ltal Mixlct Otstattsas. Natmegs 110 S. per pioul 140.00 Nutmegs 80 8. 45.00 Copra Bali 14
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  • 19 6 Shijrs in communication with tbe Commercial Wireless Station this mornirg :—s s Atsnta Mam, Arra toon Ai car.
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  • 91 6 Mr Justice Innes and Mrs Innes were At Home on Saturday last at their house on Federal Hill Koala Lnmpnr, to a large nnmber of ta« friends of Mrs Al l worth in order to «ive them an opportonity of sayin« goodbye to her before hfr departnrn to Europe this
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  • 833 6 Prion ttioUa ta thf Markst this Mtroiaf aiHUA n. May I. Mmh Lyall and Bvatt, Exchange and Shaft itokata, Utut the following list of quotation* Kabktr Starts. Sam. v» e. Bartn, BaUan. I/- Ailagat 2,9 8/« J Anglo Java 4/8 618 1 Anglo-Malay 18,'- 16/1 Aytr Kuning
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  • 61 6 Singapore, May 8. On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4 7/16 Demand 2/4 3/16 Private 3 m/s 2/4 5/8 On India— Bank T T. On Hongkong— Bank d/d 48 J o/o prem On Shanghai— Bank d/d 45} On Java— Bank T. T, 135 On Japan— Bank d/d 106 Sovereigns—buying rate
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  • 61 6 Oallrercd tn Losdon The -olio-wing are the dates of lepartur** frcaa Singspore of the Ruvopean v ailf and tbolr deliver; I; IiOn<!nn. Left Dclivxhsd in SiNQAPOaK LONDOH. February 4 March 10 do 7 do 7 do 14 do 22 do 18 do 17 do 20 do 22 March
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 122 6 Glycerine j (LEVER BROS, Ltd.) i Chemically Pure, Double Distilled 1260 S. G. In Cases of 2 by 28 lb. Tins. PfilCE ON APPLICATION TO Huttenbach BROS. Co. saKura H BEER STOUT The Popular Drink R VV Sold Evmrywhmr: G. AUBELY Co., Slafapore t n M1J feifj J Malacca Street,
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    • 554 6 URODONAL Rheumatism *gg Mledioflkl Opinion it may be located, uric acid can- Ifl ft 113.***** 01 JYIQufiVS not possibly resist the power- AUW A* UMIAvA VI UIUUVJU ful dissolving and eliminating action of URODONAL. This To m had froni n dispensanes. agent chases the uric acid from all its Strongholds
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    • 313 6 KIRIN I j A P A B N b E S E S E T B YAMATO CO., Slnoapore. B~EER THE STAR OPERA Presents Khairudin arH Mi 8 g in QUEEN MARGUERITE To marrow, Friday It The Theatre mil North Bridge Road. Saturday, May lOtb. Speciel Programme Prepared. 'Phoae ISM
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    • 191 6 Genuine British Goods. Bunting Coloured Muslins (Curtains) Printed Bordered Casements Cretonnes Curtain Nets, 30 in to 64 inTicking Tunic Shirts, Sizes 13 to IS Mosquito Netting 72 in. 80 i n 90 in Sheeting. 70 in 80 in., 90 in. Damask Bleached Calico Velvet Stationery Bartholomews Co., 1, Change Alley,
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 146 6 Mails Close. To-day. Sibu Flevo 2 80 pm Batu Puhat Aing Leong 2.30 pm Port Dickson and Port Swettenham 'Calypso 230 pm Malacca and Moar Kaka 8 pm Pnlau Batam A Palan Balang Hock Lini 8 pm Kerimon San it 3 pm Rhio Emely 3 pm Pulaa Soegi Sultana 3
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  • 913 7 The Shooting of Dan McGrew." The Giiety is at present screening a film dealing with an aspeet of Wil l West life set oat in the following poem story, which was written by Robert W Survio*, who is known as the Kipling of the Yakon A. banoh
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  • 25 7 Orders for week ending Saturday May 10. 1919. Thursday, May 8.—Bugle Band Practice. Malay Volunteer Club 5.15 p.m. Frank C. Sands Commissioner
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  • 207 7 Rejected In Hongkong. At an extraordinary meeting of the Hongkong Chamber of Commerce on April 16 the resolution for daylight saving was defeated by a majority of two. Beferring to Shanghai's alteration of the clock, the Chairman remarked that ''Shanghai would appear to think it quite immaterial whether
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  • 82 7 Programme of Drills, etc, for week ending Saturday, May 10. 1919 Friday, May 9, 5.15 p.m.—Drill Hall, SVC Beoruits, Saturday, May 10, 2.30 p.m.— Bales tier Range, Malay Co, 8 V I. It is notified for the information of the Members of the S V 0 that
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 508 7 CHARTERED BANK Or NDiA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. /NOOIiPCRATKD IN RN GLAND BY ROY AX OHARTMB. Paid up Capital ia 60,000 Shares of £20 sac)\ £1,200,000 Ressrvs Fund £2,000,000 Rsss/vs UaMßtg of Proprietors £1,200,000 Tks Bank of England, Tks utii> City and Midland Bank, Ltd C i London County and Y.
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    • 410 7 BANKS Chinese Commercial Bank, Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) 64 Kling Street, Singapore. Authorised Capital $4,000,000 Issued Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up Capital $1,000,000 Reserved Liability or Shareholders $1,000,000 Reserve Fund and Rest... 668,000. Board of Directors. Chairman Lee Choon Guan Esq. Vice-Chairman Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng. Gaw Khek Khiam
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    • 536 7 NOTICES NOTICE. It is our duty to remind our subscribers who have not yet paid the Ist quarter's subscription that the amount fell due in January last, as all subscriptions are payable in advance. The 2nd quarter's subscription is also now due. Early remittances, especially in settlement of over due
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    • 728 7 NOTICES Substitution of Wheat and Flour for Rice. At present very little wheat is imported into the Malay Peninsula, but quite a considerable amount of wheat flour Every class in the country excepting such as Sakais, consumes more or less of it, the native* of Northern India and the Northern
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    • 269 7 FAIR PLAY FOR GIRLS. Too Many Overtax Their Strength. A girl who earns her parents' admiration by growing rapidly, becoming tiller than themselves before she is well embarked on womanhood, hardly has fair play. She often outgrows her strength, and unless her development is carefully watched and her blood kept
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    • 236 7 Oar new but tried preparation ABOGYA VABDDHINI PILLS. They are the most effective remedy for curing Leucoderma, Leprosy and any kind of fever (however chronic it may be). They remove exeats of fat from the bady, brtug free motions, purifiy blood, and impart new strength and vigour to the body.
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  • The Malaya Tribune.
    • 23 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. isaned Dailj.J SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. IUM* vol vi. No. 108 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MAT 8, 1919 PRICE 5 CENTS
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    • 326 1 Arrivals. MAY 5. Ta Ton Tie Foh 691 Capt Leraellant from Saigon May 2 Thong Hnp. 8hinba Marn Japan 3682 Capt lanaka from Kobe April 19 N Y Kaiaha. Hong Bee Bri 2056 Oapt Egdom from Amoy April 18 Ho Hong. MAY 6. Hong Hwa Bri 1924 Capt
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    • 113 1 MAY 6. Pin Seng Bri 378 for P 8'ham and Penang. Hai Nam Brit 126 for Tringgann via ports. Hebe Bri 346 for P Dickson and P 8'ham. Lady Weld Bri 242 for Malaoca. Eupleotela Bri 2360 for P 8oesoe via Samboe. Van Hogendorp Dat 393 for Kramat via
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    • 121 1 Thursday, May B.—High Water —3.54 a.m. 7ft. 2ini; 5.47 p.m. 6ft. Bin. F Friday, May. 9. Moon in Eqoator 9h., A. —High Water :—5 24 a m 7ftoins.; 6.50 pm. 7ft. lin Batorday, May. 10.—High Water i 6.54 am. 7ft. lin.; 7.41 p.m' 7 ft. sins. F
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 521 1 THE MALAYA TRIBUNE AJTD SHIPPING GAZETTE. The Popular Newspaper of the Straits Settlements. PUBLISHED DAILY. Complete Reports of Local Events. Condensed News from F.M.8„ Java, China, India, Ceylon and Japan. Foil and Latest War News. P.*O.British India AND APCAR LINE (OOMPAjrim Iboorpob vtid a Esglasd) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular
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      • 436 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES, Ltd. The Company** s.s. "MHFHVEN" 4,852 tons Q. R.,cl*eied 100 A. nnder British Oolourt, will commence loaling in 8INQAP0RE on or about May 12. The above vessel will have prompt despatch for Vancouver B. 0. taking cargo on through Bills of Landing to U.8.A and Canadian
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      • 309 1 Phone No. 1925. O.S.K. The Osaka Mercantile S. S. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan.) No, 1 De Soma Street. Proposed Sailings froa Singapore. (Sabject U eh»np with. For MARSEILLES LONDON and ANTWERP via Portsaid. Chifuku Mara 9th Maj Amur Mara Jane A ndes Mara Jane (No Pa«senger Berth available for
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      • 415 1 1 THE MALAYA TRIBUNE I 1 AJTD I SHIPPING GAZETTE. 'Phone No. 171. U I SUBSCRIPTION TUTF.S 1 7 Payable in Advance I Per annum 5a 4 Half-yearly 7.25 4 Per quarter 3.75 I Per mensem 1.25 I Postage Extra 50 CtS. per month. I NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated in
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