Malaya Tribune, 26 March 1919

Total Pages: 7
1 7 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 544 1 Tay Guan Kiat Contractor for supply of FIREWOOD |a the Government and Municipal Commissioners for the years 1919 and 1920. itlPEJJ SI, PHILLIP SHEET, SINGAPORE. 1 or 'Phone 1361, 1362 and 1363. Private 'Phone. JTos. 1071 or 1450 at No«. 87, 87a, p •7b, and 87c, Tank Read, Singapore. Pride
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    • 257 1 Straits j Jiotel TANJONG PAGAR ROAD. mmmmmwm Board and Lodging, Single and Double Rooms. For particular, apply to the Maasger. TERMS VERY HODEBATaI TdagrapbU Addrtai -IPIIIIIIIIIB ■■■■I M.A. SAIBOO&CO. General Merchants Money Changers. All art kindly toliaitad t« inspect oar abop at Johnston's Pier, Singapore. Poreign Coins of ill kinds
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    • 151 1 I PRACTISE ECONOMY I Drink LIPTON'S TEAS N# Ottof TEA, at tho same prie*> m I I equal it in QUALITY. 1 i I No other can givo yoa so many Cupi I jj of Delicious Tea as LIPTON'S ftoefc J I Obtainable from all Groosri A Bazaar Dealt*! al
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    • 296 1 I Tay Guan Kiat f Contractor for supply of I FIREWOOD I to the Government and Municipal ft Commissioners for the years J 1919 and 1920. i Address 36, PHILLIP STREET, SIIBAPOIE. I or 'Pbone 1361, 1362 and 1363| I I Private 'Phone. I Nos, 1073 or 1450 at Nos.
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  • 209 2 The orders of the day for the meeting of the Legislative Coonoll st 1.30 p.m. n> xi Monday are 1. Motion by the Treasurer That this Council approves a vote of $13,200 to provide for the current year for the increases of salary snd Jnty Allowance to officers
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  • 186 2 Late Mr J H C Spronic h Lon(lon correspondent of the •TirW write*: It waa with mnoh regre: 1 hedrd <>f tbe death of this able barrister, wh se fatore seemed bo bright. He died on the J2nd January in a nursing home the tronbb- being mental breakdown
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  • 45 2 1 of Drill,, etc.. f or wnek ending Saturday, M Hrch 29< Friday, March 2< 515 p m DrlU Hill S V 0 K'cruita. Sjtnrdav, March |g 2.30 pro Baleatier Ranfe, 6a B (v) 0. A. Derrick Lt. Colon-1, 0 muiandant, S.V.C.
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  • 85 2 f, r tt k ..n.. i:i ,s,«rda y Wednea,. y March 16.-X .otball !C« M J W v,. 3rd Ircop, 5.15 p.m. Thnreluy M.rch 27._C0, bined Band Pr« >~cc, Malay Volunteer CluJ, 515 p.m. Friday March ing rt Mr H j Aha Hrna... Bruaorah Sff 1 to
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  • 58 2 The Chinese Press reports that th a Mongolian princeu have announced iutentfon of approaching the Aili, B with a r,quo B Mon«ol,an Agreement and P ratoool of 1912 on the ground that the con.nt.rnal diaiurbance ,n t^a7e ,a 0; fl I? 10 affs,CtiQ tra.te of Mongolia and, while Rnaeia.a.naatat,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 127 2 I MmHni "gjT SIIW M«ll LEKB IflHu Kudu Silk Crepe Night-6oivns AJTB Mending and Sewing Silks I* MOST ATTRACTIVE SHADES Now being displayed j Wassfantufl Assonull Co. Phon6 1144 56 &57 High Street. mmm /.v w ■in mmm. ——^h^^m 1 Japanese Electro-Platinj Co. ELECTRO-PLATING ;Pl.«.aa., (bid, Sil>er, Copper, ,„d Nlck.l,
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    • 237 2 v THE nctflria Confectionery store 386, VICTORIA STREET, SINGAPORE. Telephone No. 1843. (The premier store of its kind.) The place where everyone goes for cakes. Ices, cold and hot drinks. «nH I Maraschino cream tarts. Jam and Apple tartB 8 9 p eciality 8 Jsm Cnrr, puff, (bat .d) can
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    • 22 2 G.C. LEE 158, Prinsep Street. PIANO TUNER and REPAIRER. *U. Good string for **i«ftd iMtnuaeatt WOXKftf AN3HIP OUA«ANTE £D MJ THMI NODEMTE.
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    • 860 2 Straight to the Mark. I! lew Whin the Pain it—And stops It A man or woman who has never suffered the excruciating agonies of ■sciatica cannot realise the full intensity of pain. And a man or woman who has ever suffered Sciatica can never forget it To such Little's Oriental
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  • 275 3 Singapore, Maroh 26. See Local and U eolttmn. Corrr.;.- Basinee* dor>. Sea ly. Baiiuem dune. Sage Fl ur Buaineaa done. Qcmh*r. —Buaineaa donr. Pepptr-— Steady. Baiinees done Othtr Products.— Market Quiet, Laiat Leal Mirkct ft %\%%m\ Nutmegi 110 S. per pienl $47.00 Nutmegs 80 8. 42.00 Coora Bali
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  • 256 3 Singapore March 16. etiri Latham A Co., the Chart-re.l Bank Chamber! advlie the following qnctationa AlorCajab $3.30 $345 aywKvcisp 1.20 1.31 2.30 2.45 \vp* Panat 10.50 10.75 Bwlgownie 5.00 5.25 BnkK JelotoMS 0.61 C.70 Bp*: t Kaiil 0.91 1.00 Bckit KB 0.63 0.70 h-r-Vi. s?erd*..„ 7.81 $.25
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 164 3 A Picture ol Punch and Power Forcefully Presented One of these itumg Future Productions th it appeal to everybody To-night atthe To-m* MARLBOROUGH Hsu t~ Cossfort, Good Masls aad Good Flotaret, Beach Road. Second Show at 915 p.m A Triangle Drama of Extraordinary Kent Featuring William S. Hart one of
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    • 854 3 From Tuesday, March 25, to Sunday, March 30. THE SERIAL THAT ALL LOVERS OF SERIALS ARE FLOCKING TO SEE «.nd iANOTHER OF THOSF FILM INDUCTIONS OF GREAtI The -itaambr. t. I BNTJBBTAJLNiiMG VALUE PATRONS AihamM. C l AMOUR FOR where yon r T THB with an <et the BEST ML
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    • 585 3 AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-Pf.AY HOUSE EMPIRE •anyone. Hutr Rosd. TrMU de Wwer. Second Show a.t 9.1 d Metro's York© Film Corporation Present Harold Lockwood, Everybody's favourite m 5 The Avenging Trail 5 The Story of Romance and Vengeance in the Lumber Camps Tbe Last of tbe Right Rider A i
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  • 1122 4 Mr Frank lftai* »he Prudent of the F.M.S. Qhtaßberof Mines, km tfrm in r-virw of the \mm twelve bobUm vrrj fair idea o| the past U*orj tod tatan mvmjmm of Ma, There is no rioabl th at for a MMiiliiiUi sorted tiu wu the SBbjeoi of profiteMiag,
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  • 42 4 The committee of the Siagap-re Baby Show grat-fuily ackc »w. ledge the earn ot 1200 donated by Mr A. Z. Alsagoff towards the medals and prizes for the Mohammedan community in th* forthcoming show. Malay vernacular papers please copy.
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  • 59 4 Hie Broellenej th- Gov-r.or will prevent the insignia of Most Snellen! Order of the British ttnpire to Mre L*e Cnoon Unac M Be and to Mrs Clam-ck M h k at Lady Evelyn Young's At Hoaion Taeeday afternoon n*-xt April Ist. 1 r Friends of Mrs Lee Choon
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  • 43 4 Bombay, Mar. 6,—A paper announced some time ago that a peerage was to be conferred on Sir Djrab Tata and confirmation to that effect has recently been received in India from the sourc of the Pall Mall Gazette.
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  • 112 4 A day or two ago, says the Malay Mail, while a chandu shopkeeper of Koala Kabu was proceeding by rikisha to catch th* early morning train (7.45 to Koala Lumpur, he was waylaid on the road when about midway to the Railway station, near a spot overlooking
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  • 226 4 The V-w War number of tho Eastern Illustrated Review, whirh M jMtOß, from every point of view, an excellent one, well go t op being neatly printed, and with a number of pictures of interest. Ihe volume is a credit both to the Editor and the publishers.
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  • 50 4 A meeting of the Englishment of ST a or over by the Hon Mr h G Broadrick waa held at the Selangor Clob on Saturday evening at which forty were present. It was «leoided that a fancy dre« dane j should be given on Bt. George'J Day, April 2rfrd. 8
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  • 394 4 Mrir~T 77 m da* baei -r yf ZT.Z~~z*- "''-J~ CritcrinPi .7 i 7 H: J p *rlaj W*b inn it r B r, r I-T3!Epar Qeoera =f t«*l suicli- T<--'"-"* fin; ol "all fed i H ly roond bit thm a *a- if* k Btdc knife. "tt
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  • 93 4 Recter's Cables Page* Matter! 3 Havas Berries 8 French Consular News GENERAL LefW»dv6 founoil 2 Ceylon X... Straits ProdoOH 3 Looal Share Marke; S The Tin Industry Local and General Eastern Illustrated Review 4 Correspondence After Four Years The Aseiz c Amusemrnts Company Meeting Latest Skipping F. M.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 160 4 J I ROBINSON Co. I ———11 Choice Perfumes IB Great Variety. [Ail***' I *Ot J Hon quel pg« I OIL FOR THE HOME I I *or General Lltfhtlatf tJt« I M THE MOST KC0N0BIC41 FISH I WATlif WHITE I J BRAND n.MJ/HIISATIM Oil. I ASIATIC PETROLEUM COMPANY I 1 (UMrpmai.d
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    • 204 4 ALWAYS WATCH THIS SPACE D attaM BMoay to yoa mt% g«cdii tonatacrtfr reived to suit all retirements. •teaks ma,y ton* M d stocks Btf p be* we go on for ever. JUST ARRIVED: lyzacK's Elephant Brand Scythe Blate Volou Improved Chain Pipe Wrenches- BraoVs Miiay Par■ojgi, Brae* Garden Syringee, Jtew*
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    • 166 4 ImRIhT engine oil British Special Grade AT PRE-WAR PRICES Obtainable from KIAM KIAT Co. 'OS and 109 Market Street. ARE YOU MARRIED ARE YOU GOING TO BE Three important events in your life I BIRTH TOUB MARRIAGE DEATH. RaWd Dr. Parker's New Marriage Guide. Wee 52.75, Postage 20 cts. extra.
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  • 659 5 Foodstuffs for Hunland. London, Mar 18, 2.10 a.m. Paris: The initial consignment of Allied foodstuffs for Germany includes from Britain thirty thousand tons of bacon, ten thousand lons of condensed milk, twenty thousand tons of vegetable oils, two thousand tons of margarine, two thousand tons of dripping, thirty,
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  • 70 5 London, Mar 19, 7.30 a.m. Copenhagen At Berlin the dele--B*t<-s for German Austria for tbe first lime participated in tbe deli Mntiona of the constitution com■htes of the National Aesembly. W-irnar, March 17 The Voesiche Phong's Hamburg correspondent totes that eight German steamers w »ll sail this week
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  • 262 5 A General Summary. Paris, Mar 19, 10.15 p.m. Of prime importance was the meeting yesterday afternoon between Wilson, Clemenceau, and Lloyd George. It ig understood that Clemenceau favours including a covenant in the treaty of peace dealing with financial and territorial aspects of tha treaty. There is no
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  • 102 5 London, Mar 18, 7.5 a.m. In the House of C-ramons in summing up, Sir Erio Geddes urged th a House to rise above petty jealousy. He refused to entertain any suggestion to omit the docks from the soope of the Transport Bill. The dockyards were approaching the Government
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  • 99 5 London, Mar. 19, 1.45 p.m. It ie learnt authoritatively that the atatement that Overseas troops are permitted to depart homewards without an official farewell is incorreot. Every individual on his embarkation receives a peraonal autographed message from their Majesties, and alao one from the Imperial Government.
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  • 61 5 London, Mar 19, 2.35 p.m. A ettike which haB broken out throughout Nottinghamshire affecte forty thousand miners and has arisen from a local wage dispute, apart from the national programme already oabicd. The latest reports show that prospects of an early settlement are most unfavourable. The owners'
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  • 114 5 London, Mar 18, 10,55 p.m, Helaingfors It is stated that the Bolsheviks are concentrating large forces, including a lot of heavy artillery, on the Narva front. Lithuanian communique: A general offensive on the Lithuania and Courland front haa begun. The Bolahevista have been decisively defeated in Northern Lithuania,
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  • 28 5 London, Mar 18, 1.35 p.m. Canton, Ohio Jack Britton knocked out Ted Kid Lewis in the ninth round, thus winning the welter weight championship of the world.
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  • 239 5 (By courtesy of the French Consulate.) Paris, Mar 21, 6.20 p.m. M Alexandre Millerand, exMinister of War has b«en appointed Commissioner General of AlsaoeLorraine. According to Colonel Elonse the preliminaries will be cor.cluded on Maroh 29 th and the League of Nations established at the same date.
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  • 65 5 London, Mar 18, 1,35 p.m. The Coal Commission held its last public session yesterday. It is forecasted that the Commission's report will recommend the nationalisation of the mines, an eight hour day, and ten per cent increase in wages. The feature yesterday were the striking figures produced
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  • 85 5 London, Mar 19. 4.40 p.m. Salonika, Mar 16 The Greek general staff announces that the second Greek division in Russia gained at Kheiaon a brilliant viotory over four timea their number of Bolaheviats, who were well organised and completely equipped with artillery and machine-guns and commanded by German
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  • 323 5 Before the Chief Jastioe (Sir John Backnill, k c), and a special jury the trial of a Cantonese, named Wan Pat, for the mnrder of Chaa Moh Moh, a rikisha coolie, was concluded at the Assizes yesterday afternoon. It was alleged that acoased on alighting from a rikisha
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  • 1023 5 Singapore United R. P. Ltd. The seventh annual general meeting of the Singapore United Rubber Plantations, Lt 1, was held on Feb 12 at Winchester House, E C, Sir Ivor Philipps, K C B, M P, the Chair man, presiding, Mr C cil Qaennell, representing the secretaries (the
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  • 566 5 Returned Man's Impressions. I had never seen England at war. Through all these years I had been isolated from everything, and sndrJenly I found myself landing after ii dream voyage in a victorious country at Hull, where hosts of real, live, pink faced girls, were wai*i-g to
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  • 85 5 The Philippines Government is prosecuting a m3n called Bas Angeles for abducting a girl call d Dotninga Olivares. Alleging that tin girl was hypnotized into following Angeles, the prosecution called Professor Salas of the Uuiversity of the Philippines into Court, and askvd him to hypnotize the girl there and then.
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  • 80 5 The Chinese driver of a hired car, Chan Fook by name, who on January 21si, at the 3| mile Petaling Saluk, knocked down and killed a Chinese boy, was on Friday oharged in the Kuala Lumpur Police Court with causing the death of Loh Yok, by a rash act, by
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  • 11 5 Wt io mot necessarily indorse the opinions expressed ey eerre-spendents-1
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  • 1220 5 To ths Editor of ttf Malaya Tribmt. Dear 8ir, —It wai my intention to say a few words the next day subsequent to the appearance of the letter on the above subject in the columns of your valuable paper, but owing to pressure of private duties I was
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  • 249 5 The death has just taken place of Yacnb Artin Paeh?, one of the most distinguished Armenians the Near East has known of modern times. He waa 77 yecra of a«e, the son of Artin Bey, the Minister of Communications under the great Mohamed Ali. He received a
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  • 35 5 On the Padang last Saturday a Rafflrs old boys team beat the Manchester Regiment in a oneinnings cricket match by 119 rune to 60. For the winners E. E. de Souza knocked up 27.
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  • 26 5 To morrow. Lodge. Emulation, 8.30 p.m Friday. Chamber of Commerce Meeting, 2,15 p.m. Saturday. Lodge Ailaa Installation, 6.30 p.m. Van Wijk Meeting, noon.
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  • 226 5 Arrivals. B MARCH 25. Waitomo, Bri 2719 Capt Foster j from Newcastle Mar 5 Borneo Co I Ltd. Bendoran, Bri 2587 Capt Calley from Yokohama Mar 4 P Simons Coy Ltd. Anjou, Bri 95 Capt Hendry from Malacca Mar 24 Ho Houg. Innamincka, Bri *324 Capt Grierson from
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  • 94 5 MARCH 25. Pin Seng Brit 378 for Port Swettenham and Penang. Calypso Bri 339 for Kalang and P Dickson. Lady Weld Bri 242 for Malacca Muar. Dunera Bri 3.420 for Hongkong and Shanghai. Zira Brit 1,303 for Bangkok, Peleus Bri 4,800 for Japan via ports. Singkara Dut 248 for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 268 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Notice is hereby eiven that swing to txtensioiid to the water maim, \Kcke; zie Road from Selegie Road to Mayoe Road, will be closed to .hrough traffic from Friday, the 28th instant, till the completion of the work. By order, J. Polglase Municipal Secretary. Municipal Office,
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  • 293 6 Report to* the Tear 1918. Mr L. McLean, Registrar of Companies, F.M.8, «ay, in hh report for 1918 The rerenne collected In fees wui $«,843.81 oftbis, $1,887.01 was on aoeoant of Compmies registered ander "The British PD d Foreign Companies Enactment, 1912," and $4,458.50 on sccoant of local
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  • 386 6 Plan for Police Control. Tokio, February 26 -According to Japanese paper* the Home Office ia bestowing renewed attention to the problem as to how to deal with mill evil which the introduction of modrrn civilisation into ihe country mat to btve aggravated in.tead of diminishing. There
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  • 365 6 frim a it, M.rtn nit »I*«APO«K, Arch M. kwbocr Sbarei. Soaa. Va'p» Bav-fi. Peiltn. p"... i" "J 4 1 10- IV1 t*?' 6,J. 1 1 I. Vr Mljak >« it I Ci.ei 21 Ui I,. i- ft. «..j- „r t/- L-Bklt Bull atuhww, 7 CVL*f«ld J 9
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  • 59 6 s 'i'gt>, re, March 16. 0« London— Bank 4 uij» 2/4 7/32 Detund 1/3 31/32 Private J m/e 2/4 13/32 On India— Buik T r. Js ji On Hongk ng— !:Uik! 'l 3« f pr#m On Shanghai— Buik d/d 49 Oi Java— On Japan— Bank d/J lag Bank of
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  • 26 6 Cellared ii Ui(?o«. The loiiov in* are th* f departure iron, *?,>° f Left February 4 Ma f ch do 7 do 10 do 17
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  • 14 6 Ships In communication with tha Commercial Wirelen Station thii Dunera, Inaba Mv d.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 47 6 JTRUSETSI FLUID Magnesia i i THE IDEAL PICK-ME-UP Sale Everywhere. JĔ BEER ffKp STOUT Th e Popular Drink fcr ,rery,,r,,er AURELY j& (fr W TR4DE ATTMCTOK f THE SI6I J WITH 1 1000 I TONGUES I "WE YOUR WINDOW TALK I PWCE £1.10.0 I I I f
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    • 346 6 llRODONAL 'IfMMrM The Washer of Kidneys action of UHODONAL Th t agent chases the uric'acid from had ff0m a11 dispensaries. all its strongholds: from t£ I muscular fibres of the digestive system from the sheaths of the »ki« from™™. pulm P on™ry"»ll h Wbole "l« only from L.s K.tabli...m.nt. Ch»t.l.t,
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    • 38 6 rail Are holding their SALE j FROM j 1st MARCH 31st MARCH They invite your early inspection. I 10 BE HAD IN EVERY LINE J GOODS Great Reductions in Prices. j tomato Company 41, HICK min SINGAPORE. j
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 147 6 Mails Close. To-day. Port Swcaenkaa H? d Mpoh Ml ID1 I'ahat j» r W.nJTl. Ha P »Utu Paii»t XS" V«r, PU> Ponti*u*k Kh P™ Ufa.., iF*"* »P" Karinon J P M Pulau Soegi U pln PuUuB,uS^ d Ua,t »P« I'ulaa Balang Pluck K-n* Kftay, Kelmtm, PaUni, Sing .r».- Hand,* If
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  • 396 7 Another Fourteen. Bays an American rxohange are onr fonrteen peac» points: 1. That all restaurateurs, grooers nod butchers shall be informed as expeditiously as may be that the war is over. J. That hens be forbidden to lay ten oent eggs, and any hen laying an egg whioh
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  • 250 7 An editorial on Australia's eoonomie development, in the Oct Snd issue of Drug and Chemical Markets," mentioned among other things that mangrove bark was now being used to some extent in plaoe of wattle bark as a tanning material. J H Muuring, New York representative of
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  • 162 7 Major X 0 Bohwais, the Inglish Rugby International and Smth African oricket captain, who died in Franc* from influenaa a week after the signing of the Armistioe, left £'26,147. He was a member of the London Stock Exchange. The will, one of the witnesses of
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  • 169 7 An interesting question of nationality came before Mr Brierley, the Manchester S.ipendiary Magistrate, when Paul fiHISS IHIIII. a young man employed in a business house in Manchester, was proceeded against for registering himself as a Swiss instead ot a German subject. An offic< r iv Aliens Department
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  • 243 7 Who shall sit at the table, then, when tbe terms of peace are made— Tbe wisest men of the troubled lands in their silver and gold brocade? Yes, they shall gather in solemn state to speak for each living race, Bat who shall speaic for the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 521 7 BANKS GHABTEBED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. I300RPORATHD IS bWGLAJWB BY BOYAL OHABTHB. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Skavrai of fSOeach £1,200,000 !UaarvaFund £2,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. The Bank of England, The LooiaCity and Midland Bank, Ltd., l\a. London County and Westrninstei Bank, Ltd., The National
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    • 420 7 BANKS Chinese Commercial Bank, Ltd. Oasarporated in the Strata Setflearafa*. 64 Kling Street, Singapore. Authorised Capital $4,000,000 Issued Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up Capital $1,000,000 Reserved Liability or Shareholders $1,000,000 KeeerveFund and Rest... 668,000. Board of Directors. Chairman Lee Choon Guan Eaq. Vice-Chairman Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng. Gaw Khek Khiam Eaq.
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    • 464 7 NOTICES Peace Celebration Spirts. A public general meeting will be held at the Garden Olub, Kaffles Chambers, on Friday, instant, at 5-15 p m All those interested are cordially invited to attend. BUSINESS. 1« To confirm Minutes of last Meeting. 3. Appoint sub-Committees, etc. 3. Draft out Programmes, etc. 4.
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    • 447 7 THE Malaya Tribune AJT» SHIPPING GAZETTE. Pwsfling DeUl y 1 «feXMM so. m. SUBSOBIPTION RATES. Payable In Advance. Per annum mm $14.00 Half-yearly M 7.25 Psr quarter 2-75 Single Copy S CtS. Poitags Extra 50 Cts per month. Ts Foreign countries $1 as All eommanications relating fco editorial matters and
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    • 275 7 HOW TO KEEP WELL. Do not 1st your blood get thin. As soon aa 70a n nice the tired feeling, leek of appetite and shortness of breath that are warning symptoms of thin blood take a short treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Do not wait antil the coloar has
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    • 504 7 1 Is your Baby contented Yotir babe can he contented and happy, joy and pleasure to you, only S T his food satisfies him. Baby should take hai bottle to the last drop, 3 f= r ->w should aleep peaceful ly, and week after week gain m §3 weight and
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