Malaya Tribune, 24 March 1919

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 618 1 Tay Guan Kiat I Contractor for supply of FIREWOOD j to the Government and Municipal m Commissioners for the years 1919 and 1920. glnss SI, PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. I M -Phone 1361, 1362 and 1363. Private 'Phone j Jgl 1u73 or 1450 at Nos. 87, 87a, |7b, aud 87c, Tank
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    • 259 1 Straits ,mm MiMlHMll Motel TANJONC PAGAR ROAD. Board and Lodging, Single and Double Rooms. For particulars apply to the Manager. TERMS VERY MODERATE TsUfraphlo Addreas P RAN A KAN. f lIUMI Mill Mill Ull aHMMMMT 1 M.A. SAIBOO CO. General Merchants Money Changers, All ars kindlj solieit* i tc inspsci
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    • 150 1 mi win iiiimiii— n wrr irtm —n 1 PRACTISE ECONOMY Drink j LIPTON'S TEAS I If?© O&er TEA, at tho ,amo priae* £fcfl equal it in QUALITY. I No other can give yon so many Cup! I I OfDeUciousTea a9 LIPTON'S floe* I Obtainable from aU Grocera A Bszaaf Dealt*
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    • 255 1 I Tay GuanKiatf Contractor for supply of 1 REWOOD c to the Government and Municipal fe Corimissioners for the yeare 1919 and 1920. lAddress:I Address: 38. PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. I or Tbone 1361,1362 and 1363J Private 'Phone- 1 Nos. 1073 #»r 450 at Nos. 87, 87», 871) 'and 87c. Tank
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  • 2393 2 Commerce With U. S. A, The Foreign Trade Department of the San Francisco Chamber of (Jommerce ia in receipt of the following article on trad* prospects with Australia prepared by the Hon H V Braddon, Australian Commissioner to tho United States, New York. It might be of interest
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 264 2 CHOP PIA HIN Diamond Merchants and Jewellers H2 North Bridrs R oa d, Singapore. I ALWAYS IN STOCK Artistic Chinese and European I Jewellery of various descriptions and of the lateet fashionEmeralds, Sapphires, Rubies, Opale and other precious stones Looee Diamonds and Brilliants of the first water and of various
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    • 283 2 I BE PREPARED for EMERGENCIES 1 3 hy alw iys k "'t" n K koltls ia Urn I 1 her* j NO BUBMTITUTE 'or JONGKEENA-BRAND (Rp K in London Batavia) 3 Fat BTamai IWM ,un. Ci.r,,,,,,- W,*V„, l;, ptaiata, Heart Diwaae iKrVil, Rfwraatwrn, laiataaa, Chest C I i vi mm,
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    • 312 2 What's the Use •^u^' 8 th Uflo of on(lu r' n X those Frightful pains in your face when ten niiMunV rubbing with Little's Orients! Balm will bring relief. Neuralgia is nothing but tortured nerves. Jiut those nerves quivering with unfit you for sleep, work or snjoynwnt. Little s Oriental
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    • 352 2 Kudo Kudu Silk Crepe tyiHfo AND Mending and Sewing 3jj ks IN MOST ATTRACTIVE Sfl aDE> Now being displayed AT WassiaiDull Assomuli s co. ThaPBll4C 56 &57 High Street. MAGIC REMEDvI Burning sensation in tho urire. loss of I Hurting, similar other diseases can Chandraprabha Pills," These pills also work
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  • 280 3 Singapore, March 24. Fin.—See Local and Oenetll column. o pr G Buaiaeee done. Tmfioca.— Steady. Business done. Sago F\>j\iT< —Baainose done. •am'-v.-Bißinflfii done. Vgpper.-. Steady. Bnainee? done. Othtr Ui6i latest Leal Market Oeotitiee» Nutmega 110 S. per pleul 147.00 Nutmega 80 P. CoptnßeH m \\f Copra Gorong Talo
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  • 188 3 Singapore, Maroh 24 Meaars Latham Oe„ the Chartered Bank Chambers ad viae the following quotations ilorSajaa 13.25 $3 40 1.20 1.31 erMolek 230 2.45 *"r:??enaa 10.50 10.75 Balgownie 5.00 5.25 :uklt Jelotoug 0.65 0.70 BakliKatil 0.9$ 1.00 Bikit X B Ai 0.65 0.70 Oaai?r r 7 Bl
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 156 3 A Picture of Punch and Power Forcefully Presented I One of these etiong Feature °roduc ti one tint appeal toererybody j To-night at the To-nigh MARLBOROUGH *h? UaH tx Oosafort, Good Meals aad Good Eictares, Beach Road. Second Show at 9.15 p.m A Triangle Drama of Extraordinary Merit Featuring William
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    • 778 3 From Wednesday, March 19, to Monday, March 24. 9 < STILL GOING STRONG I I I The Mighty Magnetic Serial oi the Moment The j Ihe J AlbamOfh 8 AlhambraU P WD D:r 1 E ME SERUL ia the one Wow having its run, along with theatre B the Theatre
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    • 679 3 AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE fjmjoug r**»r Road Tram 9 P D r Second Show at 9.13 Metro's Yorke Film Corporation Present Harold Lockwood, Everybody's favourite 5 The Avenging Trail 5 The Story of Romance and Vengeance in the Lumber Camps. The Last of the Night Rider A 2-reel
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  • 1575 4 When Mr Lloyd George was diecowing the triple alliance of ooal miners, rail way men and transport workers, he made capital of the fact that the cost of British coal was at the present moment mnch higher than the cost of coal produced in America, and that
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  • 51 4 r T i 6 ?SS profitB in aancl of the Bank of Taiwan, Ltd, ac per the 39 40 038 ob 6 76 Inolßdlng Yen 39,A 75 701 15, the amonnt of tjroei and .10 8 f Yen 75 0C0 Vr ,o were >> a, J
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  • 17 4 Watk, D( Mr A L Hanoook. Mr W 8 Oordon, Mr HQ Pratt, Mr, Buyera.
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  • 204 4 -rover «w*^ Mr LMb li uTTT" leave ahorlv. Ho U fc o c Prom Mar 21 to 27 t h« Price of rubber j e fr T or $103.3 p, r The winn<-r~o7~Tr Jong Soon, Adamson Gil ti]hn aQd r ia o^deretoodThinK •n Beach Street Pen'l v
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  • 248 4 An Appeal to the Public. To the Editor of the Malaga Tnbum. I>ear Sir—Toe Commits* of the Htraid SettltMrMoU 8.- iDC h of Ifca o-m A**"***» of Discharge j ha.lors auJ Soldiers desire to bring to the notice of th- Public that the Benevolent Fond has
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  • 87 4 Renter's Cables Page* Food Problems f* Cohl Commission 5 Havas Service 5 General: traits Produce 3 Local Share Market The Labour Crisis 4 Local and General 4 Company Heport 5 Malacca Oar Day 5 Released from Service 5 Discharge 1 Sailors and Soldiers 5 Gdzette I .m» 5
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 145 4 I ROBINSON Co.l Me Perfomes fireat Variety. I OIL FORTHE HOME j I 'or trtntral Lighting Urn I I WW I B THB HOST ECONOMICAL I I FIS HI ASUPERFINI I I RD/ifwn f WATER I I OgAWD 'LLUMINATIM OIL I I ASIATIC PETROLEUM COMPANY! I <M.) Limit.d (Incorporated In
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    • 203 4 I ALWAYS WATCH THIS SPACE I It means money to yon. I »w goods constantly received to snit all requirements. Stocks may come and stocks may go bat we go on for ever. JUST ARRIVED: TyJad's Elephant Brand Scythe Blades. Vulcan Improved Chain Pipe Wrenohes, BradVa Malay Parangs, Brass Garden
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    • 135 4 Absolute Purity I GUARANTEED j In all Liquors j STOCKED BY j Caldbeck, Macgregor I I AND Co. tut ENGINE OIL British Special Grade AT PRE-WAR PRICES Obtainable from KIAM KIAT Co. 100 and 109 Market Street. ARE YOU MARRIED ARE YOU GOING TO BE jgjjjftt important events in your
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  • 217 5 Help for Stnrvlng Foik. London, March 14, 1.50 p.m. A telegram from Paris dated Mar 13 says that on behalf of the Associated governments Mr Hoover has issued a statement saying that by the end of February the InterAllied Relief 'had organised and delivered 746,000 tons of food
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  • 293 5 Some Recommendations. London, Mar 20, 10.40 p.m. Regarding the Coal Commission, Justice Sankey points oat that the increased wages involve the dirtribntion of an additional thirty millions sterling among the colliery workers probably without raising prices to the consumer, ro.rtni.rmore that the present system of ownership and working
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  • 89 5 London, Mar 21. 10.15 p.m. Official In view of the grave litnation in Egypt and the High Commissioner's absence, Oenera Allenbv has been appointed special high commissioner for Egypt and the Sondan and directed to exercise supreme authority in all matters I military and civil, take all measures
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  • 52 5 London, Mar 10, 2.25 a.m. Cape Town, March ll JJ» the Honse of Assembly Sir Thomas Smartt, leader of the opposition, withdrew his amendment condemning republicanism in favour of an amendment by Mr Malan, acting Premier. This was adopted by /5 votes to 24, the minority being
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  • 45 5 London, Mar 17, 1110 p.m. A comrruniqoe from Paris states that the inter-Allied commission on ports, waterwaj c, and railways day heard Switzerland's legal and technical reasons for claiming to participate in any convention hereafter governing the navigation of the Rhine,
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  • 246 5 Peace Conference Doings, Paris, Mar 17, 8.45 p.m. Mr Wilson stands firm in the belief that the league of nations oovenant most be incorporated in the preliminary peace treaty, the league of nations and the peace treaty being undissoluble. The league is the nation's instrumentality, being invaluable to
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  • 41 5 Loudon, Mar 14, 2.35 p.m. The reaalt of the West Leyton parliamentary election is that A E Newbourn, Liberal, polled T. 934 and J F Mason, Coalition Unionist, 5,915. The vacancy wag owing to the death of Mr Wrightscn.
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  • 208 5 The prohibition on the export of raw tin and tin ore from the Colony ia withdrawn, aocording to a Government Gazette Extraordinary issued on Saturday. Auctioneers' licences for this year have been granted to J Armstrong C C Johnston, J Hopkins and T Wyllie all of Singapore. The
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  • 183 5 The following officers have been released from Army Service and left Madras for Singapore by 8 S Fazilka on Uth ins'ant 1 81st Pioneers.—2/ Lieutenants j E D Serres, M B Dakes, L 0 Hargrave, and Scnrly (who is accompanied by his wife). I A R 0.—2/Lienteuants
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  • 262 5 Fraud Ob a Lawyer. When the Assize Court resumed this morning, the name of Chong Yew Hin, (who failed to put in an appearance at the commencement of the Assises to answer to a charge of having counterfeit notes In his possession) was called out. His bailors, Cheng
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  • 211 5 The following are the results of the Garrison Golf Club Captain 8 Cup for ladies. MrsEbden 46 B JJ Everitt 50 9 U Peiniger 52 10 42 Griffiths 43 scr Drummond 52 3 49 Peter 64 10 i 4 Nine cards were taken out. The following is the draw
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  • 142 5 Macphail Co's Report. To day's Baslness Silver Unchanged 471. Hongk >ng ceut prem. Shanghai 49 8 Kabber. Steady. Tip—No orders |uo market. Shares. A qaiet market. Rubbers are reoeiving rather more attention. Maiaka Piudas are firm with considerable business round $2.50, bnyers i ffering $2.50, and sellers asking $2 55.
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  • 94 5 The ■sroeeedf from three performances ot ihe above at the Palladium in aid of the Belgian Children s Fund and the Overseas Club Tobacco Fund totalled $1,159.55. The expenses in connection with the orohestra, staff and printing eto. totalW $306,95. Of the balance cheques for $426.30 have
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  • 38 5 The British Resident of Selangor has called a meeting at 12 noon on Saturday, Mar 29th, in the Council Chamber of the Government Offices, of representatives of the various nationalities, to consider arrange, menti for the peace celebrations.
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  • 11 5 [We io not necessarily endorse the opinions expressed by oorrespondents.']
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  • 210 5 re tU Editor of Molaf Sir,—In our Civil Law we have our wwMooi compelling a vmdor to complete the Bale of bia immoveable property that has be. n offered for sale, but why does no he legislature form sub-sections to the above compelling a tradesman shopkeeper ai
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  • 416 5 ffe ffte Editor of tko Mataya J1»ne* Dear Sir,— Your excellent leader of the 19 3'19 should provido these tub.thump 1 sg descendants of oldtime Exeter Hall suing moralists, who it comes as an unpleasant enrpiiee to know are still alive in our midst after the terrible War
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  • 109 5 A Circular has now been issued, says the lpoh paper, authorising the payment of an additional 10 per cent war allowance to take effeot from January 1.1919 as follows To an offioer drawing salary, duty allowance, if any, and acting allowauoe, if any. A-Leesthau $25 per mensem,
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  • 50 5 The annual report of the Selangor Club Bhowe a membership of 1,445 with a profit on the aooounts of $6IS. The estimates for the year anticipate a loss of $2,650 after providing $5,000 for new furniture. The provision of Chambers has been s suooess already ihowing ft ■mall j profit.
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  • 952 5 The 1918 Fete. The fete held on the Malaoca Padang was very successful, und*r the organisation of Messrs Tun Soo flock and E Kong Guan. Artistic structures were erected and decorated by different sub-committeee and they were illuminated at 1 ight wi.b lanterns and electric lights, free
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  • 314 5 A memorable function took place in Colombo last month, acoording to an extensive report in the Ceylon Independent, the oooaaion being the unveiling by H. E. the Governor of a memorial statue to the late Mr C H de Soysa, the well-known and much esteemed
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  • 261 5 Ac strange ami dramatic as Kipling's tale of The Man Who Was is the story of a young British soldier, now only 23 years of age, whose three years of captivity under the Germans have left him a shrivelled, bent greybeard, to all appearances over the
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  • 67 5 By one of those straDge chances, most of the women passengers inaide the motor bus seemed to be carrying infants, one or two of whom were fractions. At one stopping place the hatafcsed conductor was fao«d by two more women, each of whom oarrted dt bftby Outside
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  • 29 5 The committee acknowledge with thanks the following subscriptions to this Fund Previously acknowledged $516,900.51 '•Our Day" Lottery (Singapore contribution) 120,000 $636,900.51 J 0 PITER, Hon. Trees.
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  • 414 5 fapah Robber Ltd. The following is the directors report to the shareholders to be presentedat the annual meeting on March 29 at noon at Kvatt and Co s, French Bank buildings The net profit for the year as shown by the Profit and Loss Account rmrnnts to $45,991.79
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  • 138 5 Taianfn, Shaugtnng, China, Feb. 18 A woman in this city has given birth to a peculiar monstrosity which was viewed by thousands of people. The child had two heads, two arms and seven legs one head was at each end of the body. The mother is a woman
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  • 98 5 The Cinemas. The seoond house at the Empire to-night will Beo a repeat of The Avenging Trail, drama, The Laßt of the Night Rider, and final chapter of The Red Ace; whilst a continuation of B™ 0 1 Jim and Joker, L-Ko and Cub comedies figure in the earlier
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  • 333 5 When young we used to associate the Chinese with eating dogs, cats and rats an daily food. I have found vjnce coming to China that this idea is not entirely correct; no doubt rats are eaten by the beggar class and those in the deepest dregs of destitution
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 229 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO LET House No. 69-2 Bukit Timab Road, near the Electric Power Station- Moderate Rent. Apply 45 Kling Street. 24 5 8 Absolutely Free 40 years' experience, late Government Medical Officer BAI SAHEB DR. DASS Secrets oi Happy Life is being distributed free. m mmm siliyi Ptoreia 30/2
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  • 637 6 Ho Hong Bark, Limited. The second annual general aiding of the above Bank tv?.s held in th« Registered Oific R».flles Chambers, I and 6, Singapore, on Friday, with Mr Lim P<-ng 8i ug presiding. The other shareholders present were Messrs Cht,e S*: Ch«ng. Lim Pe»g Man, Tan Yian
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  • 237 6 A girl waa walking along a road, and a yonng man along another, the roada finally nnited, and the man and woman, reaching th* junction at the gam. tim p. walked on from then together. Th* man was carrying a large iron kettle on his back in
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  • 346 6 PricM Quctri ia the M.rkrt (hit Moroug. HIS«AFO MW.t |4. Brak.r., Imw th. foilowint 1,.t rTiSSfil Kobber Sbarei. :<Ctt felt.*. J/- A.i J y 4 J/- An.v. Jt>M 43 i, J/- Anglo-MaUy X i lu'i. t 1/- Bakofa tt Baku X..SB, c, j i I*o o-mu ,7»
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  • 61 6 Bir.Kr j.ore, March ti. On finndoo Bank 4 m/a 2/4 7/32 Demand 2/3 Jl/J 2 On I, l( lia~ IVate ;J Wd 2/4 13^2 Bank T T. i «v, On lloi^kouß— o. 49| Bank T. T, .mi On Jap;.n Bank d/d 10gJ Sorerfigna-bnying rate 8 4 J Bank ot
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  • 56 6 week ending Sttarday, v a C h 29 Monday. March 24.4 j .tn.-Bales-SB X (v) Dt<ta B 5.15 pm.—Drill Hall SVC K^crmts. Friday, March M Kl 5 nm Drill Hall S V C l^ornits. Saturday March 29 2.30 p m Baleatier Hang*, sr E (v) j 0.
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  • 80 6 March 29. for S^nrday "MO A ground 515 P.m., and Scoutrnastera Meeting Commissioner's Office 6.30 p m parade, V MCA ground 5.15 Wednesday, March 26,—Football I League 2nd Troop 8 3rd Troop, 5.15 p.m. B t 7.'p M Ch 27 -^.^ined Friday March es' at Mr Strlet
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  • 19 6 Ships in communication with the Commercial.Wireless Station this morning :-aj PaQ L cat§ Dan «arvet,. Rumphius, Aki Mara.
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  • 54 6 DtMrtrtal -a Lccdco. Til, i Mowing an Liv date* dHpartur« frotn Singapore of tl fe"P«u BfaUi andtheh deliW [/>Bd si^- t ob E DK LI 7J£ BD n January 22 F.bruirT" 2 2 ff do 28 Mar J h February 4 do j fl 1° d 7 (i
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 58 6 JfRUSETS FLUID Magnesia I THE IDEAL PICK-ME-UP I ox Sale Everywhere. 11 sohiird fl BEER SRI STOUT The Popular Drink G AURELY Co., iSP? *l«f*Pore ft Peaanf So I[n P orter fof F.M.B. 4 lanatr». Ph c 81 "Airily.I MY INDIVIDUALITY COMBINED WITH ORIGINALITY COMPELB ATTENTION. MY REPUTATION A 8
      58 words
    • 285 6 URODONAL SSSS The Washer of Kidneys ful: dissolving.aad eliminating AAIUIIVJU all its strongholds from the muscular fibres of the digestive system from the sheaths of the oh, and from the nerve cells. S. n *.p 01 Depot -which unites and epitomizes so many therapeutic indications r""\ 7"' hu ;rs?r"'' DUDirO
      285 words
    • 49 6 jYMIOI Are holding I their I SALE I FROM Ist MARCH TO :31st MARCH j AND They invite your early inspection. jSa i> ains! j TO BE HAD IN EVERY LINE I 1 of (GOODS. Great Reductions in Prices. pmato S Company I 41. HIGH SMI. j SINGAPORE. j
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 150 6 Ma?is Close. To day. h.„4 '»<"■• p, k ui s ii.V' LW 55;™ f»jK"n. Hongkong* and Shanghai* Paul L«,at I Bt0 I uiau S**>gi Bcnuit 8 pD1 Malacca and M uar K*ka »1 KenmoQ Kani* Pulau Batam and pr Pulau Bulang Hock K-ng p!B KoU Tingg, 'MerantJ 4 p. a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 338 7 B*NKS_ ■■UffEiEß BAM OF INDIA. SIsTRALIAJHO CHIMA. Js£iLr «w BANKERS. 3R »nd liidW Bank, Ltd T«. KJgUna. L«l.,Tk.J.»t.o a .l Bank ot oootlenn, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRArsCIT Current Account* aie opened Mi in^STallows at 1 P*< ?er nm\m on taa dfcily balance. W aen int.ri.*for six montat U D.° are moMi
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    • 859 7 BANKS Chinese Commercial Bank, Ltd. j (Incorporated in the Strait* SetttemewU) 64 Kling Street, Singapore. Authorised Capital $4,000,000 Issued Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up Capital $1,000,000 Reserved Liability or Shareholders $1,000,000 Reserve Fund and Rest... 668,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Chairman Lee UUoon Guan Esq. Vice Chairman Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng. Gaw
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    • 424 7 THE Malaya Tribune an SHIPPING GAZETTE. (Evening I>t*l» y•) Vhone NO. l?i> SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable In Advance. Per annum I 1?'?? Half-yearly Per quarter 10 Single Copy 5 CtS. Postage Extra 50 CtS. per month. To Foreign countries $1 <*• All •ommanlcatiom relating to editorial matters and news should be
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    • 241 7 COLDS AND INFLUENZA The Way tj Avo<d Them. Some persons have been known to fall Into icy water, and never i th l ict ailment afterwardB. Others travelling in a J W. laid up with a heavy D er.ou i. o able to enjoy a bri-k .old day thill, and
      241 words
    • 286 7 1 The Difference in this Baby 1 I babies. Glaxo contain, only those I and stronc bone, muscle and brain. It builds strong, beaßny 3 not i.b?yon?a? It .a the over-fat flabby Baby *ho gets bronchitis and chills, and is never really happy. ,f ftlixo there mIMUM <• Bittsc P**
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    • 24 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. tomi QaUy.J SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE t&sutd Daily. WoL VI. No. 68 HIXGAPQBB, MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1919 PRICE 5 CENTS
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    • 137 1 Arrivals. MAR 'H 21. Bingkawang, Dut 298 Capt Van Roo«en from Bit:Jjermaasin Mar 15, KPM. SeD»ng, Dnt 72S Capt Kockx from Beronw Mar 1 J, X P M. Chosen Maru, Jap 1,936 Capt Tajima from Calcutta Mar 14, O. She sen Kaieha. Akita Maru, J*p 2 324 Capt
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    • 129 1 MARCH 11. Kinta B'li 50« for Swettenham 6 T. Ar son, Hong Ho Brii 10 for Tringganu via ports. Lady Weld Brit 242 for Malacca and Muar. Chun Sang Brit 1,408 for Hengkong. Dilwara Brit 3460 for Bombay ▼ia Colombo. Van Goens Dat 644 for Belawan Deli. Melchior Treub
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    • 256 1 Singapore, Maroh 20. Robber. To London, from Singapore, Penang, Port Swettenham or Malacca, Iff i. od. per ton of CO cobic feet. To Liverpool, from Singapore, Penang, Port Swettenham or Malacca, 165 a Od. per ton of 10 oabio feet. To London, from Port Dickson, Telnk Anson, Kelantan
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    • 117 1 Alphabetical list of Inf.oled (signal X «i Q) and Suspected («ignal F P B) porta Signal necessary in adPort Botiied. dition to Dim***. gaaraiitlaa gas, Hataria 4 TaoeV Jon* Priok log ataieea ftombay X G g Cholera Calcutta SOd Chsiera Hongkong I G Q Cursor spinal lever K*m* and
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    • 36 1 Monday. Mar. 24.—High Water: —1.58 a.m Bft 2 ins; 320 p.m. tft 4ins. Tuesday, Mar. 25.—M00n, Last V i.til-r 3h. 34m, if. High Witer:—2.3B a.m. 7ft. 8 ma.; 4 41 p.m. 6ft. lin.
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 439 1 TK lALATA TRIBORE! Akß jj joapratc lAiim 'Phon* Bfo. 1 SfISCRIFTION RAT** 1 Payable ia Advance. IFeraaiua a. $14.00 Malf-yeerly S 7.25 I Far qaartei «*> S.7S I Per iiimi<* m 1.25 Peetaffe BxfcN. 4(1 CflL per moafb. P.*O. British India AND APCAR Mm (Ocmpasim Thoobjh.R4Tm_; tk IsfcfiTistai MAIL AND
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      • 436 1 TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan). For San Francisco. Direct. (Calling at a port in Japan for coal) The new fast steamship Buyo Maru" will be despatched from Singapore early April 1919. For freight and full particulars apply to McAllster Co, Ltd Agents. (Incorporated in Singapore) 19 3 uc I».
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      • 312 1 Phtae Nt>. 1925. O.S.K. The Osaka Mercantile S. S. Co., Ltd. (Ineorporatedln Japan.) No. 2 De Souza Street Proposed Sailings from Singapore. r «k»Bf« ik*M ■•Am) For MARSEILLES and LONDON: Tia Portsaid. Celebes Mara Mar. I* Alp* Mara mid. April Andes Mara mid. May (No Pa-tengc-r Barlh available for larope.
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      • 384 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) Inner Mall Contract with the .Imperial Japanese Government. (Subject ta Alterationa wlthoa* Notice) European Lino (Via Suez Canal) Fortnightly Service Fir (Malacca), Pinang, Colombo, Suez, Marseilles, London Inaba Kara ft ee, th March European Llnm (Via Suez Canal) Fortnightly Service (Auxiliary Service Carg§ inly)
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      • 72 1 1 THE MALAYA TRIBUNE AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. 17%« Popular Newspaper of the Straits Settlements. PUBLISHED DAILY. Complete Reports of Local I Condensed News from F.M.S., Java, jl China, India, Ceylon and Japan. Fall and Latest War News. I BF4NO LINE OF STEAMERS. Ml Gl«.i.jfi3 MM To* lUa s lost. Ml
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