Malaya Tribune, 22 March 1919

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 440 1 fiyGuanKiatS C mtractoi f supply of fI REWOOD I thtt Government and Municipal 1 for the years g 1919 and 19^ HMll S6. PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. I U r 'Phone 1361, 1362 aud 1363. Private/Phone. 9nm 1073 or USOat Nos. 87, 87», 5 f-h n d 87c, Tank Road, Singapore.
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    • 251 1 Straits ROAD. Board and Lodging, Single and Double Rooms. For particalars apply to the Maaager. fEBHS VERY MODERATHv Tslegraphlo Addreee M. A. SAIBOO CO. General Merchants Money Changers. All are kindly solicited to inspect ow ihep at j Johnston s Pier, Singapore. Eerrign Coins of »11 kind* can »c I
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    • 159 1 I PRACTISE ECONOMY ILIPTON'S TEAS I No other TEA, at the samo price, tfKn equal it in QUALITY. No other can give you so many Cup» of Delicious Tea as LIPTON'S does. Obtainable from ell Grocers a Bazaar Dealer, fa THREE STANDARD BLENDS Extra Quality G« eD No. 1 TelloW
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    • 278 1 I Tay Guan Kiat j Contractor for supply of I Fl REWOOT3 to the Government and Municipal fck Commissioners for the year* 1919 and 1920. I Address 38. PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. or 'Phone 1361, 1362 and 1363J I Private 'l?hone. Nos. 1073 or H5O at Nos. 87, 87», 67b and
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  • 773 2 By Dr Lim Boon Keng. At the present day it ia acarcely ueceeaary to dwell at length on Ihe •OoieA, physical, aud moral erii 9 > ust d by tho opium habit, aays t Dr Lim Booti Xi ns f 0 li E, in '.be Canton Fiani
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  • 205 2 Tiki'. Fr-b 15 Aft«r mur 1 n ing mil i n. a utemmm. nefghboa h nun di.<l workman, ■ri a 11 g of eHtttee Starting In 19Q8, L I m<k o barber of* Pofec••'U who Was arretted it Emshiair. lonOo 'berJW, haa beoa trie I and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 433 2 f HOP PIA HIN Diamond Merchants and Jewellers No 622 North Brldf* Road, Slerapore. ALWAYS IN STOCK Artistic Chinese and European Jewellery of various descriptiona and of the latest fashion Emeralds, Sapphires, Rubies, and other precious stones. *.<>ose Diamonds and Brilliants of the first water and of various sizesAl*q undertake
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    • 90 2 In a hot climate such as this, harmful bacteria multiply very quickly, and that is the reason of stomach and bowel com- WBuU s v plaints being s-> preva- fr^^^ir^^ Iheseti sare Cv;Avn_t/\T *-t| ditlicult to c less i I*S3|^^44si the right meu.cine bs Weeds' Great H Peppermint will v
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    • 341 2 f Anaemia 1 Our blood is composed of I pj red and white corpuscles I the red to nourish the body, I 0 the white to fight disease. In §j n An«cmia—or t<loodle*sness— kj fl the red corpuscles are mora I p or less deficient. Thus the H blood cannot
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    • 222 2 THE OR iiT^ Government 8 Life Assuraacj m 1 74. FUNDS ex eed $38,3 )*V)ba llfimi H 1817 $4,b« 7.51;j 00 I T ißlPilll ff*rred la 1917 $4,790,128.. j Tct«i Pi bias taforot 67.122 i sni $73.595,202.U» Tot*) n i Ipaidfo, olaimso' i -o. LM 3 orProi '1 y IITES
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  • 198 3 Singapore, InVch 22. 'r«ra Uftkaa k Cc„ th Charter© 1 Bank Chambers m\** the rollowins UotOejah 13.25 $3 40 lyexKfjnlngi 120 130 Mole* 230 240 IV£7?«S9J 105 1075 Balg wnie 500 5.25 aaWI MM 65 BaUttatO Mi BakitKß 0.65 0J X -v. 781 825 GHeueaij «-10 «0
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 395 3 7 picture of Punch and Power Forcefully Presented j one .{these strong Feature Producti.n. that ««1 to everybody MARLBOROUGH *fe- Hafl IK Comfort, Good M«sl« "d Good |ewr»', Beach Road. Second Show at 9.15 p.m A Triangle Drama of Extraordinary Merit Featuring WilHam S. Hart In one of his best
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    • 401 3 I STILL GOING STRONG I -^7" I Tne M ighty, Magnetic Serial of the Moment Attaint** I l Ihe j Printing PEARL WItTE, HP. SERIAL QUEEW is the OB* I 1A Ik umbra I Now h**i*f it* run, along with theatre I o I 1 ft il JCIED A "Sri
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    • 511 3 PHOTO-PLAY HOUSE^^ EMPIRE »a* r ofti mmmmmmmm mmmmmm I Second Show nX A Great Stuart Patron Production 5 BELOVED JIM 5 Metro's Yorke Film Corporation Present Harold Lockwood, Everybody favour.* r the AVENGING TRAIL 5 is* Show mt 7.30 THE TRML OF HO RETORH A Bison Reel Westere Drama. Episodes
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  • 1314 4 Oar correspondent Tamil is much distressed at the Acting Chief Juitioe being supposed to have used the word Kling when referring to a Tamil detective. If it indeed be the OHse that hia Lordship did nse the word Kling (and we understand that he was probably quoting the words
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  • 142 4 Macphail Co's Report. To day's Business Silver Unchanged 47 Hongkong 37£ per cent prem. Shanghai 495. Rubber. Steady to quiet. Tin—No orders ;no market. Share. Market still generally quiet Malakapindas are lively however having moved to about $2.50, buyers and |2,55 sellers. Colinsburgh, have buyers at $4,25 Bukit Jelotongs 62$
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  • 192 4 Hankow, Feb jjr Keuschel, a Luxemburger, who practised sinongst tbe German community here, wai found dead in bed yesterday morning. Before retiring tho nigbt before ho gave bin boy a letter to be delivered to one of his friends, and also gave him strict injunctions that on
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  • 16 4 MondayLodge St George, 9 p.m. Tuesday. Moon Last Qaarter. R-nt Board, 2,15 p.m.
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  • 314 4 Kabber is qrjoM at o/a- ana for Hh t The Nore mormng with r thfc board, and Jin, n i JM anchorage Th* Xu'rar* f ,u,: Wio® this afternoon. x o China is ihd worl.l i„ !>*>•■> J > 1,500.00 > to 2 0 O ..JO e
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  • 46 4 Our boys "over there like •'yanks," act 'sammies.' The English like the word "Yankee' because it is really their word, being a corraptloa of the word •'Y-ncrf-se" applied to tho Euglish by the Northern Indian trib<-s—in attempt on their part to pronounc- English."
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  • 90 4 The death rate per milie tor the week ending March 15 was 24.95. The total nnmb-r of deaths was IS2, of waich 131 were males and 51 f-maies. Oj j European died, also 153 Cihese, 32 Malays, 7 Indians, Convulsions oaus-d 16 deaths, P./hieis 32, Malarial Fever S3,
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  • 39 4 To morr. w. March 21. From I taatort Pier, at 9, 10, 11 mi., 2.30 taa > 30 p.m. From Club Bnngalow, it 9 80, 10.J0 a.m., 12.15, .'J, aud 5 30 p.m. High Tide, 2.26 p.m.
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  • 33 4 Changkat Ssrdanc, 14.983 lbs Total for 1 DBonth 14.983 ibe. M< rgni. 10.706 lbs, To:al for 8 mon'he 196,222 Ibe. Inirarjri.' 22 403 lb*. Total for 7 monthe 157,122 lbs.
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  • 69 4 Reuters Cables Page* In Germany 5 Peaoe Matte's •*> R constrnction 5 Troublo in Cairo J General The Morphu Carta Straits Prodaos Load Share Market 3 Kling Loaai an \Ok aeral Company Mooting Tho Lottery 5 Conrch Services b Mail None- Stocks and Shares 0 EaoZaiderEeo J Morders
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 164 4 IROBIMSON Co. Choice Perfumes IF Great Variety. Parfteea *L Apple- J aH *W Blossom I Stoe* Boaqaet £gj Riessom I OIL FOR THE HOME j I For General Lighting (ta* I I IS THE MOST ECONOMICAL 1 FISH A SUPERFIH* I nn WATa.WmTi I BRAND lummatin oil I I ASIATIC
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    • 186 4 ALWAYS WATCH THIS SPACE I* rjaaana money to jron, #»V geodi aonstantly received to suit all reo^emeiiti. Stocks may come and stocks may go but we go on for ever. JUST ARRIVED: Ws Elephant Brand Scythe Blades. Vulcan Improved Chain Pip« Wrenches, Brade's Parangs, Brass Garden Syringes, Japan Gold Siza
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    • 146 4 Absolute Purity GUARANTEED In all Liquors STOCKED BY Caldbeck, Macgregor AND Co. TINT ENGINE OIL British Special Grade AT PRE-WAR PRICES Obtainable from KIAM KIAT Co. ISSand 109 Market Street. ARE YOU MARRIED ARE YOU GOING TO BE Three important events in your life: i BIRTH YOLK MARRIAGE I DEATH.
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  • 1125 5 Coal and Railways. London, Mar 15, 11.35 i.m. Ihe Coal Commission is continuing iv proceedings, daily sifting a LJ 2 e ol figures and statistics predated by the owners' and workers' representatives. The witnesses are closely and persistently crossexamined by both sides. Startling revelations were made regarding fee bad
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  • 323 5 Loudon, Mar. 16, 2.10 p.m. Bale At Vienna the GermanAustrian Assembly passed a Bill incorporating German-Anetria in the German Republic. Amsterdam A message from Berlin says it is officially estimated that 23,500 000 marks damage was done in Germany by Allied air Washington Rear-Admiral Taylor has announced that the
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  • 16 5 London, Mar 19, 13-30 p.m. British North Russia official A 130 miles southward of guns.
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  • 1356 5 German Ships Surrendered. London, March 14, 4 40 a.m. Paria: The Chinese delegates to the Peaoe Conferenoe in a statement to journalists, declared that China must be freed the burdens imposed on her especially the German Bbantung privileges. They protested against the Japanese claims at Klaoehaa and the
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  • 87 5 London, March 10, 5 33 p.m. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr AG Gardner, Mr Harmsworth staUs that the Govnient hoped to bring the of the Opium Convention of before the Ptaoe Conference with a view to the adoption of a resolution binding the Powers represented
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  • 81 5 London, Mar 17, 10.0 p.m. In the Hons-* o£ Commons, reply ing to Mr A. Mi. litofwortl elated that several cables from England at present were inter runted especially the Extern Company's route, and delay in oable deiiveues were largely caused thereby, combined with a heavy increase of
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  • 740 5 Penang Wins First Prize. Despite the heavy rain yesterday, there was not a single seat In the Victoria Theatre empty by five when the drawing of the Suaits Settlements War Loan Lot' tery took plane. The same satisfactory arrangements as last time were made for the drawing. After
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  • 276 5 Government Measures. London, Mar 15, 4.35 a.m. Copenhagen A message from Berlin dated Mar 14 states In order to prevent the flooding of the country with smuggled Russian money, with which the Spartacists am being lavishly supplied, the National Assembly hurriedly passed a bill forbidding business in Russian
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  • 187 5 London, Mar 16, 6.8 p.m. Cairo: Crowds of students and street arabs armed with sticks smashed the shop-windows and lamps and looted.and attacked trams. They tried to set fire to the premises of the Times demonstrated before the residential barracks. The military restored order. A tew demonstrators
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  • 71 5 LondoD, Mar 15, 1.5 a.m. Parle Cottin, defended by counsel, waa tried by courtmartial for wilful murder. The prosecution urged that Cottin was imbued with anarchical ideas, was proud cf thdeed which he premeditated. ihe prisoner excitedly road a statement attacking Clemenceau and the bourgeoise and said that if
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  • 68 5 London, Mar 14, 6.45 a.m. Washington With reference to the newepaper reports of disorder in Tientsin, the American minister at Peking iuforma the State Department that an encounter occurred between American «oldieti Japanese policemen and oivitoM. The officials here state that »f Am* rifjn marines have violated
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  • 966 5 Malakoft Rubber Ltd. Tho annual general meeting of the MahdVff Rubber Company, Limited tv held yesterday at noon at the Registered Offices of the Company, 18 Collyer Quay, Mr V Gibbons presided and oihers present Were Messrs J Sellar, W Lowther Kemp, F L Tomlin, J Dewar and
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  • 68 5 Paris, Mar 18, 12.5 p.m. The Overseas Club has promised to co operate whh the committee organising a chain of bonfires in the United Kingdom on pence night, by helping to secure a chain of bonfires round the Empire on similar lines. At a meeting of the channel
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  • 91 5 London, March 17, 6,20 p.m. In the House of Commons at question time Mr Chnrchill stated that the Guards battalions on the occasion of their formal entry into London on March 23 would j March past the King at Bucking ham Palace and the Lord Mayor at the
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  • 56 5 London. March 16, 4 30 p.m. Pr;- General Yon Arai ft, German c mmandtr of tho -rmy In Flaude>t in March 1918. fired on peasams who were ti repassing in hisgrcands at Aich i:i c arch of firewood. A mob oonseqnenUj invaded tbe Chateau ai d cudgelled the General
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  • 30 5 Loi (on, March. 6, 8 25 p.m, afontagna 1 rt port itatei that the silver ma-k-t is quiet and steady. Shanghai exchange has fallen to 4,64 a tafl
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  • 128 5 The Peking Daily News reports ihe publication this month in London ot a remarkable work on one of the old Russian Missions to Chin?, the most important part of I ;he counts being the full narraI live of mission to Peking in 1C75 G and his
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 84 5 LATbST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTI d. Bachelor desires board and lodging with private family. Apply B:x 44, Malaya Tribune. 22 3 25 3 TO SHIP AGtNTS. Wanted at the earlie-t possible date comfortable Ist clans pa-sage by regular mail boat to Hongkong for 6 adults aud 4 euildreu. Liberal terms offered. Keply
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  • 452 6 F.ioi twri m lbs Msrksl (kit Mornis*. tis«Arc*?, mnk. m, *ncl Eratt, Kj»h»:ig« and Bkara <--r»««n, ir-ioa tha lowing Mat of qaotatians Seller Shares. Ben tsiSM tl- Ai 19 B<; J/- Angio Jara 43 4 0 IB> |fJU 1 AjwSsjuei to If* Si™ 1 3 5
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  • 63 6 Singapore, March 12 Oh London—Bank 4 m /g 2/1 7/32 Demand ffi On India- Jn)/ 2 >' 4 Bank T T. ijui On Hongkong— 154 i On 37 I >r «n. n Bank d/d Q Oi Java— *9| Bank T. 1 On Japan- *H Bank d/d 10 Weigns -baying
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  • 28 6 Ships in commanication with th« mor l lriR: J B T!" s atlcn thia Prina d" r m Artemis Trial R l^ No va a WUltoii, Nore
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  • 177 6 T« day. MaU<v.x P, ,rt Sw. tt'n mm ud haw TOaag Ml m Kanaoa EUa U» Gbh 28« m 1 ulau Hatatn aii'i Pum BnJaag n Ke tl ua E*blm £*S> B (MM pa I ulau lialam an 4 •i l1 k L! MB pm !1V i pa
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  • 38 6 •il > Ti; j m [m rt tl a.. t .t-%»t. i i... »"i j ■^JS? 1 i UOH Don. Deoember 24 F< l,rnary 7 j 31 do 10 do 10 5 lj do ti do n
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  • 199 6 Singapore, March 20. during the p«8t wrek, there hae >>een a firmer undertone in th< ■narket and this was maintained at the opening of the nsoal weekly auctions on 19ih inet On the resumption of the gales on the sfcond day however a weakening set in and
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  • 78 6 Progenia,- o| I)riil week.-iHhnKSatar.i.v, March 29 Satarjay, March 22, 2.30 njfl Banner R 4n o v C. Cooipnlsory Snmlay, Mar. 23 7.30 a, n .-Bal, Bang*, Maxim Co. S V I Compnlsory MOD tM R MarCb 24 4 P^-Bal.B- BB I (v), Deta.ia VV pril Dr ill
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  • 48 6 1 C A ground 51 "> luii.,amlScoutu l a B t.r 8 M eetin X p*rli„ v w J —Combin«(l p.m K'oand 5.1 i Wednesday, March 26-Football Sri. B "«orah tiZ 10 a:art Troop f„ r March i^^lfii IJIIA Rwmnd, 4.30 p.m. Frank C. Sand§ Commisaioßer.
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  • 23 6 Chicago, Feb 22 Victor L Berger aH a«toa bade» and a recently oonvico-,» nnd* r tbe Ebuj<, bar. bas* »o tweoty years' impri.onmaot.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 56 6 rRUSETsI FLUID I Magnesia THE IDEAL PICK-ME-UP! OK Sale Everywhere. II Sahara IjJ BEER flß| STOUT The Popular Drink Sold KwmrywwhTQ. G AU »ELY Co., l S :e for 1.8, F.M.B. A B a a ra> f I I THE TRADE ATTRACTOR j THE SI6I WITH A 1000 TONBUES MAKE
      56 words
    • 299 6 UROpONAL Rheum atism MMloal Opinion ffS-S The Washer of Kidneys till dissolving and eliminating J" all its strongholds from the muscular fibres of the digestive system from the sheaths of the IS ITr£Z m Wholen,t only from L ch.u..i. oh, and from the nerve cell*. ihe beneficial effects of this
      299 words
    • 205 6 I Tnia Strvicts, Slaf«;crt (Tart i i The nail r f for Urn north 1« lt nation daily at f**T ««Ptod) wd 7 p.m. aarWin* a, Koala Lanupw ti 7.18 p m an ,j 6 45 a.m. ret] otively, Tn h npraa. to ftou* w V ea X.,1 ILnmporat Ha.m.
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    • 41 6 Are holding j their j m I FROM Ist MARCH TO 31st MARCH AND They invite your early inspection. I TO BE HAD IN EVERY LINE j OF f G(K)DS. Great Reductions io Prices. tomato iooipani 41. HIGH STREET. SINGAPORE, j
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  • 910 7 An App uacbicg Cunqest. Mote im'- riant et than the ws bait *■'he Dutch vr«t*heß ii. the fact the' they ara u< w prepaiing to retake a con qicied province that haa not been wholly theirs alaoe th« day of ;>:. id tu.»'. was nualiy an&tched aaraj
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  • 205 7 Mr Joseph I C OWrke writes to New Yoik Evening Post. At Professor Kano's Jiu-Jitsn Academy in Tokio I met Professor YiUinshitjf, who had tanght the Japanese art to Pr- siJent Uooaevt It m Washington three times a Wbek tor thie« years. Tne President, he odd, was
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  • 229 7 Shanghai, Feb. 24.—1 a addition ;o tho independent movement of tbe Koreans whoa-j agitation for th Liberation of lh< ir fa', norland from the J.ipau«-se yoke ia caueing grea; darm among their Japanese master?, are certain yonng Mohammedans, members of the so-called LmgiouUui or Wolt-head Society (a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 418 7 mXlimtt BAN* OF IND'A, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. lICOOPORATKD IN HNGLANP iJ* BOTAL CHABTER. mm vJ*dual in 80,000 Skares oi .£2.000,000 uLs.-ve of Proprietors BAJTCKRfI ■rv, B\ak of England. Tk* Lwij r- *nd Midland Bank, Ltd, C*> adou county and tfeetmia#Ui Bank Ltd., Tke Naaonal rtovuicitl Bank of v <i., Ta«
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    • 374 7 iIiSURAHCE SOUTH BRITiSH INSURANCE CO, LTD. Incorporated in New Zealand FIRE Insurances effected on Buildings, Rent and Merchandise of every description. MARINE Insurances accepted to ail parts ot thy world z»t lowest rat el. WAR RISK aooeutad to ait paria. L, C. L. MaRGOLIOCTH Maaaagar, Offices 2, Finlayaou Green. The
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    • 449 7 NOTICES Peace Celebration Sports. A public general meeting will be held at the Garden Club, Raffles Chambers, on Friday, 28th instant, at 515 p.m All thosd interested are cordially invited to attend. BUSINESS. 1« To confirm Minutes of last Meeting2. Appoint sub-Committees, etc 3. Draft out Programmes, etc. 4. Any
      449 words
    • 431 7 THE Malaya Tribune AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. [Evening Dsti*y.) Vhoae No. 171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Per annum $14.00 Half-yearly 7.25 Per quarter 3- 7 Single Copy 5 CtS. Postage Cxtra 50 CtS. oer mouth. To Foreign countries $1 c"c All communications relating to editorial matteri aud news shield ba
      431 words
    • 112 7 A LYE R AND ROSY SKIN is the result largely of daily regularity, to ensure which many women find the occasional use ot Pinkettea ail that is necessary mm are I .x.tive perfection, curing sick headachy, bilious att tcke, unpleasant breath, spots and blemishes. Uny hut thorough as gentle as
      112 words
    • 471 7 E!llffllllllllllUiliililllllliiiilimi!iiilllllli!!ill!!! 'WI«!!HM««J Your Baby should eajoj Cmidhood'l 1 Happy Days aS^^J 1 -Vatthis enjoying 3 S in o ven 16 oun-s ot Glaxo there are 4 I ounces of life-giving Butter Fat and 12 s V\T > ounces ol the nourishing Milk Solids, and 2 't&S«J biby turaa ever I>,rt
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    • 24 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. iMWi Dally.J SUPPLEmEHT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. usmd Daily. ML VI.- No. 67 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1919 PRICE S CENTS
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    • 475 1 M~§ers BYw«rmu ani Co, the loading HooffcoDg ship tad freight brokers, write m§ aadai tela 1, aa follows i tbslJth olto. oar mark-: haa remained m the earn* augnan: and c ,n lirion ?s tb--n rep.rt d. Time Char,e:iLg baaioeaa is r.AeticaJlj at -x rtaodatiU, akhoagh are
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    • 246 1 Passengers arrived on Thursday 'rom Australia r« r i v*n o 7 •traten; |fiaa D D,i 2? over v ffrorn M<.l boarasX Maaara FwA U w^ Hewitson, Mr and v 1 H ■os,Maaara Wfl 8a •nd Jones (all fro. e «2^.Meawx X McKan'wi Gibson, HargreaTen -V W H
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    • 75 1 -Satnrdav, Mar. 22 H;gh Water Smnday, Mar. 13.—M d Max. D S. <>b a. Biirh Water:_l.2s am. •ft, oin* 2.20 P.BB, 6ft. 9ina tfondiy M,r. Water -1.58 urn set I lot; ISO p a 6ft. 4ina. reeeday, Mar. 25 Mocn, Lset Q urter 3h. 34 m,
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 389 1 TV lALATA TRIBOIE Vk*M ITU inSCRIPTIdN RiTM Payable Im liruii. Parcwß 114.00 ■aJf-yearJy 7.2« Per qaartar J. 75 Per anMHA 1.25 P —*C* il <m psa aeefc. P. *Q. British India APCAR WE MAIL AND FASSEKSER SERVffE§. Peninsular and Mental S. 11. fA (Li»4«t C*fitrad with Hit &rrar*jaMt) IWtMWITI U
        389 words
      • 321 1 P 0. Steam Navigation Company. Amdutaaca Transport mrama. J Th abore h-iring latiofl for aome fire bended aaaaeagere, wi.i lear* for Marseille* end L adoo early in April. Thf ratei _f p%9-»gi money (oae elata ►nly) m as f illoan T £54 and a few asrttos it £71 To Marui.ljj
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      • 255 1 Phtie NV 192S. O.S.K. The Osaka Mercantile S. S. Co, Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan.) No. 1 De Souza Street. Proposed SaiHois fr« Singapore For MARSEILLES and LONDOM: ria Por.aaid. Mara Mar u TS H?" miJ ±P r^ Andes Mara mid May (No Panentjer Berth available for larope. Space for
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      • 317 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAPHA (Incorporated in Japan; Paa*et Mail Contract with Me Imperial Japanese Kama Sebje:t te Aiterat out wlthoat He e European Line (Via Suez Canal) Fortnigfath Fir (ialicca), Pinani, Colombo, Suez, Marseilles. Londoi Inaba Mara f European Line (ViaSoe. Canal) Fortni| (Auxiliary Service Carg* cnbjj For London, via Ports.
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      • 64 1 ht mm mm SHIPPING 64ZETTE ITU tb§mlmr Mn fj Stti r PUBLISHED daily Caip t'.c Ron iof I Coadf-D»p«a New* b m V Full and Latesf War ,p, v j Km LINE OF STEAMERS. «J. 1 G.«» t'jC M. tmrng r. i,799 lam v Baaag Cbooa" tj'.l r^a». The above
        64 words