Malaya Tribune, 20 March 1919

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
  • 27 1 The Malaya Tribune. EViNINO DAILTd SHIPPING GAZETTE. EVENING 6MLY. Vol. VI.- NO 65 SmOAPOBH, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1919 PRICE 5 CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. THURSDAY, MARCH 20.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 470 1 [fay Guan Kiat! Contractor f r supply of 1 F I]REWOOD C ».the Government and Municipal g Commissioners for the years 919 and MM M PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. r -Phone 1361.1362 and 1363.' j Private 'Phone- I 10 73 or H50 at Noa. 87, 87a, 3 |7b and 17c, Tank
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    • 240 1 Straits Motel TAHJONG PAGAR ROAD. Board and Lodging, Single and Double Rooms. For particulars apply to the Maaager. fEUS VEBY MODERAT* Talagraphlo Addroos PRANAKAM." BL SA1BQQ i CO. General Herchants Money ChanMrs. All aro kindly aohoiUd to inipoe» oar shop at Johnston's Pier, Singapore. Foreign Coins of all kinds «1
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    • 117 1 I PRACTISE ECONOMY j I Drink SLIPTON'S: TEAS I I I 1 No other TEA, at the same priea, can I equal it in QUALITY. 1 No other can give you so many Cups I of Delicious Tea as LIPTON'S does. Obtainable from all Gro«er» Bawar Dealete m I THREE
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    • 314 1 MMBSNBOB WKHtkeKßHmmmwmMm^^t^^^^B^^*^^^^ m 8 Tay Guan Kiat Contractor for supply of 1 FI X E W O O D r] I to the Government and Municipal I Commissioners for the yeara 1919 and 1920. I I Address: 56. PHILLIP STREET, SIMPOIE. or 'PLoae 1361,1362 and 1363] j Private 'Fhone. I
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  • 248 2 UNITED PROVINCES. Alleged Murder. Allahabad, Feb 12.—1n tbe eaie In which Masamna Kam I» Lakshmi, a wealthy Hinda of Basel, and her servant Harpnt were sentenced to death for murder of one Dyal who whi alleged to be an obstraole in the way of her intrigue with another
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  • 347 2 Aynrvedc Exhibition. K-rachi, Frb 20.—The Vrdic and Unani Tibbi K .hibition was opened to-day. 't eat l< 00 leadi .tf cititeii» wi re presort. Svth ChelUram Dallo mall in opening the exhibi'i< n said that lack patronage was responsible for the downfall of th« indigenous systems of medicine. The
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  • 244 2 The imperial Council. Delhi, Ftb 20.—The fallowing i* the pcograsnsne of legislative buiiness on Krbruar. I6tb Sir C Sankaran Xair will move that Bill to extend the powers of loo*l authorities in regard to the granting of pensions and Krataities be taken into consideration and passed. Sir William Vincent
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 305 2 CLEARANCE SALE OF JAPANESE GOODS JNTow Proceeding AT THE Japanese Commercial Museum 77 BRAS BASAB ROAD, SINGAPORE. From 18th to 25rd March. I Votes invited for the most suitable design of shop front decoration shown during the week. I Please apply for a voting-paper at the Museum. t Prizes will
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    • 287 2 •JUST RECEIVED THE IMPERIAL CHART Map of THE WORLD On Mercator's Projection. Polished and Mounted In Cloth. Published by W. A. K. Johnston, Ltd. Can bo had from Naina Mohamed Sons., Raffle* Place. SINGAPORE. A (iOOD PHOTOGRAPH MJL&NB v :vr Very Likeness, Siyl ■lid Hood. A PRODUCTION FROM las Brothers'
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    • 338 2 Sureof >v*t4 Baby's !</ Health H TT ts widely known that r A dairy milk carries germs O of diseases, aud so serious 5 is the danger of Infection }j| that medical specialists I I repeatedly utter strong 3 warnings. How readily 4 young babies fall rictims 3 eaa well
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    • 230 2 THE ORIEN T*fi> G#TIRNMINT SICCRITT Li Life Assurance Co., Ltd. rJSTABLIBHM) 1b74. INCORPORATED OT Tj FUNDS exceed $38,300,000.00 Ibso \mm\t 1117 $4,587,500.00 I Total m*m i 11 ;4 Mtirann inictel li 1117 $4,790,128.00 j Imnassli Funds .j, 2 ,67!| Total Policial in force 67,122 assuring vit Bonui Ai 'i $73,596,202.00.
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  • 256 3 Singapore, Maroh 20. ftfe-Sea Local an l General column. r-p ca -Steady. Buaineaa done. Sago Fi r —Baflneudone. Qaxttur. —Boatae* done, Burner- done Mer Prorf*rfe.-*4»r** Uu»t Uttl tfafkit wn.iitita». Nataega 110 8. par pienl 147.00 SUmegi 30 I?*S OspaßaU Copra Ocror.g Tab Jj-Jj Copra Dongalo JJ-JJ Copra Kayo*g
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  • 163 3 Singapore, Mareh 20. Mee>ri Latham Ce., the Chartered Bank Chamber! the following quotation. AlorGajah «3.25 «3.40 1.20 1.30 ayeriloiek a. «-30 2.40 ajartaafl 10.50 10.75 Bilgownie 5.00 535 Bnktt Jelotong 0.65 0.70 BakitKatii 0.91 1.00 BnHI KB 0.65 0.70 aa**^-d*. M 7.71 no Glen.aly 150 aaytor ™0
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 167 3 ~~~4~Spl*ndid Thanhouser Photo-play Featuring a Fascinating Sareen Sta* at the MARLBOROUGH f>« Hal Comfort, Good MuaU aid Good Beach Road. To-nlanl nr the Second Show at 915 p.m. To-night FLORENCE LA BADIE In a Splendid Characterisation of Three Personalities in the title role of SAINT, DEVIL AND THE WOMAN A
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    • 513 3 I From Wednesday, March 19, to Morday, March 24. I STILL GOING STRONG I I 1 The Mighty, Magnetic Serial of the Momtii' AibamWh The p,„entln« PEARL MT-, ME SERIAL QUEEN ta the 011» I AUiambra fe Now b».iog •<» run, along with theatre g the Theatre A Forceful Drama
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    • 349 3 I A THE POPULAR PHOTO-PLAY HOU*E EMPIRE Trams Pass *>•<*' fSecond Show at 9.1» A Great Stuart Patron Production 5 BELOVED JIM 5 Metro's Yorke Film Corporation Present Harold Lockwood, Everybody a favourite in 5 THE AVENGING TRAIL 5 A Powerful Drama of Romance and Vengeance in the Lumber Lands1
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  • 1129 4 Mr Lansing's speech will doubtless have what is known as a profound effect in oertain quarters in Europe and America, President Wilson's speeches have the same attractiveness; bat if the truth must be told one is inclined to fejl a trifle bored at the series of speeches
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  • 241 4 Police Officer's Close Shave. Last night, what proved to be an abortive attempt at ga;,g robbery by fonr Chinese at the Art Furniture D pot, Orchard Road, soded in a rather nasty experience for Inspeotor Dyas of the S. S. Pjlic Between 9 and 10 p.m. yesterday, it
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  • 139 4 Macphail Co's Report. To day's Business Bilver. Unchanged.—47s. Hongkong.—3sJ per cent prem. Shanghai.—49f. Robber.—The auction is described as firm. Sheet touched 78 cents and Crepe 78* cents. Tin.—No cables no market. Shares—A. dull market. Malaka Pindas showed movement, buyer? being strong at $2 40, with selle.* »t $2.45 some business
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  • 70 4 In the Polica Court, Penang, on Monday afternoon, before Mr a II Langston, the inquiry was continu. Ed into the charge of committing an sffray at WelJ Qnav on 22nd February, 1919, teitaft 51 Chimse —ten twtii s-ven Limn, ten Choos, and fom Lienr belonging
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  • 164 4 Prior to Mr and Mrs J M Jackson's departure to Europe a farewell din ncr was given ibein by Messrs Tan Sang anr Co and their clients at "Fairy Dile," Paya L-ibar Roal, on the night of the Uth ins v writes J a correspondent. The occasion was attended by
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  • 554 4 Rubber is qi 19 n *nd2/0i at 2 <°* <*r<*^ The Ma«lr p, TT7 that in on v :P tele ?rftph 6 reach s|| The Rent \aa, Board Room on irstant at 1.15 p.„ y the 25th The corrected h» ft Rubber Estate output as 31,421 lb«
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  • 88 4 Rkctkr's Cables Pag^s Pc»Ou Affairs 5 Bofftbevfen 5 S.-rv ice Gene Hal Indian News S raits Produce LoOBl Sbire Market 3 Sermons from America 4 Local Gang Robb-rs Local 3n-l General 4 Correspondence Malacca N The AMil s Sponirg Amns* m nts L »Usi Shipping NdWS Chinese (t
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 184 4 ROBINSON Co. Choice Perfumes m IU Great Variety. Appit- f y%£* 1 H Ni^ht Blossom Sweatee! Stoelt €aih gr§ Sv iet Boaqaet. Pea Blossom I OIL FOR THE HOME I For General Lighting Dm I I THE HOST ECONOMICAL I I F I S HI A SUPERFINI I WATER. WHITa
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    • 186 4 ALWAYS WATCH THIS SPACE lb Aeana money to yoa. Mlv g*6ds constantly received to suit all requirements. Stocks may come and stocks may go but we go on for ever. Just arrived: Tyrack's Elepkant Brand Scythe Blades. Vulcan Improved Chain Pipe Wrenohes, BraoVi Milay Parangs, Brass Garden Syringes, Japan Gold
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    • 155 4 Absolute Purity GUARANTEED In all Liquors 6T0CKED Caldbeck, Macgregor AND Co. TOTT ENGINE OIL British Special Grade AT PRE-WAR PRICES. Obtainable from KIAM KIAT £c Co. I «8 and 109 Market Street. POPULAR BOOKS BY POPULAR AUTHORS AT POPULAR PRICES. Photo-Play Edition. The Eagle's Mate Tbe Poor Little Rich Girl
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  • 97 5 New German Delegation. London, Mar 13. 7.45 p.m. The Frankfurter Zeitnng 8 Bale r correspondent authorita i*ime that the German delePeace Conference will dt Brockdorff Randan, Doctor David, minister fr* ,d .rttolio Giesberts, minis--OQtC ana also the Hamburg P t Max Warburg, Professor fflerCb b t a and
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  • 180 5 London, March 13, 5.0 p.m. fa tho House of Commons Col. Jb' introducing the Air Force for sixty-si* and a half SuToDßiterling for a personnel of hundred and fifty thousand menuoned that at the armistice we had "wo hundred air squadrons comtared with aix before the war,
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  • 140 5 London, March 5, 10.55 p.m. In the House of Commons Mr Bugiendr.w attention the aerioua tatnremthem.rk.ta abroad of the cotton spinning and weaving trade ,ince the armistice and asked about possibilities ot opening rip new marketa and a solution of the «exchange values. Mr Steel Maitland replied that
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  • 53 5 London, March 14, 3 5 p.m. Copenhagen: A message from states that in a debate in the National Assembly op nationalisation, the Socialist Anr s unendm-nt rejecting the State obligation for an indemnity to expropriated own a rs was defeated by 165 to 135, The minority *ai compose!
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  • 27 5 Lon'or, March 13. 1.20 p.m. Four prominent Egyptian Nationincluding two ex-miniatera are being atnotted to Malta on a charge of conducting an anti-Britiah agita tion.
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  • 36 5 Lou lon, Mir 13, UO p.m. 1 loe report that 3ii* William Robertson ia abont to sncceed Sir Dsaghi Qaig ie describe g prematare, bat it is underhand important changes in the avausands are pending.
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  • 20 5 London, Mur 14, 10.40 p.m. A tekgram from Parie states that Clfemtncftta'a assailant Cottin has ten wademaed to death,
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  • 202 5 Centre In U.S. A. London, Mar 15, i.85 p.m. New York The polioe raided an eastside building which it waa alleged was occupied by the Russian Peasant Workers' Union and arrested two hundred persons, and seized a quantity of literature inoluding red books printed in eian advocating the overthrow
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  • 53 5 London, Mar 15, 12.10 a.m. A meeting of railwaysen's delegates held in London for the pnr- of considering {he railway complies' offers, rejected the proposals, also the principles on which the proposals were based, and refused to compromise on the national programme. They instructed the executive to inform
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  • 34 5 London, Mar. 6, 6 5 p.m. Amsterdam The Qaeen visited Z»eland-Flanders and was enthusiastically welcomed. address of welcome Her Majesty B ai l that the population of ZselandFlanders would remain Dutch. (Thunderous applause)
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  • 46 5 London, Mar 6, 1.55 p.m, Santos (Brazil): There was a verj serious fire at the docks here, which destroyed twenty.nine thousand HtVS jute and ninety thousand bags of State Government coffee. The loss is estimated at a million I and a half sterling.
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  • 202 5 Alleged Gang Robbery. Before Mr Justice Woodward and three Cantonese. Chan Low Wong with gang bb v er y. a^ N O VDec l 2 man Street on the night of Dec \i U The D P P (Mr A V Brown) Cffl oS robbery town in Yoi
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  • 477 5 k General Summary. Paris, Mar 15, 9.20 p.m. The Supreme War Counoil will levote more time than waa expected ,o a consideration of the aerial terms ,o be imposed on Germany in the Dreliminary peaoe trfity or >f the urgent representations made by a ial advisers as to
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  • 11 5 London, Mar 8, 3.30 p.m. The Bilver market ia quiet.
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  • 34 5 Lonlon, Mar 13, 120 p.m. The Postmaster General announces that the War Cabinet bai appointed a Telegraph Communications Board with Lord Milner as chairman to deal with inter -imperial communications, including wireless.
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  • 62 5 Barlow Co.'s Report. Singapore, Match I*. Since la.t reporting there has hJn hrmer undertonein the rnbher markcTuud thi. waa maintained opening of the ~>«£* action, to-day, 19 Z°« cen?. Fine Pale noe IlSu to 791 cent. nCutt'ngn c* .hoi. oenta and at the latter ng M M d Xn:ldC n
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  • 4 5 The ceremonies connested with
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  • 310 5 Arrivals. MARCH 19. Kinta, Brit 509 Capt Law. iefrou, T Anson Mar 17, S S'ah.p laka, Brit 274 Ca P t ttjml■ from Malacca Mar 18, S'dt.p Co. N£„,m*, B. it 3 952 Oyl AldWl fro Dunlin F,b 28 F OCO a Van Goens, Dut w de
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  • 100 5 MARCH 19. Kampar 3rit 499 from P. Swettenham and T Anaon. Edendale Bri 708 from samarang VIft Ipuh t8 BriC 528 from Penang via P Swettenham. MeduBa Brit 323 from Belawan "sarie Borneo Dot 356 from Sonrabaya and BandjermMBin. De Carpentier Dot 7b6 from Mantok and Palembang. Kmile Dut
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  • 17 5 This vessel is due hera from Colombo at 4 p.m. on the 24th inßtant.
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  • 110 5 Paaeengers arrived this nwrnini! J T g Klang (rom Peoang: Mr and Mrs J L .Scheerder, Mrs A wSodTrd, M« C J„ Souw, Mr and Mrs J B Klein man Mr Jas Sellar, Mr G Stotbaru Mra Santey, Dr and Mri F K Bayers Mr B F B-a,;ford,
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  • 59 5 The Cinemas. Th. «oood hooae to-night will eee a 5-pa t b.oart pro taSSS of nno.nal &J*J» loved Jim and 5 ct < l^l,a A*etgiog Trail; whilst a repeat of Coh h6 oo figure in I the earlier half. The Clnem. "fitt 3 The Count of Monte Cristo. after
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  • 582 5 S. C. C. Lawn Tennis. Monday's Play. A Singles D-nnel scr beat Manning sor.i—• 6_S t 6—2. B SlHGLES. De Maiio ow~ Sbtat Uenilenwo scr, 3 —6,6 —1,7— 5. Gale «or v Hill owe 3, poet UU Wed. EvanB scr beat owe 15 w o. Bertel scr beat Uriffin
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  • 53 5 Tbe following team will repreaem the SCC against **«J±*J£ tn dat Dean goal Hill and Gale baok7, Gnmn.Vi.h and Thomas halves j Buckley, Tosoenie Holland Thoroogocd and Jamieson forwards The following will be *J****i| nlavers—o F Ganno goal; I WhClev and L M Pennefather Whea»iey W A Aeria fcap»)
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  • 259 5 [fftit wt neee$**rily endorte tkf opinion* $xprta—4 *9 mrrtiptndcnt* Raffles College. l* Mtor of Sir-Your leading article on Raffle. College is lllnmlnating, bat it raises one point which ii no touched on, namely, what ii to become of the men who paw out of the College, and later from
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  • 289 5 k Suggestion. To th4 Editor of ths Ud*9* TrQm*. Sir.—I have heard of many place, having already .t«ng«d celebrate the Peace ha. Singapore done yet? anything being propowd or 'TfttokW». 'ho»" ahead of all the other smaller any oelebrationB are to be made, I would suggest the to
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  • 22 5 A Kolantan correspondent who and spread of the fire be oatdc. Jbe Uovernmeot. and no doubt a proper enquiry will be made.
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  • 1184 5 Social and General. Malacca, March 18. The Lady Superior of Maoao is on a pastoral vlalt to Malacca. She arrived hereby rail on M d y '£e 10 inst, and is staying at the P^> rl gneae convent. The pnpile of the convent rteged a play, h patronage
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 74 5 rAREEM RAHEEMANi M sopplies ol ft** I ValuaPleimll"! ltom ElIOpe 1 ORDERS CAREFULLY EXECUTED. 1 I Harmston s Lircus I 1 TOURING THE F.M.S. 1 I t n Dates 1 Opening aroh 17lh t0 19th I I Johore 2let to 23rd 1 I Batu Annar* n 2 5th to 29th
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  • 308 6 A Big Meeting in Sourabaya Following 9 tr*n*!itb- rf tht published reports of a rtc?m g'ea» mass meeting of Chines In S urabaya The publio met tin* of ihe Chin< s for the purpose of protesting agd 6. the law as to Netherlands was held on
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  • 320 6 Shanghai, F-brnary 20.— construction engineer of the Bri ish navy has arrivt d from Hongkong, and yesterday started planning for the refitting of the P and O liners Nore and Novaia. Work on the Nore, nnder the direction of the naval officer,
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  • 121 6 New York: Mr Roy Conger, a young American Nrefi tQMa at Toronto, bought the ci ircraft qnipoient used by C,« r w .r. Ti.iscost Britain over L -,uuo 00J Tne ut price is no: Mr Corner's plan is the development of aeroplane commercial routes jr Canada. The
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  • 48 6 The Hon Mr E G Broadrick (R sident of Selangor) will be retiring shortly though the actual date has not been fixed. We have been unable to obtain confirmation of rumours as to hie successor, oar inform ation being that the appointment has not yet been made.—M. M.
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  • 773 6 friut Quct«<J ia the Market this Mormiig. SUfftAFOaK, Mfech. tO. ttmut Lyail and Brati, ttxoh-.naa and Haara '> kar*. M tbe following Mat of qootatigua Wnober Shire*. Nosa. Bivt.-. Beu»r>. 1/- Al.acar 2 9 8 >/- /!o Java 4 3 13 J.- A..'■ :.3 15,--t A >r
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  • 67 6 Singapore, March SO. On LondonBank 4 m/s 2/4 7/32 Demand 2/3 31/32 Private 3 m/s 2/4 13/32 On India— Bank T T. 1541 On Hongkong— Bank d/d 35J pram On Shanghai— Bank d/d iqj On Java— 4y Bank T, T, iq«. On Japan— IJS Bank d/d ]0 0. Sovereign
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  • 58 6 (Mltered la Lscaoa. Th- I uio vng sr*. tbe dktai of !<*partve from Singapore of ate fciflopaan alis and ttteli deliver? LEFT f)KI IVEREO IK Buoaroas bovnoa. DeaaiaAat 24 r ?,ruary 7 Jo 31 do 10 January 4 do 10 j° fi do 13 do 1* do 15
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  • 19 6 Ships in oomrnanication with th« OommerciaJ Wir-dms Station this iMorhine:— g Van Overstraten, Akita Mam, B ir aiaa.
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  • 179 6 "There mast be at least 100.00C na of barbtd wire buri«d in oui Polnn I Z ,a Fran0e al0ne eaid n»2 o Siuiib, of the Wii Office Sahagn a "Da lv Chronicle' representative. hope to recov* r practically th* lot I tie task of Bilving by
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  • 33 6 It is reported that Dr Fox's long nnd disMngnwhed service will end in well earned retirement as soon Dr F^S MOofPahanL"trn from leave to sncced him as senio? medical officer of Pc ZZTthZ
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  • 223 6 The competitions for tbe Gold Medal (1918) and February Medal (1919) were played on the Links at R*ce Course on Saturday and Bun. day last and were won by Mr O R S B»teman and Mr 3 R Bucklahd respectively. The following were btst cards returned Gold
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  • 134 6 The report of the Guaranty Trust Company of New York dated January 15, says j Crude rubber of restrlc tions baa raaaltad in a steady gain in importations. Quotations on JanujryW were; Up river, fine 6C* and II cents i Centrals, 35 and 47 cents. ,v
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  • 33 6 Thursday, March L'O.-Combined Band Practice, Malay Volunteer Club, 5.15 p m. Friday, March 21.-Football League —2nd Troop vs 4th Troop M C A ground, 5.15 p.m. Frank C. Sands Commissioner.
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  • 41 6 of Drill*, etc., for week ending Saturday, March 22. Thnrdlay, March 20.—Nil. Friday, March 21, 5.15 p.m.Drill Hall SVC Recruits. Saturday, March 22, 2.30 p.m.— Balpstier Range, Maxim Co. SVC. Compulsory, Q. A. Derrick Lb, Colonel, Commandant, S.V.C.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 150 6 E RUSE'S FLUID l mmWa 9my tmmammr:Mm I——i n. m mi mm m tiffy .11 mm i imi iiib immm i—l Magnesia THE IDEAL i PICK-ME-UP ON Sale Everywhere. I Sfliturq fcjj BEER |Hp STOUT Popular Drink fil Sold Everywhere. Jl G PURELY Co., fiVwi **f« «laetpor» A Prang if
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    • 276 6 TraJa Services. Singapore (Tank Void Dally. Th- mail .-.una from Singapore for the north bar* Tank Road tution diily at 7.7 a.m. (Snnday .-xoepted) an I 7 p.m. arriving at Kuala Lumper at 7.1« p.m. and t-.4. r > a.m. reapeetiveij. The through uxprasß to rVuang leav~s Knala at g
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    • 198 6 Judge for Yourself. with H WOrth w hil0 t0 p *P*riment with the myriad so-called "cures" for Rheumatism when there IS one PROV™ ""Si' time-tested and FROV LN which will bring you instant relief 7 For nearly a generation Little's Unental Mm has been used by all elates of peoplo
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    • 42 6 nil Are holding j their SALE I FROM 1st MARCH 1 TO 31st MARCH AND They invite your early I inspection. |B» *»g ains I TO BE HAD IN EVERY LINE GOODS. Great Reductions in Prices. tomato«Company 41. HIGH STKEI. j SINGAPORE.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 197 6 Mails Close. To-day. Mersin;; ft Kemaman Meraing 9.30 pm Hatu 1'ahat Mena J.3j pm Port Dickson and Port Swettenbam "Malacea 1.80 pa Malacca and Moar Kaka 8 pm Batavia. Cheribon 6 Sam a rang Giang Ann I pra Pulau 8<>egi Benuit 8 pnj Pulau Batam and Pulan Buiang Hock Reng
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  • 1524 7 Improving the Race. Sir James Bsrr M.D L.L D., It dissatisfied about tha outlook for reconstruction at home and future et the British race. He affirms that mat present our derelicts are propagating and flourishing" and that the raising of a healthy, vigorous and intellectual race is not
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 731 7 _BANKS_ Chinese Commercial Bank, Ltd. |I»wrpot»ted In the Straita Settlemeats) 64 Kling Street, SingaporeAuthorised Capital leaned Capital JKSJ-gg Paid-up Capital el.OW.uw Reserved Liability or Shareholders *WWJ» Reserve Fund and Rest... 6bo,0UU. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Chairman Lee ChoonGuan Lsq. Vice Chairman Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng. Gaw Khek Khiam Esq. Lim
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    • 739 7 THE Malaya Tribune AJTD SHIPPING GAZETTE. (Evening Dually •> fboae No. IH* SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable In Advance. SI 4.00 Per annum c 725 Half-yearly 375 Per quarter Single Copy 5 CtS. Poatage Extra 50 CtS. per month. Ta Foreign countries 91 All .ommanications relating »0 cdiA torlal matter, and new-
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    • 24 7 To Look Well and Feel Well Sal breath, pimple, and a host of other lilt, not gripe or purge, but act as genuy ,1
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    • 320 7 k«pi» 5 >»»>• There it for JONGKEENA-BRAND (Registered in Londo» Bataviaj SOLD EVERYWHERE. For further particulars refer to handbills. lr. J. rs. Pispiiii BasaHina j (Pure Vegetable Preparation-) A RELUBLrTREMĔDY FOR BOTH SEXES. rrTRES excess of heat, bleeding piles, bilioueness anaemia, paleness, giddiness, uterine and urinary diseasesThis is a coeling,
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    • 26 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. teased Dally j SUPPLEMENT TO TUB MALAY* TBI BOB*. issued Daily. 3VoL VI.- N*. 65 SINOAPOBB, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1919 PKICE S CENTS
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    • 206 1 Arrivals. MARCH 18. Rokkcean Marn. Jap 1.169 Cspt Kawamnra from Miike Mar 7MB Kaitha. For Saigon Mar 20. Taihei Marn Japan 3,103 Cap» Fajlma from Miike Mar 6, MB Kaieha. Uncertain. Katong Bril 863 Capt Gardner from Bangkok Mt-r 14 S S'ship Coy Ltd. For Bangkok Mar 23.
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    • 102 1 MARCH 18. Pin Seng Brit 17$ for P Swelten ham and Penang. Qaorra Brit 89 for Indrsgh i. Calypso Brit 339 for Klang via P Dickson. Lviy Weld Brit 243 for Malacca and Muar, Hai Tan* Brit 1.362 for Penang Glsngyle Brit 3.99 4 for Japan via ports. Hong
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    • 65 1 Arrived per 8 s. Oleniffer yesterday, (from Kobe) Mr and Mrs Dndley, (from Hongkong) Miss Down. Miss Chopper anu Mr Wil kinson. »r Bs. Karon* from Bangkok: M s Hopkin.Migb West, Messrs A 0 Rolinn, E E Watkins.W J Caldwell Mair, L Abdulsly, Chua Hah Siew' Sim Tee
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    • 127 1 A Government Gae«tte Extra ordinary ieened on Tuesday oontains Passage Control Relations made by the Governor in Council. The duties of the Controller are defined as to control and regulate the passenger focommodation in any Britiih ships embarking or disembarking passengers at any port in the Colony in
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    • 84 1 Alphabt-tioal list of Infeoted (signal XGQ) and Suspected (■ignal FPB) ports Sign* iimm•mry in adPort ■•tilled. dition to Dijeaae. Qaarantiaa flag. iiaUTla 4 Tan** Jong Priok IRQ CkoL,. Baaba, XGU Ph, Cak.tU XGU Ph K. b U do H ka xgq SUCLV Mad™, xgq jmi MtMaaiMi Madra. FPB 1?.
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    • 263 1 Washington. February 16 (R* ceived at French Wireless Station).— Army and navy ex. perts reported that John Hajs Hammoud, Jr.'i invention o' radio control for sraft to be sent laden wi:h explosives against enemy Hhips has proved successful. They predicted also similar results for submarine craft showing ouly
      263 words
    • 111 1 ThureJay, Mir. 20.—Moon in Apogee 7h. 36m, A., High Water:— 0 1 a.m. Sit. 9ins 0.33 n.m 8ft. 4in. Friday, Mar. 21.— Wat*r 0.27 a.m. 8ft. Oils 1.7 p.m. 7ft. dins. V Satnrday, Ma-. 22.— High Water:— 0.55 a.m. Bft. 8i:j8.; 1.44 p.m. 7ft line. Sunday, Mar.
      111 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 497 1 Ttt film TRIBOIEI JaVPNUft eAZITT*. i Pkona No. 171 IYBSCRIPTI6N RATI* PayaUt ia Aitmcw. rer »■■>■ $14.00 1 ■alf-yearly S 7.2S I Far «aarre/ m a m I S.7S I P«r ■<ii(n.|. S 1.25 I fcfr* mm ft aomfc. P. O.BRITISfI I» DIA apcar urn (OOKPAIIH JIOOBJrXBAT>.C %W m%«;.A(V MAIL
        497 words
      • 305 1 TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan). For San Francisco. Direct. 'Calling at a port in Japan for oal) The new fast steamship M Buyo Maru" will be despitched from Singapore early April 1919. For freight and full particulars apply to McAllster Co Ltd Agents. (incorp >rated in Singapore) in 3
        305 words
      • 270 1 Phen N#. 1925. OS. K. The Osaka Mercantile S. S. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japau.) No. S De Sonza Street. PrcpiMd Sallligs froi Slogapori. to v.lfc«a* hMm) For MARSEILLES and LONDON: Ti» Portaaid. Celebea Mara Mar. 11 Alps Mara A pr j] Andea Man mid. May (No Pa*aengdr Berlh arailable
        270 words
      • 438 1 1 the mm mm I nUfllNli GAZETTE The Popular Newi-,:i Tl e j Settl. urn, at j PUBLISHED DAILY Complete Repoi t of Local h Condensed News from F Mil i* 1 am ritsEN mil (Incorporated in Japan) Ui* Ml U.trut witb th, Imperial J.p u K a.ver,«,. (Sabjeot to
        438 words