Malaya Tribune, 15 March 1919

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 391 1 TayGuanKiatl Contractor frr supply of R FIREWOOD i.the Government and Municipal I Commissioners for the years 1919 and 1920. P .duress 31 PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. or'Phone 1361, 1362 and 1363. ifter office hours, please ring up I £T 1073 or H50 at No*. 87, 87», 87b,'»nd 87c, Tank Road, Singapore.
      391 words
    • 228 1 aaeaWßaaeaaaaaaaaaaaa^aaaa»*»mae*eaaa» Straits Jiotel TANJQNC PACAR HOAD. Board and Lodging, Single aid Double Rooms. For particulars apply to thr Ma»»ger. TERMS VERY MODERATE f .lagraphlc Addre-* PRANAKAN." H.I.SHIBOOTCO. General Merchants Money Changers. All art kindly sulieitrl to inspect anr chap at Johnston's Pier, Singapore. Foreign Coins of all kinds can ka
      228 words
    • 131 1 I Great Western; I Champagne J Ji VINTAGE uR u Sp2fiiil B8$srw" H s I Very ,,ry Wi I 111 B rut 8 P 8Cial A N V ltura W j ne f (no iugar.) t THE ONLY I American Champagne AWARDED GOLD MEDALS K At the Foreign Exposition! f
      131 words
    • 305 1 5 Tay GuanKiatt Contractor for surply of F I REWOOI3 a to the Government and Municipal I ■> Commissioners for the years i 1919 and'920. I Address SB. PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. or 'fhone 1361, 1362 »nd 136$ After office hours, please ring trp jjg Nos. or 1450 at Nob. 87,
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  • 417 2 The Sensible Thfng. On hearing that the Government proposed to bring back for burial in this country the bodies of American soldiers fallen abroad, ex-President Roosevelt writes to Genera' March Chief of Staff Mrs Roosevelt and I wish to enter a most respectful but most emphatic protect against the
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  • 573 2 [Tothe E iitor of the PtaaigGaaetta.] Sir, —Shade ol Michael\igelo and hia glorioua confer a I What vroal I h-- have thought, and th y also of being discussed and brought to book »»y a Sanitnry Bo mi The Sanitary Board of Kaaia Liniipnr, with the
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  • 117 2 Pn gramme < f Drills, etc., for Iweakending Sj i- n>>, Match 22. •Satnrlay, Mnre 15, 6.30 a.m.— r Rin s Chinese Co, I V I. Sunday, Mar. 16, 6..10 a.m. —Bales tier Range, Chinese Co., S V I. Monday, Much 17, 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall SVC
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 203 2 NO HOMI Medicine cupboard should be WITHOUT IT A Reliable Family Friend and of Good Standing JONGKEENA-BRAND (Registered in London A Banana) Fir Rntfichßs, bwoumim, Drunkennut. Gonmoi Fitir, Deprtssloi ill Suilckiett. Ihis preparation has been made stronger, tasteful te the palate, and a fragrant smell has been introduced. BOLD EVERY
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    • 457 2 mm flflff-Jl V )»7w Vlw mJ fl I Weakness j Erery movement of the fl body usee up a definite I n amount of vitality. That I B is why yon feel ttred at I the end of tke day. When fl you overtax your** f, ot 1 when your
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    • 167 2 JF\ JVL. S. War Charities Lottery. CLOSING DATE March 15, 1919. TICKETS EACH $5 Probably the last Lottery that will be held in the Federated Malay States. SALYITAE. I Th* most powerful bat harmless nervine Into producing startling results, lmmediate and perman«nt in »11 caiet of airviap -xh.untion i.i both
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    • 425 2 INSURANCE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO, LTD. Incorporated in New Zealand FIRE Insurances effected on BaildingB, Rent and Merchandise of every description. MARINE Insurances accepted to all parts of the world at lowest rates. WAR RISK accepted to all parte. L. C. L. MARGOLIOUTH Manager. Offices 2, Finlayson Green. The Eastern
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    • 465 2 THE ORX E N T^T> Government Security Life Assurance Co., Ltd Established 1874. Incorporated w Jj| FUNDS exceed $38,300,000 00 Ab Imoihb la 1917 -$4,587,500.00 TiUI Out-ga in ia t j tV!?*' Atturante affected In 1917 $4,790,128.00 Increase ?m J Total Policies in force 67,122 assuring with uaa $73,596,202.00. Total
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  • 276 3 ringapore, March 15. ffarmw%m Local aml .»-*l Omvc. B \Sm*M done. fa-joca .—Steady. done. S 9 Hour —Buzinsrs done, ,—Ho br.ainene. r^-, r ,—BWy. KobuiineeOther Products.- -Market Quiet. Uu»t Lottl Utr kt t Qecuttoe* Nutmega 110 S. per plonl $47.00 l"r.-- Jig Copra GorongTalo 10-60 Copra Donga* W-«J
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  • 157 3 Singapore, M»ren 10. MfflH Latham A Cc„ the Chartered Bank Chamber! advise he following quota'dons UovGaJe* $3.25 $3.40 lyerKantngi L2ft 1.35 ff "oak 230 240 iyerParuf 1025 10.75 aalfowme 5.00 5.25 3akU Jeiofc-£ 0.65 0.70 BOM Katll 0.90 1.00 BnkikKß A 0.65 0.70 Aaoghetßardf.M. 7.71 $25 Shoe.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 268 3 4 Splendid Thanhouser Photo-play I g Featuring a Fascinating Soreen Star f at the MARLBOROUGH Sjh* H-H 00-tfort, Good Maalc aad Good Plci-rst, Beach Road To-night Ih the Second Show at 9IS p.m. To-night j FLORENCE LA BAOIE In a Splendid Characterisation of Three Personalities in the title role of
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    • 604 3 A Bevy of Pretty Girls in a Pretty Picture AND lite Tl,, Absolutely th. be.t Serial Production _U._nbr.Sl K—t_rl»_ t_. 0.-t S.ri..St« i fill «ss-» the Theatre gjjjßftk BBfc A I ."te* get the BEST f jg\ _____f_k attached"^ p,c, beTt the _F\ ll I¥b £2 IA JLm JS. an»
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    • 385 3 J AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-PLAY HOUbE EMPIRE frami P**» t»9 eoor. 2m>j i£*c** Reem. Second Snow m.t 0.10 Bluebird Photo-playe 5 THE SAVAGE 5 Featuring Monroe Salisbury and Ruth Clifford. Metro Pictures Corporatioh Present Lionel Barrymore and Irene Howley in 5 The Brand ot Cowardice. 5 lat Snow tat 7.30
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  • 1391 4 Beware the ot March I The words will be us toll of ominous portent to a Kaiser at they were to a Caesar. To-day it is expected that the peace preliminaries will be signed and proceedings instituted to bring the Kaiser and his satellites for trial.
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  • 118 4 The Theatr* R il In North Bridge Road was crowded last night to ace the Star Op m stage a Malay play entitled SUam Bari Khairo li-, the well-know:> M-lay actor, who took the part o< Signor acted very mU■ hi Miss Habebah in the role of
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  • 155 4 Macphail Co's Report. To-day s Business Silver. Unchanged.—47| Hongkong.—34; per cent prem. Shanghai.— Rubber.— V» ry firm Tin.—No orders, no market. Share*.—The market c ntiouea quiet, and very small business is being written. Among Katoyangs sold at $1.30, Colitis* burgha at $4.30. ftseajftta at 96$ cents, Kelemaks at 15.70 and
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  • 149 4 No Unemployment. (The Editor of the Malay Mail.) Sir,—With ref»<rt>}ce to the paragraph on the dosing down of mines at Salak South and S ingei Besi, whioh appeared ia your paper on Mar Bth, I wish to p Ant Hit that no large mines h*K been
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  • 361 4 Tin, no and 2/0* I < c th*> award ol Vfilli f Capt Heidi Ta« ciisi' i i "77 ▼ernacnl-tr /T 1 t i, the Gb«5L I Capt A K C 7th is tem.. jrir i ,v r,rn M»rcMr A F WsTSsklTS have coiitroi of »u daring
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  • 158 4 The story of a iiinrderons a*aa.; npon a police officer, which end-) in a fatality, was told to tiw Coroner, Dr Mnr r ay Roberts i yesterday, ;.t th« i»-qa*-et on W Ah Hir, a Htiit-ii corpora, (No 42), \vh( hii Jrath oni-r tragic citcan.tisL:
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  • 96 4 Reuters Cables N" The Bettkveal Comait-rcial Aviation General Rt-Barial Atchittc?: 1 i i' f j Stfdtfl Prod K bMdl fcl'*- *;hi k-» j Tfc. Prelum v P« l rm8 4 Local and Qeoerol 4 Shippit't; N t F M 8 Mr* Parity Cm Annual R-porta Gang KoM CorrP8p<'ii!
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 177 4 ROBINSON <S Co. Choice Perfumes IN Great Variety. Esmaafle* HC KsslbS» Kteyya Casfamers 9wtct Btaqatn »«tr*^ p M Blossom OIL FOR THE HOME For General Lighting Dan) B THE MOST ECONOnttCAI F I S H] A SUPERFIHi water Whit* BRAND ILLUMIIUTIIf tIL ASIATIC PETROLEUM COMPANY (5.8.) Limited (Incorporated ia laglaad),
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    • 191 4 ALWAYS WATCH THIS SPACE j It imeans money to fou. t&k gSbds constantly received to sail all requirements. Stocks fhay lome and stocks may go but we go on for erer. JUST ARRIVED: Tyiack's Elephant Brand Scythe Blades. Vulcan Improved Chain Pipe Wrenches, Brado'a Mt»lay Parangs, Brass Garden Syringes, Japan
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    • 84 4 yOU CM BUT BY THE Bottle, Dozen, «»Case. Caldbeck. Macgregor AND Do, WINE MERCHANTS. Telephone 228. Telegrams "CALDBECK." TBT ENGINE OIL British Special Grade AT PRE-WAR PRICES Obtainable from KIAM KIAT Co. 108 and 109 Market Street. ORCHIDS FROM India, Phillipines, and Java. THE NURSERY 66 Scotts Road. CARRIBONUHTS Carbon
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  • 562 5 president Wilson's Outline. London, Mar 3, 3.50 a.m. President Wilson, at New York, Bt m oniter meeting in the Metropolitan Opera ti- departure for korope. sata •Twill not come baa* till if a over, i nrav to God in the Interest of Lace and the world, that it
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  • 213 5 lon, Mar 4, 2.4U p.m. The limps correspondent at Paris, dealing with commercial avialion, emphasise that the British Empire holds a v«ry strong position, since twoofthegreU world air routes, namely from Earope to Australia via India and from Cairo to the Cape lie largely over British territory. H-
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  • 36 5 London March 13, 8.10 a.m. v '■fccial B ir Pouglaa Haig haa **£pointed Field Marahal coming in-chief the forcea in Great rj»J IB 1 Bir William Kobertaon f,.m ■PPointed general offioer the army on
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  • 203 5 Arrivals. MARCH 14. Earyalus, Brit 2,308 Capt Cole, born from Madras via Penang Mar 1, Boustead <fc Co. Telemachus, Brit 4,801 Capt El. ford from Glasgow via Penang Feb 6, W Mansfield 4 Co. Oliva, Brit 3,335 Capt Stead from P Soesoe Mar 11, Asiatic Petroleum. Mayachi Maru,
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  • 156 5 MAKGH 14. KinU, Brit 509 for P S'ham and T AnBon. Ban Poh Guan Brit 576 for S3marang via ports. Maru Brit 70 for B Pahat. Lady Weld Brit 242 for Malaooa and Mnar. Dolphin Shell Brit n»03 for P Sacuboe. Rumphiue Dnt 1,246 for Sourabaya via porta. Van
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  • 186 5 London, M-.r 4, b 0 p.m. Washington The President, addressing a conference of Governors and Mayors on reconstruction problems, said "We are at last learning tha* the business of government is to take counsel for the average man, and the whole matter of prosperity of the peoples runs down
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  • 165 5 London, Mar 5, 2.50 p.m. Remarkable revelations regarding the increase of coal profit! in war time were made at the first sitting of the Coal Commission m ine House of Lirds to-day by Mr A L Dickinson, financial adviser to the Coal Controller, *ho stated that while on
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  • 252 5 Hotel Van Wijk Co., Ltd. The directors' report lo the shareholders to be presented at the Hotel Van Wijk Company. Ltd, meeting at Chartered Bank Chambers on Satnrday, Maroh 19th, at noon, states; Your directors have pleasure in submitting herewith a duly au Hted statement of the company'**
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  • 731 5 The Directors' second annual re port to be presented at the meeting next Thursday at 11 am states Ladies and gentlemen, —In presenting yon with their Second Annual Report and Account*, your Directors feel that you have reason for being satisfied with the result of the
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  • 131 5 The Singapore and Sooth Malaya Boy Sooutsi Association The Hon Treasurer bege to acknowledge with many thanks the following kmd donations towarda the aum of Io.UOU required for adequately carrying on the work of the Association during 1919 and solicits further contributions from friends and well-wishers H
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  • 210 5 Seventh List The Committee acknowledge with many thanke the following subsoriptions collected by K, Bain, Tan 800 Uock and E. Kong Guan Mr Chan Say Peng 2nd contribution 00 Mr Ong Hin Hong 2nd contribution 200 Mrt Tan Chay Yan 2nd contribution 00 Mr Tan
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  • 39 5 Per Kuryalus from Madras: Lt.-Col. E. Steel, Major W. b. Brown. Capt. Leary, 2nd Lieut. Taylor, Klein, the Misses Ratherford and Cannon. Mr. W. Godfrey, the Rev. and Mra. Kueohle and infant, and Mrs. Waterwortb and child.
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  • 29 5 Today. Kitta-Windrum Party, Vio. Theatre, 9.11 p.m. To morrow. Fall Moon, Parity Campaign Meeting, p.m. Toisday. Iraaer and Heave, 3.15 p.m. Tnnrtdayi Baatern Gate, 8.30 p.m.
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  • 719 5 [We dm wer necesswily tndorn the opinions expressed ey eerrr epondenti.] A Chance for the Tramway Company. 9m fJU Sditar tk« M«Uf« IrtflM Sir,—A a this matter ia for the benefit and convenience of the pnblio naing the local electric tramway, I orave for a amall apace at any
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  • 87 5 Madras, March 6 A message from Colombo says: A fire oconrred at the GovernmentTtchnical Schools at Maradana, the telegraph and telephone apparatus being destroyed. The building was used as an instruction room for post and telegraph hands. When a lecture was being delivered smoke was noticed issuing from the roof
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  • 31 5 There will be a 7 o'clook celebration of communion at St Andrew'a Cathedral on each Sunday in Lent, in addition to the late celebration on the lit and 3rd Sundays. 4
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  • 1014 5 The Young Men's Meeting A very large gathering of young m'n assembled in the Vic.oris Theatre laat evening to listen to addressee on The Real War," the speakers being Dr 0 B Serle, the R«y J Lee ar 1 Mrs Dixon. The Hon Mr W G Maxwell occupied
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  • 315 5 Lawn Bowls. At the 8 C C pavilion yeaterday afternooi. fter a few remarks by the Hon Mr D V Perkins, Mra Perkins gave away the prize* won in the reoenl lawn bowls tournament as followa Champ Unship :—let H T White Sod TB Korrie. Single Handicap :—lst P
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  • 33 5 To-morrow, March 16. From Johnston's Pier, at 3, 10, 11 a.m.. 2,30 and 3.30 p.m. From Club Bungalow, at 9.30, 10.30 a.m., 12,15,3, and 5,30 p.m. High Tide. 10.16 p.m,
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  • 167 5 A Raid Near Chir«. At the 3| mile, Kuala Lumpur* Cherai Road, ten Chinese robbers armed with kniYea and other weapons raided a house oooapled bj six women and children at 1 on Thursday morning. The place was ransacked from rocf to floor and three pairs of gold
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  • 36 5 Mrs Uidout, Honorary treasurer, begs to acknowledge with many thanks the receipt of the following contributions to the Fund "B X (Monthly Feb and March) $20.00 Capt Bredenberg (Monthly Jan and Feb) 20.00
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 285 5 Latest advertisements. ARMY CONTRACTS. Sealed Tenders for the supply of Meat to the Troops at Singapore for a period of six months will be received at the Headquarters Offices, Fort Canning up to 10 a. m- on Wednesday, 26th March, 1919. Forms of tender and all particulars may be obtained
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  • 450 6 The Question of Liability. Bombay, February 21.—The Advocate of India ststes Th« question whether journalists as such and editcra of newspapers are liable to serve as jurors bad been the sub-j-ot of a very interesting corresponlence between Mr S Lnpton, Elitor, Daily Garotte," Kirachi, and the Registrar
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  • 145 6 Dr Bntler, the imperial mycologist, published in the ''Memoirs" of the agricultural department a note on the rice worm and its oontrol. The enquiry waa (specially directed into the new and destructive disease in Bengal cilled nfra, which was previously shown by Dr Butler to h due
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  • 14 6 Shipa in comaiucication with th* Commercial Wireless Station this morning Rnmphius, Rindiani Hermej,
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  • 58 6 il'cc* !.i Icadofl. Th 'ollowteg ara the dzU* ot ,r m c the >■*-'- and t!it4i i^ .i/erj tAtn Delitbrkd i» sis.iiori London. 24 February 7 do 11 do 10 Janu-iry 4 do 10 tlo do 13 do 14 do 15 do 22 do 22 do 28 Maroh
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  • 844 6 Prion faitd ii tha Market thia M»rait|. kiupor ttarek. €1. Mmn Lyail and Brati, Bxabange and Saara Brakara, lata* tna folio wing lUt of aaotatiaaa Rasher Sharea. Roaa. ▼alua, Bet PeUata I Aliagar 89 8/6 x/- ĕmm 40 41 8/- Anglo-Malay 18'- U 1 AyerKoning 46/- 40/B>
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  • 60 6 Singapore, March 15. On London— Bank 4 na/a 2/4 1/4 Demand S/4 Private 3 m/i 2/4 T/16 On India— Bank T. H 154* On Hongkong— Bank d/d 14« preai. f On Shanghai— Bank d/d 49} 0« Java— Bank T. 135$ On Japan— Bank d/d 101» BeYereigna—baying rate $8.14 Bank
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 125 6 KRUSFS FLUID Magnesia i THE IDEAL PICK-ME-UP Sale Everywhere. II Sahara Hj BEER 4G| STOUT The Popular Drink g" Sold Everywhtrt. G. AURELY Co., Jfc tSi-fapors Paaacg fJ Malacca Strut, Saraaofa 8U tmp0rt r9 f >r P ,Pk n fl "atffaly." In a hot climate such as this, harmful bacteria
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    • 786 6 gy :ii:utiuiuu«^ 1 I High-class a moderate Cigarettes prices. Isfp^ifss(|s>et tes; 1 i t= Care in the selection of the finest quality matured §1 tobaccos, stamps STATE EXPRESS E CIGARETTES with that indefinable s< mething, which is so gratifying to the cultured smoker. Virginia: in Vacuum Ti:s of 50. J
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    • 185 6 For Aches and Pains. For and pains in young and old there is nothing that will bo quickly bring permanent relief and CUKE as that sovereign, time-tested and proven remedy— LITTLE'S ORIENTAL BALM For the ache* and pains of childhood and youth it is unexcelled. For the Rheumatic and other
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    • 44 6 YIUIR Are holding their SALE I I I FROM 11st MARCH I TO 31st MARCH AND They invite your earlj inspection i Bargains TO BE HAD IN EVERY LINE I I OF GOODS. Great Reductions in Prices. Yamato Company 41. HICH STREET. SINGAPORE, j
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 272 6 Mails Close. To day Bawean, Sou rabara, Baiidj*-rmasMn. St tga». K it» Baroa, Samarinda k Donegal* Swaerdecrooa 2.?0 pm Sarawak and Goebilt Kuahing 2.30 pm P Sambu, Khio, Hilliton, Batavia, Chtrilwn, Tegal, Samarang, &<uraba\a. etc. Van 1 mho f? 2 30 pm Batavia, Sourabaya, Macassar, Balik bonsai a, etc. an
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  • 386 7 kn Ameilcan lou/'gai on. Washington, Jan 22 While the Senate is debating the tff c' of the !amine fond on tha fortunes of the packer, the Interstate Commerce Coiumittee of the House of Representatives are taking the evidenoe of the packers themseivts as lo iheir business and its
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  • 356 7 The prospect of a heavy addition to the price of c >al, if th < new de inand of the miners for a 30 per cent advance on present wages be grant' ed, is regarded with dismay not only by th-' tooB*hold consumer but by men in
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  • 427 7 A Delhi message of March Ist say*: It is announced that, as a result of negotiations between the of State, the Ministry of Shipping and thfl Shipping Companies con. cerued, it has been decided to reduce passage fares on steamers running between India and the United
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  • 264 7 The annual general meeting of tie Bangkok International Chamber of Commerce took place in the Chamber room recently, th* Chairman Mr S H Hendrick presiding. The fifth annual report and the statement of accounts were adopted. On the motion of Mr G E Allen, seconded by
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  • 21 7 Orders for week ending Saturday Maroh 15, Saturday, Maroh 15.-Field Day. Partioulari Later. FBAJIK 0. SAMW i Commissioner.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 465 7 iiANKS rHAKitiitU OF INDIA. C [yBTBAL!A_AHD CHINA. naFOSATB) IN ENGLAND ri V iWiAL 01IARTRR. rwftal in 60,000 Sharee of p*JJ up JP" m £1,200,000 i '»"V, _i' £2,000,000 SEIS Wo> Proprietor. B.s.rvt 1« £1,200,000 BANKSHS n».k of England, Ih< uDil. «d -fidSSTto Ltd. iv Coucvy and Weetrainstei k° S i
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    • 370 7 BANKS Chinese Commercial Bank, Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlement*) 64 Kling Street, Singapore. Authorised Capital $4,000,000 Issued Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up Capital $1,000,000 Reserved Liability or Shareholders $1,000,000 Reserve Fund and Rest... 668,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Chairman Lee Choon Guan Esq. Vice Chairman Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng. Gaw Khek
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    • 603 7 NOTICES The Sze Hal Tong Banking and Insurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of the above Company will be held at the Registered Office of the Company, No, 58 Kling Street, Singapore, on Saturday, the 15th
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    • 426 7 THE Malaya Tribune AND SHIPPING CAZETTE. (Evening Dally-) •Pbone Mo. 171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable In Advance. Per annum I 1 1*22 Half-yearly Per quarter Single Copy 5 cts. Postage Extra 50 CtS. per month. Te Foreign countries $1 do All eommanlcatlons relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed
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    • 71 7 IF YOU WAKE UP cross and depressed, with a coated tongue, a mean feeling in the head, a sense of feverishness or inefficiency, it's time you took mmm the dainty little liver and bowel regulators which act m gently as nature- Try them to-night and see how fit you'll feel
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    • 533 7 pillRHIIIilllll IHH:lHiHIUii!HHIIiUIIIIIimtnUllIinillIimilllllHHIIMIIlllUllll«MlimiIlM However Sick Baby may be =5 do not five n hope saoca often than not the cause is wrong feeding —if y„ u will only get the right food for baby, you will soon have him 3 e*i u e road to health. A mother with a wasting
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    • 25 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. teAß*f Oiilj.J SUPPLEMENT TO THE MMLAY A TRIBUmS. tssnAd Dally. ▼•L VI. X«. 61 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1919 PHICE 5 CENTS
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    • 339 1 I* ;r*n%v* to Malay Tribmu.) Messrs Wheelock and Co,, the leading ship and freight brokers at Shanghai, favour ua with the folowing advice under date 27th February. There is no change to report in our Homewatd Fieight markets since la»t writing, either to Europe or Amerioa and
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    • 93 1 The following Return furnished by the Customs Department gives the number and tonnage of vessels reported Inwards and Outwards at th* port of Bangkok during February 1919 Nationalitt. Inwards. Outwards. NO. TONS. NO. TONS. Chinese 6 5,553 S 4,907 British 2i 27,899 25 26,564 Siamese 15 7,429
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    • 267 1 Singapore, March 13. RubberTo London, from Singapore, Penang, Port Swettenham or Malacca, 166 s. od. per ton of $0 cubic feet. To Liverpool, from Singapore, Penang, Port Swettenham or Mg'acca, 1655. 01, per ton of oO cnbio feet. To London, from Port Dickson, Teluk Anson, Kelantan or Knantan,
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    • 116 1 Alphabetical list of Infected (signal X GQ) and Suspected (signal FPB) ports Signal necessary in adPurt notified. ditiun in Disease. Quarantine flag. BaUfta FPB Cersbro-Spi-nal Meningitis UaUTia XUQ Small-pox Batavia 4 TanSS fosji Pnok XOQ Cholera Htm bay X <; Q Cholera Gal ntta X <; Q Cho'eia Uungkung
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 529 1 TIE IALM TRIBUNE an SHIPPING GAZETTE. 'Phama If*. 17B I ■1ISCRIPTION RATI* Payable ia Advance. Peraaaaaa $14.00 Malf-yearly m S 7.2S Par qaartei I 3.75 Par ataataama a*. 1.25 jjtejtg lrara 11 mm. par aaoafc. P.*o.-BRiTIS«taA APCAR LINE (10BFAEIM IHOCBFOBAT?D IB iPBlAf^ mail m mmm seiviies. Peninsular and Oriental S.
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      • 336 1 FOB PENANG CALCUTTA. The "«>mpan)'s steamer Yatshing." 142K tons tteg., sai.s at 2 p m. on Saturday the 15th instfor freight or passage apply to Boustead Co. Agents, I a 8. N. C Ltd. Singapore, llth -March. 1919. 11* 15 3 For Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. The Company';! steamer KwalURQ,"
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      • 223 1 Phoaa Nt. 1925. O.S.K. The Osaka Mercantile S. S. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan.) No. 2 De Soma Street. Priptsti Sail fags frog Sliiapara. OMul)** to with«*a asae** For MARSEILLES and LONDOH: ria Portsaid. Celebes Mara Mar. 21 Alps Mara April Andes Mara mid. May (No Passenger Berth arailabls for
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      • 369 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAPHA (Incorporated in Japan) laaeT Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. (Sabjscl to Alterations wltbont N.tice) Emropman Line (Via Suez Canal) Fortnightly Service For (Malacca), Penang, Colombo, Suez, Marseilles, London or Liverpool. Inaba Maru 59th March Emropman Llnm (Via Sues Canal) Fortnightly Service (Auxiliary Service Cargo •idy)
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      • 65 1 ITK MLATA THi SHIPPING GAZETTE. 7%« Popular jVej/'«-, -i D *r nf th a. published daily Complete Report* of Local E, Condensed News from F M S i I China, India, Ceyla. 3 J** Full and Latest War n 6W8 mm LINE OF STEAMERS' ul "tinaagfa" T-» Ot ooa" Toa*
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 117 1 Singapore Tide Tables. Saturday, M*r.l5.—High Water:— 9.34 a in. 8ft. 9ins 10.20 p.m. 8ft. 5irp. Snnday, Mar. 16 —M »on in Eqnator 10h. M., Fall lloon 10b. 4lm a High Water:—> a.m 9ft* 2ina,; 10 47 p.m. 8ft. 7ira. Monday, Mar. 17—High Water 10 53 a.m. 9ft. 3ina 11.13 p.
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