Malaya Tribune, 13 March 1919

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
  • 28 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. [EVEtfltfG DAILY. Vol. VI.- No 59 BLNGAPOBB, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1919 PRICE 5 CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. THUR8DAY, MARCH 13.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 541 1 Tay Guan Kiat j Contractor for supply of I FIREWOOD jg GoTernment and Municipal 1 for the years 1919 and 1920. h itfNSS- 31. PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. o, 'Phone 1361, 1362 and 1363. after office hours, please nng up 1 f 1073 ot HoO at Noa. 87, 87a, 87b and
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    • 219 1 Straits Jiotel TANJONG PACAR ROAD. Board and Lodging, Single and Double Rooms. For particular* apply to the Manager. (ERAS VEBY MODERATE lalagtapblo Addreoe PBANAKAN." laeral Merchants Money Changers, ar. kindly lo inspect onr shop at tbnston's Pier, Singapore Foreign Coins of all kinds oan exchanged oi bought here at
      219 words
    • 123 1 j Great Western I I Champagne J I 1903 A I I ffl I VINTAGE fl J F jUß"Special Reserve" H MjHN Brut Special" ifKJ 1 Il A atura i Wine I (no augar.) jj THfi ONLY American Champag c AWARDED GOLD MEDALS At the Foreign Expositions. I Distilled bt
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    • 287 1 Tay Guan Kiatj J Contractor for supply ftolthe Government and Municipal Commissioners for the years 1919 and 1920. I Address i36, PHILLIP SHEET, SIISAPOIE. r or ***hone 1361, 1362 end 136S I After office hours, please ring ir* I Nos. 1073 or at Nor 87, 87a, I 87b and 87c,
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  • 1184 2 Woat Does It Mean? The Rev Charles W Poanett writes from Medak, Nizam'i Dominions, India To make Bare for myself of all my facts before writing to y.u I hare just been visiting some of my villages, and I hare gone from hoose to house to examine their storee
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  • 417 2 Mr Justice Eamshaw gave jodg. ment for defendant in the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, in the civil suit Yap Tham Thai alias YapFo<k Siong versus Low Tap N«o (female.) Quite an array of Htraits couneel appeared in the case, inc!udii. X the Hon Sir Arthur Adamg and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 180 2 Dr.J.B s Blood Tonic A remarkable preparation of Indian herbs, at cnoe effective in all liver ooniplaints. Il is a valuable lonic for creating appetite, purifying the blood and eliminating those impurities ol the blood which undermine the health. A Trial of one bottle will convince yon. Obtainable from: United
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    • 89 2 chop pi/Thin Diamond Merchants and Jewellers No. 622 Nortii Bridge Road, Singapore ALWAYS IN STOCK Artistic Chinese and European Jewellery of various descriptions and of tbe latest fashion. Emeralds, Sapphires, Rubies, Opals and other precious stones. Loose Diamoids and Brilliants of the first water and of various sizeskXao undertake to
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    • 378 2 F. JMT. S. War Charities Lottery. CLOSING DATE March 15, 1919. TICKETS EACH $5 Probably the last Lottery that will be held in the Federated Malay States. A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH tour Very Luceness, Siylt «rd Mood. A PBOOOOIKMI rROM Los Brothers' Studli Kill ltr«et will prodice thfse reealte Good, Better
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    • 738 2 THE ORlE^Vfs, a»TBRSMIST SCCLRITI Life Assurance Co. ?td Established 1r»74. tncorpqrarep \j s FUNDS exceed $38,300,000.00 *bsolc lmiMlltSl7 -$4,587,500.00 Total a "*RlTYtssuraice effected In 1917 $4,790,128.00 Increate h'rjW t J?73?^li Total Policiee in force 67,122 aesnri W j $73,596,202.00 Total amount paid for claims over $2 en LeW Apply for
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  • 257 3 •uig*?GM, M»rch 18. jy _B*e Local e»d lj|l1llM»fl Copra Bafhw" d;>n*. done, &<7oF/our-Boßin«**doue. g rTß i^ trw _Ka brtsinwf. ~BU*djr. Wobuslnt». Utnt Leal itrkit Oeeutiea». Nuunegi 110 S. per pionl 147.00 Nuunegi 80 a. «*J T 1c ,60 Ocpr, 2*» QopraK*yo*g A J g() Ooprs iralo Q,Q Copra
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  • 123 3 Singapore, March I*. Meeera Latham 4 Ca., thChartered Bank Chamber. advie« th« following quotations UorQftJah 13.25 13.40 1.25 1-35 jtyerMolt* 2.30 2.40 Penal 10.25 10 75 EMgowftJl 5.00 5.25 Buktt Jelotone M 0.65 0.70 EM* tat? 090 1.00 BakU KB 0.65 0.70 ohangsal Sards.... 7.71 •25 Gien*'y
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 223 3 Nothing to surpass It. Scarcely Anything to Equal It. ffoi Fast and Furious Action fTttm V7illiAxn Fox Production To be presented at the MARLBOROUGH, Haß U*. Comfort, Good Masio asd ttood H*>taret, Beach Road. To-nlaht 10 the Second Show at 915 To-night j WILLIAM FOX Present* Another of His 44
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    • 587 3 IA J3evy o* Pretty Girls in pretty KotuM 1 1 m AND The I Ajhamhr.* F..t»Hnal»oomp M «b>»th.b«tB.ri-8«.r MJg I the Theatre *j" MSt A weWtot» I whrre yon £l I M fek A| I I L~r? "tardea J s=r= AL-M AM 15 !\A k I BEST !aV m Terete,
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    • 327 3 AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-PLAY SOCSE EMPIRE Second Show wxt Bluebird Photo play* 5 THE SAVAGE 5 Featuring Monroe Salisbury and Euth CliffordMetro pictures corporation Present Lionel Barrymore and Irene Howley in 5 The Brand ot Cowardice. 5 1st Show mt 7 SO Helen Gibson in The Dynamite Special A Thrilling
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  • 44 4 DEATH. Mesnit. On the 13th inst, at the General Hospital, of bronchial Pneumonia» Walter Michael Mesney, Captain s-s* Namsang." eldest son of the late Venerable Archdeacon W. R. Mesoey of Sarawak, in his 45th year* China, Calcutta and Home papers please copy.
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  • 1188 4 The opposition to the League of Nations comes from the land of its birth, where it ia being criticised severely by President Wilson's political opponents who, muzzled daring the war, are now making the Wilson policy one of the main planks in their scheme of opposition.
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  • 51 4 It is requested that all who have "Our Day" subscription lists (even though blank) in their possession will be good enough to send in their lists as soon as possible to the Honorary Treasurer, Our Day Fund Mr J O Peter, c/o Hongkong and Shanghai B.nking Corporation,
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  • 131 4 25 PerCeat Dividend. The annual report of the Mayfield Rubber Co, for the year 1918, to be presented at the annual meeting on Mar 13ih at Penan?, shows that the capital of the company has not changed, and that the total estate area is 2,579 acres, of which
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  • 229 4 At the last Committee meeting it was decided to offer 7 gold and 7 silver medals in addition to money prizes. These medals will shortly be on view at Messrs de Silva's shop in High street. On the reverse 6ide of the medal is the Palm and
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  • 246 4 Tin, no quotation. Robber ig q 10 t TaTTnT and 2/0£ for .he-. W/1 cr^ The Wbnruy oDtpr; 8-wsh est* l 8 6 X rubber. ,AJ Prohibitit nof th« rattans has thdr&^ port Dr Tan Seng TU- is Hon Troop Sorg* OD) F L Troop Boy Bcwrt»,
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  • 80 4 Them-, ting for young women aft-moon was ry largely attended. Mrs Dix a'l addren on The Unrivalled Power" was a striking one, The Hon Mr D V Perkins will take the chair at the Mass Meeting en Sunday next, instead of the Yen Archdeacon Swindell. There will be
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  • 168 4 In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 6 of the Food Control Regulations, 1911. and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf tb* Fool Con« broiler orders as fallows 1. No importer shall ei-11 or offer for sale any of the brands
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  • 71 4 Neuter's Cables B** In Grata) Premier's Appeal j; Havas Service General s Famine Chinese Adoption Castoms j Straits Produce Local Sh-ar* Mark* d The League of Nations Singapore Btby Show Locd ,t. G nessl Company Meeting j OofY*S 4 n<.lone I j Amris menu g Unboasting Engl sh
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 197 4 ROBINSON tit Co. IIBaiMM Choice Perfumes Great Variety. Bebtnta -j M^HH mmMm JIIMtlttBfc White Boat 4onx?f M fitd Bags Crab ■> Apple- 4i I Night Blossom i >«>ttd Stock Csshmera Swm *o«Q«efc Pet Blossom. asssmsssmssssssmsssmsmmi OIL FOR THE HOME I For General Lighting Use I I IS THE HOST ECONOMICAL
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    • 173 4 ALWAYS WATCH THIS SPACE It leans money to yon. lTe% gS&fifl constantly received to suit all requirements. Slocks fnay some and stocks may go but we go on for ever. JUST ARRIVED: Track's Wait Braid Scythe Blades. Vulcan Improved Chain Pipe Wrenches, Brade's Malay Parangs, Brass Garden Syringes, Japan Gold
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    • 240 4 YOU GAU GUY GY THE Bottle, Dozen, ob Case. Caldbeck, Hacgregor AND Co. WINE MERCHANTS. Telephone 221. Tiieirims: "CiLOBECK" ENGINE OIL British Special Grade AT PRE-WAR PRICES. Obtainable from KIAM KIAT Co. 108 and 109 Market Street. ORCHIDS FROM India, Phillipines, and Java. THE NURSERY 66 Scotts Road. CARRIBONUM'S Carbon
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  • 597 5 Industrial Conference. London, Mar 4, 5.10 p.m. The Premier, addressing the first of the industrial joint com"Leof employers and employed, hioh was constituted at the Indusof Feb 27, and loh was held privately this mornI in the central hall at WeetminsS w?h Sir Thomas Munro prefiiJ said that
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  • 182 5 The biggest diamond robbery for some years in London was carried out at a ahop in the Harrow Road, Paddington, the thieves getting away with £10,000 worth. The premises were occupied by a diamond outter and poliaher, and the thieves were evidently experts as alter forcing the
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  • 489 5 Another Belated Wire. Paris, Mar. 1, 8.50 p.m. It is noticed that there is an important ohange in public French opinion concerning the League of Nations, There was a great deal of scepticism about the League not being a practical measure. Now it is recognised that the League
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  • 160 5 London, Mar 4,1.25 p,m. Copenhagen: A. message from Berlin states that the Prussian Government has declared several districts of Berlin to be in a state of protect the workers from The Imperial Minister for Defence Noske who is commander-in-chief of the 'army area, is assuming executive authority, London.
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  • 14 5 London, Mar 4, 8.55 p.m. in the forces until April dv,
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  • 311 5 The Cinemas. The Scarlet Road, with Gladys Brookwell, is the feature film in the seoond house at the Palladium to-night, together with a 2-part Charlie Chaplin farce, latest Pictorial News and War Annals. The earlier entertainment has further episodes of The Eagle's Eye, The change of programme at the
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  • 97 5 Singapore, Maroh 12, There has been but little fluctuation in values sinoe we last reported and at the auctions which opened thia morning a fair demand was experienced at about last weeks Pri Ribbed Smoked Sheet changed hands freely at 76 to 77 cents and at the
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  • 188 5 In the Coroner's Court yesterday afternoon an enquiry was held into the death of a Hokien, named Lim Peow, who was knocked down by motor car 8 1184 about 8.15 aon on Sunday morning the 9ih mat, and died at the hospital about an hour afterwards. In the
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  • 154 5 Macphail Co's Report. To-day's Business Silver. Unchanged.—47i. Hongkong.-34f per cent prem. Shanghai.—49s. Rubber.— Steady. Tin.—No orders ;no market Shares The market is slight y more active, business being mainly in rubbers-Oolineburghs fell emarU y from around $4.40 to $4 27 under ie influenoe of considerable parcels placed on :Uo market,
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  • 234 5 [We do not necessarily endorse the opinions expressed by torreepondentS'] Tbe "Demand," To tke E&ttee of the Melnf Trfkme. Sir.-Re an article in 7°™J~ terdav'a issue, entitled *ne Sd" in which Mr "A Maurice Fell" kindly related the two men, apparently JJ"!"" under the Influence of alcohol, wUo immediately
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  • 147 5 The annual general meeting of the Amateur Drawing Awooiation was held on the 23rd February 1919 when the following gentlemen were elected officers for nsv*< h r Vioe Ct Preiident, Mr Li Yon J a Mr LttOttK Hon Treasurer, Mr Seah Siow K Hon Auditor, Mr
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  • 115 5 At the half-yearly general meet- of the National Union Uub held yesterday, at the mm O* House' No. 18, Kinta Road, the half-yearly report of the «ommittee ending 31at December, 1918. showed satiafactory progress in the various departments and a substantial credit balance. The following gentlemen
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  • 114 5 We are told that a credit of 600,000 ticala h»» be gven for road-making Siogora and In Patani, iLTmm the Wf*fSSJ3S should aoon be properly and generally put in good order, enabling motorists to use it all the year round without those painful T rrod&^ C £«r
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  • 1399 5 Central Engine Works, Ltd. The eighth ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Central Engine Worka Limited wai held en Tuesday, llth Maroh, at the Office! of the Company, Laidlaw Building, Mr J A Hamilton, Managing Director, presiding. The Secretary, Mr F R Wolseley, read the notice
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  • 114 5 Messrs Fraser k Neave have just issued their fortieth annual publication of the Singapore and Straits Directory, the well-known buku meab This 1919 edition is bulkier than ever—the time will doubtless come when it will be in two volumes—and includes new features auch as the military establishments, oensor's
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  • 192 5 The kite-flying eeaaon has set in, Hid youngsters may be teen in publio thoroughfare* intent on the Orations of their kites, regardless of vehicular traffic. The hooting of motor horns has no appreciable effect on some of the lads, as was evidenoed recently in a street which connects
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  • 28 5 TomorrowParity Campaign Meeting, 5.30 p.m. SaturdayKitUhWindrum Party, Vic, Theatre, 9.15 p.m. Snnday. Full Moon. Purity Campaign Meeting, 9 p.m. Toaiday* Fmer and Kmtai 2,15 p«mi
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  • 271 5 Arrivals. MARCH 12. Transvaal, Dan, 8795, Capt Kiaer from San Franoiaoo Jan 17 E Aaiatio Coy, Van Imhoff Dot 1808 Capt, Reenulda from Batavia March 9 X FM. Van Goena Dut 644 Oapt de Weerd.frora Deli Mar 10 X P M. Kitaao Maru Japan 4,924 Oapt Yoahikawa from
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  • 69 5 Arrival per Kitano Maru Mr H B Brown. Arrivals per Klang'from Penang: Hon Mr Broadrlck, Mr and Mrs E Seth, Mr and Mrs H C Brett, W Fox, Sentry, Mr and Mrs R G Paah, Mrs H Smalon.Mr and Mrs S.G. Hacker, C W Bradbourne, P C Russell,
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  • 66 5 The Ipoh paper's correspondent at Parit Bnntar reports that padi harvesting is in fnil swing just now. The weather is ideal i. c, extremely hot Many good harvests have been made but certain fields have returned poor yields. The local mill has not started work as yet but is not
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 489 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED A clerk, must have good knowledge of typewriting and.shorthand- Apply Box c/o 11* Malaya Tribune--133 13 6 THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE I 111. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STEAI* SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE Summary Case. Is Bankruptcy. No. 340 of 1907. Re Chua Hong Yin Notice is
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  • 1030 6 Tribute by American Journal. Nearly a Million Dead. England was no more a military nation than America when the war b-gan. She Earned to fight by fighung-and dying. We are profit•og to-day by her tragic experiences Thousands of American Jads will come home to 09 alive and whole
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  • 573 6 Some Awkward Developments. When tbe United States was barn mg with martial real, she prohibited automobiles on Sunday, the ecnomv of gasoline being the object in view The streets were wholly void of automobiles on the weekly holiday. T 0 fill up the vacancy horse carriages
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  • 86 6 A latal railway aca mit took pUofl at the P,ai railway yard on Saturday afi-ruooD. A bHllast train collided with a shaming trai-i, with the reealt thai a Tamil contraotor named Sinkarapillai, who was in the U!Ust train, sustained such e-vere injuries, esp*cUl)y to thhead, that
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  • 22 6 Ship* in communication with the Commercial Staiicn this v° r, ,n l T i 1 Van Cloon Mayachi Mam, bhiJzuoka Aiatu.
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  • 468 6 Pricn Qiett. is tfct Market this Morniif. ai.x.a pom, fXanh. 10. Moawi LyaU aud Bfatt, aad Boats r«k*rt, iaeue the following list f ',uo*U«nj kabtoef Siurt.s. sM, »ia.. B a> P Bailtra. g- 11 t» 8,6 J/- AagJo 4 B*3 f- J8- 16/--1 A: .wmcg 4jL »o;.
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  • 56 6 Singapore, Maroh 13. On LondonBank 4 m /i 2/4 1/4 Demand 2/4 On In<ia- 3"* 4 f Rank T T. \m» On Hongkong— 1 Bank d/d $±x urmmt On Shanghai— 9 pre OnJava- aDkd/d OnJa P an- nkT Bank d/d m Weigns-baying rate 8 14 Bank of England rate
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  • 68 6 :> :II»6/ifj la Laslon, Th i l Jiiovi ig ar<- the ■< *ea 1 par ir*j fro i atnj v ci g ?fiu/.>pe?»n Malta tad taoif dalivm mJSim ""BSS" D<»cember 50 1 do 24 ,lo 7 do 11 do 10 January 4 do 10 J° do 13 do
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 38 6 '^RUSE'S FLUID Magnesia THE IDEAL PICK-ME-UP Sale Everywhere. HB beer STOUT Tne Popular Drink S ld B rywhmra j G AUBELY Co., I the sIS, 6 OF ALL DEALERS THE BORNEO CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) Soli Importrb».
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    • 416 6 irn\r Services. Slnfspore (faot Koid) Daii>. The mail rairj from Bingaporp for the north leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m. (Sunday excepted) and 7 p.m. arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 7.1« p.m. and 6.45 a.m. The through to Penang Kualu Lumpur at Ham. daily, arriving a: aVQHuj at
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    • 41 6 I nil Are holding their SALE j FROM 1 1st MARCH 31st MARCH AND They invite your early inspection, TO BE HAD IN EVERY LINE I OF I 'GOODS. Great Reductions in Prices. famato Gompang 41, HIGH STREET. I SINGAPORE, I
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 195 6 sSaiis Close. To day. Port Dickson and Part Swstter.ham *Heba f.8f pm Hatn Pahat 8ri Wongses t JO pm Merging, Kemaman Trengganu Paatianak 1.W pa P. 8am bu Prigi Rajah, Tembiiahaa A Indragiri Icdragirt t pm Pulau Batam and Pulau Bulang Hock Lin 8 pm Rhio Eraely I pm Pulau
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  • 645 7 The American Rccord. J asi at this time when tnuoh discussion has taken plac? nmr the Purity Campaign in Singapore, ,the following reproduction from an exchange will not be inappropriate; In every army, says The Outlook, in its current iesae, the question of disease resulting from vice is of
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  • 567 7 Soldier's Plain Talk. Bays A Soldier" In the Daily Mail We knew him well before the war iv details he varied: he waa Low "or Hiah he liked vestment a and incense, or he thought ihetn anathema was f rienda wilh disstnters, or rioted them impatiently aa schismatics.
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  • 43 7 Orders for week ending Saturday March 15. Thursday, Maroh 13.—Bugle Band Practloe, Malay Volunteer Club, 5.15 p.m. Friday, March 14.—01 d Scouts' Union Soolal, V M C A, 8.45 p.m. Saturday, Maroh 15.—Field Day. Particulars Later. Frank C. Sakd» Commissioner.
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  • 54 7 Programme of Drills for week ending March 15. Friday, March 14, 5.15 p.m.—Drill Hall, SVO Recruits. Saturday, March 15, 2.30 p.m.— Balestier Rmge, Chinese Co., 8 V I. Dr Tan Sang Tee is appoint*d Hon Troop Surgeon to the Firdt Malacca Troop Boy Scouts. G, A, Derrick
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 409 7 BANKS IJJIbtĔrEO BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIAN!) CHINA. mm raoital in W,OOO ■■■"S of P»i<i v P L pl £1,200,000 J?*!? of Proprietors LieDauj c £1,200,000 BANKERS *v n»ni o f England, Tka UMt London County ifw England, Ltd., Tie National ku of Scotland, Ltd. SlritiAPORK BRANCH Hurrah Account* are opaned
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    • 464 7 BANKS Chinese Commercial Bank, Ltd. (femrporated in the Strait* Setttemette) 64 Kling Street, SingaporeAuthorised Capital $4,000,000 Issued Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up Capital $1,000,000 Reserved Liability or Shareholders $1,000,000 Reserve Fund and Rest... 668,000. Board of directors. Chairman Lee Choon Guan Esq. Vice Chairman Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng. Gaw Khek Khiam
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    • 440 7 NOTICES NOTICE Is hereby given that Mr. J. W. DosBett is no longer in our employ. The Straits Commercial Co., Ltd. 12 3 v t The Sze Hal Tong Banking and Insurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated ia th* Strait* Sa*»l«m«*»). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the
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    • 418 7 TUB Malaya Tribune AITD SHIPPING CAZETTE. (Evening D»i)y Phaoe Ho. 171. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. Payable In Advance. Per annum 8* 70S Half-yearly Per quarter Single Copy 5 CtS. Postage Extra SO CtS. per month. Te Foreign countries $1 de 1,11 sommanlcatlons relating *> editorial matters and new* should ns addressed to
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    • 59 7 WHY TAKE OIL OR SALTS when perfect regularity cam ba ensured by tbe •••a*»i<mal use of ISIS the dainty little liver and bowel regulators whiah aot at gently as naturePinkettes are laxativa perfection cnra biliousness, torpid liver, sick headashes, pimples and akin blemishes Of chemists, or send 60 cents for
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    • 324 7 A LITTLE at the RIGHT time is BETTER than MUCH at the WRONG time—Yonr FAMILY friend JONGKEENA BRAND (Registered in London Batayia) Unit preparation has been made stronger, tasteful t. the palate, and a fragrant smell hat been introduced. SOLD EVERYWHERE. For further particulars rtfer so handbills. Obtainable from all
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    • 25 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issaett Daily. J SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. Usoei Bally. ?«L VI, No. S9 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1919 PRICE S CENTS
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    • 696 1 fo Mm2oyf TfQuu.1 Messrs Snowman and C^ t the leading Qongkorg ship and freight brokers, write ua under date Feb. 15, as follows t 8 ir.ce we last reported on the 1st inst., onr Market has nt t shewn any improvement, in spite of the fact that
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    • 115 1 Alphabetical list of Inteeted (signal XGQ) and Suspeoted (signal F P B) ports I Signal neoea•ait in adPort aotiflad. dition to DiwM, Quarantia. nag. BatarlS FPB Cerebro-Spi-nal Meuinfitii Batavia X U Q Bmall-pox UaUru k Tana jong Priok XOQ tholara iiambay X 0 Q Cholera Calcutta lUg Cholera Hongkong
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    • 60 1 ThnrHday, Mar. 13.—High Water:— 7.39 a.m. 7fr. Sins; 9.15 p.m. 7ft. 7ins. Friday, Mar. 14.—High Water:--8.45 a.m. Bft. sins 9.50 p.m Bf>. lin. Satnrday, —High Wat*»r:— 954 a m. Bft. 9ins < 10.20 p.m. Bft Sine. Sunday, Mar. 16.—Moon in Equator lOh. M Full Moon lOh.
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 582 1 I TIE MALAYA TRIBUNE I P AMD I I SHIPPING GAZETT1. SUBSCRIPTION RATI* g Payable in Advance. Par aaauB I Half-yearly a. I 7.25 1 Per qmartar ».75 I P«r menaeao» 1.«» I Foafcge IB CtB. yti aaomfc. P. *0. British India apcah line (COMFI&iFS IICOBTCBAnO II KXGLASD) mail m
        582 words
      • 438 1 FOR PENANG CALCUTTA. The Company's steamer Yatshing." 14-« tons Reg., sails at 2 p m on Saturday, the 15th instFor freight or passage apply to Bou&tead Co. Agents, I C. B, N C Ltd. Singap. re, 11th March. *****1* 15 3 KoMlnklijko Paketvaart (Vlaa tschapplj (Incorporated in Holitnd ROYAL PACKET
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      • 224 1 Phone Ne. 1925. O.S.K. Tbe Osaka Mercantile S. S. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan,) No. 2 De Souza Street. ProMNl Sailings froa Singapore. CejtbjMt to ehiar.w aotto.) For MARSEILLES and LONDOaT: via Portsaid. Celebes Maru mid. Mar. Alps Mara April Andes Mara mid. May (Ho Passenger Berth available for
        224 words
      • 439 1 Jthe imm mH 'f, AND U f SHIPPING GAZETTE, ft The Popular Afaaspaper <> t0 a. Sett I, nenti PUBLISHED DAILY Complete Report? of I. cal Condensed News from P.MJ3 j av China, India, Oylor *ni Japan' i FnU and Latest War News I NIPPON YU3EN KAI HA (Incorporated in
        439 words
      • 29 1 BEANO LHK 3F STEAMER*m. Ohmotts IK I < Tim above rteamc I** n V* j T" renal andur serv:. B t IRv I JOY -Lli:3. GION6 HOI Co. I mm*
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