Malaya Tribune, 8 March 1919

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 550 1 fay GuanKiali Contractor f r supply of I f irewooi> the Government and Municipal Commissioners for the years 1919 and 1920. j. MM 36 PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. I or •Phone 1361, 1362 and 1363. t Afte r office hour-, please nng up V I 1u73 or H5O at J»o<j. 87,
      550 words
    • 220 1 Straits Jiotel TANiIONG PAGAR ROAD. Board and Lodging, Single and Double Rooms. For particulars apply to the Manager. TERMS VERY MODERATE*. r«ltgr»phlo Addnws PRANAKAfI." HI i m II I iimii mi' IF YOUR TEETH are worn out. and before they get worse consult J. IK EDA. Workmanship Guaranteed. 41, HILL
      220 words
    • 152 1 Great Western j Champagne j fa 1903 m I m VINTAGE n i Ml Extra Dry" g I Medium Dry Wine. A jg tJflj"Special Reserve" BiS i AVer, Dry Win., I HH Brut Special" *f?£ I I A Natural Wine I THE ONLY American Champagne AWARDED GOLD MEDALS At the
      152 words
    • 297 1 I Tay Guan Kiatj Contractor for supply of FIRE ItV O O 13 \j to the Government and Municipal Commissioners for the years 1919 and 1920. Address 31, PHILLIP STREET, SIRfiAPOW. er 'Phone 1361, 1362 and 1363 jgj After office hours, please ring up 1 Nos, 1073 «r J450 at
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  • 341 2 BENGAL. Co-operative Conference, Calcutta, Feb 16.—At yesterday's sitting of the Bengal Co-operative Conference the following Resolution was adopted on the motion of Sir Daniel Hamilton :—That as the people of India cannot begin their onward march while heavily laden with debt and moneyless, this conference respectfully requests the
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  • 1007 2 Liberal League. Bombay, Frb 13.—1n accordance with a X solution passei by the Conference of the Moderate Party, Sir binshaw Wacha issued invitations to etaita Western Indian National Liberal Association. Accordingly a meeting of the promoters was hehl this evening to inaugurate the Association, Sir Dinshaw has been elected
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  • 270 2 Assault oo ao lodiao. Rangoon, Feb 13.—Three Engineers of the steamer Rasmara appeared in the Polioe Court today to answer to a charge of assault brought by an Indian who was a passenger from Akyab to Rangoon. It was stated that the middle deck of the boat was so
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 413 2 THE ORIEN TAL G«TiiumH* Sbouuty Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Established 1874. Ihcobpobatbd di Iitdia. FUNDS exceed $38,300,000.00 Absoluti Siouritt. IMHN II til7 $4,187,500.00 I Tatal lit-|i li 1117 12,782,170.11 ImriMi iffeitil li f SI7 $4,780,121.00 litruss li Fills -11,855,480.10 Total Policies in force 67,122 assuring with Bonus Additioni, $73,596,202.00. Total
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    • 640 2 AUCTION SALES. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Estate of Glita Ann. Slang Deed Valuable Town and Country Properties situate at Ann Siang Hill Amoy and Telok Aver -treets. etc., etc, and Building Allotments and sites situate at Ann Siang Hill and Bukit Timah Road. Will be offered for Sale by Public Auction at
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    • 370 2 Wincarnii will give you the New Health too need when you are Wert,AraniCNervy, Rumiwo TWnk ttit new health mean, to you who are Weak, or Ana^ from that tarda of W feel well-to eat wdi-£ fr«h and ngoroua-and to feel your whole system pS^ Th<a *j k**"* Wincarni» offers you.
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  • 215 3 v .rjrf n r March t. fir. B** Lee&: w? o«t*ral Copru- >otw*te«», Tkpillli S: a ly. Brmb«ei done. S-jqo Fi'o<. "—B laineM done. b.rim*?. p ff>: —Ste- It, Hobnain. se. Qthtr Fr^iucts.— Market Qni3\ Uwt Uo! kirkei foetetiMt. Nut-nxts l! n a. r*r ploul 147.00 Nuta°s™ S
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  • 246 3 Singapore, Marsh 8. Meain Latham k 0e„ the Chartered Bank Chamber! advise the fed-owing AlorOajah $3.25 $3.50 ije: Easing* 1.20 135 *ye-Yo!ek 2.30 250 kjer P*bm 10.25 10.75 leigownle 5.00 5.25 tk!fc Jelotcr 0.65 0.70 Bnkit Katil 0.95 I.os Bnkit X B 0.65 0.70 ?bangkaiBerdg.... 7.90 $.15
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 170 3 Nothing to Surpass It. Scarcely Anything to Eqnal It. For Fast and Furious Action Wtxm William JFox Pvoduotlon To be presented at the MARLBOROUGH *5m H&£ kw Comfort, Good Meal* end Good Starts, Beach Road. To-n!fcht In the Second Show at 9.1S To-night WILLIAM FOX Presents Another of His Finds
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    • 549 3 A FOUR-STAR PROGRAMME PRESENT/IN© The Pearl White, Antonio Moreno, Irene Castle, Marguerite Snow iihamna* Alhambra H Well knewn in Serials and Feature Productions fa the OSB> the Theatre f— Tin theatre ALtHAM B RAs: Orchestra, T and the BEST The Hall for Music and Features s^ed accommo. BBJtCH atria* datlon.
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    • 542 3 AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE fmjnt f agar Read. Trama Paai W—t. Second Show at 9.15 A Powerful Louise Lovely Production 5 Painted Lips 5 A Seal Stirring Drama with the Star in the Leading Rale. Metre Wonderplays B. A. Rolfe Production 5 The Eyes f iystery 5 A
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  • 1304 4 Once the members of the Versailles Conferenoo have departed in peace, and once the League of Nations has become an accomplished fact, all nations will devote their full energies to their own domestic problems—the Allies as sponsors and guardians of the League of Nations as victorious Powers which have
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  • 396 4 Rubber Factory Gutted. Havelock Road and distriot, for some hundreds cf yards, was one huge bust of lieht early this morning.wbtm Chop Joo Guana rubber factory at Haveluok R A j completely guttet by one of thu tig 6 »st fires that has ever occurred in Singapore.
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  • 49 4 A telegram received in Singapore states that there was a great fire in Kota Bahru on Thursday evening resulting in the destruction of about 45 houses, including the offices of the Duff Development c moern, the Mercantile Bank, and tha premises of the principal Chinese shopkeepers.
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  • 96 4 The death rate per milo for the week ending March I, waa 26 86. The total r umber of deaths was 196, of which 144 were ixud s and 52 females. No Europeans and 3 Eurasians died, r1«jo 142 Chinese, 36 Malays, 14 Indians. Convulsions caused 29 deaths,
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  • 409 4 Tin, no qnotation. The output of tin ore in th. 9forFHhru*rv wu Ea. he and 84 k-Uis." P^l* A mail fro.v to reaoh Singapore on We; e; or Thursday r< xt. UUt «-u> T -dej'a padi quotation price 13 Bhopkee^rs'pric^Oto.Mcei:^' 1 gantang. <* c w.per To-day's Rice
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  • 140 4 It baa become very apparent duriDg the last few that there ie still urgent need of garments for oar soldiers in Vladivoetock and elsewhere. Now that th- 3 R-l Croei and Via livostck Comforts Work Parties have b--D clos-d, there a no organisation in Singapore
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  • 65 4 Reuters Cables To days Cable General j Indian Newi j Straits Prodnoe 3 Local Shar Varktt 4 Derrojracv j Local en* Genetel 4 Hay.lock Rm i Blaze 5 Shipping N->we j Company Meeting 5 Malaco. Nut s 5 Sporting 5 Bajong Estate Case g Mail Notice g Stocks
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 175 4 ROBINSON Co. I v Choice Perfumes IN fireat Variety. •■J 11 I ■MLn Wo** Waits Roa» Bed Rose Apple- I I m ht Blossom MR Scanted Stock Bouquet Pea Blossom. OIL FOR THE HOME For General Lighting Uee 18 THE HOST ECONOMICAL F I S H h A SUPERFINE WATER-WHITg
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    • 166 4 ALWAYS WATCH THIS SPACE fl mtans money to yon, gdbda constantly received to suit all reqnirementi. S*o«ks may tome and stocks may go but we go on for eter. JUST ARRIVED: lyzack's Elephant Brand scythe Blades. Vulcan Improved Chain Pipe Wrenohes, Brade's Malay Parangs, Brass Garden Syringes, fapan Gold Size
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    • 110 4 YOU CAN BUT BY THE Bottle, Dozen, °»Case. m Caldbeck, Hacgregor AND Co. WINE MERCHANTS. I TelephOM: 228. Telegrams: "CALOBECR." MARINE ENGINE OIL British Special Grade A? PRE-WAR PRICES Obtainable from KIAM KIAT Go. IM and 109 Market Street. ORCHIDS FROM India, Philliplnes, and Java. THE NURSERY 66 Scotts Road.
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  • 45 5 Dog of War. London. March 15.15 p.m. *m is informed that the iTsiavak Republic, including on the verge of famine. mL c comeatiblea are exhauapopulation cannot hold Clb-veltime, The hoapi--00 -Lt* at Prague are dying of £fiE Therfis a terrible ahorjStttk for infanta.
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  • 268 5 Arrivals- MARCH 7. Perak Brit 258 Capt Qlenday from fMSM March 5 A Van Tooren. 'oil Boa 1922 Capt Affanassieff Saigon March 4 French Conmi For Reunion March 9. SchoutenDut 966 Capt Bauer JUSSm F,b 22 X P M. For «r M Pata U Dut 332 Capt Blita
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  • 173 5 MARCH 7. Kin i, Brit 509 lot P Sham and T Ani m. Melua-, Bri- 323 for ML Lady WeU Wt24Sfo? Malacca and Maar. Priam, Brit 290". for Liverpool Via port;. Katght B-it 4,625 for Lmdoo via poris. ■sMph Dot 164 for Pal-mbang VanGoene Dat 614 f)r Belawan Deli.
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  • 53 5 s a Taming, f rom Hongkor g f*"AH Mortimer, F T Newell, Z* fcdsnoe.J WGalvin, Mr and Alien and son, Mr W P W ■*i Mr A C Bp r.i.-, Mr A J Fow--sjy«dMii Powrie, Mrs J M Mr and Mrs M Titmus, Mr Mr H J Mr
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  • 73 5 The big suggested by J W untitled «.of Youngstowu, Ohio, ac the the League of Nations \C L rth bQillli ng recently. On J "J* of the flag is a figure »v?. Ttii bound around by *2SJ"* 0q tbe barB each bar one of the the a of the «inbow.
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  • 1883 5 Titi Tin, Ltd. The sixth annual general meeting I of the shareholders of the Titi Tin Company Limited was held yesterday noon at the Be. gistered Office, Chartered Bank Chambers. Mr J M Si me presided and others present were Messrs Dr D J Galloway, J A Elias,
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  • 45 5 S.C.C. Lawn Tennis. Yesterday's Pl»y Profession Pairs Tel VI. Mergler and Laybonrne beat C S I Tyler and Pedlow, 6—4. 6—4. Monday's TiesProfession Pairs, Police. Savi and Griffin v Tel IV Rule and Westwood. MerlX. Gantrell and Adler v Law I Knowles and Eber.
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  • 147 5 The 3 C F A had the misfortune to be beaten by one goal to nil in their match with the SCC yesterday evening on the Padang. The point was scored in the second half, and resulted from a penalty kick which was taken by Hill. The Chinese played
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  • 69 5 The following dates have been fixed by tbe Committee of the Straitß Racing Association for the holding of race meetings in th* varions clubs of the Association daring 1919 Singapore Sporting Club 10th, 12th and 14th June. Singapore Sporting Club 16-b, 14th and 18ch October. Ipoh Gymkhana Club 3rd,
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  • 35 5 Tomorrow, Mirch 9. From Johnston's Pier, at 9, I', I a.m., 2,30 and 3.30 p.m. Vom Club Bungalow, at 4 9.30, 10 a.m., 12,15, 3, and 5.33 p.m. Ligh Tide, 3.45 p,m,
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  • 150 5 Macphail Co's Report. To-day's Business Bilver. Unchanged.—47J. Hongkong. —33§ p*r cent prem. Sterling equivalent 3/1.) Shanghai.— Rubber. —Qai^t. Tin.—No oables no market. Shares.—Still dull. S*-lleis preiomiuate iv all lints except War Loau. There are seller* of Robbers in Malaka Pindas at Jolinsburghs $4.45, MaUkoff* $4.45, Kempas $8.00 and Pan'ais $1
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  • 87 5 Orders for week ending Saturday, March 15. Monday, Murch 10.—Signalling Class, V M 0 A ground 5.15 p.m. Wedneeday, March 12.—Football Le.<gu~:—l«'. Troop vs 3rd Troop, V A G A Ground, 5.15 p.m. Thursday, March 13—Bugle Band Practice, Malay Volunteer Club 5 15 p.m. Friday, March 14.—01
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  • 60 5 Mr W A Clough, a Ceylon Tamil atletnao, who re''rod last year as •i grade surveyor, Strata S-t«le-roents, was presented by H E the Governor of Oefloa with the ISO, ibe distinction granted by Hi» \daiASty for efficient and faithful B e:vice in th* Straits Settlements. H I swi Jaffna
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  • 1458 5 The Defence Contbued. The hearing of the defence in the Bujong Estate case was continued until 1 o'clock on Wednesday, at which stage Mr Wagner on behalf of the accused MoCallum said, as. a witness was uot present, baring been called away hurriedly, he would have to
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  • 161 5 On tbe resumption, further evidence was heard, and afterwards tbe Magistrate, after a short deliberation, said he was of opinion that a prima f*cie esse bad been made out against all thres accused, and he was going to commit them. The three accused were then formally charged
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  • 57 5 The Chief Secretary to the F M S Government records, with deep regret, the death of Dato Maharaja Parbu Jelai Wan Mohamed bin Wan I Iris and that of his son, Wan Chik, Fenghulu, Ulu Jelai, which occurred on Jannary 4 and 15, 1919, resDectiv. ly. Both theee chiefs were
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  • 1048 5 Social and Personal. (From Our Own Corretfondtnt.) Malacca, March 7. Some unprt.oedent.ed changes in the Civil Service and in the Municipality consequent upon the ture on furlough of Messrs L E P Wolferstan, Resident, R J Mndie, Saperi nt«*txl«ot of Monopolies, Assistant Protector of Chinese and Assistant Registrar
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  • 15 5 We untitled. of tbt F :>1 S Chamber of Minea Teat Book f r 1018.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 49 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED LADY TYPIST For Merchant firm, must have good knowledge of shorthand and typing. Apply Box 113, c/o Malaya Tribune. 83 8 3 WANTED STENO-TYPIST Chinese, with knowledge ©fane or two dialects. Apply with full particulars to Box No. 1U office of tkis paper. 8 3 101
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    • 254 5 Harmston's Circus LOCATION: BEACH ROAD. AGAIN TO-NIGHT Our Mew Programme. NEW ARTISTES, NEW ACTS Don't to See OUR PERFORMING Lioness, Leopards and Bears. Showing to what a Degree of Perfection Animal Training can be brought. Last Matinee Saturday Afternoon, March t5. PRICES AS USUAL Soldiers and Sailors in (Mfona
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  • 54 6 MfMii is Lotdoa. The foiiox/lag ar„ the date* of < .torture from Singapore of ih <v «*n i h :\M and their deliver; *r unud trt. Decerns V) a < do 7 i »1 do 10 January 4 ~0 10 if do 13 1* do 15 2a -o
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  • 504 6 Prices Ousted id the Market this Mania*. RIHCAPOiiC, Marc-k. I. Mbmti Lyan and Kvatt, Exc*jaaaa and Skat* orokara, c following liat alt iaut.ti»ai Robber Shires. th AJl*<r»f 2 9 8 I/- Ad,-.., JaTi 43 Ac«!>-Mai.y la v, Ayer Kamaf 46/- jfl J'- liata.ia Malak to 4/1 1
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  • 60 6 Singapore, March 8. Oa LondonBank a ra/i 2/4 yii Demand 2/4 Private 3 mjt 2/4 1/2 On India— Bank T ft 155 On Hongkong— Bank d/e* |J| prea On Shanghai— Bank d/d i Oa Java— T. T, 135^ On Japan— Bank d/d los oeTereigna—baying rate $8 14 i Bank
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  • 15 6 Ships in communication with the Commercial Wireless S ation this morning:-, Melchior T.eub, lilenavy.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 74 6 .Vrusesl r* FLUID Magnesia TH6 IDEAL PICK-ME-UP Sale Everywhere. ■j BEER I |IBi STOUT The Populap Drink G AUBELY Co., f llBgtB«r« P M iol< M. IMS. 4 B.« Mr.. I For Asthma and Bronchitis MEDICAL MEN RECOMMEND I ASTHBRO. It aids the "secretion ef mm** «uickly euros breeehial afeeMens'
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    • 417 6 I TiRGINLi Pleasure. State Express are Quality's Limit.'' I I No. 555 per tin of so 51.05. I I Packed in patent vacuum tins. <m J&jfo I ARDATH TOBACCO CO., LTD., LONDON I ENGLAND. JjJ j^^^Sflß^L^ Church Services. a. Andrews cathedral, BINGAPOBE. IST SCNDAT Di LENT. 6th March, 191». 7
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    • 276 6 Trtl/* Services. Sln$«pore (Tank Ro«d) Dally. f r rh mail rafna frc 11 Singapore eUt'on 6 i nf rth leave Tank Koad eta, .on dady at 7.7 a.m. (Snndav **on>t*l) and 7 p.m. arrival Kui.a Lumpur at 7.1* p.m. and M'ia.ia. respectively. The through to «ruing Ieive« Kuala umpur at
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    • 155 6 Ache and Pain Insurance. You insure your bouse against fire, you insure your life—why not insure yourself against aches and pains Uttle't Oriental Balm is an Ache and Pain Insurance, for those who keep it handy can have INSTANT relief from Backache, Headache, Rheu. [Jf™. Neuralgia, Sprains and &VKRY pain,
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    • 41 6 I fins Are holding their suit j FROM j Ist MARCH j3lst MARCH 1 AND j They invite your early j inspection. stilus TO BE HAD IN EVERY LINE OF j GOODS. Greati Reductions in Prices. tomato 41. HIGH STREET. SINGAPORE.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 212 6 Mails Close. To day. Batu Paha» M»na *n 2jj££, Port SwV«en? h*m and Peoang «Elan* J.30 ptt 5"'" EmelJ dan fJSjS Puiao Soep 8u,Ju. tJlJ J" Ra^hlu *«> P* iermMiiin, St-igen, K><>ta Bur«»e f Baiik Papan, *m P pSSTBSA L p nl *u Hock K»af 2.M pro I"* £2r *»s
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    • 92 6 Singapore Volunteer Corps. Programme of Drill» for week ending March 15. 8atarday, March 8, 2.30 p.m.— Baleatier Range, Malay Co., S V 1, Sunday, March 0, 7.30 a.m.—Baleatier Range, Malay Co., S VI Monday, March 10, i p.m.—Bal'eatier Range, Maxim Co.; 5 15 p.m.—Drill Hall, SVC Reornita. Tneaday, March 11.
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  • 1597 7 The Association's Report. The antiaal report of tbe Selangor Miners' Association, to be submitted to the annual meeting on Saturday, states The miners in this country must be thankful to see the war successfully terminated. Though peace is not yet signed we can safely say that the sea
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 442 7 nURTEKED BANK OF INDIA. C !JsTRALIA_AND CHINA. IN KKGLAND BY iOYAL CHARTER. i ,„rWtaJ ia 60,000 Sharee of P< UP X £1,200,000 .I £2,000,000 L. Liability of Proprietors b com j £1,200,000 BANKERS n»nk of England. Tea L<ni> Sodif County «2 5 Lt' Tk» Nations-F'Tonnc}»l of England, Ltd.,T*e National 3*»&
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    • 380 7 BANKS Chinese Commercial Bank, Ltd. (Tneovporated in the Strait* Settlements) 64 Kling Street, Singapore. Authorised Capital $4,000,000 Issued Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up Capital $1,000,000 Reserved Liability or Shareholders $1,000,000 Reserve Fund and Rest... 668,000. Board of Directors. Chairman Lee Choon Guan Esq. Vice Chairman Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng Gaw Khek
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    • 487 7 NOTICES The Sze Hal Tong Banking and Insurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in th« Straits S.itLmeite). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of the above Company will be held at the Registered Office of the Company. No. 58 Kling Street, Singapore, on Saturday, the 15th
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    • 466 7 Qoventry Flymmm V wamlasted nr™*" r *f** X% Ifmiop Turn WOKMmm mmmm LOST. One Morocco leather ease contain, ing with other articles, one driver's License, one S.S. Oar Day War Loan Lottery Ticket No. *****7 and one F. M S. War Charities Lottery Ticket No. 7474. Any finder return. :ng
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    • 69 7 A SIMPLE CURE FOR COLDS. A het bath at bed time followed by a laxative is the befrt treatment for a cold, and the beat laxative is HBBB These dainty little sugar coated pilules dispel constipation, cure biliousness, sick headaches, torpid liver, pimples and ill smelling breath. If you cannot
      69 words
    • 653 7 I Yout Baby should enjoy Childhood's j I Happy Days M fiSt**/"* l" mrre to J >Li bt about this baby en joymg I (H cMUlhe i >rp»days. She wa« reared on S s »nd SEJ for nil r-it t same quantity EE 1° every 16 ounces ot Glaxo there
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    • 25 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. leaned Dan?, j SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. IftSMd Daily. Vol VI.- fU». 55 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1919 PHICE 5 CENTS
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    • 819 1 New Story of Her Loag. The fcdlowirg aronntef 'he way in which thd arbiter was sent 10 the bottom of- the rea appeared in the Miuchester On-r--dian in mail week, naving b°en sapplied by that journal's L jnJon correspondent The lorn of His Maj-e y f a sl
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    • 88 1 Alphabetical list of Infeoted .signal X O Q) and Snepeoted (signal F P B) port* Signal neoee- *»ry in adPorl notified. diUon to Diseass. Quarantine flag, B*»»Tk FPB Cerebro-Spi-BSaw«« efts-* gsa f§| ass Hongkong lay Cerebro-ep:. K.seandOsan XQQ Cerebri. nal Meningitis Madras XGQ Cholera Madras FPB Small-pox V Mll
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 386 1 THE lALAYA TRIBUNE j AID' I •TOPPING GAZETTE, 1 'Phsne No. 17ft ■¥BSCRIPTION RATI?! j IPayable1 Payable in Advance, Per aiscK $14.00 1 Ha If-yearly 7.25 I Per qaarter th 3.75 I Per iienieM.o 1,25 I Poatage Mara 10 at 9. per moat*, g P. *0. British India apcar' line
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      • 378 1 Notice to Mariners. Coast of Sumatra. Information has been received that a large water-logged boat was seen lying, with her mast about fifteen feet above water, in Lat 5° 48' N. Long 91« 17' E, on March Ist, last. Mariners sre warned accordingly. Karachi Freight Market. Karaohl.Feb 12 Although linen
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      • 221 1 Phoit No. 1925. O.S.K. Tbe Osaka Mercantile S. S. Co., Ltd. (Incorporate d in Japan.) No. 1 De Souza Street PriMMd lilllus from Singapore. For MARSEILLES and LONDON: Tit, Porfceaid. Celebes Mara mid. Mar. Alp* Mara April Andes Marf mid. May (No Paisenger Berth available for Europe). (Space fur London
        221 words
      • 385 1 NIPPON YU3EN KALI (Incorporated in Japan) Unit flail witb the ImperLUaptnese Qovernme fl t. (Sabjsct te Alterations withoat Xotics) Buropaan Una (Via Suez Canal) Fortuightly Berri M Fer (Malacca), Penang, Colombo, Suez, Marseilles, London ar Liverpool. Kitano Maru M loaba Maru 4,h Jf area -'Urea Cvr °P aan (Via
        385 words
      • 62 1 Ithe'miuya t¥ss SHIPPING GAZETTE. The Popular Newspaper of tho <?, Settlements «r PUBLISHED OAliy Complete Report- 0 f Local Xt I Condensed News from F s j Chin., India, utg* Full and Latest War News, SEftNC LINE OF STEAMEMm. "OtMBfV MM M, mmm »,7W To.*. bMM Ci-ooa" MM The above
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 73 1 Singapore Tide Tables. Saturday, Mar. 8.—High Water 1.32 a.m. 8ft. Wina; 2.36 7ft. 8ina. Sanday, Mar. 9.—Moon First Qaarter lOh. 14m. M. Max. Dec. N. noon. High Water:—2.16 a.m 8ft. 5ina 3.46 p.m. 6ft. 9ma. Monday, Mir. 10.—High Water —3.11 a.m. 8ft 1 in; 5 31 p.m. 6ft 4ini.
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