Malaya Tribune, 7 March 1919

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 507 1 ?av GuanKiatl intr:l( .trrfrBupplyof f ik c wood i fl yer; nie:.t and Municipal I < ot e for the years Unl i9l9and 1920. I SI PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. I 8 ;.p b n e 1:561,1362 and 1363. I J t office hours, please ring up r 1u73 or HoO
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    • 219 1 Straits j Motel] T£XJONC PACAR ROAD. j Board and Lodging, j Single and Double Rooms. i For particulars apply to the Manager. TERMS VERY MODERATE. Talagraphlo Address PRANAKAN." IF YOUR TEETH are worn out, and before they get worse consult IK EDA. Workmanship Guaranteed. 41, HILL STREET (Opposite the Central
      219 words
    • 128 1 !Great Western! I Champagne y J 1903 m m VINTAGE H JMi Extra Dry" 1 ftJK\ t( Special Reserve" BPII I AV.r.DryWine. "Brut Special" UR; y A Natural Win« "•J.J:/:^' J THE ONLY I American Champagne AWARDED GOLD MEDALS At the Foreign Expositions. Distilled by I The Pleasant Valley Wine
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    • 300 1 I Tay GuanKiatf I Contractor for supply of I jpißEWOor>| R to the Government and Municipal t Commissioners for the years 1919 and 1920. I Address: 36. PHILLIP STREET, SIIGAPOH t or "hone 1361, 1362 and 1363 I After office hours, please riDg up I I Nos. 1073 ©r ]450
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  • 380 2 The hate Nawab Syed Mahomed. Madras, Feb 13.—1t is with profound regret that we have to announce the sudden death, owing to heart failure, of Nawab Syed Mohammad Sahib Bahadur, last night at his residence in Royapettah. This sad occurrence will be mourned all over the Presidency where
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  • 398 2 Bombay, February 12.—Mr, J u Uoa ataoleod in th~ High Co irl h I before him a ariaui* out of a lottery ticket No. 177J3 of the Weetera India Tarf Club h~ld bet year in aid of the War Loan. The tickf-L In <jn*Btion won a
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  • 209 2 The Hindu.' o Feb lu Subscribers 11 L !ul1 »«rj mnch annoyed •r by thM irregular delivery I But thauks to the Lena r the period Ol annoyance is over and with the commencement of th New Year the "Hindu" has begun to make its appearance with uutaiiing
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  • 162 2 (Contribated). Some tim* ago it was reported In thB lcoal papers that Mary Pickford, the highest salaried actress, was severely aitaoked by the Demon loflnenia, Her lliness was so great that even her own physician declared that her ohanc■ sot recovery were hopeless. th%t sal report nothing has
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  • 477 2 China has a wonderful future In the automobile business," Mr Hab-rt Houisb.'rg. who stopped recently In Jipdn before PTooooding on a:; extended toar ot America and Kurope, accordiug to the Japan Advertist r. Any r-marks of Mr Honisb rg on th* su\>j~ct of motor vehicles may be
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  • 90 2 As the result of three shots fired at hnn in peculiarly astonishing ciroumstauces, Ting Poa-chien formerly Governor of Shansi, died at his residence at Shanghai on Feb 9 On the previous morning at about Tm 8 left his house in Shanhaikuan Road travelling by ricksha, and when opposite the tMiis
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 501 2 AUCTION SALES. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Estates or Chia Ann ■istntf Deod Valuable Town and Country Properties situate at Ann Siaaa MAI Amoy and Telok Ayer Streets, etc., etc. and Building Allot■•st. and sites situate at Ann Siang Hill and Bukit Timah Road Will bs offered for B a u by Publio
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    • 458 2 AUCTION SALESAUCTION SALE OF Excellent Wax Polished Teak Household Furnltire, Etc. To be held at No. 23-10 Race Course Road On Saturday March 8, at 2.30 p. in. For further particulars see Catalogues issued On view three days prior to sale. Ching* Keng Lee Co. Auctioneers Estate Agents--0 3 73
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    • 252 2 JF\ JVL. S. War Charities Lottery. CLOSING DATE] March 15, 1919. TICKETS EACH $5 Probably the last Lottery that will be held in the Federated Malay States. €J about fi £j TjlACHin-alforßiby ftt JjJ stto «W be freshly l>! i r are I andtriven 'l| p« at,a temperature of ab
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    • 534 2 Renew your Vitality Enrich your* Blood Strengthen your Nerves To feel well, to be well, is your birthri?v g conditions of living—worry, overwork:, imp f a food —all tends to sap y jjt vitality, an le Ji er at*rj and make you weak nervy and run tif j| need for
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  • 245 3 ppore, March 7. t uml > t al Op* b«#b**« flour don* vim*. Utnt L»at Mirkit Oestitiw*. ItiaftglllC S. isrplcnl 147.00 Gr B-ii 10 50 Copra (iorong Talo J0.60 Copra Dongslo J° Tj Qieea&foa* J£*j Copra tou. as Copra aiantan {Jg Copra Sigrakawan* ***«f SagoFiour vsmgap lit qaality
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  • 131 3 Singapore, Marah 7. ileeara Latham Ct„ the Charterad Bank Chambers advUv rhe following $3.25 $3.50 Y-erZanina* I- 20 135 y3 rMolek 530 250 PfttW 10.25 10.75 gownk 5.00 5.25 -kltJelc'-- 0.65 0.70 tukltKatil 0.95 1.01 Bitot KB 0.65 0.70 'hangkMSerdg.... 7.90 1.15 a *.co ».10 O; 7.00
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 166 3 MUX to Surpass j For Fast and Furious Action The Willisana Pox Production To be presented at the MARLBOROUGH! Vc, H»l k*f Comfort, God Masie ana Q-od ■ctnrs», Beach Road To-night to the Second Show at 9.15 To-night WILLIAM FOX Presents Another of His Finds GEORGE WALSH The William Tox
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    • 533 3 poUR'STAR PROGRAMME 1 PRESENTINO The I The S Pearl White. Antonio Moreno. Irene Castle, Martfterite Snov, ajnjmb» I th Theatre j r IHF: I with an I where yon I Jk 111 i i IEZg ITS A garden I .srd ALnAlvlDrC Aj3§: Orchestra, The Ha u f o r Music
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    • 346 3 j AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-PLAY j EMPIRE Trams P— Second Show »t 3.1» A Powerful Louise Lovely Production 5 Painted Lips 5 A Soul Stirring Drama with the Star in the Leading Role. Metro Wonderplays B. A. Rolf a Production 5 The Eyes of Mystery 5 Ist Show sat T.
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  • 1375 4 Herr Meuhlon, the ex-Director of Krupp's, was one of the few Oer mana who knew something of the inner workings of the German Government immediately prior to the war, and from a aafe retreat in 8witcerland openly acouacd Germany of having deliberately bronght about the war. His chargea heagp
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  • 138 4 Macphail Co's Report. To day s business Silver. Unchanged.—47|, Hongkong.—33| per cent prem. Shanghai—sos Robber.—Quiet. Tin.—No orders ;no market. Shares. The market still lacks kick A fewP<jaai9 bronght $11.60 and Jimahs. $L 75. There are buyers ofLunas at $7.90, Ayer Panaa $10 40 and Ula Pandana at 75 cents Colinsburghs
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  • 32 4 Mrs Ridout, Hon. Treasurer, begs to acknowledge with many thanks the receipt of the following contiibutions:— Capt F Bredenberg, (Monthly January and February |20 Mrs McCullagh, further contribution. jq
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  • 168 4 The following lines were written by the late Capt T F Craig R a MC brother-in-law of Mr W G Lay, Commissioner of Cnstome, Hongkong, and were read at a memorial service for oar dead held recently at Whitehaven, Cumberland, where Capt Craig was in practice.Capt.Craig was
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  • 23 4 Kitts at Theatre, 9.50 p, m Dinner to Hon'ble C W Darbishire. Sunday. Moon First Quarter, MondayLegislative Council, 2.30 p.m.
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  • 376 4 Tin, no qr,ofq'j 0n ernm<nt p r shopke*p*r„ i ri 2 $3?5, No. 2 *31 V No. 2 $400. 1 1 His many learn lint Capt K«u. Colonial yacht S- a m f with Influetut, wil^ meeting at 55 Bras ft. March 12 at 8 p Magistracy
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  • 94 4 Wednesday's Play. Profession Pairs—(Jualifjing Rooods TVI 6* Rose and D-iy beat Mer I Carinichael an 1 G i«vin, w.o. Tel 5 -r and Liybourne beat M. r 3 A;li and Vowler, w.o. Pulton flsil and Griffin beat Mer 6 Evans and Diinrs, w.o. Mer 9 Canto I]
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  • 82 4 Reuters Pa e v Pence Matters In Qermaoy Spanish Const c French Consular News General Indian New* j Mary Pickford Chinese and Motors j Straits Pi ounce Local Share Maiket Germany 4 Local and General j ALUU6>UK-nttJ Indian Notes 5 Robber Shares and Produce g Towkav Held Up
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 196 4 ROBINSON Co. Choice Perfumes IN Great Variety. otto tan Ftrfim MKT omo taßn« Aft Whiu Rom of fl^^*^^s^B|B r«k I 1 Hi Had Rom Crib I xU X Apple- I ***T flight Blosaom X Seated Stoak BoQ Q™* Pea S BloMom. I OIL FOR THE HOME I For General Lighting
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    • 197 4 1 ALWAYS WATCH THIS SPACE H msans money Co yout Se% goods constantly received to suit all requirements. Stotks may «ome and stocks may go but we go on for ever. JUST ARRIVED: Tyzack's Elephant Brand scythe Blues. Vulcan Improved Chain Pipe Wrenohes, Brade's Malay Parangs, Brass Garden Syringes, *apau
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    • 127 4 BY MTU WARRANT TO H.M. King George V. Denis Mounie's Brandy THIEE SIAI QUAUrr Per case $42. Supplied to the Berkeley, Carlton, Claridgs's, Prince's, Bavoy, and all the othtr leading Restaurants, SOLK IMPORTERS Caldbeck, Macgregor AND Co. MARINE ENGINE OIL British Special Grade AT P RE-WAR PRICES. Obtainable from KIAM
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  • 300 5 Berlin Conditions. London, Feb 28, 5.45 p.m. The condition of the poorer clasin Berlin ia truly deeperate. toart from the acanty official rationa &nly obtainable from illicit S«a at extortionate pncea. The of unemployed ia eatimated at 465 000, many of whom do not de- 'work, having been
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  • 161 5 London, Feb 28, 3.30 p.m. A serious induatrial political situatlon has arisen in Bpain. The sitting of the Cortea haa been bus pend-d indefinitely in order to enable the government to devote Itself to questions of public order. Esp-cially serious is the situation in Biroelona and the threatened
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  • 126 5 Loudon, Mar 4, IU.» p.m. The Prets Bureau states that the provisional j jint committee of the National Industrial Conference haa appoint-d three aub-committees, the first to make recommendation? concerning methoda of negotiations between employers and trade uniona, incln lin« th* establishment of a permanent industrial council to
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  • 98 5 London. Maroh 1, 7.5 a.m. Thp Times states in connection withtb- irmy medical investigation on infhe' i\ that it Is announced that, if tec a prolonged research, Main Qraems Gibson, (British) Captain Connor, (Australian) and Major Bjwtnan, (Canadian) all medicos, have completed the uiscotery of what is probably the
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  • 23 5 London, March 4, 9 25 p.m. ia« Press bureau states that Mr van Jones, MP, has been Heated Coal Controller.
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  • 316 5 The Final Armistice, London, Maroh 1, 7.0 a.m. Paris, Feb 28 It ia stated mat Focb haa completed the terms of the final armistice. They provide for the complete demobilisation of the German army, fixing the maximum military strength at twenty five divisions, and demanding total disarmament with
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  • 44 5 London, Mir 1, 8.45 Cape Town, F*b 21 The Nationalists have reversed their decision to sail on the British cruiser Minerva, lowing it is believed to the ontory in the country districts against the Nationalists voyaging on a British warship.
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  • 294 5 About $1,000 Overlooked. Mr. Teh Scow Teng, the proprietor of United Cheras Estate, waa stopped by five highway robbers about noon on Wednesday when on his way to the Estate to pay his coolies, says the Kuala Lumpur paper. H3 was riding a Harley- Davidaon motorcycle and
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  • 39 5 Maior-General Dadley Ridoat bees to acknowledge with many thanks the receipt of the following contributions Red Crose Work for the wounded (per Mrs Swindell Hon Tress) G TJ Far rant »JJ •'Anonymous" 18
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  • 44 5 Harmston's Clrcus. There wilt be a grand ohange of programme at Harmston's Circus tonight, when, in addition to new items of a general nature, several turns will be introduoed featuring the wild animals, of which the cirous has a fine collection, all welltrained.
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  • 536 5 At the Cinema Francaie, Malacca, the change of programme for March 7, 8 and 10 inoludes, in the first show, 5 fnrther episodes of Liberty, and m the later half the Universal Animated Weekly, a 5-part Butter fly feature, The High Sign, with H. Rawlinson, and a Luke
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  • 129 5 (By courtesy of the French Consulate.) Paris, Mar. 5, 6.50 p.m. The French 3 per csmt bonds are at francs 63 35; the 5 per cent at 89 80 and the 4 per cent at 73.25. Rubber v quoted 2s Id per pound. The Russian Jew Kneller,
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  • 70 5 A well equipped photographic apparatus has been installed at the Patents Library.Sjuthampton buildings to assist persons who wish for the 'quick reproduction of specifications of patents, articles, or drawings magazines or technical papers. A. oharge of Is is made for the photograph of any article up to the size of
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  • 777 5 The Crop Prospects. Copy of telegram, sent from Delhi, dated March 4 There was light rain in a few district, of Punjab. Otherwise weather in Panjab was dry. Prospects and condition of station crops in Punj*b havj improved owing to rainfall daring the last month. Cattle are generally
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  • 97 5 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association. 385 th Auction, sth and 6tt> March, 1919. Offered 2,227,981 lbi. or tons 999.63. Pricks Realised. Sheet Smoked Centa per lb. Singapore Standard Ribbed 73 to 76$ Plain 55 Crepe Singapore Standard Ist Latex 73$ T6s Blanket 61 65
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  • 274 5 Barlow Co's Report. Singapore, March 5. At the Auctions whioh opened to-day, a strong demand for all grades was experienced at prices somewhat below those ruling last week. For one lot of Ribbed Smoked Shee', 77 oents waa ps I during the morning hut the bulk of the business don«
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  • 180 5 Singapore, March 6, The market rinring the past week baa been steady and some buyers bave fulfilled their requirements at 76 cents for Singapore Standard Smok«d shee»i. Crepe is still dull but 77 is reported as having been done. The Auotlon opened fi/m. Smoked Sbee s
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  • 111 5 Singapore. March 6. The Weekly Rubber Auotion, which yeeterday, diaclußed a ■osnewbjft weak market, and although prica show little or no fluctuation from last week, only the very b st lotB were taken up by the few buyers operating, rubber a little off in qaality
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  • 263 5 (Feb 27—March 5). The share business has been slightly more active this paat week Rubber. Last week's aucdon. Total offered 1,216, total, sold 710, top prices Bheet 76$ cts, orepe 77 cts Lcndon equivalent 2a lsd I to 2b lid. (This week'a auction is un« charge d). Rabbet
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  • 191 5 Fraser Co's Circular. Singapore, Maroh 6. The market is slightly more cheerful but movements are so Binall that a good many orders remain unexeouted. The prioe of in continues to rise in London, the quotation on the 3rd inst being £222 but no sales have been effected locally for some
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  • 413 5 Calcutta, Feb 13—A Press communique is issued by the Government of Bengal on the economic situation of the Presidency. In dealing with the damage that has occurred to crops owing to paucity of rains and flooditsajßon the whole the yield of the province works cut at
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  • 35 5 “Can yon tell me, my boy,” said the prim teaoher, why the raoe is not always to the awift 4 'Yea'm," aaid the little boy nromtlv; Ifa beo .uae aometimea Their tyrea bnat." (Botton Tranaoript).
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  • 208 5 [W* do mot necessarily endorse the opinions expressed by correspondents] The Rice Control." r m wmtor ths Main* wrmmm Sir, —The Government Gazette of 25th 'nltimo contains the various pric s for lice and padi fixed by the Food Controller. I went ronnd the rice market yesterday to boy
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  • 152 5 To Iks Editor of the Malay* TrOmns. Dear Sir—Allow me to thank you most heartily on behalf of the local Government Pensioners for your very sympathetic remarks in your much appreciated article of the 4th March headed "The Government Pensioners." I am inclined to agree with you that
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  • 146 5 Since the Siamese Expeditionary Force reached Europe have been upwards of a casualties, mainly from pnenmonia. Two privates died in the month of Nov., one from an acoident wi*h a hand grenade. In the month of January one non-commiaaioned officer died through an automobile accid* nt, and another
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  • 162 5 Arrivals. MARCH 5. Tnrbo Brit 2877 Capt Slnolair, from B Papan Feb 28 Asiatic Petroleum. MARCH 6 Eniile, Dot 94 Nacodah from Rhio Mar 6, Seng Moh. Laomedon Brit 4,268 Capt Arthur from Birkenhead via Penang Feb 2 W Mansfield and Co. For Hongkong March 8. Lady Weld
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  • 75 5 MARCH 6. Hai Nam, Brit ".126 for Malacca and Muar. Hebe Brit 346 for P Dickson. Kaka Brit 274 for Malacca and Muar. Fultala Brit 2,708 for Negapatam via ports. Nellore, Brit 4250 for Yokohama via ports. SingaradjaDut 800 for Paneh via ports. MARCH 7 Kwang Ping Brit 1,24$
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  • 127 5 Alleged Breach of Trust- In the Port Dickson Police Court, on Tuesday morning, before Mr C F McCausland, Magistrate, Mr H H F L ightur, late acting manager cf Sunday an Estate, Port Dickson, who was arrested on a warrant in India by Inspector Gp.reide of the F
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  • 88 5 The following decorations hare been gracionely conferred by hia Majesty King George upon Siauacße oflftoaaJa Grand Comrnan kr of tho Moat Excellent Order of the British Empire on His Bcyal Highneea Prince D vawongse, Minister for For. ign Affairs. Knight Commander of the same Order, on Chao
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 170 5 Harmston's Circus LOCATION: BEACH ROAD. TO-NIGHT 1 TO-NIGHT Our First Change of Programme. NEW ARTISTES, NEW ACTS Don't Fall to See j OUli PERFORMING j Lioness, Leopards and Bears. Showing to what a Degree of Perfection Animal Training can be brought. I Rext Matinee Saturday Afternoon, March 8. 1 PRICES
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  • 699 6 Interesting Allegations. In the Kuala Lumpur PolioCourt on Wednesday morning, before Mr A W Jos*, Magistrate, with the DPP (Mr M D Daly) for the proseoution, the preliminary inqul; j into the charge of oriminal breaoh of trust preferred agaiußt A R Mao Galium, Manager, D Traveller,
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  • 58 6 Oillfcrtd li louUa, The '0110-ving are the aataa oi departure fro«i Singapore cf ihe Epuvomi iihi!;< and ;belr deliven 1/yaAm. Lkf T f>BLIVIKB» IB SiNoaretu Loaaa.v. Drc<»mb«r 10 Febrnary 1 do 24 do 7 do 81 do 10 January 4 do 10 do 13 do 14 do 15
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  • 15 6 Shipg In cjmrnnnic*tion with th« Commercial Wireleai Station this moving:—i 9 Van Overatrater Vondel.
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  • 260 6 Aitrouom-re are basy nuking psratijn* for their trip to tbe Tropics to observe tbe big total eclipse of the sun, which U scbeduled to take place on May 29. The eclipse will involve- a big area of tbe earth's surface, partial eclipses of varying magnitude being visible
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  • 765 6 Pricw Ouetd to Urn Market this Mo mug. RIKQAPOur, Marck. 7. Man Lyall and Eratt, Exchange and Share Broken, leeue tbe following lift of q aoutieni Rubber Share. Hoav fi i Bmjzf. Bjajj rt. J aUatfflj S 9 8 6 J/- Angio J *va 4 8 6
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  • 57 6 Singapore, March On London— Bank 4 nt/a 2/4 5/16 Demand 2/4 1/16 Private 3 m/t 2/41/2 On India— Bank T T. 155 On Hongkong— Bank d/d ZS} prem> On Shanghai— Bank d/d On Java— Bank T, T, On Japan— Bank d/d 10t Severeigns—baying rate $8.54 Bank of England rate
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 94 6 K RUSE'S FLUID Magnesia THE IDEAL PICK-ME-UP ON Sale Everywhere. 1 i wmm. i HI snhiini itf BEER fIH) STOUT Th e Popular Drink i" m Sold EMrywhtra. G. Co, *l Malacca Street. Slafaper*. •Ole Importer! for 1.1. 1.1f.5. A Basatra. For Asthma and Bronchitis I I MEDICAL MEN RECOMMEND
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    • 60 6 I CIGAm?TTES I I Q a ily oaa iD a thin S s b <" more especially in cigarette manufact„r« nr I I of diwrunmataoo find that, after smoking State Express I McD I I —°f P'-ure. S?ate I I VIRGINIA X J-linit. I I NO. 555 PER TIN OF
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    • 205 6 The Darkening Shadow. Have yon commenced lo feel shooting, throbbing paina, darting through your feee and yoar templea —Caa'l sleep, awake all nightworry, saffer, frel. That's the story of Nearalgie—the darkening shadow that can be banished by the applic%Jjoo of Linie'i Oriental Balm. Rub into the face, or wherever tbe
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    • 53 6 111 Are holding I their SALE I FROM 1 1st MARCH TO I 31st MARCH I and I They invite your early J inspection, j gains I TO BE HAD IN EVERY LINE I OF GOODS. I Great Reductions I in Prices. tomato Company I 41. HIGH SHEET. I I
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 153 6 Mails Close. f day. Port Swatteakaa aid Teluk Aumq »Kinta I t* t> H flat*Paha» WimgBM 140 pm M»l*oc« and Maw L*dy Wald M Peuang, 'Colombo, Sum* and United Kingdom* Priam Pontianak Khoen Focng a Bat a via. Cheribon A Bamarang Giang Ann ptn Pnlau Soegi Sultana I ptn Bangkok
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  • 1517 7 Ghosts land Other Fears. (By D. and P. Amaury Talbot Nowhere in the world is the in« fluence of ''the viewless ones who rule the silent places of the earth more strong than on the West Coast of Afrioa. At every dance and play the apirita of the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 363 7 BANKS m*tWta BANK OF IMDIA. AUSTRAUAJKO CHIMA. «aKMU!HB IN HNGLANB 1 BY HOYAI» CHARTER, ,it*l in SO.UOC Skaraa of Paid up WW* ,c £1,200,000 a £2,000,000 u» 1? 200 000 J Bank, Ltd 11 cuy y r v jr.! minetei London •■> a^.,.„ Provincial tonaritfor r:montlw reeaiiad for fi*ed c
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    • 469 7 BANKS Chinese Commercial Bank, Ltd. f*Morporated in tbe Strait* Setttemwtt) 64 Kling Street, Singapore. Authorised Capital $4,000,000 Issued Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up Capital $1,000,000 Reserved Liability or Shareholders $1,000,000 Reserve Fund and Rest... 668,000. Board of Directors. Chairman Lee Choon Guan Esq. Vice-Chairman Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng. Gaw Khek Khiam
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    • 519 7 NOTICES The Sze Hai Tong Banking and Insurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in »h« Straite SatUamaate). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of the above Company will be held at the Registered Office of the Company. No, 58 Kling Street, Singapore, on Saturday, the 15th
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    • 424 7 THE Malaya Tribune MB SHIPPING CAZETTE. (Evening Daily-) Pooae No. 171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable In Advance. Per annum I^t'Sk Half-yearly £5; Per quarter Single Copy 5 CtS. Postage Extra 50 CtS. per month. Te Foreign couatries $1 «0 All commanlcatlons relating to editorial matters and news shoald be addressed to
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    • 177 7 An attack of rheumatism doe» not guard the patient agiinst a subsequent attack. On the contrary, a pereon who has had rheumatism is more liable to be attacked tuan one who baa not. Tbin blood ia a condition always present in rheumatism. On the other hand ricb, red blood resists
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    • 162 7 Kudu Kudu Silk Crepe Night-Sowns AND Mending and Sewing Silks IN MOST ATTRACTIVE SHADES Now being displayed ATWassiamull Assomull Co. Phone 1144 56 57 High Street. JUST ARRIVED I NEW SHIPMENT OF J Scientifically prepared Indian VERMICELLI (Elephant Brand) Sole Agents for S. S. M.S. Haina Mohamed Sons., 19, 2AFFLES
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    • 24 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. tesnen Oailj.J BUPPLEMEHT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. issued Dally. TtL VL No. 54 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MARCH f, 1019. PRICE 5 CENTS
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    • 181 1 The report of the Diroctors for the year ecding 3let December last is as follows Iho profit for tho after wiiting off Tee 41,307.40 a* depreciation on the Company's property and plan*, amounted to Tea 631.9J9. 03. To this earn has to be added th« amount
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    • 187 1 The Commonwealth's dating enterprise in purchasing a Beat of 14 merchant vessels some time ago has betn fuily justified. It has jnet been announced that the entire original cost of the ships, an amount slightly exceeding £2,000,000, Ins b-en liquidated out of the profit earned, and a considerable
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    • 118 1 Calcutta, Feb, 18.—Transport Sphinx of 1,100 tons belonging to tbe British Admiralty arrived ai Chittagong port on the 12th. She was found enveloped in smoke aud fl ime at 8 a.m. the next day. After strenuous efforts the fire was brought under oontrol and it was prevented
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    • 76 1 An otehr Japeness steainer is rei/ a wf *J|?*. *"■>» Japan Clonic!.. KiikO M.t,n, 2 l«U J?| L J tB ri 1 »•> *h* IW.'ium ivivBr.. K^ah,, ftnJ c j, rt rfHl h Mitem Uu* MQ Kilsb», «aiUl trom Singapore for 8ni K on oo November 13th last, bn« nntbing
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    • 114 1 Alphabetical list of Infeoted (signal XGQ) and Suspeote.l (signal FPB) ports Signal necesBary in adfort notified, dition to Disease. Quarantina flag. liaUrk FPB CereWSpi.iaUTiaATan*. Q Hmall-pox >n. Priok X G y Cholera Bsa&j X(; y ch.i,ra Calcutta X 8 y (Jh„!,ra Hongkong KG y l>r-t,r-,-i.pi-v nal lever keke and
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 539 1 TK lALATA TRIBUNE I AJID I SHIPPING GAZETTB. 1 'Phone No. 17T. ■WBSCRIPTION RATE 9 1 Payable in Advance. Per aaaana m $14.00 Maif-yearly U» 7.25 I Per faarter aa m 1 3.75 1 Par ateaaeat... 1.25 1 Poeaafe Bxtra 50 at& per moath. P. «0. British Lidia APCAR LINE
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      • 456 1 For Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta. The Corupan/s s.s. CHAKSANG,' 1,479 tons, Rog., ia intended to sail on or about the 12th inst. For further information apply to Bonstead Co. Agents, I.C.S.N. Co., Lid. 63 13 8 FOR HONGKONG. The Company's s.s. ''NAMSAHfJ," 2,591 tons Keg-., is intended to sail on
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      • 220 1 Phone No. 1925. O.S.K. The Osaka Mercantile S. S. Co., Ltd, (Incorporated ia Japan.) No. 2 De Sonza Street Proposed Sailings from Singapore. For MARSEILLES and LONDON: via Portaaid. Celebes Miro .lid. Mar. Alps Mara pr jl Andes Mard mid. May (No Berth available for Europe) For GENOA: connected el
        220 words
      • 388 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) Coder Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. (Sabjeci ta Alterations with' a. N tie*) European Line (Via Suez Canal) Fortnightly Service For (Malacca), Penang, Colombo, Suez, Marseilles. London or Liverpool. Inaba Maru Maj European Line (Via Suez Canal) Fortnightly Sarvioi (Auxiliary Service Cargo
        388 words
      • 64 1 Sthe MALAYA TsiiaiF A>'D SHIPPING GAZETTE. I The Popular Newspaper nf th* Settlement g, 1 PUBLISHED DAILY. Complete Reports of Loc*l Condensed News from F M J China, India, Ceylo, aui Jap**' Full and Latest War aws I SEANb LINE fiF STEAMERSvj, L.»iw,?i." h"» •a a«*"*."»» T(>M > KsLOoa »,77»
        64 words
    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 81 1 Singapore )ide Tables. Friday, Mar. 7.—High Water 0.53 a m. 9ft. 2ins,; 1.38 p.m. 8ft 6ins. Saturday, Mar. 8.—High Water 1.32 a.m. 8ft. 9ins 2.36 p.m. 7ft. 8ins. I Sunday, Mar. 9.—Moon QaarUr lOh. 14m. M. Max D c. N. n"cc Kig*i Wi :-2.!G a rr. 8ft. 5ii 3 3.46
        81 words