Malaya Tribune, 5 March 1919

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
  • 27 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. CaVßpaasD LtSlt^ Vol. VI, No 52 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1919 PRICE 5 CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. WEDNESDAY, MAKOH
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 269 1 (fayGuanKiatl FlBEWOOr» UK and Municipal igu iind iy-° li-Ml a s$ PHILLIP STHEET, SIaBIPOBE. j m -362 aod 1363. I V- l( ikKoad, Singapore. S f"5 sGr JBL I A3 T V nasr sbow at 7is sbaip. UR\CE .TN\*D A>D FRANCI? PORD tf|lirPl v-. B -rial Stars on Eirth in
      269 words
    • 219 1 Straits Motel TANJQNC PACAR ROAD Board and Lodging, Single arc! Double Rooms. Far partlaulara apply to th« Maaiger. naUS VT.BY MODEBATI. .'•lagnpaie kAinm PaANAKAJI.*' ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM Toothache If so consult J. IKEDA (Experienced Dentist) 41, Hill Street Opposite th*» Central Fir»» Station.) I m mi M »1» The
      219 words
    • 111 1 Great Western! Champagne i 4 e,ll m rjr WiQ al aa (sufii Special Reserve" IH fJ|pH Brut Special" l S^| I THE ONLY I American Champagne AWARDED GOLD MEDALS it the Foreign Expositions. PHDPttAdtD nT B I The Pleasant Valley Wine Co., Bhe&ms fj j* Or- DELICATE BOLQIET 4 LL
      111 words
    • 311 1 lav*» I Tay Guaii Klatj 9 Contractor for s«i; :«ly of I F* I R E W OO 13 U., ill*» Government an Municipal Oomcaisaionafafni lie years r t 1919 and Uk AlOrstt: 31. PHILLIP STBEIT, SIISAPuaI I sr 'f hone 1861 •ad 1363 U After office hours, pU\iee ring
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  • 211 2 Coronation Celebrations In April. It is understood thil the Coronation of His Highness tke Sultan of >Vrak commenc-e on April 7th The official celebrations will continue for four days from that date, and the popular celebrated will continne for three days longer gays the T. 0. M.
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  • 178 2 At the Bukit Police Court before Mr W K Patton on the 2!)h, h Chetty named K M K M Veerapatra Piliay, attorney of Kama, nathari Chetty, way found guilty of the oflence of wilfully failing to cul i. vate Lin lan J with padi in compliance
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  • 196 2 Delhi, Feb 4.—Th" annoor cem of th*- engagement of L .rd wrnegj., A D C. to th'/ V ic-roy, j.nd the li d), Anne Th«-sig. r was rnide in Delhi to day and created much interes\ ♦-f-p cially it id b th wading will pl c-.< in In
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  • 86 2 Renter*! Waehington t r ipoo dent 6 it a that more ha.i 2.0 0 A. mat loan soldi rs in i. mo aoff r. IDg from ihfill Ohock v., r»-c ir. i bj th* n sm of the *> dng ot the armiottot aooording f t
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  • 501 2 Following upon Lb > ki m*< of th ball-room by a little iraj of woondcd, eonrakeotnt, an.i r.thei to: rh fj nd< .1 9B Sain .lay (Jar t!.1?<) A m< s' i itn ordlm ry j bail, ever held ia I h V »w V < I ion
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  • 33 2 Orl-e for w k r, Ijy.jf "fitnrday, •March 6 Wednesday, tiarob 5, —Football Laagne—3r-l Troop va 4th Traop, V \i 0 A fJrocn I 5,15 p.m, FB \nk 0, Sands
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  • 50 2 Programme of Drills W«dm« l y, M <•' ."J, 5.1J j) D-ill H»!!, "3 V C 11 cni-.e. Friday, M»rch7. .115 ,...m—Drill II-ill, SVC H crni'a. Siturday, .March 8, 2.;i0 p.m. Rabstier Iiange, Malay Co., S V 1. G. 4, Derrick. f-t. Colonel, fV'mtnar. hr>\ s V
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 514 2 GIiINNESS' STOUT j -ole hjpßt» KIM HIM A C Singftp ■re. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Estate or Chia Ann Slang Deed Valuable Town and Country Properties situate at Ann Siang HJL Amoyani l'e,ok: Ayer brunts etc, eta, an J Building Allotments and sites situate at Am Siang Hiil an 1 Bikit Timah
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    • 229 2 JUdi ARRIVED NSW BTOCI of Manila Envelopes and Office Stationery. A fine range of Tucks Post Cards. ALSO Collin s Diaries lor 1919. 11l ?ntii69W Stamp Ci. :> BTOH 81 marr w yi» -a. -i IALVITAfi. 1 p «r»f al *,ut BStSdSBI ner»! ir -.i HKii mm i IHvthm* Tablet*.
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    • 293 2 A FOUR-STAR PROGRAMME NEXT OHM Four Brilliant Stars of the Cinema Firmame t WHOSE LUMINOSITY HAS BEEN SEEN IN THESE PARTS Pearl White-Antonio Moreno-Irene Castle-Marguerite Snow In the Programme=de=Luxe to be presented on FKIDAY, MARCH 7, 1919 AT THE L H A. WA B R J\ Pearl White, the InsoinjiaraSle
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  • 249 3 3lngapcf6, March 5. jv h Lccai R'J'l 1 o'rmrt. Coprc Tapioca.— Steady Bne'a.»®. done. Scso Flour- —Baainew done ier B'u.'e«8 done. j r —8t' Ho burftie»*. Ot'hrr Products.— ket Qalst. utat loal iiaiktt *wtirttat. Nctm»g« HO 8. per plortl 147.00 ST 8. 00 Copra iteh »0.5U Copra toorong
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  • 174 3 Singapore Marsh 5. Messrs Latham k Ce., the Chartered Bank Chambers adrise the following quotation* ViorGajah 3 .25 ,3 5 0 \yerKnnto 120 135 2.30 2 50 10.25 10.75 5-00 5-25 Baktt Jalottuf 0.65 0.70 Bakit Kattl 0.95 l.Oi BakitKß 0.65 0.70 CJUngkatSerdg.... 7.75 1.25 mm€% s
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 153 3 Thoroughly Entertaining Pictures in Both Programmes'^ AT THB MARLBOROUGH fh« HaH lor Comfort, Good MasU and Good Pic tar as, Beach Road. Second Show at 915 pa. A Sple»did Thanhouser Feature Featuring Winsome Little Gladys Leslie ENTITLED An Amateur Orphan In S parts. One of those bright and lively stories
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    • 468 3 From Saturday, March 1 to Thursday, March B. J Popular Pictures by The I PRE-EMINENT PRODUCERS AlhamfiW I AT THI fe th* 01»% I the Theatre i Jk 9 JSi wSL A 5 I SALnAMDIxnS: BEST The Hall for Music and Features C^^ < rtci. e *'l Orchestra. beach road.
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    • 466 3 I Tt THE POPULAR PHOTO-PLAY HOUSE ĔMPIRE Tranii Wmb th« Beer. t*far uoaa. M< geoond Show ctt 9.15 THE WEB j A Cleo Madison Star Feature in 2 ActsMetro Woaderplays 5 The Lure of Heart's Desire 5 An Emotional Drama with the Distinguished Dramatic Actor. EDMUND BREESE B| i«ades 9felo
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  • 1181 4 Yc«te..Uj',kti., i/ adattaa nt pension,., bad Baals ag aallt> thai in oar '!<•• pdtarfai and lbs ir.M.t»|.|,t gajrajtlaJ thIneal I l-r.0%1 Hertic-, wo did not inaki* it Hsßaiasayly cfggg why we Selected the Clerical S »r vij.i in peril oolar. Theirs is not the only service underpaid
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  • 231 4 Incriminating Finger Prints. How the Identification of ftßMt prints led to a charge of housebreaking and theft being preferred against a Tamil, named Shakar&i.a servant employed by Messrs Whiteaway Laidlaw and Co, was told before Mr Langham Carter in the District Court yesterday afternoon, when accused waa
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  • 211 4 Arrivals. MARCH 4. Hebe, Brit 346 Capt Belgon from P S'ham Mar 2 8 8'ehip Coy Ltd. Katong Brit 863 Capt "Gardner from Bangkok Feb 28, 8 S'hip Coy Ltd. Saddhadib 8iam 803 Capt from Bangkok Mar 1 S 8'ehip Coy Ltd, Madras Bit 4,235 Capt Jon-s from
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  • 56 4 MARCH 4. Speedonia Brit 3,087 for P Samboe in ballast. Pin Seng Brit 378 for P Swettenham and Penang. Lady Weld Brit 242 for Malaooa and Mnar, Calypeoßrit 339 for Klang via P Dickson. Qaorra Brit S5 for Indragiri. Knohing Sar 903 fof Sarawak and Goebil. Giang Seng, Brit
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  • 98 4 Per b s Nfllore Mr Cottingham Hill, Mr H A Thurtt, Mr J R Boarohier, Mr an 1 Mre Kno'.t and ohild Mr A Alten, Miss R A 3rurz«U Mrs FindUy and ohild, Mr C H Dunn Mrs H Co3t, Miss M Yarbnrongh, Mr W Auvar.obe, M;k J
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  • 26 4 Admiral Sir Rosslyn Wemyss, First Sea Lord of the Admiralty, has had the Order of the White Elephant oonferred on him by the King of Siam.
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  • 286 4 Tin, no ajiotaHoo. The Cant j men and w tver theatrical p. M Mr P. BcosjJar, of y Littl« and a pa* 7 bi bound by t aY v\T *»ri To day'a Ri c koyan '40 r Icr p B: Per No. *****, •The Singapore BoH
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  • 88 4 Sago flour is quoted at 23j/. Tin is auoted a; £.12.5.0 in London. Tapioca is at 45/- for fair Sake and i3,i for fair rued pearl. On the Liverpool market cotton mid Uing American, is at l\sf. Black pepper is quoted at 11J and white pepper at
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  • 114 4 Macphall Co's Report. To-day's Business Silv r. Unchancei,— 47J. Hongkong.—33s per cent prem. Shanghai.—49g. Rubber.—Th- market opened "qui-t" this morning. Crops touchel 77$ cents and Sheet 77 cents. Tin.—No orders; no marke». Shares. —The market continue dull. Ayer Panas are enquired for at f 10.20 and Ulu Pandane at H
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  • 75 4 Reuter's Cables Peace Matters In Germany Labf ur Trouble Afghanistan's New Kaier jj Frorch Consular News General: Saltan of Perak Food Control Prosecution Viceroy's Daughter Ballroom Barricade Straits Prodnce Local Share Market Th a (Jovernment Pensioners... Shipping News Local and General Influenz* j Arms and th* Men England
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 208 4 ROBINSON Co. Choice Perfumes IN Great Variety. Raja* Otto JeB9U» Vlokitt Paxfin j| Whlte B(M Stangea Engl,sft J Oft Red Rom Cn» fof Violets I Apple- Night Blossom .SsFES* I I Sctoted Stoik Bouqait 1 WW p ea Blossoa t OIL FOR THE HOME For General Lighting Use IS THE
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    • 204 4 ALWAYS WATCH THIS SPACE It means money to yotk Kew gcfedfl constantly received to suit all requirements. Stocks may come and stocks may go but we go on for ever. JUST ARRIVED: Tyzack's Elephant Brand Scythe Blades. Vulcan Improved Chain Pipe Wrenches, Brade's Malay Parangs, Brass Garden Syringes, frapan Gold
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    • 129 4 BT «ML WARIAIT TO H.M. King George V. Denis Monnie's Brandy mv ski owuv Per case $42. Supplied It ihr Berkeley, Carlton, Clarldge'a, Pfioce's, ftavoy, and all tbe other leading h>Btaoraale, SOLE tMPORTgrt»: Caldbeck, Macgregor ANiMARINE ENGINE OIL British Special Grade At PSt-UAH PRICES Obtaiuial-Ki from KIAM KIAT tSfc Go.
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  • 823 5 The Maoy Problems. London, Feb 27, 3.10 p.m. Washington: President Wilson :,hilv discussed the League of Slow with the Congressional and 1 Relations committees, Tf be told that unless the Sued States entered the League, S League would fail and chaos meant usurpation of the Srt of Congresa
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  • 598 5 The Miners' Attitude. London, Feb 27.J6.30 p.m. At the Labour Conference in London, Mr Arthur Henderson moved a resolution for the appointment of a committee of employers and employees, inoluding women, to consider the present crisis and subsequently the appointment of a national industrial council. He warned the
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  • 69 5 London, Feb 27, 6,30 p.m. Paris M. Clemenceau this morning visited the War Ministry and conferred with the departmental chiefs. He was ovated on leaving his house. London, Feb 28, 3.45 a.m. Paris: M. Clemenceau visited President Poincaire thia afternoon, then attended a meeting of the council, then
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  • 119 5 Further Disturbances. London, Feb 27, 3 55 p.m. Amsterdam A message from Berlin states that the Soviets have proclaimed a republic in Saxony,and a general strike is on at Leipzig. All railway traffic ia Saxony has stopped. London, Feb. 27, 6.10- p.m. Berlin, Feb 26 The Voasißche Z
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  • 220 5 London, Feb 27, 8.0 p.m. In the House of Lords, replying to Lord Lamington, Lord Curzon stated that apparently while the Ameer was camping near Kabul, his tent was entered in the early morniug of Fob 20 and he was killed by shots, and also subbed. The
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  • 119 5 London, Feb 28, 3.15 p.m. The wedding of Princ-ss Patricia was oelebrated at noon. The bride drove to the Abb«y in a closed Royal landau with grey horses and postillions in scarlet ooata There was dull weather. The streets were line I with cheering crowds. The in
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  • 51 5 London Feb 25, 2.10 p.m. In the House of Commons, replying to Colonel Yate, Mr Cecil Harmsworth stated that arrangements were being made for the repatriation of the Germans in the British concession in the Shameen, at Canton, China. He hoped this would come early in
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  • 145 5 (By courtesy of the French Consulate.) Paria, March 2, 6.10 p.m. Marshal Foch laid down before the Committee of the Conference the report on the military, naval and financial conditions and teritorial guarantees to be imposed on Germany; it is believed that the ques tion of the
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  • 1259 5 What We Know of It. Id marked contra*» to the amount of rubbiah written on iufluen»** U the following «ober doeomcor lafaga b? thu Royal «Jgll**.. ol Pby noises, which we print in Mai Prevention aad trrtltjaoft of kfloonra. Memorandum by the Rorul Cell* go ol Pbyslatans, London The
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  • 239 5 A correspondent «n the London New Witness recently pointed out that England is suffering from foreign domination." He wrote We are governed by the Welsh, prayed at by tho Scots, and preyed upon by the Irish." From a note in the London Evening Standard t> c
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  • 133 5 The war stopped the international trade in v ild beasts, which was largely in German hands. A bid for the business is now being made hi sa English syndicate with r capital of £50.000, with three game reservations in Africa, and with. Mr Robert and Baslemere
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  • 969 5 Disposal o! Surplus Weapons. It is time to draw attention to a very grave problem which presents itself upon the entry of the world into the era of peace, writes a correspondent to the Times. It is too much to hope that this peace will be
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  • 603 5 Hundreds of German guns were precisely located by sound during the latter part of the war. In fact, this method of placing them became finally so accurate that actual sight of the gun could not add to its precision. Camouflage was evidently powerless against such a
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  • 43 5 A "send-off" in the form of a tea party was given on Friday last to Mr Chan Kirn Loy, Sanitary Inspector, who goes on promotion to Klang. Nearly all the Sanitary Board inspectors, olerks and overseers were present, says the Kuala Lumpur paper.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 565 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO LET A Godown Bituate at No. 71 Robertson Quay, Hire about 8,000 iq. feet. Apply to Hup Chiang Chan, 31 Market Street. 5 3 u 0 ARMY CONTRACTS. Sealed Tenders for the supply of Bread, Groceries, Hospital Supplies, Native Supplies) Fuel and Light, Tongkangs and Sampans# Steam
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  • 59 6 Dillfersi It Leidea. The following arp the of 4@p*rtare from b ugapore of tbe Sniop6&n Mails their tialivarj lii I/)u<lon. Beft •■LITIE» I* SlNOAP«Ba LOKHX. D«cemb«r 10 Yahraary 1 do 34 do 7 <io 31 do 10 January 4 do 10 do f do 13 do 14 do
    59 words
  • 796 6 Men Quotti in ihHIvkrt this Mom^^ (jlHCAPOKK, Muck. 6. ■mm Lyall and Evatt, Exch.nga and Share Brakan, laeua the following Hat of qaotatiaa* Robber Shires. Son Valaa. Baen, Buifn I/. Aliaga* 2 9 8 6 J/- Anglo Java 4 8 6 3 l). Anglo-Malay 13- 16/1 Ayer
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  • 60 6 Singapore, March 5. On LondonBank 4 m/s 2/4 11/32 Demand 2/4 3/32 Private 3 m/s 2/4 17/32 On India— Hank T T. 155 On Hongkong— On On Java-"" 1 d d "I Rank T, T. 19*1 On Japan- 13 H Bank d/d 107 «•▼ereigna— buying rate $8 fj Bank
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  • 446 6 do Experiocot la Banna Rangoon, February 1 —Mr A P Morris, principal of the Government Engineering School, Iniein, and provincial art officer, Burma, has written a.i interesting note on the pocsibilitiesof glass manufacture in Burma, one of the principal methods being b} the use of paddy
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 99 6 X RUSE'S FLUID Magnesia ~iL—^-^L—^-^.^^^^^^^^^ sßßSumnssiim THE IDEAL PICK-ME-UP ON Sale Everywhere. 1 Sohuro n ""*^■^—^-^■aaaaaaaiaaaaa» Rwkswl STOUT The Popular Drink H iW& 3sHL\ IS??* Jll G AUBELY Co., *tf Kiatssera a Penaag i L a Mslssss Strsst, Slsiapers, 1 01 loportsra for 1.1, J, A Sssaatrs. *-Pfa<ms 811.
      99 words
    • 489 6 Train Service!. Slojapus (Tank Road) Dal... The mail rains from Singapore for the north' leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m. (Sunday excepted) and 7 p.m. arriving at Koala Lampur at 7.18 p.m. and 6.45 a.m. respectively. The through expreae to Penang leaves Kuala Lumpur at 8 a.m. daily,
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    • 262 6 mmm99m 11 >—————————■11———i—— READY STOCK Zinc Oxide Acetic Acid 99—100% Refined and Crude Sulphur Cyanide of Potash Sodium Bicarbonate Hydrochloric Acid Arsenic Acid Washing Soda. APPLY TO K. Tomoda Co. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS I CHEMISTS 20 Hlrfh Street. Cable Addrew ToMODA." 'Phone 2247. R en«W your Vitality Enrich your Blood Strengthen
      262 words
    • 47 6 mm Are holding! their SALE I FROM 11st MARCH I TO 31st MARCH I AND j They invite your early I inspection, i TZgl ains TO BE HAD IN EVERY LINE !i OF I GOODS. j Great Reductions in Prices. Yamato Company 41. HIGH STREET. SINGAPORE j
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 168 6 Mails Close. Ve-day. Batn Paha» Mm M0 pa Port Swattenka^ and Penanf *Tp*k ||4 pa Bangkok Saddhadib 8 pm Pulau Soegi Baltana S pm Pnlau Bat&m and Pulau Bulaof Hock Liai S pa P. Swettenham, Penang, Saaa Loaden* Knight C*uayaal«a 4 pa To-morrow. Caaob Booa Hoag 8.80 am Cnoob *Axmar«
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  • 1311 7 Heaths ard y.en. Th < thirst for %.>U tMUIIIJ I longl to lhe two exlr* m<>B of the unman scale—the savage atou« B*4 i I the at the ctlnt. Too d< sorndants of the lavage in modem lift an tho gipsy, tho, and »4 thosa on the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 358 7 BANKS Vis-is- A- Ly bOYAXj Ca*aVMHOL i MuOdQ iflanraa of k rt £ÜBOO,OOQ Ci;y M 1 id Tae <■ nos: v?' 1 I lAd., Hatt«al B> >APOS BHAS |S i»^°* 5 t x M he feat -»1 CO V?'.' iC> L i"' naVaif. Of TIM "V torn fcstablisked 1907. I
      358 words
    • 416 7 BANKS Chinese Commercial Bank, Ltd. (ratorporated in the Btofttl SetUeme«to) 64 Kling Street, Singapore. Authorised Capital $4,000,000 Issued Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up Capital $1,000,000 Reserved Liability or Shareholders $1,000,000 Reserve Fund and ilest... 668,000. Board of Directors Chairman Lee hon uuan Esq Vice Chairman Hon. Dr. Lim Boun eng Cravv Khek
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    • 521 7 NOTICES NOTICE. Notice ii hereby given that I'm* E'.g Swee, entfl reotall; employed by this Compan" as Collector, is no longer in our j ud therefore Dot authorial to Oolleet any movies due to ti.o Coaqpany, Central Engine Mfcs, Li nit-d. (Sd.) F B. Wolseley, Secretar;. 13 51 The Sze
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    • 413 7 THE lalaya Tribune urn SHIPPInC gazette. (Evening I>t»t*y-) bona ho. If* SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable In Advance. >er annum $14.00 lalf-yearty J-** >er quarter d/a Single Copy I CtS. Wnre Txtra SO Ct3. n«r month, 'o Foreign counties $1 do LUco.nuißnlc.vdon relating to editorial matters and news should be eddrcm<i o
      413 words
    • 259 7 jXud pain ar*«nd 1 or h"»rt tow prroaatc gat, tt»« n*>uU d luiiiijeß- a.ion n.'t Msao kssrt llsaass. Pain in Ifca f»<{i'>» d th' heart U iluiMM j. ear pn tat i" orgunia i .Me. 41 h fbc tho atoiuaoh Is tho one bing needed D>*. WllUauu i'luk ~-1 «ftor
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    • 425 7 ilblllttlUlUllliliyillllllllilHllHH 1 I*** Anointment C<m f j I A Royal Food for your Baby 1 Glaxo is used in the Royal Nurseries, as can be seen by the g- fbove appointment. This letter is from a doctor connected with the Royal Court of Spain. Madrid. "lam very pleased to state
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  • The Malaya Tribune.
    • 24 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. bauĕH Dailj.J mm SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNm.^£ faaisWl aamllF-X}^ ?ai.TL ■Ft, SS SINGAPOBB, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1919 PRICE 5 CENTS
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    • 626 1 tf te Mmlmgt TtiHWk.) Messrs Wheelock and Co., the leadiDg ship and freight brokers at Shanghai, favour us with the folowing advice nnder date 19th Febr nary. Freight to U. S. A. Via Suez and Panama Conference Steamers (Tariff No. 18). Ad Valorem Cargo 240/ per ton
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    • 110 1 Alphabetical list of Infeoted 'signal X GQ) and Buspeotod (signal F P B) ports Signal neceatary in adPort notified. dition to Dueaee. Quarantine flag. Batarm r P B Cerebro-Spi- XGQ iiatavia 4 Tan*jonsPriuk IGg cholera EES x Sa«an Calcmtta XGQ ChoWa Hongkong x« y CW»Wo ■m- l Ual tever
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 557 1 tit ialati;tribont I aan •HLPPWG GAZETTaa, «Blaaaaaa Ufa». 17» ■WBBORIPTION RATIff Payable la AHfancau Psraaaass as 814.001 Half-yearly «a *ft 7.2S I Par toartar a ga I 1.75 I Par asaaasa.» a> I LIS I Fsaaag» grig SO atfl. pat tnoata. P. «0. British Irdia I APCAR LINE (Coaraaiafe laooaroaiTan
        557 words
      • 405 1 FOR HONGKONG. The British Steamer Van Waerwijck 3040 tons, is intend ed to sail at noon en Wednesday, the sth prox. For further information apply to Boustead Co As Agents. 28 2 6 3 FOB HONGKONG. The Company's s.s. "NAMSArIO," 2,591 tons Reg., is intended to sail on or about
        405 words
      • 221 1 Phoat Na. 1925. O.S.K. The Osaka Mercantile S. S. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in iapan.) No. 2 Do Souza Street PPipiud Sailings fna Singapore. m*». to urn 1.»,. For MARSIILLEB and LONDON: Tia Portaaid. Celebee M*m mid. Mar. Alps Mara April Andes Mart mid. May (No Ber-.h avail bb> for Europ*)
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      • 397 1 NIPPON TIISEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) Oaier ftafl Contract with the Imperial Japanese aoveromeßt. (Subject te Alterations without X -tic«) Earopean Line (Via Suez Canal) Fortnightly Servioe For (Malacca), Penang, Colombo, Suez, Marseilles, London or Liverpool. P**"***™ 14th Marek Inaba Maru M arch European Una (Via Suez Canal) Fortnightly Service
        397 words
      • 64 1 fBSEuTs TRIBUNE SHIPPING GAZETTE. I file Popular Neivntap-r fo Settlementm. I ET PUBLISHED DAILY. j» Ceraplete Repor'■ of P Condensed Nrwb from T. t r'hlna, India, dsaaa J I PnU and Latest Wat gasjj 1 SEANC LINE OF STEAMERSu. -OImokU" »,7W >■» v, "B«mg Bm" »,7MTo«i. S«*g Cbooa" 1,771 Tt»«.
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 24 1 Slogapora Tide Tables. Wednesday, Mar. 6,—High Water: —0,2 p.m. 9ft. 7ini. Thmaday, Mar. 6,—High Water;— •.18 a.m. 9ft. 3ini; 0.48 p.m. 9ft. j Sine,
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