Malaya Tribune, 1 March 1919

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
  • 27 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AMD SHIPPING GAZETTE. Bremronsnar. Vol. VI. No 49 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1919 PRICE 5 CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. SiTTRDAY, MARCH L
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 528 1 TayGuanKiatl Contractor f r supply of f ike woor> tathe Government and Municipal I forthe years 1919 and B M PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. U 'Phone 1361, 1362 aud 1363. I if E office hours, pleaee ring up i 1u73 or 1450 at Nos. 87, 87», g X ani 87c, Tank
      528 words
    • 245 1 aBBfBIBWBBnBaaaBBI^BaWBl I I Straits Jiotel TAHJONG PAGAR ROAD. I I Board and Lodging, 1 Single and Double 1 Rooms. E For particulars apply to tbe Manager, fl rfMS VEST yODEIATSa* i '•lagraphlo Addme PaANAKAN.* 1 I IMI I FiatT 11' Jill Mi'THM i S ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM Toothache If
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    • 127 1 I Great Western I I Champagne J I 'ft VINTAGE Wl I k t Medium Dry Wiuei M B Imßi"Special Reserve" Wsm i Very Dry Win* V&LWi n Brut Special" iff a) I (no sugar-) a THE ONLY I American Champagne AWARDED GOLD MEDALS At the Foreign Exposition* d Distilled
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    • 300 1 Tay Guan Kiat gj Contractor for supply of r F I REWOOI3 to tbe Government and Municipal I Commissioners for the years 1919 and 1920. I k AddfoSS 131, PHILLIP STREET, SIRGAPOm ©r* Phone 1561, 1362 tnd 1363 B After office hours, please ring nf I Nos. 1073 or H5O
      300 words

  • 269 2 Sensational Revelstioas Interest in tbe Caiilaux case, in. vulvine charges ol what may be caliea dtfc*;i*u.,"' against M Caiilaux, cx Premier of France, receives a prunooncei fillip owing to tbe sensational revelation that Tarmel, the suspected deputy wao died in prison, was Caillaux's man of straw, and
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  • 323 2 This Bur-au, says a correspondent in the "Times of Ceylon," ia situated in au expensive situation on tbe ground dj tt in I'ann.n Street between the station and the monument, the right aide of the way, an excellently ehoseu spot. It has a fine window and th
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  • 296 2 We ("ooietiuirs wonder, says the Japan Chronica, wbat is the pica, liar fnnction oi the London and China Express. Apparently its object is to supply Eugliah n*ws of special interest to its Far Eastern subscribers, which it (iocs very inad-qnaS ly, bnt from time to time
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 348 2 KIM Co., "cr* Just received a Large Consignment of the]f oil owing article* (Brltiah. Mnnafaotare i Account Books, 2, 3& 4 Up-to-date Ss. Novels quires. also New selection of 1 shilling Complete Office Stationery, Novels etc., etc. KIM COMPANY 6-JB, Battery Road. Dr. J.B's Blood Tonic A remarkable preparation of
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    • 269 2 THE Victoria Confectionery 8 Store 386, VICTORIA STREET, SING \PORE. Telephone Ma 1843 (The premier store of its kind The plac3 where everyone goes for cakes, ices, cold and hot drinks. Wedding, Birthday or Christening cakes, Vanilla, Walnut, Chocolate or Maraschin j cream tarts- Jam and Apple tarts a speciality.
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    • 354 2 r Run-down < Pj When tout system is under* sained by worrv or over-work —when your nerves tre H oo I edge"—when the least exer- I system it like a plant that is I And just as water revives a droof ing plant—so 'Wincarnis' g ve*- r.ew life and new
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    • 608 2 AUCTjONJALES. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Estate oi* Chia Ann Slang Jecd Valuable Town and Country Properties situate it Ann 8 Hill. Amoy and Telok Ayer streets etc-, etc, and Ba ''*> mente and sites situate at Ana Siang Hin and Bji t Will be offered for Sale by Public Auction a: Ml
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  • 273 3 Bluer o March 1. i..-..■ ta d Ctneral v So \nv Steely- Business dove. a -v„. r Easiness done. BBJPG 1 ;7 Bueineae done. i pad- No b-.ainees. Pepper.—wanny. w Uteri Lotti Sitrkit OteUnees. Nntmege 110 3. per picul 147.00 ::o;m^ s 0 8. **JJJ lepra Bali "JJJ
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  • 194 3 Singapore, March L I Messre Latham A Co,, the I Chartered Bank Chambers advise th* following quotations liorOajah *3.20 $3 50 \yer£nnmgs 1.20 L 35 Iyer Molek 245 2.55 kjerftetJ 10.25 10.75 Balgownta 5.0° 5.25 Bnkit letotoni 0.65 0.70 Bukit Katil At 0.93 1.05 BnkitKß A 0.65
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 147 3 rihorouQliiy Entertaining Pictures in Both Programmes 1 AT THE MARLBOROUGH, >rv Hh'.» lor Comfort, Good Mastc ana Good Picture*, Beach Road. Second Show at 915 pm. A Splendid Thanhouser Feature Featuring Winsome Little Gladys Leslie ENTITLED Un Amateur Orphan In 5 parts. «f thn*e bright and lively stories which generally
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    • 450 3 IFrom Saturday, March Ito Thursday, March I I Fopnlar Pictures by The j pre-EMINENT PRODUCERS Alhambra ll *h« ai THi is the only w Alhambrr m\ MM HnnnnV Jk theatre in"! A I LJ £i mi R A tea I the "EST A-m J 1 J /F% i\rl IsnnJ atttch^lcel
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    • 386 3 mmamma mmmmm* —"m 3 AT the POPULAH PHOTO-PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE Trams P-s* tie D&or. i P«gir Rokl Second Snow »t9.15 Butterfly Pictures 5 The Little Pirate 5 An Injoyable Comedy Drama with Little Zoe RaeMETRO PICTURES CORPORATION Present The Distinguished Dramatic Actor Edmund Breese Ue 5 The Lure of Heart's
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  • 1286 4 The trend of opinion at the Peace Confm nee is that it will be impos» aible to get Germany and the debris of what was Austria to pay for all the damage done in fnil. Such a procedure is not regarded as feasible owing to the fact that
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  • 130 4 The following telegram has been received by the Government from the Colonial Secretary, Hongkong •'British and Czechs travelling by Madras in urgent n- i of suits of khaki drill clothing and light underwear such as shirts also require cigirett-e and fruit. Ship carries some 1,000
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  • 289 4 In the Government Gazette there appear Regulations made by the Governor in Council regarding the grant of loans to public utility societies, or to individuate, for the purpose of erecting buildings in Singapore to be used wholly or partly as dwelling houses. Applications are to be made to
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  • 93 4 The death rate per mille for the week ending Feb 22, was 30.43 The total number of deaths was 222, of which 157 were males and 65 females. Three Europeans and 4, Eurasians died, also 171 Chinese. 26 Malays. 17 Indians. Convulsions caused 22 deaths, Phithisis 38, Malarial
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  • 82 4 To morrow, March 2- From Johnston's Pier, at 9, 10, 11 a.m., 2.30, and 3.30 p.m. From Club Bungalow at 9,30, 10.30 a.m., 12.15, 3 and 5.30 p.m. High Tide 9.54 a.m. On the arrival of 10 o'clock Launch there will be a Water Polo alatch between
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  • 315 4 Bs\ M |MCi Mr Ue Che ata o- [T" make ;dvi R; ****aj| v M btr bj motfjd 7 cr*pe an 1: r:r To Jays t>:T[ ~7T77 kcy«n f";_ piki Z: P«r 131.5. No i{J K\ No 2 $400. 1 *4«C, Memh-rs :r fa rw. are inform-
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  • 119 4 Macphail Co's Report. To-day s Business Silver. Unchanged.—47s. Hongkong.—34j pet eeni prem. J Shanghai.—47. Robber.—Qaiet, but steady. Tin.—Once more the monotonous, "No cables and no market.' Snares. —The business transacted has again been email. Robbers are n-gi-cted. Changkats were done round $8. United Malayan Robbers and Kloangs arenqoired for. Tins
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  • 81 4 Reuters Cables s Pa s* Peace Matters French Consular News General Th« Ciillaux Case j Malay fllforttioTl Bureau East Seen from Lon lon Straits Produce o Local Share Market Peace Problems Building LoiLS Local and General Municipal Commission Food Control Mutiny at Sea 5 Amusements g Church Services
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 191 4 mm9am m9 mm9aßm aamamlmm ROBINSON Co. Choice Perfumes LH Great Variety. lto BM|fc fflwi Violets fKemaatfei CHD Pftftu Willi 0m lobi.ia Khtjryafji BttTgee fjLtiW Engl,Sh .1 I Red Bom Crab i°*^ OLCT }IH Apple- l* 1 NlfOit Blossom I I Scented Stock Ctilimere I Sweet Bouquet Pea Blossom OIL FOR
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    • 166 4 ALWAYS WATCH THIS SPACE Il ftftM money to yoa Hew good* constantly received to suit all requirement!. Stocks mjty tome and stocks may go but we go on for ever. JUST ARRIVED: Tyzack's Elephant Brand Scythe Blades. Vulcan linprovtßd Chain Pipt Wrenches, Brade'a Malay Parangs, Brass Garden Syringes, fapan Gold
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    • 128 4 11 BOYAL WiIUIT TO H.M. King George V. Denis Mounie's Brandy THREE SIM OUIIIV Per case $42. Sapplied to the Berkeley, Carlton, Claridge's, Savoy, and ftll :he other !ea ling Restaurants. Sole Importers Caldbeck, Macgregor AND Co. Tiir ENGINE OIL British Special Grade AT PRE-WAR PRICES Obtainable from KIAM KIAT
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  • 50 5 utesl Discasslofls. u.i-eao states: Acornthe Great Powers deM '!iror^ni 9 e a central commit%Jjj[IfUwardi heard the Zionist p.m. oTheXa fl ,B of the British 0* *J5L down qualifications .cheme th Intev oraC f LabourConvention; and nati° Dal L3b t ca iar c*se of ad■f^Il. federal state. The Interpro**"-*
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  • 499 5 A General Summary I adon, Fe>> 27, 8.40 p.m. Foch loMrf t& e council of 5"! on technical questions conned withY transport to Poland of two Polish divi 9 ions now in trance Halle, anl the lav mediate aid and delivo;y to *a PoTeaof munitions of war to
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  • 48 5 London, Feb 27, 6 30 p.m. The Pr»sa Humeri says The gentry of Labo« v BtaUg that 56 ptonr disputes are being referred k a i bltra ion this week, including j* Whrsaihsnf claim to a 20 per JJ advance, and disputes sffeoting engineering and shipbuilding
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  • 61 5 There is a untitled of the Bishop 322? < BiBho P takenherrj Walsh) Au,u M la >* at sometime in vm, and holding a Mission to Men Bi.w t' ion w uh lhe YMCA. S3 p#k -nh»m Walsh is an SSTm'S a very p° werful *i in k af e
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  • 495 5 Two Sailors Sentenced. The hearing was continued yesterday afternoon in the Marine Court before Lieut Bennett, Acting Maaler Attendant, of the oase in which Matnocr bin Hussain, engine driver, Abubaker bin Haji Babi, gunner, together with three other Malays, part crew of the steam launch Manuelin, were
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  • 11 5 [We do not necessarily endorse the opinions expressed by correspondents]
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  • 166 5 To tto Editor of %U Malaya TrQw*. Sir —Through the medium of your valuable paper, it 1b my earnest desire to say a few words regarding the poor and illiterate classes of the Indian community in Singapore, As an Indian, I would like to suggest that when unions
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  • 140 5 The following were the results in the match, Captain vs Vice Captain, played on Sanday Captain's Team.-H R Bnckland and D Bisset 0, F F Montgomery and U Tongne i, A S Gardner and A D Sturrock 0, J Kennedy and A Smith 4, D Maw and
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  • 610 5 The Parboiled Rice Situation. With reference to the notices in the Straits and IMS papers on or about the 18th Jan 1919 21st Jan 1919 and sth Feb 1919 the following is published for general information M In the latter part of 1918 it beciui 3 clear that
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  • 124 5 The Cinemas. At the Alhambra, to-night, a William Fox picture entitled The Qirl with the Champagne Eyes will be presented featuring charming Jewel Carmen, one of the prettiest American screen stars, who appears in a fine Btory intermingled with sensation. Interesting numbers of the Pictorial News showing further views
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  • 80 5 The wedding took place in St George'. Cbarch, RWJJVg Friday, the R*v Keppel Gamier .moisting, of Mr Dardel Abeinathj, t>unn, Manager, Snngel Lluiau E,aaf», Talplog, *«oond *oo of Mr* Margaret Donn. 461 Sauohleball iSrwS'oisffow, and Mia* Kirateen Alison Roberuoo, of Tasmania. only daughter of the 1 late Mr Frederick Robertson.
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  • 201 5 Arrivals. FEBRUARY 28. Fazilk., Brit 2, 689 Capt Brabham from Madras via Penang Feb »*i Bou8tead Co. p Cardiganshire, Brit 5,993 Capt Wak«raan from London via Fenang Jan 12 Boasted and Co. Shinryu Maro, Jap 1,958 Capt Konaka from Bombay Feb l"^ K Yo h ppa Maru No
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  • 172 5 FEBRUARY 28. Kinta, Brit 509 for P Sham and T Anson. Lady Weld BrL242for Malaoaa and Mnar. Unda Brit 879 for Shanghai, Glenfalloch, Brit 1,434 for Penang. Van Qoeus, Dat 644 for Bolawan De HamphiuB Dat 1,246 for Sourabaya via por.B. Kmile, Dot 94 for Rhio. Koenaei, Dut 165
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  • 41 5 Per B.c. Fazilka yesterday Capt. J Griffiths, Mrs Grim hs and 2 child-en, Hi v Walter Linton, Lieut and Mrs Clark, and Mr Joshua, Per s s Cardiganshire yesterday from London Lieut H B Barmen, 1 N V R.
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  • 306 5 A matter taken up at the Penang appeal Court recently W* petition of Liin Gaik Teen Neoh for leave to appeal to the Privy Councj against the decision of the tun Court of Appeal in the suit of Um Gaik Teen Neoh va Lim Gaik Kee, Cheong
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  • 1543 5 Important Discussions. At an ordinary meeting of the I Municipal Commissioner* held in the. Boardroom yesterday afternoon 'h-re were present the President (Mr W Peel) in the chair, and Messrs W A Sims, W Lowther Kemp, Seet Tiong Wah, E Tessensohn, Dr N V Samy, B Ball (Engineer)
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  • 128 5 February 3.-A Capetown telegram atatea that the South African Indian Congress, representing Transvaal, Natal and the Cape Province, passed a resolution asking the Government to amend the laws which were operating oppressively against them, including the Act prohibiting the free movemen of Indians throughout the Union. The Congresß
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  • 12 5 Lient. Lewis, Police Probationer has left Bentong for Pahang headquarters at Lipii.
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  • 372 5 Pattai Rubber, Ltd. The ninth annual general meeting of th* ghaiehnldera of Pantai, Limit bd, waa held yeaterday at noon at the Company's Regiatered Office, Greaham Houae, Battery Road. Mr. W. L. Watkina preaided, and in moving the adoption of the annual report and statement of accounta for
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  • 229 5 MrJohnDnguid is appointed to be a Snpt of Mails, Singapore, with effect from Dec 15 last. Acting Commander A J Coleman. r I R, is appointed to act as De puty Master Attendant, Singapore, with effect from the 17th inst. In the Gazette appears a proclamation farther extending
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  • 92 5 (By courtesy ot ihf French Consul it* Paris, Feb 27, 6 15 p.m. Tho French 3 per cent bonds are at francs 63 90, the 5 per cent at 90 40 the 4 p*.- ceat at 74.45, The French cruiser d'Eatrees left Djibouti for Colombo on 26th
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 465 5 L \T£*T ADVERT ISEMEMs. WANTED I Lady stenograph er able tu take up duties immediately. State particulars at d 8«lary req ii-ed to Box No. 110, care of Malay Tiibune. 13 7 3 WANTED Intelligent cleri ajcu.tomed to accounts. Sta'p particulars and salary rt quired to Box No. Ill, care
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  • 592 6 Prion Quoted ia tat Market this Hernial. ■iHOAPOaa, Mar n. 1. Masara i</aUaod Evatt, Cxcbanga a i sbart Srokara, !«ae the foliuwing hat A •*...uti»»j Kobbtr Shares. mm 7a t Boy r». Baliam Ai.agar j 1 J/- An<lu Jari 4 3 6 3 tl- Ac,:) -M-'ay i:e-
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  • 469 6 Thf Committee acknowledge with thanks the following subscriptions to this Fund Pre\ionsIy soknowl^drjod $.102,918.30 Per Chinees Chamber of Commerce.— Yap Gek Song 500 Ehzibeth Sarin 175.21 Per Chin, f- Chamber of Cuuimt re?.— Chna Jit S.«ng $4C0 Chop Bk Jte Long I 401 L-e Hak Heng
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  • 71 6 lelbertd !c Leaden, Th* followinf are the datea of Jepr.rtare from hingapore of the Snropean XhA. and tbair dMlverj n Lon 1 *n. LtrT Delithrto ta Bnraaraaa Losoes. December 14 January 20 do 7 do 20 do 13 do 21 December 20 February 1 do 24 do 7
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  • 20 6 Shipa in communication with the Commercial Wireless Station this morning:— g 1 Miehima Mara, Huntball, Angelo Branetti, Nankai, Mara.
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  • 64 6 Singapore, March 1. On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4 11/32 Demand 2/4 3/32 Private 3 m/a 2/4 17/32 On India— Bank T T. 155 On Hongkong— Bank d/d 24, pram. 1 On Shanghai— Baukd/d 49 On Jara— Bank T. T, 1351 On Japan— i Bank d/d 107J B©T«roigns—baying rate
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 96 6 I If RU SETS' FLUID Magnesia THE IDEAL PICK-ME-UP Off Sale Everywhere. mmmmmmammmammmammammmmmmma^ laa>M^B **^^BaMaiM> II Scihura Ml BEER fiLmm stout The Popular Drink I l< Everywhere. TOM Sll Malu«t Street, Siatapart. E| Bole I»POrtari for 3.5. F.M.S. Sauatrs. 7^^^^^^^^ J 'Phona 81ft Tel. "Aurely." I For Asthma and Bronchitis
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    • 906 6 State Express become the all- __V^^^V_ time friend of every man who f^-—^^mS^ smokes them and recognises .ffljfljjg their refinement, exquisite AtL*** )L aroma and delicate flavour. j^^\kt^ They are the standard of cigarette quality. \f CIGARETTES. NO. 555 VIRGINIA PER TIN OF 50 $1.05, Packed in Patent Vacuum Tins.
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    • 54 6 GILA PROGRAMME AI THE STAR OPERA At the Theatre fioiai North Bridge Road Princess Chempaki Nllam will be staged. To Morrow, Sunday A Malay Comical Piece MORANG MORIN6 Said Alee, our new Comedian, and the famous Mehd Noor, take the leading parte. 4. H. CiKtfll?, Proprietor. Yt L. Tan, Manager.
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    • 49 6 YMf j Are holding 185.'.-;- 0 their I SALE I FROM 1 1st MARCH I TO blst MARCH I AND They invite year early inspection, j I* a ains TO BE HAD IN EVERY LINE OF I GOODS. Great Reductions in Prices. Yamato Company 41. HIGH STREET. SINGAPORE. I
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 186 6 Mails Close. Tf-diy. Bombay Kwih Wa 2 JO pm rtatu 1'abfll Sri TVooika 140 pa Malaoaa, P. Sw»itankara A Penang Sri fJO pm Bangkok Kainuuiug t JO pm P. Satuku, Hhio, Billiton, Hatavia. Cbenibon, Sarnarang, Suiirabaya, Amptmn, ate. Si berg 2 BO pm Medan Melcbior Treub 2.8© pm Polan Batam
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  • 580 7 Question ot Abandonment. It has been suggusted by people whose opinions are worthy of consideration that one of the chief reasons why Spain's attitude tow*rds the Allies in the war was n:it noticeably null—iMlh. was that the Spaniards of to-day resent no leas bitterly than their ancestors British presenee
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  • 179 7 Calcutta, Fab. 18 The Statesman" publishes the report of an unfortunate occurrence from Chitta. bodr. General Borton and Captain Koea Smyth started out from Cal cutta some time ago to survey the coast line for suitable plaoes for aerodromes and landing plaoes in connection with the Air
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  • 219 7 The Revolutionary Government hae declared (to far aa iti tior.s have any effective value that the Kaiser's private landed property will not be aeued, though ihe Crown domains will paw to the Treaanry. The Berlin cays that of 90 forest, farm, park, SdZ estates, castle,, Ac only
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  • 30 7 Programme of Drills. Saturday March I, 2.30 p.m.— BakstierRange,SV A (Details). Note .—Attendance at three Recrnitb' Parades a week is compulsory. G. A, DERRICK. Lt. Colonel, S.V.C
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  • 260 7 it Ltrgc In Negri Sembilao. There is at the present time a man-eating tiger working between the Coast District of Negri Sembilan and Silian, whose depredations, unless speedily checked, are likely to cause considerable disorganisation of estate labour along the line of his beat-. His lair is evidently
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  • 40 7 Orders for waek ending Saturday, Maroh 8. Monday, Mar. 3—Signalling Class, V M C A ground. 5.15 p.m. Wednesday, March S.-Football L*ague-Srd Troop ts h Troop, V M C A Ground 5,15 p.m. Frank C. Sands Commissioner
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 728 7 BANKS Chinese Commercial Bank, Ltd. (Iwwtperated in the Strait* Settlement*) 64 Kling Street, Singapore. Authorised Capital #000,000 lesued Capital Paid-up Capital $1,000,000 Reserved Liability or tmm\mM Shareholders •WffrS? Reserve Fund and Rest... f 6bB,uw. BOARD OF DIRECTORSChairman Lee Choon Guan Esq. Vice Chairman Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng Gaw Khek
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    • 869 7 THE Malaya Tribune A.ND SHIPPING CAZETTE. (Evening Daily 'Phone No. 171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable In Advance. ai4.00 Per annum 2 7 25 Half-yearly 7S Per quarter 5 05 Per mensem Single Copy 5 CtS. Postage Extra 50 CtS. per month. All communication* relating to editorial matters and news should he
      869 words
    • 14 7 s. o. s. pin.Pl-. >*-*-■ gtipation. .pe.dily d, Spe «he,e trouble, and Medicine Co., Singapore.
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    • 394 7 S ullsMIl 1 -.II»'-- 1 3 I However Sick Baby may be 1 I ;r °;,^™t^bjb,.h«idi,, <• the roed to icaita. v 1 v «ueh babies. Here >e a ease 3 S t »xo it haadoi c wonder, to n y auch bab.e. q j g br0U8ht n^hc r. The
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    • 24 1 PHICE S CENTS Straits Shipping Gazette. Isswd Dally.J SUPPLEAIEHJ TO THE MALAYA TRIBUM*. &WMi Dftilj. Vol. VI. -Mo, 49 SLNGAPOBE, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1919
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    • 191 1 Arrivals. FEBRUARY J6. Unda Brit 83 0 Capt Meadows, from P Sambo e Feb 26 Asiatic Petroleum. British Knight Brit 3,186 Capt Pntt from P Said lab 2 Asiatic Petroleum, FEBRUARY 27, Tenohi Maru Japan 435 Capt Nighimura from Palembang Feb 25 0 Shoaen Kaieha. Towa Maru Japan
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    • 97 1 FEBRUARY 27. Hai Nam, Brit 12b for Malacca and Maar. Ban Pob Guan Brit 576 for Samarang via ports. Meran Brit 70 for B Pahal. Babe Brit 345 for P Dickson Kaka Brit 274 for MaUcoa and Maar. lakaiha Mara Japan 1,018 for Bitavia and Samarang. FEI RTJARY 28.
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    • 283 1 Vice-Admiral Sir Boger Ke?es commander of the Dover patrol, p\vi •ome interesting particular of its work, especially of tbe Channel barrage, against the U-boats on tt occasion of the presentation of the freedom of Dover to him. The Channel barrage, with powerful ■earehhghtß, at first consisted of
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    • 109 1 Saturday, Mar. I—High Water M am. 9ft; 10.17 p.m. Bfc. 4h,. Sonday, Mar. 2.—New Moon 6h* 11m. a., High Water 9.54 a.m. 9ft. sins.; 10.47 p.m Bft Sine. Monday, Mar. I.—Moon in Equator 7h:il,High Water:—lo.37 a.m M*. Btus; 11.16 p.m. Bft. TaeaJay, Mar. A.—Moon in 9b. 42m,
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    • 112 1 Alphabetical list of Infected (signal XGQ) and Suspeoted (signal FPB) ports Signal neeeaMiry in adPort notified. ditiun to Piimi, OjHwaesaai fl*-.. BkUTM FPB Cerabro-Spi-nal MeningiBi Hata»ia XUQ Small-pox k Taat|oa| Pnuh XGQ Cholam H«nb»y XG<J Cholera CiLutta X G Q Cholera Hongkynf X W Carabru-ap». nal favar Kmm and
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 475 1 HE UALATA TRIBUNE AJTD] SHIPPING GAZETTE 'Phoa* Mo. 171* SUBSCRIPTION RATBSn Payable In Advance. Per «mm am m %l 4.00 Half year ly 7.25 Per aaarter 3.75 Par BQ9BBCw.* «a aa 1.25 Poeaage Extra 50 ajfj pel loatea. P.*O. British India MP APCAR LINE (GOMrAJKIJi iNOOEPOBVTfiO fit H-;r'.u. MAIL AND
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      • 33 1 FOB HONGKONG. The British Steamer Van Waerwijck 3040 tons, ie intended to sail at noon on Wednesday the sth prox. For further information apply to Boustead Co., As Agents. 28« 6 1 I
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      • 289 1 Konlnklijko PakotvJart iVU^^ehapplJ (Incorporate.! in Holland) ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION Co. OF BATAVIA. Telegram Address I Paketvaart 2& 3 Collyer Quay. Under Contract with the Netherlands India Governments Special 5,000 tons Tourist Steamer FROM JAVA TO AUSTRALIA loyte-utiila, SemaraiiB, SouraOiga, Brisdane Sydney Melbourne Vlci Ve'rsa. Passages from Singapore to: Single Return
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      • 193 1 Phoi. Ne. 1925. O.S.K. The Osaka Mercantile S. S. Co., Ltd. (Ineorp orate j in Japan.) No. 8 De Soma Street Propositi Sillligs from tliiapopi. (Wj«et t« «aaa e <«m«tt IKiImi For MARSEILLES and LONDON: ?ii Portsaid. Celebes Maro mid. Mar. Alps Mara April For GENOA: ionnectid at Bombay. For
        193 words
      • 367 1 NIPPON YUSEN ÜBT (Incorporated in Japan) (kit* Aafl Coatract with the Imperial Japsneje Government (Sa&ject to Alterations wi.hon' X 4 European Line (Via Suez Canal) Fortnightly Service Fit (Malacca), Penang, Colombo, Suez, Marseilles, London or Liverpool. Sade Mara for Liverpool Ut Marefc Miakima Mam for Loan| .J European Line (Via
        367 words
      • 69 1 ithe nun iSSa SHIPPING GAZETTE. I* The Popular Nemmpaper of tk*a Settlement.. PUBLISHED DAILY Complete Rpports of Local V Condensed News from F M a' i Chin., India, i£ Full and latest Wa, aws SEAJfg LINE OF STEAMERS' mm "ffceepjb" WM To**- a Be* W* T o l, U, 6mbj
        69 words