Malaya Tribune, 8 January 1919

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 301 1 I Tay Guan Kiat I Contractor for the supply of I FIREWOOD 1 to the Government and Municipal Com. P missioners. gj Now the snccessful Contractor for the Q ■apply of same for the years 1919 A 1920. I ABDRBS8 1 SI PHILLIP STREET. SINGAPORE. I "GAIETY" IN IHE Ist
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    • 198 1 Straits Jiotel TANJONG PAGAR ROAD. Board and Lodging, Single and Double Rooms. For particulars apply to the Manrger. TERNS VERY MODERATE. Telagnpblo Address PRAM ARAN." ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM Toothache If so consult J. I KED A (Experienced Dentist) 41, Hill Street Opposite the Central Fire Station.) JUST ARRIVED j
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    • 115 1 IS RECOMMEN DED BY The Municipal Commissioners FOR COMBATING SPANISH INFLUENZA To prevent tbe spread of this disease, occupiers of premises should have their floors sprayed daily with a solution of IZAL. i i Tills solution should not be swept away, but should be allowed to dry on tbe floor,
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    • 260 1 I NOW LOOK HERE ITay Guan Kiat The successful Contractor for the supply of I FIRE W O O E> 1 to the Government and Muni--2 cipal Commissioners for th>SS I years 1919 and 1920. Address i I 36 PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE Estate Supplies Acetic (99&981.) Acid Veneer Chests Mo
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  • 515 2 Right to Overhanging Fruit. Judge Parry, sitting at Maidstone, delivered a considered judgment on a question of interest to fruit growers. Tbe plaintiff, Mr W F Mills, had 10 apple trees on his own land Bft from the boundary. Branches of the«e trees overhung the land of the
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  • 92 2 Major General Dudley Ridout, Honorary Treasurer, begs to acknowle ige with m*ny thanks th* receipt of the following contribn tions Christ Church, Malacca, (per Rat X N Or^enhow) par A W Still Eaqr, 1111.98 White .Sal« (Red Croee— Mrs Wolff) per Mrs <) P Owen.
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  • 102 2 At a general meeting of the Sikhs of Penang held on the 39th ultimo at the Sikh Tempi*, Mr Natab Singh, second son of tho lato Jaraadar Vir Bingh ot Kedah and nephew of Sabadar Major Bhsll Singh, J P, of Knlim, was nnanimoasly elected Beoretarj to the Sikh Temple,
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  • 99 2 Says the "Canton Times" of Dec 23 S g Wong former Chief Proonrator of the High Coart of Kwangtung, now a barrister at-law in Singapore, is paying Canton a visit, making his sojourn in the family residence at Sui Wah Fong Chai, Fang Yuen Saae. Mr Wong is one of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 170 2 Absolutely Free 40 years' experience, lata Government Medical Officer RAJ SAHEB DR. DASS Secrets ol Happy Life is being distributed free Apr v fc>_ In imltrn Saliva Plarwa 80/2 Harrison Roavi. <I\LCTIT?*" Dr. J.B's Blood Tonic A remarkable preparation of Indian herbs, at onoe effective in all liver complaints. I:
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    • 20 2 A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH Your Very Ukonej*. J&tyfa and Hood. PRODUCTION JBo|4 LBB Brothers' Studio HIU Street will produce these results.
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    • 545 2 AUCTION SALES. Estate of Boey Ah Foo, Deceased. Under order of the Supreme Court Straits Settlementa AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Business Premises, Etc. At Messrs Chins: Keng Lee Co's Sale-room, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place Ol the I3tft aid f 4tU Jan.. 1818, commencing at 2.30 o.a. each dag. FIRST DAY'S
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    • 376 2 British (Siam) War Aid Association. "Our Day" 1918 War Loan Lottery. Ticals 1,000,000 Tickets, Ticals 5 each. I! all tickets are sold prizes will be:— Ist Price Ticals 200,000 2 Prizes 50,000 eaob m h 3 00 N 8 10,000 16 h 5,000 32 2,500 50 1,000 HO 500 1
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    • 889 2 AUCTIOj^SAL-S\ By Order of the Custodian of Enemy Property AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Freehold and 99 Years 1 Leasehold PrtjNt Bituate at Pasir Panjaag and Chancery Lane, Singapore To be held at the Auction Rooms of Powell i Co., Ltd Noa. 16 17 Raffles Place On Tuesday, Jan. 28, 1919.
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  • 286 3 Singapore, January 8. Tin.— See Local and General column. Copra* —Bneinww done, Tmpioca. —Weak. Business done. Bbfo Flour- done. Business, PtW* T —Steady. No business Other Product.*.— Market <Juiet. Uust Loul Hutu CuoUttofci. Nutmegs 110 S. per pioul $53.00 Nutmegs 80 8. 57.00 Copra Bali 10 55 Copra
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  • 253 3 Singapore, January 6. Latham 4 Ca„ the Chartered Bank Chambers advise the following quotations AlorGsjah $3.50 $3.75 -er Kaning- 1.25 1.40 iyer liloLek 2.60 2.70 ayer ftm 1125 12 00 Balgowme 5.15 5.50 Bukit Jc-loto. g 0.65 0.70 Bukit Katil 1.05 1.10 Bukit X B 0.70 0.15
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 210 3 Girls, do you want to have a Good Time And do you know tho Price You may have to Pay tor it see THE PRICE (A girl had to pay who wanted to have and did get the full enjoyment) OF A GOOD TIME In 71 Parts. A Jewel Super
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    • 645 3 FIRST I IST THE FIELD PICIURES OF GREAT HISTORIC INTEREST Showing events leading up to The Victory of the Allies To-Night and for the Next Five Nights AT THE ALHAMBRA The Hall for Music and Features BEACH ROAD, SeCOnd ShOW at 9-15 pm. Produced under the direction of the Ministry
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    • 579 3 AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE Tanjot g Pagar Road. Trams PftBB Door Second SHow at 9.30 A Metro Wonder-play 5 The Haunted Pyjamas 5 A drama of unusual interest, starring the favourite player, Harold Lockwood. Episodes U and 12 of j THE MYSTERY SHIP Ist Show at T. 30
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  • 1091 4 We tragi we ere not offending in reverting to the dieoaeiion of the pretention of venereal diieaiei In Malaya, There lino better opportunity than now for the Government, if it It be genuinely anzioai to prevent that whleh la threatening to become a more
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  • 54 4 We are officially informed that with the approval of the Governor's deputy, the censorship of the local press, except as provided for by the Seditious Publication (Prohibition) Ordinance XI of 1915, is now removed, and that all Press telegrams will in fnture be delivered to us without
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  • 90 4 n r a o Jamefl 0UG Food Con. troller, 8.8. and F.M.S. is expected in penang from Bangkok on the 7th inst where he will confer with Mr RJB Clayton (Agent of the Controller in Penang) over the rice position. This is interesting information as indicating an
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  • 89 4 There will be a public Prayer Meeting in the Y. M. C. A. Hall on Friday, January 10th at 6.30 p.m. This is in connection with the Universal Week of Prayer, which Is organised at the beginning of each year by the Evangelical Alliance. There will
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  • 107 4 The nniqne spectacle of Sir Stamford Raffles* st.tne being taken tT t oa t lU P 6^B l *n the middle of the P.dang and removed (in a mere handoart to its new site, was observed shortly after ten o clock this forenoon. The little green elephant
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  • 201 4 At Monday's meeting of the UgiiUtive CJonnoil the Treasurer tirnr.% ,or »PP rov *l of a Tote of 100,000 with which it is intendad 5 Porchate part of the Grove Estate, Singapore. nf W u nderßtand »hat fhe portion of land In qnestion is that part lying off
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  • 513 4 A Requiem High Mass will be performed by Rev Father Marriette In the Church of 8/8 Peter and f? U ',n9 Qeen Btreet Friday the 10th inst at 7 a.m, for the repose of the soul of the late Mrs Low Gek Seng who died on the
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  • 80 4 Macphail Co's Report. Ts day's Basioeu. Silver.--Unohanged 48 7/18. Hongkong—42| per cent p.m. Shanghai.—44}. Rubber—The auction opened with a steady demand from 75 to 77* cents for Standard grades. Tin.—The latest London quotaUon of £248 show. rise of about There is very little business doing HI rubber shares. Ulu Piahs
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  • 66 4 KBUTIR'S CaBLBI p ag< Haras Bervioe French Consular News 5 OIIIRAL Neighbour's Apples Btraits Produce Local Share Market The Curse of the Human Race 4 Local and General The Assizes Rubber Outputs Indian Notes The Rent Board J Governor in Kedah Shipping News a Raffles Library Malaya's Food
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 211 4 NOW OBTAINABLE AT ROBINSON Co. PRICE HO PER COPY POSTAGE EXTRA. Chinese Commercial Directory I Ceeaeiied, Prialed aad Published by J Mr. Slow Choon Leng j I IZfT? JOU "°V Jt %he leM y° u will »0 work 1 and Ihe more work you will hay. bo do. Work ia
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    • 219 4 New Stock Just Arrived I Red Hurricane lamp globes, Moulder's hand steel wire brushes, Brass Lunkenheimer's Lubricators No. 5 and 6, Zinc roll No. 14, 1 in. galvanized piping, Bolts and nuts, assorted sizes, Copper wire J4, 16 and 19 Q., Copper tacks and Copper boat nails, assorted sizes, 4-prong
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    • 197 4 S. Jllsopp I son BRITISH PILSEHER BEER. j IoU Agents I j Caldbeck, Hacgregor I I AND Co. j I Wine aad Spirit Merefeaale. I NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the business of THE MALAYA CATTLE TRADING COMPANY as Cattle dealers and Butchers commenced on November 23. The Butchers
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  • 239 5 Toe Peice Conference Paris, Jan C, 5.55 p.m. General Franobet d'Esperey, commander of the Allied armies in the East, has transferred his headquarters from Salonloa to Constantinople. The ermistioe commission under Marshall Foch has affirmed the right of the commission to establish military commands and police forces to
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  • 202 5 London, Jan. i, 1.40 p.m. The correspondent of the Times at Shanghai says Indian opium to the valne of sixteen thousand dollars has] beenseized aboard a Chinese oastoms revenue cruiser on which Sir Francis Aglen, Inspector General of Maritime Customs, was returning to Shanghai from a visit
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  • 44 5 London, Jan 6, 3.46 p.m. It is officially stated that there is no change impending in the office of the First Sea Lord. Admiral Wemyss and Rear Admiral Hope are proceeding to Paris as principal naval representatives at the Peaoe Conference,
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  • 132 5 (Bv rourtĕ» f of the Frmeh Consulate.) Paris, Jaa 6, 6.20 p.m. Tha Prench 3 per cent bonds are at francs 61,15 the 5 per cent at •MO and the 4 per cent at 72,05. Offloial: The trawler Caadan sank OB December 19th after striking a mine
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  • 85 5 Mile, do Valette, head of the American section of the Press De. partment of the Frenoh Foreign Office, was instantly killed by the explosion of a hand-grenade which she had picked up while conducting a party of Amerioan women through the reoceupied territories on the French front recently. A Frenoh
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  • 431 5 The Harvest Prospects. The weather daring the wee k ending 27th November 1918. waa rainless exoept in Bombay, Hyderabad, Madras and Mysore. Harvesting of early rioe has commenced in Lower Banna standing crops in Burma are good, bat ripening showers are required. Cattle are healthy. In Assam the
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  • 280 5 The following telegram, which has been received from the Secretary of State for War by the General Officer Commanding the Troops, Straits Settlements, with a request that it may be published in all papers so soon after the 7th January as is practicable, is hereby published for information
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  • 49 5 That beautifully situated residenHal property known as Endsliegh," No 4, Newton Road, was disposed of at auction by Messrs Powell and Company Limited yesterday afternoon for the sum of Dollars Seventeen-thousand five-hundred ($17,500) to Mr E 8 Manasseh. The auction was well attended and bidding was brisk.
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  • 577 5 Cases of Forgery. At the Assizes before Mr Justice Ebden, yesterday, Wong Lam Xi and Foong Woon Chin, two Can* toneee, who were charged with unlawfully returning from banish* ment, were both sentenced to penal servitude for life. The next oaae to be disposed of was j I
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  • 140 5 At the meeting of the Kent Assessment Board held yesterday afternoon at the Municipal ofiQaes, there were present the Hon Mr C J Saunders (President) and Messrs E Tessensohn, Qaw Khek Khiam, A M 8 Augullia, E A Elias, and H Carpmael. Among the applications aonsidered was
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  • 113 5 On December 16, at the Colonial Secretariat, Colombo, the Hon Mr R E Stnbbf, Colonial Secretary, handed over to Mr Abdul Hamid Didi, the Maldivian Ambassador, the nsnal presents from the Ceylon Government *o H H tho Snltan of the Maldives to be conveyed by the schooner Mary on her
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  • 527 5 A Warm Welcome at Alor Star. H B Sir Arthur Young paid an official visit to Kedah last week and received a ceremonious welcome He arrived in Alor Star on Monday December 31, when guard of hononr was drawn up at the station. His Excellency, accompanied by
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  • 317 5 The Defendant Convicted- Bombay, December 18 Mr. A. H. 8. Aston, Chief Presidency Magistrate, to-day delivered judgment in the case in which Richard Wheeler, an American daDcer, stood ohsrged with causing grievous hurt to Captain Ceoil Webb-John-son and with the theft of a photograph belonging to the latter.
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  • 143 5 Arrivals in Harbour. JANUARY 6 Pontianak Dut atr, 111 tons. Capt Nacodah from Meraing Jan 5 Tho Beng JANUARY 7 Fan Satg Brit atr, 1410 tons ,Capt Skinner, from Calentta D*o 29 Boustead co. For Hongkong Jan R 8 Baru Dat str, 88 tons, Naoodah from Malacca Jan
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  • 138 5 JANUARY 7. Hal Nam, Brit atr, 126 tons for Malacca. Quorra, Brit str, 89 tons, for ladra?iri. Pin Seng, Brit atr, 378 tons for P Swettenham and Penang. Hartlepool, Brit str, 2739 tons, for Tarakan via ports. Lady Weld, Brit str, 242 tona, for Malacca and Maar. Calypso, Brit
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  • 27 5 The local agent informs as that the s.s. "Hejiz" from Bombay ia due at Singapore at daylight on the 14th instant, en rente to Hongkong and Japan.
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  • 14 5 The homeward French Packet Nera ia now expeoted to leave Singapore on Jan 13.
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  • 147 5 There wss a very large gathering last night in the YM C A Hall when tbeSadhu delivered a splendid message in English and Mr Cranna of the YM C A presided. We find no words to express how good and usefnl the mesaage is to the Christians
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  • 153 5 December List Previously acknowledged $54,0*9.89 Mrs Toft 3 A P Williams, Oct, Nov, Dec 3 C W Abrams, Oct, to April. 20 D T Perkins, Oot, Nov, Dec 9.20 MoCnllagh 3 Parhury 3 Bnrklll, one year 36.50 A Dowland 2 F W Lyall, Aug to
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  • 317 5 December Crop Returns. Cam 5k Ono tad Co, Sees Mandal Tekong 10,577 lbg. r tal for 5 monthi 47,431 lba. Mr N Gomes, SecretaryBakit Ksrll 12,833 lbs. ToUl for 8 moot be 11,0*3 lbs. Peterson, Simons and Cc, Ltd. Agents Trafalgar Ltd, 4,032 lbs. To»al to date, 37,143
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  • 170 5 The following are the Orders of the Day for the meeting next Monday i L Motion by the Treasnrer i That thia Counoil approves a vote of $100,000 for the purchase ef part of the Grove Estate, Singapore." 2. Sale of Food and Drngs Further Amendment Bill, Bill
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  • 165 5 It it with much regret, which will be shared by very many old personal frienda and acquaintances in Penang and Malaya generally,that we (Rtraita Echo) have to record the death in England of Captain 1 Bradbery who retired on penaion from the position of Harbour Master,
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  • 556 5 Some of its Peculiarities When Americans apeak of Chlne*T foo l they do so collectively ai though it weio the same all over China. This Is not so, for it varies in different localitiet. Chinamen do not live entirely upon riee at home to so great a degree
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  • 246 5 Direct from the Corn- Mr. H Philouze's periodical L'Earope Nourelle calls attention to an interesting German invention, particalarly so at tbe present time, consisting of a new method of breadmaking now being tried in Germany. Flear is dispensed with, the bread being made directly from corn, The wheat
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  • 16 5 To morrow Moon First Quarter. Friday. Indragiri Rubber, noon. Mondaylegislative Council, 2.30 p.m.
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  • 267 5 Indian Maid who Slogs to loldien Taianina, an Indian girl of th« Cherokee tribe, who haa been brooght over from Amerioa by the Amerioan Y.M.C.A., told a Daily Chronicle representative something about the Indian tonga ahe ie to sicg to the aoldieri of her own kinafolk
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  • 9 5 Output for December: Tribate Pels 6."\JO.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 252 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. Cheok Lian Neo having left my house and protection I shall mo longer be responsible for any debt or debts incurred by her as from 6th January 1919. E. Chaan Sen;; 8 1 14 1 Shorthand Typist Wanted. Shorthand Typist wanted, previous experience unneceseary. Apply stating qualifications
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  • 767 6 Tbe Rice Problem In view of tbe somewhat conflict. ing statements current regarding the rice problem, a few facts and figures tbat will throw a little additional light may be of general interest, says the Straits Echo. Malnya regarded as a whole needs to supplement the rice it
    767 words
  • 399 6 Tho following new books will be ready for !--ua on Thursday, January 9lb, 1919 Anon, Patricia Brent Spinster, 1918. Tbe Lore -of an Unknown Scldier, 1918. Burrow, C Kennett, Tony Heron, 1918. Candler, E, The Yoar of Chivalry, 1916. Cullum, R, The Law of the Gun, 1918. Delafield,
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  • 166 6 At St Mary's Cithe Iral, Sparks •Street, Rangoon, Miss Kathleen May Cradd ck, younger daughter of Sir R«finald and Lad" Craddock, was rnarriad to Captain Dmglas David Malcolm Urquhart, 63rd Palatncottah Light Infantry, only son of Sir .James aud Lidy Urquhart, Mtgd*la House, Dundee, the ceremony being
    166 words
  • 143 6 As will bo term from a perusal of the salient factual of the new Enactment for the promotion of the cultivation of foodstuffs in the Federated Malay States, tb« Director of Food Production, known for the s*ke of bn vity as the Director, may ropa in anybody
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  • 826 6 Prices tuoui 4 in the Market this Mtraiag. (*IN«AP U Ju. I. Mmwi Lyaii and Bvatt, Bxchanga and dkare Broker*, Issue tbe fuUowing lilt of «actatian Itabbir Shares Bob*. Valae. Buvera. Belief*. ti- Allagai ;/9 5,6 >/- Anglo Ja.fc 4/3 63 J/- Anglo-Malay 13/- 16/--1 Ayer Kumng
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  • 67 6 Singapore, Jan. 8. On LondonBank 4 m/s 2/4 13/32 Demand 2/4 5/32 Private 3 tn/s 2/4 5/8 On India— Bank T T. 1554 On Hongkong— On l l* nk il 4 42 i P r6m On Shanghai— Bank d/d 441. On Java— Bank T. T, 133 On Japan— Bank
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  • 29 6 Ships in communication with the Commercial Wireless Station thio morning fl s. Sado Mam, Ganges Maru, Yokohama Maru. Meiwu Maru, Ayaha Maru, Van Spilbergen, J B Aug, Keasler.
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  • 86 6 '•cllrereti ta Looaon. Th=) following an* the date* of departure from Singapore of tht Rnropean Mailg and their deliver J in London Lett Dblivr.aka is BiNoAPaaa LovDOir. October 17 December 9 do 19 do 9 do 26 do 4 da 16 do 9 do 26 do 16 Novemle
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 90 6 K RUSE'S FLUID Magnesia THE IDEAL PICK-ME-UP ON Sale Everywhere. 1 Sflhurfl J3 BEER STOUT The Popular Drink K jC> Sold Everywhere. G. AURELY Co., Singapore A I'enact* B I Malacca Street, Singapore. BffljEffig*.1 Sole Importers for S 8. F M.S Sumatra g&ttr P1 ne 815, Tel. "Aurely." For Asthma
      90 words
    • 155 6 A Deadly Enemy It is the continual dropping that wears away a stone. In the same way the continued twinges of Rheumatism, causing acute suffering with each appearance, will wear away the strongest human system. 'I he first shooting pains seem trivial, but as they continue they grow worse and
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    • 407 6 Train Services, Singapore (Tank Road) Dally. The mail rama iroui Singapore for the north leave Tank Road fetation daily at 7.7 a.m. (Snnday excepted) and 7 p.m. arriving at Koala Lumpor at 7.1.S pm. and 6.45 a.m. respectively. The through express to Penang leaves Kuala Lumpur at 8 a.m. daily,
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    • 603 6 THE ORIENTAL GOVERNMENT SECURITY Life Assurance Co., Ltd. 1 Established 1874. Incorporated in India. FUNDS exceed $32,571,428.00 Absolute Securitt. 1 Income In 1917 -$4,587,500 00 Total Out-DO Ifl 1917 $2,732,070.00 Assurance effected in 1917 $4,790,1 28.00 Increase In Funds $1,155,430.00 Total Policies in force 67,122 assuring with Bonus Additions, $73,596,202.00.
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    • 125 6 aALYITAE. Tne moat powerful but harmlese nervine tonic producing eurtlin* reeulte, immediate and permanent in all case- of ■*ms*uii ia both young or old, «wirnej uf unmarried. Aathtna Tablets. orea hi ng fitB and th> JJJj Asthma. Instant relief by every dot*. Diabetes Tablets Rapidly reduce the ..uantity oi via
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 158 6 Mails Close. To-day. Port Swettenham w*l nd I e nan S *Ipoh 2.80 pm Uato Pahat Sri Wong»*» tjBO pm d r, Kmely 8 pm Pulau Batara and Pulan Balang Hook Lita 8 pa Pulau Galang Sri Galang 8 pm Malacca and Teluk Anso* Knai 3.30 pm Kretay, Trengganu, Kelantm,
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  • Article, Illustration
    1661 7 influenza Incidents. Now that we are well oat of the wood—which is more than can be said of the Southern States—it would be interesting to look back and review the sad havoc played by influenza, and put on record some of the inoidents which stood prominently out of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 585 7 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. UiCORPORATJSD IN UN GLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 50.000 Snares of £20 each £1,200,000 RaserveFund £2,000,000 Raaarre Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. Ta» Bank of England, Th* London City and Midland Bank, Ltd, Tha London County and Westminster Bank,
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    • 468 7 BANKS Chinese Commercial Bank, Ltd. (Incorporated in the Strait* Settlements) 64 Kling Street, Singapore. Authorised Capital $4,000,000 Issued Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up Capital $1,000,000 Reserved Liability ot Shareholders $1,000,000 Reserve Fund and Rest... 668,000. Board of Directors. Chairman Lee Choon O van Esq. Vice-Chairman Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng. Gaw Khek
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    • 425 7 NOTICES Peace Celebration Sports. 1 A public general meeting will be held at the Garden Club, Raffles Chambers, on Saturday, 25th instant, at 4 p.m, AH interested are kindly invited to attend. BUSINESS. To consider the advisability of holding athletic sports in celebration of the forthcoming peace and if approved,
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    • 322 7 iMSUBAHCE. SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO j LTD. Incorporated in New Zealand FIRE Insurances effected on Buildings, Rent and Merchandise of every description. MARINE Insurances aoeepted to all parts of tho world at lowest rates. WAR RISK accepted to all parts. Offices 2, Finlayson Green. The Eastern United Assurance Corporation, Limited.
      322 words
    • 420 7 nnniiiunuiiiiM I Your Baby should enjoy Childhood's t Happy Days iboutthis baby enjoying In every 1*» ounces ot Glaxo there are 4 I ounces of life-giving Butter Fat and 12 j= ounces of the nourishing Milk Solids, and baby turns every particle of these con- stituents into sound body-building material.
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  • The Malaya Tribune.
    • 24 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Usoetf Dallf.J SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. iMMi Dftllj. VoL VI No. 6 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1919 PRICE 5 CENTS
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    • 730 1 Anxiety in Colombo. Colombo, Dec 25—The Times of Cejkn cf the 20th instant writes There ia considerable anxiety in Colombo, espeaially in shipping circlet, over the non-arrival of the Kumchow, which is eight days overdne. This vessel left Rangoon for Col. ombo on the 4th and soon after
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    • 40 1 It is officially reported at Batavia that if it be proved that the German raider Wolff did operate from a base in Netherlands Territorial waters in the Dutch East Indies, a strong protect will be made to the German Government,
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    • 73 1 Table for December. Tbe following is the tide table for Port Dickson D*te. Time of High Water A.M. P M> Jan. 10.08 10.19 High water at Lukut about tbe same time as at Port Dickeon. High water at Lin»gi about 30 minutes later than at Port Dickson.
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 516 1 W MALAYA TRIBUNE AKD SHIPPING GAZETTE. W>on» Wo. 171. L ■FBSORIPTION RATES. Payable In Advance. Per annum $14.00 Half-yearly 7.25 Per quarter $3.75 Per men gem $1.25 Poetage Extra SO Ctg. per month. P. «0. British India AMD APCAR LINE (COMPAHIM ISCOBPOBiHD IB EROLAKD.) MAiL AND PASStNCER SERVICES. Peninsular and
        516 words
      • 308 1 MITSUBISHI SHOJI KAISHA, Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan). STEAMSHIP LINES Übaan, Jetton, kuomi. Saaoakan, T.w.o once ever, tbrea waalcs HINOKI MARU January 15 Ko carried. Port, of call subject to change without notice For fright, apply to the agents for above lines. PATXBSON, SIMONS CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) M Agents.
        308 words
      • 271 1 I Phone N©. 1925. O.S.K. The Osaka Mercantile S. S. Co., Ltd, (Incorporated in Japan,) No. 2 De Sonza Street Proposed sailings froa Slogaport. For EUBOP1 via Suea. Altai Maru for London, Jan. 9 Nanking Maru for Marseille*, mid. Jan. Borneo Maru p eD No. 8 Kenkon Maru via Bombay
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      • 403 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) Uader Mail Contract with the Imperial Japaaeaa Geveraaeat. (Subject to Alterations without Notice) European Una (Via Suez Canal) Fortnightly Service ftp (Malacca), Penang, Colombo, Suez, Marseilles, London or Liverpool. &S£/te l*h January M lBh imaMaru February European Una (Via Suez Canal) Fortnightly Service (Auxiliary
        403 words
      • 92 1 THE MALAYA TRIBUNE AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. The Popular Newspaper of the Straits Settlements. E7" PUBLISHED DAILY. Complete Report* of Local Events. E Condensed News from F.M.8., Jara, 1 China, India, Ceylon and Japan. I Full and Latest War News, I TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) For San Francisco Direct
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 95 1 Singapore Tide Tables. Wtdneeday Jan. 8.—High Water:— 2.1:1a.m. 9ft 2 11 p.m. 9f t 4j D8 Thursday, Jan. 9.—Moon First quarter 5h. 55m. A., High Water: —2.57 a.m. 8ft. 9ina 3.13 p.m 8ft. 7ins. Friday, Jan. 10.—High Water: 3 48 a.m, 8ft. 8ins 4.28 p.m. 8ft. Saturday, Jan. 11.—Moon in
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