Malaya Tribune, 10 December 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 303 1 Tay Guan Kiat I for the aapph of FIREWOOD to thf Municipal Commissioners for oho m yea-. 191b 1917 and 191*. >fow the successful Contractor for the B supply of same for the coming ye&r» I 1919 1920. I AIDRKS9 36 PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. GAIETY •Junction 01 Albert and Bencoolen
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    • 172 1 I Straits J~totel TANJONG PAGAR ROAD. Board and Lodging, Single and Double Rooms. For particulars apply to thr Manager. TERMS VERY MODERATE. Telegraphic Address PRANAKAN." ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM Toothache II so consult J. I KEDA (Experienced Dentist; 41, Hill Street Opposite the Central Fire Station,) JUST ARRIVED "Excelsior" Safety
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    • 103 1 IS REOOVIM NDKD BY 1 i The Municipal Osmmissioners kor com Bating I [SPANISH HDZIj To prevent the Bprea 1 of this disease, occupiers of premises should have their tloors sprayed daily with a solution of IZAL. S This solution should not bo swept ft j away, but should ba
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    • 167 1 I NOW LOOK HERE S Tay Guan Kiat l I successful Contractor '< for the supply of 5f I I* E WOOD! jt to the Municipal Covnmisioners I for the years 1919 and 1920. 1 lADDRESSI ADDRESS I 36 PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. state Supplies Acetic *99&98 v Acid Veneer Chests
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  • 476 2 Ex-Kaiser's Mentality. One word in the Kais t*m ioiter lo Fran Meter after she had lost nine sons in the w: r h. ikes the majority of non-G i;un;g with amazement. It has been often aejert by onr enemies that the worll oa vide their S)orders does not
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  • 377 2 Tokio, Oct 29 It will be remeiu. bered tlat uimy b oks belonging to I>; .rri on famous lib: ary ci n. t iniag a lart." r.u.nb, r of valmb'e volume* mo-it!y on Orleatal subjoct s, «Inch «rai aecqaired by Binmlvt. s«ki at an outlay of V.360,000,
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  • 22 2 Orrkrt for th* wwk en.llng Batur lay, Dec. 14 ft Day. No Drill, a. wa. m Captain, a/A.tjuUui, B.V.U.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 770 2 I THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS i $2,000,000 I lOUB DA" 1318 sit WAR LOAM LOTTERY 1 Sanctioned by Government 1 ami run under the auspices of OUR DAY Committee I II Tickets $10 each. (Singapore Currency.)! j s Th e amount ot the lottery will be Two Million Dollars I ($2,000,000)
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    • 658 2 Federated Malay States War CStarities Lottery. Tickets for this Lottery are issued under the auspices of the Federated Malay States War Charities Committee and the Prizes will be allocated as follows THE PRIZESThe allocation of the amount subscribed will be as follows 20 per cent for one Ist prize 10
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  • 291 3 Singapore, December 10. J*in.- 8w Local »ud oen>*ra] column. Copra- Bnsinw» dove. Tapioca. —Weak. Basineea done. Sago Flow —Basin-w done. (Jr.mbier.— Basme*a done. j-fppcfv—QUmlj. No Basin«g«. Otksr Prvi i <-- Is** Utctt Uol Hatt«l Qtotiiioa?. Nutmegs 110 S. per pioul $53.00 Nntmega 80 8. 57.00 Copra Bali 960
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  • 236 3 Singapore, December 10. Meagre Latham A Co., the Arcade, advise the following qnotalione iiorGajah $3.60 $4.00 yf r Kun'ng* 1.20 1.40 Iyer Mo'.ek 2.60 2.70 10.50 11.25 algowii'e 5.00 5.50 or.kit Jeiotong 0.65 0.70 Bukit Katil 1.05 1.15 Bukit X B 0.60 0.65 OhangkatSerdg.... 8.25 8.75 31enealy
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 197 3 in Excellent Mystery Play, Exceedlngli Interesting, with fine Dramatic and Humorous Situations and an effective lot AT THE MARLBOROUGH Picture Theatre, Beach Road The Hall for Comfort, Good Mnaic and Good Pictures Second Show at 9.15 p.m. A Diando feature presenting BABY MARIE OSBORNE In a production far exceeding anything
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    • 589 3 I Tiro Imperial German Government's Spy INaee.ii America j How the Crerman Secret Agents Conspired to Create A Reign of Terror in -that Country Startlingly Revealed In A Serial Photo-drama Produced toy Wharton Incorporated of New York THE EAGLE'S EYE In 20 Episodes or 41 Reels Featuring two Famous Stars
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    • 508 3 j,, „|iimi I >ll 11HIII |i 111—— WWB ii—-^ AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE j laiijung Pigar .ioad. Trams Pass the Door, Second Show «tt 9 15 A Metro Wonder-play 5 COME BACK 5 A Romantic Drama of Society in the North Woods with Harold Lockwood and M- Allison
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  • 1243 4 The internal affairs of Germany cannet well be ignored by the Allies. The armistice terms were made with the German Empire, and the peaco term to Germany are applicable to Germany as a homogeneous whole, not as a collection of petty States. How the different States In Germany
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  • 227 4 Serious Slips Reported. Says yesterday's Malay Mail i Daring yesterday and last night, there were several serioas slips on the railway line in what is known as the Pass Section, namely, between Padang Rengas and Taiping. The line for a considerable distance between Kuala Eangsar and Taiping has
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  • 111 4 The special programme given last night by the management of this well known cinema hall, in aid of the Our Day Fund, was generally voted an all-round sucoeas. The Hall was tastefully decorated with Allied flags, whilst the outside was brilliantly illuminated, with the Royal cipher
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  • 94 4 Macphail Co's Report. To day's Business Bilver.—Unchanged 43 7/16. Hongkong.—44£ Shanghai.—44f Robber.—Steady, Tin.—Sold 55 tons at $124.95 BukitKatils have been done about $1.05, Ayer Kunings at $1.25, J|. mahi at $1.70, Ayer Panas at $IU Kerlfnge are having a email boom on their o<vn—buyers $3.85 sellers $4.25, Titis dropped away
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  • 175 4 As briefly mentioned the other day, Mr. J. S. Holmberg, chief clerk, Supreme Court, Ipoh, completei 36 years in the Government Service last Saturday, having joined the Clerical Service on December J. ISB2, as a clerk in the Marine Department, Malacca, says the Ipoh paper. He spent 12
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  • 332 4 Tin is quoted at $124.95 75 ton. ■old. 09 The Lnmnt Post Office ia until further notice. "Flag Day" on v X Lumpur resulted in the ooiuetin? of between $3,000 and $4,000. Mr V A Rode, assistant matter it the Methodist Boys' Bchool, K„ a u Lumpur,
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  • 101 4 The following Singapore Properties were disposed of by auction by Messrs Ohtng Keng Lee Coy U their sale-room yesterday afternoon: 999 years' leasehold land situate at Lim Chu Kang, area 30 acres 2 roods and 14 poles, bought by Mr: Yong Soo Chong for $1,150. Freehold land and
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  • 39 4 Wedoesday. Moon First Quarter. Pearl's Hill School Prizeday, 4.30 p.m. Thursday. Lodge Zetland Emergent, 5.3 p.m. FridayKwong Yik Bank meeting. Anti-German meeting, Victoria Theatre, 4 p.m, Saturday. 14 Our Day Singapore. Sunday. 3rd Sunday in Advent.
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  • 98 4 Rkuter's Cables Pages The Armwtioe 5 German Uureat 5 French Consular News 5 General A Contrast The Morrison Library 2 Singapore Volunteer Corps 2 Local Share Market 3 Straits Produce 3 Peaoe Problems 4 Railway Wash-Oat 4 Local and General 4 Malacca Vs. Singapore 5 Par Boiled Rice
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 199 4 ROBINSON Co. SOLE AGENTS FOR Britain's Best Bicycle The Raleigh Complete with plated Lamp, Bell and Pump, Tools, Tool Bag and Repair outfit, in 22, 24, 26 and 28 inch frames. Price $130 Nett. Special Quotations to Traders on Application. ■nevaHsnssssßsaarai TnenMßtaKMaataanafli OIL FOR THE HOME For General Lighting Use
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    • 158 4 New Stock Just Arrived 9 Enamelled Latex measures; Galvanized barbed fencing wire; Canvas hose; Plain and armoured Rubber hose; Brass eyelets and rings; Buntings, assorted colours; Clyburn screw spanpers; Single double ended spanners; Gauge glasses, assorted sizes; Copper ball float valves; Brass water bib cocks, etc., etc. guanIqat AND Co.,
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    • 85 4 Mc CALLUM'S Perfection Scotch Whisky 80LE AOHNTi Calbeck, Macgregor AND Co. WINE AND IPIIIT iEICHMTS KIAM KIAT Co. 108 and 109 Market Street. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A Large Consignment OF Luzon Lagio Plows PRICES AS USUAL. Are you interested in Chinese Affairs Do you want to be in close touch
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  • 363 5 M. Clemeaceau's Threat. Ldndon, Dec 8, 10.15 p.m. Paris M. Clemenceau has sent by wireless a threatening note to Germany regarding the attack on prisoners. London, Deo 8, 10.15 p.m. Amsterdam A message from Budapest says that Maokensen's troops in the Herrmanstadt area will gnrrender arms to th*
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  • 158 5 London, Deo 4, 1.10 p.m. N'w York :Mr Roosevelt in the course of stateraen' declared that it was the business of the United States to stand by the Allies. It looald be conceded that Britain needs the most powerful navy, with the United States next. All Americans
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  • 123 5 London, Dec 4, 3.55 p.m. New York Interviewed by an Associated Press correspondent at Mleringen, the German Crown Prince said thst he had not renounced anything nor signed any lament*, but if the German Government decided to form a r «pnblio he would be perfectly content to
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  • 31 5 The ladles* monthly medal for jWoiber will be played off on the 12 'h and the men's on Saturday J&d Sunday 14>h and 15th. Both B °g*y competitions.
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  • 379 5 The Berlin Trouble. London, k>eo 8, 6.10 p.m. Copenhagen A message from Berlin states that when the arrest of the Executive Counoil was knewu, the troops of the Soldiers' Council were cheering Liebknecht and shouting that Bbert and Schoideman must retire. A prooession went to the Reichstag where
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  • 94 5 London, Deo. 6, 12.10 p.m, China has demanded the recall of the Dutch Minister at Peking, who is a very active pro-German,and intimidated the Chinese from interning tbe Germans and liquidating the German banks. He tried to prevent the deportation of the Germans to Australia, alleging that
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  • 237 5 Supplies (or Estates. The Secretary of the P A M has received the following letter from the Resident Councillor, Penang, dated Dec. 6th I have the honour to inform you that arrangements have been made with the Indian Government by whioh par-boiled rioe can be obtained from Rangoon.
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  • 190 5 (By courtesy of the French Consulate.) Paris, Dec. 8, 6.15 p.m. President Poincare accompanied by Mr Antonon Dubost, President of the Senate, Paul Deschanel, President of the Chamber, and Preraiat Clemenoeau arrived this morning in Metz where they were received by Marshals Foch, Joffre, Petain, Douglas Haig,and
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  • 328 5 Death Under Operation The sad death of Mrs Marjorie Todd (wife of Mr A H Todd of Measrs Drew and Nupier), who ex. pired at the General Hospital on Dec 4, whilst under the influence of chloroform during an operation, waa the subject of an inquest held by
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  • 222 5 The death occurred suddenly on Friday evening at Sungei Mahang Estate, near Nilai, Negri Sembilan, of Mr W G Burgess, who only about six months ago came out, after having been severely wounded at Gallipoli, where he had the greater part of his jaw
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  • 432 5 Floe Win for the Visitors. <From Our Own Correspondent.) Malaoca, Dec. 9. On Saturday the 7th instant, the much advertised "Our day" soccer match between the tflalecoa Club and the Singapore Crioket Club oamn off under tbe most favourable weather conditions, before a large and representative crowd,
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  • 204 5 The Editor of the Malay Mail. Sia, —Surely It wat distinctly understood that the Servants Registration Bill is only intended to apply to domestic servants f It is very regrettable anyhow that this most useful Bill has been booted out because three Residents and two Malay Sultans
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  • 133 5 Yesterday's Results. Singles. J Bentley plus 2 beat A Smith tor 21-19. H T White owe 3 v W Bntcbart owe 3, postponed. D M Doig«scr beat H F Clifton Smith plus 6, 21 13. W M Ged let plus 6 beat J Nelson owe
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  • 791 5 Arrivals ia Harbour. NOVEMBER 85 Mascot, Brit str, 134 tons, Capt Banel, sailed from Bangkok, Not 17, If eng Soon Seng. NOVEMBER 28. Bingkep, Dat str, 284 tons, Capt Pronker, sailed from Djambi, Not 16. X P M. Uncertain. NOVEMBER 80. Ajax, Dat str, 1,141 tons. Capt V
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  • 183 5 DECEMBER 7. Polyphemus, Brit sir, 3061 tons, for Hongkong A Shanghai. R S Barn, Dot itr, 68 tons for Bagan via porta. Hermea, Dat atr, 2313 tone for B Papan via porta in ballast. Diva, Dat atr. 833 tons for Bangkok. DECEMBER 8. Meran, Brit atr, 70 tons, for
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  • 51 5 Per Calypso—Messrs C Salter, F M Tosconie, A Gollhard, R A Parish, J M L Gollan, W J Jameson, F R Gooding, Lieut D Simps m. Per Katong—Mewt N G Beale, T R Allen, H Haffanden, L J Chater. Per Hejaz—Messrt Mellleux, C E Weeks, A W P
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  • 140 5 The Cinemas. At the Gaiety to-night the early ■how will tee five initial epitodes of the Crimson Stain Myttery; while in the later entertainment further episodes of Patria serial and con" tinuation of the Metro play, the Eyes of Myttery, will figure. The change of programme at tbe Hsrima
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  • 56 5 Thirteenth List Previously acknowledged 110,338,50 Further subscription from Kuala Lipis (per Mrs Pou) 106 Refunded by F M 8 Railways on freight for cases 5.80 Mrs Crawford 20 Mrt Wayte Wood (Johore) 30 "GEE" 15 Members of Malacca Club (per Mrt Pinkney) 26 10,541.30 The above are very
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 67 5 To-Night Kalaimagal Vinoda Natana Sabha. A High Clau Theatrical Go. ande* the able itage management of Mr. S. CHENGAL BOW WILL SKACT Tarasa Sankam A most enchanting story At the Chinese Theatrical Hall Merchant Road, Kampong Malaoca. Grand aoanerie*. Excellent ringing and Expert artutaa. Miss D. G., Saraswati—Prima donna Mr.
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    • 661 5 Latest Advertisements. To-Night J To-Night!! THE PARSEE EMPIRE THEATRICAL Co. OF BOMBAY A High Class Parse* Institution (For a short season only) AT THE CHINESE THEATRICAL HALL Victoria Street, Singapore WILL ENACT A LAD IN Or the Wonderful Lamp. Grand Sceneries and costumes, Melodious singing, Ideal acting and mirth ma
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    • 242 5 NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the Trade Mark consiating of the emblem of tbe rising eun and the words "Rising Son" as shewn above are the joint property of Til Asiatic PstrtHun Oomisny (Straits Settiemtati) Limited ■ad Tie Asiatic Petrol-urn Company vFederated Malay Hates; limited both incorporated io England
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  • 1271 6 Federal Council D scussiou. Wo gave in onr leading article, yesterday, a general idea ol the discussion at the Fade rati Council concerning the Registration of Servar'c Bill, whioh was nltimately rejected. We give below the full report, whioh pressure on our Bpaca has hitherto prevented us reproducing
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  • 241 6 The Committee acknowledge with thanks the following subscriptions to thb Fund Pr< viously aoknow lodged $247,616.0* Collecxl at General Post Oifice u*r F M BaddeVaj 60.35 Contribated by General Hospital Staff J Barriaon, C J Smith ISO each 1100 H R A Day, T W B
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  • 155 6 Previously acknowledged £2,620,50 Mrs Still 15 Sarawak anonymous, per Mrs Dexter Allen 10 Mrs Kirn Neo do 5 S 25 Mrs Handy, per Mrs D xter Allen 5 "A poor Chinese" per Tan Em? Hin 5 Ooileatod by Lin Locke: W#« Gtto Tw m
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  • 840 6 Prices Qockd in the Market this sJorniaf. HINQAP<;KB De«. 10. M>3Mia La/all and Bratt, Bxclmnge m:A Bbara Br jk»n», iaaue we tallowing liat at qaotatinra Kaober Shares. Sol Valm*. 8~, ra, Ballan*. H- AUagai 8;- 8/3 Anglo Java 6/- 7/- ->- Anglo-Malay 12,'- 16/--t Ayer Knning 40/-
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  • 64 6 Singapore, D c. 10. On London— Bank 4 m/ 8 2/t 15/32 Demand 2/4 7/32 Private 3 m/a 2/4 23/32 On Indiit— Bank T. T. 153* On Hongkong— Bank d/d *4|', prem. Oa Shanghai— Bank d/d 44% prem. On Java— Bank T. T, 132^ On Japan— Bank d/d 105
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  • 129 6 November Crop Returns. Barker Co. Ltd-, Agents. Alma 32,500 Atbara 10,435 Ayer Tawah 24,300 Batang Benar 21,725 Bata Anam 20,431 Bata Village 1,792 Bata Lintaug 6,186 Bintan 2,560 Bute 16,027 Bakit Toh Alang 11,500 Cheng 16,578 Chemor United 19,131 Clnny 14,422^ Dominion, 31,006 Jeram K a an tan
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  • 155 6 To-day. P. Diafana *AUotafofd 2.30 pm Batu Pahat Mena 230 pm A'.lkoctua Muar Lady Wo.ld 3 pm Rhi'i Kmely I pro Krrimnu Loe 3 pro I'ulau BMfl *Bcnuit 3 pro Fulau Batam and I'uiau Bulang H<>ck Keng 3 pm KataTtaggi *Amg Hong I pro KataVaggji *Merauti 4 pm
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  • 549 6 Tracing the Feet. By 2nd Lt J R. Morton) There are few things in the personal equipment v: a more important than hie boota. It a man is physically he becomes accustomed very quickly to inarching long distances on all kinds of ground. There is only one ihiog that
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  • 31 6 Ships in communication w tn Comm6icial Wireless Statiou An morning :—s. s. Tauiba Maru Barentsz, R?ggeveen, Rumphiut M. S. Selene. Mayacb; Maru, Germei Maru, Yeituka Maru. Wakasa Maru. Earaakor. Maru,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 89 6 V RUSE'S FLUID Magnesia THE IDEAL PICK-ME-UP ON Sale Everywhere. ocu THE HEALING BALSAM An Invaluable Remedy for Skin Troubles. Gives Immediate Belief from Irritation of Mosquito Bites. KILLS PIMPLES. Heals cubs and b-uises, and quells all vexatious eruptions of tbe skiu. Obtainable from ail Chemists and Messrs Robinson CoSold
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    • 301 6 Train Services. Singapore (Tank Road) Dally. The mail rains from Singapore lot tho north leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m. (Sunday excepted) and 7 p.m. arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 7.18 v.a*. and 6.45 a.m. r -epectively. The through express to Penang leaves Kuala Lumpur at 8 a.m.
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    • 134 6 SKIRIN T YAMATO Co. Singapore. BEER m mmmmM i m m m —a——an—»lll 1 1 «-kli»xm- tTLZOMnr'»* ina^ The Victory Road DO YOU KNOW THAT for Chronic Dy6enterv and Diarrhoea JONOKEENA-BRAND (Registered in London Batavia) is a sure and instantaneous CURE This preparation ha» been stronger, tasteful to the palate
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  • 451 7 Story cf a True Lover. Here ig a little lcve passage from Mr. H. G. Wells* new story, Joan and Peter," (Cassell and Co., 9§. ne!). Wilmington came to see Joan on his last leave before he was killed. and they had their last dinner at the
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  • 36 7 Drill Programme for December. Friday 13. Parade at Sepoy Lines, 5,15 p.m. Monday 16 Parade at Sepoy Lines, 5.15 p.m. Friday 20, Parade at S*poy Lines, 5.15 p m. Andrew Aonew Officer Commanding.
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  • 45 7 Orders for week ending Saturday, Dec. 14. Tuesday, Dec. 10, —Signalling Classes, Y M C A ground, 5.15 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 12.—Bugle Band practice, Malay Volunteer Club, 5.15 p.m. Saturday.—Special Orders for "Our Day will be issued later. Frank C. Sands Commissioner.
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  • 766 7 The Kaiser, Crown Prince and Yon Bernhardt. Here is Mr Punch's lively account of a conversation between the Qermnn Kaiser, his First Born, and General yon Bornhardi The Kaiser. Things are looking blacker and blacker. It is most extraordinary that it should bo so, but so it is.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 629 7 SINKS CHA*T£3Ei! BANK OF iftOIA, AUSTRALIA AKO GKINA. IWOOHP>H 'T.i'l» FN ENGLAND BY SOYAL CHAPTER. p»;d up o*pit»' in iQtQQO Shares o? 00 oni £1,200,000 Raserva Fund £2,000,000 Ra««rve Ldaidlity of Proprietors £1,200,C0C BANKERS. Tke Bank ot Th* London Cit- and MMfaßßd Bank, Ltd, Th* Loiidon i.Vmaty wi*: Bank, Ltd.,
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    • 591 7 NOTICES NOTICE. The undersigned is prepared to accept contract for the supply ol Bakao firewood, Bakau piles, coral, bricks, roofiDg tiles, lime whitewash and lime for mortar. For particulars write to Teoh Tiang Chye, Riverside, Malacca. 11 9 10 12 Government Notification. Notice is hereby given that all outstanding bills
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    • 471 7 JWSURAHCE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO LTD. Incorporated in New Zealand. FIRE Insurances effected on Buildings. Rent and Merchandise of every description. MARINE Insurances accepted to all parts of the world at lowest rates. WAR RISK accepted to all parts. J. HENRY Manager, Offices 2, Finlayson Greon. The Eastern Unfted Assurance
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    • 478 7 Straight to the Mark. It fioes Where the Pain Is—Inl Stops It. A man or woman who has never Buffered the excruciating agonies of Sciatica cannot realise the full intensity of pain. Anrl a man or woman who has 6ver suffered Sciatica can never forget it. To such sufferers Little's
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    • 92 7 APPENDICITIS, dysentery and other stomach troubles can be avoided by maintaining regular action of the bowels. Laxatives which upset tbe stomach and irrita-e the delicate membranes of tbe bowels merely make matters worse and should be avoided. What it wanted is a gentle laxative, thorough iv its action, and at
      92 words
    • 795 7 I The Difference in this Baby if from the usual bottle-fed baby is his firm flesh, Str bone aIKI ha PP>' intelligent expression #55 and joy to EE S tabic*. Glaxo contains only those thjngi which build up firm fleah 55 and stror.g bone, muscle and brain. It builds strong,
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    • 25 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. issued Dally .J SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. issued Dally. Vol. V.- No. 290 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1918 PRICE 5 CENTS
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    • 270 1 Singapore, D*c. 5. Robber. To London, from Singapore, P.'i)<m?, Port S wettest bean or Malacca, 236 s. 6J. ptr toj ot" 50 cnbic feet. To Liverpool, from Singapore. Penang, Port Bwettenham or Malacca, 2375. 61. per ton of 50 cubic feet. To London, from Port Dickson, Telnk Anson,
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    • 164 1 Novembers. P cvi >uBly acknowleclg^d $48,62.{.. )9 Sinfra] <re Club 5,000 GoUeatiof] otj TosMtaaoaa Mam" between Durban ar.d Singapore Mre Loog, Nov. and Dec. 10 McCnllagb S Pail»ury 3 Payne 3 W :ek<-l 10 Polglata, Oct. and Nov. 5 Toft a TJ B W-arne, Nov
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    • 134 1 Table for December Date. Time of Hi|<!i Water. 10 8 45 9 26 11 9 38 10 19 12 10 38 11 21 13 11 48 Nil. 14 0 37 1 18 15 1 49 2 14 16 2 55 3 16 17 3 53 4 10
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    • 53 1 Turatlay, D?c. 10 -High Water —2.43 a.m. Sfi. 3ins. 2 12 p.m 9ft. lin. Wednesday Dec. 11. —Moon in Kqnator 9h M. First Quarter 9h 31m: M., High Water :—3.34 a.m. Bft 2ins. 3 23 p.m Bft. sins. ThursJay, Deo. 12—High Water —4.30 a m Bit 2ins.
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 529 1 THE MALAYA TRIBUNE I am SHIPPING GAZETTE. sJ Phone No. I*7l. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. 1 Per annum SI4-00 I Half-yearly 7.25 I Per quarter I *.JJ I Per mensem S 1 Postage Extra 50 C'S per month. f f .*0.BRIT!S!f 1NOIA I >.PCAR LIKE (Co*rAHii8 lK €HroiA sn
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      • 36 1 MNtaAPfJftfc ™j SH!PCHMDLEi?YG& SUPCHANBL£I& PMVIIttLK COMTIACTORS. Che Company's Lainch meets Incoming ships. aoe —is Battery Road. TAJLE LIFT TO TOP FLOOR Telephone No. 433. Orders promptly a ended to n. W. H. STEVENS Manager. 5-1 o
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      • 397 1 TOYO RISEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) For San Francisco Direct (Ca!'.iug at a port in Japan for Coal) The steamship Maru 5,831 tons Gross Register, will be despatched from Singapore early Fehruarr 19)9. For freight and fud particulars ■ffly to Me Mister Co Ltd Agents [oc r p jratc liv
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      • 304 1 Phone No. 1925. O.S.K. The Osaka Mercantile S. S. Co., Ltd. (Ii oorporated in Japan.) No. 2De Souza Street Proposed Sailings from Singapore. fsul>je<:t to chang» without notice) For EUROPE via Suez. Gauges Mara for Ma-seilles, about Dec 27. Altai Ifani for London, early Jan. Nanking Maru for Marseilles, early
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      • 462 1 ['THE MALAYA TRIBUNE t AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. The Popular Newspaper of tke ;> r atf(i Settlements. I PUBLISHED DAILY 1 Complete Reportf of Local Strata. 5 I Condensed News from F.M.S.. J ar& I China, India, Ceylon and Japan' Fall and Latest War News, NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan)
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