Malaya Tribune, 24 August 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 336 1 Tay Guan Kiat Director, GUAN KJ AT ,f Co., Ltd. 1 36. Phillip Street, Singapore. FIR E WOOD supplier to the Governruent and Singapore' Municipality I also to I Hotels, Steam-launches, etc. i Phone Nos. 1361, 1362 and 1363. I RBSIOKXCES: 87, Tank Road, No. 1«0; I Sunnyside. (.taylang, No.
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    • 306 1 Straits Jiotel TANJONG PAGAR ROAD. The only Hotel under StraitsChinese management. Telegraphic Address P RAN ARAN. G.C. LEE 1 158, Prinsep Street. PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER. Qood and well selected Masic Violin Piano, etc. Qood Strings for Stringed Instruments. WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. TERMS MODERATE. A QOOD PHOTOGRAPH MEANS Your Very likeness,
      306 words
    • 40 1 RRRRRRI mWmfM I mWBMMBMmWMmWmmmWmWMmW^ Ross's Famous Bottlings! f 'TRADE MARK j Supplies 'Monthl^ Pyre Pilsener Guinness British and best. Insist on being served with OOSS'S jIU. Ross Brothers' I LIMITED. I BOTTLERS I London and Leith. j SPE <> v -*tiWies«*A^^
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    • 150 1 Estate Supplies Acetic (99&98-U Acid Veneer Chests Moml Chests K A Latex Cups ETC. Mitsui ZBussan Kaisfya, Jbtd. (Incorporated in Japan 3 Milt BROS. TOBACCO CO. 38 Robbuoi Ruad, Singapore. Branches at IPOB, KUALA LUMPCH ft PENANO. Chinese Cigarettes. (Mia of the (fgfllg^ above 4 choohave L tl aoovc tnop
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    • 206 1 Fl REWO OD q The necessity in every household 4 can be had from Tay Guan Kiat BThe8 The supplier to the Government and Singapore Municipality also Hotels and Steam-launches, etc. 'Phone Nos. 1361, 1362 and 1363. RKBIDE C E 8 87, Tank Koad, No. 1460; Sunnyside, Gaylang, No. 1073.
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  • 995 2 Nature ta Sight of the Line. Large woods form in the north of France a preserve of the wild life, which to English eyes is deficient in tho fields and villages. Here are the birds and flowers which recall oar country side with its sheltering hedges, and
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  • 701 2 An Embargo Averted. By the Inst mail to hand from the United State», particulars have been receiv* d of the attempt on the part of the Amoricp.n Newspan-r Pub lisher*' Association to the War Trade Board to place an embargo on the export of newsprint paper/ such as
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 453 2 Jwarantak Pills. An infallible remedy for all kin is of ague or fever, whether quotidian, alternate, tertian or quartan or remittent or intermittent. A nniqne feature of these pilU is that th"y may be taken in tbe absence of fever as well as while fever is on. Two pills twice
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    • 84 2 A r»c.-' Fr*-. All el»n« Pr«i«idlt I -11 r„ks Money t >»- i i 'i*n*l' HEAD f*Ti/-v Govantry Flyerm s X jTZir'A FIFTEEN YEARS. L'-'i /4$ '\l P"** T»rt». BroU» j/jj» jSTi if, Sad >.«. rtr. v.uij I.: Woria. St*«ord.^ lCCtlTC r.tfil ma. h t [I'll*'.'. ,1 Pjtlllb. << ri*«
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    • 402 2 Our blood is composed of red and white corpuscles the red to nourish the body, the white to fight disease. In Anrcmia—or bloodk-ssness— the red corpuscles are more or l«\ss deficient. Thus the blood cannot provide sufficient nourishment lor the body. Therefore the face becomes white and pasty the eyes
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    • 379 2 AUCTION SALES. (By Order of the Custodian of Enemy Property. "TEOTONIA CLUB" FOR SUE On Tuesday, September fO f at a. 3a m m Messrs Powell Co, Ltd., will offer at Public Auction at their Auction Rooms, Nos 16 17 Raffles Place That Beautifully Situated, Picturesque Building togethsr with the
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  • 270 3 Riampofi Aogwl 24. Ilcean Lathain Co., th* Arci I, ad vis l thr> following qu tion^ l I S2 80 f3 03 S mfnvi 000 !.15 t 150 200 .s i PtaM 7.00 7.75 falgjwn'e 4 00 4 50 j%m *&tfmag 0.-10 f .55 ptkM Haiti 0.68
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  • 271 3 •cor Aug. ;<u and Joaoral i ra« Baateeai don**, —Weak. Barmen done. r r Basiu«*s done. ;?er. —No business. —Stei No nuain cjb, Pro I v^uiet. irftfl 9tiMbt. *'i fl 110 3. i w pi v.! 990.60 55.00 Jcpra Bali 8.30 opra toroag [Me 8.60 c 8.60Sopra 2*70*8
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 268 3 The Ail-Absorbln,; %plc' Among Showgoers ~5 The Mystery Serial Supreme THE HIDDEN HMD In 15 Episodes or 30 Parts Featuring Doris Kenyon Sheldon Lewis, Arline Pretty and Mahlon Hamilton AT THE MARLBOROUGH! The Hal! for Comfort, Qoo 1 Music and Good Pictures. Beach Road. Get Nearer the Solution as to
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    • 153 3 THE PRICE OF PAIN-SCIATICA. No one wants pain—still we pay for it heavily in lost health —lost energy —lost ambition —often absolute financial ruin. Why pay this awful price f Why suffer the terrible twitching tortures of Sciatica when everlasting relief is so near at hand Perfect health, absolute freedom
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    • 775 3 m I From Tuesday, August 20, until Sunday, August 25 j Alhsnnb-a Is > A Great ActTesa in a Great P'«"re Alhambra u.e Th.'.rra *n Kimball Traoe in one of her 6re,:est Productions h t£2!r where you I THE with an get the BEST ML HH% A ex! *uislte tea
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    • 375 3 A Bluebird A Metro A Butterfly .T THE POPULAR PHOTO-PLAY HOUSE EMPBRE Tanjoug Pagar Road. Ti*m? Pa*s the Doer, jj To nJghll SECOND SHOW 9.20 To-night! Three First Class Features. Fifteen Massive Reels. Wm. Hart in the Cold Deck A Metro Production. Never has Bill Hart, the tiue representative of
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  • 1366 4 The r port ol the Commission n.te] I > enqTuM Into the caus--of tho present homing diflicikieg -an-a :a■: at p.; n sting reeding. From a preliminary perusal it ie evident that fh« work of the Commission has been thorough, and .hou. h there many points
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  • 233 4 Ch«--?e<| with house-br- »king and theft o: |45 in notes and coppers In aeh. at r he fifth- ail Bnkit Timah li i, a Cantones", name t Loo Mok appeared before Mr Carter in tue District Court j esie; day afternoon, at the inßtanc-; of Inspector Dyas. Evidence
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  • 139 4 Lady Tudor has b-en asked to form a c -mmittee in Singapore for providing warm clothing for the Britieti troopaia Vladivoatook. Mrs Ri lout has Constated to t»e vice president and M--8 Fisher hon tn. isurer, The patronage of the La 'y E\ei\n Tonng is
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  • 63 4 Arrivals. Ang. 23. Van d.-r P.ira Dnich Van Pouaanak R*} ioi Sarawak Ang 24. Oiat g Ann British Kaka Perak Krian Biai Dutch Fnknshu Mara Japan Valaya Siam ClearancesAng. 23. Kampar British Lady W«ld M-lehior Trenb Dutch Etnile Khoan Foeng Mahidol Siam mm*. 24. R«neo British Koala
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  • 46 4 Ta-fiajr. St. Bartholomew, Kelemak Rubber Co, noon. Eastern Gat.- Emergent, 0 p>ri. To morrow. 13<h Sunday after Trinity. "Address to ll**n",V Taea'cre, 9 pm. MondayStraits II S Guild matting, 7 pm. Tharstlay. Moon Last Quarter. S C C annual meeting, 5, lb o.m,
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  • 378 4 TiDia quoted at $165 :Si a. ■aid. t0B London. 2u ■toady.-- Jfc Kfen er 13 kabw i> "q~ 4 crone and 2/01 f >r t-., CoSg. Vlaj F JUrketa ted to be ii con I li rat in ikJSI pore Voiont'-er Coras. wn B*Mr. L. Borden Cr-unaTa
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  • 95 4 For thef. oi $47 j from th pewot of Goh loon Cnow at TanjoM Page* Roan, another Chines'-, name! Teng Bong, was s-sKae*! to 3 months' r:goioas i:iipr!s>ua:ent it the Tahd Court :hi« awnm* About 9 this m rniog, sfcei P C >*o 4 wu daty near Covar-agh
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  • 88 4 We are asked to raj that m Bishop oi Caicuu i wing to illness will not be sble to apeak at tM nieoting for men on Sanda" *t p. m. to bs b Id in tbe Victors Theatre. Th a meeting irili bakiM however, aud will be
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  • 73 4 1 4<jl^ JSiuemy in toll Betrnat Shipping Lessee j Russia!! I ems J The Position Ov»r Grsroiany Woodland in France Paper Shortage Local Share. Market J Straits Produce j Aichttects in Singapore Local nd General J Correspondence Sporting Intelligence Church Scoiosa Share Market Mail Nation Couiiterf. it Soles
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 208 4 mtmwmwmMMWmwMWmtMWmmWmWKM WtMmmwMMMWm^tmw^m^mw ROBINSON Co. 1 Lockstitch j Hand Sewing Machine Made of best material obtainable. Latest type Vibrating Shuttle Machine. A thoroughly reliable and up-to-date sewing machine made specially for hard work. Its mechanism ia of the simplest, and its sewing quali- I ties unrivalled. Complete with handsome walnut cover
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    • 319 4 mpw i■■ m mwmmmm i wmnmi r~i— i mm GUAN KIAT AND Co., Ltd. (Incorporate-] in the Strait* Settlements) Head Offioc: 36, Phillip Street, Singapore. Shipchandlers, Hardware Dealers, Government and Municipal Contractors, General Importers and Exporters, Estate, Rice and Saw Mill Suppliers and Commission Agents. or v/ i *~m Tel.
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    • 50 4 Bols DRY Cin. j Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. Wioe and Spirit Merchants. KIAM KIAT 6l Co. Market Street NEW ARRIVALS: Hydraulic Pump Leather Babbitt's Metal Flexible Steel Wire Rope Mining Steel Wire Rope Brass Metal Rods Mining Changkols. Sole Agents for The Mulcott Belting Co Ltd I Incorporate J in England).
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  • 1738 5 Allied Pressure Unrelaxing. Important Positions Recaptured. REUJSa'B SPECIAL SERVICE, I Mwoa Aug 22, 1.35 p.m. Field Marshal Sir Dangles Haig ■tat**: Wo attacks I tie enomy'rt positions between tha Souanae and I aaere, By nightfall on Wednesday oar patroll had] progressed on left bank of tha
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  • 199 5 Good Bombing Work. London, Aug 23, 2.25 a.m. The Air Ministry states Despite the enemy's determined protective efforts, consisting of large numbers of aaroplanes and inoreaaing numbers of anti-aircraft gnns.we heavily attacked five important German towns and five aerodromes. We attacked Frankfort and Cologne ou tbe night of
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  • 136 5 London, Ang 22 11.0 p.m. Interviewed by Renter, Mr MaBsey, Premier of N nv Zealand, replying to Herr Solf's demand that Germany's colonial poesHssiocs should correspond to the measure of protfction the Germans had accorded so the coloured races, said that he had no personal knowledge of Africa,"bat
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  • 80 5 London, Aug. 23, 6.50 a.m. Washington President Wilson has transmitted to Congress a joint resolntion authorising the admiision of war refugees into the United States. The resolution proposes waiving the immigration laws in their case, until six months after the war. It is particularly designed to admit 1,800
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  • 779 5 A Week's Review. f<ondoo, Ang, 22, 6.20 p.m. Ihe [atenanay Intereoting baath position comiunea one of th« <yea! topics. Event! v moving «s > fas that it is difficult 10 keep pace with 'hem, I at i Mm nary r( th--* week'f bappi ♦-.»ugs may ha us ful.
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  • 18 5 London, Aug. 22, 9.0 p.m. The tram and bus strikers will be resuming work to-morrow.
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  • 23 5 London, Aug. 23. 6.50 a.m. Ottawa Qiebec bridge hue pased tbn most snver« tents. Government will laki it over s&ortly.
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  • 227 5 Official Figures. London, Aug. 22, noon. The Preas Bureau atateß The following were the Jnly mercantile tonnage losses (all gross tons) British 176,479, Allied and neutral 136,532—t0tal 313,011. Compared with the adjusted June, iossef, la*M flgorta show a Bridsh Innroaai of 10 965 and an Aided and neutral
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  • 68 5 London, Aug. 12, 11.0 p.m. Amaterterdam The Weser Zeitang learnß from Archangel that PetapofT. Commander in Chief of the R-d Army in the Marman region, war oaaght by peasants when fl log and w.s given np to the British. London, Aag. 23. 12 a.m. Ai.iaterdarn According to a
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  • 32 5 London, Aug. 23, 7.35 a.m. Tb« Ulater Uniouiat Counoil has ■eni a inanifeato to President Wilaon d aoaneing the Dublin antt*eoneeiiption manifesto *as a Ht?in on Ireland's L">od nam-.
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  • 373 5 In the District Court, Penang, ..n WV.ii.. slay, before Mr. O A Hereford, a clerk named See rlo Gam, in the employ of Mr. E l{ Hendeißon, was charged Wi th criminal breach of tragi in respect of a sum 0(91,347 53. Accused pbaded guilty. Court
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  • 70 5 Judgment was delivered by the Mixed Court, Shanghai, on July 3 lab in the case in which Otto Selka, formerly editor of The War, and Roehr, were charged in connection with the attempts alleged to have been made by them m reach Germany by meane of forged paajpoall. They
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  • 11 5 1*r* 4* not MMMarfiy nwfer* r |JU wprwewi fry wfrwiMlMti.)
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  • 1026 5 r» I hi I*«Of the Malaya rybwn,. Sir,—Toe decision of Government not to permit the Bacrti i i lation of the law by the holding of a publio lottery moat have been received with great satisfaction and relief by all thinking men and women in the Colony
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  • 169 5 tk* mmtmr ikĕ Kitoyi TrOwe. Sir, —With reference to a letter appearing in yesterday's issue of your valuable paper, tigned A Chinese Christian," I am etronglj «gainst hia views re War Lotteries. Let him understand that necessity haa no law. Mauy a particular role has its own exceptions.
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  • 534 5 r» fJ* Editor of the Jfaiaya Tribm*. Dear Sir. A. viry large Dun.K.r of men out here, or now ''somewhere at the Front," are interested in theGovernment scheme for inonrine men and their dependents agaii si penury after the war. Planters e-speoially have suffered in the uncertainty
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  • 41 5 Japanese Function. Under the auspices of the Nanyo Sh'inhnr. interesting «ocrta are to be held on the Raffles Institution «rc-oniis next Saturday A ue 31, from 2 to 6 p.m. in honour of the birthday of the Emperor of Japan.
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  • 183 5 The second day's results were Race I.— Golden Rock 1 Higßgai« 2. Only two starters $17, Won by short head in 1.04 1 5 b> a<^. 2 -T K ?it T,D Wi 1 Charlea a. 2 Tim 3 $16, 8 and 8. Won by two lengths—and two lengths
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  • 72 5 To morrow, Aafast 25. Johnston's p,er, 9 iq arj ,j a.m., 2.30 and 3.30 p.m, Clnb Bungalow, 9.30,10.30 and 12.15 a.m. 3 and 5.30 pm, High Tide 12.19 p.m. Height 9it. <in. The Olao diving competition will be held after the arrival of the 10.30 a.m. lanuch.
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  • 326 5 Planters' Exciting Experience. A large tiger which had become notorious in the Bernam District of Lower Perak, by its frequent attacks tu ca "le and other animal*, and which was looked upon bi the Malays of the district as a krauiat or sacred animal, experiened i- 8 last
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 91 5 ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. Reo Car (1917 model), 5 seater. Been in use 10 months- Excellent condition- Electric lights and self-starter. Price 3>J,6oO. Apply Box No. 160, c/o Malaya Tribune. 24 8 30 8 Secure Your Seats Early To-night. AT THE STAB OPERA At the Theatre gogai North Bridge Road By
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  • 521 6 Police Maul at Kajang. Some ten davs ago a Chinese tailor of Kajang went to the booking office at the Railway Station, Kajang, ami tendered several ten-cent notes for a 'icket to Kuala I.uinpur, says the jlalay Mail. The bookiug clerk, noti i ing that the notes were
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  • 702 6 Prices Quotes in tat Market tkis flhrniig MMQAPoaa, Ai ii, 34. Meoars Lya.! and Evatt, Exruange tad Share Broken, ttsue tbe following lift of q i •itmns Kobber Shares. Nob Vfc tm liv srt. en. V- A i kf- 3,3 >/- Anrfi'i JuTa 61- 7/— 1,- Ami'-*
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  • 420 6 Messrs Fraser Co'i Circular. Singapore, Aug SI, The haa been an absolutely I •M|«a| th* atoa ly drop in tb* price of Tin having a s '-in caused I ma imiiailnnai In th i Mioing m Bttoa. Rnbber ehan s were more freely offered OTer th>* pas' low
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  • 329 6 Messrs Macphail Co's Report. 15th 2lat August, 1918, The past week h: j s witnessed a c msiderable h t-back in aev-»ral aharee, probably owing *o tbe coatraciion of monetary facilities iv oertafn quarters. RUBBBB.— Iwdttoo results 14th to 15.h Au»j ((Juthri-Va R-^uort). Total offered ton*? 1.105, total ■old 184,
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  • 330 6 Ao Agricultural Exhibition. The Agrioultaral Show of Foodstutls held in Klang on August 10th attracted no leas than 1,477 exhibits, including 575 from Koala Sdlangor (ten mukims), 521 from Klang (thre* mukima) and 3SI from Kuaia Langat (twelve mukima). The exhibits were made np aa follows Beotion A
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  • 61 6 Singapore, Ang. 24. '<• h'3 tup i E »X 2/4 3/16 i» I S/3 15/16 2/4 15/32 *a H t IJB taUfc rift 44 t> fat Baa R t, 3 107J *»v J -a »f< 8i- rcj^tji—t.-ay-Dp aaac a\S.'4 [a I U*«U BUli !*b. laatM 1(5 29/32 tf. v
    61 words
  • 52 6 ftllwt I .He following re tha late> i lei feor* froii tVinj re al I Lai -elm j LetYfoa Mail G May J I i: Mail E June 0 A J Mail A June I A.;. J Mail B June 11 **> Mail C June 14 10 Mail
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 98 6 J THE FAMOUS j Cod-Liver-Oil FOR s 1 v HYPOL i 0 i 8 7 H L x L I *J T S V AND ALL CHEST COMPLAINTS AND WASTING DISEASES. For Asthma and Bronchitis MEDICAL MEN RECOMMEND Asthbro. It aids the secretion of mucous, i quickly cures bronchial affections,
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    • 86 6 The particular man demands a particular cigarette "State Express" are t made for just such men —men of discrimination who require the best. II ral) No 555 PbR tin of so $1.15. 7 > Packed in patent vacuum tins. I/^|ffSpptep i Sole Manufacturers.: :< rSfe/ ARDATII T< >BACCO CO- LTD
      86 words
    • 899 6 C i _j j I j mmmmmmmammmmmßJMJimmmmmmMm^mmMmmt^mmman^ lmmmm^^ a In these days of Shortage are you wanting _i m~~ 'Phone or write to TL j YAMATO Co., 41, High Street, Mngaporc g a Ti j Church Services. s. asdrew.s cathedral, Singapore. 15th sunday alter tuisitt. ■2Kb. kmgm t, l»i«. 7
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 93 6 Singapore Volunteer Corps. Orders fo- th- week ending Saturday, Au<j. 24 To-Day. 2.30 pm Drill Hall SHE (v) (Compulsory) 3.15 mile Thompson Ri., Alaxim Co SRV attd, (Compulsory; 2.30 Transport from Driil Hall Maxim Co SVR attached (Compulsory 5.30 L> Utilise Chinees Gate*.v<ty Thompson Roui SVR a ad A V
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    • 219 6 Malls Close. Today. Bata Pahat Sri W u ngse» 13 Batu Pahat Ban L' Ouan 2.- Malacca, Port Swettenham and Penang *Kn.ta 2Ju Soonbaja. liandjenraFsia, Stag«n. K')ta Kanic, Ualik Papan. Samarintia, etc. S P. Samli'i .v Pontianak Singapire 3 a Polan S-xrgi •B.-nuit 3 3 Bangkok Liangchiw Batavu». S>urabaya. Macassar,
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  • 984 7 Choice for the Hyphenated.'' Tn a little country town in Pennsylvania a small boy jumped on to th* train and offered the evening pipers They were freely bought and tw.i nu n Bitting together made z £u:turai noise 3 pntv headlines announcing a German «d>-aj ce. It
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  • 25 7 Association Orders will not be issu. d until -leptHtnb-r Gth. Individual Troop Orders will be issued by Scoutmasters. Frank C. Sands CommtHsioner.
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  • 23 7 Programme For August. Monday 2t> Pearls Hill, 5.15. p.m. Friday 30 L;ue«, 5.15 p.m Anurkw AGNKW Otlioer Commanding Civil Gaard.
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  • 1200 7 Can We Forgive Them Many misguided persons have toM ns lately that we most forgive onr enemies, says "An Englishman" in the Daily Mail. A sentimental professor has pleaded for a kindly thought of th" Germans on the ground that we do not what Rood deeds they have
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 612 7 graces NOTICE. Tenders are invited for the right to cut Bakau over an area of about ffteen acres near Telok Paku. Access by tea or Changi River. Bakau must g cut by the roots. Apply Bakau, Box No 155, c/o Malay* Tribune JS 8 m v Government of Johore PUBLIC
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    • 643 7 BANKS SKARTtfiEu BANK OF Ih JIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. .'NWUPOHATDD Of ENGLAND BT ROYAL ca.VRTBS. P *ji»f Capital ia 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 gonara Funa £2,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor £1400.000 BANKERS Che iianr of ibtfaad, Vaa London Sty and Midland Bank, LM, rh„ County and Vaatm&fitai Jens,
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    • 448 7 THE Malaya Tribune AND SHIPPING MZETTE. (Evening Dsaiiy.) 'Phone No. 171, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Per annum $14.00 Half-yearly 7.25 Per quarter 3.75 Per mensem 1,25 Single Copy 5 CtS. Postage Extra 50 CtS. per month. All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to The
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    • 142 7 Strong people escape many minor ills that make lif miserable for others. Don't envy your friend who never I as a headache, whose digestion is perfect him c»n alaep ■pdisfrbed, but nosy and improve your own phj aical ooayihi m by keeping your b ood up to par. l)r. Williams'
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    • 28 7 FOR SALE. Fjick 5-seater Motor Car, newly painted, in excellent condition and running order. For inspection, trial, etc., apply to Central Motors Limited, 172-176 Orchard Road. 23 4
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    • 310 7 THE ORIENTAL j Government Security Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Established 1874. Incorporated in India. I FUNDS exceed $32,571,428 00 Absolute Security. J Income In 1917 -$4,587,500.00 Total Out-go In 1917 $2,732,070.00 I Assurance effected in 1917 $4,790,128.00 Increase In Funds -$1,855,4)0.00 1 Total Policies in force 67,122 assuring with Bonus
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    • 24 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Oally.J SUPPLEMENT TO TNE MALAYA TRIBUNE. issued Dalb. VoL V.- No. 199 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1918 PRICE 5 CENTS.
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    • 1066 1 The report of tbe Bangkok Harbour Department for B E 2459 is bulky with tables giving tbe statistic cal details of tbe work of tbe Department. Some of the points and figures may be noted. Reference is made to tbe number of firea and accidents that occurred
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    • 159 1 Alphabetical list of Infeoted (signal X G Q) aud Suspected (signal F P B) ports Signal nece»tary in adPort notified. dm n t.. Qaanathta flag. lliiuJif X<i Q r Baagh k F I'll P M Ba F P B Plague Beta i A Taaii Dj Pri a X <;
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    • 32 1 Saturday, Aug. 14, —Moon in Perigee 4h 48m M. High Water 11.40 a.m. 9ft. sins. ;11 48 p.m 10ft. 7in. Sunday, Ang. 25.-- High Water 0.9 a.m. 9ft. 7ins.
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 328 1 THE MALAYA TRIBUNE AND SHIPPING GAZETTE!. t }>m •Phone No. 171. SUBSCBJPTION RATES. s Payable in Advance. Per annum $I^.oo Half-yearly 7.25 Per quarter of Per mensem S 1.25 Postage Extra 50 CtS. per month. P.&O.British India AND APCAR LINE (COMFA3IKS INCORPORATBD IH ENGLAND.) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and
        328 words
      • 58 1 *?ANC LIKE OF STEAMERS. I ft, Oi«Bor> t,7.*0 Tost. M. "Hwm U*»" 3,738 Ten. Ml Smbs Ohuon" 6 776 Tost. The above steamers are now nnder servioe to the Imperial Government. GIONG HOE ft Co. Aponrt SINGAPORE SHIPCHANOLERYCa. COMT?ACTOK, a'qo Coa j n jpiinch TAi it un rop vloob 7«w)pboM
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      • 470 1 STRAITS STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE BANGKOK. A flret-olaas pasnenger steamer wtd leave Singapore, every week tor Bangkok. "KUALA" Saturday, August 24, at 12 noon. For Particalara as to Freight, Passage, etc. Apply to St. Helen's Oon-t. Straits Steamship Company, Ltd. laTaanao to Bai* Pboh Sihqapobb -ro Monday 2.30 p.m. Krian
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      • 73 1 BAN LEE ANN LTD-, (Inooirporated in Singapore.) Registered Office 5b and 59 Market Street. Intended Sailings, M Meran For 13atu T'aiat Every 3 other day*. Soon Hong Far Cucob, Pontian, Kechil and Ben iit. ''.very alternate day. "Hook Lim" F or P. Batam, Bulang and Bin tan. eve ry alternate
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      • 627 1 I THE MALAYA Si AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. The Popular Newspaper o/ >~. s !raih Settlement*. rr PUBLISHED DAILY. Complete Reports of Local Ev ntl Condensed News from F.M.fc., j ava China, India, Ceylon and Japan! Full and Latest War News NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (INOORPORAIED LX JAPAN, JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Ce.
        627 words