Malaya Tribune, 3 August 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 416 1 Tay Guan Kiat 1 Managing Director, GL'AN KIAT Co., Ltd. b 36. Phillip Street, Singapore. FIR E WQOD supplier to the Government and Singapore Municipality also TO Hotels, Steam-launches, etc 4 Phone Nos '361, 1362 and 1363. JR. RESIDENCES 87. Tank R ad, No. JN Sannyside, Gaylang, No. 1073. j2
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    • 278 1 Straits Jiotel TAN JONG PAGAR ROAD. The only Hotel under StraitsChinese management. Telegraphio Addreas PRANAKAN." 1 I HAVE YOU INFLUENZA Try our Powders. Address: Sincere Dispensary Ltd. 231, Sooth Bridge Road. i < X GOOD PHOTOGRAPH MEANS Your Very Likeness, Style and Hood. a PRODUCTION FROM Lee Brothers' Studic Hill
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    • 42 1 I Ross's Famous Bottlings "TRADE MARK f I Fresh Supplies Monthly A I Pure Pilsene I Guinness vatives 1 scnp j tion. Il^^g British and best. Insist on being served with ROSS'S U. Ross Brothers: LIMITED. BOTTLERS London arid Leith. i *^^rr.>aiimiao«o«(P«BMOOO*BS
      42 words
    • 561 1 IIF IREWOOD I The necessity in every household 8 can be had from Tay Guan Kiat j The supplier to the Uove>ninent v and Mngapore Municipality also M Hotels and Steam-launches, etc. 'Phone No*. 1361, 1362 «11(1:1383. 1 RESIDENCES: 87, Tank Road, No. 1460; 9 Sunnyside, Gaylang, No. 1078. B
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  • 904 2 Pat l eUc inter to be Sold, A wotvi'" f nl letter w 8 to befnM Bq mby'§ rre*otly (B<«>b ti)P:l,.r,Mii Jt ?r*y til for mjthinj? beav £2,000 aid £3/HK>i e> letter bf he nme writer. ToM reeentl) for £1.025. Bat ibis 18 th." l»«t le;LtH-
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  • 155 2 Mm, the girls are wearing our socks again tlm year, siys an American c mtemporary to its readers, It Uaruiy seems possible, but tbere she sat in the corridor on the main floor ot ih" Biltmore Hotel, New York. Sh« was an protty as could be, aud
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 322 2 J warantak Pills. An infalf'ble remedy tor all kinds o? a?ue or fever, «rfejpthev qaotidi \n, alrer»v»\ t rti&a or quartaa or remit-»■ st or in*< ruiitten*. A c-tqae feature of these pill* in that to* may he taken in the «b§er:ce of f- rer as we I as whita
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    • 263 2 CHOP pia m Diamond Merchants and Jewellers No 622 North Bride Road, Singapo'2 ALWAYS IN ITW* Artistic Chinese and European Jewellery of various descriptionfl and of the latest fashion Emeralds, Sapphire?, Rubies, Opals and other precious stones. Loose Diamonds and Brilliants of the first water and of varioua sizes. Also
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    • 124 2 158, ?rinsep Stre PIANO TUNEF REPAIRER. Good and weH selected Mbmc Vlcfr Piaeo, etc. Good Strings ?or Stringed l&ctraments. WORKMANSHIP OSARAMTECB. TESM3 MOT' s-r. JUST ARRIVED "Excelsior" Safety Fountain Pens Price $3 each. Cheap and ReliableTlis BNttmtil Stam tt D. HIGH iTRKKT. —ll—aa ii— i aHi an ll——— aa—i m
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    • 467 2 Bun-down Wkea Tom ajef te *edei»» nueed oj worry M- oT«r-work 1 wfeen year vitality islewerIf —vrbec *0«X D«TTCS KTt "OO P edge —wfcen the »«i czartj tion tires yeu—you art in If Run-doem oeaditiea. Tear 2 system m Hke a pAaat tbet is J droopi af for neat of
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    • 681 2 Straits Settlements War Loan Bonds, Bearing interest from the date; of parch; se at per cent prr annum, payable Half-yearly on the 20th January and the 20th July. Repayable at Par on the 20th July, 1928. PkICE OF ISSUE—IOO PER CENT. AH proceeds of tbi- iseae will be l*nt to
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  • 226 3 Singapore, Aug. 3. Tin.—-See Lcca! and General c jhnouk. Copra- No bußinfHS, T ip > 1,- Weak Barin-jCt done Sago Flour- —Bwfaseei done. loMibitr. —BsHmsl done. Pepper-—Steady. done. Mh*r Ptodmet** --'axket <;ui3t. Urn Leal Mirke) 9sot»ti«tt. Natdegs 110 3. per pioa! $50.00 Nrttraeiee 80 E>. 55.00 Ooprs Ball
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  • 41 3 Orders for week ending Ang. 4 iSanday, Aug. 4 Anniversaiy of Declaration of War. Combined Church Parade at St. Andrew's Cathedral. AIJ Troops parade Fort Cauning Road (Back of V.M.C.A.) at 3.30 p.m. sharp. Frank C. Sands ConaraißaioriHi
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 914 3 Announcement Extraordinary. Beginning on Friday, the 2nd August, 1918 WE PRESENT AT THE Marlborough Theatre i Beach Road The Greatest Scree d Attraction ever presented in Serial j Form. t The Most Enthralling Detective Serial Pathe has ever I produced. I Every Reel is calculated to shake the Sluggish thinker
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    • 682 3 j f ANOTHER EXCELLENT VISUALISATION I OF A WELL-KNOWN NOVEL ~> mi Alhamfrra y I Alhambra la j AT TnE is the only U p the Theatre theatre I where yon I ft P\ m rv*8r m with 1111 the BEST J 2k il HlJI Ll '3 <&k get the
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    • 612 3 AT THE POPULAK PHOTO-PLAY HOUSE I EMPIRE I Tanjoiig Pagar Road. Traras Pass the Door. j To-night! SECOND SHOW 9.?0 To-night t Bluebird Photo-plays Present 5 A DOLL'S HOUSE 5 j Starring Dorothy Phillips. Wm. Stowell and Lon Chancy 4 Double Cross Mystery 4 Featuring Mollie King Episodes 13 and
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  • 1437 4 That old di.-hard Lord LansduwnH will periift ia writing to the Prt-BH leit. m ti\ <\ can servo but little useful parp-jsn. If only he could b* pMrsu 11 to Iwvn "well alone and not inu-rfero ho will be rendering the E noire a distinct service. Th* diflte
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  • 284 4 Tin is at $184.00 300 tons sold. Rubber is quoted at '2jLk for orepf Rod tor sheet. London, Jaly 30: The silver market is quiet— Ruter- The "Malay Hail" of yesterday's date is a war anniversary number. The Tan Tiak Chuan scholarship at the Raffl-s Institution for
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  • 225 4 A meeting of the Straits Chinese community which filled every available seat in tbe V M C A Hall was held on Thursday night to hear an address frem Mint* Stront, Dr Cnen Su Lav occupied the chair, and in introducing Miss Btrout reft rred to the Beaded
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  • 515 4 Ula Pandaa Rabb.r. The anneal general n> r :he Uln Pa dan Robber SIJ Limited (Sheapore), w& 8 tistered office Freuch Bank Boitdiugg Doon. There wen \f 1K £oh San Bin 'tJhairu 't 1 Khcan. Hock, Liv Ne* >, J Kay Hid, Yeo Hrck H i H t
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  • 48 4 The first annual ep?r£a of the Indian Elementary School will be belli at the Malay Volumes groundi off Bras Basah Road, on Aug. 5, commencing at -.30 ia The reception oommittee ooneai Dr N Veerasamy, J P, and Mew* V Pillay, B A, and N Kathirajis-
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  • 204 4 Paris, Aug 1, BJQ fM% The situation on the Tardenois battlefront remained the same yestrerday, which does not m*an th»: the struggle has come to a standstill seems that the Germans ha« arrived in their positions of defence Their resistance is growing stronger, probably in order to gain
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  • 46 4 By order of His Lordship the Bishop of Malacca special St?r "7 will be held in all the Churches in the Diocese d \ial«** to-morrow, August 4th, »fc*»ff£ era will be offered up for ib< «ncct» of our Armies and for s spe Jy bonourabe peace.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 187 4 ROBINSON Co. FOR Toilet @»c»« #ob/is os "O«o of Rose" Toilet Soap 3 cakes ia a box. Price 93 CtS. per box. Robiftt-ttf.'* "Special Toilet Soap 3 cakes in a box. Price 95 CtS. per box. Asiatic Petroleum Co. I (S.S.), LTD. I Incorporated in England. No Further Danger! ■anwmniaama
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    • 295 4 GUAN KIAT AND Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Strait* Settlement*) Head Otiioe: 3G, Phillip Street, Singapore. j Shipohandlerp, Hardware Dealers, Government and Municipal I Contractors, tjeneral Importers and Exporter*, Estate t Rice and Saw Mill Suppliers and Commission Agents. «v «mm v»w. %m*.i am Tel. Address: GUANK2AT Code*, used AH..,
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    • 132 4 S. Allsopp (Son BRITISH PiUEia BEER.' I I i Svd> 11 jam <i i Galdbeck,Macgregor&Co. Wine and Spirit Merchants. KIAM KIAT Co. Market Street New Stocks on Hand Salamandrite Jointings Gauge Glasses Tuck's Gen. Packings Saw Files Connecting Links. Sole Agents for THE Mulcott Belting Co, Ltd Incorporated in England).
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  • 1924 5 The Western Front. RF ITER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. British Activity. London, Ang. 1, 10 20 p»rn. Sir DoagfaM Haig states Patroie at night took pris kmc several in the of M-rris. Wo took prisoner during July some 4,503, iccta-im* officers. London Aug. 1, 11,55 p.n. Sir D >u?!99 Hiij?
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  • 148 5 London, Ar.g. 1, 6.0 p.m. In the House of Commons. Mr Runciman called attention to Sir R. Borden's statements regarding Imperial Preference. Mr Bonar Law replied that there was nothing in Sir R. Bordm's speech in any way inconsistent with his (Mr Bonar Law's) previous state, ment
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  • 58 5 London, Aug. 1, 6.45 p.m. Washington The Navy Department announces that a German submarine sank the Portuguese barque Porto, from Havannab, 550 miles off the Atlantic coast on Jnly 27, The crew of eighteen were landed at an American port by a British steamer. The Porto was destroyed by
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  • 73 5 London, Aog. 2, 1.50 a.m. The Air Ministry states: On Aug. 1 a squadron started out to bomb Cologne, but there was an envelope of clouds, so tbey turned and dropped bombs on factories at Daren, causing a fire. All returned. A second formation attacked the railway shops at
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  • 241 5 £700,000,000 London, Aug. 1, 6.45 p.m. In !h« House of Common»», Mr. Bonar Law, moving a vote of credit of 700 millions sterling, fpid that this large amo int wa< not due to an increase In the rate of expenditure but was simply nictated by c ot
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  • 227 5 London, Aug 1, 12.20 p.m. Amsterdam A Berlin wire says that the Kaiser has issued a proclamation to the Army and Navy eulogising their fighting spirit and acclaiming the victories VfOd in the past four years of the war. He says that the battles won in recent months
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  • 269 5 London, Auf. 1, 5 55 p.m. Speaking at a (Canadian luncheon in London. Sir Robert Borden said that a ruder shock than any yet experienced was necessary to break the unholy spell which the ■Taiaor and his militarists had cas: over the German people. There were pre. monitory
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  • 30 5 London, Aug. 1, 2.25 Amsteidana A Berlin ti legram Htates hat the first meatless week starts on Ant:. 8. Seven poanda ot potatoes will be subetiuted.
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  • 482 5 Trouble for the Huns. London, Aug 1, 7.15 a.m. The German newspaper*, previous to Eichhorn's assassination, published despatches from Kieff and Moscow indicating growing our est and stated that the Ukrainian Government whs trying to avert the coming storm by wholesale arrests, one of the first of which
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  • 102 5 London, Aag. 1, 3.35 p.m. An Italian naval offichl message ?ays that the Britieh aviators and Italian n-tval airmen are continuing iheir intensive attack» on the Ausi-iian rear lines iu Albania. A British sqnadron on Jely SI bombarded Rigorina, setting fire to the El Bissan railway store houses
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  • 30 5 London, Aug. 2, 3.45 p.m. Lourenco Marques Ang'o-Portu-guese troops in a pursuing oolumn engaged the between Nhainme and Namoa mountain on July 22 to 24 inflicting heavy losses.
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  • 63 5 S. Andrew's Cathedral Service The Special War Anniversary Service at S. Andrew's Cathedral is rt 5.d0 p.m. to-morow. Extra acco.nmo lation has provided for the large congregation that U expected. Th 1 preacher will be the Lord Bishop of Singapore. S"Bts a.c reserved for Naval, Military, a;vl 1
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  • 2530 5 Yesterday.. Va s Meeting There was a crowded gather int: o* the citizens of Singapore, inc!ndi»:t: representatives front all th». various communities, at the Victoria Theatre yesterday evening, on the occasion of the fonrth anniversary of the war, 1 j r««ord their inflexible determination W» continue the stragr;lin
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 78 5 L \TEST AD V b RT bEMENTS. WANTED IMMEDIATELY An experienced typiht with good knowledge of shorthand. Commencing salary $75 per month- Good pr spects. Apply to Immediate," c/o Malaya Tribune. 3 8 9 8 Gala Performance AT THE STAB OPEKA It \hz Thbztre Royal North Bridge Roac'. To-Night To-Night
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  • 2628 6 New Council Formed, The new unofficial body to represent public opinion in the Ma 1'eniusula, theUnited Malaya Council, was successfully launched at a larjHi attended meeting of representative of various public bodios of Malaga held in the meeting room of th* P A M at Ku:da Lumpur on
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  • 152 6 Opium-smoking ia Chinatown was the subject of charges at the Thames Police Court when Ling Hi (39) had to answer for having in bis possession utensils for stnokiug opium, aud Cuong Ying (42) was arraigned for allowing promises occupied by him at Perm} fields to be nsod
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  • 61 6 DrKfttti io London. Th« felt' wir.g are the dates oi departure tnm Singapore of the European Mail* their delivery in London. MAIL. Lart. DKLIVIKr Da Mail C May 11 July Mail B May 18 July > Mail F May 2! July 9 Mail H May 21 July 9
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  • 63 6 Singapore, Ang. 3. a uondon-— £&ck4m/e. 2/4 7/32 Jonwnd 2,3 31/32 PrfaiM 3 a 2/4 1/2 O mUm B»nk K. t. 147* Oa H:> jfanc is/d prein. tJa Bhaig»wd— BMkVtJ'i. 471 *n it Tk-» Etak X 105f 0 J -.jKa— I '/J. 102 f v 5 *»S IS./54 9*l
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  • 263 6 Siogapcre. Angus: I I Misers Latham A Co., fa I Arcade, advise the following m ion?: A hm**h il *0 |3.1. j \v«-r ifinttifii 1.05 LIS Lj i :ici3K 1.85 ti j i; er PteOM 7.75 4.25 45C I 3vkii Jfllolotjc 0.45 U9 I Bofcit hvsUl 0.75
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 159 6 ARRIVED S3s^SJSfiaBeSSSBHMBSB^ Fresh Stocks j T 1 D I W|| E JwfL H W 111 l jfx L]ohnßewar&Soß Si QMSTILLKfW) ===df R|olo Scotch W|j§ ¥7 •OF GREAT Mm. I I SOLE IMPORTER- 1 Huttenbach Bros Co. ATIGO It Quickly Removes IU Suffering. Dr. Mendes de Leon, director of the Boerhave
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    • 68 6 CIGARETTES p Quality counts in all things but more especially in cigarette manufacture. Men I of discrimination find that, after smoking State Express," inferior bfands are fj more of a misery than a pleasure. State Express" are Quality's Limit." VIRGINIA f l No. 555 per tin of so Q^psA Packed
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    • 47 6 cl I j Map ,n these days of Shortage are you wanting 'Phone or write to 7- YAMATO Co., 41, High Street, Singapore T I j T Tapanese ELECTRO-PLATIKG «7 MCKEL, COPPER, SILVER, Etc. Motor Car and Cycle Repair Works, No. 39-40, Bra* Basah Road, SIfMQ&PORg 10-1
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 224 6 Mails Close. To-day-At Noon. M uar and Malao*» "Sri Muar Ilata via Malacca A P. Swettenham *Perli* Malacca, Port Swettenham and P«nang *Klang Hongkong Shanghai Malacca and Muar Hainan Saigon Donai P. Sambu, Singkawang, Pamangkat Ji Samba* Singkara Kota Tinggi 'Tanjong Surat Kota Tinggi *Ban Soon Guan Cuoob Soon Hong
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    • 51 6 Singapore Volunteer Corps Orders for the wrok endtoi Saturday, Aug. 10 Today. 2.30 pm Balestier Range 8VR Malav C; sv. I (Compal**? Tomorrow. 4.30 pm Drill Hall 7.30am A3 pm Balestier 3D j^ Monday BANK HOLIDAY. Attendance at thr°e recrflk paia.iod a vvook is cooipuleory. G. G. CaptaiQ' VAI.Ul'D' F
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  • 1480 7 DrWa'i.t', Explains. 1 [The Editor »>f the Malay Bfail Sir, —la yon- haas of the 24t !> inst. there ars what purports t .> be a reply la a •ritieiim of aUu< tah»=n from th* report of thn Priiicipal xhoal Officer of the PM 3 for 917 "It is
    1,480 words
  • 36 7 untitled of the s. Dairen Marb, 1 v I t ii*ciL-re-l by th" N Y a. r Ji>'b/« u bl i < iJ I nm Lalcqi't lo Sen.tie, iuateruJ of only at far o»a ae Japan porta.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 778 7 NOTICES Tank holidays. It is hereby notified that the Exchange Banks will be dosed on t>M 3m august Public IMlil. sth August/ Holidays. 27 7 3 8 NOTICE. A mass meeting of all the Indians and Ceylonese resided in Singapore will be held To-day, the 3rd of August, 1918, at
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    • 640 7 BANKS MAarSfitfl bAMK QFiMDIA &«*tiaua and urn. IN UK zmd a BB .aKD «i' lOYAL Qif IRTriR. aid uc ia 10,000 i*a of £20 £t.->OO,OOO RaaarvoFaad 2,0)0, 0 R fi'"- [MbDStj ot x .4. 00J w BAXKEB& Tae B*.nk of England, Tae Lond<.j Qtty and Midland Bank. Ltd., Thx Londo*
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    • 126 7 If your daughter is pale feels tired after a little exertion ;if she tells you of headache or backache, do no disregard these warnings. She needs help for she is most probably anaemic. Should any of these disturbing signs come to your notice, lose no time but procure for her
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    • 456 7 I the: Malaya Tribune SHIPMuC CAZETfc. (Evening Dally.) •Pnane No. 171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable In Advance. Per annum $14.00 Half-yearly 7.25 Per quarter 3-75 Per mensem 1.25 Single Copy 5 CtS. Postage Extra 50 CtS. per month. AH communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to The
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    • 283 7 (THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Co., Ltd. PISTABLISHED 1874. INCORPORATED IN INDIA. FUNDS exceed $32,571,428 00 Absolute Security. .ico.ii- in ISI7 -$4,587,500.00 Total Cut-go In $2,732,070.00 Assurance effected In 1917 $4,790,128.00 Increase In Funds -$1,855,430.00 Total Policiei in force 67,122 assuring with Buuaa Additions, $73,596,202.00. I To*?l paid for
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  • The Malaya Tribune.
    • 25 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Ohila J SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. issueci Dati-. VoL V. •No. 181 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1918 PRICE 5 CENTS.
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    • 222 1 Escape With $600 Worth of Goods. Another instance of daring piracy in local waters hag occnrred. In the present case robbers wont to the length of shooting a man, %in carrying ont their designs, says a Hong kong paper. The inoident as related to th Police is as
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    • 221 1 Mr Franklin, president of the In ternational Mercantile Marine Compauy, after a meeting of the Board, according to Renter's New York cor respondent, said that the Cornpans was negotiating with British interests for the sale of its tonnage now flyinp tbe British dag, but so far no term*
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    • 145 1 Alphabetical list of lufeeted ( X G Q) and Suspected (sigml F P B) por .s Signal nece*sary in .APort notified mQmM to Dimuc. Qaaranllm ■ag. Bangkok F P B Plague BaM. i:i F P 11 Plagua Bstavia ti Taudjong Print X <1 <J Cholera IU la wan ("Deli;
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    • 67 1 The British Government is offering a prize of £2,000 for a process of making a mixture of dehydrated coal tar with miuer.d petroleum oils suitable for Admiralty use ns liquid fuel. The successful pro cess must be capable ot ready anH economics! application without uu due absorption of tnatfiUl or
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    • 56 1 News has been received to the effect that Capt H J Hobbs. lale of tbe Cbina Navigation Co. who left the Far East in the P'inzess Ahc when that vessel was t»ken over by the United States, bat now obtained an American master's licence and has been appointed Senior Lieutenant
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    • 306 1 Great Britain, as ia well known, gave Russia, immediately alar the ontbreak of war, much material assistance. One of onr chief duties lay in keeping open the watergateway at Murmansk and Archangel when other Europeau ports were closed from the oceans. The stream of supplies
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    • 97 1 Saturday, Aug. S, —High Water 822 a.m. 7ft. 7ms. 7.16 p.m. Bft. Bins. Sunday, Aug. 4. -Hich Water: 931 a.m. oft tin,j 8.26 p.m. 9ft lin. Monday, Am:. B. —High Water 10.18 Sft. Biot. j 9.26 p.m. Oft. Sirs. Taeeday, Ang. G.—High Water 10.5», a.m. Bft.
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    • 47 1 At the end of May, Japanese tramp steamers at sea exceeded 860,000 tons, of which 127 vessels, totalling 45.*>,03. > tons, were engaged in ,deep sea service*, whilst the local services had 174 reaaalß, totalling 337,39<S tons, in addition to 20 vessels, totalling 68,549 tons, chartered to foreigners.
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    • 37 1 Steamers above 1,000 tons gross built in Japan during the month of May BBSS beted four Urge ship* witb a total of 24,300 tons gross and twelve smaller oaaa with a total of 12.510 t ms grosß.
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 336 1 I THE MALAYA TRIBUNE I I SHIPPING GAZETTE. ft I Phone No. 171. j"j SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 1 Payable in Advance. Per annum $14.00 I Half-yearly 7.25 1 Per quarter 3.75 I Par mensem 1.25 I Postage Extra 50 CtS. per month. P.*o. British India IMD APCAR LINE »n corpora run
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      • 61 1 SINGAPORE SHIPGHANDLERYGoj SHIrtHANBUBS U PROfIbOIINS i CONTIACTdIS. The Company's Laanch un>.»!j% I Maaartof «loys. 0I t a -16 L&IUt x &oad. Ta-KH Li i P TO TOP FLOC'R SalaphoM No. 433. Orders prompt)} amended to KAK3 LIKE «F STEAMERSu. aJN '-.'oa-. «j a«rxg Oeaaaf bTi Toba. Th» above steamers are
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      • 431 1 STRAITS STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. sing^po¥Tbangkok. A flrst-olaM passenger steamer will leave Singapore, every week tor Bangkok. "KATONG" Saturday, August 3, at 5 pa. For Particulars t« to Freight, Passage, etc. Apply to St. Holen'a Ooart. Straits Steamship Company, Ltd. InrianaD ro Bai» dTBAMBk rfa.-a diaaAPoaa an Vfonday 1.30 p.m. Krian
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      • 66 1 BAN LEE ANN LTD*. (Incorporated In Singapore.) Registered Office 58 and 59 Market Street. Intended Sailings. Meran For f iatu Pahat Every 3 other days. Soon Hong For Cuoob, Pontian, Kechil and Benuit. Every alternate day. "Hook Lim" For P. Batam, Bulang and Bin tan. every alternate day Hook Keng
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      • 615 1 I THE MALAYA TRIBUNE I AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. I ITAe Popular Newspaper of the Straits Settlements. LOT PUBLISHED DAILY Complete Reports of Local Ev m-. 1 Condensed News from F.M.8.. Java 1 China, India, Ceylon and Japan* I Full and Latest War News, J^La» NIPPOK YUSEN KAISHA (UOOftVOftAI3D IN JAPAN)
        615 words