Malaya Tribune, 29 June 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
  • 28 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. EVENING DAILY. Vol. V. -No. 152 SINfiAPORh, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1918 PRICE 5 CENTS. ClK fttalapa Cribunc. BATURDAY, JUNK 2r>.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 444 1 ITayGuanKiatl 3 Managing In>■<■,■*.„■, <WAX K/JT Co., l.' l g 3». PhiUip Street, Singapore If I R ZZWOOD 1 the Government 2 and Singapore Municipality 9 also to M I Hotels, SHam-launchee, etc Phone Nos. 1361,1362 and 1383. RIIIDBIOIM 87. Tank I! t,- v 5 a nnyal*v Gaylang. No. 1073.
      444 words
    • 248 1 Straits Jiotel TANJQNC PAGAR ROAD. Dhe ouly Hotei under StraitsChinese management. I Telegraphic Address PBANAKAN." Outdoor Photography DAY AND NIGHT. You can't get good Photographs at Cheap Price. S AR/GA ArtiHtic Photographer No. 3?S, Orchard Road, Singapore. 4 6 3 7 JUST UNPACKED NEW SHIPMENT OF Collins Famous Pocket Classics
      248 words
    • 82 1 I THE I I Pot Stills I I OF I Great Britain I Have Been j Taken Over by Government, I N E V B EtT H R LESS j Buchanan's will be able to continue'! to supply their famous blends and to maintain the quality as before, being in
      82 words
    • 415 1 j Fl REWO OD| •be floor—it > in every household fj cm be bad fr m 9 Tay Guan Kiat j jjj TKp Btipplwr to the (Jove-nmei.t j and i ngnpi re Mui.iripali'.y aieo S I Hotels und Steam-launches, etc. 5 'Phone Nos. 1361, 1362 and 1363. il EsIDE N
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  • 1072 2 Robinson Crusoe in a SbrilHole. (By .A- A M. According to the latest story from Eerlio, tHindenburg has announced his intention of entering Paris on April 1. It ig a good day for it. It is the aDniversajy ol Lismark'a birthday, ar.d ol
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 547 2 —<——^—B_^___l Wbcarni* will give you the New Health you need when you are Wei X, Rni-ftwi Think what new health means to you who are Weak, or Anaemic, ox "Nenrt," or Rundown. Think how splendid it would be to be free *om in* burden of ill-health-to feel well-to eat well-to
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    • 233 2 JJ\ I; >-1 fn* Alt ch»rj« I'rrpud m jii Mil •'try ntnatnd, ■ffV M V »y 1 d«» Qovan'ry flyer* tfS ji*™ B ML \*4 Xf jtLfw ft rp n c/ci» cc inc.. a*. bus iItCSJ LIVERPOOL CHOP PIA HIN Diamond Merchants and Jewellers No 622 North Bridie Road, Singapore.
      233 words
    • 253 2 j Medical Men J in Java I who have studied recommend as jHB i I remed y for I SACUNA I as only these pills effect a complete cure. I I Pr ice $1.90 per bottle. I Obtainable from all Chemists, or Wholesale from I The Pliarm. Trading Singapore, is
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  • 278 3 Singapore. Saturday, Jane, 29 Messrs Ltthatn Co., the Arcade, advise the following quoiaionft: Aloruejah 12.75 t3 00 Aywe Krninr* 090 1.10 Ayer Molek 180 200 Ayer Penai 775 SOO Lafcov.-nie 4.50 500 Bukit Jelotong 045 0.55 Bulrit Rati! 0.7) 0,771 I Bukit X B 0.70 O.BJ 5.25
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  • 91 3 OtU 'ored la Landoa. The following are the datec ol departare from Singapore of tb.« European Mails and their delivery in London. hail, Larr. delivshbd. Mail B April 8 May 20 Mail E Mar. 13 May JO MailO Mar. 26 May 28 MailD Apl. IS June 6 Mail
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  • 92 3 The death rate per mille for the week ending June 22 was 40,75, The total number of deaths was 289, f f which 214> were males and 75 female*. One European and 1 Eurasian died, also 225 Chinese, 40 Malaya, 17 Indians. Convulsions caused 30 deaths, Phthisis 45,
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  • 234 3 Btatgspore, June, 29 r**.-«-Be* Local and General coiamn. Cor-v No bnsinens, Tapitca, —Weak No bueinees. Sago Flour —No business. Garrbiir. —Fr—lniiHi done. Ptptser —Steady. No hartntna. t**#» Product* —Market Quiet. Utnt Marfcat Ovotitioes. Nutmegs 110 S. per pionl $50.00 £atiuap 80 B. 55.00 Pali 7.25 ouca G'orong Talo
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  • 65 3 Devoe'e Imp. Bril. Oil 5.60 per cage Fish Brand Kerosine 4,90 per caae Sylvan Arrow Oil 4.80 per cage Lampglaea do Oil 4.70 per 2 tins Dragon do 0:1 4 70 per 2 tins Tiger Keroeiae Oil 4 6'1 p«r 2 tin* Crown do Oil 4 55 per 2
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  • 146 3 Has a lingering, maddening life of bin discouraged you and made you fck at heart Perhars a cruel eardhe, a rasping pain in the back, or t* fiery anguish of Rheumatismhas robed you of joy and made the wto'e world seem full of black gloom. Tko. you
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 81 3 Marlborough Theatre The Hall for Comfcrt, Good Moaic and Gcod Pictures, BEACH ROAD. Second Show at 9.15 p.m. A Dramatic Feature of Force The Almighty Dollar IN 5 PARTS j Based on an excellent theme, it portrays a ▼ivid, powerful story, bristling with dramatic and tense situations enacted by a
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    • 818 3 j £?E JL ix Nights batoning Thursday, June 27,1918. 1 The (and including Sunday, June 30) T~ The iHE COMMENOEMtNT OF A CRIPP.NG SEniAL j «-3. I I where you AT THE I with an J get the BEST j p y* jS&E?- r g exquisite tea Orchestra, .P l
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    • 417 3 1 CHANGE OF PROGRAMME Fourteen N?w Reels IT THE POPULAR PHOTO-FLAY BOUSE tcMPIRE Tanjong Pagar Road. Trams Pass the Door. To-mglit SECOND SHOW 9.30 p. ra. To-night! Bluebird Photo Play 5 The Devil's Pay Day 5j Featuring Franklyn Faruum and Leath Baird. PATHE'S MIQHTY SERIAL 4 Mystery of the Doable
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  • 1235 4 Tbe British 8 upire consists of »he Kingdoms of Great Riirain and Ireland wi'h raft areas scattered the wide world over, acquired as tbe resnlt of conquest, peaceful penetration, unconscious assimilation and the fruits of trading companies and convict UUlemeats All these possessions form thems
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  • 236 4 The following are nary 0 f the Day for the meet ing ut-xt Monday at 2.30 p v I. Questions by Mr. D.itbishire (1) Is it a fact that a yonng Eurasian who was rojoenile sent home by the Military Authorities fcere at the expense of the Colony,
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  • 301 4 S.C.C. Lawn Tennis. Yesterday's Ties. A Singles. Adler sor v Hartaell owe IS, postponed. B Singles. Pedlow acr v Cassels ow« 1, postponed. C Singles Silter scr beat Hooker scr, 6—2 •9—7, Gale scr beat Broad scr, 6—4, 6-4 A Doubles. Jones and Porkins owe 4 beat Jamieson and
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  • 370 4 Tin is at $156 (50cts. up) no Seller*. Mr. R. S ni?h, a member of the Cathedrd choir, is joining np. Mr. L. P. Tayur i,t»d to be Lieut, in the Coast Defence Volunteers. Mr. Tan Sian Cbeug is appointed to be a member of the Reformatory
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  • 73 4 The campaign by the ladies of Singapore in aid of the gift to Queen Mary on the occasion of her silver wedding, has already (op to noon) made great headway. At the Hotel de l'Earope alone, Mrs. Bbdoo has received in cheques, etc, some $1,625. Of this total
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  • 42 4 The following gifts for the Balloon Coy in Mesopotamia are very graitfuily acknowledged:— Gramophone records from Mrs Wolskel. 4 dozen handkerchiefs and S packs playing cards from Mrs. Wearne. G D Swindell, 9, Fort Canning Road.
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  • 29 4 London, June 26. 5.0 p m Paris M. Rivelli, secretary of the IJreujh Navy League, states that renah seamen will not sail with Geraans after the war.
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  • 118 4 T« great War i PAQBP The Western Front 5 Italian Line 5 Knehlmau's Speech 5 Labour Conference Ireland 5 Hessian Matters 5 League of Nations 5 GENERAL tie British Front from Week to Week 2 -ocal Shaiw Market itraits Produce Mortality Returns Ireland and the Imperial Conference 4
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 166 4 ROBINSON Co. ISTES^^TZST The Tattoo Alarm Clock. Has an Intermittent Alarm, the alarm ringing for several seconds, then pausing, and after a period of bilence atr iin ringing, and so for ten minutes As illustration. Price 55.75. Asiatic Petroleum Go. f (S.S.), LTD. Incorporated in England 1 No Further Danger!
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    • 271 4 GUAN KIAT AND Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits St ttl'-menb-! Head Office: 3G, Phillip Street, Singapore. ShipchandlerB, Hardware Dealers, Government and Municipal Contractors, General Importers and Exporters, Estate, Rice and Saw Mill Suppliers and Commission Agents. Tel. Address: GUAN KIAT. Codes used A.8.C., Stb Edition, end A I. Office
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    • 80 4 CIN Just Received A SHIPMbNT OF DRY GIN $27 Per Case DUTY BXT R A. Caldbeck, .viacgregor AND Co. for sale: All kinds of Patent Medicines (British IflUitai Make.) Charges Moderate. We will allow special rate for wholesale buyers- Can )>? had from Naina Mohamed Sons, 19. Rallies Place. Singapore
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  • 166 5 The Western Front. General Situation. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, June 26, noon. The Daily Mail correspondent at British Headquarters says -that nearly three-quarters of the German reserves are opposite the British front. The number of enemy scout aeroplanes over our lines has increased recently, apparently indicating the imminence
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  166 words
  • 164 5 London, Jan& 26, 11.15 p.m. 8ir D Jiglas Haig reporting on aviation states: The weather on June 25 was unfavourable, but oar aeroplanes observed hostile batteries and carried out reconnaissances. We destroyed ten machines and drove down four. Seven of ours are missing. We dropped ten tons of
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  • 122 5 London, June 26, 11 50 a.m. Mr Austen Chamberlain.speaking at a meeting of the Victoria League at the Guildhall, said the Imperial War Cabinet was the creation of the war arising ont of the necessities of it. He was confident it would never be allowed to drop (cheers
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  • 115 5 London, June 26, 3.55 p.m. Mr Lloyd George appealing to the women of Britain to work on the land, says that the harvest wherein are oentered the hope and faith of our soldiers that their own heroic struggle will not be in vain, is endangered for want
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  • 71 5 London, Jane 26. 2.35 p.m. Rome Mr Lubin, the American delegate who is responsible for founding the international institate of agriculture, now proposes that the Allied countries should create an international reserve board on the American plan to regnlate the ebb and flow of gold, supervise the rates
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  • 284 5 Heavy Austrian Losses. London, Jane 26, 2.35 p.m. Washington Cables from Italian Headquarters state that the heavy Austrian losses on the Piave were due to the failure of the Austrian General Staff to provide for the possibility of defeat. Documents found on prisoners show that the Austrians not
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  • 71 5 London, Jane 26, 1.25 a m. The Hague It is authoritatively stated that the progress of the deliberations of the War Prisoners Conference indicates the likelihood of an agreement. The Conference has been suspended temporarily to permit the members to consult their respective Governments certain quentions. Meanwhile, British
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  • 56 5 London, June 24, 1.20 p.m. In the House of Lords, the Small Holdings and Colonies Bill, for taking 60,000 acres in England and Wales and 200,000 acres in Scotland as farm colonies for discharged soldiers, was read a second time. This measure amends the earlier Act under
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  • 46 5 London, June 26, 6.15 p.m. The Admiralty states that air force contingents attaohed to the Navy, between June 20 and 23 dropped four tons of bombs on quays and sheds at Bruges and Ostend, The docks were bombed and the aerodrome at Mariakerke.
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  • 38 5 London, June 26, 6.10 p.m. In the House of Commons, replying to Commander Bellairs, Mr Bonar Law stated that the Government wis of opinion that there was no reason to alter the title of Colonial Secretary.
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  • 42 5 London, June 26, 2 0 a.m. Amsterdam: The Telegraaf's frontier correspondent states that the Zeebrugge canal still remains entirely closed. The Germans have succeeded in taking a number of smaller submarines from Zeebrugge to Ostend via the Bruges canal.
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  • 33 5 London, Jane 26, 6 45 p m. The Press Bareaa states Two cases of pneumonic plague have occurred in East Suffolk. Both proved fatal. There are no further oases anticipated.
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  • 702 5 Various Comments. London, June 26, 10 35 a.m In the R>ici!Btag, aftw quo in? yon Moltke, Kuhlmann said s It is therefore in my opinion impoeeible to fix one's eye with certainty on any one moment at '•vb'ch on» oonld Bay that the v .r r uftftid >i
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  • 89 5 London, June 26, 1.0. p.m. It is noteworthy that ever since the beginning of March and during the new enemy offensive, the value of the German mark and Austrian krone have steadily fallen in neutral exchanges and quotation. For example 48.03 krone were obtainable for a pound
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  • 450 5 Momentous Meeting. London, June 2<>, 1.25 p m. What is d-wc ibed ad the momentous British Party Conference ev«r held, l> «it-'! u-ider the pr'.si'kocy of lur W F Pnrdy. Th-> fo'eien d'd-gates inolndd Mr B a-VI Albert Th >mas, Vlr Wil Vindervelde, M Camille Jfciujemans, but not
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  • 100 5 Loudon, Juna 27, noou, The House of Lords c mimittee is considering a Bill empowering the c tns'ruction of an important wharf and railways at Canvny Island at the mouth of tbe Thames. The wharf ist to le three thousand feet long, to acoommodate the largest vessels,
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  • 78 5 London, Jane 26, 1 20 p.m. Washington: Th°Government has again erquired of Sweden regarding the Turks seizing the American consulate and looting American hospital at Tabriz. The State Department has already twice at-krd Sweden to report oa the facts and has also mad;* a pimilar request to
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  • 68 5 London, Jane 26, 1.20 p.m. Amundsen and sn expedition of ten men aboard the Man.I have sailed from a Norw-gian port on a five years expedition. Amundsen intends to go to th«c North Pole but his main object is to chut the Arctic Sea. The Man I enters
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  • 47 5 London, June 26, 6.10 Washington: The Honse Appropriations Committee have approved of the Fortifications Bill carrying $5,435 million dollars, principally for the production of field artillery and heavy guns for the front. The latter will be mounted on railcars or motorized for rapid transportation.
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  • 332 5 Conscription Question. London, .J<|i 25, 7.45 p.m. Ia tlie Hous-i ol 0 nmons, 8 r Edward Carsoii said that there was an ■noiwoVirinl i caee for introducing cons* 'lotion in Ireland, hit »he Priori Mini« fD b- 1 r-r*-to bfiMlrolia I hj pr nis Ing immeliatj Hntne Rn'e. The
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  • 166 5 Lords Discussion. London, Jane 26, 11.0 p.m. Th- Uoaea of Lords reeaeaed the debate on Lord Parrnoor'a motion approving the principle ol a league ol national Lord Ooraon said that the league to b-' es; tbiisb<-d immediately after the oror. He pointed out that leagaei already existed,
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  • 104 5 London, June 25, 5.45 p.m. In the House of Commons, replying to Sir K. A. Cooper, Lord Hubert Cecil stated that the export of cotton from Egypt was nov regulated by an official licensing committee in Eg$pt in accordance with the scale of rations fixed time to time
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  • 85 5 London, June 26, 11.50 p.m. The three Canadian provincial Premier», M-ssrs Morris, Martin, and Stewart, are visiting Edinburgh. They were entertained by the Corporation. Mr Morris said that Canada had sent fonr hundred thousand men to the war. There were another on-? hundred thousand in reserve. It is
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  • 31 5 London, Jane 26, 6.50 p.m. Mr. Hodge in a «peech at London announced that h was about to appeal for three millions sterling for the rehabilitation of disabled soldiers.
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  • 187 5 Siberian Problems. L ndon, Jn t 26 ija p.oo. Rat. t RBthotita ivolj [uari t* is untrue that a decision has been reached regarding intervention in Siberia. The position of the n.v' •■.<• Government is daily M dag more difflcn't p, c' .!ly wi *o food [wroWiinn abe
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  • 185 5 Loudon, Jane 26, 6 40 a.m. Mosoow. June 18 Bolshevik official. The Germans have landed 3,000 infantry, oavalry and artillery at Poti on the Black Sea. London, June 26. 2.35 p.m. Amsterdam A Moscow telegram states that the Czechoslovak troops entered Ekaterinburg where heavy fighting is occurring, In conn«»oMon
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  • 143 5 Already acknowledged $870 Dead heat 10 PBR MDLLE LOVY. Mr Oruer 200 Mr David 50 P Lauthier 5 Mr Logan 25 S G P 25 The Dispenstry (Riffl-s Plao-) 2 r > Miss Oleen Nelson X Mr Appleton Ul A Friend of the French 28 Mr Chua
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  • 60 5 To-Day. St. Peter. Van Wijk Hotel Co. meeting, noon. Straits Trading Cj. meeting, noon. Women's Day, Singapore. V.M.C.A., welcome to Mr and Mrs Cranna. To morrow. sth Sunday after Trinity. Monday. Moon Last Quarter. Bank Holiday. Legiblative Council, 2 30 p.m. Tuesday. Ting Kil Tin meeting, Derricks,
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  • 909 5 Yesterday's Meeting. a ordinary meeting of th* ■eijvd Commission was held it the ooaici room yesterday aft* rHOOti, there being present Messrs F J ilallifax, President Roland Braddell, W Lowther Kemp, J A. Elias, M A Namazie, A W Bean, See T-ocg V b, \n Kheam Hock, E
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  • 30 5 The following further contentions are gratefully acknowledged acknowledged $7,364 22 H W Noon 25 "John Henry" JO Playmate /,00 Total to date. $7,899.22 WPW Ker Hon. Treasurer.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 215 5 LATEST ADVERTbEMENTS. WANTED For Mercantile Firm a c\ rk with knowledge of buok-te< ping. Apply C. A., care of Malaya Tribune 29 6 5 7 THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE 1888. a THE SUPREME COURT OF STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. In Bankruptcy. No. 69 of 1918. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thnt
      215 words

  • 397 6 Price. Qa.ui ia tkc Market this tf raiitf MINOAPOKK, Jr.VE, W. D ET t4 Change and Hhar. Broken, bm the following bet 2 "notation* •Jobber Shares. L *p r 8/- 3,3 Anglo Java 7_ S/- Anglo-Malay |fi. jar 1 AyerKxning 40 M I/- .-atang Malak tf 4
    397 words
  • 665 6 Price of Rice. Mi W Doaoenstid tbe lefakeet of the price of rico was p«< <n t h* *S r 'Dd* incline there l, ecn n «0..d de*l of dmteioa otj t£ n b. j' ct -ir,c« iht ptiM of ri B n I •«ddeaij
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  • 164 6 To day. I'nited Kingdom* Mail If m g**° «'*»*t Men;. LM ,m P B««Mmlhbi mi PaMftj 'Klang 2.31 pm ,b„ I* I 3pi 1 UM H.itam A Pulau Bod K»ng ft prx ■•"■"W Sanit 3 pm i N Mmmtk 3 pm ■J, Uuiiiphuu pm 1 H MM, Sr.iirabay.i,
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  • 393 6 Sienna are being Introdooed to th* ni Public by the Ph.,--rn.e-u\ic.l Kadlo* Co.. Boanbajft, wi»h h vi*w to combating ami elimiaatiof one of the moot enplnaannt and woat freqaent of Indian sicknesi» a, here -_Cold Fever an 1 Malarial Fever. How rowny previously strong and
    393 words
  • 78 6 Singapore, Jane 29. I a Lot don—. ■m*4 as** 2/4 7/1G OeouaJ 2/4 1/8 Me** 3 at/*. 2/4 21/32 a Tod!*-. 3»l-*t ft T 148 J I. irtkoopa«nk d/d 411% prein La 3 Xji'ael— italic ad. 4p r t.t *eak T. l mh CM vn— £*nk d/d. 104J B
    78 words
  • 279 6 Men for the wo,k ending Saturday, July 6 To-day. 2.15 pm Balestier Rmge Veterans' (Jo SVC details To-morrow. 7,30 am Balestier Range Veterans' Co SVC details Monday. 4.30 pm Balestier Range SVA details m (Compulsory) Jardine'a Steps for Furt Silensing SVA, nn GL DRF jUO Drill Hall
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 125 6 ARRIVED I Fresh Stocks OF d it W j E H w mm i extra Special i R:, Scotch Wrfi jft "OF GREAT L 4 Us Grand Prix 4H m SOLE IMPORTER*' I flatten bach Bros Co. LOWS §¥OLFjTi Co., Ltd. Tottenham Court Road, LONDON, FINE ART PUBLISHERS Introduce tbeir
      125 words
    • 607 6 CIGARETTES. I maTlf ,W Tl d T aDdS 1 PartiCUlar Ci arette State E "Press- are I made for just such of diserimmation who require best. j NO. 555 PE R TIN OF 50 PatktJ patenl lacuum tins. ,a S I r~-~r« ah path t j{ ace v co.. Ltd.,
      607 words
    • 207 6 I e i H I I I In these days of Shortage I 1 are you wanting CEMENT Eggj Phone or write to YAMATO CO., £\y 41, High Street, Singapore AUCTION SALE OF Walnut Stained and Wax-polished Teak Household Furniture, Rubber Tyred Palanquin, Plants Tennis Gear, etc., etc., etc To
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  • 1346 7 Some Perfect examples. I ti k» it that 1 he most complete and puftct example ot carotid :g:: by any animal other tb*n m n ia exhibited to us by i v f iei d .i. octopus. What be outs wncii tome v pie*want f» How ttrcnajvr baa
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  • 22 7 Ord. rs for week endinp Jane 29 Saturday Jane 2'J.—Cy ousts' parade V.M.C.A. 3.30 p.m. Frank C. Sands C^mrciatsioner.
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  • 84 7 We are Untitled to announce says the 3arawak (Ja/.ett«, that the occ iBion of His llighn*Brj the Rnja taking the Oath of Accession before the Gene;al Council on Jaly 22 will I i'nte a function to which the lie will hi admitted. Th* cere BJOnj will probably be held in
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  • 86 7 The death In untitled of Scond Lieutenant Oerea Welkin Wjnn Harding* Uernilih.B C,the only c','ild ot the ia-«< Venerable Tbotnaa Meredith, late vic\rof \V dutou, and archdeacon of SinK»pore, and of Mrs Meredith, of Batk road Leamington, h.<e been reported. H waaeducatedat H.urowand Cam bridge University. He obtained bin winßsin
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 419 7 NOTICES BANK HOLIDAY. It is hereby notified that I the Exchange Banks will be closed on Monday, Ist July, Bank Holiday. 22 6 1 7 WANTED WANTED. Junior shorthand typist required, previous experience not essential. Apply Box 100, care of Malaya Tribune. 2 5 v WANTED Experienced aad capable Short-hand-Typist.
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    • 639 7 BANKS 3H.4RTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. rsrOORPORATHD IN ENGLAND BY HOYAL CHARTER. Paid no Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,00( Reserve Furd £2,000,001 I«*erve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. The Bank of England, Tho Lrevtai City and Midland Bank, LtJ„ The London County and Westminster Pack,
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    • 324 7 K. TBUTADA JAPANESE DEMIST 74 A 74-1 Bras Basin Boad, Singapore. (i *OXE No. 1245-) Begs to itiiorm the public of th*. arrival of two Assistants, 08. R. HONMMA AND Oh. h. OHNISHf Japaaese Deaf*! jlfaaaa. Extraction Paimiass. Charges Moderate. Work Guaranteed BttECT CONSULTATION IN mm ENGLISH ON MALAY. iO
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    • 68 7 1 pinketteQ THE TINT LAXATIVES are recommended for the treatment of torpid liver, biliousness, constipation and sick headaches, for the complexion end whenever a gentle laxative is required Being perfectly rnfe tod gentle in action they can he gi\en to the most deheate perscns ai d children. Of all aftaariata.
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    • 463 7 THE Malaga Tribune iHIPPiSIC CAZIT,£. (Evening Dally "fnone No. 171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable In Advance. Per annum $14.00 Half-yearly 7.25 Per quarter $3 75 Per mensem 1.25 Single Copy 5 CtS. Postage Extra 50 CtS. per month. All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to The
      463 words
    • 333 7 THE ORIENTAL j Government Security he Assurance Co., Ltd. Established 1874. Incorporated in India. rUNJ3 exceed $32,571,428.00 Absolute Security. Income In 1917 $4,587,500 00 Total Out-go In 1917 $2,732 ***** j Assurance effected In 1917 $4,790,128.1*0 Increase In Funds $1,855,430.00 1 Total Policies in force 67,122 assuring with Bonos Additions,
      333 words

    • 26 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued f)atl> J SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRi SI/ME. Issued Daiij. VoL V -No. 152 SIXUAPOGE, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1918 PRICE 5 CENTS.
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    • 274 1 Relcforced Concrete Ferry Boat. Tho reinforced concrete feny boat ouilt by Mmrg IWaard Mcpin and Co, was launched on Wednesday i ight at Tanjong Rhoo. All precautions had been taken for satisfctory launch and everything w»nt on .a'idSctorily until the boat was released on tbe launching ways. 8k
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    • 233 1 I a the Admiralty Ditiaioa before Mr. Justic" Hi'!, sitting with Captain L. Fl. Crawford, CB. and Captain Owen Jones, R N. r Eider Brethren f Trinity Honse, the cane of a claim md counter.claim for damage iriaili« out of a Boilteioa in th° Downa between
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    • 196 1 Aocordiog lo tl i «p*,, Adverser (itkio) the women cbaaffean and conductors are no uncommon b»t a woaaaa applicant to the exauluetioae for aba lieenae of a abip oap taw M a aorekj not only i„ Japan, a aeagirt country, but in tho world at
      196 words
    • 133 1 San Francis v., \K V 29. The conjcme iteeeaer Faith bee reaohed a j Pacific port after six dap' buffetiDLwith wares thirty-fir* teat high i, one of the severed 0llg( Ht ga cu I recorded on the Pacific Ooewl, It i•eported officially 'hit a continuous (record of
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    • 203 1 AH Rangoon whs at I* rw i> azaiJ laung recently to witm i< iUnc h mx of the all-Burma wo- n reaael Padauk built by Messrs A V ~et and Company. The ship h m aa 7 from Burma meteriala with c exception of the eoff»t aba*
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    • 91 1 Ai.,b*u.iicdi of Jiiteot»-! (signal X (i Q) Mi t (signal F P J{) porti i rwaaWwd. dftfoa t.. DtaaM, Vlar.iUtilK ti M.mjfkok fP PkM DMMIa W i* J! I" K»Uu,i,tT»n.|. Uwau Deli) rf 11 11 ruba) XOQ H mbay x <» (j < 1 <; o i 1 H
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    • 35 1 Saturday. Jane 29.—Big* Wttw 0.47 a.m. 10ft.; t.58 p.m. Bft. 6in B ay jß^3o Moo ln I: T«ator Jb. m. High Water: -1.7. a^ 6fM -1 M 5 »ft .«jin 8
      35 words
    • 241 1 .Many Drowned Says the Baogk k Times t. le has been received bf Phya Uabibal, the owner, eamooucii z U« J8« of the small coasting steamer Iroon. This veas'l, of about I rtj tons net register, traded between Bangkok and Baudon, ani wa« on her wsy to
      241 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 397 1 I Sii KUT i Co., Ltd.! (Incorporated in Strait- Settlements; y. I Board of Directors: TAY GUA. HUT. Esq Csairrran. 11 j~ «M SOON HAT Z«i PO KIM SOON, Esq, 3 KOH KiM LIONG, Esq. S I Din ctor-TAY GOAN KIAT, Esq I Manager LOW KEOK CHOEY. Esq I I
        397 words
      • 47 1 SIN6APH» HARBOUR BOARD. entrances—Tanjong Hm W.»HVK« OATI (Dry Dooka) 3 D Htn v, 1 v^ Ca Store, Head Q [>oiM» and Mala Mam 4 J L Ur^ nc jaaaarr^w-BSt; North and Wee. 7 3 do West 4 Jo Jardine'. 3 *W 1 do A E 6 do
        47 words
      • 318 1 HEAP cNCMOH 8T AMSHIP CO LTP. Si;**-**: te BjuvU, CsMdci as< lam* sicBi M 9ff to vwui rum, Batavia mt\%lk% Him. flHkli f Igjftf (Ball). on Fortnight ly, i bttTHEb ornci It, r,:*!: AfWlhMl, UDC BOQ3I LBONtt -;'re LMrMot SINGAPORE Go. COKTKACTPK, The Company a Laurr! ncete in oiaiog H/np».
        318 words
      • 310 1 IGUAN KIAT Co.,Ud" jg 'Incorporated in Straits PMUmbm mm Head u> tick:°»;, Phillip St ;> I Ship chandlers. Hardware Dealers, Government and Municipal Contractors. I Generd Importers and txporters. Estate I Bice and Saw Mill Suppliers at «i V I Commission Agents I UtifffStJ WW\ $233,0]) I Paid up capital
        310 words