Malaya Tribune, 3 May 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
  • 30 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] s < AND *W-> SHIPPING GAZETTE. [EVENING DAILY. Vol. V.- No 103 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1918 PRICE 5 CENTS. ClK malapa Cribune. FRIDAY, MAY 3.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 266 1 Tay Guan Kiat 36, Phillip Street, Singapore. FIREWOOD Merchant and Stockist. Rate and deliveries on application at above address OR Phone Nos. 1361, 1362,1363 and it Private Residences No. 1450, 87 Tank Boad. NO. 1073, Sunnyside. Gayiang. Showing Two Powerful Produotlom t TO-NIGHT IN THE SECOND SHOW ROYALTY AT RED
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    • 347 1 Straits Jiotel TANJONG PAGAR ROAD. The only Hotel under Straits- I Chinese management. Telegraphic Address P RAN A KAN. g j K. TIUTADA JAPANESE DENTIST 74 74-1 Bras Basah Boad, Singapore. J (Phone No. 1241.) Begs to inform the puhlic of the 1 arrival of two Assistants, jj 01.1. HONMMA
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    • 76 1 awawawawawawsamssnuNasaaaaaa* m wwwn ———mm I I I THE f Pot Stills OF Great Britain! Have Been J Taken Over by Government, NEVERTHELESS Buchanan's will be able to continue I to supply their famous blends and to maintain the quality as before, being in the unique position of having the largest
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    • 383 1 Tay Guan Kiat! 36, Phillip Street, Singapore. I Government and Municipal Contractor FOR f FIREWOOD. I -Phone Nos. 1361. 1362, ***** and 1 at Private Besldences No. 1450. 87 Tail Boad. I No. 1073, Sunnyside. fiaylano. 1 AS^^EER Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN.) 1 TTywiyii Done thdipph i>
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  • 117 2 Messrs. Barlow Co's Report. Singapore, May U The market, h. c last reportingII on the 2.>th ultimo, haa been nn- 1 certain, and a full in prices waa i expected at the Auctions comnienc- I ing this morning. This was fulK I realized, Ribbed Smoked Sheet being-$10
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  • 423 2 And yon "ill obaenre extraordi. nary high spirits In th* midst of 8 dneee in other places bfflid i a:u(ni»' thH ptgoi of "Th< Wipert Times." It is almost •▼erywher* Th outwu<!l\ mi* rabl nsnally tbo-e wh<» Inwi l v lirtlo to worry th.m wh (MB w
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  • 124 2 No declaration of the present posi tion of Europe is complete, or even ioal, unleai it takes into account the fact tbnt Central Europe has come into existence, says Hilaire Belloc in Land and Water. That State is no a theory. It is not an ideal of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 437 2 Renew your Vitality Enrich your Blood Stpengthen your Nerves To feel well, to be well, ii your birth-right But present day conditions of living, worry, overwork, impure air adulterated food —all tend to sap you vitality, undermine your constitution and make you weak- ''nervy and run down Yet there is
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    • 160 2 CHOP PIA HIN Diamond Merchants and Jewellers No. 622 North Br jo Road, Singapore ALWAYS IN STOCK Artistic Chinese and Europear. Jewellery of variant descriptions and of the latest fashion Emeralds, Sapphire?, Rubies, Opals and other precious stones Loose Diamonds and Brilliants of the first water and of various sizes.
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    • 203 2 A TRIAL SIZE CAKE FREE. I i With the Purchase of any Palmolive [1 Speciality i OR Palmolive Week-End Box Free I CONTAINING A SMALL PACKET OF:Palmoiive Soap Palmolive Powder i Shampoo Talcum Powder j Cold Cream Rouge i Vanishing Cream Shaving Stick l IF YOU MAKE A FIVE DOLLAR
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 105 2 Singapore Volunteer Corps. Orders for the week ending Saturday, May 4 To-day. -t pm Johnson's Pi#>r for Fort Silos SV.V S»Cd. Ill t fc IV (Compulsory) 5.13 Drill Hull SHE >« do Sectioa II Musketry fCornpnlaory) do Maxim Co SVC m n Kunpong Bthru Police Station SYlt 4.55 Transport from
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  • 252 3 Sirgv Friday. May, 3 Means Laih-siij :*i I Go* lis Arsade, adajsja th* follow tioas AlorOaiah $3 15 53 40 Ayer Kaniage 105 1.15 AyerMoleS 210 225 AyerPanas 875 9.00 4TS 500 Bukit Jeljtong 0.60 0.67^ Bukit Katil 075 0.88 Bukit KB 080 0.90 Chanvkat B*f \a.
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  • 289 3 p,sp°re, May, 3 Tin*" -See Local and General column. Copra* 2*o business. Tapioca. —Week. Business done. Sago Flour- —No business. Gambier. —Butsines? done. Pepper.— Steady. Business done, Other Product* —"lark** <Jni°t. Uu«t Leai Marttt 3aeleaa*ft> Nutmegs 110 S. per pienl »50.00 Nutmegs 80 3. 55.00 Oopra Bali 8.65
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  • 42 3 CopraSingapore, May 2. The market for this commodity has since w* last reported been weaker. Few buyers are operating and values have declined. To day's quotations may be given fine aundried $8.70. Fair to good f 8.20 to $8.40.
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  • 55 3 Orders for week ending May 4: To day. May 3 Ambnlanc* Class, V M.C A., 5.15 p.m. General Meeting of the Association, V.M.C.A. Library, 5.30 p.m. Saturday, May 4.-Field J Day. Firs! Troop parade V.M.C.A. 2 p.m Second Troop and Third Troor parade, Government House GaUB, 2
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 250 3 Marlborough Theatre Ths H»ll for Coatfurft, Good Music, and Oh od Pictures. SECOND SHOW, 9.15 to 11 p.m. A Thrilling Serial of Intrigue and Adventure with intftest folly t-ustaiued in each rend every episode and featuring Daring and Charming PEARL WHITE THE FATAL RING IN 20 EPISODES OR 41 REELS
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    • 1282 3 j a Pftrova Pietur h worth going a long way to see j i This is what a connoiss-jur of moving pic area or -any one who knows anything of Al mb 1 I Alhambra is I pictures or pioture-Btars will tell you ls lQe om i P the Tbeatre
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    • 448 3 J Grand Change ot Programme r THE POPULAR PHOTO-FLAY HOTJ^E \EMPIRE Taajoag Pagar Road. freees Pass tbe Dcor. I To night! SECOND SHOW 9.30 SHARP To-night! j Ihe Serial of the Hour. Featuring Pearl White I The Pearl of the Army 1.5 EPiSODCS —30 PARTS Uaaaakiag tho Secret Foe< aha
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  • 1413 4 Renter's correspondent at French Headquarters gives a clear view of what is probably the French opinion of the present offensive. They do not wish to delude the people into believing that tho preaent enemy attack, because it has been temporarily held, means that such a condition
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  • 424 4 Claims for Damages. In the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon before the Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill K. C), sitting as District Judge, a claim for $142.80 was brought by Dr. L. F. Randall against Mr. Kho Teong Yang of No. 155 Tvluk Ayer Street for damages incurred as
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  • 116 4 The Bukit Slarong kedai-keeper and "kapala" together with his two mandors who were found guilty of the murder of f our Chinese sinkehs under the most cruel and revolting circumstance on the above estate and were sentenced to death, have' at length been hanged at Alor Star.
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  • 43 4 A telegram to Singapore announces that the death hta occurred at IpoLof Mr George Logan, master of the Anglo Chinese school at X L. for three years, previously at Ptnan.? Anglo Chinese school for 20 years He belonged to i. well.kuown Penang family.
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  • 318 4 Tin ia at $171, noe-ll^. RabrV-r ie and 2/3J for eheet. ,or or€p e London, April steely.— Reufrr. The output of the Tr i n-r Estateifor II arch" 24,872 lbs. ma S r p Ch to months of 162,501 ft/ for I present in Singapore and 5n
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  • 238 4 Various Cases. Before Mr Ham in the Third Court this morning, two Chinese who were brought op for gambling at Peoples Park w°r* convicted and fined $20 and $5 respectively. Appearing before the" Third Magistrate this morning. Hoh Teng Ho, a Hylam servant to Arehdea con Swindell,
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  • 58 4 I Report is made to the police by Lim Yeo Soh, a Chinese woman living at Coleman Street, of theft from her house in the small hours of this morning of jewellery worth $1,999. Sun Vat Sn, another Chinese, is said to have surrendered himself at
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  • 54 4 Tin ii quoted at £360 0.0 in London. Black pepper is quoted at tfi and wiii hp al 2/2 in 1 endon. On tha Liverpool market otton, middling American, ie at 2 ~> X In London rubber is q'i"tcd at 3/l£ for fine hard Para anl t/H
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 173 4 ROBINSON Co. Eng lisn Lavender Productions. tagl Fragrant Old English f£S% MITCHAM mm Lavender Water Distilled from Selected Flowers. Lavender Sachet I LUBRICATING OILS Asiatic Petroleum Co. I (S.S.), LTD. I Incorporated in England. 5 >>z?ssar; viaßEannnnnnnnnnann No Further Danger! Patent Bottle Opener (specially made for the use of Aerated
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    • 252 4 GUAN KIAT AND Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Strait* Settlements) Head Office: 36, Phillip Street, Singapore. ■■■■Mi The successful Tenderers to the S. S. Government and Municipal Commissioners for the year 1918 For the supply of Engineering Stores, Paints and Oils, Metal and Hardware, and Miscellaneous Stores, etc., etc. Tel.
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    • 167 4 J Cresta Blanca Wine Company Red Sparkling Burgundy A superb sparkling red wine, made from the Petit Pioot grnpe. A "plendi J binquet wine, and a great favourite with the ladies. SOLE AGENTS: Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. FOR sale: Tamil coloured map of the F. M. S. most useful to Estates.Tamil
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  • 706 5 The Western Front. Latest Battle Phases. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, May 1, 8.20 a.m. Correspondents emphasise that everything favoured the Germans on Monday—inagniaoent artillery support, a favouring fog, innumerable machine-guns, masses of men and a limited objecive. Yet they failed, after experi mcing a day of steady slaughter
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  706 words
  • 31 5 In Mesopotamia. London, Mayl, 7.15 p.m. Mesopotamia official We reached the Tauq river on Tuesday. We captured twelve more field guns on the 29th. Our prisoners now total 1,800.
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  • 107 5 London, May 1, 9.20 p.m. Palestine official In the early morning yesterday our forces east of the Jordan attacked the enemy holding the foothills south of Es Salt. Our mounted troops moving north along the t ast bank of the river and turning east wore within two miles
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  • 46 5 Loudon, May, I, 11.15 Italian official: Toe British raided southwest, of Canove and south of Asiago indicting loasjs. There is rrciprocil artillery fire at Tonal wd astride the Brenta and near Cornuda. Our direct hit blew up an auimuaiti >n damp at Costa.
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  • 158 5 London, M*y 1, 5.20 p,m. Amsterdam The Dutch Press is still unaware of the precise nature of Geamany's demands and the Dutch answer, but it is taken for granted they included inter alia that German sea going vessels might use the western Scheldt and that Holland refused
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  • 144 5 London, May, I, 6.30 p.m. A Bagdad telegram on the results of" a year of British military ad. ministration of Bagdad vilayet is highly satisfactory. Land untitled for many years is bearing crops, roads and railways are being energetically developed, sanitation has improved, dispensaries for civilians have been
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  • 92 5 London May 2, 2.25 a. in, Paris: Cordial speeches have been exchanged between President Poincare sod Lord Derby on the occasion of his presentation of credentials, as the new Ambassador. Lord Derby voiced the deep British admiration for the splendid Frenoh feats of arms, and declared that
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  • 49 5 London, May 1, 9.20 p.m. The Admiralty announces that the sloop Cowslip was torpedoed and sunk on April 25, Five officers and one man missing are presumed lost by explosion. Torpedoboat number 90 foundered in heavy weather on April 25. One officer and twelve men are miwing.
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  • 724 5 The British Reply. London, May 1, 5.0 p.m. An amplification of the British reply to the Netherlands regarding the requisitioning of ships states While recognising that the Dutch delegates who discussed the outstanding qu66iiors8t th*-> end of la«»t year between the Nwth» rland3 and the associated Powers were
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  • 27 5 London, May 2, 1.45 p.m. Washington Mr. Hurley, Shipping Controller, states that the new shipping programme iucludes two hundred wooden vessels of 4,500 tons each-
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  • 309 5 Heroic Airmen. London, May 1, 4.35 p.m. Vic f oria Crosses have been awarded to two officers of the Royal Air Force. Lieut. Alan Jeriar.l attacked five ene>ny aeroplanes, shot down one afi r e, then attacked an enemy aerodrome from a hei\'h!. of fit'ty feet and engaged
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  • 145 5 The Latest Moves London, May 2, 6.30 a.m. The best confirmation of the enemy defeat at Ypres is contained in indications of ihe imminence nf a renewal of a peac? off 'isi7,>. Thus German papers state that th« Pope is about to issue a n*w peace note, while
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  • 155 5 London, May I, I 25 a.m. Ottawa Speaking ro Canadian finance, Mr. Maclean sai 1 that since December 1, 1915, a domestic an! war loan aggregation til made ex ceeding £149 millions, ot which the Canadians subscribed £140 millions; and Canada advanced to Great Britain for purchases in
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  • 39 5 London, May. 2, 1.15 a.m. Amsterdam It is reported from Vienna that the Anstrian K nperor and Baron Burian will shortly visit the Kaiser at German Headquarters. Far reaching politic il importance is attached to this visit.
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  • 24 5 London, May 1, 5.35 p.m. Amsterdam Prinzip, who assassinated the Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, has tlieJ of consumption in Theresienstadt fortress.
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  • 23 5 London, May 2, 1.45 p.m. Melbourne Recruiting coDtinnes to improve. Mr. Hoitemanr, member of the Federal Parliament for Kalgoorlie, has enlisted.
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  • 213 5 Government Difficulties. London, May 2, 6.40 a.m. Sir E lwa:d Carson has written to the secretary of the Irish Southern Unionists Committee declaring tha* it is little short of insanity to reopen the question of "Home Rnle in the midst of «he gravest European crisis The Duly News
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  • 106 5 London, May 1, 5.35 p.m. Tokio Goto, the new Foreign Minister, interviewed by Renter, declared that the suggestion was baseless that the policy of the Japanese Government bad changed or that its loyalty to all its engagements was lessened owing to the change of personnel, which was sol-
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  • 100 5 London, May 2. 1.15 a.m. Mr. Arthur Henderson has specially informed the Evening Standard that no conference with the German social democrates is now possible until they have accepted the position of no annexations and no punitive indemnities, and the right of self determination, and nntil they
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  • 96 5 London, May 2, 8.5 a.m. The highest Bndget in the history of the world is passing easily through the House of Commons. The total taxation involved is £842 millions, but the House of Commons has confirmed all the necessary resolutions after a brief and tranquil discussion. The
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  • 377 5 f Bp courtesy oj the Frvt ch Consulate.) Paris, April 30. 6.50 p rn. A Ministerial decree rene* 8 the mission of M Albert Sariaut in Indo-Chir.a. We r gained ground in the region of Locr--> which we keep. Th° r»<yht was calm following the enemy failure.
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  • 37 5 London, May 2, 1.15 a.m. The Government has gratefully accepted twenty thousand pounds sterling from the Government of Zanzibar towards the cost of the war, making a contribution of seventy thousand pounds sterling altogether.
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  • 50 5 London, May, 1. 4.20 p.m. The reanlt of the Two Thousand Guineas was Gainsborough, 1. Somme Kits, 2. Blink, 3. Betting 4—1, 8—1, and 100—6 respectively Thirteen ran won by one and a half lengths p«x lengths between second and third. Place betting was 4-5 Giins'.>oron$b, the others proportionate.
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  • 95 5 On the prosecution of the Municipality, Shaik Ali bin Ahmad Utway, charged with sending in faiso returns of rents received, was convicted by Mr Langham Carter in the District Court yesterday There were altogether four sum mouses, and on hearing the first his Woiehip convicted the defendant and
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  • 118 5 Sreemathi Narayant Pillai Chern» pakakntii Amtua of ArappuraVeedu Thampanoor.Ti i- endroas, has offer, ed intn of Ri 5,000 v capital for schola,ship to be awarded, to poor deserving Nair girls of the local Maharaja's College to maintain them at school from the third form upwards. The scho' .rship will be
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  • 111 5 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association 34 th Auction, 1st 2nd May. 1918. Offered for sale pkls, 13.963.07 or 1,361,743 lbs. Tons 831.13. Prices Realized. Sheel Sin. Fine Ribbed $98 to $102 Good 83 97 Good Plain 65 80 Sheet Un. Fine Plain 78 80 Crepe
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  • 216 5 Messrs Barlow's Co's Report. Singapore, May 2. The market since last reporting on the 26.h ultimo has been uncertain, and a fall in prices was expected at the Auctions this week. This was fully realized, the prices paid for all grades showing sharp declines. The demand throughout can only be
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  • 207 5 Messrs. Guthrie Co's Report. Singapore, May 2. The Rubber auc'ion opened yes terday to a considerably weaker ma' ket, and prices for the leading gradeB show a substantial drop. The highest paid for Fine Pale Crepe was $105 per pikul which is $7 below last week's best, while Ribbed Smoked
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 205 5 Havas Service. General Items. Paris, May 7, 7.45 p.m. The papers of May I are unanimous in stating that the recent fighting in Flanders has been a veritable sanguinary defeat for the Germans. L'Eebo do speaks of the struggle on Monday as follows: From s'x in,the morning to nightfall waves
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    • 104 5 CHIMCH NOTICE. Seventh-Day Advent st Chapel, Penang Line. Saturday. May 4. <S a.m. Missionary Ser\ice. 9 a.m. Sabbath School. 10 a.m. Hokkien and Hakka Service. 5 p.m. English Service. Wednesday. 5 p.m. Prayer Service. All welcome. Arrived Arrived I More Actors and Actresses Including Miss Habeeba, a Malay Prima Donna
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    • 644 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. United States War Trade Board Regulation. LIST OF RESTRICTED IMFORTS No 2. The American Consulate General has received telegraphic instruction? from the Department of State cor taining the following list of articles, to be known as, List of Restricted Imports No, 2," supplementing previous List of Restricted Imports
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  • 875 6 Prices Q"ot«4 ia the Market (Ms ing. SIHGAPoax, May, 3. Meaan Lyol tad Evatt, Excii-uge end rhart Broktm, iwne the following list of quotation! Robber Shares. Sore. V„i-«. -">-t ft Than B'i 4 2 An*lo Jotta 7,--th An^lo-Malay 12/- II 1 A-:r Kaning 40'- I o i'-
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  • 65 6 6 vjip">- Mau s n Loi dor. Dontnnd 1/4 1/8 Prl Ha 3 a:/v 2/1 11/16 0 India— £»nk T. T. U6i On Hop ong— >;rkd/d .U5/8. prcm On Bbti njftnjUBnnVd s|| On Enok T. V 113| On J>p i t d/d, IC6^ —l v-dog ftl 13.*4 Ini:*( of
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  • 1882 6 The Explained. The local representative of Ifoaara, Spicer Bros, Ltd, ol London, paper merchants, sends us the following I have been asked to give some in, formation dealing with the present shortage of supplies of papor an i th conditions that bate csused shortage. To bpyio with the
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  • 44 6 We (M.M.) regret to learn that I>at. b Panglitm Kiri, Penyhnlo of Kaala Knbu and Member of the S.ate Council, .lied on Saturday !«t. T'.h funeral took pUoe on suuday. His Highuess the Saltau of Selangor'a representative, the L»Uoh Stia, AUa led the fonoral.
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  • 116 6 NttfWtJ *n Lnodor xuf following «r« tat uav«w ol depa i from«po'b of t«i«* V. tf an i I tbaii uonnon* Mail C Feb. 9 April 8 Mail E Feb. 1J April Hail F I k 1» April 8 Mii.l H F. b. 11 April 9 Mail
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  • 275 6 Singapore (Tank Road) Dally. The mail trains from Singapore for the north leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m. (Sunday excepted) anil 7 p.m. arriving at Koala Lutnpnr at 7 IS p in. and 6.45 a m. respectively, The through express to Peuang leaves Kuala Lumpur at
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 141 6 There is no Better Ale Than BULLDOG ALE i ON SALE AT The Leading Hotels I A.ND Principal Liquor Dealers. I Han Patent Latex Cup Holder Registered in the Straits Settlements, Johore and the F.M.S. Guaranteed to tit any girth with THE SPRING-GRIP Price according to the length cf the
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    • 168 6 AUCTION SALES. Auction Sale of UNREDEEMED PLEDGES FROM PAWNSHOP 3 Chop Thye Tong; Chop Tek Ann Tong At No. 23 Riverside, Valacca On Tuesday. May 7. 1918. The pledges will he on view on 4th and 6th instant. Teoh Hong Tiat Auctioneer 75 m^ammmmmmmm > AUCTION SALE OF Handsome, Teak
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    • 674 6 Feed the Tired Brain and Jangled Nerves with Sanaphos The Idea! Reconstructive Nerve Food. All and Always British. SANAPHOS is completely soluble, easily mj xed particularly palatable. 1 SANAPHOS in based on milk reinforced by scientific combination with life-giving Phosphorus. SANAPHOS is easily digestible, and in this respect differs from
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 142 6 Mails Close. To ia/ Port Swettenham and Teluk Anson *Sinta 2.80 pa Batu Pahat Sri 2.30 pm Malacc» .»nd A! oar L* ciy Weld 3 pm Patau Batam A Pulau Bulang Hock Lim 8 pm Pulau Soegi Sultana 3 pm Pulau Soegi Ben nit 8 pm Kota Tinggi Tanjong Surat
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  • 556 7 The Fosition to Date. The following is th* posi'ion cl the above innd atdato —Hat3 tipleted and telegraphed (cos.iny £600 each tc?nj»apr>re No 1 lint. S V'C No 1 Hot Singapore Chamber of Commerce No 1 Hat and No 2. Lee Choon Guan and Lim 1 eng
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  • 112 7 gaajgajgaeaj In i i] I »f old wh. n knights were bold, Th, v tilted fur renown In burnished mail bedecked with gold They battled for the Crown. But nowadays iv ut "©r ways The knightly spurs are won The mail is black, or at the crack
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  • 642 7 The Chinese Language. Iu opening a now school at Jesselton the Con*u1-Umeral for C' in*, l)r. W. T. B. Sia, gave a sbort hi toiical of education*! work itnd its dtvc lopmeut among tb<* Chines'' p' ople, both at horn and abroad, sinco tbu days »>f China s adoption
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  • 14 7 VeshelH in communication at neon with tho local Commercial Wirelege Station None.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 400 7 NOTICES NOTICE. I the undersigned Chan Tiang Seng of The Singapore Electric Co., beg to announce to the public that I have bought the goodwill of The Eastern Tyre Co., from Tay Lian Teng. And I do not hold myself responsible for any debts incurred by the said Tay Lian
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    • 618 7 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA jAND CHINA. IN CORP; RATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER, Paid up Car.ital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each' £1,200,000 Reoerre Fund £2,0D0,000 Renerva Liability of Proprietors £1.200,000 3ANKOS. rhe B* ok cf England, Th* London City and KidLasd Tank, Ltd.. Tha L'j.irlo-. County
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    • 237 7 TO BE LET OFFICES TO LET. I.arrje painted front office No. 32-3, Riffles Amply Liia Kim fciat, 5, Ttlok street. t-f Lands and Buildings (Within or beyond Municipal limits) AT Reasonable Prices Can be purchased privately through THE STRAITS BUILDING Co. llli Market Street (Corner of Cecil Street). 23 4
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    • 116 7 Weak Stomachs thin blood The stomach depends on the blood for its energy, and there can be no perfect digestion unleaa your blood is plentitui. If your digestion is weak you need a tonic to strengthen your blood, not a remedy to supplant nature by endeavouring to digest your food
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    • 512 7 THE Malaga Tribune AND SHIPPING CAZETTE. (Evening Dally.) 'Phone No. 171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Per annum $1400 Half-yearly 7.25 Per quarter 3 75 Per mensem 1.25 Single Copy 5 cts. Postage Extra 50 CtS. per month. All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to
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    • 365 7 THE ORIENTAL Government Security Lite Assurance Co., Ltd. Established 1b74. Incorporated in India.. FUNDS exceed $30,500,000 00 Absolute Security. j income in 1916 $4,309,51 7.50 Total Out-go In fill-! MtMtM Assurance enected in 1916 $4,230,542.85 Increasa In Funds $1,819,08*.«»» Total Policies in force 65,842 assuring, with Bonne aimoue, $72,522,343.14. LOW
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    • 24 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Daily.J SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. Issued Dail>.J VoL V. No. 103 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1918 PHICE 5 CENTS.
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    • 1188 1 Some Naval Wives. Whether it be due to the acknowledged perspicacity of all naval men, which leads them first to discern and then to appropriate, the best of everything, or whether it be simply a dispensation of Providence, tbe fact remains that N T aval Wives
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    • 76 1 Mr A W Vick at the Chartered Bank, Singapore, haß received for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution Already acknowledged $60 Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Staff J C Peter $10 W 8 Nicholson 10 A F Warrack 10 Other members of Staff 21 il J E Baddeley \q $121
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    • 58 1 On December 1, 1917, the record for time required to pass through the Panama Canal was lowered from the previoas record of 5 hours and 49 minutes to 4 hoars and IS minates by a ship making the transit north boand. On tbe following day a vessel going soath made
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    • 73 1 A Japanese has bought, for T550.000, two electric light conearns in Harbin hitherto run by Russians. Tho two concerns will be amalgamated into on« company with a capital of T700.000, of which YlOO.OOO will be subscribed by Hessians, while tbe Oriental Colonisation Company will also subscribe one-fourth of the cspital.
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    • 141 1 Muob inconvenience bad been experienced for tome months now in aoauneatcating with Ihe Portagaeas •el.ny of Timor Dilly from Singa•ore owiag to the suspension of the K P M monthly aervice from Java, bat the Portuguese Consul at Bata▼ia haa notified hit Consular colleague at Singapore thai thia line haa
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    • 83 1 (Incorporated In Singapore) Registered Offioe 58 and 59 Market Street, Intended Sailings. Meran For Qatu Pahat Every 3 other days. Sri Patana Thu°idJJ lU0Ca EV9ry Monda7 and Soon Hong For Cuoob, Pontian, Kechil and Lenuit. Every alternate day. 11 Hook Lim For P. Batam, Bulang and
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 570 1 GUAR KIAT Co., Ltd. I (Incorporated in the Strait. Settlements) I Head Office: 3-5, Phillip .-Ti:fc.ET, Singapore. Established «917. il Ship-chandlers, Hardware Dealers, Government and gt Municipal Contractors, Oeneral Importer* and 3 Exporters, Estate, Rice and Saw Mill U Suppliers and Commission Agents. jjij Tel. Address GDANKIAT. Codes used A.BC,
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      • 152 1 HEAP ENG MOH STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. SlNijirc ti btivii, CNrilN irt Sanriif. Sail Twice a Week Stofiw ti Paigkil Piiisq, iitJrta. Simtim. Bitivii, Paifkal Finn ni Siegapoft. Sail Fortnightly^ siiuMre. BiliitM in simriiii (Bill). Sail Fortnightly. f'oc h-algbt, paaaaga aad fart hat LaforaaWta Apply to THE REGISTERED OFFICE Ho. SS,
        152 words
      • 76 1 SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD. Entrances—Tanjong Pagar. Wharves Section Godowns Gate Entrances Bonded Warehouses, Trafalgar St. East Reclamation. T<W i o Btorage 2 and 1 /T. Pagar. P S East 1f *W Bl{ WW Road cio (Dry Docks) 3 Dock Store, Head 0 Tower Office, Police and Main v j FireStationa 2
        76 words
      • 522 1 GOAN KIAT CQ M Ltd7 (Incorporated in the Strait. Settlement. I HEAD OFFICE: 6, PHILLIP S T R EET Established 1917. Ship-chandler*, Hardware Dealers Municipal Contractor!. General'lmr! I nrDent Exporter,, EsUte,' Xi« JIfSaSBT I Supplier* and Communion Arent. TeL Address: GUANKIAT rvw j 6th Ediuoi and Offioe "Phone Nos. 1361,
        522 words