Malaya Tribune, 30 November 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
  • 50 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] SHIPPING GAZETTE. EVENING DAILY. Vol. IV. No. 282 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, 30, 1917 PRICE 5 CENTS. ClK malapa Cributie. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Dally.] SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. Issued Dally.] Vol. IV. Nd 282 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1917 PRICE S CENI*
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 274 1 36, PHILLIP STHEf T. S > FIREWOOD jj Supplier to the Singapore Municipality. l u'i parti v.. r, ou application. il Piione Nos. J361, 1362 and Private 1450 and 1073. J SEE !2! THE PLAT :il T TONISHED AL\ NEW YOR v Attbe "GAIETY" To-night! Louis VYebers Latest Film Triumph
      274 words
    • 553 1 j JNSURANCE I SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO.. LIU. Ihooeporated is Ntw Zealand I IIRE Ii ■■**>cea effeoind ou RulKiiugs, I Rent and Merchandise of evtvy j description MARINE Insaraucj* accepted to all p*rts oc tin wo-id at lowest ratei WARIISI aocepted to all parts. J. HENRY Manager. Oicea; 1, Finla,
      553 words
    • 38 1 I Ross's j TRADE MARK jj I Fresh Supplier Man fy. j j *y I Pure Pilsener Guinness British and best. Insist on being served with ROSS'S I HA Ross Brothers LIMITED. BOTTLERS I London and Leith. J
      38 words
    • 400 1 jlTay Guan Kiatfj 36, PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. Government and Municipal j| Contractor. L Phone Nos. 1361, 1362 and Private 1450 and 1073. jjj j "ONODA" I Portland I CEMENT. Mitsui Bussan ]Kaisha, Ltd. f (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN.) i uiim his. nutci ci. 38 Robinson > "ad, Singapere. Branches at IPOH,
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  • 1555 2 Kite-Balloon and Its Work. To-day the praise of ourflyingmon is deservedly iv every one's mouth as their achievements are in the fore, front of all the fighting. Tbey are iv no danger of escaping their due meed of recognition, for the development of the aeroplane is one of
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  • 249 2 Busiest Money Changing Office. The busiest money changing office in the world is that at Victoria Station, London where soldiers on leave receive Eiglish money for French. List week all records were bea'en. One day the amount changed reached £10,SOO and on nearly every other day it was
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  • 483 2 Evidence by Me merism. Oct. 12, was the second anniversary of the shooting by the Germans of Nurse Edith Cavell, and the occasion waa commemorated by a lecture given by M. Gaston de Leva!, at the Hall, in aid of the funds of the Edith Cavell Homes
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  • 185 2 New Discoveries Tho Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, in its second annual report, says that notwithstanding the strain of war some pressing problems have been successfully attacked. Three new kinds of optical glass have been discovered by Professor Jackson. A research on alloys, such as aluminium, zinc,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 466 2 Ideal X'mas Presents FOR JUVENILE PHILATELISTS. New Edition of Excelsior Stamp Albums, with ICO stamp o given away free. Special packets of Asiatic stamps at prices to suit all pockets. Tile Continental Stamp Co. HIGH STREET. Absolutely Free 40 years' experience, late Government Medical Officer RAI SAHEB DR. DASS Secrets
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    • 682 2 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF Superior Teak Household Furniture, Oil Paintings, etc. At the Sale-room ot The Commercial Rudder Co., Ltd., No. 3 Battles Place On Saturday, Ist December, at 10-30 am Comprising a beautifully designed wax-polished teak plate cabinet with glass doors and sides wax-polished teak dining table and
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  • 412 3 Minutes of Committee Meeting. The following are the minutes of a nittee meeting of the North o Chamber of Commerce held OB October 27th last. Present The Hon Mr. W. G. I Darby (in the Chair), and Messrs. R. W Dale, W. D. Jupp, C. Watt, and
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  • 205 3 Sings re, Xo%euuber 30. '..■<>■ a b an 1 Co.. orcsde vb« :],o fallowing i«rst^ 14.40 14.; i > J2 r 1.40 1.45 y« Moleh 2.80 290 11.50 11.75 6.40 6.50 BwH J-oto- g.. 0.75 0.80 BQk't Katil 0.87$ 0.95 Baku X B 0 .82± 0.90 U&angkat
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  • 285 3 Singapore, November 30. Zfi*_4* Local and General column. Copra. -No Business. Easiness done Sago JW-Business done. Gambier.~So Business. done Vther Product*.— Market Quiet. Ut«t Loa! Market ihot»ti M Nutmegs 110 S. m* i(3nl tM M Nutmegs 80S. 1 r Copra Bali »»2S Copr? Gorong T :lo c*S Copra
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  • 45 3 Copra Singapore, Nov. 29. Since onr last report the market has remained quietly Bteady but closes with a slightly weaker fueling To-day's values miy be given as. $6 00 for fin* nmdried and r >.£o to $."> 70 for fair to good qnalities.
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  • 411 3 What Coal Tar is Doing. When gas is distilled, the coal tar condenses in the pipes. For years -very gas works had to contend with it as an extremely bothersome byproduct. It was worse than waste, for vegetation died wherever it was spilled streams .were polluted if it
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  • 115 3 In response to representations from tbe miners of South Wales, tbe Chancellor of the Exchequer has expressed hi* willingness to include in his next Budget a new "wife allowance" of £25 An official statement supplied by the Board of Inland Revenue to the Exchange Telegraph Company
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  • 33 3 Mr Montagu invited the Earl of DonouKhmore, X P, Chairman of Committees of the House of Lords, and Mr. Charles Roberts, M P, to acoompany him to India, and they accepted his invitation.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 193 3 VIOLENT METHODS Are unnecessary to conquer that bitter enemy of civilisation, Rheumatism. All its fo-ms, including Rheumatic Gout, can be cured perraanently.safely and inexpensively by Little's Oriental Balm. No matter how much pain your Rheumatism is causing you. No matter if you have tried a dozen oils, ointments and embrocations
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    • 460 3 If The j ThoTT I Alhambrais j AT T HE Alhambra tbe Theatre j££ S L* r\ JH mt. m ls the only Si A LH AM B RA BEST Tho hM f attached. Ice Orchestra, The fi,r Mus,c The P "> neer »nd Premier House. The House of Quality
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    • 488 3 11 TO-NIGHT SHOWING TO-NIGHT j Tne Smashing Serial Success of the Season I AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-FLAY BOOZE I [EMPIRE 1 1 1 TaDj Dg Pagar Ro d Trams Pass the Door, j I SECOND SHOW 9.15 SHARP J Quality Pictures Corporation present j Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne
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  • 979 4 The policy initiated by General Joffre did not perhapa receive the full meed of praise it deserved from both France and England. It surprised France to see the enthusiasm with which General Joffre was received in the United States of Amerdca. General Joffre's was a Fabian
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  • 534 4 POLICE COURTS. Rubber Fraud. In the Third Court yesterday afternoon Ooh Hok Seng, of 75 Tiong Bharu Road, was brought up on a charge of assisting to sell 16 pikuls of stolen rubber, valujd at $2,000, the property of M ssrs Meyer and Measor. Inspector Randall prosecuted, and
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  • 41 4 There was a big gathering of friends* at P.»rt Dickdon Railway Station on Monday earring to bid g od-byo to Mr. J. A. BUck, Ac ing Supervisor of Customs, who goes to Kuala Lumpur on traiibfer at> AsHiglant Controller oi Labour.
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  • 351 4 Tin here is at $133.50 (1.50 up) 210 tons sold. Rubber is quoted at 2/6£ for crepe and 2'J>\ for sheet. The Bishop of .v s to-day for Java, tor uij »nuual visitation of the Chaphincy. Dr G W Park, Municipal Health Officer, Penang, vvho is retiring,
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  • 89 4 Tin is quoted at £:>:. >.0 m London. Sago tiour (Sarawak) is quoted at in London. Black pepper is quoted at I j and white pepper at 1/6$ in London. Tapioca fair flake is done at 5f (norn) on the London mark-t. On the Liverpool market cotton,
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  • 62 4 London, Nov. -9. 1013 An Amsterdam message siys that a German torpedoboat belonging to the Zeebrugge ti )tilla struck a mine just outside Dutch territorial waters and sank. Only two uf tin' crew were saved. Lord Lansdownes letter re a declaration of Allied aims, whicn was not written
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  • 109 4 turn Ths Great Wah The Fighting Fronts Russia I Submarining Allied Conference Neutrals Prepared Development of China French Consular News GENERAL: H. M. 8. Sausage Nurse Cavell's Death Tommy's Treasury British Science Civilisation's Slave N. Borneo Coiumerce Local Share Market Straits Produce The Mam Power of GefWj Legal
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 122 4 I ROBINSON Co. Christmas Bazaar NOW OPENED. J LUBRICATING OILS I FOR ALL PURPOSES I STOCKS ALWAYS ON HANI) For Particulars and Prices I APPLY "0 THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM Co. (S.S.), LTD. I y Incorporated ln Knoland) I St. Helen's Court, Singapore. Sweeteaed Condensed Milk P« case $18.00 Sterilised Natural
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    • 421 4 AT THE CINEMA CASINO By the Sea The House of Merit. Off Beach Road. A Programme Second to Hone IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9.15 P.M. Jury's- Imperial Pictures Present 1914 by RITA 3 RrELS fm*vi*M 3 PaRTS JANE GAIL Tbd mo* ,-ivi i war drmmm ever eoree»ed,d pictin* aa
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    • 200 4 We beg to inform the; Public thai we have been 1 appointed Sole Agents FOR The Cresta Blanca Wine Co. OF CALIFORNIA, j Prices on Application to jeaSdbeck, Macgregor AND Co. HO tL Tomorrow, Ist December Brand Masquerade Ball GIVEN BY Amateur Drawing Association 8 PRIZES. Dance from 10—1 a.m.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 49 4 Coming Events. To-Day. St. Andrew. Municipal Commissioners, 2.30 p.m., Scottish Concert, Victoria Theatre. To morrow, Dec- 1. Queen Alexandra's Birthday (LS44-) Sunday. 1 st Sunday in Advent. Monday. Legislative Cuuncil, 2 30 p m. Tuesday. A. D S. presarrs D tndy Dick, Victoria Tneatr»\ Wednesday. Moon List Q »;»»ter.
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  • 76 5 The Fighting Fronts. OFFICIAL COMMUNIQUES. Varied Activities. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, N>v 29, 2.10 am. Field Marehal Sir Douglas Haig reports: There is nothing epccial on the P iiubrai ittle front, We ri .pnlse 1 tw raids in the neighboured! of Avion. The enemy's artillery -vas acMve on
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  76 words
  • 311 5 London, Nov. 29, 12 10 a m. K-nter's c> respondent at Head- 1 1 nr f -ra. wn ;g in the evening, the giilant part by (J-enadie s, the and Sella an I Irish Gaaris in yesterday's battle ia the vicini.y of Fontaine. A 1 little further off
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  • 40 5 Ljulon, Nov. 29, 12 30 p.m. Sir D »:igl \s Hv* After s ia'p t: rh'ing, an attack against the B-Uian positions near Aschhoop failed. We capture! prisoners during the nuht in patrol encounters southward of the Scarpa.
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  • 51 5 London, Nov. 28, 11.15 p.m. East Africa official: The Germans disI.dgM from Simbas are reported to hei?i th'» vicinity of the Rovuma riv«r. short of food and ammunition. Culonel Tafel from the Mahenge are* 110Germans, 1,212 Askaris an«l other natives surrendered nnconditi>n dly in the vicinity of
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  • 43 5 Artillery Actions. I.on'lon, Nov. 29,1.0 a.m. French communique There are artillery ictions in various sectors. London, Nov. 29, 3.55 p.m. French communique An attempted em-my raid with large e'Tcctives after a violent bombardnorth of Mont Cornillet in was repulsed with heavy losses.
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  • 131 5 Better Outlook. l»ndon, Nov. 2S, 1L.15 p.m. U correspondent at Italian juartera states that the enemy vainly hammered the valleys on 1 th si leg of Mount Grippa, and n,)W is apparently attempting to 'i towards the plain from the "'•t' Cou.uni plateau, in tho hope ,r ia' <
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  • 46 5 London Nov. 29, 3.35 p in. oflicial: Reciprocal artil- > "iiing occurred along the whole lr MUeriea carried out deatruc- live bombardment of the enemy boats on the lower Piave. We repulsed heavy enemy attacks on the confluence of the Suaciza and Vojussa, in Albania.
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  • 42 5 German Tales. London, Nov 29, 3.55 p.m. Wireless German official There is a lull in the fighting aonth-weat-ward of Cambrai. The English shelled Cambrai. Attacks on our mountain positions on Monte Tomba on the west bank of the Brenta failed.
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  • 64 5 Representative Gathering. London, Nov. 28, 6 30 p m. Altogether, twelve nations, including Japan and Siam, will be represented at the inter- Vllied Conference ia Pans. London, Nov. 29, 7.0 a.m. Paris The iir-r Vliied Conference opens ti-day. As the principal task is to Battle the practical piobl-ms
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  • 162 5 London, Nov. 29, 6.0 a m. Lord Lansdowne, in a long letter to the Daily Telegraph, nr?"s the co-ordination of the war aims of the Allien. He says thit the prolongadon of the war will ruin the civilis--1 wor! 1 and an immen le stimulus would probably be
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  • 91 5 London. Nov. 29, 7 25 p m Paris M. Olemene 'an, a ldr< ning the Inter-Allied Conference, d dared that the Allies must win 0a the battlefield the right to real peace for humanity, hence all agreed upon the sacrifices demanded by the Allied command, which no intrigne
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  • 97 5 London Nov. 29, 3.0 a.m. Wellington Speaking at a conference of the Chambers of Commerce, the Premier said that any proposal to restore Samoa or New Guinea to Germany would be bitterly resente 1 by the British people in the south Pacific. It would mean that Samoa
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  • 66 5 London, Nov. 29, 1.55 p.m. Washington President Wilson has issued a proclamation requiring the licensing of m st of the chief imports by the War Trade Board, enabling the Government to control imports aa it has controlled exports wince thM war, and giving the Government another powe.fn!
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  • 42 5 Lonlon, Nov. 28, 6.30 p.m. Rio de Janeiro Brazil has agreed with Franc 1 that thirty interned German ships of a tonnage of a quarter of a million shall be used for a year as food carriers to the Allies.
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  • 26 5 London. Nov. 29, 1.20 p.m. Tokio It is most probable that Japan will send a small police force to maintain order in Harbin.
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  • 80 5 Fighting Reviewed. London. Nov. 28, 7.35 p m. Hi War OlhV- sates that the chief of the Russian military mission in England has received a commmunication from Russian Headquarters, dated Nov. 22, follows M From Nov. (J to Nov. 20 no Bea-fightir? 1,7.14 Lurkifh «w)darmes surrendered on the Diala
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  • 38 5 London, Nov. 28, 11.15 p.m. Amsterdam A telegram from Vienna states that Count Czernin, speaking to the delegates in the upper house of the Reichsrath, expressed the Austrians' readiness to negotiate an honourable peace with Russia.
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  • 69 5 London, Nov. 29, 7.5 a.m. The Times correspondent at Petrograd wiring on Nov. 28 says Nearly all the Provincial Government Ministers .except Kereneky have been arrested. The Petrograd garrison has wholly joined the Bolsheviks. The shops are closed. Shots have been fired, and there were several casualties. People
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  • 150 5 Lon lon Nov 29, 9.50 a.m. Petrograd A message dated Nov. 2Ssa\s: Krylenko in an order to the Army and Navy announces that the envoys nominated by him have returned with an official answer from the Germau Commander-in-Chi>f consenting to enter into negotiation* for an armistice on
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  • 74 5 London, Nov, 29, I 20 p.m. It has been previously stated that the real names of Lenin and Trotzky are respectively Celerblum and Braunstein. A Petrograd now states that according to the anti-Maxima-list Pre.B9 the real name of Krylenko is Air on Abram, while the name
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  • 65 5 Moslsms to Decide London, Nov. 29, 5.25 p m. In the Houso of Commons Lord Robert Cecil stated that the war Russia had communicated with Britain regarding the proposals that the Saltan of Turkey should no longer be recognised as Khalif. Britain never departed from her attitude
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  • 68 5 London, Nov. 29, 7.5 Washington The chairman of the of the iron and steel institute has telegraphed to the department of commerce that tbe policy of commandeering tin will be continued. There will be no tin available for the packing of foodstuffs. He says that intense competition
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  • 24 5 London, Nov. 29, 2.0 p.m. Otficial: Anoperatim for duodenal ulcer was preformed on Prince Albert this morning. His condition is satisfactory.
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  • 47 5 London, Nov. 29, 7.0 a.m. Paris The Chamber, by 512 votes to two, adopted the report of its committee directing the impeachment of Malvy before tho Senate, after a long debate in whish Malvy said that he wished to be tried by the Senate.
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  • 29 5 London Nov. 29, 12.10 a m. The Admiralty announces the establishing of a Women's Royal Naval Service, for shore duties hitherto performed by naval ratings.
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  • 38 5 British Report. London, Nov. 28, 9 35 p.m. The Admiralty rsporti Arrivals during the week were 2,058. and sailings 2,122; fourteen over and a v. ji. I r 1,61)0 tons w»rp •ann'''. K'ght we-e unsuccessfully a tracked.
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  • 31 5 London, Nov. 29,12.10 a.m. The Italian returns for the week ending the 25th are 443 ships arrived and 387 departed. One over and one under 1,500 tons were lost.
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  • 25 5 London, Nov 29, 4.25 a.m. French shipping returns Arrives 909, sailings 803 sinking, three above and one below 1,600 tons unsuccessfully attacked, three.
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  • 93 5 Scandinavian Conference. London, Nov. 29, 2 0 a.m. Christiania The Scandinavian Kings and leading statesmen are conferring secretly, but a reiteration of neutrality is expected, also an assurance that the Scandinavian countries will not initiate peace proposals. Holland Ready. i London, Nov. 29, 7.0 a.m. The Hague The
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  • 86 5 London, Nov. 29, 6.5 a.m. The Daily Telegraph states th it there have been Degotialioni be tween the Govern vent and Liberal leaders on the subject of th- pacifist leaflets mentioned morning. It is BUdatatood that a ompromis < was reached whereby the identity of ths print* ra
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  • 71 5 London, Nov. 28, 2.55 p.m. New York Baron If again, head of the .1 ipaneee lim icy commission to tho United States, aid-easing a number of Americans prontln nt in fiuance, com nerce, and j mnnlism, urge I the development of China's vast resources by the (JoiU
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  • 41 5 London, Nov. 29. 7.0 a m. Amsterdam A Conference will shortly b i bald in Vienna for the purpose of creating a Hoard to utilise th* vegetable and fruit from the Italian occupied reigon for Germany and Austria.
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  • 36 5 Lon lon, Nt>v. 29, 7.5 a m. Philadelphia I Thi «rich»ns, the interned ex Commander of the Ettel Fri> drioh,'' has been sentenced to 14 months' imprisonment for violating the white slave laws.
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  • 78 5 (By courtesy of the French Consulate) Paris, Nov. 2«, G. 20 p.m. Rubber is quoted at 2s Gid per pound. The French attack on Nov 21, south of Juvincourt cost the enemy serious losses. We captured 171 prisoners and brought back important material. On the Britsh front
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  • 52 5 The Cinemas. At tb*e Harima Hall to-night a 5-reel Butterfly picture entitled 44 Phantom's Secret will bo the chief attraction, along with a new Universal Animated Weekly. M Even as Yon and I (in 7 long reels) M Pearl of the Army and The Silent Menace are Gaiety features
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  • 641 5 Intervention by a Chinese J.P. Iff W D Scott, Magistrate, Ipoh, bea d a ctPein the Police Court on Tuesday, in which a Malay named Mat Ali was charged with having robbed a Chinaman of Gunong Chiroh, near Ipoh, of $30. A Chinese vegbtatk' gardener, living Anderson Road
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  • 211 5 Hankow November, &tfc. —Tbe sight of the Hongkong and Bfa inghai Bank's new buildings was the scene of au interesting littl« ceremony yesterday morning before Church time. This site is now cleared and the great stones to be ur<ed in the new building have shaped, so with
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  • 42 5 A victory for the National Government Las been won at the General Election for the Legislative Assembly of Western Australia. Mr Lefroy, the Premier, returns to power with a following of 32 as computed with 10 representatives of the official Labour Party.
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  • 346 5 Messrs Fraser Co's Circular. Singapore, Nov. 28. The fall in the price of Rubbt-r a* the Local Auctions has made our market peculiarly apathetic and sellers are certainly more numerous, bit no c rious fall is yet apparent in any i f thes-- shares, as l I n
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  • 308 5 Ten Cases Considered. A meeting of the Perak ManPower Advisory Committee was held at the Ipoh Residency on Monday last at 2.15 p.m. There were present: the Chairman (the Hon Mr B G Watson. CM*;.), Mr J H Rich, Civi lian Member, and the Military (Capt J C
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  • 151 5 Anthony, a Rural Board dog hhooterof Penang appeared before the district J<t !ge, Mr. R D Acton, on Taeadaf on civil summons claiming $250 a.s lamages for peri m I injari i including ■aaonoaJ attendance sustained by GfcneJi Sob Rtim a Chinese girl. It was alleged that
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  • 102 5 At the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association 323 rd anc ion on Nov. 28, and 29 there wis <«ff*red for sale 16,285 94 pkls or 2,171,458 lbs. (Pons 969 40). Prices Realized. Sheet Sm. Fine Ribbed $95 to $104 Good 70 95 Fine Plain 80 Unsm.
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  • 238 5 Messrs. Barlow Co's. Report. Singapore, Nov. 29. For this week's Auctions 1,229 tons were catalogued, of which 9G9 were actually offered and 333 sold. The market still maintain* a very uncertain tone and pric-s for most grades show a further decline. American buyers are doing very little, but the low
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  • 233 5 Messrs. Guthrie Co.'s Report. Singapore Nov, 29. For the weekly Rubber auction h» Id yesterday and to day, the quantity catalogued was 1,220 tons No improvement in demand was apparent and prices for the leaping grades were a little easier, the highest paid for Ribbed Smoked being $2 down at
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 140 5 NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that a lease for a term of 30 years from Ist January, 1918, of a piece of land at Beach Road known as Lot 132 Town Sub-division XV containing an area et 37,710 square feet approximately, will be put up to aucti. n at the
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    • 564 5 UlEST AuVERTbEMENTS. THE AMATEUR DRAWING ASSOCIATION A BRAND MASQUERADE BALL will be given IN AID OF THE BRITISH RED CROSS SOCIETY AT The A DEL PHI HOTEL (Through the Courtesy ot the Management) To-morrow, 1st December. Ladies' and Gentlemen'-. Prizes given for the most simple and original costumes and a
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  • 858 6 P ices Quouj in the Market this Mcrei«| Singapore, November 30. Messrs Lyal! and Evatt, Exchange and Share Broken, issue the following list of quotations Kobber Shares. Nora. Value. Buyers. Seller* 1/- Allagar 1/3 J/9 4 I Anglo Java 6/- 7.I/- Anglo-Malay 12/- 161 Ayer Kuning 40,'-
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  • 68 6 Singapore, November in Oa London—■ Bank4m/ 8 2/4§ Demand 2/4^ Private 3 m/s. 2/4 27/32 On IndiaBank T. T. m On Hongkong Bank d/d 25 /o pnm. On Bhanghal— Bank d/d. 55a On Java— Bank T. T |jq On Jftj&r Bank .1/ i. 108 Sovereign--—baying r*»* $3.54 India Col'
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  • 547 6 Singapore Donations Pieviously acknowledged $278,254.23 Additional to $95.5 35 AcEntertainment, Middlesex Regiment 50 Collected by Syed Mohamed Salim Al Nuvawara, (4th) Shaik Omar bin Mehpath Boolied $75 Shaik Abdullah bin Marei 50 Syed Adulrahman bin Jnned Aljnned 25 Syed Mohamed bin Juned Aljnned. Syed Yahya bin
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  • 167 6 To day Bataria, Aamarang. and Sourabaya Mcl -hi >r Treub I pm Batu Pabat A ing Leung 2.80 pm Port Swettenham and Telok Anaon *Kinta 2.30 pm *Ulaoca and Muar 'Lady Weld 8 pm Pulau Batam Pulau Bulang Hock Keng 3pm Sonrabaya, Bandjermacsin, Stagen, K. Baroe, B. Papan,
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  • 76 6 Delivered in London* Tha follov/mr» a;-. tb«- dai*»n oi ieaavtOfO tVon Singapore of th*BMopcan Vat.'H and their deUven ill j aa lon !|*T'-" Daa«tvaaor>. "Jt Hept. 7 Oct. S3 ■X S pt. 6 Oct. 27 P. ±O. ft ~t 10 Oct. 27 ■X Bapfc 12 Oct. 27 ■JL
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  • 219 6 Like miracle workers of old, 'nolo Sam is extracting riches from the air. Embattled behind their test-tnbes and Hansen burners, government chemists are doing th>« things that can tbe done. The latest iinpoa sible" achiev. ■meta is a new method of obtaining gasoline The new mm 'hcd
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  • 17 6 Veaeale in enaaiMluaalaai at noon nitlj the leeaJ Commercial Wire lea Stati on -JUt ne
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 213 6 There is no Better Ale Than BULLDOG ALE JL-fc J lip? ON SALE AT The Leading Hotels AND Principal Liquor Dealers. I BISCUITS Manufactured by Messrs. William Arnotts, Ltd. famous biscuit Manufacturers. Absolutely reliable British goods. A trial will convince you. All the favourite kinds obtainable from Singapore. Messrs. Guan
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    • 53 6 K. HARADA Co. Japanese Photographer ADDRESS No. 40 BENCOOLEN STREET, SINGAPORE. Experienced Artist. Orders executed with care and promptitude. No Studio Work Undertaken. betters or orders for photographs delivered at the above address bo promptly complied with. 11 10 Raneegunge j Drainpipes, Channels, Bends Junctions NG® MALAY Co., In. I
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    • 291 6 ASAHI SOAP I SMo. 43, SHORT STRCLT, SINGAPORE. 1 The Miners Builders stores Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, F. M. s. Hardware Merchants, General Imports AND AGENTS. AGENCIES Wanted for business or for the sale of all kinds of merchandise in the FEDERATED MALAY STATES. 27 9 CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. 26 12 /LWOOSENSAH&Co!
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  • 883 7 How He Got It. Says Garrett P. Serviss in the China Press How did the colour distinction originate between the ™c<-h Wat it through a natural division in the species of man, each originating from his own distinctive source and section, such as existed between tbe apes, or
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  • 188 7 Miss Mary Gurney, whose death at the age of Si has been announced, was one of the pioneers of the movement for the improvement of the education of women. She helped, after the report of the Commission which revealed tho unsatisfactory state of the provision for such
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  • 163 7 Jardine Matheson's Suffer. There was a tire in Jardine, .latheson and Co's building on November Gth (says the N.C. Daily sews' Correspondent at Kobe,) vhich started in the firm's general >ffice on the npper floor, and is >elieved to have been dne to the Metric light. The
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  • 70 7 Orders for to-day 5 pm Jardine's Steps SVA V DRF GL Specialists 5.1', Drill Hall SVA (all details) jo SRE v do Maxim Co .v SYR attached T.P. Fire Station SYR TPP Drill Hall Signalling Section do SVC all Recruits 5.10 do Chinese Co SVI 5 Beach
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 362 7 -HOTICES S TOBE RENT given that ot .tort c rates for Suding coal) will be by 100 per cent from lfc [018, until Order of the Board. 1 12 •^NOTICE. in of '20 years! k9l January. 1918,1 Crown L-uid in Penang Hindu Temple) auction «t the Land l^ on Tupsday,
      362 words
    • 430 7 WANTED SITUATION VACANT. Fxperienced Disp nser for local fiispenaary wanted. Chinese pre ferred. Good salary and prospects to right man. Apply Box 999 c/o Malaya Tribune. 29 11 T— 13 11 WANTED Shorthand Typist. Previous experience not essential Apply Box No. 100, c/o Malaya Tribune. 28 11 1 12 SITUATION
      430 words
    • 575 7 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CH ART Kit. Paid up Capital in 60,0(0 Shares of £20 oach £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,900,00* Rewve Liability of Proprietors BANKERS. The Bank of England, Th« London City aud Midland Bank, Ltd.. The London County and Westminster
      575 words
    • 122 7 Its Good to feel tired after healthy exercise, but if tbat tired feeling not disappear Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People supply all the elements that the blood need, to make it _ricli and red They begin at once to increase the red corpuscles in the b ood and
      122 words
    • 513 7 THE Malaya Tribune AND SHIPPING CAZETFE. (Evening Daily.) 'Phone No. 171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Per annum Half-yearly 7.25 Per quarter »-b5 Per mensem 9 1.25 Single Copy 5 CtS. Postage Extra 50 CtS. per month. All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to The
      513 words
    • 330 7 THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Established 1874. Incorporated in India. FUNDS exceed $30,500,000.00 Absolute Security «1109 517 50 Total Out-00 In 1916 $2490,41 8.50 Total Policies in foroe 65,8*3 assuring, with Bonus ad.ttons. $72,522,348.14. l0W An* for Prospectus and Cop, oM916 Report to JUg* bitfs Sincapore Branch
      330 words

  • 514 1 British Boats Transferred, Arrangements have been conv Pletodforttetnwfir oftheSainara, Nanmng, Lmtan and Bewel from the W, 8t H,v,r Brititfa s teaiU ship Company to a Chin**, syndicate the transaction hag rooaWed the MOflMrj permuwinn of the Government and the new owners will assume control eom<* tirm next
    514 words
  • 112 1 F..M.S. Subscriptions in I<s17 iwE SIS H:rv, V toesJUon. Sec. for the Missions to Seanseu, in I .u baVa th S y,,ar ,Jt, abln to th, sum of £«16«. 8J tofIjid n«> B t .I, W ervn,gol charities, thanks If! .c on of many k.nJ friends. The
    112 words
  • 17 1 Fifty three merchantmen representing jjj.iui K aeoiubi...d j»l, H>0..r,,„ovs MdB. ron,tructi„n jBta Iveltadinualdpliaiidiosyard. numiiir osarcbaataiaa abieb an
    17 words
  • 34 1 November 28 Sri Patana, British R. S. Raro, Dutch Reyniersz, Dutch November 29 Circe, British Abhotaford, Britiah Kiang, British Kanee, British Mata Hari, Britiah Heng Ho, British Pinuha, British Baud, Dutch Singkep, Dutch
    34 words
  • 22 1 November 28. Kampar, British Medusa, British Anjou, British Hri Muar, British Ipoh, British Kroile, Dutch Alting, Dutch November 29. Merkun, Dutch
    22 words
  • 60 1 According to an official telegram nceivo.m Toko. the Japane*? -lo>r. Aaru, 3,7.16 tons. Z torpe-' doeda»d. uok bj an enemy submarine on October M km* of tho Canar,- lalanda. She left Cape Town 9**f*mkm 19 and wa. on her way to hjrope. One of the members of her crow kdled
    60 words
  • 243 1 Friday Nov. 30. High water -10.36 am 10 ft. Saturday, Doc. L High water r— 0.3 am 8 ft. 8 ins. 11.15 am 10 ''m lay, Dec. 2. High water 044 am 8 ft. 6 ins. 11.55 am 9 ft. 8 ins. Monday, Dec. 3. High water
    243 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 315 1 THERE IS NO I Finer Medium I for Shippers' Advertisements 1 THAN THE k Shipping Gazette. Write for terms, H 20c Collyer Quay, Singapore. I P.*o. British India APCAR LINE (OOMFira ISGoaroRATBD in England.) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Pefiinsalar and Orienta» S. N. Co. (Un :-r OnfcMl wHh His Majesty.
      315 words
    • 245 1 Stoomvaart Maatschappij "Nederland" AND Rotterdam Lloyd" (Incorporated in Holland.) Royal Dutch Mail Companies). REGULAR MAIL SERVICE Between Java, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Yokohama, Nagasaki and San Francisco and vice versa. For freight, passage and further particulars Apply to Internationale Crediet and Handelsvereeniging Rotterdam" (Incorporated in Holland) 1 D Almeida Street 'PHONE,
      245 words
    • 197 1 ROYAL PACKET 1 Sp«o»al SMQ ton,, Tourf* Steamers FROIVT JAVA TO AUSTRAL/A BBaawSai SYDNEY—MELBOURNE VICE VERSA In option wftfc tha FaBt Saloon Steams Melchior Treub AND Brisbane lBt cin B le 1« retarn £4 0 /£64 0 I Kalboarna > U cU* two-thfrH, of tho la* rates £b7 5 SINGAPORE
      197 words
    • 212 1 I To Advertiser^ OUR Shipping Gazette Ofa ulates in every Mr) malay fmmu. Terms on Application N. Y^kT" NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (INU>;'.POJ(ATED IN japa JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co EUROPEAN LINE. A p rvirc 1« maintained between mall contract with th* iml* 7 i *°*&aama via pons fa M— aaintainin* P
      212 words