Malaya Tribune, 28 November 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 227 1 Tay Guan Kiat 36, PHI! UP ST*EhT, FIRE WOOI> r to the Singapore Municipality. Full p*rticul >rs on application. •Phone Nos. 1361. 1362 and Pnont Private 1450 and 1073. "GAIETY" CINEMA Change of Programme Harry Carey in Gold Seal Feature Hair Trigger Burk IN THREE FARTS, r og I fear!
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    • 564 1 INSURANCE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO.. LTD. Incorporated n New Zealand, —W, 111 I 1 FfltEluwanoeseffecfiei o.i BriMßagli Ren* and Merchandise of eve»y description MARINE Inamrano33 acoeptod to »11 par:* o; iho world at lowest f ate WAI USI accepted to all part?. J. HENRY Manager. Offices: 8, Ftnlaysou Green. The
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    • 75 1 wmmmmmmmmmm T7TmT7rrrrni»iiuiiii>uiiiTmmTnnni«^ THE I Pot Stills j OF Great Britain! Have Been Taken Over by Government, I NEVERTHELESS 1 Buchanan's I will be able to continue I to supply their famous I blends and to maintain I the quality as before, being in the unique j position of having the
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    • 403 1 Tay Guan Kiat J 36, rhiLLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. Government and Municipal Contractor. Phone Nos. 1361, 1362 and Private 1450 and 1073. SULPHURIC AND A J Hydrochloric Acid. N K (f TRADE MARK.^ Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) u I ARYAN 6 BROS. TOBACCO Co. 38 Robinson Road, Singapore.
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  • 3159 2 Hon Rage Against Britain The following is an interesting extraot from the memoirs of Mr. Gerard, former American Ambassador at Berlin After my retnrn from Kiel to Berlin a period of calm ensued. No one seemed to think that the murders at Sarajevo would have any
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 281 2 KASANTAK PILLS. As their nxme signifies, tbey are really the death to Bronchitis, Asthma and other diseases of the longs and respiratory organs. Rumbhng sound in the throat, hoarseness of the vo i ce and each other common complaints resulting from the sadden change of weather and catching of cold
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    • 555 2 AUCTION SALE At our Sale-room, No. 3 Raffles Place On Friday, November 30, at 11 am. Comprising 1,198 white, brown and grey cotton blankets; about 150 lbs. brass screws in various sizes j 19 lengths I inch polished brass rods; 200 pieces new Horse Brand changkols; 1 coil galvanised wire
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    • 91 2 TO BE LET TO LET Offices at Winch* hat House 20, 23, 24, 35 and 36, and Raffles Quay. Bungnlow r> Panjang. Apply CHOP HENO LOONG 4C Robinson HoLd, -•-3 t ?aa J rß 8-5 or RafflesOfficesr TO LET. OFFICES TO LET, large newly painted front office No. 32 Raffles
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  • 803 3 DKorutionsjil. Bravery most interesting oeremony, h auggeata tlio value of the <L took place on 4,n2lo-Chinese School Ground, J _Vll KraJ, Penang on Friday, 'he R ent Councillor, the 5 Ur NS C iche11, P re8en teJ two local Scouts a medal and a Lificate for gallantry
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  • 334 3 Previously acknowledged $271,055.92 Collected by Ladies' Committee for Shipping Officers Crew "Mata Hari" 49.50 Passengers, Soda Water Auctiou"Tara"(2nd)2oo 249.50 Eng Ass (3rd). Part proceeds of levy 666.30 Jimah Rubber Ltd 500 Smoking Concert by SVC 1,710.56 Theatrical performance Moslem Institute 529.70 Chinese Swimming Club Collected by
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  • 22 3 Saturday, December L—Amateur Drawing Assn. Ball, Adelphi, 10.30 p.m. Friday, December 14—Drawing of Sporting Club Lottery, Memorial Hall, 9 p.m.
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  • 114 3 Orders for the week ending Fri I* v. November 30 To-day. 4.30 pm Balestier Range Maxim Co v SVC 5.10 Drill Hall SVR 5 15 T.P. Fire Station SVR, TPP Drill Hall Veterans Co SVC do Signalling Section d0 svcaii Recruits To-morrow-No Drills Friday5 pm Jardine's Steps
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  • 409 3 The actual detaiis of increased itee of pay that are to be granted > sailors and soldiers are not what he country will have most in mind I'hey are relatively inadequate, as hey must always be, even though iey will involve an increased i'aarge upon the
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  • 52 3 Kilfere. i< Loudon. The loilowiiig a»>3 the dates oL pa uir from siugupore of the ititope-. i an l th M ir delivery n London. :1AIL. LtilfT. DS1IV»«*0. M.M. {Sept. 7 Oct. 23 B.I. Sept. 0 Oct. 27 P. d: O. Sept. 10 Oct. 27 H.I. Sept. 12
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  • 92 3 Bombay, Nov 7.—It is understood that a new Bank, to be called the Tata Industrial Bank, is to be registered in Bombay under the Indian Couipauies Act. hile making industrial business its speciality, the bank will also do other ordinary banking business, including exchange. The bank will issue
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  • 14 3 Vessels in communication at noon with the local Commercial Wireles Station :—None.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 106 3 KNIFE-UKE PAINS. in. shooting pains, the d. v ut Viatica, often make fat:, preferable to life. 'Ihe fiery Tom hip to heel, the B w nig its, the cheerless daysail these and j*et back -to and comfort again? uttles Oriental Balm u the best int Wn > f° r Sciatica.
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    • 414 3 l Thos. H. Ince's Star Production The' I The j AT THE Alhambra g Alhambra is j atre* jjj pictures, the ""c^eams^ 6 BEST The H a li f or Music. The Pioneer and Premier House. The House of Quality, cakes, Coffee, g I Orchestra. beach road. Tea, etc. and
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    • 532 3 TONIGHT Z SHOWING TO-NIGHT 11 The Smashing Serial Success of the Season VT THE POPULAR PHOTO-FLAY HOUSE EMPIRE Tanjong Pagar Road. Trams Pass the Door. SECOND SHOW 9.1S SHARP Quality Pictures Corporation present Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne in THE GREAT SECRET A Stupendous Serial—lB Episodes—36 Parts—4 Parts Nightly.
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  • 742 4 The battle of Biarlon wood is the continuation of the St. Q Scarpe battle, bat it v entirely different in character. Tue British break-through in the line Hi Qaen-tin-Scarpe was the most brilliant BorpriBe attack ever known in the history of the war. From the
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  • 221 4 Farewell Dinner at Jasin. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Nov. 27. Jasin was the scene of a merry social function on the 21st inst. when the District Otlice staff entertained Mr. J Paulo, the Chief Clerk, at farewell dinner. Inspector Kenny generously lent his quarters where the dinner
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  • 184 4 Bangkok Nov 17:_To-day Las seen the highest water in Bangkok so far this season or for a good many years past. For the first time New road where Siphya-road and Hongkong Bank-lane ran into it was flooded. In riiphya and Surawongse roads boats were being used and
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  • 114 4 The following properties were disposed of by auction by Messrs. Ching Keng Lee Co. at their Saleroom at the afternoon of Monday the 26,h instant Freehold land and house No. 23-1 Ktce Course Road, area 2,710 square feet, bought by L. MohanW Qfaose Maricnn for $5,150. Four pieces
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  • 56 4 We are glad to annoaoee that Mr J W lfahalingam, Tamil Interpreter of the Police Courts. h.*s been informed by the Colonial Secretary that His Majesty th- King has been pleased to approve of the grant of the Imperial Service Medal to Mr. Mahalingani for meritorious service!
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  • 57 4 To-Day. Malaka Pinda meeting, noon To-morrow. Full Moon. Ampang Tin meeting, Barker's noon. Friday. St. Andrew. Municipal Commissioners, 2 3d p m Scottish Concert, Victoria Theatre.' Saturday. Dec I. Q ieen Alexandra's Birthday (1841.1 Sunday Ist Sunday in Advent. Monday. Legislative Council, 2 30 p m. Tuesday. A.
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  • 76 4 It is announced in a Government Gazette Extraordinary published yesbrday afternocn, that the Proclamation of the IJLh inst. prohibiting the conveyance from any port of the Colony cf all aitides consigned to or by persons or bodies of pwsons mentioned in the Statutory List to The Trading with the Enemy
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  • 565 4 Tin here is at ($1 ap i no sellers. Robber is quoted at 2/6 for crer* and %pi for sheet. Mr. W. Pryde has b to act as Revenue Auditor, r'craif. Dr. W. S. Coffey ha7~been ap pointed a member of the Taoipin Sanitary Board. Mr H
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  • 87 4 PACM Tnsi uukat War i Th- Fighting Fronts Hussia War Aims Serious Case General: First Week ol War Penang Boy Scouts Pay of Figh:ing Men j Singapore V T olunteer Corps "Our Day Fund, W. The Battle of Bourion W k1 Malacca Notes The Siaui Floods J Sporting
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 118 4 ROBINSON Co. Christmas Bazaar NOW OPENED. LUBRICATING FOR ALL PURPOSES STOCKS ALWAYS ON HAND j For Particulars and Prices I APPLY TO THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM CO. (S.S.), LTD. (Incorporated in England) St. Helen's Court, Singapore. MILKMAID Sweetened Condensed Milk per cue $18.00 Sterilised Natural Milk $11.25 Ideal Unsweetened Milk $12.50
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    • 207 4 We beg to inform the Public that we have been appointed Sole Agents FOR The Cresta Blanca Wine Co. OF CALIFORNIA. Prices on Application to Caldbeck, Macgregor AND Co. Mlphi HOTEL Notice. WV received from Holland out of the Steamer's Ice-room Smoked Eel Smoked Salmon Pickled Herring in glass of
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  • 60 5 The Fighting Fronts. OFFICIAL COMMUNIQUES. Things Quieter. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London Nov. 27, 12.15 a.m. Pi-I I.M irshal Sir Donglas Haig unortf: There were no farther infantry action! on the southern dattle-front. We took prisoner a few in patrol encounters on the fmnt trout. Xher- was considerable hostile
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  60 words
  • 181 5 London, Nov. 27, 8.10 a.m. Beater*! n 'respondent at British Badqaartera, wiring on Nov. 26, nyath aletnncs south-west of ffened to a point at tbjcn our prog reel is necessarily a malt-: of b w 1 fighting. The enemy mĕ rec fßering blow, bnt mm ha* h.»d
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  • 34 5 London, Nov. 27, 11.20 a m. Sir D tugl is H rig aUtca We re-repals-1 an)thcr oaater-attack (p the north-scat corner of lection wood. Ac 9 i\ ier i* wet and stormy.
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  • 56 5 Artil cry Work. London, N T >v. 27, 12.45 a.m. 0 > n nuniqi* There wmn ri >l-nt artillery actions in Behjia a m 1 north of Ohemin dee '»n artillery dispersed en-iay kseembUgea mrth c* the positions which we captured yesterighl bank if -!n Meuse. TV irtillery l
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  • 39 5 L >n lon, Nov 27, 4.15 p.m. r-~r, :h unmnniqwe* Successful liy evening north of Hill .'lll, on the right bank el the Mease, reduced an enemy rtroag point, fully completing the gains obtained on Nov. 25.
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  • 25 5 Enemy Repulsed. London, Nov 25, 6.25 p.m. Italian official We again repulladfariona attacks and successfully ted at Melette. We I two sections of machineguns.
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  • 211 5 N >▼. 27, 1.50 a.m. K~u>:'s correspondent at Italian Headquarter! wiring on Nov. 26 Knb< a the magnificent spectacle of British troop! marching through rising cavalry, artillery ■ad Infantry, extending along the ith all other brante irmj following. The infantry h en marching steadily wdays, miking sixteen
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  • 66 5 Weekly Review. v 27, 1.50 p.m. aihig*'" The War Secretary 5,1 review highly tributes u h ?.u Br itiBh Bucce 3Bes. He says the situation is dominated by the spectacular success of the British thrust towards Cambrai by adopting new tactical methods, and daringly conceived strategy. The British won
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  • 92 5 French Comments. London, Nov. 27, 1.25 p.m. Paris The French newspapers are now permitted to publish enemy communitjues in extenso. A semiofficial commentator dealing with yesterday's German communique says that the contents show the habitual bad faith of the German staff. For example it speaks of numerous British
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  • 392 5 German Spirit the Same. London, Nov. 27, 5.10 a.m. Lord Robert Cecil, speaking at Norwich, said that where Gar many was concerned the spirit which existed in tha' country was that no law of morality nor religion could prevent Germans from committing any crime, however hideous, provided that
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  • 58 5 More of Lenin. London, Nov. 27, 1.50 a m. Petrogra 1 i Renter's correspondent says that Lenin has dissolved the army committees which support the delegates of the Socialist parties who reproached him for opposing fraternisation. The Maximalists claim to control Petrograd, Moscow, Kieff, Nijni Novgorod, Karkoff, O lessa,
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  • 79 5 London, Nov. 29, 1.50 a.m. Washington Senator Stone, in urging a declaration of war by the United States on Austria, Turkey, and Bulgaria, says that this declaration indicates that Congress, meeting on DdC 3, will be met by a vigorous demand for war against the Allies of
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  • 156 5 Frenchman's Alleged Treason. London, Nov. 87, 1.25 p.m. Paris: The Committee of the Chamber has decided to send M. Malvy, mentioned on September 1, for trial. It is unofficially aU*g*d that Malvy, while Minister of tbe Interior, Informs I th* enemy of all military and diplomatic projects, especially
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  • 50 5 London, Nov. 27, 12.5 a.m. H. M. the King has s*nt a message of csndolenc i to Mr. Middleton Jameson, brother of Sir Starr Jameson. Hj says that the people will, with him, deplore the loss of one who rendered such great service to the Empire.
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  • 40 5 London, Nov. 26, 2.30 p m. The cotton-spinners' amalgamation has decided to tender notices if the masters' federation does not concede an advance of thirty per centum. Fifty five thousand cardroom workers and fifty thousand spinners are affected.
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  • 85 5 Swimming Club Launches. Sunday 2nd DecemberJohnston's Pier, 9.10 and 11 a.m., 2.30 and 3.30 p.m. Club Bungalow 9.30 and 10.30 a.m., 12 15, 3 and 5.30 p.m. High Tide 11.55 a m. Height 9 ft. Bin. 75 yards Handicap. This Race will be swum off on arrival of the
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  • 27 5 In a fast game of hockey on the SCC ground last evening, the Club defeated an eleven of the R G A by five goals to one.
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  • 81 5 Willison Wirth's Circus is doing well up in the F M S, as is only to be expected from a show of such good quality. They hope to be in Ipoh shorty. We have seen the silver cup presented by the circus to Mrs. H. S. Kirwan, winner
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  • 229 5 Wounded b> Armed Chinese. A serious attack, says the N. C. Daily News of November sth, was made upon Mrs. B A Limby at 128 Bubbling Well Road, Shanghai, early yesterday morning by a strange Chinese she found in the dining room, and as a result,
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  • 39 5 The Straits Echo regrets to hear that Inspector D Lucey, of Dato Eramat Station, who arrived at Penang last week to relieve Inspector R Alexander has had to go into hospital suffering from appendicitis, and will undergo an operation.
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  • 835 5 Yesterday's Meeting. At a meeting of the Rout Assessment Board held yesterday afternoon in the board-room of Municipal Commissioners thero were present the Hon Mr. C. J -sauoderb (president), Messrs 8. Tomlinson, A. M. AngulIU. M. M-y<r, E. Tea seusohn, Gaw Keek K.itm, Roland Braddell, and H. (Jarpmael, The Sai
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  • 41 5 We regret to announce the death which took place yesterday(Tuesday) afternoon at the European Hospital, of Mr. R E. Jackson, of Kajing, who met with a motor cycle accident while returning home on Sunday, night, fracturing the base of his skull.—MM.
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  • 1367 5 The Western Front. The following summary of the feck's warring is issued by the British Legation as Bangkok, but must not be considered official, London, Nov. 17. Operations in the week ending 16th November —There were no operations on a Urge scale in France or Flanders during the week.
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  • 56 5 Mrs Ridout, Honorary Treasurer, Officers' Families Fund, begs to acknowledge with grateful thanks, the r*c a ipt of the following donations to the Fund Godwin, L.J.. Bukit Kledek Estate, Tampin (further donation) $20.00 "A Poor Chinese, Malacca" (per A W Still Esq 3.00 Bredenburg, Capt. F. Monthly
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  • 153 5 Sir Charles Anthony Johnson Brooke, f; CM/;., of Sarawak, in the island of Born-o. who died at Chesteron Hons*, Cirencester, on May 17, has left eslate of the value of £25,065 The testator directs the following sums to be paid out of the Sarawak Government Treasury £2,000 and an annuity
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  • 265 5 APPEAL CASES. 1 i the Criminal Court of Appeal jm'J rday three cases of appeal from Magistrate»' decisions were heard. Seah Ah Ngo appealed againet her conviction by Mr. Ham the Third Magistrate, who fined her $1,000 or in default 3 Months' rigorous imprisonment for assisting to carry
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  • 263 5 Ia tb.3 milk prosecution taken out by Inspector A. J. Cuckney of the Municipality against H. S. Kirwan, the latter hal been fined $u0 by Mr Langham Carter, who convicted him of selling, through hia servant Gij*rda Singh, at 211 Orchard Road, milk to which water had been
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  • 90 5 Counterfelling King's Coin. In the Second Court, this morning, two Hokiens named Ang Hong and Tan Seok were charged by Detective Inspector Lancaster with possession of several 10 cent counterfeit coins, and of instruments and materials for counterfeiting King's coin, In addition the second man was charged with
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  • 98 5 Lim Eng Choon, the clerk of the firm of Goan Joo it Co, of 10 Malacca Street, was this morning brought up b-fjre Mr Ham, the Third Magistrate, on three of causing hurt to Lee Keng Kai (Managor of Guan Joo <fc Co) L m Tian Cho (Cashi-
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  • 170 5 Messrs Paterson, Simons Co. Singapore, Nov. 22. The auctions commenced on Wednesday, and concluded this morning were the largest na record, partly as a result of a c nsiderable quantity having been held over from the previous we* k, and the total quantity on offer was nearly
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 387 5 THE AMATEUR DRAWING ASSOCIATION A GRAND MASQUERADE BALL will be given El AID OF THE BRITISH RED CROSS SOCIETY AT The ADELPHI HOTEL (Through the Courtesy of the Management) On Saturday, Ist December, 1917. Lidies' and Gentlemen's Prizes given for the most simp!? and original costumes and a cial prize
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  • 805 6 P ices Qutei ia tat Msrkit this U raing sinqapobe, November 28. Messrs Lyal and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations Rubber Shares. N its. Vftisj, Bny;r;«. fc*.:?.* If- Allagar 2.3 2,9 2 Anjo Javi 6'- 7/~ 2/- Anglo Mab.y 12/- 16--1
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  • 67 6 QV;TiVii binijivore. November 28 U LOO loU-— Baski 2/4 g Dpui*»:r( 2/4^ Prfraij 3 tu/&. 8/4 27/32 On India— Bank r. f. 1G0 On Hong<oa£— B»n< .i/d t>ieu. On ShanghaiBank d.d. 55| O 1 JftTA Bank T. T On Japan— Bank d/d. Ifg Sovereigns—baying rale $8.54 India C'oil Bilh la
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  • 543 6 Resig latiun of Cab net. Peking, November 16 :—Tuan Chi-jui haa resigned the Premiership. It is uade stojj that the whole Cabinet will follow his example. His resignation is quite unexpected and has ctmaJ a considerable ee.isation. The reasons for it are still somewhat obscure. Commenting ou the
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  • 95 6 (l>v.!ior, N >v. 4.—T.:0 foHowiog id ihi ofßoUl retell oi an enquiry h'.l i today by lb* Stewards into the running of the Aisb, B itisb, on th-> day of tbe Uwali >r Antu no Meeting. The atwwardH art)dieutiefleJ with the exp!anati>n ot* th- j >okr-y,
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  • 295 6 Singapore, November 28 Tin.-— Sac Local and General column. Copra. —No Business. Tapioca. —Steady. Business done. Sa'jo Flour —Business done. Gambler. —Business done. Pepper- —Steady. No Business. ■''i: r Products. Quiet. laiat Local Market vkotatio&s. Nutmegs 110 S. per pioul $40.00 T utmegs 80 3. 45.00 Copra Bali 5.90
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  • 263 6 InpffOfWi No\ |fl ;4 an 1 Co., LhVrrc I<\ a<lvi*« th« f«->ll»» o~g nr..': ti >U8 LkvOajftj #4.40 *4£o :v'aninv> 1.40 K45 jm Mokk 2.80 2 90 iy< 1 Pftnai 11.50 11.75 6.40 6.50 ;:aki' J .<>. 0.12k 0.77$ Rakil kiitil 0.871 0 99 liukit X
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 195 6 I—r ii i mmmi mmmmmmmmmwmmmmmm There is no Better Ale Than BULLDOG ALE ON SALE AT The Leading Hotels AND Principal Liquor Dealers. THE BEST IS BULL BRAND STOUT. 8 dozen pints to the case. The Australian Asiatic Co. t 67, The Arcade, Singapore, I Voca! Scores Arcadians, Balkan Princes*,
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    • 184 6 \j.CX LEE ii>8, PHmtep Street. 1 PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER. fiood and well selected Mask Violin Piano, etc. Good Strings for Stringed instruments V0RKMAN3HIP GUARANTEED. TERMS MODERATE. Ml Raneegunge Drainpipes, Channels, Sends Junctions! jiM lAU? ua., Ltd. (Ta or; orftt--r In fctnynp .je.} mi m, ASAHI mm SOAP No. 43,
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    • 237 6 The Miners Builders stores j Kuali Lumpur, Selangor, F. v. s. Hardware Merchants, General ImpoEie.s AND AGENTS. AGENCIES Wanted for business or for the sale of all kinds of merchandise in the FEDERATED MALAY STATES. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. 27 9 m 12 A. WOOSENSAH Co. Cloth and General Merchants, 58, NORTH
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 166 6 Mails Close. To day Port Swettcnham and Penan* Mpoh 2.30 pm Malacca, Port Sweftenham and Teluk ns, n *Kampar 2.30 pm Hatu Pahat Sri Wongnee 2.30 pm Malacca *Hong Lian 2.30 pm Malacca ii Muar *Anj.,u 2JO pm 1 Sanilju, Hhio, ud £''ntianak Merktw Pm 1 ulau Hatam ii Pulau
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  • 1225 7 Tbe L i burial Italian Front:—lf the war hss revised our ideas of celebrated men it has no lees revised our i h as of celebrated places; fighting have become more celebrated tb .n oceans out of harness and the renown of civilian mountains has faded. The Yser
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  • 234 7 At Bombay. Bombay, Nov. I—A new stock exchange as the rival of Bombay Native Stock Brokers' Association was opened this morning in Medow Street in the premises formerly occupied by the Bombay Electric Company before a large gathering of brokers and pnests. The establishment of a new
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 584 7 NOTICES_ SINGA PORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. •tadsfi will be received up to T n the 30th November, 1917, *M C >ni»l Secretary's Office, from persons desirous of n a for the supply of Khaki rts for the Singapore rps, for a period of one froai Ist January, rs to be sent
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    • 427 7 WANTED WANTED For the Chief Police Office, Singapore, a Northern Indian, between 19 and 28 years of age, who can read and write English, Urdu and Gurmakhi. Salary from $360 to $720 per annum by bi-annual increments of $60. Applications should be addressed to the undersigned. C. Hannigan Chief Police
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    • 619 7 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INBiA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,900,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor* £1,200,000 BANKERS. The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd.. The ixmdon County and Westminster Bank,
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    • 224 7 Many a woman who hid a good colour at Home grows pale and sallow when living in the Tropica. When the fading co'our in obeeka and lips is accompanied by a loss of brightness iv the eyes and an increasing heaviness in the step, the cause is to be sought
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    • 503 7 THE Malaya Tribune' AND SHIPPING CAZETTE. (Evening Dally Phone No. 171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Per annum $14.00 Half-yearly 7.25 Per quarter 365 Per mensem 1.25! Single Copy 5 CtS. Postage Extra 50 CtS. per month. All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to The
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    • 402 7 THE ORIENTAL Government Security life Assurance Co., Ltd. Established 1874. Incorporated in India.. FUNDS exceed $30,500,000.00 Absolute Security. Income In 1816 -$4,309,517.50 Total Out-uo In 1916 $2490,418 50 Assurance effected In 1916 $4,230,542.85 Increase In Funds $1,819,099.00 Total Policies in force 65,842 assuring, with Bonus aditions, $72,522,348.14. LOW Apply for
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    • 24 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Daily.] SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. Issued Daily.] vol. rv. No. 280 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1917 PRICE 5 CENTS.
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    • 478 1 Could Have Wiped Out Our Ship Knowing as we now do, not the pot< ntialities but the practical uae that can be mad- of submarines and destioyers, it must be plain to all that had Germany intended to begin a world war with a blow at England. -In:
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    • 314 1 It is reported from Osaka that the Messageries Maritimes, which has -already bought at ratal ships there, b now -negotiating for several more ihipt which will be purchased at Osaka. It is also learned that the Yokohama Dock Company has received orders for building several ■•hips f..r tho ig »rios
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    • 33 1 November 26. Hock Lee, British Altiug, Dutch Khoen Foeng, Dutch Providence, Norwegh>n Kucbing, Sarawak November 27 Anjou, British Sri Muar, British Hebe, British Van den Bosch, Dutch Boribat, Siamese Kwang Lee, Chinese
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    • 110 1 Wednee lay, Nov. 28 High water —9.19 am 9ft 4 ins.; 10 37 pm 9 ft. 1 in. y Thursday. Nov. 29—Full Moon lh 41m M. Max. Dec. N. llh A. High water :—9.57 am 9 ft 8 ins. 11.21 pm 9 ft. Friday. Nov. 30. High
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    • 36 1 November 26Krian, British Perak, British Hai Nam, British Will o'the Wisp, British Abbotsford, British Emile, Dutch Melchior Treub, Dutch R. S. Baru, Dutch Dovre, Norwegian Standard, Norwegian Redang, Siamese Gladys, Sarawak November 27. Benoa, Dutch
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    • 121 1 The cotton godowns of the Oriental Cotton Spinning Co. in Yangteepoo road, Shanghai, were entirely destroyed by Are recently. The China paper mill on the same side of the road was undamaged, but the burning cotton set fire to some sheds where a considerable stock of paper goods was damaged
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 499 1 1 HERE IS NO Finer Medium for Shippers' Advertisements THAN THE Shipping Gazette. Write for terms, 20c Collyer Quay, Singapore. P.*o. British India mil APCAR LINE (•'OMPANIKB INCORPORATSD IN ENGLAND.) MAIL MM PASSENGER SERVICES. Peainfolar and Oriental S. N. Co. (U 1 In Coat.act with Hi» HajestyV Gt:v runient.) The
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      • 280 1 Stoomvaart Maatschappij "Hederlaod" AND Rotterdam Lloyd" (Incorporated in Holland.) (Royal Dutch Mail Companies). REGULAR MAIL SERVICE Between Java, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Yokohama, Nagasaki and San Francisco and vice versa. For freight, passage and further particulars Apply to Internationale Crediet am Handelsvereeniging Rotterdam (Incorporated in Holland) 1 D'Almeida Street PHONE, 931.
        280 words
      • 348 1 ROYAL PACKET Navigation Company of Batavia (KONINKLYKE PAKETVAABT MAATSCHAPPY) 5,000 true. Tourist Steamer. FROM JAVA TO AUSTRALIA BA' \VIA--SOU2ABAYA—POBI DARWIN—POitT MORESBY-BRISBANE SYDNEY -MELBOURNE VICE VEISA In connection with the Special Fast Saloon Steamers Melchior Treub AND Rumphius. Ir J to Ist single Ist return Brisbane Bfdmtf |£40. 0 J £64.
        348 words
      • 451 1 I To Advertisers: OUR Shipping Gazette C rcul»te* iv every port throughout the MALAY PENINSULA. Terma on Application. I N. Y. K. NIPPON YUSFN KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN JAPA N JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co EUROPEAN LINE. A service le maintained between Yokohama via f,.rts to ■ansitlci nail oyutract with the Imperial
        451 words