Malaya Tribune, 24 November 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 407 1 pTay Guan Kiat 36, phillip street, Singapore. firewood Supplier to the Singapore Municipality. Fall particulars on application. I -phone Nos. 1361,1362 and Private 1450 and 1073. j SEE THE SILENT MENACE That Mysterious Figure Who Appears Nightty At the Gaiety With Peerless, Fearless Pearl White and Dashing Ralph Kellard In
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    • 547 1 INSURANCE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO.. LTD. Incorporated in New Zealand] filllnsaranoes effected on Buildings, Rent and Merchandise of every description MARINE Insurances accepted to all parts of the world at lowest ratet. WAI USE aooepted to all parts. J. HENRY Manager. Offices: J, Finlayson Green. The Eastern United Assurance Corporation.
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    • 73 1 I ******************************11 l I THE Pot Stills I 0F i [Great Britain j Have Been Taken Over by Government, NEVERTHELESS Buchanan's ■■■«■■■llnaM I will be able to continue to supply their famous I blends and to maintain the quality as before, being in the unique position of having the largest
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    • 218 1 SULPHURIC I AND I Hydrochloric Acid. Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. ((INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) SOLE AGENTS. uiriii bris. tobacco Co. 38 Robinson Road, Singapore. Branches at IPOH, KUALA LUMPUR PENANG. Chinese Cigarettes. Cigarettes of the ft above chop have They are aromatic beenmanufacturd not injurious to in Hongkong for health, and
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    • 165 1 I Tay Guan Kiatl 36, PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. Government and Municipal Contractor. 'Phone Nos. 1361, 1Z62 and Private 14S0 and 1073. J Useful to Planters. OUR GROUND NUT CAKE, which is only once pressed, is of tne highest quality, and we have no doubt will prove very beneficial for tree*
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  • 835 2 Annul Report. Tbe Committee beg to submit the Annual Report and Balance Sheet of the Society for the year ending 31st August, 1917. The Committee are glad to be able to report that in spite of tbe mai.y claims on the public, the response to their appeal
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 284 2 KASANTAK PILLS. As their name signifies, tbey are really the death to Bronchitis, Asthma and other diseases of tbe lungs and respiratory organs. Bumbling sound in the throat, hoarseness of tb" voice, and such other common complaints resulting from the 6udden change of weather and catching of cold are cured
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    • 270 2 FOR SALE FOR SALE Wax-polished hardwood Dispensary Furniture in excellent condition. Apply Box 314, c/o Malaya Tribune. 1010 v ••^m^mMm^s^tmMmvmmwmmmmvm^mmwmmmmmmmmmmmm FOR SALE. One Pope twin cylinder motorbicycle and cygnet rear car (or sale, 8 H.P. Apply 158 Selegie Road. A trial given. 911 a FOR PRIVATE SALE. Freehold Godowut. Nos.
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    • 449 2 118^^ Let 'Wincarnis' give yoa New Urax tt. jew Hood, jew Nerve Force new VTutrf To those who are Weak, or Anaemic, or 'Nervy/ or Run-ckrsrfti ■Wincarnis' offers the greatest of all gifts—the gift of new heaith aai new life. New health and new life! Think what this would mean
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    • 643 2 AUCTION SALES. IMPORTANT NOTICE. XBI SALE OF "PUNDUT ESTATE" DINDIXGS advertised to be sold at Auction by Messrs. POWELL Co., Ltd. 17 Raffles Place, Singapore, on Thursday 15th November, 1917, HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO THE 18th DECEMBER, 1917, with completion one month later. By order of the Custodian of Enemy
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  • 147 3 Personalia. Malacca, Nov. 22. (fraw Our O»» Correspondnt.) Mr H. S Martin, who was until recently attached to the Malacca Kabber Plantations Ltd as manager of Krnbong Estatw, has severed connection with that firm and has taken np his duties as manager of Pertang Estate. Koala Pilah. Mr.
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  • 135 3 Poor Malacca is feeling the stress of crnel war which has occasioned the dosing down of several bosiness concerns. Laek of bosiness done has also neeceasiti?«d the shotting down of the Riilway Heat Hoosi a .ljic*nt to the station. This is nnfortanate, considering that Malacca has none too many
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  • 36 3 Last s.itarday the Alor team were at home to an stolon representing the Jasin District. The game, which waa a keenly contested affair, ended in a victory for the visitors by two goals to nil.
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  • 238 3 Singapore, November 24. MetBr? and Co., the Arcal- .ia*the following quotations AlorOajah $4.40 $4.60 AyerHnnings 1.45 1 50 2.85 2 95 Ayer Par as 11.50 11.75 Bal«ownie 6.50 6.55 Bukit Jelotong 0.70 0.77$ Bakit Katil 0.85 0.90 Bakit K B 0.82$ 0.90 ChangkatSerdg.... 9.75 10 00 Glenealy
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  • 84 3 Oiiivered In London. The following are the dates of Jepartnre from of the ro^an Mails and their delivery ta London. Hail I j LKPT. DBLIVSRBD. P |0 Aug. 24 Oct. 13 h. I Aug. 28 Oct. 13 I I Au K 31 Oct. 13 II s "Pt. 7
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  • 705 3 Prices Quote, in the Market this Mining Singapore, November 24. Xmm Lyal! and Evatt, Exchange and Share Broken, i^ ue the following list of quotation* Robber Shares. Bnyeri Anglo-Malay 12/. jjY I/ W 40/- 60/- J,- r- I aauy- Chersoneee 8- 4 Chimpul JS ft Cicely Ord.
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  • 393 3 Messw Fraser Co's Circular. Singapore, Nov. 21. Rubber at the local auctiona haa been depressed over the past few weeka and in conaeo/aence sharea of thia aection have been more freely offered, although at the time of writing there ia no eerioua setback in pricea mainly owing to
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  • 14 3 Vessels in communication at noon with the local Commercial Wirele» Station :—-None.
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  • 63 3 Singapore, November ti. Oi oridon— Bank4m/s. 2/4 Demand 2/44; Private 3 m/s. 27/32 c India— Bank T. T. 15 0 Hongkong— Bank dfd prem. n Shanghai Bank J. Jtva— Bank T. 7 127 On It an— Bank d/d. 10* Sovereigns—baying ret. IBJM 'udiaCoil Billi laat i*a*- 1/4 29/32 T.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 112 3 Swellings Disappear. When you rub in LITTLE'S ORIENTAL BALM, the pain goes right away and the swelling itself disappears with a few applications. It is utterly useless to suffer. It is useless to pay big doctor's bills and then to find yourself no better. For 65 cents you can buy
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    • 536 3 I~ SOME SPLENDID EXCLUSIVES "~Th7~l Alhambra la AT THE Alhambra tb nmtn AI U A linn a '-"i where you U jMfc Jfg #m wUh an get the BEST Bj| mm\\m\ T '*/?M iT_J§ J-«&m exquisite tea Pictures, the A ■W Wfl %XIL OrcheJtra. f r M SiC The Pi
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    • 580 3 TO-NIGHT SHOWING TO-NIGHT The Smashing Serial Success of the Season M THE POPULAR PHOTO-PLAY HOU-E EMPIRE Tanjong Pagar Road. Trams Pass the D 'or. SECOND SHOW 9.15 SHARP Quality Pictures Corporation present Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne in THE GREAT SECRET A Stupendous Serial—lB Episodes—36 Parts—4 Parts Nightly. Teeming
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  • 979 4 The nation has not been slow in rejoicing at the brilliancy of Sir Douglas Haig's latest victory, and there are already suggestions that the victory ia to ba celebrated with bell ringing and public rejoicing. There have b mi no a'tem,'ts at malficking during this war
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  • 295 4 Large Tiger Bagged (From Correspondents.) Mr. Y. F. Chan, of shot a full-grown tiger measuring about 9ft. in length and weighing 2U2 catties, early in the morning of the 23rd inst, on one of the SepangTanah'Merah Rubber Estates in Negri Sembilan. The brute was first of all caught
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  • 73 4 The Cinemas. At the Palladium to night the feature will be a film depicting a fascinating story of the present war, entitled M The Little War Orphans It is founded on a famous story by EL 0. Davis. Another fine picture to be screened at the Orchard Road house
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  • 78 4 Mohammedan Fete. At the Fwte to be hehl by the Mohammedan community, on the Raffles Reclamation Ground to-day, from 2 to 6 p.m. and 7 to 12, the entertairments include "Our Day" RaQl*, Ronggengs (Singapore and Penang), Joy Wheel, Merry-go-rouud, Hoop-la, Fish Ponds, Malay Music, Maayong, Indian
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  • 49 4 To-Day. Chinese Com. Bank meeting, noon. To-morrow. 25th Sunday after Trinity. Tuesday. Emulation Lodge, 8 30 p m. Rent Boatd, 2.15 p.m. Wednesday. Malaka Pi tula meeting, noon Thursday. Full Moon. Ampang Tin meeting, Barkei's noon. Friday. St. Andrewj Municipal Commissioners, 2.30 pm, Scottish Concert, Victoria Theatre.
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  • 627 4 Tin here is at $130.00 (Bl£Q down) 125 tons sold. Mr. W Lo .vther Kemp is appointed a Municipal Commissioner for Singapore. Rules governing tin award of the Edward Medal are published in the Government Gazette. We hear the Mr V T Hill will act as D.0.,
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  • 84 4 Pagk THE GRbAT WAR The Fighting Fronts Russia Aeroplane Work 5 Sediiionists on Trial Naval Matters French Consular News b GzNKKAL: Children's Aid Society Malacca Notes Local Share Market f Stocks and Shares The St. Qaentin-Scarpe Liattle Amusements Outport News Chinese Revolt Legal Intelligence "Oar Day Fond, 1917
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 133 4 ROBINSON Co. Christmas Bazaar NOW OPENED. j LUBRICATING FOR ALL PURPOSES STOCKS ALWAYS ON HAND For Particulars and Prices APPLY TO THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM Co. (S.S.), LTD. IIMmTCBAXEB IN EIOLsJU)) St. Helen's Court, Singapore. Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk per case $18.00 Sterilised Natural Milk J 11.25 Ideal Unsweetened Milk $12.50
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    • 461 4 j TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT AT THE CINEMA CASINO Off Beach Road. The House of Merit. A COM Hi Ir' CHANGE CF PROGRAMME. IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9.15 P.M. Tha Adventures of J. R. Wallingfurd Episole 3 THE GENTLEMAN CROOK 2 Part?. A Rheumatic Joint. A. New thing in Comedies. The
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    • 115 4 We beg to inform the Public that we have been appointed Sole Agents FOR The Cresta Blanca Wine Co. OF CALIFORNIA. Prices on Application to Caldbeck. Macgregor AND Co. I ADELPHI j HOTEL t i TO-NIGHT Concert During Tin and Special Dinner. After Dinner Dance. Kill KIAT CO. Market Street
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  • 242 5 REUTERS SPECIAL SERVICE. The Fighting Fronts. OFFICIAL COMMUNIQUES. Near 9,000 Prisoners, London, Nov. 22, 8.35 p.ra, Renter's correspondent at British Headquarters wiring in the evening aays: We have not yet reached the limit of victory. Success grows hourly. The total of prisoners is approaching 9,000. Great stretches of
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  • 43 5 London, Nov 22, 11 5 p.m. TV Press Bureau states j M Poincare warmly congratulated His Maj-sty the King on the magnificent Bri ish victories in France aci Palestine, an 1 King George heartily thanked the President for his friendly n^ssage.
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  • 117 5 London, Nov. 23, 1.5 a m. Fieil Marshal Sir DjugUs Haig sajs th« lay was spent on the southem baulefront in consolidating the large area wherever we had ad* vanced in the last two da%s This was aacc-ssfally carried out except Fontaine Notre Dime which the mmj had retaken
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  • 69 5 sir Douglas Haig reporting on aviation says farther details show at lay's attack on an infantry transport v low flying pilots includla? pilots of the Australian aqna irons was moat successful. The iih»r on Wednesday was even j ,r an «*nitable for flying than on t-s liy successful
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  • 42 5 London, Nov. 23, 1.5 p.m. 8jr Dongbi II*ig states: We advanced our line south 1 of Ypres, and repulsed at nila north-westward of 'jntruft. north-westward of St. anl Booth ward of Neuve '-aappelie. position is unchanged southw'«ward of Cambrai.
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  • 38 5 k>n Ion, Nov. 23, 5.30 p.m. in h d W0re rQn< at noon Manv 1 victor y at Cauibrai. Cat-' I re, s 8* t h© r e<i ontai'Iethe W1 cbZ;Z" s lt,e N at onalAnth
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  • 276 5 London, Nov. 23, C.20 p.m. Jeer's correspondent at H*adthat I W,ring on Nov 23, says hour* twenty-four bthimi t. i° activit y ***** been 'fi beinu i lne8 w here heroic work ►«inAr, (1 bj ih h6 ani1 0e »»ca>ehi„ the artillery engl""k int ii 8 Wl
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  • 47 5 London, Nov. 12, f .30 Btm# New York The American newspapers are delighted with Sir Uouglas Haig's victory, as the most successful surprise on record. They declare that the Germans must now convinced that they have something to learn about the war from the British.
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  • 45 5 London, T v, 23, 6.20 p.m. East Africa official: We entered the Simbas Kitangiri valley, and also Newala. A small force gallantly engaged the superior enemy I >nthweetward of Liwale. We have taken prisoner in these operatioos 183 Germans and 192 Askaris.
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  • 53 5 Artillery Violent London, Nov. 23, 12.33 a.m. French official: The artillery duel is somewhat marked in Intensity in the region north of Chemin des Dames, between the Aisne and Lamiette and in the Champagne. On the right of the Mease there is a violent artillery action in the sector
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  • 34 5 London, Nov. 23, 4.10 p.m. French communique In the region of Oerny and Juvincourt our fire stopped an enemy attack on the left of the positions we won on Nov 21.
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  • 57 5 Stiff Encounters. London, Nov. 22, 5.15 p.m. Italian official Between the Brenta and thePiave we sanguinarily repulsed the enemy at San Marino, Monte Pertica and Monte Monfenera. The enemy reached a few advanced elements at Monte Fontana, but we drove back the enemy in a mass attack at Caserna,
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  • 101 5 London Nov. 23, 4.20 p.m. Italian official: We repulsed with very severe losses a strong attempted encircling attaok against Meletta on the Asiago plateau, preceded by a big bombardment with tear shel's. We firmly held all positions, taking prisoner two hundred. The enemy renewed his attacks yesterday between
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  • 24 5 No Truck With Fritz. London, Nov. 23, 5.30 p.m. Rumanian ovnmunique On Nov 21 attempted fraternisation by the enemy was repulsed by riflefire.
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  • 112 5 German Versions. London, Nov. 22, 4.40 p in Wireless German official We repulsed English thrusts northward of Leni, southward of the Scarpe and in _the neighbourhood of Riencourt. The battle to the southwest of Cambrai continues. The enemy failed to break through, gaining only a little ground
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  • 168 5 The U-Boat Mm lit London, Nov. 22, 12.5 a.m. A high naval authority has in formed Renter's Agency that the renewed activity of the Tj boats was fully expected. The fact that only one ship was lost dnring the previous week was hr?elv due to fortuitous circuuiKtar.c. s.
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  • 115 5 Magnificent Feat. London, Nov 23, 1.5 p.m. The Admiralty states: A successfnl raid in the vicinity of Constantinople in Jnly was carried out by a British bombing aeroplane of tho Handey-Page type, which flew from England to a Mediterranean base, in eight stages, occasionally against strong winds and
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  • 91 5 British Counter-Efforts. London, Nov. 22, 6.0 p.m. In the House of Commons, Mr Faber, in view of the effect* of Boloisin" in Russia and Italy and the steps being taken in France and America to deal with it, asked: Is the Government taking all possible steps in the same
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  • 85 5 London, Nov 23, 12.20 a.m. Amsterdam Major Moraht in an article admonishes a "certain Impatience and anxiety exhibited in Germany "as regards further progress on the Italian front. He attributes the British perseverance to the freedom of the Press comment and unrestricted treatment of strategic questions by some
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  • 130 5 London, Nov. 2.\ 8 50 a.m. Amsterdam The Lokalanzeiger says that one hundred and fifty to two hundred Tanks were employed in the British attack. It declares that this abortive offensive will not divert the German attention from Flanders, where the British are certain to renew their
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  • 74 5 London, Nov. 23, 5.0 p.m. Wireless German official The enemy yesterday repeatedly and fruitlessly attacked Moeuvres. We retrieved the slight initial saccesses. After desperate hand-to-hand fighting around Fontaine,we threw back the enemy. We later stormed Fontaine:and cleared LaFoliewood. English attacks against Kamally, Banteut, and Vnndhuille collapsed. Fresh fighting
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  • 90 5 Peace Pourparlers. London, Nov. 22, 6 0 p.m. Wire'eiM Russian official The oonncil of the Peoples' Commissaries in the name of th« GnvernMjfit of the Russian Republic announce the deporol of Dukhonin, owing to his refusal to offer an armistice, and appoiutmt nt of Krylenko as Commander in Chief.
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  • 87 5 London, Nov. 23, 5.15 a.m. Petrograd: Krylenko, the new Russian Generalissimo, is a subaltern. The Peasants Congress is transferring to Mohiliff from Petrograd fearing Maximalist intervention. The Army Committees at the front are taking the initiative in the formation of a new government representative of all Socialists, Trotzky
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  • 99 5 London, Nov. 22, 8.35 p.m. In consequence of the views ex« pressed in the c mrse of yesterday's debate in the Commons on contentions objectors, the decision reached wili probably be amended so aa to be made only to apply to those declining to engage in any sort
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  • 67 5 London, Nov. 23, 12 20 a.m On tho occasion of the conclnsion of the visit of the American Mission to London, Colonel Hons interviewed by Renter, said he w*h impose 1 by the wonderful machinery created in the heart of the Empire to control th" British share of
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  • 64 5 London, Nov. 23, 5.15 a.m Amsterdam The German newspapers anticipate great results from the extension of the submarine zone, which they describe as the answer lo the foolhardy utterance of Mr Lloyd George that be was no longer afraid of the sub marine menace." The Ditch pr« sj
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  • 44 5 London, Nov. 23, 6 50 a.m The Morning Post accuses the Vatican as being the centre of disaffection, being secretly leagued with Austria. It says that the time has come for the Allies to consider the position in relation to the Vatican.
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  • 34 5 London, Nov. 22, 8.35 p.m. Zurich Stock Exchange circles state that the Grinsheim chemical works mentioned in the earlier telegram as destroyed, furnished one-sixth of the whole supply of saltpetre for Germany.
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  • 18 5 London, Nov. 22, 8 35 p.m. Mr. Allen, Unionist, has been returned unopposed for North Armagh.
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  • 17 5 London, Nov 23, 5.0 a,m. Paris :—OoL Boats of the American mission hts arrived here.
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  • 63 5 Latest from Russia. Deserved Promotion. London. Nov. 23, 3 15 p.m. Official: Lieut-General Sir Julian Byng has been promoted General. A wireless Russian official message says that a decree has been signed by which states that he has decided to reduce the armies, releasing immediately the citizen soldiers
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  • 47 5 Resigns. London, Nov. 22, 4.45 p.m. Peking The Premier has again 'esigned to the complete iev,,itofthe iiunanes.*, wh> have driven out the Northern troops from the Province, and alto owing to the Governors of the Central Provinces defying the Government's orders to sappress the rebellion.
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  • 92 5 Five O.hers Released. London. Nov. 22, 12.50 p.m. San Francisco: Thirty-seven alleged conspirators with the object of fomenting a rebellion in India are being tried. Five other accused—Ernest Sikunna, Captain Rasa (now in the United States army) Holot Leon Hausea (a Buddhist priest) a woman named Marie,
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  • 225 5 Various Arrangements. London, Nov. 22, 2 35 p.m. The Times says that it is understood that the Government has arranged to buy tea for the Boiled Kingdom at tab. Calcutta and Colombo prices, based on the prewar average of pric :fl realised breach garden. A s nail
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  • 90 5 Urgent Matters. London, Nov. 23, b\so a.m. The Daily Telegraph yays that the advisory shipbuilding committee which the Controller ha I appointed to advise him regarding shipbuilding acceleration, has resigned as a protest against the present policy of making up for losses, particularly the creation of three new national
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  • 54 5 Another Crisis. London, Nov. 23, 0.20 p.m. Another mysterious crisis appears impending in Spain. The Spanish newspapers bint at serious developments to be expected. A demonstration planned for Nov. 25 will demand an amnesty for political prisoners. It is stated that the Government will anticipate it by a
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  • 39 5 Swimming Club Launches. To morrow, Nov. 25. Johnston's Pier, 7, 9, and 10 a.m., 2.30 and 3.30 p.m. Club Bungalow 8.30 and 93) a.m., 12 15, 3 and 5.30 p.m. High Tide 7.4 am. Height 8 ft. 2in.
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  • 24 5 There will be a friendly game of soccer on tho 0 J C Ground to-day between a Naval Team and United Engineers Football Team.
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  • 89 5 We understand that Mr Tsu Ts in. who arrived here recently with Mr Ku Chih and Mr Wong "Sieh, is a special commissioner sent by the Yunnan Government to thank the Chinese people of Singapore for the financial assistance rendered by them to the Yunnan Government last year,
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  • 183 5 Appeal Cases. In the Court of Appeal before th Chief Justice Sir John Bnckaiil K.C., Mr. Justice Woodward sod Mr. Justice Ebden, the hearing was continued yesterday afternoon in the appeal from the decision of the District Judge in the suit of His Highness the Sultan of Siak(owj-r)
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  • 952 5 "Hong Wan" Enquiry. The inquiry into the foundering of the Hong Wan was resumed yesterday afternoon in the Marino Court consisting of the Distric Judge, Mr Ralph Scott (presiding)* Commander B A Cator R (Master. Attendant), Captain A Snow and Captain H J Henderson. The D P P
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  • 154 5 Kng Puang, driver of tullock cart No 2912, was charged before Mr Sngars in the Second Court yes terday afternoon with criminal breach of trust in respect of 7 bales of cotton valued at $3,000. It is stated that Yeo Wah Leap, a Hukien storekeeper, loaded accused's
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  • 54 5 Service, will be held at the Don stead Institute to-morrow evening a 8,15 when the Rev. William Cross, M. A., will give th" address. Mr*. Blits will be the soloist The men of the Army and Navy and the Mercantile Marine, in whose special ests this service is held, are
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 103 5 "OUR DAY" Under the Auspices of THE AMATEUR DRAWING ASSOCIATION A GRIND MASQUERADE BALL will be given Di AID OF THE BRITISH RED CROSS SOCIETY The ADELPHI HOTEL (Through the Courtesy of the Management) On Saturday, Ist December, 1917. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Prizes given for the most simple aud original
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    • 346 5 I LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. OUR DAY FETE. Entertainments and Spurts Under the auspice* ot the Mohammedan Communities Under the mo.-t distinguished Patronage of H. E. the Governor and the Lady Evelyn Young. H. E. Major Genera! D. H. liidout, CMC GL E. Vice-Admiral Tudor, c B. The Hon'ble Mr. F. Seton
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  • 118 6 Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association. At the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Robber Association auction on Nov. 21, 22 ami 23 there was offered for salo 22,305.08 pkls or 2,974,010 lbs, (Tons 1327 68). Prices Realized. Sheet Sm. Fine Ribbed $100 to $106 Good 75 m 99 Fine
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  • 198 6 Messrs Barlow Co's Report. Singapore, Nov. 22. The auction was continued to-day but not concluded, and will be resamed to-morrow. Prices show a further decline, $104 being the top price for sheet. Messrs Barlow and Company regret that a mistake was made in the prices quoted in their rubber market
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  • 280 6 Messrs Guthrie Co.'s Report. Singapore, Nov. 23. For the weekly rubber auction which commence on Wednesday the record quantity of 1,600 tons was catalogued, and, for the first time, the ails extended over three dayi. The large qaantity on offer had a depressing tffect on the market, and prices show
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  • 242 6 Previously acknowledged $255,975.40 Per Chinese Chamber of Commerce Hokien Community (14th list) Lam Choon and Co, Chop Guan Ching Hong $500 each $1,000 Chop Kiss Hoe Hin 100 ChopChoo Wan Hons?, Chop Teo Kai Seng 50 each 100 1.200 Per Chartered Bank Payment by H G
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  • 35 6 Our Day Fixtures. To-day, November 24. —Moslem Fete, Rallies Reclamation, 2 p.m. to midnight. Saturday, December 1. —Amateur Drawing Assn. Ball, Adelphi, 10.30 P.m. Friday, December 14.—Drawing of Sporting Club Lottery, Memorial Hall, 9 p.m.
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  • 106 6 (By courtesy of the French Consulate) Pa'is N >v. 21st 610 p.m. The French 3 per cent bonds are at francs 59.75 an I the 5 per cent at 87.75. Rubber is qiot-.d at 2s per pcmnd. The French Chamber voted by 418 against 65 an Older
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  • 12 6 [Wo lo not H—— W§ nitrm th* opinions exprtmed bp correeptmdsmtt.]
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  • 317 6 To the Editor of the Mmlttpa Trieune. Sir, —Several statements and appeals have appeared in the papers abont the sore need of help for the nnfortnnate Chinese, some millions are affected, by the «reat floods at and near Tientsin. Th re has been no notice so far
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  • 242 6 Singapore, November 24. Tin.—See Local and General column. Copra.—No Business. Tapioca. —Steady. Business don*. Sago Flour.— Business done. Gambier. —Business done. Pepper- —Steady. Business done. Other Products.—Market Quiet. Latest Ual Market QvotitioasNutmegs 110 S. per pioul $40.00 Nutmegs 80 8. 45.00 Copra Bali 5.90 Copra Gorong Talo 6.00
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  • 47 6 Copra. Singapore, Nov. 23. Since we last reported the market though quiet has evidenced an upward tendency closing steady at about 40 cents above last quotatioLS. To-day's values may be given as $6.10 for fine sundried and $5.60 to $5.80 for fair to good.
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  • 104 6 Tavoj Prospects. Rangoon, October 26 :—There are prospects of the outturn of wolfram in Tavoy being considerably increased in the near future. One or two mines which until recently were cut off from all communications are now on development and promise to turn out 30 to 40 tons per
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  • 110 6 There has been some rather vague talk about the establishment of a Pasteur Institute here and, if taken literally, it is not altogether surprising the authorities have not received the proposal very favourably. But as there is already an Institute of Medical Research, it does not eeeoi unreason ible to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 117 6 There is no Better Ale Than BULLDOG ALE Try I* I I ON SALE AT The Leading Hotels I AND Principal Liquor Dealers. THE BEST IS BULL BRAND STOUT. 8 dozen pints to the case. The Australian Asiatic Co. 67, The Arcade, Singapore, Just Arrived! Just Arrived!! Cornets, Baritone (in
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    • 58 6 State Express become the all- Vrf\ time friend of every man who t smokes them and recognises their refinement, exquisite aroma and delicate flavour. They are the standard of \J cigarette quality. V twf^ CIGARETTES. No. 555 Virginia, per tin of 50-80 cts. (including duty.) Packed in Patent Vacuum Tins.
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    • 378 6 Malay Civil Service. Government's Scheme. We are able to give some particulars of tbe appointments to which it has been decided to promote Malays whose qualification entitle them to take a more prominent place in the administrative branch of the F M 8 Government Service. The new branch is to
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    • 763 6 The Miners Builders Stores j Koala Lumpur, Selanoor, F. M. S. j Hardware Merchants, General Imports j AND AGENTS. I AGENCIES Wanted for business or for the sale of all kinds of merchandise in the FEDERATED MALAY STATES. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. 27 9 X U Church Services. 8 AhdbeWb Cathedral, Singapore.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 140 6 Singapore Volunteer Corps. Orders for the week ending Friday, November 30 Today. 2.30 pm Balestier Range SVA 3.15 pm Junction Ayer Rajah Rd. Baona Vista Rd. Rd Transport from Drill Hall 2.45 pm Dismiss 5.30 pm at Junction Baona Vieta Road and Holland Road SVR To-morrow. 7.30 am Baleetier Range
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    • 239 6 Mails Close. To day. Malacca Muar *Anjon 2.30 pm Bangkok *Katong 2.30 pm Malacca, Port Swettenham and Penang *Klang 2.30 pm Batu Pahat Aing Leung 2.30 pm Medan Speelman 3 pm Pnlau Batam Pulau Bulang Hock Keng 3 pm P. Sambu and Singkep Singkep 8 pm Kenmon Sanit 3 pm
      239 words

  • 155 7 Aeroplane Accident. Tokyo, Oct. 14 :—At Tokorozawa yesterday mjrnimr, two aeroplanes i were wrecked and two officers and one mechanic received irju'i>n Lieutenant Noda took out his machine yesterday morning at 8.50, and after ranking a huccessful flight, his motor suddenly stopped, and in his attempt to slide
    155 words
  • 98 7 Tokyo, Oct 18 :—An unusually severe earthquake visited Tokyo early yesterday morning, and shook houses so strongly that many articles on shelves fell off, but no serious damage was done in Tokyo or vicinity. According to the Central Observatory, the earthquake lasted for twenty minutes, and the greatest
    98 words
  • 192 7 Tokyo, Oct 21:—A serious scarcity of tobacco is reported from Toyohasbi and Hamamatsu, Bhidzuoka Prefecture. No cig-rettes have been 1 ft unsold at tbe t »boo* conists there. The entire non-exist-ence of cigarettes in the city of Toyohashi culminate i in a tragi comic perversion of customers aud
    192 words
  • 156 7 Tokyo, Oct. 23 :—The twenty, five mile Marathon race from Yokohama to TJyeno Park was held on Sunday afternoon under the auspices of the Hochi iibimbun." At noon, thirty athletes selected from nil parts of the country started on the long grind. The recent rain left the country
    156 words
  • 198 7 Mr. TJzawa had a narrow escape when near Uibiya Park. A bicycle rider collided with him from behind and he fell, but received no serious injury. The fall, however, made his knees stiff, and if be had not met with the accident, be would have made
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  • 189 7 Tokyo, Oct. 25 :—To relieve the present shortage of small coins, the Government will issue twenty and fifty sen bills, the total amount of which, by February 1918, will be 30,000,000 yen. The Government is scheduled to issue 10,000,000 yens' worth of small ooins during 1917,
    189 words
  • 244 7 lokyo, Oct. 26 :—Rice plants have been grown from the seed grains of one thousand years ago, which have been preserved, strange to say, in the interior of a wooden idol of V aisravana, kept as a national trea»<ure at the Zensui Temple at Twane village, Koga-gun,
    244 words
  • 74 7 Tokyo, Oct 27 .—The recent serious slumps in the atock market caused another suicide, a rich Osaka stockbroker killing himself on account of his insolvency of about 200,000 yen. This man, Mr. Kiomon Sugiyama, aged 58, cast himself into the Aji river last Friday, leaving letters to
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  • 34 7 Drills for November 1917. Monday, November 26.—80 th Companies Parade Havelock Koad Police Station, 5,15 pm. Friday, November 30—Parades Pearl Hill and Tanjong Pagar 5.15 pm. A. Agnew Officer Commanding, Civil Guard.
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  • 37 7 As mentioned at the Federal Council meeting a Lady Supervisor of Malay Girls' Schools is to be appointed in tho coming year. Her emoluments are to be $300, rising to £340, with a duty allowance of £60.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 611 7 NOTICES_ Government of Johore. Public Works Department. Applications are invited for the appointment of Clerk of Works Salary if 150 per mensem rising bj annual increments of $10 per mensem to $2,160 per annnm. Applicants must pot np copies oi testimonials, also to give full parti, calars of their experience
      611 words
    • 492 7 JTICES^ The Changkat Serdang Estates, Umited. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements th2 0 tS 0 S- Is HEREBY QIVEN tbat the Directors have declared a of War Tax, on account of the year Register of the Company will be closed from November 27th to November 30th, 1917 (both days ™lT
      492 words
    • 636 7 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA JWD CHINA. INCORPGRATKd"iN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER, Pa *J UP Capital in 60.GC0 8H ires of £20 each £1,200,000 Keserve Fund m £i,900,00C Keserve Liability of F:^prwtors £1,200,000 BANKERS. The Bank of England, The London Uty and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and
      636 words
    • 77 7 tbc dainty little 1 111 XVXj 1 1 JuO laxative granules put an end to all constipation troubles. They are smooth and gentle in action, do not gripe or purge, contain no harmful or habit forming drugs aud are an ideal I laxative for use in the Tropics. Sold by
      77 words
    • 498 7 THE Malaya Tribune AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. (Evening Daily 'Phone No. 171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Per annum $14.00 Half-yearly 7.25 Per quarter 365 Per mensem 1,25 Single Copy 5 CtS. Postage Extra 50 CtS. per month. All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to The
      498 words
    • 466 7 (THE ORIENTAL Government Security l ife Assurance Co., Ltd. ESTABUSHED 1874. INCORPORATED IN INDIA. FUNDS exceed $30,500,000.00 Absolute Security. Income in 1918 -$4,309,517.50 Total 3ut-go In 1916 $2490 418 50 Assurance effected In 1916 $4,230,542.85 Increase In Funds $i,819!099.00 I Total Policies in force 65,842 assuring, with Bonus aditione $72,522,348.14.
      466 words
    • 49 7 Mnumi in, Absolutely Free 40 years' experience, late Government Medical Officer HAI SAHEB DR. DASS Secrets of Happy Life is being distributed free. Apply to— TK Swastkyi Salayi Pfcariacy. 30/2 Harrison Road, CALCUTTA. Massage. Mrs. M. w HATA Japanese c/o KOYOKAN No 14 Queen Street, SINGAPORE. 30 10 v
      49 words

  • The Malaya Tribune.
    • 24 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Daily.] SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. Issued Dally.] Vol. IV. No. 277 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1917 PRICE 5 CENTS.
      24 words
    • 495 1 Discovery oo Dutch Vessel. San Francisco, October 12 :—On information from Washington that evidence of the machinations of German agents in Cbiua would be found on the Dutch liner Oranje on her arrival at this port from the Orient Ucited States Government representatives yesterday held the ship
      495 words
    • 131 1 Alleged Natal FraudsLondon, Ojt. 14th.—Remarkable allegations of dishonesty on the part ot* naval officials were made ii. Bowstreet police court yesterday by witnesses in the case in which Eric Brotherton, manager of the linmioghain d ck, and John Cripsey, fore, man, are charged with having defrauded the Government
      131 words
    • 69 1 At the end of August the number of nhagaisen," or fWMfa other than those ownei by the Nippon Yureu,Oa»ka Shosen, and the Toyo Kisen Keisba, in Japan was 308 «ggregating 805,405 ton«. Of this fleet 78 vessels of 168,038 tons were being operated by the owners, while th« remaining 130
      69 words
    • 33 1 Ntrrember 22. Lady Weld, Britiah Speelman, Dutch Singkara, Dutch Rumphius, Dutch Indragiri, Dutch Ernile, Dutch November 23. Gdendale, British Abbotaford, Britiah Anjoa, British 8ri Muar, British Esmeralda, Britiah Sembilan, Dutch Kaho, Chinese
      33 words
    • 21 1 November 22Hock Lee, British Hebe, British R. 8. Barn, Dutch Mahidol, Siamese Yugala, Siamese November 23. Singaradja, Dutcn Senang, Dutch
      21 words
    • 126 1 Saturday, November 24.— Moon in Perigee 2h. A. High water :—6.7 am 7 ft. 8 ins.; 626 pm 7 ft. 9 ins. Sunday, Nov. 25. High water 7.4 am 8 ft. 2 ins. 7.51 pm 8 ft. 2 ins. Monday, Nov. 26. High water i— 7.56 am
      126 words
    • 58 1 Japan's mercantile marine at the end of July consist sd of 2,132 steamers with a combined tonnage of 1,777.089 tons. Of this number ISS ace vessels of 1,000 to 2,000 tons, 128 those of 2,000 to 3,000 tons, 64 those between 3,000 and 4,000 tons, 32 between 5,000 and 6,000
      58 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 500 1 THERE IS NO Finer Medium for Shippers' Advertisements THAN THE Shipping Gazette. Write for terms, 20c Collyer Quay, Singapore. P. O. British India APCAR LINE (COHPAKIBS 15 CORPORA TED TS ENGLAND.) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co. (Uuler Contract with Hia Majesty'- Government.) The Company's MAIL
        500 words
      • 280 1 Stoomvaart Maatschappil "lederland" AND Rotterdam Llogd" (Incorporated in Holland.) (Royal Dutch Mail Companies). REGULAR MAIL SERVICE Between Java, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Yokohama, Nagasaki and San Francisco and vice versa. For freight, passage and farther particulars Apply to Internationale Crediet and Handelsvereeniging Rotterdam" (Incorporated in Holland) 1 D* Almeida Street PHONE,
        280 words
      • 377 1 ROYAL PACKET Navigation Company of Batavia (KONINKLYKE PAKETVAABT MAATSCHAPPY) Special 5,000 tone, Tonrist Steamert FROM JAVA TO AUSTRALIA BAU VIA SQI'RABAYA -PORT DARWIN-WIT MORESBY-BRISBANE SYDNEY—MELBOURNE VICE VERSA In connection with the Special Fast Saloon Steamers IVTeloHior" Treub AND Rumphius. Passage from Singapore to Ist single Ist retarn Brisbane Sydney )£4O.
        377 words
      • 499 1 I To Advertisers: OUR Shipping Gazette Circulate* in every port throughout the MALAY KNIIMIA. J N. Y. K. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co. EUROPEAN LINE. A service U maintained between Yokohama via port* to Marseilles and London nzd*. mall oontract with the Imperial Japanese Government.
        499 words