Malaya Tribune, 22 November 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 372 1 Tay Guan Kiati 36, PHI LIP STREET, si \mt FIREWOOD Supplier to the Singapore Municipality. 1 j i n 1 particslan en application. Phone Nos. 1361, 1362 and Private 1450 and 107». j Cr£im«£*;y Cinema SCENE THE "SILENT MENACE," No. 3, PAT HE'S "PEARL OP THE ARMY." PRODUCED BY ASTRA.
      372 words
    • 615 1 SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO.. LTD. Incorporated v New Zealand fUE v cc* e' r e3 ti on daUdfnaa, Hen* and ferahandisa 0/ every .ucoription MAI iIS Ins a. snoe accep d to »11 pv;« of th Iwo Id a 1: ote l ra*s*. aoc.p c i to ail parte. J.
      615 words
    • 86 1 |»',v:8;:"?:: 8 er;:,:,::,:;;: 1 iSanitas! i 1 j Disinfectant "Pine-Tree" Brand. Use No Other j If you want the the smallest I This disinfectant freely emulsifies with water, producing a milk-white, strong disinfectant and deodoriser. SANITAS I is known throughout the world AS A RELIABLE I disinfectant. The name always
      86 words
    • 202 1 I SULPHURIC I I AND I j Hydrochloric Acid. Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) SOLE AGEISTS. NAHYaNG tm. TOBACCO Co. 38 Robinson Road, Singapwre. Branches at IPOH, KUALA LUMPUR PENANG. Chinese Cigarettes. Cigarettes of (^^T^SSy^^ •bove"chop" have They are aromatic in Hongkong for over ten years now smoke
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    • 165 1 I Tay Guan Kiat 36, PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. Government and Municipal Contractor. Phone Nos. 1361, 1362 and Private 14SO and 073. Useful to Planters. our Ground nut cake, which is onij once pressed, is of to* highost quality, and we have r.o doubt will prove very beneficial for tree? and
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  • 2331 2 txposed the" Tanks." In a recent issue appeared a brief message from London staling that Mata-dari," a well-known danoer, bad been shot in Paris for espionage The correspondent in the French capital of the New York World re» oently sent to that journal a long count
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  • 46 2 Drills for November 1917. Friday, November 23.—Parades Pearl Hill and Tanjong Pagar, 5.15 pm. Monday, November 26.—80 th Companies Parade Havelock Road Police Station, 5,15 pm. Friday, November 30.—Parades Pearl Hill and Tanjong Pagar 5.15 pm. A. A (J.N EW Officer Commanding, Civil Guard.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 298 2 KASANTAK PILLS. As their name signifies, tbey are really the death to Bronchitis, Asthma and other diseases of the ungs and respiratory organs. Rambling sound in tbe throat, hoarseness of the voice, and such other common complaints resulting from tbe sudden change of weather and catching of cold are cared
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    • 204 2 AUCTION SALES. Auction Sale of Five Case* (231 Pairs) New Black aad Brawn Siloes, made in tha U.S.A. At our Sale-room, No. 3 Raffles Place To-day. November 22, at 23° 3a. Now on view. Tbe Commercial Rubber Co., Ltd. Auctioneers. 20 11 22 11 AUCTION SALE OF Thirty-one Bales Grey
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    • 677 2 IMPORTANT NOTICE. THE SALE OF "PUNDUT ESTATE" DINDINGS advertised to be sold at Auctioa by Messrs. POWELL j 0 Ltd. 17 Raffles Place, Singapore, on Thursday 15th November, 1917, HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO THE 18th DECEMBER, 1917, with completion one month later. By order of the Custodian of Enemy Property.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 80 2 Singapore Volunteer Corps. To-Day. Orders for the week ending, Friday, November 23 No Drills To-morrow. 5 Jardinb'g Steps DRF GL Specialists 5.15 Drill Hall SVA (all details) 4.30 Johnston's Pier SRE v 5.15 i, Drill Hall Maxim Co SVC T.P. Fire Station SVE TPP n Drill Hall Signalling Section do
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  • 494 3 Damaged Rice Crop. Bangkok, Nov. 15. —A great deal of interest is being taken in the estimate of the total crop which may bo considered as lost in this year's harvest consequent on the phenomenal floods. Estimates from the planted districts are of course not final. As the
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  • 326 3 (To the E litor of the Morning Pom*.) Sir, —L is instructive to cvnparo the German reply to the Pope's Note with th« special pleading of the German King Ariovistua nearly two thousand years ago in an attempt to palliate his crimes. The King had crossed
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  • 41 3 "I'm glad Billy had the sense to niarry an old maid," said grandma, a t the wedding. grandma asked the son. "Well, gals ia hity-hity, and bidders ia kinder overrulin' and upaettin'. But old maids is thankful IM williu' to pleaae."
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  • 248 3 Singapore, November 22. Tin. —Soo Local and General column. Copra-—No Business. Tavioca. —Steady. Business done. Sago Flour■ —Business done. Gambier. —Business done. Pep {jar- —Stoady. Business done. r 'Oi t Fryhicts.—Market Quif>t. Loal Market \footttioai. Nutmegs 110 S. pe* p nl 140.00 Nutraesrs 80 S. 45.00 Copra licili
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  • 44 3 To-day, November 22.—National Amateur Society Entertainment, Victoria Theatre, 9.15 p.m. Saturday, November 24. —Moslem Fete, Raffles Reclamation, 2 p.m. to midnight. Saturday, Deoember L—Amateur Drawing Assn. Ball, Adelphi, 10.30 p.m. Friday, December 14.—Drawing of Sporting Club Lottery, Memorial Hall, 9 p.m.
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  • 350 3 [The Editor of the Malay Mail.] Sir, —It is stated in a pamphlet just published on local administration that the political pulse of every nationality in the East is just now beating with extraordinary vehemence. I cannot say that I should be prepared to go quite so far
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  • 88 3 Delivered In London. The foilowing are the dates of J froi i Singapore of tie European Main aud their delivery in Lmdou. MAIL. Ltrr. DKLIV.thBP. B.I. Ang. 24 Oct. 13 i P. n O. Aug. M Oct. 18 I B. I. Aug. SI Oct. 13 I M M.
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  • 86 3 The train had been standing in the station for 40 minutes and the canny Scot went to see what was the matter. "You're very late startin' mon," he said to the engine-driver. "Yes," replied the driver testily. "We've got a lot of whisky drinkin' Scotsmen on board
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  • 14 3 Vessels in communication at noon with tbe local Commercial Wireles Station :—None.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 106 3 Kill Pain Before Pain Kills You. Attacks of neuralgia, constant pain, or the dread of sudden shooting pains, ara a continual wear and strain on the vital forces of the sufferer. Unless reliaf is obtained, a breakdown is sure to follow. LITTLE'S ORIENTAL BALM brings certain and speedy relief to
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    • 532 3 1 j SOME SPLENDH i The I me 1 I AT THE Alhambra j Alhambra Is m is the only J I the Theatre A jg Jgp*. Wk M M\ theatre where yon J #m Ĕ IgK M WmkW ln# #m with 2 gettheßEST P| D pictures, the m attached.
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    • 538 3 I TO-NIGHT SHOWING TO-NIGHT X The Smutiing Serial Success of tbe Season AT THE POFULAR PHOTO-FLAY HOUSE EMPIRE Tanjong Pagar Road. Trams Pass the Door. SECOND SHOW 9.1S SHARP Quality Pictures Corporation present Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne in THE GREAT SECRET A Stupendous Serial—lB Episodes—M Parts—4 Parts NifhUy.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 115 3 Mails Close. To-day. M a aW? hat 8ri Wo 2-30 P m Port Dickson and so»34r^d" h B u > p» A'trip.,.. «p» KoUTmsifi R H 'f k Keng 8 pm KotaTi4S pm sic»» T vS&!r JS To-morrow. ***** "J"* Aik 8.„ G„ US™ SST" Is? "SPort Swettenham 9 am
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  • 1178 4 Some of the ways adopted by on? local Municipality, to pat it mildly, are peculiar The public have just been informed that the Municipal exchequer haa a comfortable balance which, as it was too late to be need in investing in local War Bonds, is at present lying
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  • 80 4 Nothing haa yet been heard of the Japanese vessel that left Colombo on September 27 for Delogoa Bay. The passengers included the following Mrs. Whitaker, Mr. and Mrs. F. Q. Trayes (Bangkok), Mr. and Mrs. Benson, Dr. and Mrs. Wellington, the Rev. Mr. Webber, Mr. C. Dickinson (Messrs
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  • 105 4 The Great Secret. At the Empire Cinema to-night the Singapore public will have the opportunity of seeing the famous Metro's serial, the Great 8ecret. This picture—in which Miss Beverly Bayne and Fraocis X. Bushman apP?ir —has been fhown with remarkable srccess i > the F.M.S., and has everywhere be
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  • 40 4 At the untitled to night there will be a comple nge of programme. Among the cial features of the second show uay be mentioned furihur instaJ nts of -The Adventures of J R W tllingford "and" Tbe Girl from 'Frisco."
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  • 205 4 Mr Frank Adam, the Hon. President, sends ns the final audited acconnt of the fund for the entertainment of the crew of HM 8 Cadmus and of the Singapore garrison. Balance and interest amounted to $1,764.81. The trophy to the M S V R and the Tablet
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  • 501 4 Tin here at $129.50 (50 cts up); no sellers. Rubber is qnoted at 2/6 for crepe and 2/5| for sheet. London, Nov. 20 o.w.-, d 4U. The market is quiet.—Reuter. The Rent Assessment Board for Singapore will sit at the Municipal Board-room on Tuesday, the 27th instant,
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  • 102 4 Pages Thk Great Wah Great British Success 5 War Conference 5 Russia 9 Late Gen. Maude 5 French Consular News 5 Generali The Spy Mata Hari 2 Singapore Volunteer Corps 2 Singapore Civil Guard 2 Siam Floods 3 War Economy 3 Persistence of Racial Type 8 Mail Notices
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 149 4 «Just Received a. New Supply OF Jl "His Master's M Voice" GRAMOPHONES And the Latest Records. fifrjff Horn—Model H.E.A.O. With Double Spriaj Motor Price $9 5. HORNLESS—MODEL With Single Sprinf Motor Vl 11 Price $70. :^^!>^ SBBBBnnMBiBnMMMBWnMMMMMnBHBiCa' LUBRICATING FOR ALL PURPOSES STOCKS ALWAYS ON HAND For Particulars and Prices APPLY
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    • 447 4 TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT!! AT THE CINEMA CASINO Off Beach Road. The House Merit A COMPUTE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9.15 P.M. The Adventures of J. R. Wallingford Episode 3 THE GENTLEMAN CROOK 2 Parts. A Rheumatic Joint. A New in Comedies. The Girl from 'Frisco The Great
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    • 110 4 We big to Inform tho Public that wo have been appointed Sole Agents FOR The Gresta Blanca Wine Co. OF CALIFORNIA. Prices on Application to Caidbeck, Macgregor AND Co. ADELPHI HOTEL Saturdays Concert During Tin and Special Dinner. After Dinner Dance. KUN KIAT GO. Market Street. STOCK FOR Immediate delivery
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 34 4 Coming Events. To-Day. Moon First Quarter. Outward mail due. To-morrow. St. Clement. Lodge St. George Regular, 9 p.m. Saturday. Chinese Com. Bank meeting, noon, Monday. 25th Sunday after Trinity. Wednesday. Malaka Pinda meeting, noon.
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  • 1590 5 IDE TANKS BREAK THROUGH. Thousands of Germans Captured. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London. Nov. 21, 12.45 a.m. mM Marshal Sir Douglas Haig E. Soon after daybreak we Hid oat Bi tisfactorily a series of Sons between St Qnentin and LRiver Scarpa and captnred Lblemateriaiandanntnberof Lners not yet counted.
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  1,590 words
  • 93 5 The King's Foil Message. London, Nov. 19,11.50 p.m. Renter now wires; The King telegraphed to the commander-in-chief in Mesopotamia 44 1 jast hear with very deep regret of the death under such sad and tragic circumstances of General Sir Stanley Maude, who rendered incalculable services to India,
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  • 66 5 London, Nov. 21, 6.10 a.m. New York A Norwegian steamer is at present in an Atlantic port with seventy Austro-German diplomatists and consular officers and families from South America and Asia on board, going home under safe conduct of the Allies. It is reported they include
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  • 51 5 London, Nov. 21,6.10 a.m. Amsterdam The Nieuwe RotterdamscheCourant says Customs officers atLobits examining an empty barge from Rotterdam to Germany found a trapdoor leading into a tank in which were four thousand gallons of oil and boxes of soap, gin and milk. The skipper has been
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  • 35 5 London, Nov. 21, 12.35 p.m. Washington: The Navy Department announces to-day that the American destroyer Chauncey was sunk in a collision in the war zone yesterday morning. Probably twenty-one lives were lost.
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  • 34 5 London, Nov. 18, 4.25 p.m. The Gazette orders the transfer to the Treasury of the Royal D u tch Petroleum Company shares at the rate of £51 per hundred florins.
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  • 29 5 London, Nov. 20, 1.15 p.m. The Siamese Minister had an audience of the King, to whom he handed an autograph letter from the King of Siaui.
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  • 141 5 Om nous Silence. London, Nov. 21, 6.10. a m. There is again a dearth of news from Rassia. Stockholm epecirtl c »r. respondent at Haparanda who entered Finland wss arrested and sent back to Sweden. Varied Items. London, Nov 21, 1.35 p.m. A Petrograd message dated Nov. 20 say8
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  • 147 5 (By courtesy of the French Consulate-) Paris, Nov 19 6.30 p.m. The Federation of the Railwaymen at Bienos Ay res has declared a general strike for Tuesday. Z'j rich: The troops have re established order, bnt the workmen are threatening to make a general strike. Paris, Nov
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  • 250 5 A German Cariosity. It may be supposed that some day collectors will set great store by the possession of one of tho 50 pfennige notes which have been issued by the municipality of Niederlahnstein on the Rhine. On one side of each note is a representation of the
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  • 153 5 A correspondent writes to an exchange —You've read about the Front where men have been drowned in the mud Well, that's where the following little military fashionnote was tapped out by some regimental typist and circulated for our guidance Commanding Officers will be held responsible that all
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  • 505 5 Thrill of ihe Charge. ••Over the top Has any man's life ever offered such a thrill, such a sensation of freedom, soeh a bursting from incarceration into liberty, from darkness into light, as that inspiriting leap into the open? Gone the uneasiness, tbe doublings of the eve—only
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  • 83 5 Messrs, Barlow Go's Report. Singapore, Nov. 21. For this week's Auction which oommenoed to day, some 1,580 tons were catalogued. The market showed continued weakness and prices further declined. Ribbed Smoked Sheet. —The highest price paid was $107 a decline of $4. Fine Pale Crepe.—A small quantity
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  • 195 5 A great deal is now being written on the subject of Germany's method in sinking ships whose helpless passengers have no chance of escape and of bombarding cities from the air whose citizens are equally helpless. An anecdote of French gallantry towards a defenceless foe will show np,
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  • 16 5 The Ipoh paper hears that Mr J Boyd.of Singapore,has been appointed Secretary of the Ipoh Club.
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  • 151 5 SUPREME COURT. Appeal Cases. Before the Coart of Appeal, coi> listing of the Chief Justice (Sir John Bncknill K.C.) presiding, and Justioes Woodward and Ebdnn, the hiring was proceeded with yesterday afternoon in the suit brought by Meyna Meyappa Chetty as plaintiff in the action against one Bhagat
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  • 455 5 Hong Wan Enquiry. The enquiry into the circumstances attending the foundering of the s .s Hong Wan was commenced this morning in the Marine Court, before Mr Ralph Scott (president), Commander B. A. Cator (Master Attendant) and Captains H J Henderson and A Snow (Master Mari-. ners and
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  • 97 5 Tokyo Oct 17 The first hearing of the copyright law case instituted by Mr. E L Bentley, London, against Mr. HB M Dupont, residing in Yokohama, in regard to the sale in Japan of the alleged illegal edition of Bentley's Complete Telegraph Code, took place in the
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  • 98 5 The death rate per inille for the week ending Nov. 17 waa 33 07 The total number of deaths was 228 of which 166 were males and 62 females. No Europeans and 2 Eurasians died, also 181 Chinese, 31 Malays, 13 Indians, and one of other nations. Convulsions
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  • 490 5 Attitude Towards Man. The newest girl is the child of surroundings quite different from which produced the earlier generations of women. As his playmate and fellow-student, as his help or rival in professions and business, as his nuree in sickness, she has been given opportunities denied
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 37 5 Tomorrow, Friday, The Famous STAB OPERA At the Theatre Royal North Bridge Road will Btage Aa Entirely New Play QUEEN MARGARET. K. H. Cheong, Proprietor, Y. L. Tan, Manager. ?bone 1366 lor seats V7 V I /&Ap\
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    • 323 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. "OUR DAY" Under the Auspices of 'I'm.' AMATEUR DRAWING ASSOCIATION A GRAND MASQUERADE BALL will be given IN AID OP THE BRITISH RED CROSS SOCIETY AT The ADELPHI HOTEL (Through the Courtesy of the Management) On Saturday, Ist December, 1917. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Prizes given for the most
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  • 629 6 Prices Qoetei in the Market this M ruing Singapore, November 22. nii B™nil,jrall8™ n i I,jra11 d Bvatt Exchange and Share Broke™, iMue the following list of qaoution*: Robber Shares. Norn. Value. Boye MmtUmx 4 S AnglcTjava tl- Anglo-Malay 1?;. 16; asfe" To!: "ft- Bekoh 8/6 4
    629 words
  • 69 6 bingapore, November J$ 0 i LondonBank 4 m/i. Dmm* j taU. 2/4 2732 On India— Bauk T. t 155 On Hongkong Bank d/d 26f4 On Bhanjhai— Banked. 5 Oa Jara— 4 Bank T. T 126 On JapanBank d/d. ifjB Sovereign*— baying rale $8 54 India O'oil Bill, la. t
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  • 1464 6 Ampang (Kinta) Tin. The fifth ieport of the Directors to the Shareholder*, to be presented at the meeting to be held at Chartered Bank Chambers on Nov. 29 at noon, states Gentlemen,-Yonr Directors b< h to submit a duly audited Statement of Accounts as at the 30\h June
    1,464 words
  • 222 6 Singapore, November 22. M-*™ Latham and Co., ihe Arcade, Rdvtte the following q 0O !8ti MM AlorG&jah $4.50 1475 AyerKuninga 1.45 x AyerMolek 2.90 300 AyerPama 11.75 12.00 Bnkit Jelotong 0.75 080 Bukit Katii D*f7« o 9 2i Bukit KB 0 .82 i o]9o ChangkatSerdg.... 9.75 10
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 149 6 There is no Betterl Ale Than I \BULLDOG\ ALE I Try It j j I 05 SALE AT The Leading Hotels j AND Principal Liquor j Dealers. I THE BEST IS BULL BRAND STOUT. I 8 dozen pints to the case. I The Australian Asiatic Co. I J 67 >
      149 words
    • 47 6 Absolutely Free 40 years' experience, late Government Medical Officer j RAI SAHEB DR. BASS' Secrets of Happy Life I is being distributed free Apply to— r* Swistlyi sitoyi PtoriKy. 30/2 Harrison Road, CALCUTTA. Massage! Mrs. M^HATA Japanese c/o KOYOKAN No. 14 Queen Street, SINGAPORE. 30 lo v
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    • 221 6 The Miners j Builderntom KuaU Lumpur, Selangor, F. M. s. Hardware Merchairts, General import AND AGENTS. AGENCIES Wanted for business or for the sale of all kinds of merchandise in the FEDERATED MALAY STATES. 27 9 CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. On* Quality Only I Tne Beat lICHELIITYBES Stockists CHIN HUAT HIN OIL
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    • 236 6 K. HARADJI «6 CO. Japanese Photoarapher ADDRESS: No. 40 BENCOOLEN STREET, SINGAPORE. Experienced Artist. Orders executed with care and promptitude. No Studio Worklindertakeii. Letters or orders for photographs delivered at the above address will be promptly complied with 11 10 n Dr. W. C. Roy's Specific for insanity is the
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  • 1430 7 Lord Rhordda at Work. The Ministry of Food has issued, through the medium of His Majesty's Stationary Office, a publication which, no doubt, will be cordially welcomed. It is entitled the National Food Journal and though small in and up pretentious in appearance, it contains information whicb
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  • 61 7 Jane Willis—So Madge broke off her engagement to that magazine editor f What was the trouble Marie Gill —She sent him some love letters, and he returned them with a rejection slip stating that while he wss always glad to see such things, and they nndoubtedly possessed merit,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 615 7 NOTICES HMD FRENCH WU LOIR. RANQUE DE L'INDO. JtfEbVs to info.m the PUBLIC K'sW WAR LOAN is being A by the French Government. lX particulars of this Loan are as The Rate of Interest is 4 per nur annum. The Price of Issue is Fr 68.60 Vr 100, f ft
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    • 563 7 JOTICES_ THE TAN JIAK KIbT PORTRAIT FUND. 1 A meeting of subscribers to the above Fund will be held at the Town Rooms of the Garden Club (third floor, Raffles Chambers) on Monday 26th instant, at 4.30 p.m. AGENDA. (1) To receive the report and accounts of the Committee. (2)
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    • 629 7 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AKTRAiIA AND CHINA. THOORPO RATIBD IN K-NOLAND BY ROYAL CHARTJSR. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,900,000 Reserve Liability cf 1 \-oprieto™ £1,200,00 C BANKERS. Ths Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., Tho London County
      629 words
    • 76 7 Don't let headaches spoil your day /^J^S^ when you can cure the rißj^B trouble by taking one or two w PINKETTES VH before retiring at night. These dainty laxatives give nature A**' just the gentle assistance needed to M correct constipation, bilious headaches, clear the skin of pimples and blemishes
      76 words
    • 506 7 THE Malaya Tribune AND shipping CAzrrrE. (Evening Daily Phone No. 171.. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Per annum $14.00 Half-yearly 7.25 Per quarter 365 Per mensem 1.25 Single Copy 5 CtS. Postage Extra 50 cts per monthAll communications relating to editorial matters aad news should be addressed to The Editor.
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    • 467 7 IT H E ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Established 1874. Incorporated in India. FUNDS exceed $30,500,000 00 Absolute Security. Income In 1916 -$4,309,517.50 Total Out-no In 1916 $2490.4 18 50 Assurance effoctei In 1916 $4,230,542.85 increase io Funds $1,819,069.00 Total Policies in force 65,812 assuring, with Bonus aditione,
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    • 24 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Daily.] SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. issued Dally.] VoL IV. No. 275 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1917 PHICE 5 CENTS.
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    • 1019 1 From A Chaphio's Note-Boo!. Altogether there have been throe of them, or, to be more precise, two arid pup, who have done their bit in the war by giviug us their cheerful company in this ship. Though very different in character, they have been all alike in this,
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    • 139 1 The harbours of Greenock are now closed to the public, and those wishing entrant w ba in the possession ol special passes issued by the police. Even workmen going to a vessel fitting out Mat be in the possession of such passes, and no one is granted a pass unless
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    • 20 1 November 20. Hock Lee, British Buyskes, Dutch November 21. Kiuta, British Ban Fo Soon, Dutch Emile, Dutch Yngala, Siamese
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    • 28 1 November 20 Qaorra, British Ban Poh Guan, British Pin Seng, British Calypso, Brit'sb Giang Ann, British Lady Weld, British De Haan, Dutch November 21 Van Hogendorp, Dutch
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    • 167 1 Thursday, Nov. 22—Moon First Quarter 5h 29m. M. High water —4.6 am 7 ft. 6 ins. 3.26 pm 8 ft 2 ins Friday, Nov. 23—Moon in Equator 2h. a. High water :—5.7 am 7 ft. 6 ins.; 4.53 pin 7 ft. 8 ma. Saturday, November 24.— Moon
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    • 95 1 Commander Bertram F. Hayes, K.D., R.N.R., who since the outbreak of war has had command of the largest White Star steamer in the Government service, has been made a Companion of the Order of St. Michael end St. George. A Birkenhead man by birth, Comman. der Hayes has been associated
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 495 1 THERE IS NO I Finer Medium for Shippers' Advertisements THAN THE Shipping Gazette. I Write for terms, I 20c Coilyer Quay, Singapore. P.&O. British India APCAR LINE 15 England,) MAIL Mi PASStNOER SERVICES. Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co. (Cnier Contract with Hia Majesty*g Government.) The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST
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      • 305 1 Stoomvaart Maatschappij "Nederland" AND Rotterdam Lloyd" (Incorporated in Holland.) (Royal Dutch Mail Companies). REGULAR MAIL SERVICE Between Java, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Yokohama. Nagasaki and San Francisco and vice versa. For freight, passage and further particulars Apply to Internationale Crediet and Handelsvereeniging "Rotterdam (Incorporated in Holland) 1 D* Almeida Street PHONE,
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      • 299 1 Notice. Heavy Gon Practice. Owners and Masters of Shipping ire r.qiKB»ed to keep their vessels is clnar of the Range as possible during the Heavy Onn Practice which will take place from the undermentioned Forts on the dates stated be low, commencing at 10 a m, A Ued Flag will
        299 words
      • 550 1 I To AdvertisersI SMpp ta g Gazette Cirrnl»tee in every port thr Jng h.,nt the MALAY PENINSULA. j j N. Y. K. NIPPON YUSFN KAISKA (HXCO RPORITFD 19 JAP.M JAPAN !¥I*IL STPAWISHIP Co EUROrEAN LINE. A service ta maintained between Jokoh»iua via p..rU c. HjMfel I •nail contract with the
        550 words