Malaya Tribune, 21 November 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 235 1 (fay Guan KiatS 36, PHILLIP STfiEET, SINGAPORE. FIREWOOD Supplier to the Singapore Municipality. Fail particulars on application. Phone Nos 1361, 1362 and pnone Private 1450 and 1073. jj SCENE FF.OM THE "SILENT MENACE," No. 3, PATHE'S "PEARL Q| THE ARMY." PRODUCED BY ASTRA. CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. 3Parti SOCIETY'S HYPOCRITES 3
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    • 545 1 INSURANCE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO. LTD. INOORFDP4.TKD LS NEW ZEALAND -IMlnaeraaJOTgffeoted oa sieni aal Merchandise of ev«»y description M4tlM£ Insataaces aooepted tc all pari; of ihe world at lowest rate?. WAI USE accepted to all parts. J. HENRY Manager. Otaoea: 2, Finla/son Green. The Eastern United Assurance Corporation. Limited. HSAD
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    • 69 1 THE I Pot Stills! Great Britain Have Been Taken Over by Government, NEVERTHELESS Buchanan's will be able to continue to supply their famous I blends and to maintain I the quality as before, being in the unique I position of laving the largest bonded stores in the world. I The
      69 words
    • 382 1 I Tay Guan Kiat] 36, SINGAPORE. Government^ands k Municipal Contractor. Phone Nos. 1361, 1362 and Private 1450 and 1073. Estate Supplies i Acetic (99&981J Acid Veneer Chests Momi Chests Latex Cups ETC. frlitsui ffiussan Staislja, 7st&. (Incorpokated in Japan) i HANYANG BROS. TOBACCO Co. 38 Robinson Road, Singapore. Branches at
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  • 275 2 Previously acknowledged $239,541.28 G R Marshall 60 Collected by Tan Guan Hoe from Health Promotion Association Tay Jim Quee 5 Smaller amounts 25 30 Mr and Mr» "M" 100 Willison's Circos 50 per cent of takings on 16th Nov 337.05 Collected Yeo Boon Guan Tbio Kirn
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  • 1156 2 Johore 4 Our Day Fund. Success of Barn Pahat Efforts. Ia connection with the Johore Our*D.iy fond a special and very successful effort has been made at Batu Pahat The details supplied to us are as follows State Commissioner's Office :—II H Ungkn Ahmed bin Mohamed Khalid, DK.SPMJ, State Commission*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 278 2 KASAMTAK PILLS. As their name signifies, tbey are really tbe death to Bronchitis, Asthma and other diseases of the lungs and respiratory organs. Rambling soand in tbe throat, hoarseness of th* voice, and such other common complaints retaking from the sadden change of weather and catching of oold are cared
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    • 65 2 Ideal X'mas Presents FOR JUVENILE PHILATELISTS. New Edition of Excelsior Stamp Albums, with 100. stamps, given away free. Special packets of Asiatic stamps at prices to suit all pockets. The Continental Stamp Co. HIGH BTREET. A QOOD PHOTOGRAPH MEANS Tour Very Likeness, Style and Mood. A PRODUCTION FROM Lee Brothers*
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    • 666 2 AUCTION SALES. IMPORTANT NOTICE. THE SALE OF "PUNDUT ESTATE" DINDIXGS advertised to be sold at Auction by Messrs. POWELL Ltd. 17 Raffles Place, Singapore, on Thursday 15th November, 1917, HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO THE 18th DECEMBER, 1917, with completion one month later. By order of the Custodian of Enemy Property.
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  • 661 3 Relief Fund. [0 the Editor of the Malaya Trfbw*. Dear sir,—I shall be much obji e j if yon will kindly publish the following appeal of the Chinese Red Cross Society at Shanghai which I have translated into English for the information of yonr readers who mar be
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  • 14 3 eassh in communication at noon witb the local Commercial Wireles Station :--None.
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  • 245 3 Singapore, November 21. Tin.~^ See Local and General column. Copra.- No Business. Txpioca. —Steady. Business done. Sago Flour. —Business done. Gambier. —Business done. Pepper.—Steady. Business done Other Product.—Market Quiet. Latest Loal Mirkcl Qvottriots. Nutmegs 110 S. per pioul $40.00 Nutmegs 80 S. 45 qq Copra Bali 5.80 Copra
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  • 222 3 Singapore, November 21. Messrs Latham and Co., tbe Arcade, advise tbe following quotations UorGajah $4.50 $4.75 \yerKunings 1.42$ 1.47$ ArerMoiek 2.90 3.00 Ayer Panel 11.75 12.00 Balgownie 6.50 6.60 Bukit Jelotong 0.75 0.80 Bukit Katil 0.87$ 0.92$ Bukit X B 0.82$ 0.90 ChangkatSerdg.... 9.60 980 Glenealy 2.45
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  • 43 3 To-morrow, Nov. 22,—National Amateur Society Entertsinment, Victoria Theatre, 9.15 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 24.—Moslem Fete, Raffles Reclamation, 2 p.m. to midnight. Saturday, December I.—Amateur Drawing Assn. Ball, Adelphi, 10.3P p.m. Friday Deo. 14.—Drawing of Sporting' Club Lottery, Memorial Hall, 9 p.m.
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  • 391 3 What Britain is Doing One of the best books we have -ad on the war is "Obstacle to by Mr. S. 8. McClure, who I now touring the Far East in the •nterests of American publications. In his chapter "England" Mr. McClure records the. impressions made upon him
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  • 34 3 Mulford —Your wife used to sing :ind play a great deal. I have not heard her lately. Stilford—Since we have had children she has had no time. Mulford—Ah, children are such I blessing I
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  • 84 3 Messrs, Paterson, Simons Co. Ltd. Singapore. Nov. 16. The quantity on offer at this week's auction amounted to about 820 tons, but demand was very poor and the greater part of the offerings were withdrawn, in many instances without any offer. Prime" Ribbed Smoked Sheet sold at
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  • 23 3 "It is indeed hard," said the melancholy gentleman, "to lose one's relatives." Hard snorted the gentleman of wealth. Hard It is impos sible."
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 106 3 TO BE SHOT AT SUNRISE seem a welcome relief to many v no suffer the red hot pain thrusts "i neuralgia. These are the hopeless torturebracked beings who live in the of constant dread of the gabbing, twisting, unbearable sudden palns a nd spasms of neuralgia. Little's Oriental Balm ;relieved
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    • 525 3 16 AT THE Alhambra Alhambra Is j is thG onlj the Theatre j A 1 U i 1 A theatre r==, ALHAMBRA pictures, the m m^^m m 4 w 111 m m attached. Ice BEST The Hall for Music. The Pioneer and Premier House. The House of Quality cWwCoMaar beach
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    • 535 3 j AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-FLAY HOU^E EMPIRE Tai.joug v til. Trams Pass tbe Door. SECOND SHOW 9.15 SHARP FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SINGAPORE. uTsSARAH BERNHARDTicts IN MOTHERS OF FRANCE Tbe Choiceßt Gem of Picturo-plays. A most thrilling present day war drama with Sarah Bernhardt in the leading role. Positively
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  • 778 4 Great as is one's admiration for the man, it is hard to forgive Mr. Lloyd George for ousting his old chief from his position as Prime Minister, thongh we have no donbt that, like all masterful men, Mr. Lloyd George was of opinion that none could control
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  • 326 4 The hero of Bagdad h dead. At a time when there was cause for general depression the Allies were encouraged by the news of the fall of Kut-el-Amara, followed within a few days by the news of the fall of Bagdad. These have been two of
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  • 219 4 Board Meeting. At a meeting of the above Board held yesterday afternoon, there wer« present the hon. Mr C J Saunders (Chairman), Messrs S Tomlinson, A Angullia, M Meyer, Gaw Khek Kiam, E Tessensohn, and H Carpmael. The tenant of No. 8 Wayang Street, represented by Mr R
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  • 53 4 The Cinemas. A Bluebird play founded on Kate Jordan's popular novel In Days When Knights were Bold will be screened at the Palladium from tonight. It is' a gripping film of romance and adventure, entitled "Susan's Gentleman". The other good pictures include wild animal and detective dramas, and new
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  • 122 4 Voyage of the "Fionia." London, Nov. 19, 5.55 p.m. Iu the House ofComnons Mr. Lough drew attention to the voyage of the neutral steamer Fionia, from Shanghai to Copenhagen, with 596 thousand pounds of China tea. He suggested that such quantities of tea should not be allowed freely
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  • 494 4 Tin here continues steady a $129 ;50 tons sold. at is quoted at 2/6 for cren* and 2/5f for ehett. A mail from Euio J here from Penang to-morrow toon. ing, says the G P 0. A Hague cable states It i 8 re ported that Siberia
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  • 26 4 To-morrow. Moon First Quarter. Friday. St. Clement. Lodge St. George Regular, 9 p-BL Saturday. Chinese Cjm. Bank meeting) noon, Monday. 25th Sunday after Trinity.
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  • 87 4 Pagis Th» Great War The Fighting Fronts 5 Premier's Explanation 5 In the Commons Submarinism General: Local Share Market Straits Produce Huge Factory The Ilubbt r Trade China Floods Mr. Lloyd George The Late Gen. Maude 4 War Economy J Our Day Fund 2 k ■> Legal Intelligence
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 153 4 «Just Received a. New Supply OF A "His Master's AA Voice" GRAMOPHONES £uH7 Horn—Model H.E.A.O. With Doable Spring Motor Price $9 5. HORNLESS—MODEL ftfHfft With Single Spring Motor 1 t f* ff Price $70. V Robinson C 2«. LUBRICATING FOR ALL PURPOSES STOCKS ALWAYS ON HAND For Particulars and Prices
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    • 453 4 TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT!! AT TIJF CINEMA CASINO By the-Sea off Beach Road. COMPUTE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. KALEM presents The Girl from 'Frisco The Great Golden West Series In 25 Episodes Reels 50 Featuring MARTIN SAIS AND TRUE BOARDIWAN Story by Robert Welles Ritchie Tbe most sensational of all photo.plays, revealing the
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    • 100 4 Burgundies A SMALL SHIPMENT Just Landed of Beaune Pommard Red Sparkling. Caldbeck, Macgregor AND Co. ADELPHI HOTEL TO-NIGHT Concert During Dinner. Saturdays Concert During Tiffin and Special Dinner. After Dinner Dance. DM KIAT CO. Market Street. STOCK FOR Immediate delivery Special Mining Changkols. THE Commercial Rubber CO., LTD, incorporated 'in
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  • 117 5 The Fighting Fronts OFFICUL COMMUNIQUES. Positions Improved. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, Nov 20,1*2.45 a.m. field Marshal Sir Dinglaa Haig 01*9: W improved our positions ly V time north-west of We repnlsed an on certain advanced posts of Polygon Wood. Machine-guns this morning canght t tpr parties approaching south-east
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  117 words
  • 106 5 Loudon, Nov. 19, 11.30 p.m. Renter's correspondent at Egyptian headqnarters wiring on Nov. 18. bribing the cipture of Jaffa and Runlet, 6iys that the former was occupied by the mounted troops, who took prisoner three hundred at Ljdda. Ritnleh is the centre of a fertile region, extensively cultivated
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  • 416 5 I/vvlon, Nov. 20, 12 *27 a.m. TV smie c orrespondent wiring on N'jv 19 ban laotnely tribute* the part playe 1 by the Sottish in the recent operations. They were chiefly Lowlanders, and led the van on the left flank and participated in gome of the
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  • 38 5 London, Nov. 20, 5.35 p.m. *jii-istine official Oar mounted orc-g on g an( j a y occupied Bei- r -fctTahta, twelve miles north~,Waj ef Jerusalem. e iutantry yesterday reached line fifteen milea westward of Jerusalem.
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  • 309 5 London, Nov. 20, 4 0. p m. The uuief feature ol the despatch by Gen. Sir Archibald Murray dealing with the operations in Palestine from March 1 to June 28 is his summing up of the results of the first battle of Gaza. He saya that we took
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  • 59 5 London, Nov. 20, 2 0 p.m. East Africa official We have occupied Lutshemi, south-eastward of Chiwata. and also a large enemy camp in the vicinity of Nambindinga, north-eastward of Eitangari. Some 272 Germans and 700 Askaris surrendered. We drove the remainder to the Kitangari valley. Some 798
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  • 39 5 An Advance. London Nov. 19, 11.55 p m, French communique: On the right bank of the Meuse, in the region of Chaume wood, we advanced appreciably, and inflicted lasses on the enemy. Tha artillery duel continued lively hereabouts.
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  • 71 5 London, Nov 20, 3.50 pm, French communique :On the right bank of the Meuse, after an intense bombardment on the Ba-zonvaux-Chaume wood front, the Germans attacked north of Chaume wood on a kilometre front. The attack was broken by our fire, and only reached our advanced line
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  • 159 5 The Enemy Thrust. London, Nov. 20, 1.15 a.m. A wireless Italian semi-official message says that by the attack on Monte Fenera anl Monte Tomba the enemy made contact at every point of the line on which the Italians have now made their stand. Tde enemy masses are increasingly dense
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  • 206 5 London, Nov. 20, 6.25 a.m. The Daily Mail correspondent at Italian Headquarters wiring on Nov. 18 says it is now ten days since the holding of the Piave beean and the river army has stood firm against all shocks. The mountain army in theTrentinoand Feltre quadrilateral
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  • 47 5 London, Nov. 20, 2.10 p.m. Rome The papers are only now allowed to announce the presence of the Prince of Wales on the Italian front, which is causing everywhere the warmest enthusiasm, and is regarded as a new proof of British sympathy and solidarity.
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  • 46 5 German Versions. London, Nov. 20, 2.50 p.m. Wireless German official: There is a violent artillery duel from Honthulst wood to Zandvoorde. We repulsed an attack at Chaume wood. We drove back, after desperate fighting, strong Italian counterattacks on the northern slope of Monte Tomba.
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  • 90 5 America and Finland. London, Nov. 20, 5.35 p.m. In the House of Commons Mr. Bonar Law stated that the Government was officially informed that President Wilson had selected Colonel House to participate not only in the inter-Allied conference but also in the supreme war council with General
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  • 64 5 London, Nov. 20, 1.15 p.m. Ottawa: Incomplete returns of the nominations throughout Canada show that seven supporters of tbe Union Government and nine Qaebec followers of Sir Wilfred Laurier have been elected by acclamation. Sir W. Laurier has been nominated for Quebec East and Oltawa, and is opposed
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  • 82 5 London, Nov 20, 10.0 p.m. In the House of Lords, Lord Rhondda said that the position of food stocks in Great Britain was more satisfactory than last year, and had not caused alarm, but the necessity for supplying France and Italy might lead to compulsory rationing. He said
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  • 45 5 London, Nov. 20, 4.55 p.m. Tokio Japan's financial assistance cabled on Nov. 17 should read M a hundred millions sterling." The mistake was dua to a telegraphic error. [The original message stated that Japan's financial assistance had aggregated a thousand millions sterling.]
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  • 33 5 Rewards for Valour. London, Nov. 19,12 30 p.m. A Gazette states that Military Medals have been awarded gunners Ghulam Mohamed and Nihal Singh, of the Hongkong-Singapore battalion of Royal Garrison Artillery.
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  • 33 5 London, Nov. 20, 9.25 p.m. In the Honse of Commons it was unanimously agreed that soldie-s and sailors are entitled to vote directly they have attained the age of nineteen.
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  • 33 5 London, Nov. 20, 7.15 p.m. Paris: In the Chamber M. Clemenceau said 44 We intend to conduct the war with a redoubled effort, with a view to obtaining Utter results."
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  • 129 5 The Press Sitisfied. London, Nov. 19, 1.15 p.m. In the House of Commons debate Sir Edward Carson r*pn diated the suggestion *hat was any whittling dowu in the proposals to secure clos«r co-operation. The agreement made at Rapallo would be adhered to as on* of the most solemn
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  • 143 5 London, Nov. 20, 7,5 p.m. At a luncheon at the Constitutional Club, Sir El ward Carson said: "We have just passed a workedup sham crisis. The colleagues of the Premier have been supposed to be cyphers and dummies who have been struck obedient by the wild Premier.
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  • 93 5 Distinct Failure. London, Nov. 20, 2 10 p.m Paris General Pershing, inter viewed, stated tha*, thanks to th* efficacy of the protection of thi British, French and American navies, not a single American s d lier being transported to France had been killed owing to subraarinism. Washington Vfr. Daniels,
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  • 81 5 London, Nov. 19, 12.40 p.m. In connection with the Washington silver message of November 16 tbe Financial News' New York correspondent states that Britain and America have agreed to the purchase of a hundred million ounces of silver from America, from the produce of which America will
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  • 315 5 A scheme has been mooted for a memorial to the late Raj ah Char les Brooke. Tha memorial aims at the establishment of three Institutions in Sarawak, viz —a Leper Settlement, a Pauper Hospital and a House for Imbeciles and these Institutions will be known as "The
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  • 484 5 SUPREMe COURT, Appeal Cases. In the Court of Appeal, consisting of J ustices, Woodward, Ebden, and Edmonds, the case has been deoided in which Kina Natursahib appealed aeainst ihe decision of the Chief Justice, who had found in favour of the defendant in the previous suit, Pakeer Meydin
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  • 185 5 Kuala Lumpur Case- Before the Acting Chief J adicial Commissioner, Mr J R I ones, P C 2852 Bag Singh stood his trial at Kuala Lumpur on two charges of committing perjury. It transpired in evidence that Mr. Pat Zilwa Chief Clerk of the Chartered Bank, some time
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  • 82 5 Examining Physician (critically) —I wonder whether you have the endurance to make a good soldier. Applicant—l have shivered in the same steam-heated apartment for fifteen winters and yet 1 always say •'Good morning" to the landlord when he comes for the rent. I have five children, a player
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  • 15 5 "Can your wife see two sides of a question "Yea; her own and her mother's."
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  • 167 5 N. A. S. Entertainment. The committee of the National Amateur Society begs toca'l tb< attention of the public to the grand boxing and athletic performance to be given at the Victoria Theatre on Thursday night the 22nd. instant, for the sole benefit of "Our Day" Fund. The
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  • 78 5 On the occasion of the Mohammedan Our Day Fete, to be held on the Raffles Reclamation on Saturday next, the admission wiil be thirty cents for adults and ten M nts for children. The fete wiil be open from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. and from
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  • 698 5 The Our Day" auction, which commenced yesterday morning at the Rafties Chambers, under the auspices of the G Ho Hean Club and Garden Club, continued the whole of yesterday, and although the Bales in the second session were not brisk as in the morning, the very substantial sum
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  • 66 5 Previously acknowledged $241,963.03 Per Rev B C Roberts, CF. Entertainment by Middlessex Regiment 955 35 The Mandai-Tekong Singapore Rubber Estate Ltd., 500 Chha Yong Kin Ko bhong Wu Hong 26 Koh Son Hin, President Straits Chinese British Association 500 Part nett proceeds of the S C B A Children's
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  • 130 5 To The Editor. Dear Sir,—I have the honour to inform you that owing to my departure from the colony I have handed over the disposal of the Red Cross Book to Mr. Rodesse, Supreme Court. The total amount collected is i $5,076.10. Messrs. Ribeiro and Co, printers.
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  • 163 5 Peace next year is predicted in Moore's Almanac for 1918. The closing scenes in the great war," says Old Moore," will be enacted during 1918, in which I confidently anticipate the signing of the peace treaty in Berlin. As regards the future of Germany, I anticipate
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  • 55 5 The governess sought by every known means to stimulate her small pupil's somewhat undeveloped sense of gratitude. "Now, Charley," she said, "ought you not to be very much obliged to the cow for the milk she gives you every morning Ob, I don't know," said Cnarley. "She has
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  • 53 5 News was received at Kuala Kubu by cable on Friday that Mrs. Chinnachi-pillay, tho wife of Mr P Subramaniam, the station master of the town, had died on the morning of the sama day. Thed-ceased had been ailing for some time, and rrcently she was sent home to Ceylon on
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 487 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. "OUR DAY" Under tbe Auspices of THE AMATEUR DRAWING ASSOCIATION A BRAND MASQUERADE BALL will be given IN AID OP THE BRITISH RED CROSS SOCIETY AT The ADELPHI HOTEL (Through the Courtesy of the Management) On Saturday, Ist December, 1917. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Prizes given for the most
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 153 5 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Tenders will be received up to noon on the 30th November, 1917, at the Colonial Secretary's Office, Singapore, from person* desirous of contracting for the supply of Khaki Flannel Suirts for the Singapore Volunteer C->rps, for a period of one year, commencing from Ist January, 1918 Tenders
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  • 747 6 Prices Quoted ia tbe Market this Msraiag SISGAPOKJK, NOVEMBEB 2 Messrs Lyal! and Evait, Exchange and Share Brokers, usue the following list of quotations Robber Shares. Norn. Buyer., fiell— tl- AiW |sj k I Anglo Java 6/_ 7/_ i/ Anglo-Mal*y 12/- lfi/_ AyerKuning 40/- 60/--ti Batausr Maiak
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  • 66 6 bingufAjre. November ii \m London— Bank i ai/s. 2/4 g Drnj.nid o «i W Mt 3 mk 2/4 2 7/.12 ti lijo'U—.. f. T. Iftl >n Bli».i,Lai— Bari. v. 5G O Jay*— Bank T. 7 J26 On <<(; Bank d/d. 108 Sovereign-?— baying r*tt- India Coil BlUg l» st
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  • 25 6 The following r-uojuuiry 0 f the week's is i*, Ut i 0y the British Legation as Bangkok but must not be considered ornoial
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  • 1620 6 London, Nov. 9. The American Conference on th conduct of the war meets in mid November. Colonel House ia th head of the American Mission which includes Admiral Becson and General Bliss, and they have ariiveu in London. Colonel House staged it was thought there wonld be still
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  • 80 6 Delivered in London. The following are the date* of leparture from Singapore of the European Mails ard their delivery in London. Mail. Lbft. Dklivbb*p. HI- Aug. 24 Oct. 13 P. O. Aug. 28 Oct. 13 M i' > 31 Oct. 13 ■A Sept. 7 Oct. 23 S\ n
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 123 6 There is no Better Ale Than BULLDOG ALE Try X* j OX SALE AT The Leading Hotels AND Principal Liquor Dealers. THE BEST IS BULL BRAND STOUT. 8 dozen pints to the case. The Australian Asiatic Co. 67, The Arcade, Singapore. Just Arrived! JustirriraH! Cornets, Baritone (in C. and B
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    • 137 6 TO BE LET TO LET Oiton at Winchester Hoiue Nos. 5 H55 36 and 6a, Kafflea Quay. Bungalow 446 Pa 6 ir Paujang. Apply CHOP HKNQ LOONG iO hobinson Road, Singapore. a Baffles Offices. TO LET. OFFICES TO LKT, large newly painted front office No. 32-3, Raffles Place. Apply U
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    • 213 6 The Miners Builders Stores Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, F. M. i Hardware Merchants, General import AND AGENTS. AGENCIES Wanted for business or for the sale of all kinds of merchandise in the FEDERATED MALAY STATES. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. 557 «7 j£j One Quality Only The Best HICHELIN TYRES Stockists CHIN HUAT HIN
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    • 242 6 k. mm Co. Japanese Pfiotoorapher ADDRESS No. 40 Bh.NCOOLEN STREET, SINGAPORE. Experienced Artist. Orders executed with care and promptitude. No Studio WorkTjndertaken. Letters or orders for photograph? delivered at the above address will be promptly complied with--11 10 INSANITY CURE.~ Dr. w. 0. Roy's Specific for Insanity is the only
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 144 6 Mails Close. To-day Sungei Liat Scott Hariey 2.30 pm H eLi i h »>- ham and Teluk n^ Da n u "Karnpar 2.30 pm Batu Pahat Aing Leong 2.30 pm Malacca Muar *Anjou 2.30 pm Pulau Batam Pulau Hock Lim 3 pm Kota Tinggt Meranti 4 pm To-morrow. Pulau Soegi
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  • 903 7 Two Sides of War Picture. 1 War has destroyed some thing, sad changed others, for the will willingly sacrifice much for victory. But not "Das Nacht Leben" (the night life,) says Corporal E Dpitsh in ••The First Springbok Prisoner in German (ide, Nash, nnd Co., Ltd London.)Fear for
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  • 132 7 Japan aad America. Viscount Ishii, speaking at a luncheon to the Japanese Mission given by the Chamber of Commerce in New York on September 17, said* that Japan would make herself as unpleasant to the enemy as physical conditions wonld mi it, or her ingenuity conceive.
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  • 45 7 Drills for November 1917. Friday, November 23. —Parades Pearl Hill and Tanjong Pagar, 5.15 pm. Monday, November 26.—80 th Companies Parade Havelock Road Polioe Station, 5,15 pm. Friday, November 30.—Parades Pearl Hill and Tanjong Pdgar 5.15 pm. A. AGNEW Officer Commanding, Civil Guard.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 621 7 NOTICES THIRD FRENCH WU LOAN. The BANQUE DE L'INDOCHINE begs to inform the PUBLIC *t »EW WAR LOAN ia being ted by the French Government. The particulars of this Loan are as The Rate of Interest is 4 per n pr annum. C The Price of Issue is Fr 68.60
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    • 448 7 THE TAN PORTRAIT FUND. A meeting of subscribers to tbe above Fund will be held at the Town Rooms of the Garden Club (third floor, Rsffles Chambers) on Monday 26th instant, at 4.30 p.m. AGENDA. (1) To receive the report and accounts of the Committee. (2) To consider and Bettle
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    • 625 7 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Share* of £20 each £1,200,000 Kaserve Fund £1,900,00 C Reservs Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. The Bank of England, Tha London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., Ths London County and Westminster Bank,
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    • 169 7 It's Good to feel tired after healthy exercise, but if that tired feeling does not disappear after a night's sleep it's abnormal. It means that you are anaemic or debilitated, that you m ed a tonic to build up your thin blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People supply
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    • 495 7 THE Malaga Tribune in SHIPPING CAZETTE. (Evening Dally 'Phone No. 171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable In Advance. Per annum $14.00 Half-yearly $7.25 Per quarter 365 Per mensem 1.25 Single Copy 5 Cts. Postage Extra 50 Cts. per monthAll communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to The EditorAll
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    • 581 7 THE ORIENTAL Government Security life Assurance Co., Ltd. Established 1874. Incorporated in India. FUNDS exreed $30,500,000.00 Absolute Security. Income In 1118 $4.309.517.50 Titil Out-go In 1 SI6 $2411,411.50 Assurance effected in 1916 -S4 230.542.85 increase In Funds -$1,111,011.01 Total Policies in force 65,842 assuring, with Bonus aditions, $72,522,348.14 10W Apply
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 119 7 Singapore Volunteer Corps. To-Day. Orders for the week ending, Friday, November 23 4.30 pin Baleetier Range SRE v 5.15 Drill Hall SVR attd. Maxim Co 5.10 do SVR 4.30 p.m. Johnston's Pier SVR details) 5.15 T.P. Fire Station SVR, TPP Drill Hall Veterans Co SVC if do Signalling Section do
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    • 24 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Daily.] SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. Issued Dally.] VoL IV. -No, 274 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1917 PRICE 5 CENTS.
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    • 222 1 According to New York advice?, tbe scheme for the control of ocean freight rates has b*en agreed to by all the European Allies and America, and an invitation has been issued to Japan to enter tbe arrangement, but on rather different lines. It tabes tbe form of putting
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    • 188 1 Some time ago we referred to a Joint Order requiring passports and certain information from aliens who desire to enter the Cnited States daring the war, promulgated by the Departments of State and Labour of the L nited States Government on July 26, 1917, and published in
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    • 214 1 An increase of f.2 c.20 per ton ol 40 cubic feet in tbe dues for ships in ballast, as from Jan. 1 next, is an nounced, by the Suez C*nal Co., tbe effect of which will be to bring the rates for laden and empty ships to
      214 words
    • 155 1 Wednesday, Nov. 2i. High water —3.6 am 7 ft. 7 ins. 2.10 pm 8 ft 7 ins. Thursday, Nov. 22.—Moon First Quarter 5h 29m. M. High water —4.6 am 7 ft. 6 ins. 3.26 pm 1 ft. 2 ins F Friday, Nov. 23-Moon in Equator 2h. a.
      155 words
    • 27 1 November 19. Hong Ho, British Alting, Dutch Wan Lee, Chinese November 20 Hebe, British Katong, British Sri Muar, British Scott Harley, British Mahidol, Siamese Redang, Siamese
      27 words
    • 24 1 November 19. Krian, British Perak, British Rumphius, Dutch Emile, Dutch R. 8. Barn, Dutch Rajah of Sarawak, Sarawak November 20Merkus, Dutch Hellas, Norwegian
      24 words
    • 74 1 German sentimentality is of the mushy kind. The Naval Minister has o.dered four of the auxiliary cruisers being built at tbe Stulcken yard at Hamburg to be named after poems by the late Georg Fock, who wss killed on the Wieslr.Jen at the Battle of Jutland. A decision of the
      74 words
    • 101 1 Signal Nut, East Wharf. The berthing numbers for vessels entering Keppel Harbour from the East will be hoisted on the South nd of the upper yard, and for vessels entering from the We6t on th« North end. For vessels of the Straits Steamship Company and local vessels of
      101 words
    • 106 1 The busy shipbuilding town of Port-Glasgow bas received the offer of another handsome gift from the Messrs. Litbgow (of Messrs. Russell and Co., shipbuilders), gentlemen from whom Port-Glasgow bas already received many benefactions. They suggest that they buy up the west and east harbours of Port-Glasgow with a view to
      106 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 499 1 I THERE IS NO for Snippers' Advertisements THAN THE Shipping Gazette. Write for terms, 20c Coliyer Quay, Singapore. P.*o. British India apcar LINE r OMPANIKB ISOORPORATSD I» ENGLAND.) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Orion tai S. N. Co. (Under Contract with Hia Majesty's Government.) The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST
        499 words
      • 277 1 Stoomvaart Maatschappij "Hederland" AND Rotterdam Lloyd" (Incorporated in Holland.) (Royal Dutch Mail Companies). REGULAR MAIL SERVICE Between Java, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Yokohama, Nagasaki and San Francisco and vice versa. For freight, passage and further particulars Apply to Internationale Credlet and Handelsvereeniging Rotterdam" (Incorporated in Holland) 1 D'Almeida Street 'PHONE, 931.
        277 words
      • 300 1 SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD. Entrances -Tanjong Pagar. Wh*rves Section Godowns Gate Entrances Bonded Warehouses, Trafalgar St. East Reclamation. Storage 2 and 1 JT. Pagar. P S East East 1 and 2. 20/22 Btorage B 1 Wharf Road. Sheers 3 19 1 do (Dry Docks) 3 Dock Store, Head 0 Tower Office,
        300 words
      • 547 1 I To Advertisers: I OUR Shipping Gazette I Circulates in every port throughout th* MALAY PENINSULA. 1 —.J N. Y. K. NIPPON YUBEN KAISHA (DrcoEroßATrD tn /apak) JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co EUROPEAN LINE. A service la maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseille* and bun-ir n mail contract with the
        547 words