Malaya Tribune, 19 November 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 353 1 ITayGuanKiat! 36, PHiaip stse C.POflt. FIREWOOD Soppilsr to me Singapore Munlclpaliti. 4 ~n application. 1 ii .m- Nus 1301, 1302 and fbenc «os i» pfhßte i 450 and j073 j REAL THRILLS 111 Ug tha edge uf a precipice a mm and a worn n straggle for the key t,>
      353 words
    • 554 1 WiSUBANCE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO.. LTD. Incorporated in New Zealand. FHI Insurances effected on Building s, Kent and Mercbao lisa of every description una MARINE Insmrancos aocepted to »11 par s of the world at lowest rate WAI RISK aooepted to all parts. J. HENRY Manager. Offices: 3, Finlayson Green.
      554 words
    • 38 1 liWHmilHHHimrnm iiiiimiMiimitiiiitimMtiuiimnmiMHiiiitimTrmgg Ross's Famous Bottlings j j TRADE MARK British and best. Insist on being I served with ROSS'S HA Ross Brothers LIMITED. I BOTTLERS F I London and Leith. i r r r"-ilHHIH l l"l' 1 iiniiiiirrmrTrmrrmtmtmaii^WimLUiiwMiMMW
      38 words
    • 395 1 j Tay Guan Kiat I 36, f HILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. Government and Municipal Contractor. Phone No». 1361, 1362 and Private 14SQ and 1073. I Estate Supplies me Acetic (99&981.) Acid Veneer Chests Mo mi Chests Latex Cups ETC. Mitsui ffiussan Staisfia, !k)td. (IXCORPOKATED IN JAPAN Useful to Planters. t >
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  • 794 2 Notes and Comments from all Parts of THE EMPIRE. BENGAL. Mr. Montagu's Statement. Calcutta, Oct. 22.—Commenting ou the statement made by the Secretary of State in the House of Commons regarding the release of Mrs Besant, the Ainr it a Bazar Patrika says It is quite clear that
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  • 634 2 Tbe "Chronicle." Bombay, Oct. 20.—A settlement haa beeu arrived at between tbe Board of Indian Newspaper Company and Mr. Uorniman at tbe instance of certain friends of tbe latter who have carried on negotiations on his behalf, Mr. Kama, Managing Director, will resign tbe managership of tbe paper and
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  • 295 2 British Labour Support. Poena, Oct. 24.—The following cable from Mr. Joseph Baptista has been received here from Edinburgh: Mr. Lansbury addressing a public meeting at Edinburgh under the auspices of the Labour Party, referred to Homo Rule for India. Mr. Baptista appealed for sympathy 1 and support The Chairman
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  • 192 2 Coonoor. Coonoor, Oct. 11—A memorial to H E the Governor in Council has been prepared and is being circulated for signature among the residents of Coonoor and Ootacamund praying that the Ceylon ordinances governing the registration of do. mestic servants may b made appli. cable to the Nilgiri District.
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  • 535 2 Fodder Exports. Simla, Oct 18.—Iu the comtnuniqut' issued by the Government of Commerce and Industry on the 12th of March 1917 it was announced that agreements had been concluded between His Majesty's Government and cirtain associations in Norway in respect of imports into Norway of fodder and food-stuffs. His
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  • 289 2 Punjab Moslem League. Lohore, Oot. 18.—An extraordinary meeting of the Panjab Provincial Moslem League was held this eveningat Birkat Ali Mahomedan Hall, Mian Mohammed Dan presiding. The Hon'ble Fazl Hassain, Habidullah Khan, Khalifa Shujaudin, Chandhra Abdol Ghani, Bar-riater-at-Law, and Mohsin Shah, Pleader, were elected members of the Executive committee.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 317 2 KASAMTAK PILLS. As their name signifies, tbey are really the death to Bronchitis, J Asthma and other diseases of the lungs and respiratory organs. Bumbling sound in the throat, hoarseness of the voice, and such other common complaints resulting from the sudden change of weather and catching of cold are
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    • 726 2 AUCTION SALES. -OUR DAY" AUCTION. Under the auspices of the E Ho Hean and the Garden CI k an auction will be held at the Garden Club, Raffles Cha-nh On Tuesday, 20th November, 1917, at 11 a.m. In aid of Our Day Fund. The Public are invited to send to
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  • 228 3 Bfafapo**i November 19. Kg —See liOcal and General column. No Business. >(i .—Steady. Businea done. Sago Flour Business done. —Business done. p t -.—.Steady. Bnemosß dono. Other Product*— Market Qniet. x ollOS.p«rfM 140 00 5.80 Oopra Gorong Talo 5.90 Conra Dongalo 5.90 Copra P«lo v Copra Pontianak 4.90
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  • 225 3 SiagajM>re, November 19. Messrs Latbam and Co., tie Arc; l it, I vig*» ih* following <j iotagjM AWajau $i.50 $4.75 1.45 1.50 Ayer Molek 2.90 3.00 AyerPanra 11 7*> 12 00 Baigowni* 6.50 660 B kit Jrlotong 0.75 0.80 r.ikit Katil 0.90 095 Bakit KB o.#o CiiangkatSerdg....
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  • 11 3 Vessels in communication at noon the local Commercial Wireles
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  • 149 3 October Crop Returns. Mr. N. Gomes Secretary. Bukit Ktttl, ***** lbs. Total for 6 months ***** lbs. Messrs Chaa Sze Onn Co. Sees. Malaka Pinda, 47,000 lbs. Total for 2 months 90,000 lbs Messrs Guthrie Co. Agents. Brunei 6,907 lbs Total to flat* 24,813 lbs. Kmerald 18,650 lbs
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  • 196 3 To-Day. Orders for the week ending, Friday, November 23 2.30 pm Baleetier Range hV v 5 pm Jardine'a Steps DRF &GL Specialists 5.15 Drill Hall SVA Recruits do SRE v do SYR attd. Maxim Co do Veterans Co SVC Signs !!iag Section do SVC all Recruits do
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  • 44 3 To-morrow, Nov. 20,—E Ho Hean and Garden Club's auction, Raffles Chambers. Thursday, Nov. 22,—National Amateur Society Entertainment, Victoria Theatre, 9.15 p.m Saturday, December I.—Amateur Drawing Assn. Ball, Adelphi, 10.90 P.m. _1 Friday Dec. 14—Drawing of Sporting' Club Lottery, Memorial Hall, 9 p.m.
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  • 10 3 [Wo 4» not WĔtm the opmion* •xftemtd fry eerrmatmĕtmU.]
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  • 368 3 Hindus and Our Day." o tht Editor of the Malaya Trflmne. Sir,—May I be allowed to give ventilation to the sense of my aMicere and cordial appreciation of be work done by the members of be Hindu Association in arranging the fete to raiB9 money for the fund for the
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  • 47 3 •Jtilverco la Lcadoa. "he following are tho dates cf topartoro iroui Singapore of the iaiis and tueir delivery in London. Mi.ii.. Lcrr. Dblivs 8.1. Aug. 24 Oct. 13 P. &O. Aug. 28 Oct. 18 B. L Aug. 31 Oct. 13 M.M. Sept. 7 Oct. 23
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  • 129 3 To-day. Batu Pahat Sri Wongsee 2.30 pm Malacca. Port Swettenham and Teluk An- >\\ 'Perak 3 pin Pulau Batam Pulau Bulang Hock Urn t pm P. Sam ha, Rkio, Tambelan P >ntianak Merku* 3 pm P. Sambu, A nam ha N.ituna l»!a!i<l- >• f■ H vi If I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 108 3 HAUNTED BY PAIN Are your waking and sleeping hours haunted by the awful dread or the worse reality of bodily painif Headache, backache, toothache, neuralgia, sciatica, rheumatism, sore throat, and other external aches and pains are quickly soothed and cured by LITTLE'S ORIENTAL BALM Simply rub it in where the
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    • 488 3 j ;OME SPLENDID EXCLUSIVES me j Alhambra Is is the only zr tn AI Uii HDD A j waere yon ig arilinj JO* V^£ pr £A exquisite tea j th BEST i I T** 7 :j 1 Wtid9 i garden I pictures, the A W M BEST The Hall for
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    • 488 3 AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-FLAY HOUSE EMPIRE Tenjewg Pagar Ro*4. Trmm Pass tbe Door. SECOND SHOW 9.15 SHARP FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SINGAPORE. acts SARAH BERNHARDT «is IM MOTHERS OF FRANCE The Choicest Gem of Picture-prays. A most thrilling present day war drama with Sarah Bernhardt iv tbe leading role.
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  • 817 4 Once again the pendnlum swings from fighting to politics. Though not totally defeated, M. Kerensky has not succeeded in overpowering the Maximalists, and unless he succeeds cmickly his chances of success will become slender. It is disappointing news after having one's hopes raised as they were last week.
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  • 232 4 Tee Winning Numbers. The total subscribed V3S $92,000, of which $27,600 goes to Our Day" Fund, The following are the names of the winners of the first three prizes: The first, ticket No. *****, Ong Snn Ling, keeper of a Hylam chandn shop in Johore Bharn. Value $23,000.
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  • 125 4 Something Wrong. To the Editor of the Malay Tribune. 8ir, —On the 8th instant I sent an order for $5 to parchase 5 tickets of the above Lottery, not knowing that the drawing was to take place on the 10th instant. On the 15th instant at 5.30
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  • 399 4 Moslem Support. The Star Opera Co, has done not a little of late, towards helping to augment the Red Cross Fund, by its willing co-operation with different sections of the community in giving benefit performances in aid of the noble cause. Last night, at the Theatre Royal,
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  • 343 4 Tin here is steady at $129 ljn tons sold. Rubber is quoted at 2164 for cre D and 2/5f for sheet. P TheF. M. S. Agricuiu.ui i> a u c tin for October includes an article on Brown Bast. At the Palladium the great film "Mutiny" will
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  • 89 4 Tin is quoted at £275.10.0 in London. Sago flour (Sarawak) is quoted at 48/- in London. Black pepper is quoted at l/0g and white pepper at l/u$ in London. Tapioca fair dake is done at 5| (norn) on the London market. On the Liverpool market cotton, middling
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  • 30 4 To-day. Appeal Court opens. Thursday. Moon First Quarter. Friday. St. Clement. Lodge St. George Regular, 9 pm. Saturday. Chinese Com. Bank meeting, noon. Monday. 25th Sunday after Trinity.
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  • 92 4 Pases Thb Grsat War The Fighting Fr ,nw 5 Russia 5 Naval Scrap The Gravel Affair 5 Japan's Aid Shipping Case French Ministry The Premiers Speech French Consalar News 64' Generali Indian News j Local Share Market J Singapore Volunteer Corps Mail Notices Straits Produce j Rubber Outputs
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 167 4 ENGLISH MADE Lisle Thread Singlet's (LONG AND SHORT bLEEVES). i I TRADE MARK. Made from the Strongest Pure Lisle Thread, a Dependable Garment in Every Way. SIZES STOCKED 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42 ma. Sole Agents ROBINSON Co. J LUBRICATING FOR ALL PURPOSES STOCKS ALWAYS ON
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    • 451 4 TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT!! AT THE CINEMA CASINO By the-Sea off Beach Road. COMPUTE CHANGE PF PROGRAMME. KALEM presents The Girl from 'Frisco The Great Golden West Series In 25 Episodes Reels 50 Featuring MARTIN SAIS AND TRUE BOARDMAN Story by Robert Welles FJtitcHie The most sensational of all photo-plays, revealing the
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    • 125 4 Burgundies A SMALL SHIPMENT Just Landed of Beaune Pommard Red Sparkling. Caldbeck. Macpgor AND Co. ADELPHI HOTEL Notice. We received from Holland out of the Steamer' 6 Ice-room Smoked Eel Smoked Salmon Pickled Herring In glass of 3 Piakled Rollmops Herring In glass Smoked Buckling SI Per Portion. KUH KUT
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  • 185 5 The Fighting Fronts. OFFICIAL COMMUNIQUES. Air Successes. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. Lonlon. Nov. 16, 11.45 p.m. Field Mirshal Sir Douglas Haig's oort tQlt the aviation service, j 'h J irtillery with aerial observation su vssfully engaged many fs on Thursday. Aeroplanes 2ted oi- s number of reconnais'c* Low flying
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  185 words
  • 75 5 Louden Nov. 17, 6.30 p.m. Mr. Prey Robinson, at British fedquarter*, 3ays thure is a BOttoe |Meincrease in low flying on both gii v Troopa in tre oc hes and shellholes an l imrchiug to the rear are constantly assailed by airmen flying itt kandredfeet, using mtchine
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  • 284 5 L >n lo.i, Nov 17, 11.5 p.m. R-ir-r'-i sps*M correspondent at the British front reviewing the wmktt operations telegraphs that throughout the week the artillery has been ac ivc when it was evident the Germ ins were preparing a serioas >rt to reeovet some of the lost
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  • 54 5 London, Nov 18, 12.35 p.m. Sir Douglas Haig states The Lancashirps and Highlanders success fully raided in the neighbourhood ot Monchy le Prenx and captured a lew prisoners. artillery firing has occurred on the battlefront. The enemy's fire was principally directed onr positions at Passchendaele, Langemarck, an I
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  • 54 5 London, Nov, 16,12.30 a.m. air heavy opposition the "Stcountrymen and Indians capered the railway junction at Wadi The Scottish reached Man- ra The Yeomanry captared north of Mansura, taking prisoner sixty. The Australians "ached and made progress owards Rimleh. Tae New Zeanuers with the bayonet repulsed strong coanter-attack
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  • 222 5 London, Nov. 16, 4.30 p.m. tian*n^ r S correa P°ndent at Egypsays the capture of the junction of the Beersheba railway with the Jaffa-Jerusalem line cuts off the enemy's railway communications with Jerusalem. The enemy's last hope of holding us at Su'-a- hap gone. There may still be
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  • 103 5 London, Nov 17, 7.15 p.m. Palestine official There were minor advance i y 'sterday in certain sectors of our front. The Yeomanry on Thursday took Adnshusheb ridge, five miles sou heast of Ramleh and made prisoner 360. The Yeomanry carried the position at a gallop 431 dead Turks
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  • 35 5 London, Nov. 18, 6 10 p.m. Palestine official i The Australian and New Zealand mounted troops on Saturday occupied Jaffa, meeting with no opposition. The enemy appears to be continuing his retirement northward.
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  • 32 5 London, Nov. 18, 9.5 p.m. Sir Arthur Yapp, speaking at Glasgow, announced that he had just received a cable requesting him to be ready with a V.M.C.A. hut for Jerusalem.
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  • 58 5 Lonlon, Nov. 17, 7.15 p.m. East Africa official: On Makonde plateau we occupied Oviti on Wednesday and Chiwata on Thursday taking prisoner 45 Germans and 425 Askaris. Since Nov 1 we have killed or captured 473 Germans 1,072 Askaris, two naval guns, thirty-three machinegnns. The enemy has
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  • 122 5 Artillery Struggles. London, Nov. 16, 11.45 p.m. A French communique says There are active artillery struggles from Belgium to Champagne, also in the Mount Teton region and on the right of the Meuse. London, Nov. 17, 4.10 p.m. French communique Both artillery foroes were active. North of Courtecon we
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  • 402 5 Correspondents' Accounts. London, Nov. 17, 5.5 a.m. Renter's correspondent at Italian Headquarters (Nov .16) that the battle is raging in brilliant weather over seventy-five miles from the mountains to the sea. The Austro-Germans are pounding Setti Communi plateau, and violent attacks similar to those at Verdun are being made
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  • 172 5 London, Nov. 17, 2.0 p.m. An Italian semi-official report speaks of the fine discipline and perfect order characterising the re tirement of the naval garrisons on the right wing. They saved precious war material which now confronts the enemy in new positions. They repulsed an attempted crossing below
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  • 144 5 London Nov. 17, 6.40 p m. Renter's correspondent at Italian Headquarters furnishes picturesque particulars of tbe evacuation of Venice by civilians and the removal of priceless belongings. He says that th KnigMs of Malta brought hospital trains to transport the old and infirm to southern havens The
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  • 117 5 London, Nov. 18, 5.0 p.m. Italian official We completely broke up four attacks of extreme violence in the direction of Zomo, eastward of Gallio and recaptured advanced elements in the direction of Caserameletta-Davanti, taking prisoners a hundred of the enemy. Pressure between Brenta and the Piave is increasing.
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  • 49 5 German Claims. London, Nov. 17, 8.20 p.m. Wireless German official: Despite a stubborn defence, the AustroGermans climbed Monte Prasolan between Brenta and the Piave.taking prisoner 800. Lonlon, Nov 18, 4.10 a.m. Wireless German official Strong Italian forces fruitlessly attempted to recapture the heights north eastward of Asiago.
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  • 114 5 Various Reports. London. Nov, 16, 11.45 p.m. Cop°nhag»n An unconfirmed telegram from Haparanda states that the strike which bepan at Helsingfors on Nov. 13 spread over the whole country. The railway to Petrosra l is interrupted .The Socialists at Helsingfors, assisted by the Russian soldiery, seized the telegraph, dissolved
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  • 143 5 London, Nov. 17,1.25 p.m. Wiring on the 13th, the correspondent says that Tsarskoeselo has changed hands twice since the 11th. After a short fight Kerensky first occupied Tsarskoeselo and reached within live miles of Petrograd. As regards the fighting at Alexandrovsky the Maximalists state that Kerensky in an
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  • 94 5 London, Nov, 17, 4.30 a.m .Sir George Bnchamn telegraphs that the Russian Government on Oct 24, on the ground of economic conditions arising from the war. denounced the Anglo Russian Commercial Treaty of Jan 12th 1831, which accordingly will terminate on Oct 24th 1917. Rentei's correspondent telegraphed from
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  • 210 5 London, Nov. 18, 2.55 a m. Renter's correspondent at Petrograd wiring later on Saturday says After defeating Kerensky the Maximalist council and commissioners proclaimed the right of the different peoples of Russia to de cide their own form of Qovernment including separation and formation of independent states. The
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  • 155 5 London, Nov, 18, 4.30 a.m. Renter's correspondent at Petrograd telegraphing on Friday says Maximalist troopa have occn pied Oatchina. Kerenaky'a staff was arrested and Kerenaky fled but orders have been wirelessei for his arrest. Renter telegraphing on Saturday saya hostilities ceased at Moscow on terms signed whereby
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  • 170 5 London, Nov. 18, 1.45 p.m. Renter's correspondent at Petro grad wiring on Nov. 14, says that M. Kerensky's failure is due to his indecision and reliance chiefly on woids. He was constitutionally unable to face the facts, preferring to pander to the weaknesses of the mob, whose
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  • 53 5 London, Nov. 18, 4.30 p.m. Wireless Russian official: A notification signM by Dukhooin has been issued in Petrograd, It states that he has temporarily assumed the post of chief commander. He orders the stoppage of further troops marching to Petrograd. Only transports connected with military opertaions will be
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  • 107 5 King s Bench Ruling London, Nov. 15, 7.10 p.m. The King's B.mch has granted the China Mutai Navigation Company a declaration against the Shipping Controller that the voyage of the British steamer Keemun from Liverpool astward was at their own risk and for their profit. The Controller hid
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  • 81 5 Temporary Cessation London, Nov. 16, 11.45 p.m. Amsterdam The transit of German sand and gravel via Hoilan 1 bas temporarily ceased but otherwise the situation is not modified. The newspaper Tyd is of opinion that the British geological survey with regard to <he pill-boxes hag greatly strengthened
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  • 75 5 London, Nov. 17, 4.30 a.m. Zurich A mob of pacifists, singing the Internationale, attacked two munition factories here which had to be closed. The police were powerless. London, Nov. 18, 3.0 p.m. A Zurich message dated Nov. 18 says that four were killed and many injured in a
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  • 74 5 Minister's Statement. London, Nov, 17, 2.0 p.m. Tokio The finance minister in a speech declared that it was absolutely impossible to despatch Japanese troops to Europe. The Allies well appreciated the difficulties and never pressed the matter, but Japan's willingness to shoulder the Allied cauae waa demonstrated by
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  • 83 5 Lonlon Nov 18, 10.10 Renter learns that President Wilson has cabled to Colonel House, the chief of the American mission in Europe, that the United States considers unity of plan and control between all Allies and the Unit< 1 States is essential in order to secnre permanent
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  • 37 5 German Warships Flee. London Nov. 17, 2.25 p m. The Admiralty states Our light forces operating in Heligoland Bight engaged the enemy light cruisers this morning. The latter retired at high speed. We are pursuing.
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  • 112 5 London, Nov. 18, 4.30 a.m. Hitherto there has been no further announcement of the Heligoland naval engagement and details are not likely to be received until the British ships In ye returned to port. Yesterday morning's bald official announcement indicates that the Germans followed the usual hit and
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  • 86 5 London, Nov. 18, 3.55 p.m, The Admiralty states There is no further information regarding the Heligoland Bight operations, beyond the fact that the enemy s light cruisers were chased to within thirty miles of Heligoland, until they were under the protection of their battle-fleet and minefields, when we
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  • 56 5 London, Nov. 18, 3.0 p.m. German Naval communique: Strong British Naval forces attempted to break into the German Bight on the morning of Nov. 17. Our guard ships located them on the line from Horns Reef to Tereschelling, and effected an immediate counterthrust. Our advanced forces repulsed
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  • 63 5 Uosinkable Ships. London, Nov. 18,1.55 p.m. Washington i The Shipping Board will approve of France building a score of four thousand ton nnsinkable ships in the United States. It is said that the only effect of an explosion of four torpedoes against the hull of the ship in
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  • 55 5 London, Nov. 18, 3.0 p.m. Tokio official: The JapaneseAmerican provisional ap' ™ment provided for the exchange ol 175,000 tons of American steel for a quarter million tons of Japanese shipping but this is upset owing to the unaccep'ability of America's further conditions regarding the age limit of the
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  • 78 5 Football. An eleven picked from among the subordinate officers of the Singapore Harbour Board met the Westminster Athletic Club, at soccer, on the Outram School ground on Saturday afternoon. The S.H.B. pressed hard from the start, and ten minnteson, Galastin easily netted the ball. Play continued to be in
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  • 121 5 There was a good attendance at the Chin* se Swimming Club anniversary meeting yesterday. The sea sports wtre carried on after the tm was over, though a few items were cut out on account of the weather. The following were the prize winners:— 100 Yards Championship—Mr Wee
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  • 235 5 SUPREME COURT. A Club's Appeal The hearing of the appeal in connection with the Westminster Athletic Club was concluded before -Mr Justice Ebden on Saturday. It will be remembered that the case was that nine Teochews were summoned by Mr D Beatty, Protector of Chinese, for being members
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  • 244 5 In the Supreme Court thu morning, the Court of Appeal, c nsisting of the Chief Justice(Sir John Buck nill X c,) Justices Ebden,Woodward and Edmonds, began its sittings >y. re-adjusting the cases on the ap; _-al list. In the appeal of Chia Teck Yew and Chia Teck Chye
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 183 5 AUCTION SALE OF Thirty-one Baka tire* Cottoe Yara (So* -damact-'d To be held at tbe of Tbe Commercial Kubber Co., Ltd., No 3 Baffles Place 01 rmrttat. lim mrtair, at Ml For account of concerned. Noo on riear. The Commercial Rubber Co. Ltd. Anciiniißt rt 13 U 23 U
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    • 423 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. «oulTDAir Under the Auspices of THE AMATEUR DRAWING ASSOCIATION A 6RAND MASQUERADE BALL will be given IN AID OF THE BRITISH RED CROSS SOCIETY AT The ADELPHI HOTEL (Through the Courtesy of the Management) On Saturday, Ist December, 1917. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Prizes given for the most simple
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  • 807 6 Prices Quoted in the Market this U.rning SINUaPOKK, Novkmber l.. Meson Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Broken, issue the following liat of quotations Robber Shares. Nobs. Value. Buven. H. J/- Allagar 23 9 1 Anglo Java 6/- 7.- Anglo-Malay 12/- 16,--1 Ayer Kuning 40/- 60--1/- BatangMalak
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  • 67 6 Singapore, November W. n London— Bank 4 u»/s. 2/41 Demand 2/14 Private 3 m/s. J/4 27/32 On IndU— B»ck T. T. 15f> 0:i HotlgkoDg— BfAt d/d L\i r, Bbat>gbai Bank d/d. 56| On Java— Bank T. T 12* On JapanBank d/d. 108 Sovereigns—baying rate $3.54 India Coil Bills laab
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  • 179 6 MilitanCMood. REUTER S TELEGRAMS. London, Nov. 17, 4 30 a.m. Parliamentary correspondents of the Sun-Uy papers state that Mr Lloyd George is in a militant mood audwelcooies the opportunity of disposing of his Radical and Conservative c> itics. It is expected he will clear up the misconception
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  • 159 6 Shipping and Labour L mdon, Nov. 17, 2.35 a.m. Washington Mr Dan lls conferred with the Shipping Board with a view to adjusting the naval and merchant shipping building pro grammes, bo as to secure the maximum usuKs. He subseqr< tly su ted I ha*, a M were
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  • 192 6 New Arrangements. London, Nov. 16, 3.30 p.m. The Cotton Control Board an nounces that there are 852.000 balss of cotton in the Inked Kingdom and on the sea, equivalent to twelve weeks supply. Oi this 573.000 are American 94,138 East Indian 137,109 Egyptian and Peruvian. The quantity
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  • 129 6 A Resignation. LonJon, Nov. 16, 7.45 p.m. vr J The House of Commons Las passed the third reading of the Air Force Bill. London, Nov. 17, 2.0 a.m. Lord Cowdray has resigned the chah maiiship of he Air Eoard. Lord Cowdray i nt a letter to Mr. Lloyd
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  • 26 6 I- mdooj Nov. 16, 7.10 p uj. N«jw York IftUk* O'ltowd kuocke.l out .\i fcfoQoj la tho sixth round, winning tho world's middleweight championship.
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  • 35 6 L union, Nov. 16, 7.45 p.m. Lord Rhondda speaking at Gl s. gow announced that Qovernment has adopted the reconstruction report (already as part of the Gov•int.; vi i ol;oy atter tha vvar.
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  • 171 6 The Tiger" Succeeds. London, Nov. 16, 7.45 p.m After the downfall of M. Painleve, who was an able administrator bnt a nonentity when confronting the Chun ber,M Clemencean, nicknamed the tiger," owing to tbe vehemenoe of this disposition and fury of his attacks on his adversaries, became marked
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  • 78 6 London, Nov. 17, 4 30 a.m. Paris The general impression of the new Cabinet is that it will obt; s n a strong majority in Parliament. It is understood that Clemencean will abolish the politcal censorship, retaining the military and diplomatic censorship. The Press will be informed daily
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  • 48 6 London, Nov. 17, 3.30 p.m. The result of the Manchester November Handicap was, Planet 1, Go On 2. Aerschot 3. Seventeen ran. Won by five lengths, she between second and third. Betting was 4 to 1 Planet, 20 to 1 Go On, and 6 to 1 Aerschot.
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  • 31 6 London, Nov. 17, 10,20 p.m. The Hague The police have arrested a soldier in an hotel here found e.diin,- plans of Dutch coast defences to a German agt nt.
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  • 35 6 London, Nut. Hi, 710 p.m. aVflMAfal thr>fn reported killed In aotiou ie ihe facnuna Kent bowl»r 'li*, boa■!.•!!. N 17. 3.0 ptu Pan* The death ia auuoanotsl of Agnate X > Jin. the tatnone aoulptor,
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  • 354 6 (By courtesy of th* French Consulate) Paris, Nov. 16th, 6.20 p.m. The French Ministry haa been formed as follows :—Premier and Minister of War, Georges Clemenoean Justice, Nail; Foreign Affairs, Stephen Pichon; Interior, Pams Finances, Klotz Navy, Georgia Leygaes Commerce, Clemeutel Public Worka, Claveille Armament, Louchear Education,
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  • 657 6 Review by High Commissioner. In the coarse of his annual address to the Federal Conncil on Tuesday, H E. the High Commissioner eaid In conjunction with the Planters' Association of Malaya, an Agricultural Conferenoe, the first of its kind in this country, was organized and held in Kuala
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  • 136 6 Says the Kuala Lumpur paper Ignorance of British Malaya seem in spite of everything to be as rife as ever. Some months ago an agency for tbe Straits aud F.M.S. was givou to a Penang firm, only to be withdrawn shortly afterwards on the ground that, was
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  • 110 6 Diamond Cutting. Are we to get back one of our old lost industries asks the Chronicle. Diamond cutting, which Mr. John Hodge, the Pensions Minister proposes t:> c. relish with the assistance of I r. Oppenheimer, as I suitable occupation for legless soldiers, is now a virtual monopoly
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 121 6 There is no Better Ale Than BULLDOG ALE ON SALE AT The Leading Hotels AND Principal Liquor Dealers. THE BEST IS BULL BRAND STOUT. 8 dozen pints to the case. The Australian Asiatic Co. 67, The Arcade, Singapore, Just Arrived! Just Arrived!! Cornets, Baritone (in C. and B-flat) Euphonium (4
      121 words
    • 177 6 The Miners Builders Stores Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, F. HI. S. Hardware Merchants, General Importe s AND AGENTS. AGENCIES Wanted for business or for the Bale of all kinds of merchandise in the FEDERATED MALAY STATES. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. 27 9 2<i 12 One Quality Only The >B«st lICHELM TYRES Stockists CPIN
      177 words
    • 254 6 THE Commercial Rubber CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore.) Auctioneers and Valuers No. 3 Raffles Place. Auctioneers, Rubber Merchants, House and Estate Agents. Auction sales of household furniture, jewellery, merchandise and house properties conducted. All accounts promptly rendered. Inventory and valuation of household furniture of ever}' description made and checked. CHEONG
      254 words

  • 1033 7 The New Colony. Writing Id the Morning Post, Mhs Ok( !y Hamilton gives us an interest ing glimpse of the life of the Chinese coolies in France. She says "The town where we loaded up with the cinematograph apparatus was the usual mtiley, half Frei cb, halt
    1,033 words
  • 31 7 Drifts for Nivember 1917. To-day, November 19.—Both Companies Panda, Boustead Institute, 5.15 pm, Friday, November 23—Parades Peail Hill and Tanjong Pagar, 5.15 pm. A. AGNEW Officer Commanding, Civil Guard.
    31 words
  • 434 7 A Swedish View. To the Editor of fio Central China Post", Dear Sir :—As your Kuling black lis' is uot complete, I may state that I have let my house and Mr Ryden's to Germans I don't blush for what I have done. I have been, and
    434 words
  • 155 7 (By courtesy of the French Consulate-) Paris November 14.4 p.m. The French 3 per cent, bonds are at francs 60 and the 5 per cent at r8.65. Rubber is quoted 2 6f. President Poincare oonsnlted the principal personalities; it is believed that the crisis will be of
    155 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 594 7 NOTICES THIRD FRENCH WAR LOAM. The BANQUE DE LTNDO. CHI>'E begs to inform the PUBLIC WAR LOAN ia being dotted by the French Government. Tbe particulars of this Loan are as '°'J° W Tbe Rate cf Interest is 4 per rt, B t per annum. o The Price of Issue
      594 words
    • 362 7 JIrWED WANTED Eurasian correspondence clerk. Knowledge of typing preferred. Apply John Little Co., Ltd. THE SERVANTS' AGENCY OFFICE. Wo. 17 Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. (KBTABLISHKD 1911.) CANDIDATES desiring Positions throagh this Office, please forward their applications, stating nationality, age, single or married, languages spoken, and pre-doas experience in fall, endowing true
      362 words
    • 626 7 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INOIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. LNOORPORATKD IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CDARTBR. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Share* of £1,200,000 K***rv* Fund £1,900,^00 R***rv* Liability of ProprWton €1,200,000 BANKERS, i aa Bank of England, Th* London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., Th* London County and Westminster i ank,
      626 words
    • 224 7 Many a womin who had a good colour at Home grow* pale and sallow when living in the Tropics. When the fading colour in clieeks an-1 lips is accompanied by a loss of brightness in tho eyes and an increasing heaviness in the step, the cause is to be sought
      224 words
    • 80 7 JAPANESE Massage Bonesetter, R. TSUDA Mrs. NAGASHIMA No. 7-5 Oxlky Road, Singapore. Near Orchard Road. Raneegunge Drainpipes, Channels, Bends 6 Junctions INOO MALAY Co., Ln. (Incorporated in Singapore.) Agents KIM HIN Co., 13 Kllatf Street Singapore. ECONOMY IN WAR-TIME WW. firm has spent a 1 great deal of money ta
      80 words
    • 431 7 THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Co., Ltd. KSTABLISHED 1874. INCORPORATED IN INDIA.. FUNDS meed $30,500,000 00 Absolute Security Income in 1116 $4,309,517.50 Total Out-go In 1916 $2400,418.50 Assurance effected In 1916 $4.230,542 8 5 Increase in Fundi $1,819,099.09 Total Policies in force 65,842 assuring, with Bonus aditions, $72,522,348.14. LOW
      431 words

    • 24 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. PRICE 5 CENTS. SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1917 Issued Oaily.] Issued Daily.] Vol. IV.- NO. 2T2
      24 words
    • 904 1 The question as to what type of steamer would be most effective 30 meet the submarine menace has been engaging tbe attention of many of our experts for some considerable time, aad during tbe past few weeks the matter has been taken up in the public Press. Mr.
      904 words
    • 18 1 November 16. Merkua, Dutch Providence, Norwegian November 17. Krian, British Kaka, British Perak, Britiah Kwang Lee, Chinese
      18 words
    • 56 1 November 11. Kinta, British Will o'the Wiap, Britiah Lady Weld, British Melchior Treub, Dutch S peel man, Dutch Baud, Dutch Emile, Dutch Dovre, Norwegian November 17. Ranee, British Kuala, British Abbotsford, British Sri Muar, British Klang, British Circe, Britiah Sembilau, Dutch ludragiri, Dutch De Klerk, Datch Singkep, Dutch Brouwer,
      56 words
    • 135 1 Monday. Nov. 19. High water 1.18 am 8 ft. 3 ins. 0.25 pm 9 ft. 5 ins. Tuesday, Nov. 20. High water 2.9 am 7 ft. 9 ins. 1.12 pm 9 ft. 2 ins. Wednesday, Nov. 21. High water 1 —3.6 am 7 ft. 7 ins. 2.10
      135 words
    • 101 1 Signal Mast, East Wharf The berthing numbers for vessels entering Keppel Harbour from the East will be hoisted on the South end of the upper yard, and for vessels entering from the West on the North end. For vessels of the Straits Steamship Company and local vessels of
      101 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 530 1 I THKHE IB NO J I Finer Medium I j for Shipper»' Advertise ruentß J TBAJ» THK Ij I Shipping Gazette. I lj Write tor terma, 1 f SOc CoUyer Quay, Singapore. (J P.&O. British India AND APCAR LINE (COMPANIES INCORPOHATBD IM EEGLAND.) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Oriental
        530 words
      • 293 1 Stoomvaart Maatscbappii "Nederland" AND Rotterdam Lloyd" (Incorporated in Holland.) (Royal Dutch Mail Companies). REGULAR MAIL SERVIOE Between Java, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Yokohama, Nagasaki and San Francisco and vice versa. For freight, passage and further particulars Apply to Internationale Crediet and Handelsvereeniging 11 Rotterdam (Incorporated in Holland) 1 D'Almeida Street 'PHONE,
        293 words
      • 329 1 SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD. Entrances—Tanjong Pagar. Wharves Section Go downs Gatb Entrances Bonded Warehouses, Trafalgar St. East Reclamation. Btorage 2 and 1 /T. Pagar. P 8 Eaat Eaat 1 and 2. 20/22 Storage B 1 Wharf Road. Sheera 3 19 1 do (Dry Docks) 3 Dock Store, Head 0 Tower Office,
        329 words
      • 572 1 I To Advertisers: OT7K Shipping Gazette QnwlsOss in «vary port Unaaigfrusi, i>~ MAIAV PENINSULA. J N. Y. K. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co. EUROPEAN LINE. A aervioe la maintained between Yokohama via porta to Marseille* and London, and* mall contract with the Imperial Japanese Government.
        572 words