Malaya Tribune, 29 October 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 403 1 jff MflLifpTOO SHIPPING GAZETTE. j) u > popular Xt'iv»paper of the I Strait* Settlements. rj? PUBLISHED DAILY. I B iporta ol Load Events. Ĕ tana F.M.S., Java, I (jjio.. I 1 t -lon and Japan. I Full and Latest War News. I H Brilliant Collection of Star Pictures It the
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    • 550 1 INSURANCE^ SOUTTBkTOIT INSURANCE CO.. US. IROOBPOTTITffiD IK NjSW ■aaaaaaaai HRElaiaraaces effected on Baildingß, Hen* and Merchandise of evs»y dedcription ■AUNE lusa.aucea accepted lo all parti if .ha world at ioweui mitt. Vl| lISI aacepted to all parts. J. HENRY Manager. O'fioea: 2, Finlayson Green. The Eastern United Assurance Corporation. Limited.
      550 words
    • 96 1 I raw y jSanitasj Disinfectant Pine Tree M Brand. J «gSSj; Use No Other if I This disinfectant freely emulsifies with water producing a milk-white, strong disinfectant 1 and deodoriser. j j SANITAS I I is known throughout the world lAS A RELIABLE disinfectant. The name always carries a full
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    • 383 1 THE MALAYA TRIBUNE! AND 9 SHIPPING GAZETTE. I SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Per annum $14.00 2 I Half-yearly 7.25 f X; Per quarter 365 I Per mensem 1,25 I 1 Postage Extra 50 Cts. per month. 1 Temporary 'Phone No. Ml. *<V*44*44***4*4**4*o++4+*44i.*t "ONODA" I Portland I CEMENT. I I
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  • 1125 2 Notes and Comments from all Parts of THE EMPIRE. BENGAL. Primary Education. Calcutta, Oct. 3.—Sir Rabiodra Nath Tagore, presiding over the prize distribution of the Calcutta working-men's institution yesterday, said it was a pity that voices were raised in Bengal sgainst the late Mr. Gokhale's motion for introduction
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  • 780 2 Board of Agriculture. Simla, Sept. 29:—Among the subjects which will c jrne up for discuas .n» ai tfa* IU boMCtfaag of'lie Board Ol Agri ul ur. t, bt held at Poona from tbe sth to 10th December 1917 are —(1) P/hs Indian Sugarcane Inou-try. no value of phosphatic ■■■■IM
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  • 288 2 Travancore. Trivaudrum. Sept. 29: —In honour of his Highness ttie MaharajVs Shashiipoorthy, Dewan Krisbnan Nair gave an At Home this afternoon at his othcial residence, Baktivilas, which was woll attended by a large uumber of European and Indian guests. Tno wholo place was tastefolly decorated and illuminated. School children
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  • 69 2 Lahore, Sept. 29 —A 0 and If O oabM says:~London. 2i.h Saptatnr.—A raid on England arranged for Thursday was broken nu in the Ootha sheds by British airmen as the machines were marshell«d for starting. The new air policy of vigorous gnn defence has let only 3 out
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 381 2 KASANTAK PILLS. As their name signifies, tbey are really the death to Bronchitis, Asthma and other diseases of tbe lungs and respiratory organs. Rambling sound in tbe throat, hoarseness of tbe voice, and such other common complaints resulting from the sudden change of weather and catching of cold are cured
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    • 628 2 AUCTION SALES. -OUR DAY" AUCTION. Under the auspices of the E Ho Hean and the Garde, an auction will be held at the G irden Club, Raffles Cham' November 6thi in aid of Our Day Fund at an hour announced at a later date The Public are invited to send
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    • 21 2 A GOOD PnOTOIiRAPH MEANS Your Very Likeness, Style and Mood. A PRODUCTION FROM Leeßrothers Studio, Hill Street will produce these (M
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  • 557 3 cc]r e e $132,226 09 Oinirr 1 Hospital, .n n t tv F B Cruncher, Dr C J ftnttn f 100 each $200 H0 and Sisters 60 gB A Day 50 Keeper and Nnrs« pr ,.haiioneis 22 50 Dr T W H Bnrne 20 p\^h e
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  • 558 3 Rubber Shares. 1/- AUag&r B -*h Angio-Mala, 7 Batang Malik 60 1 BatTCavwT 8/4 8» Bekoh* 2f" 80/--*h Cheque., J- C.ceiyOrd. St -J" Cicely ft Consol. Malay lo 1 Doll 12/--1 (fclound*. Hf v 2/- Kota Tinggi 4 4 3 2V Krisar if ft 2- Sf 6
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  • 14 3 Vessels in communication at noon vith the local Commercial Wireless Station —None.
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  • 69 3 Delivered in Loudoo. The following are tfai i-i-artnre from Mingapop i U Kuropean Mails Mid th> :i London La»f# fKurv RI. Aug. 1 Se.t. lv M.M. II Sept. 19 M.M. Aug. 16 Boat, II BUL Aug. II Btpt t P. a O. Aug. If Sept. 24 Bi Aug.
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  • 58 3 Singapore (Tank-Road Drily The 10.25 a.m. train from Jouore Bahru to Getnas and the 6.45 a.m. train from Gema<j to Johore Bahru have commenoed running from the 3rd May. The former train connects with the 9 a.m. train. Tmk Road to Johore Bahru, and the latter with the
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  • 165 3 Asses«ors Disagree E murder case against Bidin, Mi lay of Parit, which was heard v Mr. Justice Innes, with Messrs W. J. Wayte and H. D. Kiddle as lesessors hai been concluded in tpok The learned Judge referred the vsepsors to nnmerous Home dec;m ,o§ in atoallar cases.
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  • 95 3 Card Tokens in France- Paris, Aug. 30 :—The mysterious disappearance of copper coinage from circulation continues to engage the attention of the authorities. It is now qnite common to be given postage stamps in change in ahops, *hile booking clerks and tramway car conductors sternly refuse to give
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 542 3 l BBC I IT" lII© Ttia r* Alhambra Is ThoS H Ince S Film of Actioa an d ThriLs. Alhambra I the Theatre Stupendous in its scope and sensational. is the only g where you ~AT T HE J? 1 J M with an get the BEST 41 R O
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    • 426 3 The 3,000,000 Francs Picture LAST 3 NIGHTS AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-FLAY HOUSE EMPIRE T-njoag Pagar Road. TramB PasB the Door TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGHT SECOND SHOW 9.1S SHARP D'Annuuzlo and Itala Film Co. present The Most Stupendous and Magnificent Spectacle CABIRIA 12 Massive Reeli, 12,000 feet. ALL IN ONE SHOW. It
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 103 3 Mails Close. To-day. I 'ort Swettenham and ..T eln o *Perak J.SO mm f atu Pahat Sri Wongsea 2.80 pm Malaca» and Muar •K.ia 8 L KotaTinggi Ban Lie Guan 4 p m KoU Tinggi Tanjong Sural 4 pm latavia, Samarang and Sourabaya 4 pm J ort Darwin, Thursday Island
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  • 862 4 It seems to bo the season for speech-making Mr. Lloyd George opened the series with his speech at the Albert Hall last week, followed by Mr. Bonar Law and General Smuts, and now Reute-r goes to the expense of summaries of the speeches by Sir Edward Carson, General
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  • 137 4 Dutch Help Tha secretary of Dutch Fancy Fair held at the Hollacdscbe Club recently, informs us that o Saturday he paid into the Charter-. I Back the sum o* $3157 69 for the benefit of the British Red Cross funds and a similar snra into the French
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  • 159 4 A very successful entertainment was given yesterday by Mr. T j Quan Kiat at his country reeidenee, "Sunnyside," off Gaylang Road. The house was tastefully decorated and on the big lawn were s°en amali tables. There were about ISO guestd. There were two sets of ronggenge and
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  • 179 4 Mr Siow Ch m L-ng haa returned from Yokohama by a Dutch steamer af:*-r having isiu.d Hongkong, Kowioon, Canton, Su un SO, Shanghai, Mcj>, Kobe, Osaka, Yokohama, Tokyo, X kasaki and many plnces throngho r. China, for his Chinese Bosiues- Ibr-.ctory. We un i 1 tbat although
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  • 219 4 The annual r p irt and balanc. t of the Singvore Family BenofL Society is to hand. It ahowa satisfactory progress Tho total number of candidates se king adni'ssi on to the Society cambered 269 of whom 24 rejected as against 361 and 15 re j a
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  • 66 4 untitled try leaned on Saturday afternoon notillea for genaraJ Infoi ttion tnal Sir W I Ti\ lor. X M hag h I n ask (1 and his aooeeeted to serve as a inatnber of the Committee formed at the I.t !ia Office to assist iliaab ed or invalided officrs who
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  • 414 4 Tin here is at $114 25 (25 cts. up) no sellers. A special meeting of the Municipal Couimisoionors will be held in the Municipal Boarl room on F. iday next. Mr. Qnah Kee, Managing Director, Ejis:trn Co Ltd., who was in Singapore on a business visit, has
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  • 153 4 A spoittj meeting for the Scouts will be held on Saturday next. November 3rd. No special invitations are being issued, but all interested are invited to be pr*6ent. The following is the programme for the afternoon. 3.00 p.m. 100 yards Flat Race (under 14) 3.05 100 yards
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  • 91 4 Pa«es Tns QHaUT WaJt The Fighting Fi j.nts 5 Russia Italian Cabinet The Zepp Pisast«r 0 Britain's Expenditure Brazils' Action UHNERAL: Indian News Stocks and Shares Mail Notice" M Our Day" Fund 3 P» e:iliar JmM Dinpp Bring Oopperi 3 War ai.'.js J an !«J nerel Lg »i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 199 4 I ENGLISH MADE f Lisle Thread Singlet's (LOHa AND SHORT bLEEVES). I 1 TRADE MARK. Made from the Strongest Pure Lisle Thread, a Dependable Garment in Every Way. SIZES ED 28, 30, 32, 3V, 3fi, 31, 40 an 1 4J|in<. Sole Agents I ROBINSON Co. 3S33SJwaKI 53»83 TaS^BBBaBBMBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBP LUBRICATING I
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    • 386 4 CINEMA CASINO I TO-NIGHT j Complete Change of Programme. The Kimura Acrobats Japan's Foremost Acrobats. The World's Best Equilibrists. THE FIBST TIjlE OUT HERE The Most Daring Feats The World's Greatest Balancing Feats. Toe Youngest Acti\s» in the World MISS OSUTA Tbe Japanesi are the Moil Noted Equilibrists, come anl
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    • 209 4 Just Arrived A SHIPMENT OF Youngers EDINBURGH Ale IN BARRELS. Prices on application to Caldbeck, Macgregor AND Co. {ADELPHI HOTEL "OUR DAY A Grand Masquerade Ball will b;: held in aid of the British Red Cross Society OR SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1917 The WHOLE of the proceed* from antrnDC? tickets
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  • 1955 5 The Fighting Fronts OFFICia COMMUNIQUES. Fioodcd Fiaod;rs. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London. oct 26 1040 P-m. Renter's correspondent at Head• <rt t my§ tn .lay's baWe has been cn _h Bo led d ids in driving rain ol »'tii"SS intensity although the avteorologieal experts over--jmM regarded the portents hopefnllj
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  1,955 words
  • 78 5 Hun Warship Seized. Loudon, Oot. 25, 11.35 p.m. Reuter learns that the German warship seized in Brazil is th« gunboat Aber. The torpedoed Macao was formerly the Garman steamer Pelata. Popular Decision. London, Ojt. 27, 5 15 a.m. Rio de Janeiro The Clunber has voted a state of
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  • 31 5 London, Oct 27, 12.45 pm, Th« Admiralty says The Naval aircraft bombed Varssenaore aerodrome and Thorout railway june tion yesterday. The weather rendered observation difficult. All returned safely
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  • 199 5 Defensive Measures London, Oct 20, 11 3 > p.m Petrograd A special committee of representatives of the soldiers and workmen the Baltic »he Com mittee of Professional Organisations and others have undertaken the internal anl external defence of Petrograd. Liter. Preparations for tke evacua'ion of Helsingfors are proceeding. Advices
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  • 253 5 Failure of Wireless. Lonlon Oct. 27, 1.50 a.m. Rm;er says tint French exports have established thit the Z-*pp«lin armada disaster was primarily dnr to the breakdown of th* system of steering by windess when living at more thin fifteen thousand fe«t high. Optical ■tearing was impossible and
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  • 76 5 London, Oot. 27, 8 15 a.m. Tho Sinn Fein convention adopted its so-called constitution and appointed an exec ii vo of twenty, four, including el >yen released prisoners. Devalera was elected president. He outlined a policy of capturing the county councils and sll Irish government machinery, separating the
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  • 66 5 British Minister's Statement London, Oct. 23, 5.25 p.m. Tho Hague: The British Minister, interviewed, said the Dutch statistics regarding th} transit of san I and gravel w.'re untrustworthy. Th* stoppage of commercial cables would not ceaso while the transit continues. The British G~v"rnment does not contemplate arbitration,
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  • 32 5 Lon lon, Oct. 27, 10 0 p.m. It is announce 1 that American troops are n>w in the front line in France and their artillery have fired their first shot.
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  • 16 5 London, Oct. 27, 6,15 a.m. Six inches of snow has fallen in east Scotland
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  • 232 5 Report of Committee. L m.lon Oct. 26, 10.35 p.m. Asebct committee on national expenditure reports the gross war •xpenditure to Sept 30 was approximately five thousand million sterling against which 1.321 millions will be owing by tke Allies, Dominions or India. The deal weight of national debt has
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  • 147 5 Explanation of Crisis. Loudon, Oot. 27, 4 40 a.m. Rome The resignation of the Cabieet followed on tbe Chamber's rejection." rot< of confidence bj an overwhi ioi g maj >rii.y which was moat surprising as the speeches of lending ministers during several days debate on the vote of
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  • 94 5 London, Oct. 26, 10.10 p.m. The Pross Bureau says th j Preeidml <»f Portugal, in a BM gage to th* Killer, warmly acknowledging the demonstrations i i the occasion uf his visit to Britain. .\s they are sure proof of th« fri ..dship and solidarity of the two
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  • 85 5 London, Oct. 26, 0 10 p m. Silver is at 42} 1 with high r easternexchange. The market closed steady. Later. Montagu's silver report s.t>s the market is nervel-ss owing to the accession of suppliessatisfyit gorders and the difficulty of shipping to neutral countries, the stronger position of Indi.m
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  • 56 5 London, Oct. 26, 1,15 a.m. The limes says it is understood a provisional agreement has been concluded with the director of thData steamship company to sell their shares to the Peninsular anil Oriental at a price of eight pounds sterling for each ten sterling shares, representing a total
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  • 19 5 London, Oct 27, 12.50 p.m. Amsterdam Herr Maximilian Harden has been prohibited from delivering lectures in Berlin.
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  • 13 5 London, Oct. 27, 7.5 p.m. Madrid i The Cabinet has resigned.
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  • 1019 5 Tbe Funeral Yesterdjy. The funeral of the late Mr. Tan Jiak Kirn, c.M G., took pace jutei day forenoon from "Panglima Prang". In aocordanoe with the wishes of the deoeased, the ceremony waa carried out in a girnple manner, and no elaborate prce-ssion was prepared.
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  • 441 5 POLICE COURTS. Kash Riding Case. Before Mr flam, the Third Magistrate, Ihfi morning, the preliminary enquiry was started into the charge against Mr Terndrup, of Mt. Austin Estate, Johore, of i canning the death of a Japanese sailor, named Hirakichi Knbota, by j rash and negligent act whilst
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  • 66 5 Corporal E. Boo*, aw English sapper of Pulau Brani, reports that nome telephone wtrra w re cut between Keppel Harbour and Alexandra Road on the 27di inst. No arrests have been made. Meonrs Robinson and Co complain of a theft by a Malay'named Hassan of two sewing
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  • 37 5 A European, D. McPherson, who pleaded guilty at Penang to charges of refusing to pay ricksha hire and of a vagrant, on Saturday morning ordered b y the Magistrate to be sent to tho House of Detention.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 413 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KERLING TIN MINES, LIMITED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application has b-v n made to the Directors of this Company to issue a duplicate Certified Transfer in place of tbe one which is alleged to have been lost:— Certified Transfer No. 23 dated the 20th day of A
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  • 1170 6 Jimah Rubber. On Saturday at the registered slice (Chartered Bank Buildings), the seventh annual general meeting >f the Jimah Rubber Estates L* was held. Those prtsent were Messrs. A.. E. Baddeley (Chairman), J. McClymont, D. D. Mackie (Directors) sind O. R. S. Bateman (for tho secretaries, Gattey and
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  • 264 6 Singapore, October 29. Tin. —See Local ami General column. Copra. -Business done. Tapiucn. —Steady. Business done. Sago Flour- —Business done. Oambier. —Business done. Pepper- —Steady. Business done. Other Pruducts.— Market Quiet. Utut Leal M«rk«: Qaoi.iicm. Nnimogs 110 S. per picul $40.00 Nntaaaga 80 s. 45.0 d Copra Bali
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  • 715 6 Good Day's Sport. Favourable weather on Saturday afternoon, drew a large gathering t > the Race Coarse. The ladies, who did a good trade in badges and tiiga in town daring the morning, invaded the coarse ia fall force, and did a very brisk trade, all present
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  • 143 6 October 29. Messrs Latham and Co., the read- a lviae tl qrotati ms eJorGajab #4.40 f4 50 AyerKauinrrs 1.40 1.45 Ayer Molek 2.95 3.05 Ayr Panas 11.75 12.00 Balgowni 6.60 6.75 Bukit Jelotong 0.72*. 0.77$ Bakit Kstil 0.90 0.95 Changkat Serdg.... 10.00 10.25 Glenea'.y 2.45 2.55 Hay
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  • 62 6 himpapor* October fp n '.dot Ban!? i m/.. 2/4g i/ffltattC 2/44. Private J bq*j. 2/4 27/32 BaatkY. T. 155 m ReagfccatgjI 25% prem. <»B gfaagtMbl— Back 57 i n i a—• Ban* T. X ?30 On •»overe''gnr.—having rate $v 54 India C ell Bins*last test, i/4 29/32 T. X.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 216 6 There is no Better Ale Than BULLDOG ALE Try 0 V SALE AT The Leading Hotels AND Principal Liquor Dealers. JUST LANDED A few famous American GRANT 6-cylinder Touring Cars, Models "X" 1917, fitted with Magneto, Speedometer, Electric Light, Demountable Spare Rim and all Accessories, Colour Brewster Green. ON VIEW
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    • 560 6 i The Miners Builders Stores Kuala Lumuar, Selangor, F. M. 5. Hardware Merchants, General Imports' AND AGENTS. AGENCIES Wanted for business or for the sale of all kinds of merchandise in the FEDERATED MALAY STATES. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED 279 No More Headaches Headaches, intermittent pains, •harp shooting spasms, or steady dull
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    • 162 6 K. HARAOA Co. Japanese Photographer ADDRESS No. 40 BENCOOLtN STREET, SINGAPORE. Experienced Artist. Orders executed with care and promptitude. No Studio WortUJndertaken. Letters or orders for photograph*delivered at the above a will be promptly complied with. 11 10 Absolutely Free 40 years' experience, late Government Medical Officer IAI SAHEB Da.
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  • 377 7 Messrs Fraser Co's. Circular. Singapore, Ott 24. A generally firm ton') has been maintained during the, week but scarcely a > thing of inter*s: have developed. The Government h notified that application for Saabs Settlements will not be ac c<pted afti r November 14: the "MB 6 per
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  • 264 7 TheSotnesset House sleuths (says a Bradford Correspondent of the Sunday Chronicle) have had an -ventful tiaie in the Bradford district in the attempt to track down urms, chb fly Government contractors, suspected of evading the excess profits duty. The defendants in one case admit t- 1 that
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  • 481 7 Word for the Pessimists. 11 H confident, nut yoMimlrtin. over the outcome of this war. Radiate that confidence. Let psychological effect of it extend to the battlefront to cheer end strengthen the men who are winning the war. For we are winniug this war." This is the nnasage
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  • 200 7 Work has been started in connection with th'< scheme for the new road from th-3 corner of K>lawei Road (Cuitoment Ghanty to Bagan Jens*] village. The new thoioughfare will, when completed, constitute a boon for traffic to Tanjong Bungahand beyond, as it-will effect a saving of the
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  • 67 7 A certain British firm in Kobe (says the Japan Chronicle) has offered thesnm 0fY.5.000 to the local branch of th* British Association in lieu of tho war-profit tax it won Id have to pay if its head office were in England. Th« disposal of this sum, for war-charity work or
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  • 204 7 Orders for the week ending. Friday, November 26 To-Day. 4.30 pm Balestier Range SV I 5.15 Drill Hall SVA Recruits 5 Jardine's Steps DRF GL Specialists 5.15 Drill Hall SRE v do SVR attached Maxim Co do Veterans Co SVC n n do Signalling Section do SVC
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 599 7 I NOTICES B government Notice. B V tice it hereby given that H ifStotions for the Straits Set Kr fiv«r Loan will not be H SeiveJ af:er Wednesday, the R 14th X (Si.) H. Marriott A ting Treasurer, S SI Oct?!*'. 1917. NOTICE. H This is to notify that I
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    • 542 7 NOTICES Closing of Application Books. March 19H l to 6^ whatsoever will ho j area the I .n/nffi rece,ve d in any of the Land Office*, in the State, exceot from persons who claim an iSE J- W. Simmons Commissioner of Lands and Mines 22 10 31 10 WANTED lr™!?™/"
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    • 626 7 BANKS HARTSBEO BANK OF INDIA AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. WOOJIPORATBD ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER. a^O U iach* Pit 1 60,U Sh r of Z wye Liability of Proprieton BANKERS. Th, Lo ndot lty and Midland Bank, Ltd. Th« £2°? Westminstei B Ltd., Tha National Provincial bank ot England, Ltd., Th. National
      626 words
    • 87 7 Don't use harsh Purgatives that clear the iutcstmos quick!,, i ad hay. the d membranes indamed aud dry, aud usually iv a voraa condition than betore PIIMKETTES the dainty lnxativta, are free fruaa habit-funning t'.ugs and give nature just the assiatauce needed tuestablish regular habits of health A'otonlydo th<-y paaraat
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    • 243 7 FOR SALE FOft SALE. Keshranjan Hair Oil, Ceylon Tea, Ceylon (Jaffna) Cigars, FRESH INDIAN CONDIMENTS, Chutneys, Mangoe and Lime, etc, Pickle, Mangee, Lime and Brinjds, etc etc., obtainable at The Servants' Agency Office, No. 1 7 Dhobv Ghaut 29 9 28 10 FOR SALE Wax-polished hardwood Dispensary Furniture in excellent
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    • 308 7 THE ORIENTAL"" Government Security Life Assurance Co., Ltd. ESTA HLIBHED 1874; INCORPORATED IN INDIA. FUNDS exceed $30,500,000.00 absolute Security Income In 1916 -$4,309,517.50 I Total Out go In 1916- $2 490 41*8 50 Assurance effected In 1916 $4,230,542.85 I Increase In Funds $1,819,099 oo iotal Policies in force 65,842 assuring,
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    • 24 1 Strait Shipping Gazette. Issued Daily.] SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. issued Daily.} Vol. IV. -No t55 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1917 PHICE 5 CENTS.
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    • 637 1 Shipowner of tbe Old School The Association has lost an old friend in Sir Thomas Bhvid Royden, Bart., who passed away on the 29th alt. at his residence, Frunkby Hall, Frankby, Cheshire, at the advanced age of eighty-six years, says the AI MSA Reporter. Sir Thomas Royden was horn
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    • 62 1 October 26. Will o'ckf WUp, British Kinta, BritUb Scott Barley, British Lady Weld, British RuQi h l:ius, Dutch Sembiian, Dutch Speelman, Dutch Baaang, Datch R-ij-th of Sarawak, Sarawak October 27. Raneo, British Giang Senur, British Sri Muar, British Abbttaford, British Katong. British R. S. Baru, Dutch Vnn Iluoin, DuUh
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    • 21 1 October 26. Emile, Dutch Yugalaf Siamese October 27. Perak, British Kaka, Bnti-h Krian, British Siugkara, Dutch Brouwer, Dutch Flsvo, Sarawak
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    • 43 1 Monday. Oct. 29. High water 914 am 8 ft I ins. 9.58 pm 9 ft. 4 ins. Toes lay, Oct. 30.—Full Moon. Ih. 19m. A. Hig'i water :—9.49 am 9 ft. 3 ma. 10 44 pm 9 ft. 5 ins.
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    • 101 1 Signal Mast, East Whiff. The berthing numbers for vessels entering Keppel Harbour from the EasJ will be hoisted on the South end of the upper yard, and for vessels ntering from the West on the North end. For vessels of the Straits Steamship Company and local vessels of
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 485 1 THERE IS NO Finer Medium for Shippers' Advertisements THAN THE Shipping Gazette. Write for term*, 20c Collyer Quay, Singapore. r P.*O.Rr!T!sh India apcar line (•OMPANIBS SB<70It?01»A?3D IN ENGLAND.) MAIL AH9 PASSEWtS SERVICES. Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Go. (Under Contract HUi His Eajfcety'o Government.) The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST 0/
        485 words
      • 283 1 Stoomiaart Naatschappi) "Nedertand" AND Rotterdam Llogd" (Incorporated in Holland.) (Royal Dutch Mall Companies), REGULAR MAIL SERVICE Between Java, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Yokohama. Nagasaki and San Francisco and vice versa. For freight, passage and further particulars Appky to Internationale Credlet aim HairtelwereenigiHD Rotterdam" incorporated in Holland) 1 D'Almeida Street -phVtc, bii.
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      • 392 1 SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD. Entrances—Tanjong Pagar. Wharves Section Qodoww Gate Entrances Bonded Warehouses, Trafalgar St. East Reclamation. Storage 2 and 1 /T. Pagar. P S East East 1 and 2 20/22 Storage II 1 Wharf Road, m 3 19 1 do (Dry Docks) 3 Dock Store, Head 0 Tower Office, Police
        392 words
      • 403 1 I To Advertisers r OUR I Shipping Gazette Circulate* in every port through, m\ the MALAY PENINSULA. N. Y. K. NIPPON YUSEK KAISHA (INCOKI OK ATE)» LU JAPAN) JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co EUROPEAN LINE. tel nln g hle Beryl b*ve been -pecialiy design-d aad instructed all the Utoftt improvements for
        403 words